Long Field Values???

Mar 25, 1999

hello all,

is there any way to set a sql field to accept more than 255 characters... much like other dbs that have a memo field???

I have a ten field table (sql 6.5) and one of the fields has to hold a product description that is pretty long. Any way to do it?


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Conditionalize Field Values Based On Other Field Values

Apr 17, 2007

Here's a portion of the current statement.

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = 0,

bCommentsIsAffirmed = 0

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK) ...

And what I need is to conditionalize the values of the "IsAffirmed" fields by looking at their corresponding "num" fields. Something like this (which doesn't work).

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = (numInherentRiskID IS NULL),

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = (numControlRiskID IS NULL),

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = (numCombinedRiskID IS NULL),

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = (numApproachTypeID IS NULL),

bCommentsIsAffirmed = (parent.txtComments IS NULL)

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK)


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Long Text Field

Jun 6, 2008


have a textbox field that take 2000 characters from user..Then I used a store
procedure to save that user input into database through an insert statement, but
for some reason it just never store the whole string of 2000 characters but only
store some of it (like 100 or something) .. Seems like a data type problem…(I  am using SQL server 2000)


is what I have defined:







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How To Edit &<long Text&> Field

Jun 12, 2008

I know that similar items have been posted before but I have not found a solution to my issue by reading them.

I have a text field which holds amendment details and it cannot be updated through QA. I have 50 records which I have had to manually update through Enterprise Manager. I have been able to edit the amendment details field of 48 of these records. However for 2 records the amendment details field contains <long text> and as we all know, there does not seem to be an easy way to edit these.
Before I give up for good, does anyone have any suggestions?
Help much appreciated.

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Data Import / Truncation - Very Long Field

Dec 7, 2007


I am having issues importing data from a text file into a SQL database table using the import wizard in SQL Server 2005.

The text file contains polygon coordinates and a polygon name and looks like this:

"42.2342342,-121.1351398|42.3467984752,-122.2349234, ... ..., 42.1897498174,-122.131983","Polygon Name 1"

"42.2342342,-121.1351398|42.3467984752,-122.2349234, ... ..., 42.1897498174,-122.131983","Polygon Name 2"

and the SQL table looks like this:

polycoordinates varbinary(MAX)
polygonname varchar(50)

The length of the longest polygon coordinates record is about 115,000 characters. I believe the varbinary(MAX) type should hold that data, but SQL throws a truncation error every time I try to import the data.

Any suggestions?


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Forcing A Line Break In Long Text Field.

Mar 14, 2008

I have to output as one filed name, mailing address, and phone of each company that we do business with.
the out put must look as follows:
Company Name
Store number: #####
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
City, State Zip + 4
Phone: (###) ###-####

Each piece of data is a single field and will have to be concatenated into one.
How do I force the line breaks where I need them?

Also each piece of data will be compared to a €śsource€? for validity and I will need to mare the individual data pieces red where €śwrong€?. Like so:
Company Name Company Name
Store number: ##### Store number: #####
Street Address 1 Street Address 1
Street Address 2 Street Address 2
City, State Zip + 4 City, State Zip + 4
Phone: (###) ###-#### Phone: (###) ###-####

Any ideas on how to do this? I have used IIF for conditional formating of field colors in the past, but my expierence is that it changes the WHOLE display field not just piece of data the IIF is wrapped around.

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How To You Convert An Oracle Long Field To Varchar 8000

Jan 17, 2007

I need to handle this conversion in SSIS and not on oracle.

The following expression is executed on a datatype of dt_str with a length of 8000.


Records longer then 4000 bytes take an error path

The next expression with 4000 bytes works but there is truncation.


Basically I need to know how to cast a text or ntext into a varchar or nvarchar using ssis but I need to capture the first 8000 byes without truncation.

is this possible?

Using SSIS Reading From oracle I can convert to a text or ntext field but I am having a hard time going directly to a varchar.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Store Long Values To Be Used In (IN) Statement In Separate Table?

Jul 14, 2015

I have several reports that are looking for a code within a certain set of codes or ranges. The specific list of codes to be including is determined by the end user. Currently my "IN" statement can be a hundred lines, listing several ranges, lists of specific codes, etc. I am constantly getting asked what codes does it include, is this code included, etc. Sometimes they'll give me a printed 10 page list of codes and want me to compare to what I have included in the report. Not ideal in the slightest.

