I have a MDX query which is of an aprox length of 10000 characters. I
have to execute the query from within the stored procedure in sql. To
run this query I use the openrowset method.
If the length of my query is less than 8000 characters my query
executes perfectly, but the moment it exceeds 8000 characters it stop
working. Please suggest a solution for the same.
if a user chooses to request a lot of customers to report on say from a multi select listbox - what is the best way to pass this list to my stored proc? Looking for suggestions. thanks,
In SS 2000 it seems that there is no variable data type that can hold more than 8000 characters (varchar) or 4000 unicode characters (nvarchar). I've seen posts where multiple variables are spliced together to extend this limit. I am looking at performing string manipulations in an sproc and I need to be able to deal with the full 2GB/1GB limit of text and ntext field types. Is this possible? How do you deal with that?
I had a VARCHAR(MAX) parameter declared in my stored procedure and trying to concatenat single column from a table which has~500 rows into a string and keep in this variable, if i am not mistaken, i read that the VARCHAR(MAX) actually can hold up to 2GB of data, so it make me confuse why the variable which i declared as MAX size, can only hold up 8000 characters, any idea?
Hi all,I have a internet page written in asp to submit into authorscurriculum vitae publications (title, author, year, etc.).If the author submit less than 8000 characters it functions OK, but Ifthe author try's to submit more than 8000 characters the asp page doesnot return an error but the text is not saved in the database or,sometimes, it returned a "Typ mismatch" error.Here is the sp:---------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CV_publications(@formCommandnvarchar(255)='process',@id numeric=null,@id_personint=null,@typPubID tinyint= NULL,@publicationstext=null)ASif @formCommand='process'beginINSERT INTO CV_publications(idperson,typPubID,publications)VALUES (@id_person@typPubID,@publications);select 1 as status, @@IDENTITY AS insertedID, * FROMCV_publications WHERE id=@@IDENTITYend----------------------------------------------------------------------------The server is running IIS5 and SqlServer 2000Any ideas ???
I m working on MS SQL Server 2000. I am trying to pass a list of numbers to a stored procedure to be used with 'IN()' statement.
I was doing something like..
Create Procedure proc
@Items varchar(100) --- List of numbers ) AS Begin
Declare @SQL varchar(8000) Set @SQL = ' Select Query...... Where products IN (' + @items + ') ' ' Exec (@SQL)
This stored procedure is working fine, but when i m adding more required stuff to that, the size exceeds 8000, & it gives the error "Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text."
Problem about pass a big string (over 8000 characters) to a variable nvarchar(max) in stored procedure in SQL 2005! I know that SQL 2005 define a new field nvarchar(max) which can stored 2G size string. I have made a stored procedure Hellocw_ImportBookmark, but when I pass a big string to @Insertcontent , the stored procedure can't be launch! why? create procedure Hellocw_ImportBookmark @userId varchar(80), @FolderId varchar(80), @Insertcontent nvarchar(max) as declare @contentsql nvarchar(max); set @contentsql=N'update cw_bookmark set Bookmark.modify(''declare namespace x="http://www.hellocw.com/onlinebookmark"; insert '+ @Insertcontent+' as last into (//x:Folder[@Id="'+@FolderId+'"])[1]'') where userId='''+@userID+''''; exec sp_executesql @contentsql;
as declare @contentsql nvarchar(max); set @contentsql=N'update cw_bookmark set Bookmark.modify(''declare namespace x="http://www.hellocw.com/onlinebookmark"; insert '+ @Insertcontent+' as last into (//x:Folder[@Id="'+@FolderId+'"])[1]'') where userId='''+@userID+''''; exec sp_executesql @contentsql;
Does anyone know why this statement would fail? I have created my own assembly which is on the server and when i run the mdx query call myassembly.mystoredproc() it returns data, but now when I use call myassembly.mystoredproc() it returns an error.
