MDX Query Builder Missing Rows And Columns Areas

Feb 6, 2008

I was using the MDX Query Builder to create MDX queries for a SSRS report. I'm not sure what happened, but when I tried to create another dataset against the cube, the "Drop Column Fields Here" and "Drop Row Fields Here" areas were no longer available for me to drop attributes onto.

I have restarted VS, rebooted, you name it, I've tried it (short of re-installing). Has anyone encountered this and how did you "fix" it.

BTW: In order to continue working, I decided to use ProClarity to build the MDX for me and when I tried to paste it into the MDX editor, I get the following error: "The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. ..". So, as I've seen from other posts, you can't use "any" MDX in the MDX Query Builder.


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Reporting Services :: Added Parameter In Report Builder Now Missing Query Results

Oct 30, 2015

So, this is my Query for dataset "SalesOrder":


[Code] ...

I would like to have a parameter on my report to Select by Order_Taken_By. My attempt at that is here:

Dataset called OrderTaken:

select distinct SO_Header.Order_Taken_By
from SO_Header
Under the report Parameter Properties named @Order, under Available Values
Selected "Get Values from a query"

I have DataSet: OrderTaken

Value Field: Order_Taken_By
Label Field: Order_Taken_By

The values of the field Order_Taken_By is all text characters, no integer values.

Running the inital Query by itself yields results. When I add the parameter, I can make a selection, but now I get no results, even though there should be values for the choice I've chosen.

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Return Number Of Columns - Pivot Query Into Report Builder

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query which returns number of columns using pivot ( rows into columns -- dynamic sql pivot columns). Since it is dynamic pivot, how can I bind this returned values into report builder matrix reports.

Look at this example :

First time query returns
StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3

Second time query returns
StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 ...

How to bind this query into report builder 3.0 reports?

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SQL Query: Rows To Columns

Feb 6, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sample table as below:
(All columns do not have to have unique values)
Column n is int, the rest are varchar
[First row is the column Names]

n | t1 | t2 | t3 | t4
1 | a | b | c | d
3 | e | w | a | t
3 | w | q | u | k
2 | g | w | q | n
2 | a | b | s | a
5 | n | a | w | h

I need to create a query or some how create a way to get the data in the form of the below table:

n | t1 | t2 | t3 | t4 | t11 | t21 | t31 | t41
1 | a | b | c | d |
3 | e | w | a | t | w | q | u | k
2 | g | w | q | n | a | b | s | a
5 | n | a | w | h

What that means is that I have a huge table (~6000 rows) that has the column 'n' above (int type) which can have rows that start with the same number (such as number 3 & 2 above). I need these duplicate rows of numbers to be converted/transformed to columns alongside each other. This would create 1 entry for each type of number but have the 4 columns of t1, t2, t3, t4 'added' on as extra columns in the new table with a different column name ofcourse.
So what that would mean is that if there were 3 rows of number n=2 then would have 3x4=12 columns, plus the 'n' column and so forth.

I am not sure on how to start the query for this.
What I have thought is maybe using a cursor and going through the table. But not sure how I could do that really.
The other is using a Pivot in a SELECT statement. But that would not work since the columns can grow indefinetely depending on how many of the same 'number' row there is!

Any ideas on this? Thanks a bunch !!!

(running SQL 2005)

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Please Help Me 'DrillthroughSourceQuery' Parameter Is Missing A Value In Report Builder

May 30, 2007

Can u help to to solve my problem . Many time this question arised in the forum no one answer to me to find out the solution for my problem. So please help

I am using report builder thru LocalHostReport . I want a drill through report by using Report Builder and cube . I created the report but unfortunatly I cannot create a drill through report using parameters .How can I pass parameter in report1 to jump into report2 .

When I running the report after giving drill through properties in report the following error will occure.

'The 'DrillthroughSourceQuery' parameter is missing a value

How can I create a report using parameter for drill down in report builder

I am expecting one answer from u expertise

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To List Rows Into Columns?

Aug 10, 2015

I have requirement to list each row into column. I have tried with pivot query but unable to get it. I am using SQL Server 2008 database.

