Looking For White Papers Or Articles Describing Best Practices For SSIS Implentation

Aug 26, 2006

My company's SQL environment consists of hundreds of servers. We are just beginning to upgrade from SQL2000 to SQL2005. I'd like to find some readings that might help us with basic design decisions regarding SSIS, especially whether to have SSIS running on many of our servers or to have just a few (maybe even just one?) server(s) dedicated to SSIS that will host all packages. Can anybody suggest a good source for this kind of information? Thank you.

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Best Practices White Paper On Pre-Installation Server Setup

Oct 17, 2007


I am very well versed in the proper way to set up a SQL Server server prior to installation.

In this I mean, the proper process in placing your MDF, LDF and NDF(s) on seperate spindles/discs and also to place TempDB on its own spindle/disc and such.

There are numerous other points to cover in setting up the server based on memory, security, processor and such but I am sure you understand.

What I am looking for is the link(s) to the whitepapers discussing these Best Practices methodologies for pre-installation setup.

I looked on the Best Practices page but did not seem to find a doc that contains all the Best Practices that should be followed, if possible of course, in setting up a server prior to the SQL Server 2005 installation process.

Can anyone please point me to a link(s)/doc(s) that describe what I am looking for.

I need to pass this information down to other members of my team.

Thanks and have a great day!

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Class And Sequence Diagrams Describing SSIS Framework (for Custom Components)?

Jun 30, 2006


Can anyone tell me where I might find the Class and Sequence Diagrams for the SSIS framework (for Custom Components)?

I've just started trying to create some Custom Transform Components and
I'm really struggling to get my head around the component lifecycle
(i.e what methods are called when, with what arguments, and why) with
just the BOL documentation to guide me.

Thanks in advance,


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Test Papers On SQL DB

Jul 20, 2005

HI... i need test papers on SQL DB. multiple choice with 3 levelsof difficulty: beginner, intermediate and advanced. can anyone tell mewhere i can get them made? or anyone who can help me with this? anysites... any info will be helpful. thanks in advance.

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Best Practices For SSIS

Mar 27, 2008

I am new to SSIS, but done alot of DTS 2000 development.

What is the concensus for developing SSIS packages? Do you just place objects and change the properties of each object, having multiple objects basically doing the same thing, with different properties? Or do you set object's properties and then change properties by code in scripts? Ie Execute SQL, setting connections and SQL Statement by code in a script? Is this even possible? With Microsoft OOP I assume this is possible.

Script> Set properties of ExecuteSQL > set flow to ExecuteSQL.


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Where The Best Practices For SSIS Packages Document Is?

Jun 1, 2006

Dear gurus,

I've got this one for Sql2k http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql2k/html/sql_busintbpwithdts.asp

Any help or link would be welcomed,

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In Print Preview Mode White Is Black And Black Is White...

Mar 22, 2007

When I go to preview mode and select the print preview. The white background is black and the black is white. Any one know how to set this back to the original way it worked?

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Best Practices SQL Server 2005, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS Setup

Oct 8, 2007

I would like to know best practices for setting up my environment. To date, I've had everything running on a single server. That would include the database engine, SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. The box configuration is dual hyperthreaded 3.6GHz Xenon with 4GB of RAM on Windows Server 2003. I just received a much larger server and want to configure it to maximize our environment. The new box contains four 2.6GHz Quad Core processors with 16GB of RAM. I would like to know if I should split the ETL and database engine from SSAS and SSRS, or should this box have enough horse power to house it all and use my other box as a dev environment. Also, we are planning to purchase Performance Point 2007 primarily for PAS and Scorecard Manager so please take that into consideration as well. Any comments are greatly appreciated.


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White Spaces

Jan 8, 2002

Creating a text file using DTS, is there a function/way to take out white
spaces from columns. Example:
'1234 ','567 ' would come in text as

Thanks in advance.

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SQL White Space! HELP!

Oct 4, 2006

Ok, here is the problem.
Client created a database with Allocated Space of 5GB. THEY WILL ONLY EVER HOLD A MAXIMUM OF 1GB IN DATA!!! Don't ask.

In any case, they currently have a database filled with 600MB of Data and 4.4GB of White Space. From what I can see, the database is backing up that entire database nightly, based on 5GB of allocated space. It doesnt care that only 600MB is being used, it only knows that someone put aside 5GB and its gonna darn well back it up.

I need to get rid of that space. Their Backups are taking hours on end and Batch Files are timing out. Quite honestly, they dont need to back up 4.5GB of white space.

How can I eliminate that white space? I have tried to run several SQL scripts to Truncate the DB and eliminate unused space, unfortunately it is not working.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


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Articles Default

May 11, 2006

hi all,

I was  trying to set the articles to

"delete data in the existing table that matches the row filter"
in the publications "article>articles>table articles>snapshot" of
the publication

but everytime i reopen that property tab
the publication restore to the
default setting of "drop exisiting table and recreate it"
i"m using sql server 2000. snapshot replication--


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Books, Articles About ETL

Apr 22, 2008


maybe anyone knows good books or articles about ETL, ETL processes, ETL optimization ?

