Looking For Invaild Names

Oct 7, 2004

I have a database with a whole lot of records (over 70 mill) I am looking for a quick way to search the name fields for incorrect names and give me a count.


I mostly need it to search for 3 or more duplicate characters in a row, but through the whole name.
I am not sure if this is even possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Invaild Object Name

Feb 23, 2005

Thanks in advance!

I am in the process of creating a means for users to access data via views using MS Excel. The views I have created "pull" from data in two different databases into a third. I also wanted to use the data as well in some web reporting that I do. The problem I ran into in the web app is that it giving me the following error.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'dbo.NVoltHSCLConsolProduction'

What did I miss in creating the views?


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Dynamically Pass Table Names And File Names To IS Package

Mar 1, 2015

I am designing a package to export staging tables into a flat file.The names of the tables will be: TableAStaging_YYYYMM and TableBStaging_YYYYMM. As you can see the names of the tables will be changing each month.

The flat files will have similar naming: C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM and C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM.I want to run the package as an sql job in two steps, one for each table.I need to dynamically pass the table names and file names (together with the path) to the IS package.

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Integration Services :: Chinese Names Export To CSV - Garbled Names

Aug 11, 2015

As part if a recent requirement I have to export Chinese/Singaporean names in a CSV file. The data in the tables is a NVARCHAR(256).

I am using a FlatFile Connection manager where all the present columns from the table are exported as NVARCHARs. My understanding was that the Chinese/Singaporean names would blend seamlessly with NVARCHARs in place. But, they get garbled when pushed to the CSV.

Here is the connection manager setup

There are a lot of suggestions of fixing this by copying/pasting to a notepad file and changing the formatting... But I cant do that since the file is generated using a schedules SSIS package. How can I tweak the process to fix the issue?

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Determine Table Names And Column Names At Runtime?

Jan 22, 2004


I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how we could find the table names and column names of the tables in our Sql server database at runtime/dynamically given our connection string? Please let me know.


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DB Mirroring: Different Server Names With Same Instance Names

Jan 31, 2008

I'm going to be setting up DB mirroring between two SQL Server 2005 boxes. Since these are on two different servers, can the instance names be the same? Is there any reason NOT to do so if the mirror server is going to be used exclusively for DB mirroring?

For example: if the my primary DB is located on SERVER1INSTANCE1, can the mirror be SERVER2INSTANCE1 or do the instance names have to be different even though they're on different boxes.


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Table Names And Field Names

Jan 21, 2004

I'm trying to do an update query that looks like this:







It's erroring out on the Employee prefix B.EMPLOYEE saying:

..."does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query"

Is it wrong or will it cause problems to have a field name the same as the table name?

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Server Names Or Instance Names

Aug 3, 2006

Hello there. I'm trying to populate a drop down box with a list of all available instances of SQL server (express or not) available on a network. To list all instances I'm using EnumAvailableServers() in SmoApplication.

The issue is that the Instance column in the returned data table is always empty, and both the Name and the Server columns contain the same string -- the name of the computer the SQL server is installed. Locally I have SSE installed, the instance name is <computer_name>SQLEXPRESS, however, using Smo I can't seem to get to the either full instance name or just the instance name. I can't assume SQLEXPRESS, since there may be more than one installed.

Alternately I used EnumRegisteredServers() in SmoApplication.SqlServerRegistrations and that, while returning instance information (can be retrieved from the RegisteredServer in the returned collection), doesn't always return the remote SQL servers in the list.

Any idea how can this be done? Maybe I'm going at it the wrong way, maybe there's another class / method I need to use to retrieve all instances?

Thank you

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How Can I Get All Server Names And Catalogs Names For Specific Server

Mar 4, 2008

hii all,can any one help me to get this information.

i am using sql server 2000 and i want to know:

1- all names of servers

2- all database names (catalogs) at specific server and only which the user created .

3- user name and password for each server.


