MDX Query On Non-Visible Attribute Hierarchy Dimension Fields

Aug 8, 2007

I am in the process of develping a MSRS report using an MSAS 2005 OLAP cube as my data source. In the MSRS Query Builder, I am using an MDX query which successfully executes in Management Studio. Something like the following:


NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Fact Count] }
FROM [MyCube]


The twist is that the AttributeHierarchyVisible property of the [Dim Attribute].[Hierarchy Not Visible] is set to False.

As mentioned previously, the query successfully executes in Management Studio. However when it is executed in the MSRS Query Builder, the following error message is displayed:

The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. The first axis of the query should not have multiple hierarchies, nor should it reference any dimension other than the Measures dimension..
Parameter name: mdx (MDXQueryGenerator)

Is there a way to successfully query dimension attributes whose hierarchies are not visible?


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Analysis :: DAX - Use Of Alternate Attribute Hierarchy

Jul 31, 2015

I have a Tabular model with a situation where I want to have three alternate attributehierachies in one dimension.

Dimension FruitAndVegetables (with 4 columns: Id, Name, Fruit and Vegetable)
Id Name     Fruit      Vegetable
1 Apple      Apple   
2 Onion                   Onion
3 Banana   Banana
4 etc

Now I would like to put Vegetable on rows in a report without getting a blank row (with the sales of all Fruits)..I would like to supress all those Fruit records without adding  a separate filter to the report, just let the user pick this Attribute should do the move.

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Dimension Calculated Members Not Visible In Perspective

May 14, 2008


I created some calculated members for a dimension. They are set to be visible and when i connect to the cube itself I can see them with both Excel and ProClarity as clients. I added them to a couple perspectives (by checking their boxes down at the bottom of the Calculations list) and deployed. There were no errors or issues. However from both Excel and ProClarity I do not see the calculated members of the dimension.

Any ideas?

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Analysis :: How To Get Dimension Key Attribute In MDX

Apr 30, 2015

Many dimensions don't have unique members.  Instead, the dimension source data has duplicates at the leaf level: it's left up to SSAS to aggregate up to the actual leaf level used in hierarchies.

Every cube I've worked on in the past, a dimension is clearly defined in the source data, with uniqueness already present there: we don't make a dimension out of duplicated, sort of facty data.  This kind of design seems as weird to me as an unnormalised SQL database.

Here's an example to illustrate what I mean; I'll use that Adventureworks database.

We have a Geography dimension with a Geography hierarchy.  Levels go like this from top to bottom:


The Geography dimension has a key attribute called Geography Key.  It's there in the cube design as a dimension attribute, but it's not in any of the hierarchies, so I can't query it in MDX.  But that's fine: it has the same cardinality as the lowest level (Postal Code), because the dimension has some kind of normal design.

In the cube I'm dealing with, it's all messed up.  Using the AdventureWorks example above as a parallel, someone made a Geography dimension with source data keyed on [PostalCode, ExactAddress], but only wanted the dimension granularity to be PostalCode.

This makes it very hard to debug why the data in this dimension is incorrect.  I can't match up the dimension members in the cube to the source data, because the dimension doesn't actually go down to the real leaf level!

So I have a dimension attribute called ExactAddressKey, but I can't query on it in MDX, because it's not part of any dimension hierarchy.  Unfortunately changing any part of this cube design is not possible, so I can't even experiment with settings and see what happens.

How I could get to the leaf level of the data imported?  Something like


Or does this kind of dimension design result in SSAS discarding all the data that's more granular than the most granular attribute defined in any hierarchy - so that the data actually isn't there to be queried?

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MDX Syntax And Dimension Attribute In KPI

May 21, 2008

Hello SSAS gurus,

Recently i started learning working on Analysis services and writing MDX expressions, so please forgive my ignorance if this is a trivial question.
I ran out of s. Don't know what I should do to fix this. Please point me in the right direction.

