Losing Dbobtions On Clustered Server Failover?

Jul 20, 2005

We have a clustered sql server 2000 installation on windows 2000. We
recently lost the select into/bulkcopy option from a database. The
most likely candidate appears to be a failover just before - after
this happened the setting disappeared. Any ideas?


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DB Mirroring VS. Clustered Failover Questions

Feb 16, 2006

We are planning to update our two node, active/passive clustered system to SQL 2005 from SQL2K. Would we be better off to use database mirroring rather than clustering with failover? I believe mirroring takes 3 systems rather than two (one for each mirror and one for monitoring), but can the monitor be a rather low powered PC?

Our current cluster uses two 4-processor Dells and an external PowerVault RAID array with fiber channel connections. Each server has two NICs, one for general network and one for heartbeat and a fiber channel card to connect to the external PowerVault.

Here are my questions:

1 - If I understand it correctly, mirroring uses just separate servers without the need for the rather expensive and complicated shared fiber channel array that must go between them. Do I still need a shared array or can I just use internal RAID arrays in each box?

2 - Are there any advantages to keeping our current system? Our current system has worked well, but the failover takes a couple of minutes. Is mirroring faster?

3 - Is there still a virtual IP address and network name that everyone connects to?

4 - What are the drawbacks?

5 - Can I run non-mirrored DBs on the same servers or are they really locked together tightly?

6 - How much different in configuration can the two boxes be? With the cluster, I really need duplicates in every way.

7 - Do I need a separate license for the SQL Server on each box in the mirror or is one enough, since they work in lock step?

Thanks for any of your experiences on this.

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SQL 2012 :: Failover Clustered Instance With Availability Groups

Oct 22, 2014

Approach 1:

Prod - shared storage between server 1 and 2
Server1: clustered SQL instance with availability group as primary
Server2: Passive server for clustered instance of PROD

DR - shared storage between server 1 and 2
Server1: Clustered SQL instance with availability group as replica
Server2: Passive server for clustered instance of DR

Approach 2: Using replicated SAN
Prod -
Server 1: Standalone instance with availability group as Primary
Server 2:Standalone instance with availability group as replica

DR -
Server 1: Offline until Disk group 1 (Prod server 1) has been broken and brought online at DR
Server 2: Offline until Disk group 2 (Prod server 2) has been broken and brought online at DR

Both these approaches will work wont they? I have only built and played with normal availability groups across servers, not mixing it with clustered instance replicated SAN

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Session Failover

Oct 29, 2015

1. Once fail over to secondary replica, what will happen to connected session in primary node? can the session fail over to secondary seamlessly or need to re-login. what happen committed transactions which has not write to disk.
2. Assume I have always on cluster with three nodes, if primary fails, how second node make write/ read mode.
3. after fail over done to 2nd secondary node what mode in production(readonly or read write).
4. how to rollback to production primary ,will change data in secondary will get updated in primary.

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Restore A Database On Clustered Server From A Non-clustered Backup File.

Aug 24, 2006


How do I restore a sql database that is on a clustered server from a sql database backup file that is on a non_clustered server?



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Create Clustered Or Non-clustered Index On Large Table ( SQL Server 7 )

Jan 4, 2008

I have large table with 10million records. I would like to create clustered or non-clustered index.

What is the quick way to create? I have tried once and it took more than 10 min.

please help.

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IIS Losing Connection To SQL Server 2005

Mar 5, 2008

Hi, I'm working on a project that connects to a database on every view of a site.  It works fine for a few hours but eventually it just stops connecting to the database.  There's nothing in the application logs to suggest where to look, it seems like the connections are just dying. 
I am creating the connection in a pretty normal manner:SqlCommand myAwesomeCommand = new SqlCommand();myAwesomeCommand.Connection = new SqlConnection(myAwesomeConnectionString);myAwesomeCommand.CommandText = myAwesomeSQL;myAwesomeCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  // Otherwise known as awesomeText
I also use a SqlDataAdapter and fill it for some of my stuff for grabbing more complex data, but all happy System.Data.SqlClient stuff.
But yeah, the thing seems to just give up after a few hours.  Everything I have read about connection pooling in ADO.Net says that the connections won't be reused.  And yes, I believe I am closing all of my connections after I use them.  The site is getting, oh, 7500 hits an hour maybe?  Somewhere around that, maybe more maybe a little less.
Anyone have any ideas?

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Losing Unique When Exporting To Another Sql Server

May 1, 2007

I have 2 machines, each running the same version of SQL Server. I'm trying to use the dts to export my data from one to the other, and it works fine, except for the fact that I lose my unique index on a field. Is there a way I can keep this from happening, or am I going to have to recreate it each time? I wouldnt think I would have to, seems like bad design to me.