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Get All SQL Server Names

Aug 14, 2006

hi,  can someone tell me how can i get all sql server names in my network.  thanks

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Getting The Column Names

Dec 29, 2003


Im trying to get the column names from a database and display them in textboxes. someone has already helped me by tellnig me that i need to use the FillSchema command. Which works just fine and I can see only the colum names in a datagrid when i bind it to that.

The problem is that I do not know how to extract the name of a column and put it in to a textbox ?

does anybody know how I can fo this ?

Thanks a million


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Get Column Names

Aug 24, 2005

Hi,How do I display the column names from my Sql server table?In asp3 the recordset allowed thisforeach key in rs   ColumnName = key.name   ColumnValue = key.valuenextHow do I do this in .Net?I want to use a DataReader so I can read through each record and only display the ones I want.TABLE_ONEColumn_OneColumn_TwoColumn_Threethanks,

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Table Names

Aug 1, 2000

Oracle provides for a table to have an alias name.

Does SQL Server 7 support alias names for tables?


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Server Names

Sep 8, 1999

Are there any problems w/ installing SQL Server 7.0 on a computer with a name such as 05005sql? I know that SQL will take the computer name as the SQL Server name, however, I am concerned about the numeric beginning of the computer name. Any suggestions?

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Long Names

Mar 6, 2001

I have created a database which has a table whose name is 128 characters long; this table has a column whose name is 128 characters long. When I issue the command sp_helpconstraint table_name, SQL Server 7 returns the message "string or binary data would be truncated."

Any suggestions?


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Matching Names

Sep 3, 2003

My company is going to start a Cancel web site so customers can cancel their future orders by simply filling out a form. I was wondering what would be the best way to compare the cancel db to db that is used to store customer information and order information.

The cancel website will only hold the name, address, and Credit Card Number used. There will not be a customer/order number. The simple Credit Card to Credit Card search will be easy but I was more worried about comparing the rest of the information in case the Credit Card search fail. I was told the "standard" look up was to take the first 3 letters of the first name and the last 3 letters of the last name. If that comes up with more then one record, take that set and see if the zip code matches up and/or part of the street address matches up (counting we do not have very reliable people inputting the information into the system is not going to help this search).

Anyway, any suggestions on comparing the data would be great.

Thanks ahead of time

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How To Know All The Instance Names?

May 24, 2004

When I am connected to an instance of the sql server using EM, can I find out how many other instances are present on the original server?

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Bad Index Names

Mar 29, 2001

I have inherited a database which had no clustered indexes at all, only non-clustered. WHen I started experimenting with creating some I got error messages back complaining that the name already existed in sysobjects. I have come to find out they tool they use to create the indexes, names the index the same as exisiting table(isn't this a great idea). Other than my current problem, does anyone see other issues might run into. My thought is to drop all the indexes with the table names and recreate them with a better standard. Has anyone else ever run into or done this?

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SP And Transaction Names

Jul 23, 2004

Is it possible for MS SQL 2k to get confused when we have two stored proces that has the same name for their transactions and both stored procs are exec at the same time?


Create Procedure SP1


Begin Transaction TranName1
Commit Transaction TranName1

Begin Transaction TranName2
Commit Transaction TranName2

Create Procedure SP2


Begin Transaction TranName2
Commit Transaction TranName2

Begin Transaction TranName3
Commit Transaction TranName3

We are seeing some very weird data corruption but luckily its been way under 1%(something like 500 bad rows out of a few million). The only thing we can think of since it is such a very low number is maybe when blocking occurs SQL has trouble handing two transactions with the same name in its queue. Beyond that we have no idea what could be causing this issue.

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NT User Names

Feb 7, 2005

Hi Is it possible to obtain an NT username (with T-SQL) from a user connecting to SQL Server with a SQL log in via ODBC? Thanks in advance

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Different Server Names

Jun 23, 2007


I am using ADO controls for MSSQL Database. The server name on my machine is different from the server name on the machine where i am running my application. When i make changes to my application, i have to rebuild the connection on my ADO Control. Is there a way to create a server name on my developement machine to match the server name where i run my application?