What I'd like to do is have a table or a file of some kind somewhere where the end user can view the codes contained, add new ones, and delete ones they no longer want. Then I'd like to be able to just reference that file in my IN statement. Leaving the responsibility of listing the correct codes on them.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Long Text Field - Failed To Locate Ending Boundary Of A Sentence

Apr 23, 2015

I have an very long ntext field, made up of many sentences that I append a full stop to every one, I also strip out any line breaks within the text. However I get this error, when I look it up it comes up with "Failed to locate the ending boundary of a sentence."

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Problem With Text Field: Text Input Too Long, Weird Characters

May 15, 2006


Im a programmer for an university webportal which uses php and msssql.
When an user creates a new entry and his text is too long the entry is cut short and weird characters appear at the end of the entry.

For example:

How can I set the text limit to unlimited?
Could it be something else?
Is there a way of splitting an entry to several text fields automatically?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,

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Get Field Values In Sqldatasource

Dec 22, 2005

I have added a sqldatasource to my form. I want to programmatically get field values directly from this control without adding a databound control such as gridview and then get values from the gridview.
Is this perphaps not the best way to use sqldatasource? Maybe it is meant to be used together with a databound control?
In that case what and how should I code it? Example please
/regards J

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Copy Values From One Field To Other

Sep 8, 2005

I have a table "abc" with there fields of same data type 'x','y','z'.
'x' is the primary key for the table 'abc', what I supposed to do is to copy the values under field 'y' to field 'z' irrespective of the values already with 'z'.

look forward for your help

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Getting Previous Values Of A Field

Mar 15, 2006

Hi,In oracle I have a LAG function using which I could get the previousvalue of a field.Do we have anything similar to that in SQL Server or access?ThanksDevi

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Transact SQL :: Only Allow Certain Values In A Field

Nov 16, 2015

I can not modify DDL of the table, so creating a trigger etc is not an option.  This is my syntax that I am using, and each #Testing.abcd has different possible options.  

For example, when #Testing.abcd = Test1 then #Data.field2
okay values are 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe', but for #Testing.abcd = Test3 then #Data.field2 okay values are 'Follow-Up', 'Contact Requested'

How can I set-up "acceptable values" for one field, but different based off abcd in my syntax?

Declare abcd varchar(100), @sql varchar(1000)
Create Table #Testing (abcd varchar(100), efgh varchar(500)
Insert Into #Testing Values
('Test1', 'zzz'),
('Test2', 'xxx'),

[Code] ....

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Using Field Values In Calculations

Aug 24, 2007


In Microsft Access you can use the value of fields in calculations eg, txtbox_demand_value * qty - is this possible in Reporting Services????

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Replacing Field Values

Oct 9, 2007

I am trying to replace field values in SSIS. For exapmle, I have 'unkown' and 'N/A', and a few other values that mean the same thing, and I want to give all these fields the same value. I have not been able to find a tool in the toolbox to make this type of change. Is there one? And, if there is, do you know a link to a page explaining its use?

The closest I have come is the Derived column String Transformation:Replace. But, I have not been able to get this to do what I want. If you know of a good reference explaining this tool's use I'd appreciate it.

thanks much,


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Insert Multiple Values Into One Field

Jul 24, 2006

i can't believe my situation is unique, but my searches for answers have proven fruitless, so please bear with me.i have a date field in my database, and have previously used a simple textbox to allow users to insert a date.  i want to make this a little step a little nicer, however, and have added a dropdown for the month, a textbox for the date (i'm not "good" enough to dynamically change this around for a dropdown list), and a dropdown list for the next few years.what "insert" statement would allow me to accomplish this?  what i currently have doesn't blow up, but neither does it actually insert anything.  here's my statment:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsVersion" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DB %>"    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Version] ([Major], [Minor], [Sub], [Rev], [Date]) VALUES (@Major, @Minor, @Sub, @Rev, @Month + '-' + @Day + '-' + @Year)">    <InsertParameters>        <asp:Parameter Name="Major" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Minor" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Sub" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Rev" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlMonths" Name="Month" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbDate" Name="Day" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlYears" Name="Year" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />    </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Merging Field Values From With Inner Join?