We have a cube with one fact table(Imperative Fact) and two dimensions (Client, Client Imperative). A Client has several Imperatives. One of the attributes of Client Imperative dimension is Target Outcome. This is a text field.
We created a measure Client Imperative Count that gives the number of imperatives a client has.
The business defined 'Client Imperative' KPI as following :

If client has 1 or more imperatives and has Target outcome then show green. If client has 1 or more imperatives and does not haveTarget outcome then show yellow. if the client does not have imperative then show red.

Wrote the following KPI Status expression but it doesn't seem to work. Hitting a dead end. couldn't figure this out.

Code Snippet

[Measures].[Client Imperatives Count] > 0
([Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].currentmember <> null)
(Not IsEmpty([Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].currentmember))
Then 1
[Measures].[Client Imperatives Count] > 0
([Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].currentmember = null)
(IsEmpty([Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].currentmember))
Then 0
Tried [Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].value but didn't work.
Also, tried to create a calculated member for Target Outcome using following code. It is not working either.

Code Snippet

AS case
[Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].currentmember = [Client Imperatives].[TRGT OTCM].&[]
then 0
else 1
Trying to figure this out since two days. Somebody please help me.

I appreciate your help.

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Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to use MDX to dynamically determine which hierarchy of thetime dimension is selected. I have a calculated member which is usingthe last non-empty descendant of the [Time].[Calendar] dimension, butI want it to work even if Fiscal is selected instead of Calendar.Here is the codeSUM(Tail(Filter(Descendants([Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember, [CalendarDate]), isEmpty([Measures].[Employee Count]) = False), 1),[Measures].[Employee Count])What can I put in place of [Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember to take thecurrent hierarchy of the time dimension instead of the Calendarhierarchy? Thanks!

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Calculating From Measure And Dimension Attribute, Please Help !!!

Dec 19, 2005


I am a newbye with Analysis Services and am desperately trying to find a way to include a calculation between one of my measures (Teus), divided by the vessel capacity, where vessel is one of my dimensions (and is therefore not depended on other dimensions...)

Any ideas how I could implement that ?? This would help a lot, thanks for your help,

Aurore Bui.

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Formatting Attribute In Dimension Table

Apr 7, 2008

I have date and float in attribute in a dimension table. If deploy my cube and I try to create a report with RS, I can't format this data. The value seems to be a String so I have to do a CDate or a CDbl before formating it.
I have no problem when I try to format my measures.

Thanks for your help.

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Analysis :: Change Dimension Name Attribute?

Sep 8, 2015

I have 2 dimensions that pull their Facility Name from the same Location Dimension.  The business users want to change Facility Name in the Material Facilities dimension to “Material Facility Name”, but keep Facilities dimension attribute the same. What is a good way to go about completing this task.  

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Analysis :: Using Named Set To Filter On Dimension Attribute

Jun 4, 2015

I am unable to find solution for the problem while writing a Named Set in my cube.

I have a calculated measures which gives me difference in Sales in PERCENTAGE (%).

When I try to filter out those product codes which went a less than 5 %, I get no records.

I have also tried to filter direct values lets say - Products with sales > 100000 which is working fine.

Following is sample of my Named Set

FILTER([X].[Products Code].members, [Measures].[Diff in Sales]<5)

I believe as the values are in percentage, I am facing this issue.

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Calculated Member Based On Dimension Attribute ??

May 21, 2008

hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible in SSAS 2005 that a calculated member is based off of an (integer) dimension attribute and another (integer) measure (let's say a multiplication operation) ?

If there a trick on doing so? other than stuffing the (integer) dimension attribute back in the fact table, as an measure?

thx much,

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Matrix SSAS Dimension/hierarchy Order Problem

Oct 4, 2006

I have a have a relatively simple SSAS cube that I'm trying to display in a matrix but the order of the data is not correct. The rows of the matrix are a time hierarchy and the query designer produces the correct MDX and when I run the MDX in the data tab, the order is correct. However in the report preview tab, the order is incorrect. Specifically, the time hierarchy looks like this Year-Month-FullDate. The report is ordering the Months like this 1,10,11,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. I ran the MDX query in Sql Studio and the order is correct, and I used Excel to consume the same cube and it produces the correct order.

