Login Security In SQL 7 When Upgraded From SQL 6.5 ?

Jul 6, 2001

We just upgraded SQL 6.5 to 7.0 --database was imported (thinking
all table structure/ data all were imported.)
Software application lost its login connection.

How can I re-establish the connection ?
Thanks for your help !!


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Upgraded XP And My MSSQL 2005 No Longer Login ID / Can't Start Server

Feb 3, 2007


I upgraded my XP and when attempting to restart my web site using MSSQL 2005 my login credentials were not recognised. Now, the Databse does not want to start and I can not login to check error logs. I have enclosed the error message that I am experiencing.

Can anybody please help.



Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login credentials, and database, and then click Test again.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=2&LinkId=20476

Error Number: 2
Severity: 20
State: 0

Program Location:

at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Connect(Boolean& useFailoverPartner, Boolean& failoverDemandDone, String host, String failoverPartner, String protocol, SqlInternalConnectionTds connHandler, Int64 timerExpire, Boolean encrypt, Boolean trustServerCert, Boolean integratedSecurity, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean aliasLookup)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg.NewRegisteredServerForm.testConnection_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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SQL Security :: Users Are Able To Login To Server Without Any Login Names Or Being Part Of A Group

Jun 5, 2015

I have a server that has 20 databases . I have tested with few users with different level of access and all of them were able to connect to the server and also see, select, update , delete from a particular database which is kind of weird because they do not have a user login associated or mapped to that database. I checked and no user is part of any group in AD that would give them permission to connect . I need a query that would find the permission path of a user. I already queried with xp_logininfo but I am not getting any thing.

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SQL Server 6.5 Security Login

Oct 11, 2001

Is any one know how to setup a security login in SQL 6.5

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Basic Login Security

Apr 4, 2008

I'm having 2 Dummy Users.
The one i created i direct login on the server and access to 2 databases.
The second one i've placed in a AD users group.
That group has a login and is also mapped to the 2 databases.

Sql server is running with on a AD-users, not localsystem.

Why can DummyOne work fine, and DummyTwo (the grouped one) can login but access none of the databases.

What have I missed ?

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Security Login/Domain Problems

Jun 9, 2000

I have a server that belongs to domain 'a'. The server is neither a PDC or BDC.
This server has SQL Server 7 installed. I wanted security set up so the
Domain Administrator could select/update rows in the database and administer
the database as well as the local administrator of the Sql Server. From a
workstation the domain administrator can create tables but cannot insert rows.
From the Server in question the domain administrator can create tables and
insert rows. Why does it make a different what box the domain adminstator logs on to?

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Security Login Account Restore

Oct 25, 2007

Hey Everyone,

I am testing restoring databases on another SQL 2005 server in out environment using HP data protector 5.5 and its great. However, I notice that the security login accounts do not get restored. If this is the case how do I go about getting accounts restored? Also, are there any other options?



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Application Login And Integrated Security

Aug 8, 2007


We're having a bit of a problem getting Integrated Security to work with a .Net 2.0 application and SQL 2005. While we're tweaking permissions on the SQL-side, we came across an account "Application Login" and wondered what its role is. First, our problem:

Currently, the users in the AD group get a connection error. This group is defined as follows at the instance level:

role: public
user mapping: to the database without any default schema
securables: none
status: grant and enabled

At the database security level:

general: none
securables: execute on all (100+) stored procedures

And we gave them "Execute" on the database itself.

A little background: we had detached and copied this database from one server to another. So we suspect that the Application Login may have been modified/corrupted, even though it appears to be identical between the original and the copied databases. So we redefined it on the copied DB to match the original.
Another group, which is defined as dbo on the database, has no problem at all connecting and running the application.

The Application Login has Execute permissions on all stored procedures and Delete, Insert, Select, Update, and View Definition on the ChangeLog table. It also has db_DataReader, db_DataWriter, and db_ddlAdmin roles associated with it.

Is there another SQL login required for initial connection to the database even though Integrated Security=SSPI is used in the connection string?

Does anyone see where we may be missing a security setting for the non-dbo user group to connect to the database?

Thanks very much for any suggestions, ideas ....

