Loop Inside Of A Cursor

Oct 23, 2000

I have a loop(while) statement I need to run inside a cursor statement. The loop creates records based on a frequency. The cursor and the loop work but the problem is that the cursor only reads the first record, runs the loop, but then ends. I am pasting the code below. Any help appreciated

declare dbcursor cursor for select uniq_id,account_id,created_by,encounter_id, start_date,date_stopped,sig_codes, ndc_id,modified_by from patient_medication where convert(datetime,start_date) = '10/20/2000' and date_stopped is not null
open dbcursor fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid, @sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
select @freq = SIG.sig_frequency FROM SIG where SIG.SIG_KEY = @sig_code
set @hfreq = @freq if @freq = 9 set @freq = 1 set @nodays = datediff(day, @sdate - 1, @edate)
while @cnter < @nodays
while @fcnter < @freq + 1 begin insert into PATIENT_MEDICATION_DISPERSAL_ (uniq_id,account_id, occurance_id, encounter_id, ndc_id, ddate, frequency, sig_code,disp_create_id, disp_mod_id) values (@uniqid,@account_id,@fcnter, @entcid, @ndcid, @sdate, @freq, @sig_code,@createid, @modid )
set @fcnter = @fcnter + 1
set @erdate = @sdate

if @hfreq = 9
begin set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 2
Set @cnter = @cnter + 2
set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 1
Set @cnter = @cnter + 1
close dbcursor
deallocate dbcursor

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Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Loop Inside SP

Feb 1, 2004


anyone for help?
what's the syntax of for.next, do while loop in Stored Proc?

ur help is much appreciated!


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Loop Inside View

Apr 4, 2007


is it possible to build a loop for the following statement?

CREATE VIEW vwObjects as (

Select 2001 as year, 1 as quarter, id as id
from dbo.objects o
where o.edate >= '20010101' and o.sdate < '20010401'

Select 2001 as year, 2 as quarter, id as id
from dbo.objects o
where o.edate >= '20010301' and o.sdate < '20010701'

Select 2002 as year, 1 as quarter, id as id
from dbo.objects o
where o.edate > '20020101' and o.sdate < '20020401'

I want a kind of calender for my olap cube, so I can get every active object in a special quarter resp year.

Thank you!

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For Each Loop Container Do Nothing Inside

Aug 27, 2006


A very strange thing happened to me. I have a package that includes two For each loop containers. Each container has script tasks, sequence containers, etc. Both are Foreach ADO Enumerator basis. It works without any problems until I changed the position of one of them in the Control flow and added some code in the script task. After these changes I executed the package and both of For each loop containers did not execute the tasks inside of them, any task. However the execution color on the containers was green (success). How can it be?

Your help is much welcome. Thanks in Advance.

João Cruz

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Cursor Inside A Cursor

Oct 5, 2004

I'm new to cursors, and I'm not sure what's wrong with this code, it run for ever and when I stop it I get cursor open errors

declare Q cursor for
select systudentid from satrans

declare @id int

open Q
fetch next from Q into @id
while @@fetch_status = 0

declare c cursor for

Amount = Case SaTrans.Type
When 'P' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1
When 'C' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1
Else SaTrans.Amount END

From SaTrans , systudent b where satrans.systudentid = b.systudentid

and satrans.systudentid = @id

declare @arbalance money, @type varchar, @ssn varchar, @amount money, @systudentid int, @transdate datetime, @sycampusid int, @before money

set @arbalance = 0
open c
fetch next from c into @ssn, @systudentid, @transdate, @type, @sycampusid, @amount

while @@fetch_status = 0

set @arbalance = @arbalance + @amount
set @before = @arbalance -@amount

insert c2000_utility1..tempbalhistory1
select @systudentid systudentid, @sycampusid sycampusid, @transdate transdate, @amount amount, @type type, @arbalance Arbalance, @before BeforeBalance
where( convert (int,@amount) <= -50
or @amount * -1 > @before * .02)
and @type = 'P'

fetch next from c into @ssn, @systudentid, @transdate, @type, @sycampusid, @amount
close c
deallocate c
fetch next from Q into @id

close Q
deallocate Q

select * from c2000_utility1..tempbalhistory1
truncate table c2000_utility1..tempbalhistory1

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Problem With Transaction Inside Loop

May 6, 2008


When i execute the following set of statements only 8 is getting inserted into table instead 6 and 8.