Would appreciate any help.

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Alternate Names

Aug 6, 2007

I need to implement support for alternate names on the database I’m working on.

When a user looks up: “Antony Bigglesworth” the query would return both: Antony Bigglesworth as well as Tony Bigglesworth, would both exist.

Anyone has a best practice on this or has done this before?

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.mdf And .LDF File Names

Jan 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am using query analyzer to execute my sqls .

I want to take out .mdf and .LDF files and put it in another machine .
But there is no .mdf or .LDF file with prefix as my database name . I think the file name might be something else .
Please help me in finding out the .mdf and .LDF of a particular database .

Thanks ,

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Columns Names

Mar 19, 2004

I need a querry to get all columns names.


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I Need Column Names !!

Mar 30, 2004

Hi, i need a query to have the columns names !!
If you have another solution, let me know !!

superj !!!

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Column Names

Apr 10, 2008


When I run this query..


I get all the column names, but the result is not in the same order as when I check the design for the table, why is that?

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Column Names

Dec 27, 2005

At my work, we are upgrading a number of MS Access 2000 databases to SQL Server 2000. Many of the columns have names that do not follow the rules for Identifiers. For example there are columns with a numeric names 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. There are also columns with a hyphen in the name and columns that begin with a number and not an underscore or an alpha character. Plus there are columns with names like first, last, position, etc. (There was also columns with reserved words used as the names. I have changed those column names in the databases that I have already converted) Will leaving these names alone create a problem? The database serves as the backend to ASP pages.


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Where Clause For Names From A-G?

Feb 6, 2006

Anyone done this? I want to add a selection criteria to a report that would let you input an alpha range parameter for the list you want to produce.

So for example, I want to pull customer balances where the customer name starts with a letter between A and G.

I know how to add the criteria box, I am just not sure how to pick the names with my Where clause.

Basically I want a where clause like:

Where first letter of customername >= A AND
first letter of customername <= G

But I am not sure how to code that in SQL.

Do I need a function to find the first letter of the name so I can compare to the input range?

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Get Table Names.

May 21, 2007

I like to print the table names that starts with 'table'.
I'm getting the same table name four times. Instead of four different table name.

create table table1(tableID int, tableName varchar (30))
insert table1
select 1, 'tableSam' union all
select 2, 'tableDaniel' union all
select 3, 'tableRon' union all
select 4, 'tableKen' union all
select 5, 'tableHonda'

create table table2(tableID int, tableName varchar (30))
insert table2
select 6, 'tableSam' union all
select 7, 'tableDaniel' union all
select 8, 'tableRon' union all
select 9, 'tableKen' union all
select 10, 'tableHonda'

create table table3(tableID int, tableName varchar (30))
insert table3
select 11, 'tableSam' union all
select 12, 'tableDaniel' union all
select 13, 'tableRon' union all
select 14, 'tableKen' union all
select 15, 'tableHonda'

create table table4 (tableID int, tableName varchar (30))
insert table4
select 16, 'tableSam' union all
select 17, 'tableDaniel' union all
select 18, 'tableRon' union all
select 19, 'tableKen' union all
select 10, 'tableHonda'

declare @string varchar(330)
declare @tableName varchar(30)
declare @count int
set @count = 0

while (@count < 5)

select @tableName = table_name from information_schema.tables
where table_name like 'table%'

print @tablename

set @count = @count + 1

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Uniqueness Of Names

Aug 7, 2007


am new to sql...i need to write a query ..it is like two teams can play more than 1 game but on different dates..

so if i create the table like this

Create Table Games( TeamName1 char(30),
2 numGoals1 int,
3 TeamName2 char(30),
4 numGoals2 int,
5 play_date char(10),
6 primary key(TeamName1,TeamName2,play_date),
7 Check(TeamName1!=TeamName2)
8 );

this violates the constraint if i give the two teams on the same date..how to give the condition such that it checks for the violation of condition if the team names are interchanged.. for eg

if i give the values as
Insert Into Games values('chelsea',1,'arsenal',2,'17-1-2000');
Insert Into Games values('arsenal',1,'chelsea',2,'17-1-2000');

the above should violate the constraint ..how to do it

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SQL DBO Table Names

Mar 26, 2008

In SQL Server Management Studio when browsing the tables they are all prefixed with dbo followed by the table name. Is there a way of turning this off.