The report is somehow treating the Month like character data instead of numeric, how do I fix this?

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MDX To Build Calculated Dimension Member Throughout User Hierarchy

May 20, 2008

I want an MDX calculated dimension member, (with no measure specified in expression, so that any related measure can be used in a query/browse), and that accomplishes either one of the following:

Ideal: To calculate Median values on every level of a user hierarchy

If "Ideal" is not possible, then "Acceptable" is: To calculates Median values on one or more levels OTHER than the highest level.

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Loading Fact Using Dimension W/ Ragged Hierarchy (geography)

Jul 27, 2007

I'm loading a fact table that has several geographic attributes - some are at the state level, some are at the county level, and then some are drilled farther in that that. I understand the basic concept of the dimension with the ragged hierarchy, but unsure of how to load to the fact table using lookups based on these geographic units. For example, if my geographic dimension contains 200 records for the state of Wyoming, basically a record for each fine-grain place (i.e. city/town), then how do I go about doing a county lookup. Wyoming only has 23 counties, but because of the repetitive nature of the dimension attributes that are not at the finest grain, I'll get more records in the lookup than I need. This activity repeats of course while I move up the geographic scale to state, then country. How do I configure/fill my dimension to handle these differing scales of data?

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Dimensional Modeling: Age As A Slowly Changing Dimension Attribute?

Oct 8, 2007

Hi all

Probably not the right forum - pointers would be appreciated - but I'll give it a try anyway:

I'm in the process of designing a relational database to be used in a BI scenario - ie. dimension and fact tables. The data will eventually be used to feed cubes in Analysis services, however end users will probably be allowed to run reports aginst views of the relational database.

I'm currently looking at the employee dimensions and my first try would designate AGE as a SCD Type 2 attribute. As a result every employee gets at least one new record every year as AGE increases. Given that BIRTHDATE is specified should I drop AGE from the tables and recreate it as a computed attribute in database views and/or cubes?

Regards, Steen

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Analysis :: SSAS Displaying Latest Dimension Attribute

Jun 30, 2015

I have a cube with a fact table and 3 dimensions.  One of the dimensions is a type 2 and surrogate key is stored in fact table.  If i query the database, the dimension attributes display correctly, however the cube is always displaying the latest dimension attribute and not preserving the history.  

The measures are correct for the time period displayed, but the dimension attributes always show the latest values.

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Analysis :: SSAS Named Set With A Two Dimension Attribute Tuple

Jul 15, 2015

In my SSAS Cube I have created a dynamic named set "top 10 e-learnings by language" which consists out of a set of tuples. Each tuple has two attributes out of the same base dimension "training": attribute 1 is "sprache" (language) and attribute 2 is "training text".

CREATE DYNAMIC SET CURRENTCUBE.[Top 10 eTrainings pro Sprache]
AS Generate(
{ [Training].[Sprache].[Sprache].Members },
EXISTING { [Training].[Sprache].CurrentMember * [Training].[Training Text].[Training Text].Members },
[Measures].[Teilnahmen eTraining]
), DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Training' ;

Normally a named set would be automatically visible in Excel Pivot under the dimension you used to create the named set, but it seems that named sets with tuples which have more than one attribute are placed in a separate folder "Sets" in between the measures and dimensions.Additionally in the SSAS cube browser this named set is not visible at all.Is there any way to tell the named set in which dimension it should appear or any workaround?

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Slowly Changing Dimension Historical Attribute Causeing Same Row To Be Reinserted

Sep 29, 2006

I have a Slowly changing dimension that I am using to
populate a dimension table. My problem is this when I run the package and
any of the fields are marked as Historical Attributes it will add an additional
row regardless of the fact that the incoming data and the data in the warehouse
match exactly.

