Hi all,
About to start a project to upgrade to MDAC 2.8 from MDAC 2.6 on a number of servers. Has anyone encountered any issues with this? Also, if we do NOT upgrade several client workstations, might we expect problems as a result?
We are aware that we need to patch MDAC for the vulnerability issues, but we are trying to comine this with a server upgrade for servers at risk. Has anyone had experience on a similar project?
While installing SQL 7.0 on nt4/sp6 it hangs during the MDAC portion. The copying of files is succesfull but when it goes to the MDAC portion it hangs.
We are in the process to upgrading from SQL 7.0 SP1 on a NT 4 EE sp6a active/passive cluster to a SQL 2K SP2 on the same NT 4 EE sp6a active/passive (single instance I think it is called now) cluster.
My question now is about MDAC.
Do I need to upgrade all my clients (W98 SE) that actually have MDAC 2.5 installed to the 2.6 version of the product?
Is there any MS articles that clearly explain this argument?
We have a SQL Server 7.0 running on NT 4.0 with MDAC 2.1 installed.
We also have a SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000 with MDAC 2.6 installed, as well as other instances of 7.0 and 2000.
I am trying to setup Push replication from the box with SQL 7.0 and MDAC 2.1 installed to a 2000 server with MDAC 2.6.
A SQL 7 to 2000 push works if an instance of 7 and 2000 are installed on the same machine. I can push to any remote machine, except for the one server with MDAC 2.1 installed.
We have a large project that is importing msado21.tlb. We want to import least msado25.tlb to access the ADODB::_Stream object, but are unsure what exactly this entails. I've noticed no problems testing that change, but I cannot find any changelog for the MDAC upgrade. Is anyone aware of, or can point me to, a list of changes (fixes, modifications, caveats, etc) between MDAC 2.1 and MDAC 2.5? The binary msado file is always much newer, of course, but we want to link with the older type libraries to maintain maximum compatibility.
Hi folks. Got a real doozy going. One of the network techs reinstalled NT4 SP5 on a server. This reverted the SQL driver back to 2.something. Now sqlserveragent jobs will not run. I have tried to instal MDAC 2.5, but it doesn't change the driver up to the new 3.xxx driver. I searched around on here and folks said that you have to move the MDAC executable to a new directory. for the new MDAC I don't see MDAC.EXE. I did find MDAC.COM and renamed that. Tried to rerun MDAC 2.5 but still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll. Uninstalled SQLServer and reinstalled. still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll. Tried to apply SQLServer SP1. It died. Found that I am to shutdown some services. Did that. SP1 still dies. Tried to apply SQLSERVER SP2. It tries to pick up where it died and it dies again. SO, I'm currently uninstalling SQLServer, reboot, installing SQLServer, reboot, Trying SP2 again. Didn't think that it was brain surgery just to install a new flippin version of the ODBC driver.. SHEEZ!!!!
I'm in a mild-debate with some colleagues of mine. Can someone shed some light on this for me.
(This is related to a problem we are having with empty recordsets being returned where we know there should be rows returned. I think it could be caused by incorrect/outdated MDAC components.)
We use SQL 7 sp2, and ado DSN'less connection strings.
MSSQL .7.0 SP2 WIN2KPRO ATI 32mb video 1.3gh AMD 1g Ram
No other apps are affected....my once fast system is slowed to a crawl. 5+gb free on C 37gb on E and NO apps loaded in systray. NO background processes, nunca.
I installed MDAC 2.6 on a system to try to correct an OLE error when using sp_OACreate that causes an ODBC connection broken and shuts down SQL every other execution.
***** Now, the system is running slow, I tried reinstalling, moving the data to a single local drive. (No other apps appear to be slowed)
Uninstalled MDAC 2.6 and reverted to 2.5 still slow.
Reinstalling MSSQL 7 and SP2, and MDAC 2.5 still slow...
As an example, when a simple xp_cmdShell 'dir c:mssql7data*data.mdf' the resulting 10 lines are slowing typed accross the screen. On most systems the text is refreshed so fast we only see a flicker.
Cleaning the registry still slow... Profiler shows DML and GHost lines that appear to suck the life out my system, but its only pegged at 2%, like it's doing something, but what(?)
Tonight I may have to reformat and reload, however I've seen this before and would really like a clue.
Hi, I install MDAC 2.8 the installation is ok, i reboot and when i look in add/remove programs box there isn't mdac. And my entreprise manager tools don't work properly.
Hi All may be my post sounds stupid but i have on idea about it.
can some one there please clear what is relationship between MDAC and SQL Server. id MDAC part of SQL Server or it is optional tool for some thing else. what it is excatly and links to useful tutorial etc.
I installed MDAC 2.6 SP1 on my 2000 machine in order to get SQL server 7.0 to work properly on my machine. I'm trying to get installed on server which is on NT 4.0 SP6 so that when I save a DTS package on my 2000 machine and run it on the server it doesn't get the error client access ODBC driver not capable. I intalled MDAC 2.6 SP1 on the server but it doesn't look like its updating it. The install goes fine. I reboot but when I go into the ODBC connections and look at the driver for the client acceess it still has version while my 2000 machine says
Any ideas on why its not updating. Can I just take the DWBODBC.DLL from my machine and copy it to the server?