Create Table BPTest(id int)
Declare @Id Int
Set @Id = 0
While (@Id < 10)
begin tran
Insert into BPTest values (@id)
if(@Id > 5)
if(@Id % 2 = 0)
print 'true' print @Id
commit tran
print 'false' print @Id
rollback tran
Set @Id = @Id + 1
Select * from BPTest
drop table BPTest

Please let me know the reason for this.

Thanks in advance

K. Manivannan

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Insert Into Table Inside For Loop

Feb 6, 2015

I wanted to insert values in columns as explained in below ex.

I am having a table that contains Column1,Column2,Column3,......,Column10.

Inside my for loop, i am getting Column1 value then Column2 then Column3 values and so on till Column10.

My requirement is that on each iteration,I wanted to insert value of Column1 in field Column1, value of Column2 in field Column2 and so on.

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Variable Inside A Nested Loop

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to write a utility/query to get a report from a table. Belowis the some values in the table:table name: dba_daily_resource_usage_v1conn|loginame|dbname|cum_cpu|cum_io|cum_mem|last_b atch------------------------------------------------------------80 |farmds_w|Farm_R|4311 |88 |5305 |11/15/2004 11:3080 |abcdes_w|efgh_R|5000 |88 |4000 |11/15/2004 12:3045 |dcp_webu|DCP |5967 |75 |669 |11/16/2004 11:3095 |dcp_webu|XYZ |5967 |75 |669 |11/17/2004 11:30I need to write a query which for a given date (say 11/15/2004),generate a resource usage report for a given duration (say 3 days).Here is my query:************************************set quoted_identifier offdeclare @var1 intset @var1=0--BEGIN OUTER LOOPwhile @var1<=3 --INPUT runs the report for 3 daysbegindeclare @vstartdate char (10) --INPUT starting dateset @vstartdate='11/15/2004'--builds a range of datedeclare @var2 datetimeset @var2=(select distinct (dateadd(day,@var1,convert(varchar(10),last_batch,101)))--set @var2=(select distinct (dateadd(day,@var1,last_batch))from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1where convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@vstartdate)set @var1=@var1+1 --increments a daydeclare @var5 varchar (12)--set dateformat mdy--converts the date into 11/15/2004 format from @var2set @var5="'"+(convert(varchar(10),@var2,101))+"'"--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as resultdeclare @vloginame varchar (50)declare @vdbname varchar (50)--BEGIN INNER LOOPdeclare cur1 cursor read_only forselect distinct loginame,dbname fromdba_daily_resource_usage_v1where convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@var5--??????PROBLEM AREA ABOVE STATEMENT??????--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as result--however cursor is not being built and hence it exits the--inner loop (cursor)open cur1fetch next from cur1 into @vloginame, @vdbnamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as resultdeclare @vl varchar (50)set @vl="'"+rtrim(@vloginame)+"'"declare @vd varchar (50)set @vd="'"+@vdbname+"'"--processes the cursorsdeclare @scr varchar (200)set @scr=("select max(cum_cpu) from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1 whereloginame="+@vl+" and dbname="+@vd+" and "+"convert(varchar(10),last_batch,101)="+@var5)--set @var3 =(select max(cum_cpu) from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1where--loginame=@vloginame and dbname=@vdbname--and convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@var5)print @scr--exec @scrfetch next from cur1 into @vloginame, @vdbnameend--END INNER LOOPselect @var2 as "For date"deallocate cur1end--END OUTER LOOP************************************PROBLEM:Even though variable @var5 is being passed as '11/15/2004' inside thecursor fetch (see print @var5 inside the fetch), the value is not beingused to build the cursor. Hence, the cursor has no row set.Basically, the variable @var5 is not being processed/passed correctlyfrom outside the cursor to inside the cursor.Any help please.Thanks*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Problem With Union Inside A While Loop