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SQL Security :: Adding 3 Users To A Login?

Oct 28, 2015

I have to give three users read access to a database.  My manager told me to map them to a User called "zxDatabase.Read.ug".  I scripted  the User and got this...


I don't see a Login at the server level named zxDatabase.Read.ug, so this is confusing.  Where is this login in SSMS?

How do I map my three users to user zxDatabase.Read.ug. Or am I not understanding correctly?  Do I just add there windows login to the database as Users and configure them the same as zxDatabase.Read.ug

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Login SQL Server Using Integrated Security !! Problem

Mar 6, 2005

ok thi is my code for test

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=majed13;Integrated Security=SSPI;");

connection is OK
the user logged in SQL Server is ASPNET USER
i want looged in current NT USER not ASPNET USER
thanx in advance

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SqlConnection WITHOUT Integrated Security - Login Failed

Mar 30, 2005

Any idea why I cannot connect to a SQL Server database using SqlConnection and no Integrated security?  I get a "Login failed for user 'XXXX'" error.  The user ID and password I am using are all correct and have the required access (tested several times from different places).The connection string I am using is:
"Server=XXXXX;Database=XXXXX;Trusted_Connection=fal  se;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXXX"
I have also tried replacing "Server" by "Data source", "Database" by "Initial catalog", "Trusted_Connection" by "Integrated security", "User ID" by "UID" and "Password" by "PWD".Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

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Utterly Confused About SQL Login Vs. Integrated Security

Dec 16, 2005

I 'm a newbie to SQL Server, been using Access as a database for my web app. and have decided I need the power of SQL Server. Using VWD Express, I am able to generate a SQL database with my tables and stored procedures quite easily as well as access the database from my asp.net code. This works fine on my devlopment machine. But now I want to deploy on my remote server and the webhost says they can attach my SQL database but they need my SQL login info. So I have a couple of questions:
1. Does the SQL database I create in VWD express only work in Integrated Security mode or can I assign a username & password to the .mdf file so I can upload to my remote host to work in a shared SQL environment?
2. Or am I confused and the .mdf file is just a data file which can be attached to any SQL account and the SQL login info only pertains to the instance of SQL Server that I'm trying to connect to?
3. My web host mainly uses SQL Server 2000. Will a simple database created in SQL Server 2005 Express work on an instance of SQL Server 2000?
If I can just figure these simple items out, I will be ecstatic!

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Help With The Security/Login/User Area Of Operations

Jul 23, 2005

Currently studying for 70-229.I'm trying to understand how security for users is managed in SQLServer. I've been using SQL Server for a few years now, but withoutinvestigating the bits that "just work".So, here's the scenario. This is more or less how I create all myapplications (which these days are all ASP.NET).I have a database called "TESTDB" (original, huh?)Now, I want to create a method for users to access this database, so Iopen EM, locate and expand the node for the server containing thedatabase, and open the "Security" node. Click on the "Logins" leaf,and in the pane right-click and select "New Login.."On the "General" tab I enter "TESTDBLOGIN" as the Name.Select "SQL Server Authentication", and put in a password.In the drop-down list of databases select "TESTDBLOGIN"Ignoring the "Server Roles" tab, I go to the "Database Access" tab andscroll down until I can see the "TESTDB" database. Check the "Permit"checkbox, and lo!, the "Database Roles for TESTDB" list is populated,with "public" already ticked. I check the "db_owner" box, and press"OK". It asks me to confirm the password, and once that's done there'sa new login called TESTDBLOGIN. What's more in "Users" leaf in the"TESTDB" database node there's a new user called "TESTDBLOGIN".All well and good. I can now create a connection using this login anddo more or less what I want in the TESTDB database.But.If I click the "Users" leaf in the "TESTDB" node, there are two users -"dbo" and "TESTDBLOGIN". If I right-click the "TESTDBLOGIN" user, Ican see that it has Database Role Memberships for the "public" and the"db_owner" roles. But if I examine the permissions on these two roles(by selecting the row, and then pressing the "Permissions" button) Ifind that there are permissions set for EITHER role - all the checkboxes are blank!So, how is it that I can do SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETEoperations via this login/user?Sorry it all took so long - I just wanted to get it right.ThanksEdward--The reading group's reading group:http://www.bookgroup.org.uk