using an mdx query this works fine call AsmTest.Asm.Analysis.TestClass.NameMe()
When using openquery i get an error select * from openquery(NV, 'call AsmTest.Asm.Analysis.TestClass.NameMe()' )
OLE DB provider "MSOLAP.3" for linked server "NV" returned message "Prepare is not safe during execution of the NameMe stored procedure.". Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 An error occurred while preparing the query "call AsmTest.Asm.Analysis.TestClass.NameMe()" for execution against OLE DB provider "MSOLAP.3" for linked server "NV".
linked server definition
USE master GO
/* Add new linked server */ EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='NV', -- local SQL name given to the linked server @srvproduct='', -- not used @provider='MSOLAP.3', -- OLE DB provider (the .2 means the SQL2K version) @datasrc='nvsifwfp', -- analysis server name (machine name) @catalog='ARTSDW' -- default catalog/database
On the bills that our system generates there is a comments field that users fillout. We have occasional problems with special characters in the text messing up the validation code. Does anyone know of a query that can identify special characters in a text field? Like carriage returns, tabs, etc.? Thanks, Dave
Hello, I am trying to filter out any accented characters from a field in a select statement. I want to keep the accented version in the database, but have it convert when exporting. Here is a sample of the php code that I used to use to accomplish this...
I run a query in QA which return funny characters (suppose to be chinese characters). I try saved as CSV and open in excel, still it remain as those funny characters... What can I do to get those output into the chinese character. It doesn't need to be in QA... but I need it in Excel. Thanks
Hi! The product description table contains a field, long_desc varchar(8000). Is there any way to get the entire description? The query, 'select long_desc from product_desc' always truncates characters more than 255 characters long. Even exporting the data to an Excel spreadsheet using DTS does the same thing.
Hi, I am populating a dataset in .net with output from sql 2005 database. One of the columns in the table is a 'varchar(max)' type. This dataset is then converted to XML using WriteXml and written to a .xml document. But due to the presence of invalid characters, this process errors out. Is there any way using which these invalid characters can be replaced at the database level itself when querying on the table? The error that is produced is as follows: '', hexadecimal value 0x1C, is an invalid character. Line 32201, position 924.
i've worked with SQL Databases for years now, but never needed to deal with international characters. Â I am trying to search strings like surname in a column that might have international letters/characters, such as:
select * from [dbo].[User] where LastName like '%HekimoÄŸlu%'
It doesn't retrieves anything. Â I've googled for while in a hope to find some solution quickly, but to my surprise I couldn't. how to query string columns that include international characters such as above.I am using SQL Server 2012, Nvarchar(100) for column.
In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message. How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?
I had a User Management module in my application where I created a user with name
Now I have a functionality to search for the user existing. For that give the search string or a single character and it finds out all the records containing the character.
How do I go about it as the SP i created for it gives correct results except the following
1. Search for % - Gives all record 2. Search for _ - Gives all records 3. Search for [ - Gives NO record 4. Search for the whole string - Gives NO Record
Basically, I'm trying to upload data from one system to another and the system which is receiving data is throwing error after loading few records. On further investigation I found out that the failing records has bad characters embedded. I was wondering if there is way to find out all the bad characters (special characters) in a table. I'm using MSSQL Server 2005 version. Tried using RegGenExpression but no luck.
where, statString is a string variable containing Hebrew characters.
Till here, my code works fine. i.e, Hebrew characters are properly inserted to the database. The problem is when I try to retrieve the String_Id based upon the statString I inserted to the table static_string1.
Code Snippet String sql = "select String_Id from Static_String1 where String like ('" + statString +"')"; Statement statement=connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(sql); rs.next(); int stringId=rs.getInt("String_Id");
I tried hardcoding the string in the query and to execute it from the SQL Server Management Studio as below
Code Snippetselect String_Id from Static_String1 where String like( ' ×”×–×—' );
But even this is returning null rows, even though the entry is present in the table Please help me out asap.
Please pardon me if this is not the right section to post my doubt. I didnt find any other relevant section here.