Here is the sample data:

CREATE TABLE dbo.test (
action_id numeric,
action VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,


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Transact SQL :: Query To Make Rows To Columns

May 18, 2015

I have persons who speaks multiple languages and they are in one table, each row is added if he/she speaks multiple languages. Instead I want to add additional columns and load the data.(what I have shown in the desired output)

name language
ron   english
ron   french
ron   spanish
andy  english
andy  hindi
kate  english

Desired output

name language1 language2 language3 language4 language5 language6
ron  english   french    spanish
andy english   hindi
Kate english 

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Missing Catalog Item For SQL Server 3.5 CE In Platform Builder 6.0 ?

Apr 28, 2008


Since 2 weeks now I'm trying to figure out how to get SQL CE 3.5 into the CE 6.0 R2 image (I'm building my own image with platform builder 6.0, latest patches - until march 2008 - installed).

There is no Catalog item in my "Catalog item view" not even an older version of SQL!
In Platform builder 5.0 there were Items in the Catalog and - as expected - by selecting them I got the server into the image.

I also tried to add "SYSGEN_SQLMOBILE = 1" to the project environment variables, which resulted in having build errors instead of getting a working image.

There are also some postings around in the internet telling how to add the required dll's manually.
(Hey, Microsoft, do we live in stone age or in the 21st century?)

Btw. installing the cab files is possible for me, but of course not for our customers.

Are there any sugesstions how to get a catalog item?

best regards,

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SQL Server 2012 :: Pivot Rows And Columns In The Same Query?

Mar 26, 2015

I currently have data stored in a temporary table and I would like to transpose the data into a better format. I would like for the query to be dynamic since one of the tables currently has over 500 columns.

The attached file provides an example of the table structure along with sample data. Below the first set of data is the desired final format.

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Table Imported From Excel - Query For Columns Into Rows

Apr 3, 2013

I have a table imported from excel(5 var fix and 5 val fix) like:

Var1 val1 var2 val2 var3 val3 var4 val4 var5 val5
Color Red Size 4 Height 2inch NULL NULL NULL NULL
Color Red Size 5 Height 2inch NULL NULL Length 1 cm
Color Red Size 4 Height 3inch NULL NULL NULL
Color Black Size 6 Height 1inch NULL NULL NULL NULL

I need the output as

Var --- Val
Color --- Red,Black
Size --- 4,5,6
Height 1inch,2inch,3inch
Length 1 cm

Var or val can be either NULL or white space. I cannot use a function.

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Query To Change Rows Into Columns And Vice Versa

Nov 13, 2007

I would like to change rows into columns and columns to rows for the query output table

If the query output is shown the table below (including the column names in the first row).

a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5

The table needs to be converted to (the rows become columns and columns become rows).

A a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
B b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
C c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
D d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
E e1 e2 e3 e4 e5


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SQL Server 2014 :: Query To Split String As Rows And Columns

Oct 19, 2015

I have a string that contains series of parameters with separators.i need to split the parameters and its values as rows and columns.e.g string = "Param1 =3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;..etc" here the paramerter can be anything and in any number not fixed parameters.
Currently am using the below function and getting the parameters by each in select statement as mentioned below.

select [dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]('Param1=3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;','param1=',';') as param1,
[dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]('Param1=3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;','param2=',';') as param2
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]
@CustomProp varchar(max),


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Finding Rows With Missing Related Rows

Apr 2, 2008

Hi, I need to write a query which I have never attempted before and could do with some help.... I have a Groups table and a Users_Groups look up table. In this model, users can only be assigned to 1 group. If a group is deleted, a trigger should fire and delete any rows in User_Groups having a matching Groups.Ref. Unfortunately, the trigger hasn't been firing and I now have a load of defunct rows in Users_Groups relating users to groups which do not exist.I now need to find all of these defunct rows in Users_Groups so that I can delete them. How can I find rows in Users_Groups where the parent rows and refs in Groups are null? I've tried searching the net for something similar but don't even know how to word the search properly to get any half relevant results. Cheers PS, I do realise I need to tighten the constraints on my database  

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Integrated SQL Across Large Geographical Areas.

Apr 26, 2007

Is it possible to integrate SQL Server 2005 across a large geographical area?

For Example from England to India?

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Get 1 Record Out Of SQL Express And Use Info In &<head&> And &<body&> Areas, Not In A Grid.