I have a SQL 7 Server running SP2/MDAC 2.5. One of my techs accidentally loaded mdac 2.6 on a machine and it no longer could establish ODBC connections to my SQL server. I used the CC check utility to roll it back, but was wondering why the 2.6 client could no longer attach to my server. In the past I have had 2.1 on my server with 2.5 clients that connected with very few problems. At least not a major one like a failing ODBC connection. Do I need to upgrade my server to 2.6 before my clients?
I am trying to load a project under VS2005 under Windows Vista that references an ADOX wrapper that is looking for version The reference fails because the library is not registered.
I thought maybe installing MDAC 2.8 would solve my problems, but when I run the installer for that, it briefly puts up a dialog that it is extracting files, then it disappears.
Hi, I have troubles with a threaded application on W2003 server. It seems to leave open connections behind time to time, it sums to hundreds over a day (the application make thousends). It is using the SQL ADO provider, MDAC 2.82.1830.0, SQL Server 8.00.2039 (SP4), Windows 5.2 (3790).
Is there a knwon bug like this? Is there a way to trace the ADO provider?
This question relates to the optional installation component MDAC which upgrades the version of the ODBC driver you use.
Microsoft has indicated that any ODBC driver BELOW 2.5 has not been tested and is not year 2000 compliant. Anything between 2.5 and 3.0 they are testing and is not certified. 3.0 and above is compliant.
However, the NT 4.0 Fix pack #4 installs version 3.60.0319 and the SQL server Fix pack 5 and 5a install 3.70. something.
Most of my Production servers and clients have 2.65. something.
How are people handling this issue to ensure year 2000 compliance?
We already have one vendor's software who is warning us NOT to install this component because their software will not work.
I would like to use the most current version possible.
I am new to MS SQL 2000 and have a couple of questions. First, how do you check the version of MDAC that Windows 2003 server is running and second, how do you determine what service pack that SQL is at.
I am having issues of extreme slowness using ODBC. I checked to see that tracing was not enabled and found that it wasn't. I am using TCP/IP for the connection. Thanks
I can't build a data connection in BIDS (error 80040154), and I checked the internet for possible solutions.
I downloaded Microsoft Component Checker and it informed me that I had a mismatch with MDAC 2.8 SP1 and XP SP2.
Specifically SQLOLEDB.dll (expected 2000.85.1117.0) and MSXML3.dll (expected 8.50.2162.0) and SQLXMLX.rll (expected 2000.85.1117.0) seem to be mismatched.
There are all kinds of instructions on the web for various fixes, and I am not certain what is current.
What do I need to load/uninstall in order to fix this problem?
I just updated MDAC on one of my machines and I'm now having trouble accessing my SQL server. It's a local connection using SQLOLEDB in a VB dll. It was working fine before the update and now I get:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
/cms25/CMS.asp, line 33
Most of the information I can find on this refers to TCP/IP connections but the SQL server is local. My connect function looks like this:
HelloI have a VB6 application using classic ado (MDAC 2.8) for connectingms sql 2000 server. Application uses a lot of server side cursors. NowI want to switch to ms sql 2005 server but I have noticed very seriousperformance problem. Sql profiler results of execution of followingcommands:declare @p1 intset @p1=180150131declare @p3 intset @p3=1declare @p4 intset @p4=16388declare @p5 intset @p5=22221exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,N' Select ... from ... where .... orderby ...',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 outputselect @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5on sql server 2000:CPU: 234Reads:82515Writes:136Duration:296and on sql server 2005:CPU: 4703Reads:678751Writes:1Duration:4867Both databases are identical, the servers runs on the same machine(Pentium 2,8 Ghz, 2 GB RAM) with only one client connected. On forumsI've read that Microsoft doesn't recommend using server side cursorson sql 2005 but is there any way to increase performance to someacceptable level?thanks in advanceszymon strus
Can anyone give me some sugguestions here.Connection is declared at the start of the applicationSet rsFZReport.ActiveConnection = connThen a function repeatly opens recordsets like this -rsFZReport.Open sRS, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText....reporting code etc...If rsFZReport.State > 0 ThenrsFZReport.CloseSet rsFZReport= NothingendifUsing VB Watch debugger, the close and set nothing do NOT release anymemory. It just keeps increasing. The application connects to multipledatabases and many tables, so its uses about 10Mb/minute.(I don't think its of relavance but Form.show uses memory but form.unloaddoesn't release any back)I've installed SP3a and MDAC 2.8 to no avail. Anyone have any ideas or knowwhat I can do?msado27.tlb 2.80.1022.0MSSQL Server SP3a (3 has a memory leak apparently)VB6, SP6Sqlsrv32.dll caused a leak on NT4 SP6, but upgrading it on my win2k SP4server/workstation (they are both and the same) to thisSqlsrv32.dll 2000.85.1022.0doesn't help.Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=theServer;Initial Catalog=theDB;UserID=uid;Password=thepwd;OPTION=3;connect timeout=240;