Look Up Table In SSAS

May 26, 2008

In SSAS is it possible for lookup table, for instance: if the purchase goes above 500 then rating is 5,if 400 then rating 4...the purchase values like 500,400 are in one dimension table. hence the rating are in another dimension table.

Is it possible to make a lookup with these dimension table by providing rating?

If it's possible,then how to implement???

Thanks in advance

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Analysis :: How To Extract Data From SSAS Cubes Into A Table

Jun 19, 2015

I need to extract data from SSAS' cubes into a SQL Server table.

I already read examples using Linked server (with openquery), SSIS, etc. However, the result always return as many columns per dimension as levels. I need to extract all members of a dimension in a column. E.g., when excecuting the following MDX query in Adventure Works 2014:

select [Measures].[Sales Amount] on columns,
       Non Empty [Date].[Calendar].members on rows
  from [Adventure Works]

I would like to get this result (MDX query in SSMS), but with keys displayed intead of names:

But I get this (MDX thru openquery or SSIS):

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Stand Alone Table In Excel

Jul 16, 2015

I am working with SSAS Tabular. I have a stand alone table with 60 columns and contains 120K records. Table size is 250MB. And trying to build a tabular report out of it and it is taking longer and throwing exception, screenshot attached.

It might be cross-join issues, as workaround created a dummy measure and using in report. But it working for 10-20 k records and beyond throwing same exception. I have 8 GB RAM and 100 GB free disk space.

Customer wanted it in SSAS Tabular...

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Analysis :: SSAS Multidimensional Cube On A Single Table

May 7, 2015

I have only 1 denormalized table that is being used in a SSAS Tabular model(which is about 3GB). I am doing a POC to convert it into a SSAS Multidimensional and explore it.


1st Question) I am seeing that there is no Primary Key(unique key) in the current denormalized table. (Tabular Model didnt require any primary key). But i think for Multidimensional the key is mandatory? Should i generate a composite key myself in a Named Query based on this table(in the DSV)?

2nd Question) What is the best way to design my Multidimensional Cube/Dimensions based on this single table?

Say if i comeup with a Composite Primary Key called (PK_ID) . Should i be splitting up my facts / dimensions in my DSV using Named Queries similar to below(Using the same PK for my dimension tables also?)

a) FactTable = Select PK_ID, Qty1,Cost1,Price1,Amount1 from Table1
b) StoreDim =  Select PK_ID, StoreName,StoreDese from Table1
c) ItemDim  =  Select PK_ID, ItemName,ItemDesc from Table1

Would this work?

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Analysis :: SSAS Design - Multiple Keys Of Same Dimension In Fact Table

Mar 19, 2012

I am developing a BI solution on SQL Server 2008 R2 and how to handle multiple referances to the same dimension from a fact table!

Here is the scenario;

Fact_Contracts (# M)
ServiceProvider_CompanyID, Client_CompanyID, Amount_USD 
Dim_Company( hundreds)
ID,  CityID, ProfessionID, CompanyName
ID, CityName
  ID, ProfessionName

As u can see there is two company references in my fact table, and the schema is in snowflake. My customer requirements state that the Contracts' amounts can be aggregated/filtered for/by, ServiceProviderCompany, its city/profession or ClientCompay, its city/profession.

First thing came in to my mind is to dublicate whole dimension structure (one for serviceproviders, one for clients), which i thought that there should be another way around?

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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular Small Database Fails In Excel Pivot Table Because Of Memory Shortage?

May 7, 2015

I have a very small SSAS database with around 35 Mb. I opened it on Excel 32 bits and started dragging fields to a pivot table and it started failing with memory errors. The behavior on the SSAS server was that memory started growing very fast until 8 GB (vm memory total) and then the error is reported in excel.

What might be the issue in such a small database? I would understand in a big database, but not on this one.

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Connecting To SSAS

Oct 16, 2006


One of our SSAS 2005 environments gives the following error in Management Studio if the hostname is specified. If the IP address is used SSMS is able to connect. Any help would be appreciated.