Jan 1, 2008

Just started using Visual Studio Express 2005 (Web) with Server 2005 Express and I am trying to extract the data from a SQL but cannot find how to connect to and open a SQL recordset so as to use the values of a single record dotted around a page.  I would be using the values in the <Head> and <body> areas of the page.  The body of the page would utilise standard data grids for sub and sub data, this being no problem.
Below is how I would have retrieved the "EndDate" value from an Access databse under asp.

 Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Conn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../private/Drapers.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" "SELECT * FROM Products where ID = 44", Conn, 3, 3     rs("Metta1") rs("Metta2")
The following is from the Web.config file

<connectionStrings><add name="ConnectCB" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CBBasic.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/></connectionStrings>
I have tried lots of things that were either code that was superceeded  or just plainly didn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Report Builder Button Missing - Exec Rep Defs Ticked &&amp; Rep Build Ticked

Jun 6, 2007

I can see report builder in IE (I am report admin), but my users are not able to, despite having ticked 'report builder' against their name in folder security.

They have
Browser, Report Builder

Why can't they see it?

"Site Settings - Security - Config sys wide role defs - sys user " has "execute report defs" ticked.

Anyone, hmm?

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How To Show Duplicate Rows In Report Builder ?

Mar 30, 2007

I've created a report in Report Builder, based on a query. When I run the report in Report Builder, it doesn't show the duplicates rows, even if it works fine in Data source view.

How can I see al rows in Report Builder(even if they're duplicates) ?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

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Arranging Data On Multiple Rows Into A Sigle Row (converting Rows Into Columns)

Dec 25, 2005

I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row:
user1   answer1user1   answer2user1   answer3user2   answer1user2   answer2user2   answer3
For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer):
user1   answer1   answer2   answer3user2   answer1   answer2   answer3
How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row

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Report Builder : Having More Than One Total Columns Based On Different Criteria

Feb 14, 2008


I would like to get some advises on how creating some kind of reports with Report builder

Lets say i have these two tables with these columns

Table Product


Table ProductInstance

Product ID

I would like to be able to create with report builder a report that looks this

Start Date : 2008/10/01 - End Date : 2008/10/30

Total Total Total
In Out OutStanding
ProductName1 10 0 3
ProductName2 5 5 2
ProductName3 8 8 5
ProductName4 12 5 6

Total In : total number of product created between StartDate and EndDate
Total Out : Total number of product completed between Start Date and End Date
Total OutStanding : Total number of product that have not yet been completed.

Any suggestion and advise on how to achieve this ?

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Transact SQL :: Query To Convert Single Row Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows

Apr 21, 2015

I have a table with single row like below

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0    | Value1    | Value2    | Value3    |  Value4  |

Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rows Into Columns - Remove Duplicates And Variable Rows

Aug 5, 2014

I managed to transpose rows into columns.

ctePreAgg AS
select top 500 act_reference "ActivityRef",
row_number() over (partition by act_reference order by act_reference) as rowno,
t3.s_initials "Initials"
from mytablestuff
order by act_reference


But what I would love to do next is take each of the above rows - and return the initials either in one column with all the nulls and duplicate values removed, separated by a comma ..

ref, initials
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW

OR the above but using variable number of columns based on the maximum number of different initials for each row.this is not strictly required, but maybe neater for further work on the view

ref, init1,init2
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW

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Turn Columns Into Rows And Rows Into Columns

Jan 24, 2008

I have a report which is a list of items and I display everything about the item. It is great. My report table in the layout tab is simple. Header,Detail,Footer. Each Item has 65 columns. The number of items (rows) vary upon what you want to see. Example data.
Item#, Description, CaseSalePrice, Cost, BottleSalePrice, Discount
123, Grenadine, 100.00, 75.00, 15.50, 2.00
456, Lime Juice, 120.00, 81.00, 17.25, 2.00

There could be 1 item or 4000 items.

What I want to see is.

Item # - 123, 456
Description - Grenadine, Lime Juice
CaseSalePrice - 100.00, 120.00
Cost - 75.00, 81.00
BottleSalePrice - 15.50, 17.25
Discount - 2.00, 2.00

What I am actually doing is running this the top example and saving to excel. Then copying the sheet. Creating a new sheet then doing a paste special transpose and this gives the users what they want to see.

