Loop Query To Update Output Depending Upon Count Of Distinct Entries
Jun 25, 2013
I need to update the result depending upon the count of distinct entries.
ID Employee Region State
I want the result as below
ID Employee Region State
since the count of Region is 2
I tried using DECLARE @intFlag INT and stuff but wasn't able to get the solution.
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Apr 17, 2008
I need a query to return the number of distinct call_num(s) between two timestamps.
For example search between 2008-04-17 05:00:00.000 and
2008-04-19 05:00:00.000
id_tag(unique id) | status | call_num | entry_id(timestamp)
1 HOLD 0123456789 2008-04-17 05:07:00.080
2 ONSCENE 012345679 2008-04-17 05:10:00.012
3 ENROUTE 321654987 2008-04-19 04:00:00.000
so the sample answer would be : 2
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a reference table. This table has an effective date and end date, and I need to get a single set of values at a point in time. Suppose the following hotel rating values are the values that I want to pull out of the table:
1 Star2 Star
3 Star
4 Star
5 Star
This value has other information associated with it (benchmarks and such) and so it's possible that one of the 2 star entries gets end-dated, and then a new 2 Star entry gets created with an effective date and no end date.
How can I query so that I only get one 2 Star entry at any point, and get the point in time where the date is between the effective and end date, but only pull back a single set of entries, one distinct rating value. So, suppose the first entry is end-dated 7/1, if I look at old data, I want to see the old benchmarks and so I want the previous entry end-dated 7/1; otherwise, I want to see the new end-date, with the new 2 star entry with no end date.
How do I do that? Make sense?
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Jul 6, 2000
I am importing a text file that list invoice columns. The invoice detail table needs the line items to be listed with sequential numbers. I import the file to a temp table to do the work in and I know I need to have the cursor do loop through and count, however, I have no more hair to pull out.
The table looks something like this.
inv# SKU
1001 ABC123
1001 DEF456
1001 GHI789
1002 123DEF
1002 456GHI
1002 876HGT
I need the cursor to go through and number each line, something like this.
inv# SKU Line#
1001 ABC123 1
1001 DEF456 2
1001 GHI789 3
1002 123DEF 1
1002 456GHI 2
1002 876HGT 3
Any help is greatly appriciated.
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May 21, 2008
hi, i have a table where i need to update all entries (columns/rows) in 1 queryto make this one clear, if i have table_id firstname lastname1 clayton111 dylan1112 phoebe111 miller111 from the above example, i just want to eliminate all the 111 from the firstname, lastname fields, however, im not sure how to do that in a single query. i asked this because i have like 100 rows and each entries have "111" and i need to remove those. thanks
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Dec 11, 2007
I have a table with following fields
table is filled with full year data and i want following result
I want count of distinct custcode in every past three months.
for example
Result like this
month tjan tfeb tmar tapr tmay ..... tdec
And data under tmar should be count of distinct custcode of (jan,feb and mar) for corresponding prod code is required.
Under tapr, count of distinct custcode of (feb,mar and apr) for corresponding prod code is required.
Can any1 help me please.
I am using MS SQL 2005 and above table is a big table (approx 10 million records)
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May 8, 2007
here is a query
select count(d) from (select distinct left(name,9) as d from bscs where region like 'n1' and name like 'Alc_%')
what i am trying to do is to get count of the names, having distinct letters in left 9 positions and some conditions too. How to do it?
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Nov 11, 2015
I have a table with kind of data as below
PhNo Address DP AutoID Name
0123 RH 001 4577 J
0123 RH 004 4567 JD
0124 RH 010 4467 KK
0121 HN 007 4667 RK
012 SVN 009 4787 RKK
012 SVN 009 4787 RKR
011 SVN 009 4787 KKR
I need distinct phone numbers >1 for a address and if the same phNo has 2 different names I want to skip the second one.I want the output like below
PhNo Address DP AutoID Name
0123 RH 001 4577 J
0124 RH 010 4467 KK
0121 SVN 009 4787 RKK
012 SVN 009 4787 RKR
011 SVN 009 4787 KKR
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Aug 20, 2015
Basically I'm running a number of selects, using unions to write out each select query as a distinct line in the output. Each line needs to be multiplied by -1 in order to create an offset balance (yes this is balance sheet related stuff) for each line. Each select will have a different piece of criteria.