Authentication failed. (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.Authenticate(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, DateTime startTime)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.OpenTcpConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.Connect(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Boolean beginSession)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.XmlaClientProvider.Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.IXmlaClientProviderEx.ConnectXmla()
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.ConnectToXMLA(Boolean createSession, Boolean isHTTP)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.Open()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer.ObjectExplorer.ValidateConnection(UIConnectionInfo ci, IServerType server)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer.ObjectExplorer.ConnectToServer(Object connectionInfo, IDbConnection liveConnection, Boolean validateConnection)


The target principal name is incorrect (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(Byte[] incomingBlob, Boolean& handshakeComplete)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.Authenticate(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, DateTime startTime)

View 4 Replies View Related


Apr 21, 2008

Can someone please tell me the difference between these two pieces of software? I am looking for a *concise* definition of both packages, what they do, what they don't do, and how they work together. We use SQL Server and are working to create a data warehouse from our production db.

We use SSAS for a few OLAP cubes but I have read that it is recommend to first warehouse the data then build cubes on top of the warehouse? I assume you use SSIS to build the warehouse?

Any links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your helpful advice.

View 8 Replies View Related

Does SSAS Allow Implementation Of SCD?

May 25, 2007

Can I implement a slowly changing dimension type 2 in SSAS. I am looking at creating an SSAS cube which can pull data directly from an operational OLTP database. The source database does not maitain history of changes for the dimensions, and I wanted to know if SSAS will help me keep that history by defining certain dimensions as a SCD. If so how do I define that rule. All tutorials I have read only skim on that topic and don't describe the steps/ways to define it in SSAS. Any help would be appreciated.

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Use Hierarchy From SSAS

Sep 6, 2007

Hello experts,

Last time I worked with SSAS and build a Cube. Because I€™m now very happy with the front-end excel 2003 or excel 2007 I thought I build my own Report with SSRS.
Now there is something I don€™t understand:
I build a Hierarchy in SSAS that a want to use in SSRS. Is there a chance to use it without any features? Have I to use parameters or something another?
In my opinion it makes any sense to build a hierarchy new, because it€™s already exists in SSAS.

Have a nice day

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Aug 24, 2007


I'm using SSAS 2005 cube as Data Source for my SSRS 2005 report. The report has parameters as well.

The requirement is that I want to pass parameters to the report using my own UI.

My questions are:
1. "How to pass parameters to my report using my UI?" I'm developing the UI using VS2003 (the client's requirement).

2. Is there any ReportViewer control available in Framework 1.x?

3. I'm also using a drilldown sub-report with the same report. I'm passing parameter values to the sub-report selecting the fields of my data. But when the sub-report is opened, it gives an error saying "The parameter 'X' is not assigned a value".

Can anybody help on any or all of these?

Thanks in Advance,
Manjunath HK

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SSRS && SSAS On Same Box

Aug 22, 2007

We're setting up a test and development envorinment and would like some advice on the best deployment of the SQL 2005 components.

Some people seem to advise to have

Machine1 SSIS & Database engine
Machine2 SSAS
Machine3 SSRS

Others say it's OK to put SSRS & SSAS on same box.

Others say it's fine to run all on one box.

Anyone have any rule of thumb advice or links to such ?



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How To Create A KPI In SSAS 2005

Jan 6, 2008

We need to create a KPI in SSAS 2005 and the same needs to be display in the dashboard.Can any one help me how to Create a KPI and how can i bring that values to the ASPX screen. 

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SSAS Poor Performance

Jul 9, 2007


I created a cube in my development box, tested, performance is great, now if I try to deploy it into the production server from VS, the screen freezes without any error msg... after some time playing around with security I gave up and created a backup of the cube, and sent it over to the IT department( I have no direct control over the production server so they restored the cube ). Now with the cube in production, it was a matter of just processing it... well that didn't go well either... it would take forever from my development box to see results... then I tried to browse any dimension using the data already on the backup... a simple 4 values dimension would take 2-4 minutes to load on screen...

I can't understand why browsing the cube its so slow in the production server, IT admin even reported that when trying to browse locally it would be slow too... The server has 16gbs of RAM and its a dual processor, he didnt notice any lack of CPU or memory while browsing the cube...

Have you experienced this or can you help me troubleshoot whats going on?

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How To Integrate SSIS And SSAS

Jun 12, 2007

Hi, all,

Some of you may have done this, but how do you integrate a Integration package with Analysis Services?

Within my vs solution, I have a SSIS package and a SSAS, which will build a simple cube.

At the end of SSIS, it can email, log, or exec another SSIS pkg, etc. but I did not find out a way to fire off the SSAS part.


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Indexes Within SSAS Cubes

Sep 11, 2007

New to SSAS so, have some not so intelligent ???