I want to grab that table object in the report layout tab and twist it 90degrees so the header is on the left, detail is in the middle and the footer is on the right. It would be perfect.

The dynamic column need is really the problem here. I never know how many items will be in the report. They all have the same basic information like description and pricing.

I am all out of creative ideas, any help would be appreciated.

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Rows Gone Missing ?????

Jan 31, 2008


Just thought I would ask the question on here with regards a problem we have. We have PDA based auditing tool which use SQL Compact to store information via on Compact Framework application. Now we have a user who swears blind they have carried out an audit but there is no trace of it anywhere on the database even though there are audits on there prior to the said date and after and there is no other faciity to delete data from the app other than a complete wipe of the database hence everything would of gone!

Now, the data is stored over 4 tables from which there are no traces of any unrelated data between the tables etc. so its dissappeared, anybody any experience of data simply vanishing into thin air??

Thanks in advance


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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 3.0 - Additional Columns Sorted After Values

May 12, 2014

I'm somewhat new to report builder and have been trying to recreate a report previously created in an Excel Pivot Table. I'm encountering an issue arranging the data the way it's arranged in Excel. 

Specifically, I would like the values column to precede an additional column.  

Until I can post pictures I'll have to try and mock it:

Results (my data I want as a 2nd column)

I can't figure out how to get report builder to do it the same way. Whenever I add the 'Result' data as a column it always appears on top. I'm guessing what I need to do is somehow get result set as a child of the first Static group, but I'm unsure how to do that.

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Missing Data/rows

Jan 20, 2004


I have a sql 2000 database in which reports are generated on a monthly basis from the data inside on of my tables. The reports have been working fine, until some of the rows seemed to have disappered!

I know the data use to be in the table, since it is showing on the old reports, however, when I try to pull that same data, it is not in the database at all.

Does anyone have any ideas on what could have caused this or how I can resolve??


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Sql2k QA Not Reporting Missing Columns

Mar 5, 2007


Recently, we are modifying some table structure in my Sql2K database. Hence, some columns are dropped or renamed. However, when we use Query Analzyer to modify or update some related stored procedure, it does not flag those missing columns as error in it.

What is wrong, any fixes for this issue.
Thank you

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How To Find Out Missing Columns Between Tables

Apr 21, 2015

We are trying to find out the difference between tables in CUSTOMER database and CUSTOMER_coded database. The goal is to find out if there are any columns missing in each table of CUSTOMER_coded database.

We need the list of tables in CUSTOMER_coded database that misses some column compare to its peer in CUSTOMER database (list of columns being missing also).

I googled, but I get only all the columns in tables of database.

I need missing columns of all the tables when we compare these 2 databases( CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_coded  databases).

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Filling Up Missing Columns Data

Oct 31, 2007


I have the following table :

Code Block
Create table #Customers (custid int,name nvarchar(20),age int, st_code int,
citycode int, internalid int,type int,oldcustid int)

Insert into #Customers values(101,'Aron',23,1,1,12,1,0);
Insert into #Customers values(102,'Cathy',28,1,1,13,1,0);
Insert into #Customers values(103,'Zarog',33,1,1,14,1,0);
Insert into #Customers values(104,'Michale',25,1,2,12,1,0);
Insert into #Customers values(105,'Linda',43,1,2,13,1,0);

Insert into #Customers values(106,'Burt',53,1,2,14,1,0);

If you observe, the rows are unique based on the internalid per st_code,per city_code

Problem :
Now the user inserts another row but this time he passes only the following :

Insert into #Customer values(120,'AronNew',null,1,1,12,null,null) -
Note he doesnt pass the age or the type

I want that when he passes this row, i match up this row with the existing row based on st_code,citycode and internalid and then update the new row with the missing values(only columns with null) that were there in the existing row



How could I write the query for this?


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Drillthrough Missing Rows (AS 2005)

Jun 27, 2007

I have enabled drillthrough on a cube (AS 2005) and selected the columns required. This worked. When I use the drillthrough option in Excel, drillthrough queries return less rows than expected. For example, for a cells combinations (pivot table) I saw 21198 rows, but after access to detail, query return just 21106 rows. Less rows than expected.

Any ideas what causes this?