Hello, am using c# and a Stored proceedure in MS SQL 2005. For data size i used the varchar (max) in my stored proceedure. But in the c# class. What do i use ? Here is a line of my code thanks Ehi command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@csv", SqlDbType.VarChar, 8000, "recipients"));
I am not sure about the architecture of the Issue Tracker and hence not sure if it applies here. But I will post in any case and wait for users on this forums comments as well.
===========Earlier post================== This question is regarding the architecture of TimeEntry. In some programs it builds an arrayList for Master-detail type of relationship and when user is ready to save it by clicking 'submit' it build a variable with pipe delimited fields. This is then passed to a sql query.
This to me does not seem to be an efficient manner. Because the max character is 1500 chars as parameter to SQL query.
I was wondering if instead I could store it as an XML and then use the XML to import in to SQL.
Any ideas is greatly appreciated, I am running in to problems where my variable construct does increase to more than 1500 chars. Any thoughts are much appreciated in this regards.
We are using Exec(@sql) with @sql varchar(8000), but 8000 is not enough. Like query get cut off in the middle of the script. We need more than that. Is there any way to store more than 8000 characters in the variable ? We use SQL Server 7.
I'm using this store proc to get a pivot table in SQL:
USE [m0851System] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CrossTabIntoTable] Script Date: 01/25/2008 09:59:37 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CrossTabIntoTable] @select varchar(8000), @sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @table varchar(100) -- AJOUTÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 17 juillet 2007 ,@tbl_result varchar(100), @fld_sufx varchar(10) -- FIN JULIEN BONNIER AS
--DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1) DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1) SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF
-- AJOUTÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 17 juillet 2007 -- MODIFIÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 25 janvier 2008 (ajout de la clause case) IF LEFT(@tbl_result,1)='#' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE type='U' AND name='' + @tbl_result + '') EXEC ('DROP TABLE ' + @tbl_result + '') END ELSE BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type='U' AND name='' + @tbl_result + '') EXEC ('DROP TABLE ' + @tbl_result + '') END -- FIN JULIEN BONNIER
EXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pvt INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2') EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @pivot + ' Is Not Null')
SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) ) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pvt'
-- MODIFIÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 18 juillet 2007 --SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pvt) + ''' = ' + SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pvt) + '' + @fld_sufx + ''' = ' + stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, ' CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN ' + @delim + convert(varchar(100), pvt) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ', ' FROM ##pivot -- FIN JULIEN BONNIER -- AJOUTÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 15 octobre 2007 ORDER BY pvt -- FIN JULIEN BONNIER
DROP TABLE ##pivot
SELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1) PRINT(LEN(@sql)) SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)+1, 0, ', ' + @sql + ' ') -- AJOUTÉ PAR JULIEN BONNIER 17 juillet 2007 SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select), 6, ' INTO ' + @tbl_result + ' FROM ') -- FIN JULIEN BONNIER
But now my @sql and @select that are varchar(8000) get bigger than 8000 for one of my reports... So my query fails ever times.
i have created a store procedure that will copy the proceduers of one database to another database. it's working fine, but i am hving problem to run the the store proceduer when character lenght goes more then 8000 words. i have couple of proceuder that has words more then 8000, is there any good and short way to do solve this problem
Hi everybody, I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values €˜child€™ and €˜Child€™ as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?
Hi, I have a problem with a text string which is more than 8000 chars. I am taking this string as an input from an application.so,I cannot define a local variable as text or ntext and varchar has limitation of only 8000 char. Can anyone help me in dealing with this situation. Also,I cannot break the string at application level.I wish if I could solve it at db level somehow? TIA pd
I'm wondering if there's a way to use the string function replicate() to produce an output greater than 8000 bytes. From the documentation REPLICATE returns a varchar of max 8000 but I'm told there's a way to stop this restriction.
My mentor has been giving me tasks to try and accomplish and for this one I'm to create a stored procedure with no limitations, however I'm stuck at this replicate() problem.