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SQL Security :: User Login Failed For Web Application

Nov 19, 2015

We have a Web application that requires user authentication.  We have a Login Page for user's to login and be authenticated.  We also manage the user accounts using SQL Server Membership Provider.  We created aLogin user in SQL Server and used this user's privileges to connect to SQL Server in our website's connection strings.  Example, in our Web.config file, the connection string is:

Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=TUser;Password=MyPassword"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

The problem now is when a user logs in, it's throwing an error that TUser's password has already expired.  We did not enforce the password policy and expiration date for this user.  So, I'm wondering why it's giving me this error.

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SQL Security :: Login Rights In A Database With Frontend?

May 26, 2015

When creating a frontend with a database behind that, how should i get the login rights for user working?

Can i create a user with a password in the database and assign it a role or how should i get that done?

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SQL Security :: Login Failures For Windows Accounts

Aug 12, 2015

We are seeing login failures for windows accounts. Below is the error message.

Description:  In our env most logins are windows accounts. Initially we thought it is an UAC issue and we tried to launch the SSMS using "Run as Administrator". However, we are seeing login failures.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2402.0 (X64)
RTM Enterprise Edition (HyperVisor)

Error Message in Error Log :

2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx]
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx]

Troubleshooting done:
- Recreated the windows login in sql server. Doesn't work.
- ran sp_valdidatelogins. it doesn't return any rows.
- I belong to sysadmin role and when I say, getting below error message.

xp_logininfo 'domainloginname'
Msg 15404, Level 16, State 19, Procedure xp_logininfo, Line 64
Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domainloginname', error code 0x5.

We tried dropping this account and re-creating the windows account with same permissions but still result is same.It throws same error message. Login failure message !!!

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SQL Security :: Domain Admin Users Cannot Login

Jun 12, 2015

Is SQL Server sensitive to Domain group name? Like "Domain Admin"?

I have user that belong to "myDomainDomain Admin" group. Group is in SQL as sysadmin but user cannot login using domain credentials. When I move that user to a different domain group which that group is in SQL again as sysadmin my user is able to login. 

Environment: SQL 2008 Standard Edition. 

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SQL Security :: Easiest Way Of Have A Single Job Step Run Under A Different Login?

Jul 20, 2015

I want to run a SQL Agent step as a different user than the one used by the Agent service.  I thought that I would create a new credential and then have a proxy use it, however there are none for just plain old SQL.  This is a SQL 2014 Enterprise instance. The reason for this is that I the Windows login that is used by the Agent service is not defined as a login in the database, I don;t want to therefore add it in as a user with restrictive rights it case it impacts on other jobs.  What is the easiest way of have a single job step run under a different Login? 

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Security For Row Level But Not Based On Database User's Login

Apr 21, 2006

HiI need to set security for row level but not based on Database user'slogin. It should be based on the user table login. For the particularuser I need to allow only the particular records to access insert,update delete and select.Let me explain clearlyFor example think we are using asp/asp.net websiteEg:www.test.comSo take this is our website and if you try this URL then you will get awindow for Login name and password.For example the Login name is windows user name (Here windows usermeans server windows user and not client) and windows password. So ifyou have login user id you can able to login in our site and we haveanother check. We have our own usertable this table consist all theuser login names and user rights. We will check the windows user whologin in our site has rights in the usertable I mean he is present inthe usertable if he is not present then we will display a message youhave no rights to access this site.If he has login id in our usertable then he allowed viewing ourpages. Still if he has the login id we will check the user who loginhas how much right to access to each page and the records of each tableits all depend on the user rights.So, here I need the row level security. For each and every table weneed to check the corresponding user and executing the record producelot of business logic problem for us.So after the user login we need automatically to set row levelsecurity for all the tables. Based on the user who login.So from there if we try select * from <tablename> then we can only ableto get the allowed records to select, insert, update, delete.Please can some one help how to solve this?Note:For some help you can refer the below URL (See in that they only givenabout the row level and column level security for each database usersnot for our required concept)http://www.microsoft.com/technet/pr...5/multisec.mspxThanks in advanceRams

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How To Change Login In Linked Server (From Sql Security To Integrated Sec)

Jun 19, 2006

We are having some commercial applications that are running on sql servers at different sites, all with sql security. The software vendor wants to copy data into staging tables on our BI server. But our BI server only support Integrated security.