If you know where i can download - post a link


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Way To List All Articles

Jun 19, 2007

Is there a way in T-SQL to programmatically list all the articles? What I'm wanting to do is grab these articles and run this SP:

EXEC sp_publication_validation 'people', @rowcount_only=2, @full_or_fast=0

For each aritcle/publication, but I need a way to programmatically calculate the 'people' article in this case and pass that information along to the sp_publication_validation SP.

Is there a way, perhaps in system tables or system SP to accomplish this?



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Where To Place Articles

May 30, 2006

I have a design that includes articles that will be searched. Obviously its too slow to put them into fields, and impossible because some have photos or are otherwise html documents. So I want to put pointers to their location.

Two questions. For each deployment, both desktop and web, where is the best place to put the articles. In any folder, or only in an iis virtual folder?


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Storing Articles In SQL Server

Oct 25, 2007

Hello Everyonen and thanks for your help in advance.  I am developing a conetnet management system to allow for the storage of articles within a SQL Server 2000 database.  I am using FreeTextBox as the editor for users to enter articles.  I ahve two questions.  First, many of the articles are quite lengthy and including HTML formatting go well beyond 8000 characters.  How should I go about storing these articles?  Should I use a TEXT datatype, or perhaps split the data into more than one row.  This leads to my second quuestion.  Many sites that display article type data break the artilce into multiple pages with page numbers or next links to page back and forth.  I am not sure hot to go about implmeneting this.  Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Articles On VSS && MSSQL Server - ??

Jan 11, 2004

Hi every1,

Does anyone know where i would be able to find good articles on this subject:

-Best Practices (Logical - planning & Physical) in Setting up Database Projects for MSSQL Server 2000 with Visual Source Safe 6.0

*It would also be helpful if articles take replicated environments into consideration.


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Where I Can Get Good Articles On Indexes ?

Nov 4, 2006


where i can get good articles on indexes ?

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White Space In A Field

Oct 1, 2006

I think this may be a dumb question, but here goes.If there is a lot of "white space" in a field in SQL Server, does it take upserver space, or is it just ignored?Example:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phone number<br>Instead of this:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phonenumber<br>I think it would, but maybe not?Thanks, J~

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We Have A New White Paper On Connectivity!

Jan 10, 2007

Dear Forum Members,

We've been working on a white paper targeting SSIS connectivity which we hope will help answer some of the key questions in the following areas :

What are the SSIS components and their support level for ADO.NET, ODBC, and OleDB?

How to deal with 64-bit connectors? what is supported, what is not?

Special sections on popular data sources such as SAP, Oracle, DB2, Flat File, XML.

A comprehensive list of data sources and available connectors from Microsoft and other 3rd parties.

You'll also find answers to why some of the things are the way they are today.

Note that this white paper is currently under official editing and publishing in Microsoft. It'll be a while before it goes public officially, but I wanted to share it with you, as the rich content it offers can't really wait. You'll find the paper in my blog, which is really a wiki site about SSIS connectivity fully open to public, so feel free to add/update content in there as you feel proper, and help the SSIS community with your wisdom!

A lot of feedback went into this white paper not only from Microsoft, but also from some of our partners and MVPs. I'd like to extend special thanks to Bob Beauschemin for authoring this challenging white paper.


Deniz Erkan

Program Manager - SSIS


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Replication Not Creating Articles

Aug 13, 2015

I'm new to replication and set up a Snapshot Replication on the tables in my sample database.  Everything seemed to work (database created on Subscriber instance, jobs set up, etc) but the articles (tables) are not being created in the subscriber's database.  

I can see the files created in the folder but I don't see the tables or the data.  Also, I confirmed that the articles are checked so they should be included.

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Database Jobs Articles

Aug 7, 2007

Hello Friends
Can any body tell about the database jobs. what are the database jobs and how do they work.
If any body have any link relevant to it please send me as early as possible.

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Related Articles Stored Procedure

Mar 12, 2008

I have a page which loads an article based on an ID, what i want to do now is when the article loads there will be a repeater control which holds headlines of related articles in it. My problem is how can i achieve this in terms of passing through the articleCategoryID to the stored procedure "stream_RelatedArticles".
This is my stored procedure that loads the initial article;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_Articles]
SELECT TOP 5 articleID, articleTitle,articleDescription, articleAuthor,articleDatePublished,articleBody from Articles ORDER BY articleDatePublished
 And this is the page_load;if (!IsPostBack)
{string strID = Request.QueryString["id"];
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["streamConnectionString"].ConnectionString);SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("stream_ArticlesByID", conn);
command.Parameters.Add("@articleID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Request.QueryString["id"];command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
conn.Open();SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
ArticleList1.DataSource = reader;
 And here is my related article stored procedure;ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_RelatedArticles]@articleCategoryID INT
SELECT articleID,articleCategoryID, articleTitle,articleDescription, articleAuthor,articleDatePublished,articleBody from Articles
WHERE articleCategoryID = @articleCategoryID

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Articles In More Than One Category - How To Organize Tables?