Feb 16, 2008

im trying to do this

declare @count int

set @count=0

while @count<4


set @count=@count+1

select *

from dbo.Categories

where CategoryPID=-1



and i get a error
this is not the original code but i want to union all select statements
please help !!!

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Create A Cursor Inside A Sproc

May 16, 2008

I try to create a Sproc which will use a cursor to retrieve a few rows from a table. But the cursor part has given me problem. Here it is:

StudentID StudentName DeptID
101 John 10
102 Alex 10
103 Beth 20
ClassID DeptID
901 10
902 10
225 20
I want to create a Sproc which will retreive the student's classes in DeptID 10

Following is the Sproc and cursor:

use master
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[getEnclishClasses]
@StudentID int
Declare @printInsertStatement nvarchar(100)

Declare classCursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT ClassID, DeptID FROM [myTest].dbo.ClassInfo
WHERE DeptID=(SELECT DeptID FROM [myTest].dbo.StudentInfo
WHERE StudentID=@StudentID)


OPEN classCursor
@ClassID, @DeptID
PRINT 'SET @newID = Scope_Identity()'
SET @printInsertStatement=
(Select 'INSERT INTO [myTest].dbo.ClassInfo (ClassID, DeptID) Values('
+CONVERT(NVARCHAR (10), @ClassID) + ','
FROM [myTest].dbo.StudentInfo
WHERE DeptID=(SELECT DeptID FROM [myTest].dbo.StudentInfo
WHERE StudentID=@StudentID))

PRINT @printInsertStatement
CLOSE classCursor
DEALLOCATE classCursor
EXEC getEnclishClasses 101

Here is what I try to get (text with actual data from the table):
SET @newRowID = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO [myTest].dbo.ClassInfo VALUES(901, 10)
SET @newRowID = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO [myTest].dbo.ClassInfo VALUES(902, 10)

Here is what I had got (returning multiple lines, more than number of records I have):
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure getEnclishClasses, Line 19
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Thanks in advance for your help! Or is it a better way (not using a cursor). Each table has over 5,000 records.

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How To Check Out EOF Inside A Foreach Loop Container?

Apr 12, 2007

Hi everyone,

I've got a Foreach loop container which uses a Foreach ADO Enumerator and works fine.

But problem comes when I launch inside the general loop another Sql Task (select) which sometimes has rows and sometimes hasn't. When it have rows everything is fine the workflow follows fine but when it has not.

I obtain this error (obvioulsy)

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "GZon": "Single Row result set is specified, but no rows were returned.".

How to deal with that?

Thanks indeed

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Execute Sql Task Inside For Each Loop Containter

Feb 15, 2008

Hi, I'm trying to loop thru a table and insert records into another table in ssis. So far I have been able to get the data using a execute sql task set up to store the full result set into a variable called data. I then drug a foreach loop container out and selected the foreach ADO enumerator and used my variable data as the ADO object source variable. I then set up a new variable under variable mappings with index 0 to get the collection values. How do I take that variable and update another table using another sql task inside the foreach loop container? Is this possible?