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Cleaning Names

Mar 31, 2008

Hi there, I have the following set of records: (DDL and data provided)

create table dbo.myNames (
FilePersonId int,
Sex varchar(20),
Title varchar(20),
Forename varchar(50),
Surname varchar(50)

insert into dbo.myNames (FilePersonId, Sex, Title, Forename, Surname)
select 477827, 'F', 'MISS', 'NATALIE', 'MR NIEL MC DONOUGH' union all
select 516992, 'M', 'MR', 'MARIO.', 'MISS CARLA THRINCHEIRAS' union all
select 1725198, 'M', 'MR', 'THOMAS', 'MS TAGGERT' union all
select 1907673, 'M', 'MR', 'COLIN', 'MR C PATTERSON' union all
select 2282432, 'M', 'MR', 'JOHN', 'MR GOLDSMITH' union all
select 3172847, 'M', 'MR', 'JASON', 'MR JASON MARCUS RENDALL' union all
select 3173628, 'M', 'MR', 'STUART', 'MR STUART IAN JAMES CALLOW' union all
select 3174343, 'M', 'MR', 'JOHANNES', 'MR JOHANNES ARIE JAN DE JAGER' union all
select 3176784, 'F', 'MISS', 'MONICA', 'MISS MONICA S F ALMEIDA' union all
select 3177717, 'M', 'MR', 'MOHAMMAD', 'MR MOHAMMAD NASIR KHAN SABIR' union all
select 3180017, 'M', 'MR', 'MD', 'MR MD. MAMUN UR RASHID' union all
select 3180585, 'F', 'MISS', 'KATHRYN', 'MISS KATHRYN M J GRANT' union all
select 3182306, 'M', 'MR', 'ABDUL', 'MR ABUL K M H KABIR' union all
select 3182416, 'F', 'MRS', 'CATHERINE', 'MRS CATHERINE ANN LEA DOIG' union all
select 3183759, 'M', 'MR', 'PHILIP', 'MR PHILIP ADAM MOXON' union all
select 3183790, 'F', 'MISS', 'KELLY', 'MISS KELLY NEAVE CHAPPELL' union all
select 3191895, 'F', 'MISS', 'LUCY', 'MISS LUCY ANNE MAY GAULT' union all
select 3192189, 'M', 'MR', 'JOAQUIM', 'MR JOAQUIM FILIPE ABRANTES VAZ' union all
select 3192261, 'F', 'MRS', 'C', 'MRS C D V BALBO-BELL' union all
select 3193077, 'M', 'MR', 'NIDAL', 'MR NIDAL FATHEE ABY SABEI' union all
select 3194554, 'M', 'MR', 'STUART', 'MR STUART ROBERT JAMES DOYLE' union all
select 3201437, 'M', 'MR', 'IAN', 'MR IAN' union all
select 3206600, 'M', 'MR', 'ADRIAN', 'MR ADRIAN JOHN JAMES OWEN' union all
select 3206637, 'M', 'MR', 'J', 'MR J O GARCIA CHAURAN' union all
select 3206695, 'M', 'MR', 'SYED', 'MR SYED SAFDAR SHAH' union all
select 3206744, 'M', 'MR', 'LEE', 'MR LEE ALAN JOEL MAYNARD' union all
select 3206763, 'F', 'MISS', 'TANIA', 'MISS TANIA RACHEL NASH' union all
select 3207104, 'M', 'MR', 'ALEXANDER', 'MR ALEXANDER C D HOPWOOD' union all
select 3207577, 'M', 'MR', 'J', 'MR J H S CAMPBELL' union all
select 3207611, 'F', 'MISS', 'TERRI', 'MISS TERRI LOUISE KATE FLEMING' union all
select 3209050, 'F', 'MISS', 'MELISSA', 'MISS MELISSA NEKITA MAKEMSON' union all