We have created Dimensional Model within SQL 2005 and created SSIS packages to load. We have Pk's on Dimensions and FK's on one Fact table. We are thinking about adding clustered index to Fact that consists of the FK's and order by the Hierarchy within the Fact by Dimension. IS THIS A GOOD IDEA IF WE DRILL DOWN AND DRILL THROUGH = QUESTION #1


THank you

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R*R - Excel Like Regression With SSAS?

Dec 13, 2007

I try to make linear regression in multiple dimensions
with SSAS (y = a + a1*x1+ ... a2*xn)

I got the equation, but I also want to see R squared and R adjusted in same manner as in Excel.
How to achieve that?

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Connecting To SSAS On Cluster

Mar 29, 2008

The scenario:
We have a cluster group (named "SSAS") with a Analysis service (default instance) and a SQL Server instance (named instance="SSAS") and Network name "C05".
We do connect to the Analysis service as "C05".
Every time we have to move the group or restart the Analysis service, the service starts, but we cannot connect to it using "C05".
To solve this, we have first to connect (via Management Studio) using the IP address associated to the Network name.
After a minute or so the connection is successful and any subsequent connection using the network name is working fine.

Anyone has ever experienced the same issue?
Any idea why is this happening and how to fix it?

Thank you for the help.


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SSAS: Processing Cube Hangs

Aug 4, 2006


I have a problem with processing my cube. My fact table (with telephone data) contains about 400,000 records... which is increasing rapidly (400,000 records is about 8 months of data)...
I have a few dimensions:
Dimension User: about 200 records
Dimension Line: about 200 records
Dimension Direction: 4 records
Dimension Date: 365 records for each year
Dimension TimeInterval: with 24 records

So far so good... when I process this dimension I have no problem....
However, when I add a dimension (CalledNumber, with exactly 101 records) the processing hangs as soon as it starts...

The SQL performed when processing the cube looks like this:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1, table2,.... tablem

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Server Enterprise Manager, it ALSO hangs...

I am not really suprised by that, because this SQL first create a huge table of 400,000 x 200 x 200 x 4 x 365 x 24 x 101 records and after that works through the WHERE statements to filter out the appropriate records.

for me it would be more logical to use the following code to process the cube, but that cannot be changed in Analysis Manager:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON (table1.id=table2.table1id)
LEFT JOIN tablem ON (tablem.id = tablem-1.tablemid)

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Servel Enterprise Manager, it does NOT hang, but performs the query in about 35 seconds....
But Analysis Manager does not allow me to change the SQL used for processing the cube...

What can I do to add more dimensions to my cube... (It will be more anyway after adding the CalledNumber dimension)??
any suggestions?

PS. forgot to mention: I use Sql Server 2000

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SSAS: Processing Cube Hangs

Aug 4, 2006


I have a problem with processing my cube. My fact table (with telephone data) contains about 400,000 records... which is increasing rapidly (400,000 records is about 8 months of data)...
I have a few dimensions:
Dimension User: about 200 records
Dimension Line: about 200 records
Dimension Direction: 4 records
Dimension Date: 365 records for each year
Dimension TimeInterval: with 24 records

So far so good... when I process this dimension I have no problem....
However, when I add a dimension (CalledNumber, with exactly 101 records) the processing hangs as soon as it starts...

The SQL performed when processing the cube looks like this:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1, table2,.... tablem

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Server Enterprise Manager, it ALSO hangs...

I am not really suprised by that, because this SQL first create a huge table of 400,000 x 200 x 200 x 4 x 365 x 24 x 101 records and after that works through the WHERE statements to filter out the appropriate records.

for me it would be more logical to use the following code to process the cube, but that cannot be changed in Analysis Manager:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON (table1.id=table2.table1id)
LEFT JOIN tablem ON (tablem.id = tablem-1.tablemid)

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Servel Enterprise Manager, it does NOT hang, but performs the query in about 35 seconds....
But Analysis Manager does not allow me to change the SQL used for processing the cube...

What can I do to add more dimensions to my cube... (It will be more anyway after adding the CalledNumber dimension)??
any suggestions?

PS. forgot to mention: I am using Sql Server 2000

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SQL 2012 :: SSAS Pivot Refresh

Jul 18, 2014

I had a pivot to pull data from cube previously.The pivot had certain measures which are now set as invisible measures at the cube level itself.After the cube publish,i just reconnected my pivot to the cube so that the new measures and dimensions are shown in the field list.

I just tried refreshing the pivot with my old measures(which are now set as invisible) and it allowed me to refresh.How can this be possible if the measure itself is set as invisible at cube level?