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No Failover And Client Crashes ODBC DSN Setting For Failover In Connection String

Mar 3, 2007

We have set up Mirroring with a witness server and everything works fine when we failover from the SQL Management console.

However, if we failover when our Maccola client is connected, the client blows up - clearly because it can no longer connect to the database.

The ODBC DSN used by the Maccola client shows a checkbox for the 'select a failover server' but the checkbox is grayed out.

Also the summary of settings for the DSN at the end of the wizard reveals that the failover to server (y/N) option is set to N.

The default setting for this DSN is 'populate the remaining values by querying the server' but it doesn't appear to be getting the settings for failover from the server or any other interactive DSN settings either. The server is clearly set for mirroring.

Another suspicious item is that the DSN cannot connect to the server with SA permissions, even though the server is set to mixed security and we use the correct authentication.

Is it possible that the client MACHINE is not authenticating with the domain or sql server properly. We are logged into the client with the domain account that is the SQL admin account on the sql server box.

We should be able to interact with the sql server settings through the ODBC DSN on the client shoulnd't we?

Are we missing a service pack on the client?



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Recovery :: AlwaysOn Failover Cluster And Active Sessions Failover Scenario

Oct 29, 2015

1. In alwaysON fail over cluster, Once fail over to secondary replica, what will happen to connected session in primary node? can the session fail over to secondary seamlessly or need to re-login. what happen committed transactions which has not write to disk.

2. Assume I have always on cluster with three nodes, if primary fails, how second node make write/ read mode.

3. After fail over done to 2nd secondary node what mode in production(readonly or read write).

4. How to rollback to production primary ,will change data in secondary will get updated in primary.

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Enterprise Manager Losing SQL Server Registrations

Jun 22, 2004


This is an infrequent problem but very annoying when it happens. Every so often, I go into Enterprise Manager only to find that all of my SQL server registrations have disappeared from the group and I have to add them all again. As it happens so infrequently I don't know if there's something I'm doing on my machine to make them all disappear.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Server 2000 TempDB User Losing Permissions

Jan 15, 2007

I am supporting a system that needs to allow users to have access to TempDB.

I set these users up using the GUI, but whenever the server is restarted, these users permissions are wiped out and the db_owner permission is lost and I have to manually go in and apply the permissons for the database to work again, it happens on most reboots but not all.

Is there anyway to keep these users permissions when the server is rebooted?

Your help is most appriciated.

P.S Could I create a stored procedure that when ever the Server is rebooted the procedure would recreate these permissions?

If I need to do this how would I go about doing this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Change Primary Key Non-clustered To Primary Key Clustered

Feb 4, 2015

We have a table, which has one clustered index and one non clustered index(primary key). I want to drop the existing clustered index and make the primary key as clustered. Is there any easy way to do that. Will Drop_Existing support on this matter?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logic To Rebuild Only Clustered Indexes / Skipping To Rebuild Non Clustered Indexes In Same Table

Jun 25, 2015

I have a requirement to only rebuild the Clustered Indexes in the table ignoring the non clustered indexes as those are taken care of by the Clustered indexes.

In order to do that, I have taken the records based on the fragmentation %.

But unable to come up with a logic to only consider rebuilding the clustered indexes in the table.

create table #fragmentation
FragIndexId BigInt Identity(1,1),
--IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS FragIndexId,
DBNAME nvarchar(4000),
TableName nvarchar(4000),

[Code] ....

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DB Engine :: How To Convert Unique Clustered Index Into Clustered Primary Key To Use With Change Tracking

Sep 4, 2015

We are going to use SQL Sever change tracking. The problem is that some of our tables, which are to be tracked, have no primary keys. There are only unique clustered indexes. The question is what is the best way to turn on change tracking for these tables in our circumstances.

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DB Design :: Script To Create Table With Primary Key Non-clustered And Clustered Index

Aug 28, 2015

I desire to have a clustered index on a column other than the Primary Key. I have a few junction tables that I may want to alter, create table, or ...

I have practiced with an example table that is not really a junction table. It is just a table I decided to use for practice. When I execute the script, it seems to do everything I expect. For instance, there are not any constraints but there are indexes. The PK is the correct column.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblNotificationMgr](
[NotificationMgrKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ContactKey] [int] NOT NULL,
[EventTypeEnum] [tinyint] NOT NULL,


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Data Warehousing :: Difference Between Primary Key With Clustered And Non-clustered Index

Jul 19, 2013

I have created two tables. table one has the following fields,

                      Id -> unique clustered index.
         table two has the following fields,
                      Tid -> unique clustered index
                      Id -> foreign key of table one(id).