Although I have it working, I'm thinking there's a much better or cleaner way to do it (I use the word better loosely)
SELECT 'Asset', 'House', TotalPrice * -1
FROM Accounts
WHERE AvgAmount > 0
SELECT 'Balance', 'Cover', TotalPrice
FROM Accounts
WHERE AvgAmount > 0
What gets messy here is having to write a similar set of queries where the amount is < 0 or = 0
I'm thinking something along the lines of building a table function contains all the descriptive text returning the relative values based on the AvgAmount I pass to it.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello.I have one serious problem with COUNT in TSQL.I use MS SQL Server 2000.I would like to count rows depending on data in it.What I meat is:I have fields like:region | month | year | some_count |-------|-------|------|-------------|LA | 1 | 2003| 4 |LA | 2 | 2003| 2 |LA | 3 | 2003| 1 |LA | 4 | 2003| 6 |VV | 1 | 2003| 3 |VV | 2 | 2003| 7 |VV | 4 | 2003| 20 |VV | 6 | 2003| 3 |BB | 2 | 2002| 1 |etc...And what I would like to get from it is:region | jan2003 | feb2003 | mar2003 | apr2003 | may2003 | june2003 | etc...-------|----------|---------|-----------|----------|----------|-----------|--LA | 4 | 2 | 1 | 6 |0 | 0 | 0VV | 3 | 7 | 0 | 20 | 0| 3 | 0BB | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |0 | 0 | 0etc...Is it possible to do it in views? if yes then how?I could use temp tables for each month but it is not solution when I have 3yearsand more later then it will be round 40 temporary tables.Thanks for any response.Regards,Casper
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Sep 20, 2013
I want to make a SP to update table Product with information I get from table Orderdetail.
Create Procedure UpdateVoorraad
§OrderId (int)
Select ProductId, Tal From Orderdetail where OrderId = @OrderId
-- this query get info from table orderdetail : ProductId (integer) and Tal (smallint)
-- Tal = Number of Products
-- Here I want to loop through the query above
-- and for each record in the query I want to update
-- table Product.
Update Product Set Product.Voorraad = Product.Voorraad - Tal where ProductId = ProductId
To do this must I make a create a tempory table, store the query result in the table loop through the table and update table product, or can I try to create a function without a temporary table.
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Jul 14, 2015
Suppose we have the following table in our database;
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[STARTTIME] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
[ENDTIME] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
[REASON] [nvarchar](250) NULL,
This code works pretty well. But I don't want to do this with "select" since there is OUTPUT clause in T-SQL. So the CommandText property will be changed into this;
command.CommandText = @"insert PERMISSION
values(2, getdate(), getdate(), 'sdfg', 1, DEFAULT);";
well, not only this statement gives an error while executing; but also, no such usage defined in the
documentation of OUTPUT Clause. Actually the documentation tell us to use Temporary Tables for that. So I have to change CommandText into this;
command.CommandText = @"DECLARE @MyTableVar table(ID int, CREATETIME smalldatetime);
No temporary tables required; thus, no "type spesific" things required. This way is easier to create dynamic queries though. Only,the RETURNING INTO clause.So, I was wondering; why MS-SQL (T-SQL) forces users to "declare a temporary table (type specific)" and "execute select on the temporary table in order to assign values to output parameters" while using "the OUTPUT Clause". Comparing to the Oracle's sample I'm just using "the RETURNING INTO Clause in order to assign values to output parameters" and that's it; very easy and dynamic. To Summarize, Oracle's RETURNING INTO Clause is better than MS-SQL's OUTPUT Clause, but in fact they're doing the same job.
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Jul 3, 2013
I am trying to get count on a varchar field, but it is not giving me distinct count. How can I do that? This is what I have....
Select Distinct
sum(isnull(cast([Total Count] as float),0))
from T_Status_Report
where Type = 'LastMonth' and OrderVal = '1'
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Oct 8, 2012
I have added some SQL to an Access form which updates the dbo_BM_Map table when the user hits the Apply button. There is a temp table with various fields, two being "Chapter_No" and "Initial_Mapping_Complete" which the update is based on.
I want this update to only apply to chapters that only have one name in the "Initial_Mapping_Complete" column. If a chapter has more than one then the update should ignore it. The attached screengrab shows you. The update should ignore chapter 19 as there are two people (Jim and James) in the Initial_Mapping_Complete field. Here is my code.
pdate dbo_BM_Map inner Join Temp_Progression_Populate
on dbo_BM_Map.Product_ID = Temp_Progression_Populate.Product_ID
Set dbo_BM_Map.Initial_Mapping_Complete = Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete
Where dbo_BM_Map.Chapter_No = Temp_Progression_Populate.Chapter_No
And Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete in
(Select count(Initial_Mapping_Complete), Chapter_No
from Temp_Progression_Populate
Group by Chapter_No
Having Count(Initial_Mapping_Complete) = 1)
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Jun 15, 2015
I have a table called acc1152 with the field accno. depending on what the value of this field is, i need to replace it with a new value. These are the values i need to update
old value new value
7007 4007
7008 4008
4008 7
7009 4009
7011 4011
4011 ' '
7010 4010
4010 1
7016 4016
4016 1
4506 4006
4512 4012
how do I write one query that will accomplish this?