But how can i say, in the definition of a linked server (at the remote machines) to swicth security system ?

If it is possible i could enter a fixed domain-account in that users fields, but i suppose that this field was intended for SqlServer security.

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SQL Security :: Windows Authentication Login Is Created Automatically In DB

Apr 24, 2015

In my DB (SQL 2012) one windows authentication is created automatically and a schema is created exactly automatically that this user is owner of this schema. (e.g the user is domainx and schema exactly domainx).

I created a DDL Trigger on my DB to find out who and how it is created , but I didn't get any useful information.

I change the owner of schema that I can delete the schema and after that delete the user, and sometimes because the user is owner of a service , I have to alter the owner of the service to DBO and delete the user , but again and again exactly this user and schema (e.g domaninx ) are created as soon as I delete it.

I have read these topics : [URL] .... and [URL] .... but can't solve my problem.

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Cannot Connect To Localhost Using Windows Security Group As Login

Feb 19, 2007

I have a test environment set up at home with a small windows server 2003 Active Directory domain. I created a windows security group on the dc and added myself and another user to the group. I then use this group as a login for SQL Server and add the login to the sysadmin server role. This works exactly as I would expect on the Windows Server computer (which is also the Domain Controller) regardless of which computer I use to connect to this Windows Server computer. However, when I set up the exact same login on the local sql server instance of my client laptop running windows xp pro, the I get an error message (Login failed for user MYDOMAINdgolds...) when I attempt to connect to the local instance of SQL server, even though I am able to connect to the instance on the domain controller with no problems using this same client laptop under the same user account. The only way I am able to connect locally on the laptop under this account (which does not have local admin privileges on any box, for testing purposes) is to add the user account separately as a login, rather than as part of a group. I'm curious as to why being a member of a security group that is part of the sysadmin server role does not allow me to connect to the local instance of SQL Server on this client laptop. The windows server computer is running SQL2k5 Enterprise, and the client laptop is running SQL2k5 developer. Any insight into this would be appreciated.



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Login Failed For The User (using Windows Integrated Security)

Aug 1, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to connect SQL database through code but I get this error,I have spent days to solve it but unfortunately I couldn't...Here is my code in VB express(OP:windows 2000 with SP4)I am new to VB,so it makes the situation more difficult for me.

my code is:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim conn1 As SqlConnection = _

New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;" & _

"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _


'Open connection


MessageBox.Show("Connection succeeded.")

'Close connection


MessageBox.Show("Connection closed.")

End Sub

The error message is,it is in german but it is clear I guess:)

" Die von der Anmeldung angeforderte "deneme3_database"-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden. Fehler bei der Anmeldung.
Fehler bei der Anmeldung für den Benutzer 'ADPLANatalay'. "

Thank you in advance!


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SQL Security :: Restricting Users To Login To Database Using SSMS

Jun 9, 2015

we have an application which lets users connect to production database with windows credentials, They are able access the sql tables too with windows login. I want to restrict them from accessing the sql tables. How do I do that.?I tried a db_deny but that prevented them from accessing the application too.

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Another Question About Login Failed, But With Windows NT Integrated Security For SQL 2005

Jan 4, 2006

Hi, Happy New Year!
I have been struggling with this problem for a while with SQL 2005.  I have never had such login problem with SQL 2000. Here is the scenario:
I have installed SQL2005 standard version on a XP Pro box and I am trying to access it from another XP Pro machine.  I can access it using a SQL user name and password that I set up on the server, but I have not had luck with using Windows NT Integrated security.  When I try to connect to it (e.g. by a UDL file), I get an error saying Login failed for user €˜HP-AMD64Guest€™ where €˜HP-AMD64€™ is the name of the PC running the SQL 2005.  I can access the files on the machine without any problem.  I do not understand why it uses €˜Guest€™ that is not what I use to log on my machine.  Does anyone have any clue to offer me?
Thank you in advance!


