Long Data Type In Sqlserver 2000
Jun 3, 2005Dear friends,
I want to know that is the alternative data type of long in sqlserver
Dear friends,
I want to know that is the alternative data type of long in sqlserver
Hai Every one
i am facing a werid problem it is related to storing a long text data in SQL 2000 the text data is some thing like the following
in short it is really long so i opted to go with TEXT data type as it states that it can store more than 8 kb but when i try to insert this data it gives me error stating that Text data type cannot be of length more than 128...........?
What am i doing wrong........if Text is not the proper datatype to store such a data then can anyone suggest some thing better...............
Thanks in advance
I am using SqlServer 2000 and Jdbc connectivity in my application on windows.So, when i execute a query on Sqlserver database as :
Select * from DBO.RS_TABLELOB where Rep_sync_id > 15 and Rep_server_name != 'replicator' order by Rep_sync_id;
This problem is only with the BLOB data types in table RS_TABLELOB.
Then i got an error as:
[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]ResultSet can not re-read row data for column
1.'.'.at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createExcep tion(Unknown Source)at
com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getExceptio n(Unknown Source)at
com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.validateColu mnIndex(Unknown Source)at
com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.getObject(Un known Source)at
com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.getObject(Un known Source)
Please help me out, if you have any idea!!!
Thanks in advance
John Berry
What is the equivalent to a long data type in SQL Server 2005?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHello,
I would like to know as to what data type is the best if I want to store MP3's and large amount of text in a SQL server.
Please let me know about the data type for both the tasks.
The table for MP3 is different than the table for large text (eg . saving somebody's resume)
Please do let me know.
Thank you,
Hi, I have a record set that is bound to a table in MS SQL Server. Onefiled in the table is bound to a "long" type member variable in theRecordSet. What will happen to the "long" variable when the field isNULL in the table?Thanks!-Yi
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny one know about it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))
Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„¢')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„¢ = 0x2122
Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see
„¢ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f
When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„¢')
and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?
I have two problem :
+ The first, This is table store all items in bookshop system
tblItems: IDItem Identity(Auto number) Namebook nvarchar2 Price nvarchar2 Chapters nvarchar2 Weight nvarchar2 (weight of book) ..... I design data type for Chapter,or Price,Weight is nvarchar2 ? <-----I wrong ? (I want to refer to principle of design the database)
+ The second ,When i design Price is the int datatype ! The default value is 0 ( I don't want to have this value ,i want to it is a empty field )
I really sorry because i ask too much ! Because i am a new programming !
Any Help or Advice would like appreciately ! Thanks u !
Does anyone know how to how to performance case-insensitive search onXML data type in SQLServer 2005? Or I have to convert all the xml datato lower case before I store it?Thanks in advance.John
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello
i have one prob . i m using sql server 2000 . and i have write a store procedure to fetch data from multiple table using cursor . this query exculate in sql server . but i can't fetch this data from in our page . how to fetch data from using multiple table .plz help
I am trying to transfer data from a sql server 2000 database to a Sql Server 2005 database... and i just want to transfer around 2 tables.. and my sql server 2000 database is located in one machine and the 2005 database is located in the other machine.. So i am trying to insert data into the sql server 2005 database. So can i do it like this..
Insert into SqlServer2005comp.Databasename..TableName
Where UserId = @UserId.
Is this the right way to do it.. and can i give this query in the sqlserver2005 db or the 2000 db
any help or ideas will be appreciated.
p.s. my email was incorrect in the last mail.
Hi all,
is there a sql 2k thread. Am interseted in finding out what the largest database size of a sqlserver database people have worked with.
We have a 1.2 Terabyte db with about 150-200 million new rows being processed everyday. Would like to share some thoughts on this with other people who are working with this much data and what they are doing with it.
Please check us out at: http://www.bivision.org/bivision
Hi, i need some help, i have a problem trying to access data in my local network.
I have a PC with ms windows server 2003 and ms sql server 2000, and i want that the others PC in the network can access the data. I installed the client sql server in the others PC, but i can't make it work. What i have to do?
I am trying to transfer data from a sql server 2000 database to a Sql Server 2005 database... and i just want to transfer around 2 tables.. and my sql server 2000 database is located in one machine and the 2005 database is located in the other machine.. So i am trying to insert data into the sql server 2005 database. So can i do it like this..
Insert into SqlServer2005comp.Databasename..TableName
Where UserId = @UserId.
Is this the right way to do it.. and can i give this query in the sqlserver2005 db or the 2000 db
any help or ideas will be appreciated.
Hello all,I have been trying to find some information about exporting data frompostgresql on linux to ms-sqlserver 2000 on windows but have not beenable to get hold of any information. I would really appreciate ifsomeone can point me to some source of information.Thanks in advance,Nishy
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi,
Can any one tell me how to export data to excel sheet through Data Transformation Services(DTS) package in sql server 2000?
Thanks in advance.
I have created a .net class library and i include the namespace :
using System.Data.SqlServer
but when i build my .net class library i get the folowing error:
The type or namespace name 'SqlServer' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
your help is highly appreciated
Best regards
Does any one have any examples of how to declare and use these properly?
MSDN doesn't seem to give any example for a beginner.
I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.
I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?
The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Hi all,
I wanna know about, r Sql Server 2000 support the Booleon data type, if yes plz tell how can it use...
and also tell about some common Data type.