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Sep 16, 2003
Is there a way to link an Access 97 database to a SQL database which would get updated as changes in the Access 97 database take place? In fact, the SQL database will be just a copy of an Access database. If there were changes made to the fields in the Access database these changes should be made to the entries in the SQL database as well.
Thank you,
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Oct 23, 2001
i am trying to get a count of 3 distinct values , one of them being a datetime - am running into errors - any suggestions are appreciated.
select count(distinct individualid + intakeseq + exitdate)from #temp
i am trying to do a distinct on individualid + intakeseq + exitdate,
& then get their count.
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Mar 14, 2007
for mS SQL 2000
FROM Groups
GROUP BY Name, Region
I get 254 rows
but how can I get the COUNT only ?
something like
FROM Groups
GROUP BY Name, Region) AS CPT FROM Groups
i must get 254
thank you for helpings
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Mar 23, 2007
hi all,
sometimes, when tables are poorly joined, we have exactly same rows as a result.. so we use distinct.. but how can we count(*) the distinct rows?
select distinct d.docrefid from tbljobDocuments d
left join tbljobitems j on j.docrefid=d.docrefid
where d.docrefid='DC01C06027' and j.itemid='39J1667-H86700'
will return me
but when i try to count(*) only the distinct record, it count all..
select distinct d.docrefid, count(*) from tbljobDocuments d
left join tbljobitems j on j.docrefid=d.docrefid
where d.docrefid='DC01C06027' and j.itemid='39J1667-H86700'
group by d.docrefid
will return me
DocrefId Count
when i expect
DocrefId Count
~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~
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Nov 9, 2007
I have write down following query ..
select a.patientid, a.providerid
from PatientDrugList a
JOIN Admin..Loadinstance b on a.intLoadInstanceId = b.intLoadInstanceId
where a.MailReasonTypeId = -1
and b.SubClientId = 22
and b.StatusTypeId > 0
Now how could I get distinct patientid count and distinct providerid count
Reply soon
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Jul 20, 2006
I have a table which stores the shift information for employees. The table contains 10 columns as Employeename,Employeeno,month,year,shifttimings etc. If an employee works a day in a particular shift, then a row will be inserted in to the above table for that employee.
Now at the end of the month i wanted to calculate the shift details for each employee for a particular month of a given year like employeename,employeeno, noofdays(countof shiftdays).
Can some body help?
Thanks in Advance!
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Nov 30, 2003
I have an SQL statement that looks like the following:
SELECT [Docs-Entities].entityID, entityName, COUNT([Docs-DocsEntities].filename) AS numDocs
FROM [Docs-Entities] LEFT JOIN [Docs-DocsEntities]
ON [Docs-Entities].entityID = [Docs-DocsEntities].entityID
GROUP BY [Docs-Entities].entityID, entityName
but the problem is that numDocs (the COUNT) is not returning a distinct count. In the DocEntities table, a particular document can actually have multiple entries with the same entityID so that produces inflated numbers for numDocs. But when I do a SELECT DISTINCT on a particular entityID, the results are less and don't match the numDocs number because I only need to list the document one time. This is not a huge issue, but it looks bad on my site.
Is there a way that I can make COUNT count distinctly?
Thanks for the help and I hope I worded that cllearly...
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Aug 17, 2005
I'm struggling to fin a way to use DISTINCT keyword with ROLLUP (or Cube).For example,SELECT employee_city, employee_country, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_name)FROM employeeGROUP BY employee_city, employee_country WITH ROLLUPthat query does not work.Is there a workaround?Thx.