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SSAS 2005 Connection String

Mar 20, 2007

i am trying to connect to ssas 2005 -- i can get to it through management studio no problem. i cant seem to get my program to connect

can anyone see anything wrong with this connection string

Provider=MSOLAP;User ID=myid;Password=mypass;Data Source=mysrvr;Initial Catalog=mycat;Client Cache Size=25;Auto Synch Period=10000;

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SSAS 2005 Service Dies - HELP!

Apr 11, 2007

When processing my very large cube, after 6 hours, the service dies and the ASCMD returns an error saying it can't find the server / service. The rest of the server is fine and I just have to restart the Service. But the ASCMD keeps killing the service. Can anyone offer some ideas of when I should be looking?

Windows Server 2003 SP1

Many thanks in advance,

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Client Able To Access SSAS Cube Only Once

Sep 6, 2007

I have an excel workbook, that has a pivot table in it where the data source is an OLAP cube. My problem occurs on the client machine, logged in as the client. I remote into the PC, and create a pivot table using the OLAP cube connection. I create the pivot table and everything works fine - I am able to browse the data with no issues. Once I exit the Excel Workbook, and come back in - I am no longer able to connect to the datasource. I have tried both saving the password in the connection and not saving it. It has made no difference.

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TempDB Corrupt - SSAS Usage

Oct 31, 2007

I'm hoping to find help here on the following issue. Here is the setup and situation. I'm running SQL Server 2005, including SSAS. SQL Server holds a database that is about 7GB in size and used to provide the data for my analysis project.

I successfully created cubes, deployed them and worked with them. Then all of the sudden I got error messages that all where related to tempdb and sounded like this:

The operating system returned error incorrect page (expected 1:334039; actual 47:3211311) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x000000a31ae000 in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA empdb.mdf'

I run DBCC but nothing came up (please see below). After searching for hours, I increased the initial size of the tempdb and restarted. It was at about 2GB and I brought it up to 4GB. At first it worked but would then fail again.

My best guess is that is has to do with the amount of dimensions and measures that I use in my cube but compared to what I keep reading it is still very small in size.

I have 4 dimensions, 1 with 3-5 attributes and maybe a 150000 rows total in the view I used. Some of the tables hold more records though (~3 million).

Could it by that my server is simply not fast enough (I/O) to keep up with whatever SSAS is doing? I have a hard time to believe that.