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EXEC Inside A Cursor Iteration Problem

Jul 20, 2005

I 've have a stored procedure that compares fields across databases.In order to do so it requires 2 values it acquires from 2 tables. Thesearch is based on the ID of the data owner and a subject:proc_evaluate_results @StudentId = '222222', Course = 'PSY101'In order to obtain those values I run a cursor accross my records andSELECT THEM INTO 2 @variables, which then replace 222222 and PSY101with dynamic values eg.--define a cursor etc.etc.WHILE @@cursor_fetch = 0BEGIN--do the cursor call INTO @varsEXEC proc_evaluate_results @StudentId = @studentID, @Course =@CourseCodeENDNow,the vars are being passed to the stored procedure and executed OK,but the cursor gets stuck on the last record and continues to evaluateit until stopped manually.If I comment out the EXEC and replace it with eg. PRINT @Course + ' |' + @CourseCode it runs fine, exiting after the last record.ThanksR>

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C# Loop Or Cursor

Apr 24, 2008

In a enterprise server which should be used?
using SQL Cursor or loop in C# code?
Thanks in advance

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Sql Cursor Or App Loop?

Mar 6, 2008

I am writing a function that changes quote items prices to that of a given exchange rate. Now, there are a few business rules to conisder that I have to work around but basically I will be taking items in a table for a given quote, iterating through changing the price based on the exchange rate requested. Now, I get into writing this and I think I need a cursor. Its the only way I can get the specific pricing information based on pricelists (my constraints) for every item. Now I have never written a cursor before so thus far I have been enjoying toying and learning this. Now the industry says this is SQL of last resort correct? Suddenly I start to think why not just write one procedure that changes the item price appropraitely but use a recordset at the application level and use a loop there for every item which would mean I avoid the need for a cursor!

But I have never written a cursor before, so would I benefit from carrying on trying to work one out (I have the time) and getting the experience of doing so or do I just use a loop in the app and do as im told?

"Impossible is Nothing"

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Loop / Cursor Help

Feb 20, 2006

Having a brain cramp here and don't know where to start. I have 2 tables:vehicles and vehicle_useage. What I would like to do is this:For each distinct vehicle in the vehicle table, I want to make entriesfor each day of the month taken from a given date. This routine will bescheduled to fire off once a month and populate the vehicle_useage tablewith vehicle use_dates for each day of the current month and for each VINfrom the vehicle table.vehicle table:VIN emp_id------------ ------VIN123456789 620123VIN987654321 620123vehicle_useage table:use_date VIN miles----------- ------------ -----02/01/2006 VIN123456789 002/02/2006 VIN123456789 002/03/2006 VIN123456789 002/04/2006 VIN123456789 0etc....02/01/2006 VIN987654321 002/02/2006 VIN987654321 002/03/2006 VIN987654321 002/04/2006 VIN987654321 0etc...Much appreciated for any help you can give...

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Cursor Loop

Jul 12, 2006

Hello,I've created a stored procedure that loops through a cursor, with thefollowing example code:DECLARE curPeriod CURSOR LOCAL for SELECT * FROM tblPeriodsDECLARE @intYear smallintDECLARE @intPeriod smallintDECLARE @strTekst varchar(50)OPEN curPeriodWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM curPeriod INTO @intYear, @intPeriodSET @strTekst = CONVERT(varchar, @intPeriod)PRINT @strTekstENDCLOSE curPeriodDEALLOCATE curPeriodThe problem is that this loop only executes one time, when I call thestored procedure a second or third time, nothing happens. It seems thatthe Cursor stays at the last record or that @@Fetch_status isn't 0. ButI Deallocate the cursor. I have to restart the SQL Server before thestored procedure can be used again.Does anyone know why the loop can execute only 1 time?Greetings,Chris*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Loop Without Cursor

Feb 6, 2008


I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to do the following without putting my variable values in a table and then stepping through a cursor.
Let's say the variable combinations are:

Name1, 1
Name2, 2
Name3, 3

I need to run the following code for each pair of values. The actual insert statement is more complicated and the example values are different too

DECLARE @Name varchar(25), @Code int

SET @Name = 'Name1'
SET @Code = 1

<INSERT INTO Table SELECT * FROM OtherTable WHERE Name = @Name AND Code = @Code>


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Pass Filename To Flatfilesource Inside Foreach Loop

Jul 26, 2007

I am using a foreach loop to go through the .txt files inside a folder.
Using a variable I can pickup the filenames the loop is going through.
At present there is a sql task inside the foreach loop which takes the filename as a parameter and passes this filename to a stored procedure.
Now I would like to add one extra step before this sql task. Would like to have a dataflow with flatfile source which connects to oledb destination.