Thanx in advance
I'm running into a constant issue of SQL Server modifying themillisecond part of a timestamp insert from another application. Theapplication inserts timestamp which includes a millisecond portion as astring (varchar). But when an SQL Server moves this data to anothertable (for reporting), the string is inserted in a datetime field, themillisecond field invariably changes by 1-2 milliseconds for everysingle data point inserted. Given the time critical nature of this data(to a millisecond), its almost impossible to avoid this other than toleave the data as string type. But this drives the analytical reportingfolks wild as report queries based on time criteria are getting messedup. Any ideas how to force SQL Server not to mess around with themillisecond value? Does this problem exist with SQL Server 2005 as well?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an app that uses a sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to connect to a sqlserver 2000.
Is it possible to do a direct replacement of sqlserver 2000 with sqlserver 2005 express just by reconfiguring the app to point to the express? The app would still be using the sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to try and make the connection.
If that is a possibility, what can be some differences in the configuration? Previously with 2000 the config information I entered is:
server name: "machinename"( or ip). I've also tried "machiname/SQLEXPRESS"
DB name: name of db instance
port: 1433(default)
user and pass.
My attempts so far results in
"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket."
"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL."
I have a problem with the round of SQL Server 2K on the float data type.
In my application I do a SQL request for find a row in a table of SQL Server 2K.
This is the request :
N_UNIT_PRICE is a float data type.
In the line need, the field N_UNIT_PRICE has 329.78 but with the round of SQL Server 2K I have 329.779999999999997.
So I never find the row
Do you have a solution for comparate a float flied with SQL Server round and a float send in a request as my 329.78?
I can't transform the column in decimal or numeric data type.
Is it possible to Disable the function?
Sql Server 2000
I am looking for bidirectional transactional replication using updatable subscribers (queued or immediate) . Is it possible to replicate the image data from the updatable subscribers to the publisher. I understood that the Image data can't be replicated to the publisher from the updatable subscriber. I am not using the WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT. I am using just INSERT and UPDATE for image data type transactions.
Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Does abyone know how to compare data-type xml in a temp/variable/physical table in MSSQL 2000?
I tried this works in MSSQL 2005,
Code Snippet
create Table #t1 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
create Table #t2 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
Insert into #t1
Values('This is a test')
Insert into #t2
Values('This is a test')
Select * from #t1
Select * from #t2
Select * from #t1 where [c2] LIKE (Select [c2] from #t2)
drop table #t1
drop table #t2
but not MSSQL 2000.
Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 12
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
Is this true (from BOL)?
Code SnippetIn comparing these column values, if any of the columns to be compared are of type text, ntext, or image, FOR XML assumes that values are different (although they may be the same because Microsoft® SQL Server„¢ 2000 does not support comparing large objects); and elements are added to the result for each row selected.
Hi all,I have a table called PTRANS with few columns (see create script below).I have created a view on top that this table VwTransaction (See below)I can now run this query without a problem:select * from dbo.VwTransactionwhereAssetNumber = '101001' andTransactionDate <= '7/1/2003'But when I create an index on the PTRANS table using the command below:CREATE INDEX IDX_PTRANS_CHL# ON PTRANS(CHL#)The same query that ran fine before, fails with the error:Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.I can run the same query by commeting out the AssetNumber clause and itworks fine. I can also run the query commenting out the TransactionDatecolumn and it works fine. But when I have both the conditions in theWHERE clause, it gives me this error. Dropping the index solves theproblem.Can anyone tell me why an index would cause a query to fail?Thanks a lot in advance,AmirCREATE TABLE [PTRANS] ([CHL#] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[CHCENT] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHYYMM] [numeric](4, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHDAY] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHTC] [char] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE VIEW dbo.vwTransactionsASSELECT CONVERT(datetime, dbo.udf_AddDashes(REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHCENT)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHCENT) + REPLICATE('0', 4 -LEN(CHYYMM))+ CONVERT(varchar, CHYYMM) + REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHDAY)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHDAY)), 20) AS TransactionDate,CHL# AS AssetNumber,CHTC AS TransactionCodeFROM dbo.PTRANSWHERE (CHCENT <> 0) AND (CHTC <> 'RA')*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter testing out the application i write on the local pc. I deploy it to the webserver to test it out. I get this error.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a
datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Notes: all pages that have this error either has a repeater or datagrid which load data when page loading.
At first I thought the problem is with the date, but then I can see
that some other pages that has datagrid ( that has a date field) work
just fine.
anyone having this problem before?? hopefully you guys can help.
I can populate a dataTable with type double (C#) of say '1055.01' however when I save these to the CE3.5 database using a float(CE3.5) I lose the decimal portion. The 'offending' code is:
This did not happen with VS2005/CE3.01.
I have tried changing all references to decimal (or money in CE3.5) without luck.
I'm beginning to think that string may be the way to go!!!!!!!
Can someone shed some light on my problem.
It's necessary to update the datatable adapter as the 3.01 and 3.5 CE are not compatible.
We have some columns in a table where the date is stored as 19980101 (YYYYMMDD). The data type for this column is NUMBER(8) in Oracle.
I need to copy rows from Oracle to SQL Server using SSIS. I used the Data Conversion transformation editor to change it to DT_DATE, but the rows are not being inserted to the destination.
On Error, If I fail the component, then the error is :
There was an error with input column "ORDER_DATE_CONV" (1191) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29). The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
Hi Friends,
Can some please let me know the differences between sqlserver 2000 and sqlserver 7.0
Thanks in advance. What is maximum SQL Server database (*.mdf) file size with SQL Server 2000 as part of Microsoft Small Business Server 2000? (Database files were limited to 10 GB in SBS 4.5 with SQLServer 7.0... has this changed?).
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi, I wanted to see what are all the users in a windows nt group that has a group access to sql server 2000. I have a windows 2000 group access to sqlserver 2000 as "xxxsomegroup". How can I list all users that belongs to this windows 200 group? is there any stored procedure to find out this?
any information could be greatly appreciated.