I've tried several things to fix this problem but so far none of them have
worked. Some of the things I have tried that havent worked are to match
all the data types (which I have to do anyways) I've tried trimming the
strings, I've also tried adding just one column

I am using a data conversion to convert them from varchar (the source datatype)
to nvarchar(the warehouse datatype)

I'm at a dead end here and don't know where to go any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Analysis :: Setup Multiple Default Members For A Dimension Attribute In SSAS?

Jun 2, 2015

I have a dimension report with an attribute reporttype which have different member let say A,B,C,D....etc.

I want to set more than one default members for dimension report.

I've read all about how dimensions can have only one default member, but I need to set more than 1.

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Analysis :: Waterfall Hierarchy - Unary Operator Not Working In Ragged Utility Dimension

Jul 15, 2015

I have a disconnected utility dimension with the following data and a waterfall->subwaterfall hierarchy. I have ignore if same as parent set on sub water fall. The unary operator is assigned to the relevant level

WaterFall WaterFallUnary SubWaterFall SubWaterFallUnary

Opening ~ Opening ~
Price ~ Price ~
Total Composition ~ Composition L1 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L2 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L3 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L4 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L5 +
Closing ~ Closing ~

I'm using MDX to set values to the members

SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].&[Price]);
SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Sub Water Fall].&[Composition L1]);
THIS=Measures.[Composition L1];

[Code] ....

But when i run a simple select query

{[Measures].[Waterfall]} ON COLUMNS,
[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].[Water Fall] ON ROWS

I only get a value for price. Total Composition is NULL. If I change my query to look at the subwaterfall level then I see values for composition L1->L5, so I know there are values there I was expecting the unary operator to aggregate my composition measures into Total Composition.

I should point out that every measure that's being assigned to my utility dim is calculated with in excess of a dozen or so steps and intermediate calcs, is this causing some kind of solve order issue?

I know that as a workaround i could probably do something like

SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].&[Total Composition]);     
    THIS=SUM([Dim Waterfall].[Hierarchy].[Water Fall].&[Total Composition].Children,Measures.Waterfall);     

But that defeats the purpose of the unary operators

This is sql server 2014 multidimensional

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Analysis :: Include And Exclude Children In A Single Hierarchy In Parent Child Dimension In MDX

Apr 8, 2015

Include children and exclude children in a single  hierarchy in parent child dimension in mdx

 - 9-parent
aggregation of 12-parent only
aggregation of 20-parent only
aggregation of  9 with children

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Analysis :: Data Masking For Dimension Attribute Based On User In SSAS 2014 Multidimensional?

Jun 15, 2015

I am trying to implement data masking based on user login and not sure why this is not working. I have the dimensions DimBrand, DimProduct and DimUser. I should mask the BrandCode with 'XXXX' nothing but in the report all the BrandCode should appear but few of the code will be masked if the user is not belongs to that group. I have a fact table FactProduct in this. In the cube I created all these 3 dimensions and the fact table. I created a new dimension DimBrandMask and I separated the code over there with a relationship with the actual DimBrand dimension. In the cube a reference relationship is set up with the measure group. Created a role with read access.

In the dimension data tab of role I put the below MDX to allowed set.

NonEmpty([DimBrandMask].[Brand Code].Members, (StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].[" + UserName() + "]") ,[Measures].[Dim User Count]))

And in Denied Member set i put the below MDX

IIF( (StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].[" + UserName() + "]"), [DimUser].[Access Right].&[False]), NONEMPTY( [DimBrandMask].[Brand Code].Members,(StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].["
+ UserName() + "]"), [DimUser].[Access Right].&[False], [Measures].[Dim User Count])),{})

Note I created one measure group from the DimUser table and the measure [Dim User Count] is used in the above query.

I am expecting some result like below

Brand      BrandCode           Count
Brand1      b1                       6
Brand2     XXXXX                  5
Brand3     XXXXX                 10

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How To Create DB For Single Attribute Having More Than 2 Text Fields

Dec 14, 2014

How can we create a DB for a single attribute such as ORDER DETAILS, CASH RECEIPT, TAX INVOICE having more than 2 text fields.