The question is:
While in the loop, how is it possible to pass the filename to the flatfile source using the FileName variable which I have created?

Please note, this is a different question to my other post.

Many Thanks

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Data Flow Inside For Each Loop - Error Handling

Jun 23, 2006

Hopefully this is an easy question:

Inside of a for each loop (looping through an ADO record set of objects to import) I have a data flow task (along with many other processes).... if the dataflow task suceeds I log success in a table. If it errors I want it to fail the dataflow task (which will fire off my Event Handler for that data flow and log the failure, email etc) BUT I want it to continue the loop - I can't seem to figure out how to get the data flow object not to fail the whole loop. If any other objects inside the foreach, other than the data flow, fail I would like the whole loop to fail. Also if possible (but not a requirement) I would like it to have a threshold where if the data flow fails X variable times it will fail the package.

I am having difficulty how to not fail the loop when the import data fails..... just looking for a simple "on error next" type logic for that specific object in the foreach but not the rest. Thanks in advance for the help/advice.

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XML Task Inside Foreach Loop Container Had To Fail!!!

Aug 9, 2007


I am using an XML task for validating the XML data against the Schema XSD. I have more XML Files with same the schema. I have to used a for loop container which has an XML task for validate XML. The loop container gets the XML File into variables name "XMLFileName" which the loop current file, in turn, used by XML Task for validation.

XML task is configured in the option "Validate". I have provided the XML Data in variable name "XMLFileName" also get the name from the loop container and XSD file content File Connection. XML Task stored the result in the another variable name "OKFormat". FailOnValidationFail property set to false.

It had the error when I run the package, the error msg as below:

Error: 0xC002F304 at XML Task, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.".

Error: 0xC002928F at XML Task, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.

Task failed: XML Task

After that, I had to change the source type from Variable to File Connection, and had to test fixed to some xml file it had ok for validate the XML file againt XSD.

I don't know this is the wrong setting or bug of SSIS, anyone can guide me through.

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Problem When Invoking Stored Procedure With Cursor From Inside .net

Nov 7, 2007

Dear all,i'm facing a problem with my storedprocedure which happened when i ran my web application and reach to the point where my class invoke this storedprocedure,my SP contains a cursor that built his sql according to certain condition, so i put the "SET @cur Cursor For....." inside the if block (definitely i've declared it under AS keyword directly) and this SP is working well inside sql server(I've tested it), BUT when my ASP.net code invoke this SP it gives me the following error : "The Variable @cur does not currently have a cursor allocated to it" repeated as much as there are IF clauses in my SP,Please Help.Regards,

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DB Engine :: Memory Table Not Cleared If Created Inside A While Loop

Oct 29, 2015

If I create a memory table inside a while loop, I expect that every loop the memory table is (newly) created and thus empty.

But when I test this, I see that on the second, third, ... run the inserted data in the memory table is still present and not cleared.

This can be reproduces with the following code:

( [id] BIGINT )
( [value] BIGINT )
VALUES (1), (2)

[Code] ....

Expectation: twice 11 and 12 in @tbl2
Actual result: three times 11 and 12
FROM @tbl2

Is this a wrong assumption or is this a bug in SQL Server? (Tested on: SQL Server 2014 and 2008).

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SSIS - How To Set ServerName And DatabaseName At Run Time Inside FOREACH LOOP?

Jan 14, 2006

I am new to SSIS world, so my question is very basic.


In a company I work for we have 12 SQL servers each running between 1 and 3 databases with anywhere between 10 to 20 tables. I need to query some of these tables and merge results to the destination database.