Here is what DBCC CHECKDB ('mbox', REPAIR_REBUILD) came back with on my work DB:
DBCC results for 'mBOX'.
Service Broker MSG 9675, State 1: Message Types analyzed: 14.
Service Broker MSG 9676, State 1: Service Contracts analyzed: 6.
Service Broker MSG 9667, State 1: Services analyzed: 3.
Service Broker MSG 9668, State 1: Service Queues analyzed: 3.
Service Broker MSG 9669, State 1: Conversation Endpoints analyzed: 0.
Service Broker MSG 9674, State 1: Conversation Groups analyzed: 0.
Service Broker MSG 9670, State 1: Remote Service Bindings analyzed: 0.
DBCC results for 'sys.sysrowsetcolumns'.
There are 1208 rows in 11 pages for object "sys.sysrowsetcolumns".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysrowsets'.
There are 137 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysrowsets".
DBCC results for 'sysallocunits'.
There are 151 rows in 2 pages for object "sysallocunits".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysfiles1'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysfiles1".
DBCC results for 'sys.syshobtcolumns'.
There are 1208 rows in 12 pages for object "sys.syshobtcolumns".
DBCC results for 'sys.syshobts'.
There are 137 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.syshobts".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysftinds'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysftinds".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysserefs'.
There are 151 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysserefs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysowners'.
There are 14 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysowners".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysprivs'.
There are 134 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysprivs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysschobjs'.
There are 149 rows in 4 pages for object "sys.sysschobjs".
DBCC results for 'sys.syscolpars'.
There are 1089 rows in 20 pages for object "sys.syscolpars".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysnsobjs'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysnsobjs".
DBCC results for 'sys.syscerts'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.syscerts".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysxprops'.
There are 32 rows in 12 pages for object "sys.sysxprops".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysscalartypes'.
There are 27 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysscalartypes".
DBCC results for 'sys.systypedsubobjs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.systypedsubobjs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysidxstats'.
There are 327 rows in 9 pages for object "sys.sysidxstats".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysiscols'.
There are 645 rows in 6 pages for object "sys.sysiscols".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysbinobjs'.
There are 23 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysbinobjs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysobjvalues'.
There are 372 rows in 116 pages for object "sys.sysobjvalues".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysclsobjs'.
There are 16 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysclsobjs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysrowsetrefs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysrowsetrefs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysremsvcbinds'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysremsvcbinds".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysxmitqueue'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysxmitqueue".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysrts'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysrts".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysconvgroup'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysconvgroup".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysdesend'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysdesend".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysdercv'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysdercv".
DBCC results for 'sys.syssingleobjrefs'.
There are 154 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.syssingleobjrefs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysmultiobjrefs'.
There are 317 rows in 2 pages for object "sys.sysmultiobjrefs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysdbfiles'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysdbfiles".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysguidrefs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysguidrefs".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysqnames'.
There are 91 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysqnames".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysxmlcomponent'.
There are 93 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysxmlcomponent".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysxmlfacet'.
There are 97 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysxmlfacet".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysxmlplacement'.
There are 17 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysxmlplacement".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysobjkeycrypts'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysobjkeycrypts".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysasymkeys'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysasymkeys".
DBCC results for 'sys.syssqlguides'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.syssqlguides".
DBCC results for 'sys.sysbinsubobjs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.sysbinsubobjs".
DBCC results for 'UHISTFCST'.
There are 2798023 rows in 89218 pages for object "UHISTFCST".
DBCC results for 'SS'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "SS".
DBCC results for 'MODEL'.
There are 3 rows in 1 pages for object "MODEL".
DBCC results for 'MASKDATA'.
There are 15397 rows in 109 pages for object "MASKDATA".
DBCC results for 'MASK'.
There are 7328 rows in 44 pages for object "MASK".
DBCC results for 'LOC'.
There are 230 rows in 5 pages for object "LOC".
DBCC results for 'LINREGSTATS'.
There are 1285 rows in 59 pages for object "LINREGSTATS".
DBCC results for 'LINREGPARAM'.
There are 29192 rows in 1310 pages for object "LINREGPARAM".
DBCC results for 'HISTSTREAM'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object "HISTSTREAM".
DBCC results for 'HISTFCST'.
There are 3827608 rows in 75573 pages for object "HISTFCST".
DBCC results for 'HIST'.
There are 1666993 rows in 44095 pages for object "HIST".
DBCC results for 'FCST'.
There are 2126837 rows in 27584 pages for object "FCST".
DBCC results for 'EVENT'.
There are 6 rows in 1 pages for object "EVENT".
DBCC results for 'DMDUNIT'.
There are 21661 rows in 981 pages for object "DMDUNIT".
DBCC results for 'DMDGROUP'.
There are 26 rows in 1 pages for object "DMDGROUP".
DBCC results for 'DFUTOSKU'.
There are 29192 rows in 490 pages for object "DFUTOSKU".
DBCC results for 'DFUMAP'.
There are 64957 rows in 1580 pages for object "DFUMAP".
DBCC results for 'DFU'.
There are 136963 rows in 9349 pages for object "DFU".
DBCC results for 'Locations'.
There are 247 rows in 2 pages for object "Locations".
DBCC results for 'DBPARAM'.
There are 1 rows in 2 pages for object "DBPARAM".
DBCC results for 'CALDATA'.
There are 88308 rows in 1066 pages for object "CALDATA".
DBCC results for 'CAL'.
There are 156 rows in 2 pages for object "CAL".
DBCC results for 'ALLOCSTRAT'.
There are 14 rows in 2 pages for object "ALLOCSTRAT".
DBCC results for 'sysdiagrams'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object "sysdiagrams".
DBCC results for 'TOP5080'.
There are 1325 rows in 7 pages for object "TOP5080".
DBCC results for 'sys.queue_messages_1977058079'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.queue_messages_1977058079".
DBCC results for 'sys.queue_messages_2009058193'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.queue_messages_2009058193".
DBCC results for 'sys.queue_messages_2041058307'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "sys.queue_messages_2041058307".
DBCC results for 'MaterialMaster'.
There are 33426 rows in 3463 pages for object "MaterialMaster".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database 'mBOX'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.


Now, it turns out my HD was really defragmented so I'm currently running a defrag but this is already driven by pure hope.

Sorry for the lengthy mail but I'm really hoping to find help around here.

Any suggestions is appreciated!