Apr 1, 2008

Hello Experts,
Been struggling with this issue all morning and beginning to get a headache.  Essentialy my problem is this.  I have a gridview control that ive bound to datasource where the select statement is using an inner join to retrieve textual info from one table in refernce to an object_id contained within both. i.e
<SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter Name="fieldName" QueryStringField="value" Type="String" />
My problem is that this returns individual row results and are displayed on individual lines.  Where the object_id is the same i want all the textual info to be displayed within the same row.
Does anyone know how i can accomplish this?
Thanks in advance

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How To INSERT INTO [Table] ([Field]) VALUES('I Have A ' In Value')

Jun 2, 2004

Hi, I want to INSERT INTO [Table] ([Field]) VALUES('I Have a ' in value')

please teach me how to


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Selecting The Two Biggest Values Of A Field

Mar 13, 2006

I need to do a SQL query based on the two biggest values of a field. PLS , what s the SQL syntax : select * from Table where PRICE ......Ex: if the values of the field PRICE are : 50, 40, 100, 30 and 150.The request should select the rows that have Price equal 100 or 120Thanks a lot for help

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Identity Field Values - A Simple One!

May 20, 2000

To All,
I have a table [multiple entries over the web] where the identity field values do not appear in order using a simple SELECT [no ORDER BY]. Why?

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Inserting Multiple Values Ito A Field.

May 9, 2000

Can some one please tell me how to update a field in a table with multiple
values for each of the values in the other fields?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Eliminate The 'NULL' Field Values

Mar 1, 2007

I am importing an Access .mdb file into MS SQL server, and empty fields where the default value is "", change into NULL. This is a problem when I re-export a result set and have to apply a procedure to clean these values. Is there a way to eliminate this? . . . . and what have I missed?

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Get Minimum And Maximum Values From Field?

Sep 16, 2012

I am trying to get the minimum and maximum values from a field in SQL Server 2008 Express, but I cannot even get started because I keep getting this error that I cannot figure out.

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Manually Increment Values Of ID Field

Nov 4, 2014

declare @kk int
set @kk=0
insert into tblSSAppsOrgEntityToEmployerMapDiffer

[Code] ...

In above example Id is PK for Differ tbl and Temp tbl not having field related to this. thats why i have to take and increment that Id value manually.... but like above way i m getting error ..........

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Count Values Of 2 Field On Particular Date

May 7, 2015

I want to count the values of 2 field on particular date

I have user table with 3 field


Now i want to count the no. of files from_userid have send, no. of files to user_id have received on particular day. The data is like this

From_userid to_userid date
3953 6274 10/22/2014
3953 6152 10/22/2014
1112 2710 10/22/2014
3953 1851 10/23/2014
3953 4302 10/23/2014
4302 2710 10/23/2014

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Inserting Multiple Values Into Same Field

Feb 15, 2006

can we insert multiple values into the same field. as we do for the mailing list. that is can we use commas to enter multiple values into the same field

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Selecting The Two Biggest Values Of A Field

Mar 13, 2006

I need to do a SQL query based on the two biggest values of a field. PLS , what s the SQL syntax : select * from Table where PRICE ......

Ex: if the values of the field PRICE are : 50, 40, 100, 30 and 150.

The request should select the rows that have Price equal 100 or 120

Thanks a lot for help

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Creating New Field With Default Values...

Nov 7, 2007

I am creating a new filed in SQL Server 2005, and I want the field to have the default of '0'

I select the data type as numeric and save my changes, I then visit our front end database to see if the default value is just '0' but it appears as '0.00'

SO i thought about changing the default value to int (im thinking this means integer?) and changing it to '3' but it still displays the decimal point and two 0's

Am I doing something wrong here? I just want it to display '0'


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Transact SQL :: List All Available Values Of A Field?

Aug 10, 2015

I have [TableAccount.AccountType] field which can store these values:


How do I list all available values for a field?  Using Distinct can only list all entries in the db, but does not list all values available for the field.

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Insert Values In Primary Key Field

May 15, 2006


Does anyone know how should I create a table in order that I can insert values(numbers) in the primary key field, using insert statements. I also would like to know if there are any differences between SQL 2k and SQL 2k5.

Thanks in advance for any reply.

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How To Define A Range Of Values For A Field?

Oct 24, 2007

Hi everyone,

Primary platform is sql25k running with sp2.

I'd like to define for a concrete field which only could have three values:


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Show 0 Values If The Field Is NULL

Apr 22, 2008

Hi All,

I want to show 0, if the field contains NULL values.
I use the following expression.

=IIf(Fields!MTD_TotGrossBKCOAmt.Value = "NULL" , SUM(Fields!MTD_TotGrossBKCOAmt.Value), 0 )

But this works if the field contains only NULL values.
If it has a value, then it shows as #Error

Can anyone tell me how to make this work?


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