The list of all these tables is stored in the separate table <SOURCES> of the following format [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName]. Tables of my interest have identical structure (same columns) accross servers and databases.


How can I loop over servers and databases specified in <SOURCES> to run otherwise identical query against these tables?

I can easily retrieve [ServerName,DatabaseName,TableName] from <SOURCES> as string variables using FOREACH loop. The problem is now - how do I use string variables to set up Server, Database and Table name at run-time?

Thank you







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Cursor While Loop Problem.. Please Help

Jun 4, 2004

*** edited by: master4eva ***
Please enclose your code in < code ></ code> tags (without the spaces). This will make your code easier to read online; therefore, encouraging a response to be faster. It is to your own benefit for your question to be answered in future.

I have already done the editing to include the < code ></ code> tags for this post.

It will process the first REID but the second and so on REID won't... any idea where is the problem in my cursor

@REID int


Declare @RRID int
Declare @APID int
Declare @intREID varchar(20)
Declare @intIMID varchar(20)
Declare @RetValint
Declare crReqRec cursor for
select RRID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRSTatus = 'PE' and APID is not null
open crReqRec
fetch next from crReqRec
set @APID = (select APID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID)

set @intIMID = (select IMID from Applications_ImplementationGroup where APID = @APID)
insert into ImplementationTasks
while @@fetch_status = 0

Update RequestRecords
set ITID = @RETVal, RRStatus = 'IA'
where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID


close crReqRec
deallocate crReqRec

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Loop Still Fails In Cursor

Oct 24, 2000

I have been working on a loop that needs to run inside of a cursor statement.
It has to check for a difference in days and create transaction records
for the difference. The problem is that if I include this while statement
it will only process 1 record with the cursor and stop. If I remove the
while it will work for all the records the cursor should be reading but
doesn't give the multiple transactions I need if there is a day difference.
Is there a limitation to using a while inside of a cursor. Below is the
code. ANy hep is appreciated.

cursor stuff
declare dbcursor cursor for
select uniq_id,account_id,created_by,encounter_id,
start_date,date_stopped,sig_codes, ndc_id,modified_by
from patient_medication where convert(datetime,start_date) = '10/20/2000'
and date_stopped is not null and date_stopped <> start_date order by uniq_id
open dbcursor
fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid,
@sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
while (@@FETCH_STATUS =0)
--freq stuff
select @freq = SIG.sig_frequency
FROM SIG where SIG.SIG_KEY = @sig_code
--check for evey other day
set @freq = 1
set @nodays = datediff(day, @sdate - 1, @edate)
select @nodays
while @cnter < @nodays
(uniq_id,account_id, occurance_id, encounter_id, ndc_id, ddate, frequency, sig_code,disp_create_id, disp_mod_id)
values (@uniqid,@account_id,@fcnter, @entcid, @ndcid, @sdate, @freq, @sig_code,@createid, @modid )
set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 1
Set @cnter = @cnter + 1
fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid,
@sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
close dbcursor
deallocate dbcursor

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Cursor Versus While Loop

Oct 29, 2007

I have always been told that Cursors create a lot of overhead and consume a lot of system resources. Is it faster to store the data in a temp table and loop through it by using Select Top 1 and Delete statements or by using a static, Forward-Only Cursor? Both ways store the data in TempDB, but doesn't the While Loop statement generate more IO's than the Cursor? In theory, I am thinking that the Cursor is better. Any info will be appreciated.


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Cursor, Loop Or Case?

May 11, 2006

Just started here, so here's what I got. I would ask the developer, but he's already gone (now I see why;-))

We are trying to pull leads from a table that have not been sold (numbsold), is available, not expired, has no agent

Here's an example of a leadtimeframeid - 1= 1month , 2=1-3months 3= 4-5months

Here's an example of LeadtypeID 1= sell 2=buy 3=buy/sell

He seems to be going through the table and looking for a variation of each..