Happy halloween and regards,

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If Max Memory Settings In SQL Including The SSAS

Mar 29, 2008

Hello, I understand that we should use SSMS -> Server Properties -> Memory to put a cap on the SQL server memory usage, therefore it gives some space memory for OS, this is based on the fact if the max memory is not specified, SQL will use whatever available memory and eventually crash the system.

My question is that when a server has SSIS and SSAS services installed along with the SQL service. Would the max memory setting covers the SSIS and SSAS memory usage, or the SSIS and SSAS has to shared the memory with OS?


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Report From SSAS With Two Different Date Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi all,

I created a SSAS cube with the dimension "date" (including dates from 2006 to 2007) and "service numbers" (including service number where customer can call in) and a measure "number of calls".

The I created a report with the MDX builder showing a date as column (i.e. 02/01/2007), service numbers as rows and number of calls in the middle. Easy :-)

Now I will add a column with a date one year before (i.e. 02/01/2006) and a column showing the difference between the two dates as a percentage value.

How can I create this in the graphical builder?
Or do I have to create the MDX query manualy?

Thanks in advance!

some ASCII art:
2/1/07 2/1/06 diff.
service number 1 | 345 | 690 | 50%
service number 1 | 100 | 50 | 200%

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SSAS 2005 SQL Query Urgently Help !!

Aug 13, 2007

Hi, I'm building a SSAS Integration project, it consist of extracting data from a Microsoft Access 2003 database and consolidate data into a SQL Server 2005 database for datawarehousing.
I need to make several operations for integration, but i'm struck in the following:

- I added an Ole DB Origin that connects to my access database
- I made an sql query with multiple joins that extract all data i need for first instance.
- in data i extracted, i got one column named: FECHA (and many other colums), it contains data of the date of the actual sale; but in previous steps i fill a table named DimTiempo from my sql server database that contanins all the dates (with no repeating) of the sales and added an unique primary key for them; so, now i need to get that primary key for each column FECHA i gotted in my sql query in OLEDB ORIGIN, for example:

I have: 20/20/2004 (column FECHA on my OLEDB ORIGIN gotted with an sql query with multiple joins)
I need: 001 (extracted from DimTiempo, its the primary key of the registry 001 - 20/20/2004)

I need that code or primary key to insert into my new table on my sql server database because its related directly with my DimTiempo table filled previously.

For more directions, i don't have that primary key column on the original access data base; i reestructure completely the database on sql server to make the datawarehouse work fine.

Please, i hope you help me, tell me what do i need to do to get all the data to fill my sql server 2005 database.


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Analysis :: Using Calculations In SSAS Cube?

May 21, 2015

how can use this mdx script in the calculation part of a cube, will i simply dump it in the script form by starting with the 'create member current cube.

[measures].[abc] on 0,
[xyz].[xyz].(&0):[xyz].[xyz].(&60) on 1
(tail([month].[month].[month].members,6))on 0

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YTD Calculation When Using SSAS As Data Source

Jun 14, 2007

I have a cube that tracks sales by sales rep. In this cube, I have dimensions for SalesRep, Product, and Region hierarchies. I also have a Time dimension that provides Fiscal Year, Fiscal Quarter, Fiscal Month, and Calendar Date; the Time dimension also has an attribute showing the first day of the year for any given date (our fiscal year starts on a different date every year).

I have a report that passes StartDate and EndDate parameters back to the cube, and provides sales numbers by Rep, Product, and Region for that given date range. What I would also like is a field that provides YTD sales through the EndDate parameter.

This is a piece of cake for me to implement against the SQL tables, but I am pulling my hair out trying to determine the best way to implement with a cube. Does anyone have any suggestions?


- Steve

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Analysis :: Excel Not Connecting To SSAS

Sep 21, 2015

I have created SSAS package successfully.

When I try to connect from excel , to SSAS Getting error message like

A Connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

If I connect to SSIS , I'm able to connect correctly.

Why I'm getting this error and how to overcome this?

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How To Access SSAS Using SQL Server Autentication

Apr 1, 2008


I need to conect to a SSAS using SQL Server autentication, how could I configure my SQL Server in order to access by SQL server autentication?

I can conect to my SQL Server but when i try to conect to the SSAS from the Management Studio i only have the option of using Windows Autentication. [My PC isn´t in the same domain that the SQL Server and it could´t be]


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Analysis :: Ssas And Ssrs On Same Server?

Sep 2, 2015

I've see twice this year two different companies either already or planning on having ssas and ssrs running on the same server. 

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