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Jan 28, 1999
hi, I have a table that contain(custname,ordno,ordchange,ordlocation,reaso n)
I want to determine the following:
how many orders per customer,how many orders changed per customer,how many order location per customer, what reason for change per customer,
here what I wrote as a query, tell me if I am right. I thank you for your help
select custname, COUNT(DISTINCT ordno) ,
COUNT(DISTINCT ordchange) ,
COUNT(DISTINCT ordlocation) ,
COUNT( reason)
from customers a, orders b
where a.custname =b.custname
group by custname
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Jul 19, 2006
helloi want to do only one query for :SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM UsersSELECT COUNT(Name) AS Names FROM Users WHERE (Name LIKE 'xxx')something like :SELECT Name, COUNT(Name) AS Names FROM Users WHERE Name IN (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM Users)i must get :Joe 23julie 17.....thank you
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Aug 30, 2006
I want a count of distinct rows in a table through a single query -- is it possible?
create table ch1 (a int, b int, c int, d int)
insert ch1 values (1,1,1,1)
insert ch1 values (2,2,2,2)
insert ch1 values (1,1,1,1)
insert ch1 values (2,2,2,2)
insert ch1 values (1,3,4,5)
Here distinct row count in a table is 3 which I want to achieve thro a query.
if I do
select count(distinct a) from ch1 it works fine and gives me output as 2.
but this is not working
select count(distinct a,b,c,d) from ch1 - any workaround to find the distinct row count in a table??
Please reply.
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May 15, 2008
how can i count in sql the number or records taht would be returned if i did
select distinct site,date from allrecords
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Mar 12, 2007
I need to run a SELECT DISTINCT query acrossmultiple fields, but I need to add another field that is NON-DISTINCTto my record set.Here is my query:SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, genderFROM gpresultsWHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis query runs perfect. No problems whatsoever. However, I need toalso include another field called "admitdate" that should be treatedas NON-DISTINCT. How do I add this in to the query?I've tried this but doesn't work:SELECT admitdateFROM (SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, gender from gpresults)WHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis has to be simple but I do not know the syntax to accomplishthis.Thanks
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Oct 14, 2007
i have a working stored procedure SELECT CommentID, UserName, PictureID, DateCommented, COUNT(CommentID) OVER (PARTITION BY PictureID) AS 'NrOfComments'
FROM Comments WHERE PictureID = @PictureID
witch returns among others the number of comments for a picture
i need to select the number of distinct users who commented that user too, so i added this at SELECT statement, COUNT(DISTINCT UserName) AS 'Expr1'
i get that error:
"Colum 'Comments.CommentID' is invalig in the select list beacuse it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."
what should i do, to select the number of distinct users who commented on a specific picture?
here are the table rows, if you need that
CommentID --- UserName --- PictureID --- DateCommented
please help me, thank you
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Mar 28, 2007
It doesn't seem possibly, but maybe?
Is there a way to have an expression be used, but also benefit from using distinct on a column?
I'm looking for something like:
sum(case when dtEntered > '1-1-2006' then 1 else 0 end)
but also encorporating somehow a distinct count on UserName. So a username showing twice would only count once, and this would only be counted if the record's dtEntered date was greater than Jan 1, 2006.
The reason I'm writing the statement that way is because there are 5 columns which aggregate data by different time periods.
If it's not possible, I will just end up joining to the table multiple times, putting the date filter in the where clause.
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Jul 12, 2004
I am trying to get the below query to work and can't seem to get past this error. Not sure but everywhere I look I think my syntax is right. I am probably missing something obvious but I'm just back from vacation and trying to get in the swing of things. Any help would be appreciated.
Select Distinct(chadcd) as Adjustor, Count (Distinct chclno) as NumberOfCases, Count (Distinct chclno,chwkno)as NumberofClauses
from clmhdr
where chpddt = '20040630'
Group By chadcd
Order by Adjustor
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ',chwkno'.
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Feb 19, 2014
Aim- Need to count how many [FDMSAccountNo] fall under a unique parentid
This is my query
FROM [FDMS].[dbo].[Dim_Outlet]
where ParentID = '878028271889'
Which produces the following, The number of fdmsaccountno under parentid is two. Its two because one of the fdmsaccountno is = to parentid
FDMSAccountNo ParentID
Desired result
Parentid #_of_outlets
878028271889 2
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Mar 12, 2007
I'm fairly new to SQL as so am looking for help with an ad hoc query. The data in focusing on is from table named APs:
FileNo Type PartNo Completed
6 Northbound 1 03/03/2007
6 Northbound 2 NULL
6 Other 1 NULL
6 Other 2 NULL
20 Proof 0 19/07/2006
20 TCP 0 21/07/2006
24 40-Day 1 16/01/2006
24 40-Day 2 16/03/2006
24 Other 0 NULL
44 Northbound 1 16/01/2006
44 Northbound 2 16/06/2006
44 Northbound 3 16/12/2006
44 Northbound 4 01/01/2007
I've tried variations on a SELECT statement like below but have been unable to find a way to count only those types per fileNo that have all partNo completed (and to count all types per fileNo with a partNo of 0 and a completed date as they have no parts):
WHERE (completed IS NOT NULL)
Total count should be: 4
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