Such as for leadtimeframe 1, pull leadstypes 1 and 2 and union each on the 3.

The result set should be as follows -

lead_id,parent_lead_id,lead_type_id, buy_zip_1, buy_zip_2, buy_zip_3, zip

Hope that explains it!!

I'ved included the SP and the table schema.. any help would be greatly appreciated.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetRNLeadsCapOptimization
@LookBackDays INT,
@LeadTimeFrame INT,
@PropertyValue INT,
@WorkWithRealtor TINYINT,



SET @PriceRange = 100000.0000

IF (@PropertyValue = 1)
SET @PriceRange = 100000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 2)
SET @PriceRange = 200000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 3)
SET @PriceRange = 300000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 4)
SET @PriceRange = 400000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 5)
SET @PriceRange = 500000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 6)
SET @PriceRange = 600000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 7)
SET @PriceRange = 700000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 8)
SET @PriceRange = 800000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 9)
SET @PriceRange = 900000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 10)
SET @PriceRange = 1000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 11)
SET @PriceRange = 2000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 12)
SET @PriceRange = 3000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 13)
SET @PriceRange = 4000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 14)
SET @PriceRange = 5000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 15)
SET @PriceRange = 6000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 16)
SET @PriceRange = 7000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 17)
SET @PriceRange = 8000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 18)
SET @PriceRange = 9000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 19)
SET @PriceRange = 10000000.0000

IF (@WorkWithRealtor = 0)
IF (@LeadTimeFrame = 1)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1 -- BUY
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3 --BUY/SELL
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2 --SELL
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3 --BUY/SELL
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 2)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 3)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 4)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id
ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)

SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 5)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF (@WorkWithRealtor = 1)
IF (@LeadTimeFrame = 1)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 2)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 3)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 4)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id
ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)

SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 5)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

---Table schema

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_leads_queue] (
[lead_id] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[parent_lead_id] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[partner_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCompanyID] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactUserName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactFirstName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactLastName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCompanyName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorTotalOffices] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorTotalAgents] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorBrandLogoURL] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorMoreInfoURL] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorWeekendCoverage] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCustomerServiceRating] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[DesiredMonthlyPayment] [float] NOT NULL ,
[realtor_id] [bigint] NULL ,
[lead_type_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[lead_status_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[buy_property_type_id] [int] NULL ,
[sell_property_type_id] [int] NULL ,
[time_frame_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[best_time_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[matched_on] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[first_name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[last_name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[address] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[city] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[state] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[zip] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_area] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_prefix] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_suffix] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_ext] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_area2] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_prefix2] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_suffix2] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[email] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_zip_1] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_city_state_1] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_zip_2] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_city_state_2] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_zip_3] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_city_state_3] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_price_range_start] [money] NOT NULL ,
[buy_price_range_end] [money] NOT NULL ,
[buy_square_footage] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_bedroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_bathroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_detail_list] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_price_desired] [money] NULL ,
[sell_price_qualifying] [money] NULL ,
[sell_square_footage] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_bedroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_bathroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_detail_list] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[comments] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[additional_info] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[lead_fee] [money] NOT NULL ,
[no_charge] [int] NULL ,
[credited] [int] NOT NULL ,
[lead_problem] [int] NULL ,
[date_in] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[date_sent] [datetime] NULL ,
[TrafficLogID] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[notify_offers] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[credit_history] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[has_agent] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[found_home] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[cell_area] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[cell_prefix] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[cell_suffix] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[why_selling] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[is_buysell] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Affiliate_ID] [bigint] NULL ,
[free_mortgage_quote] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[loan_type] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[gross_monthly_income] [float] NOT NULL ,
[can_verify_income] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[desired_loan_amount] [float] NOT NULL ,
[existing_loan_balance] [float] NOT NULL ,
[first_mortgage_monthly_payment] [float] NOT NULL ,
[current_interest_rate] [float] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorNotes] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[NumSold] [int] NOT NULL ,
[is_available] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Date_Declined] [datetime] NULL ,
[Expired] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Original_Affiliate] [bigint] NULL ,
[lead_distance] [float] NULL ,
[lead_Problem_Comments] [varchar] (2500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[AdminUserID] [int] NULL ,
[dateCredited] [datetime] NULL ,
[OriginalAffiliateID] [bigint] NULL