Jun 10, 2005

Greetings,I have one table, named Article, and one table name Category.The problem is, one Article could be in just one or in several categories.What is the best way to connect data between Article and Category according to fast search performance?I have several ideas:1. To have third cross table Article_Category with fields Article_ID and Category_ID, and search Article_Category table 2. To have several INTEGER columns in Article table (like Category_ID1, Category_ID2,..) and search those columns3. Add one VARCHAR field in Article table where I could write Category ID's delimited by some character (e.g. by comma), and do text search in only that column.What is recommended for solving problems like this?

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White Spaces In Data Fields

Jan 31, 2006

Whenever I insert a record into my table it adds trailing white spaces up to the amount of char's that the field is set to allow.  Obviously I don't want it to do this.
Among other problems then when I get the data back out it has a ton of white spaces, which normally wouldn't be a problem.  i could just use the .Trim() function, but for some reason when I bind the data to a drop down list and use the .Trim() function it doesn't trim the white spaces.
Anyways any ideas on how to make it so the white spaces don't get put in in the first place??  Or any other thoughts on this??  Thanks!

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Function Like Len() That Counts White Space

Aug 10, 2007

Good day to you, community friend!

Just a quick one - I swear I've seen a function before that was like Len() but it counted the white spaces too. I have a feeling it was something along the lines of "data_length" but I can't for the life of me find it!

Many thanks,

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Snapshot Replication - Adding Articles

Mar 4, 2004

Hey All - Another replication question:

Using VBScript in an ActiveX module of a DTS package...

Anyone have an idea how to add ALL articles to a Subscription.

The only way I can figure it is to load an array from sysobjects, then run sp_addarticle on each one.

Thanks for your help


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How To Remove White Spaces Between Words

May 30, 2008

What is the Select statement to remove white spaces between words?

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SLQ Express And MS Access Comparative Articles

Dec 12, 2005


Do you have articles on this? this is for my reference.


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Export To Pdf Problem, Getting White Pages

Jan 23, 2008

When I exported report to PDF, I am getting a white page alternately between my report pdf pages.
What is the problem behind that? Please suggest a solution.

Thank you very much.

Praveen Kumar. M

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Adding A Article Causes ALL Articles To Be Refreshed

Sep 5, 2007

I have setup Transactional replication in SQL 2005 between two servers and have about 200 tables being replicated. The problem is that every time, I add or drop a table to replication, and start the Snapshot agent, it re-initializes every article and re-loads every article. This process takes 1 hour to complete and CPU usage goes to 100% during that time.

This behaviour seems very different from SQL 2000 where I would start Snapshot agent and only the relevant tables were added/dropped.

Has that functionality changed from 2000 to 2005? Am I not doing something right?

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Unacceptible White Space On Report

Aug 2, 2007

I am hoping there is either a quick fix within SQL reporting services or a 3rd party tool for SQL reporting services that will fix my error. If not, we will be forced to go back to Crystal Reports.

I have a large report, that per each record prints between 3 and 5 pages of information. It is laid out like an MS Word document (as that is what is needed to send off to the client), so it is in standard letter style with the text growing down vertically.

I have about 10 large text (SQL Server Text field types) fields on this report. The report itself was built using the SQL Reporting Services table tool, so I could correclty group the information into the same record and also to keep the needed specific report formatting.

Everything looks GREAT, except for large white space in the report. The cause is that each row on the SQL Reporting Services table contains a field of data. Well, in some instances there is too much text to fit on the current page of the report (in some cases as much as 3/4 a page of paper), so instead of starting to print on the page and then continuing to print on to the next page, the data will skip the page and start at the top of the next page.

This will leave large white spaces in my report. In one instance I have a Text field that with the correct formatting is larger than a page. So the report prints on 1/4 of page 2, is blank for remander 3/4 of a page 2, and then starts printing the large text field on the following page (page 3). So 3/4 of a page in my report is left empty.

Is there a work around for this, or a 3rd party tool that can be purchased to allow for this? I have not found a setting or a way to keep the table rows together as there is in Crystal Reports.

Thank you for your help!


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Trim Trailing White Spaces

Nov 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a column which has some white spaces that I suspect is tab delimeted one. So when I use a rtrim(col1) it would not trim those. So i used a scrip component and wrote this line,

Row.trimDetail = RTrim(Row.detail)

here trimdetail is an o/p column and detail is the input col with the trailing spaces.

but still I don know why the column has that spaces. Can someone help me to figure out what is the problem ?

Thanks in advance,

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Problem With Publication Articles Being Deleted

Sep 15, 2006

I wonder if anyone can advise, I currently have a replication set to 5 offices. Which has been working fine for some 18 months+, then the replication dropped out. When I looked in the publisher it had lost all its articles and would not allow me to add back in. I deleted the publication and recreated it and then after creating a new snapshot starting rolling back out to the various locations, and one of the locations failed and again all the articles where lost. I deleted and rebuilt the database at that office and went through the same routine again, only for it to happen again, the issue being that now errors where produced!!!.

So at present I have the publication and all the subscriptions running apart from this one office.

Has anyone had this before, or any ideas. I have run a full virus scan just in case and it was fine.

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