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Aug 7, 2006


Iam using:

Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)   May  3 2005 23:18:38  
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation 
Desktop Engine on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

I am using BULK INSERT to import some pipe-delimited flat files into a database.

I am firstly converting the file using VB.NET, to ensure each line of the file has a carriage return (by using streamwriter.writeline), and I am also ensuring there is no blank line at the end of the file (by using streamwriter.write).

Once I have done this, my BULK INSERT command appears to work OK. This is how I am using the statement:

       FIRSTROW = 2,

NB: The first row in the file is a header row.

This appears to work OK, however, I have found that certain files seem to miss the final line of the file! I have analysed these files incase they have an inconsistant number of columns but they don't.

I have also found that if I knock off the last column of the tempHISTORY table, the correct number of rows are imported. However, of course, I can't just discard one of the columns from the file, I need to import the entire file.

I cannot understand why BULK INSERT is choosing to miss the final line in the file, when the schema of the destination table matches the structure of the file.

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Only Copy Missing Rows From One Database To Another

May 24, 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create a performant script to copy records from a table in a source database, to an identical table in a destination database.

In SQL 2000, I used to create a little lookup which did a count using certain fields. If the record was missing, I executed an INSERT query, otherwise an UPDATE query. The result was that the table on the destination side was always up to date. Duplicate rows were out of the question.

This was, if I'm not mistaking, a Data Transformation, using a bit of custom VBA code to govern the transfer. For each source row, the custom code was executed. Depending on the result of the custom code, a different query was launched.

Now I'm trying to do the same using SSIS in SQL 2005. Is there a task which does this for me, or do I have to script again? In the latter case, which type of task would I use?

(I thought of the Script Task, but then I would need to set up quite a bit myself.)

Thank you,


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Reporting Services :: Report Builder - Set Parameter To Include Or Exclude Columns From Data Presentation

Oct 2, 2015

Based on a table like below I have created a report so that I can compare number of items in the main warehouse (LOCATION1) and the outlets (LOCATION2 and LOCATION3).

| 1  | INDEX1             | LOCATION1 | 1         |
| 2  | INDEX1             | LOCATION2 | 1         |
| 3  | INDEX1             | LOCATION3 | 0         |
| 4  | INDEX2             | LOCATION1 | 0         |
| 5  | INDEX2             | LOCATION2 | 0         |
| 6  | INDEX2             | LOCATION3 | 1         |
| 7  | INDEX3             | LOCATION1 | 1         |
| 8  | INDEX3             | LOCATION2 | 0         |
| 9  | INDEX3             | LOCATION3 | 1         |

The way I present data in my Report is as such. I want to show items that are available in the warehouse that should be moved to the outlets.


[Code] .....

| INDEX1               | 0                              | 1                               | 0                             |
| INDEX2               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |
| INDEX3               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |

I have added some parameters in my report to filter out products that are not available in warehouse (LOCATION1) and this works great.

select * from VIEW where 'LOCATION1(VALUE)' > 0 and ('LOCATION2(VALUE)' = 0 or 'LOCATION3(VALUE)' = 0)

| INDEX1               | 1                              | 1                               | 0                             |
| INDEX3               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |

Now the issue starts when I add a parameter to my report for user to choose which outlets (LOCATIONs) he wants in the equation. I know how to make a column disappear based on parameter value but how to take it out of equation? At the moment when user selects only LOCATION2 and not LOCATION3 then data is not filtered correctly:

| INDEX1                 | 1                              | 1          |
| INDEX3                 | 1                              | 0          |

Ideally I would like a user to select random outlets (warehouse would be static on the report) and compare one or multiple and only show records that are 0 in the outlets.

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Missing 1 Million Rows During BCP PROCESS!! Urgent Help

Mar 12, 1999

Hi, I used the /e in my bcp code. yet did not get all the rows from the main frame into the sql talbes... here is the case I have 11 million rows in an ftp server I use this code to bcp into sql server can anyonecheck if this code is good for the process, I am missing one million row in the bcp process and do not know why??? I put the /e to see if there is any error but could not see any error file in my hard drive?
Please check it out and let me know


Exec master..xp_cmdshell "bcp dbname..tablename in c:ftprootNbtorder.txt /fd:ftprootformatfileablename.fmt /Servername /Usa /Password /b250000 /a8000 /eerrfileORD"

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