Also, in every form attribute such as order id is not present - in order identify the same as a primay key. So, which other attributes or fields can be considered as a primary key.

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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Fact Fields -&> Dimension Attributes

Feb 13, 2008

I have a fact table that has terminations. Fields include EmployeeName, TermDate, TermReason, and HireDate, et al.

I need to make EmployeeName available to drillthrough, and since it's a varchar field I can't make it a measure, so it has to be a dimension attribute. My question is, should I leave the fact table as it is and use SSAS to create a dimension that contains only EmployeeName and the link to TerminationID? Or should I redesign the OLAP tables so that EmployeeName is in a separate table?

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Analysis :: Add Dimension To Cube Dimension Without Any Relation In Dimension Usage

Oct 26, 2015

When i add a dimension to the cube dimension without any relation in my dimension usage to any measure group my units are going down.However when i remove the dimension from the cube am getting the correct values.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Check Existing Attribute In Insert Attribute In XML Field

Aug 10, 2015

I want to insert attibute att1 in field F1 . Value for this attribute is content of another field in this table (F2).

My query :
update MyTable
set F1.modify
('insert attribute att1 {sql:column("F2")} into (/ROOT/Node1)[1]')
Where F1 Is not null

But I get this error :
XML well-formedness check: Duplicate attribute 'att1'. Rewrite your XQuery so it returns well-formed XML.

How do I check the douplicate attribute ?

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Relationships Not Visible In The Query Designer

Jan 26, 2008


I have created some tables and relationships between them by using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.
The relationships are between a field named OId, which is not a part of the primary key but it is typed as an unique key. And a field named ParentTableOId.

When I open the two tables that have this relationship in the "Design Query in Editor" is not the relationship there.
Anybody who knows why?

Best Regards

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Relationships Not Visible In The Query Designer

Jan 26, 2008


I have created some tables and relationships between them by using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.
The relationships are between a field named OId, which is not a part of the primary key but it is typed as an unique key. And a field named ParentTableOId.

When I open the two tables that have this relationship in the "Design Query in Editor" is not the relationship there.
Anybody who knows why?

Best Regards

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Measure Group Attribute Key Column Does Not Match Source Attribute

May 16, 2008


I had to change the key columns of a dimension attribute to fix an error. I did this in BIDS. The change was from a single key column to a composite key column. Now I am getting these error when I process the cube:

Measure group attribute key column x does not match source attribute ..

I looked at the cube XMLA definition under mesaure groups and it still shows a single key column with inherited binding. However, the BIDS does not give me an option correct this in any way. I have had to do this once before and the only option seems to be removing the dimension from the cube and add it back in. But that is very error prone since I lose any specific settings at the cube dimension level not to mention aggregations no longer include the dimension, etc.

Not seeing an alternative, I went through each measure group (I have 7) and changed the key columns manually in the XMLA and saved the cube. This worked, but I don't understand why BIDS automatically doesn't do it.

Is this a flaw in the BIDS or I should be missing something.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: New Query Option Is Not Visible In Server?

Mar 20, 2015

I just inherited a few Servers that have SQL Server 2000.

I cant find the new query Icon?


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SQL Server 2014 :: Query Store Folder Not Visible

Jul 16, 2015

As SQL Server 2016 category is not created so I am posting this query in SQL Server 2014 window.

I have enabled Query Store in SQL Server 2016 using ALTER DATABASE and later tried with Properties of Database too. But I am not able to see the Query Store subfolder under database.

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Help With A Hierarchy Query Or Procedure

Mar 8, 2007

 I have a table with a parent, child, and grandchild relationship. Can anyone help me with a query that will return the child and grandchild of a parent?
Heres my table:id pid name--------------------------------1 0 UntID2 0 Vin Number3 0 Make4 3 Model5 4 Model Number6 0 Model Year7 0 Vehicle Type8 0 Odometer MilesWhen I select 3 as the id I need these results:id pid name--------------------------------3 0 Make4 3 Model5 4 Model Number
Thanks for any help!

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