Now I have created primary key for the table one column 'id'. It's created as "nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY". Primary key create clustered index default. since unique clustered index existed in table one, it has created "Nonclustered primary key".

My Question is, What is the difference between "clustered, unique, primary key" and "nonclustered, unique, primary key"? Is there any performance impact between these?

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Converting A Clustered Index On A PK Identity Field To Non-clustered

Sep 8, 2006

Hi there, I have a table that has an IDENTITY column and it is the PK of this table. By default SQL Server creates a unique clustered index on the PK, but this isn't what I wanted. I want to make a regular unique index on the column so I can make a clustered index on a different column.

If I try to uncheck the Clustered index option in EM I get a dialog that says "Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index using the DROP_EXISTING option.". If I simply try to delete the index I get the following "An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index 'index name'. It is being used for PRIMARY KEY constraint enforcement.

So do I have to drop the PK constraint now? How does that affect all the tables that have FK relationships to this table?


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SQL 2012 :: Remember Definitions Of Clustered And Non Clustered Indexes?

Nov 24, 2014

What is the easiest way to remember the definitions of clustered and non clustered indexes.

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Data Warehousing :: Primary Key Has Both A Clustered And Non-clustered Constraint

Sep 30, 2015

I have a really super slow stored proc that does something simple. it updates a table if certain values are received.

In looking at this the matching is done on the Primary Key, which is set as a Clustered index, looking further I have another constraint, that sets the same column to a Unique, Non-Clustered.

I am not sure why this was done, but it seems to be counter productive.  I have read only references to Which one is better on a primary key, but not can their be both and if it is "Smart".

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How To Alter A Non Clustered Primary Key Constraint To Clustered

Feb 26, 2008


I've a table with primary key defined as non-clusterd, now without dropping it can I modify the existing index to clustered through tsql as I had to write some migration script and in that script I wanna do this.

Thanks in Advance,


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Clustered/Non-clustered Indexes And B-Trees

Jan 31, 2005

I would like to find information on Clustered and Non-clustered indexes and how B-trees are used. I know a clustered index is placed into a b-tree which makes sense for fast ordered searching. What data structure does a non-clustered index use and how? I tried to find info. on the web but couldn't get much detail...

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Clustered And Non Clustered Index On Same Columns

Nov 1, 2007

I have a table<table1> with 804668 records primary on table1(col1,col2,col3,col4)

Have created non-clustered index on <table1>(col2,col3,col4),to solve a performance issue.(which is a join involving another table with 1.2 million records).Seems to be working great.

I want to know whether this will slow down,insert and update on the <table1>?

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SQL Server Failover:

Jan 22, 2007

I have to figure out a way to handle a failover in SQL Server 2005. I was reading a few articles about it.
1. Do I need to do anything in application layer to let a failover occur in SQL Server 2005
2. I have a web site that connects to a production server, the connection string is defined in web.config. If I implement Mirroring in SQL Server 2005, and when failover occurs, shouldn’t I change the connection string to point the application to the new server?

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SQL Server Failover:

Jan 23, 2007

I have to figure out a way to handle a failover in SQL Server 2005. I was reading a few articles about it.
1. Do I need to do anything in application layer to let a failover occur in SQL Server 2005
2. I have a web site that connects to a production server, the connection string is defined in web.config. If I implement Mirroring in SQL Server 2005, and when failover occurs, shouldn€™t I change the connection string to point the application to the new server?

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Simple Query Chooses Clustered Index Scan Instead Of Clustered Index Seek

Nov 14, 2006

the query:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN (
SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada
WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')

takes 30-60 seconds to run on my machine, due to a clustered index scan on our an index on asset [about half a million rows].  For this particular association less than 50 rows are returned. 

expanding the inner select into a list of guids the query runs instantly:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN (

It runs instantly because of doing a clustered index seek [on the same index as the previous query] instead of a scan.  The index in question IX_Asset_AssociationGuid is a nonclustered index on Asset.AssociationGuid.

The tables involved:

Asset, represents an asset.  Primary key is AssetGuid, there is an index/FK on Asset.AssociationGuid.  The asset table has 28 columns or so...
Association, kind of like a place, associations exist in a tree where one association can contain any number of child associations.  Each association has a ParentAssociationGuid pointing to its parent.  Only leaf associations contain assets. 
AssociationDataAssociation, a table consisting of two columns, AssociationGuid, DataAssociationGuid.  This is a table used to quickly find leaf associations [DataAssociationGuid] beneath a particular association [AssociationGuid].  In the above case the inner select () returns 3 rows. 

I'd include .sqlplan files or screenshots, but I don't see a way to attach them. 