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I Can't Login To Sqlserver With A Username And A Password But Works With NT Integrated Security !!

Nov 21, 2006

i have created a username and a password in sqlserver 2000 from logins in Enterprise manager
and i permit him to the database i need to connect to ..
and i check all server roles for that user and i make sqlserver authentication for him with a password and then i goto the udl file to connect to that database using that user it fails !! and says

"login failed for that user 'myusername' reason not associated with a trusted sqlserver connection"

while i use NT integrated security it works well
so how can i connect to sqlserver using a username and a password

thanks in advance

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SQL Security :: Replacing Windows Active Directory Group Instead Of Login?

Oct 1, 2015

Current: One common SQL login is being used by SQL DBA on all the servers

New Plan: Creating one windows AD group, adding the DBA's to that group and create as a login with sysadmin server access on all the SQL Server boxes

how to achieve this activity. Creating SQL login is fine but how to change the ownership of various objects, jobs to new login on all servers?

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Integrated Security And Login Failed For User 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'

Jun 17, 2006

I got a website using .Net v2.0.xxx and SQL Server Express 2005 in a Win2003 Domain Controller machine. Both website and SQLServer is running on the same machine. Website and SQLServer are configured to accept only Integrated Windows Authentication. Domain Users group is added in SQLServer logins list and given Read and Write access to the database used by the website. Also Domain Admins groups is added and given full permission to the same database.

I thought since website will run only with login details from Active Directory, SQL Server connection is also going to be validated against the same login details. But I felt I got the whole concept wrong when I received the error mentioned in subject line.

Can anyone please explain the best way to connect to database in above-mentioned context. Please remember that I need to implement different rights on the database for 'Domain Users' and 'Domain Admins' group. If there is a better approach than using these groups, lemme know please.

AbdulGafoor GK

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SQL Security :: Using Contained Database Login To Connect To Server Via Excel

Jul 29, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2014 database that is partially contained.  I am trying to connect to the database via Excel using a contained user login.  When I choose Data - Other Sources - From SQL Server, I get the Data Connection Wizard window to Connect to the Server.

This window allows me to enter the server name and a User Name and Password (for SQL authentication), however it does not allow me to specify a database.  When I click the Next button, I get a 'login failed' error which I assume is happening because the contained user is not a SQL login.

I have the same issue trying to create an ODBC connection using the ODBC Data Source Administrator. 

Is there another way for me to connect to a SQL Server database using a contained login with Excel? 

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SQL Security :: What Is Alternative Of A Login Whose Password Goes Missing In Server 2008 R2

Jun 5, 2015

We  have a situation where SSRS reports are using Testuser account to run the SSRS reports for every user who has access to these reports.Now developers need the password for this login Testuser to proceed with their ssrs reports development, but its sort of mess that no one has password ever saved.So in case is there a way it can be retrieved or what should be an alternative if password cannot be retrieved for that login, as i believe changing the password will break the reports using the current password?

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SQL Security :: Adding A Windows Login Did Not Permit Access To End User Databases

Oct 24, 2015

Deleting a Login from a server instance and adding it back did not show that the login was still mapped to databases. In SQL Server 2008, adding a Windows Login did not permit access to end user databases until the Windows Login was mapped to various databases. In SQL Server 2012, once a Windows Login is added to SQL Server Security, it may access ANY end user databaseWe use the following to circumvent this problem, Windows Login by Windows Login: DENY VIEW ANY DATABASE TO [TESTTest1]

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SQL Security :: Login Failed For User Null / Not Associated With Trusted Server Connection

Jun 19, 2015

Any way to find out who's causing "Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection." error in SQL Server error logs?

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Why The Upgraded Files On Drive C Instead Of D

Mar 1, 2002

I just upgraded SQL6.5 standard(Installed 7.0 and ran Wizard to upgrade dbs) to SQL7.0 by running the exe file.

It turned out that the MSSQL7 folder is follen on Drive C instead of Drive D which is what I wanted. When I was running the upgrade exe file, there was no prompt to ask me the right path.

How could I have the MSSQL7 folder installed on D drive?

Thank you for help

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