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SQL 2005- Cursor Loop

Aug 6, 2007

Please advice when i used loop in the below code its only returning last value from the sub table however i wanted to fetch all values from the sub-table----
Please advice..

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[SyncEmpContGrid] @EmpID As Varchar(20)


Declare @CountryEOF bit,

@i int,

@CtR Varchar (1000)


Declare @C_list Cursor

Declare ContCr Cursor Local for

(Select custCountryofExperience from Employees_CountryExperience where Employee=@EmpID)

Set @C_List = contCr

Open @C_List

Fetch next from @C_List into @CtR

While (@@Fetch_Status = 0 )


set @ctR = @ctR + ','

Fetch next from @C_List into @CtR

update EmployeeCustomTabFields

Set custTxt_Ct = @CtR Where (EmployeeCustomTabFields.Employee = @EmpID);


Close @C_List

Deallocate @C_List

Deallocate ContCr


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Infinite Loop In Cursor

Jul 5, 2006


I have an infinite loop in a trigger I and I cant reslove it.

In my system the user updates a stock table from the GUI and on the update I need to check values to see if I need to add records to a StockHistory table.  For Example:  If the user changes the grade of Product X from A to B then I need to add a new line in StockHistory for product X grade A that decrements the total number of products in the warehouse.  Similary I need to increase the quantity of stock for Product X grade B.

I had the trigger working for single updates but now when stock is added to the database (from another db) it has status of 'New'.  This isn't actually 'in stock' until the user sets the status to 'Goods In'.  This process will then update the status for all records in the category.  This caused my trigger to fail as the 'inserted' table now contains many records.

Now the problem I have is the trigger is in an infinite loop. It always shows the id of the first record it finds and the @Quantity values increases as expected.  I've taken all my procesing code out of the trigger and adding some debugging stuff but it still doesnt work:

CREATE TRIGGER [StockReturns_on_change] ON [dbo].[StockReturns]

DECLARE INDIVIDUAL Cursor --- Cursor for all the rows being updated

SELECT Id FROM inserted



select @Quantity = 1

print @Id
print @Quantity


select @Quantity = @Quantity + 1

print @Id
print @Quantity

-- Get the next row from the inserted table

End  -- While loop on the cursor

-- no close off the cursors

Can you help me please?

Kind Regards

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Need Help Programming SQL To Run Cursor, Compare, And Loop

Feb 26, 2007

I need to write a program in SQL that will compare the ID field of a table and then if the ID matches will compare the dates an account was opened and when it was closed to see if a customer with multiple accounts under the same ID has overlapping accounts or if the accounts were opened and closed consecutively. Any thoughts on the best way to code this?

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Combining The Results Of A Cursor Loop

Aug 7, 2007

Need a little help here.

I have a set of product ids fed in as a delimited string and for each I need to extract the top 1 record from another query based on the id.

I need the results as one table.

Here is my code.

DECLARE @IdsString VARCHAR(255), @Id int

SELECT @IdsString = '918|808|1214|89|995|300|526|1207'

FOR Select s.ProductID FROM dbo.SplitProductIDs(@IdsString) as s

OPEN GetData


FROM dbo.GetProductRateView as v
WHERE v.[id] = @Id



Do I need to create a temp table and do an 'Insert Into(Select...' with each cusor result or is there a better way?

Any help would be much appreciated.

NB Database was not designed and the client will not tolerate any changes to structure of the tables :eek:


Shaun McGuile

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