select 3213291, 'M', 'MR', 'MALCOLM', 'MR MALCOLM PETER FORD CROOK' union all
select 3215920, 'M', 'MR', 'IAIN', 'MR IAIN ALASTAIR SMITH DOWNEY' union all
select 3889047, 'M', 'MR', 'PEDORA', 'MR LOFARO' union all
select 3974174, 'M', 'MR', 'MICHAEL', 'MR MICHAEL J KERR' union all
select 3977713, 'M', 'MR', 'XAVIER', 'MR XAVIER DE PONTE DE SOUSA' union all
select 3977753, 'M', 'MR', 'JEAN-DANIEL', 'MR JEAN-DANIEL KENNY FLORIAN' union all
select 6815795, 'U', 'UNKNOWN OR INVALID', 'M', 'MR M WOOD' union all
select 7617439, 'F', 'MRS', 'M', 'MRS MARYMARSHALL' union all
select 7929645, 'M', 'MR', 'RICHARD', 'MR PANTER' union all
select 9092854, 'M', 'MR', 'JARED', 'MR JARED ELVANDO BLAKE' union all
select 9109880, 'M', 'MR', 'MICHAEL', 'MR MICHAEL PAUL LLOYD RAMWELL' union all
select 9165326, 'M', 'MR', 'SCOTT', 'MR SCOTT DE LA FUENTE' union all
select 9321272, 'M', 'MR', 'MPHAMMAD', 'MR MPHAMMAD HAMIDI TABAR' union all
select 9461030, 'M', 'MR', 'KELVIN', 'MR KELVIN POH ANN TAN' union all
select 9508257, 'M', 'MR', 'HARDI', 'MR HARDI M IBRAHIM' union all
select 7899594, 'F', 'MRS', 'SANDRA', 'MRSTHPOMPSON' union all
select 9616820, 'U', 'UNKNOWN OR INVALID', 'HAMMOND', 'MRJOHNHAMMOND' union all
select 9617471, 'M', 'MR', 'PAUL', 'MRPAULWAYMAN' union all
select 9817442, 'M', 'MR', 'ADAM', 'MRADAMMARLEY' union all
select 9853852, 'F', 'MISS', 'P', 'MRBARRYGILMARTIN' union all
select 9895683, 'F', 'MRS', 'REBECCA', 'MRSREBECCAWILSON' union all
select 9924241, 'M', 'MR', 'JOHN', 'MRJOHNWORDEN' union all
select 9941612, 'M', 'MR', 'BRIAN', 'MRBRIANOKEEFFE' union all
select 10214780, 'M', 'MR', 'G', 'MRJAMESWADDLE'

What I am trying to do is cleanse the Surname field. I need to remove the Title/Initials and/or Forename from the Title field. But I am struggling to come up with a neat solution to this problem.

Your help would be much appreciated.


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Weekday Names

Jan 4, 2007

Sql server 2000 -sql query analyzerselect datename(dw,'01-01-2006')returns sundayNow I do:set language danishselect datename(dw,'01-01-2006')returns sonday. But it should be søndag. Same goes forsaturday/lordag/lørdagTried substring'ing and ascii'ing/unicode'ing and it is AFAIK an o insteadof the special danish character ø.Is this a "feature" or am I doing something wrong?I "solved" it by doingselect case DATENAME(dw,'01-01-2006') WHEN 'lordag' THEN 'lørdag' WHEN'sondag' THEN 'søndag' ELSE DATENAME(dw,'01-01-2006') ENDbut it sure aint pretty./jim

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