I understand I can specify to use the index manually [and this also runs instantly], but for such a simple query it is peculiar it is necesscary.  This is the query with the index specified manually:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WITH (INDEX (IX_Asset_AssociationGuid)) WHERE
a.AssociationGuid IN (
SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada
WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')

To repeat/clarify my question, why might this not be doing a clustered index seek with the first query?

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SQL - Clustering For Failover SQL - Server

Sep 24, 2002

Hi all,

We are the studying the possibilty of implementing SQL - Clustering for
Failover server.

Are there any third party tools readily available.
Any suggestion or checklist ??

Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day.

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Replication :: Server 1 And Server 2 In Mirroring Relationship With Automatic Failover

Sep 24, 2015

I'm looking at a setup where they have server1 and server2 in a mirroring relationship with automatic failover. 

Server1 is the principalThey are using transactional replication to replicate asingle databse to server3 is AWS.Distribution database is on Server1All Agents (log reader, snapshot, distributor) run on Server1Server2 has not been set up for replication...My understanding is that in this set up you would normallly place the distribution database on a separate server and enable publication on the mirror, Server2.

What happens if they failover? Replication would stop, and presumably records added while the mirror is the active database would not be marked for replication?How would they recover?  Failback and reinintialize

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One Node Could Not Up In Server Failover Cluster

Jul 23, 2015

We have 2 nodes window Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Version cluster setup. We can switch roles and Node to one node to another and revert back to previous node with out any issues. But we are facing when one Node is restarted. We could not restart that Node in cluster Service start in Failover cluster Manager. Error Details is displayed as below inside double code."Cluster node NODE1 could not to join the cluster because it failed to communicate over the network with any other node in the cluster. Verify the network connectivity and configuration of any network firewalls."

I checked windows firewall. windows firewall is all of in Node1, Node2, SAN and DC.I have disabled and enabled the Internal and private network of Node 1. I have validated the cluster. it is showing no error though.

Public IP:
SubNet Mask:
Default Getway:
Prefered DNS: (Ip of DNS)


Private Network: Not configured.pinging to each other ip is successful from one node to another.

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Mirrored Linked Server Failover.

Sep 18, 2006

We have a mirror setup, with a third server that needs to be linked to this mirrored setup. The link server setup only allows you to specify the primary server. How will the linked server setup know what the secondary server is? Thanks

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Mirrored Linked Server Failover.

Sep 18, 2006

We have a mirrored db setup, with a third server that needs to be linked to this mirrored setup as a linked server. The link server setup only allows you to specify the primary server. How will the linked server setup know what the secondary server is? Thanks

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SSIS Service Not Available On A/P Failover Server

Dec 17, 2007

Ever since our sql2005 A/P failover cluster failed over to the 'B-passive node', I have a failing SSIS scheduled job with a 'missing component' error. While verifying services in computer management and sql surface area config, It appears that the SSIS service is not available because its not listed therefore cant be started. I have examined both nodes and the primary "A-active node' shows the SSIS service but the passive node unlisted. The server has failed over before during normal scheduled updates and sevice pack installs however this is the first occation we have not failed back to the primary node for normal operation. Any ideas or clues would be appreciated.

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Failover Not Work When Principal Server Is Down

Aug 7, 2006


Here is my testing environment:

Database server: SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition with SP1
Application: An application developed by Visual Studio 2005 using C# (.Net framework 2.0) and ADO .Net 2.0.

Principal server: computerA
Mirror server: computerB
Witness server: computerC
Mirroring mode: High availability with auto failover

Connection String:
Data Source=computerA;Failover Partner=computerB;Initial Catalog=test_mirroring;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;

Code used for failover:

while (true)
thisDataSet = new DataSet();

thisConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
thisAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, thisConnection);
thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, name);
catch (SqlException e)
thisConnection = null;
thisAdapter = null;
thisDataSet = null;

Test Case:

(Part A) At the beginning of the test, computerA was in principal role. I started my testing application and connected to computerA without any problem. Then I disconnected the connection of computerA to the network by unplugging the network cable of computerA. The failover of database from computerA to computerB was carried out without problem. computerB was in principal role at that time. The application was pending for about 45 seconds and running again without problem. Then I re-connected computerA to network and it became the mirror server. computerB was still in principal role. Up to this point, all works fine, but the problem was coming next. (Part B) I disconnected computerB from network, database failover occurred, computerA became principal again. But my application cannot switch the database connection to computerA and then kept pending. Then, I re-connected computerB to network. It was surprised that the application switched the database connection to computerA successfully at that point.

My questions:

1. I think Part B is abnormal, isn€™t it? The application should be able to failover from computerB to computerA, because it works fine when failover from computerA to computerB.
2. Is there anything wrong in my code leads to the abnormal behavior of the application in Part B.
3. How can I achieve Part B? Any suggestion or idea?

Thanks for your attention.

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