MDX Query Results Loses Format After Data Transformation
Dec 28, 2007
My first post here. I have an Analysis Services Cube and I need to export some of its data into a flat file (a semicolon separated value file) with fixed length columns.
What I have in Integration Services now is:
DataReader Source (ADO.Net conection)
Data Transformation (NTEXT -> WSTR)
Derived Column (WSTR -> STR, and some ISNULL validation)
Flat File Destination (Delimited by ";")
the thing is I have all the measures and calculated measures in the cube formated with format strings and they work fine when I do a query through the SQL server Managment Studio, but in Integration Services before the columns are written into the file they lose its format.
for example, I have a calculated member called "Deuda Total Nacional" that returns something like this +0001234,00 and I need to take off the decimal separator so it is written into the file like this +000123400 , I'm doing it this way
(ISNULL([Deuda Total Nacional]) ? "+00000000000" : REPLACE([Deuda Total Nacional],",",""))
I am using client reports and SQL server 2005. I have created reports that accepts datasets and displays in the reports. I am also displaying the client's product image in the reports.
The problem I am facing is this. When I export the report to excel for the first time every thing is fine. The issue is when I export after the second time.
From the second time whenever i export the report to EXCEL, I see that the second excel sheet does not follow the same alignment and format the first one had.
hi, like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right? so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance!
hi there, I have never use DTS before, now I am reading textbook for some special demand with DTS the textbook not talk very much for the detail of skills. seems the easy way to finish this query is using DTS wizard. but my requirement seems can't be done by DTS wizard. here are my requirement below. [move online Database to offline Database ] 1. the time of data preserve will have to reference separate firm's history data backup time ( for example, A company used to preserve data 6 months, and B company used to preserve data 12 months and so on..) 2. we will have only 2 kind of preserve time one is 6 months another is 12 months 3. The online DB only keeps 6 months data ( for example, when we do the DTS on 11/1 , we will only keep the data which from 5/1~10/31) , all data have to move to off-line DB except the past 6 months data 4. We will have to reference the history data preserve time to delete data after finished data movement those requirement looks very diffcult for me because I have never use DTS before , can you please give me a simple example or maybe some article I can reference?
Not sure if you can help on this but Ive got a stored procedure in sql server and it creates a temp table. I then call another stored procedure from this one. When it returns to the 1st stored procedure I want the temp table to keep the information entered into the table, but the data is lost.
Is there a flag that can be turned on and off do this?
Im working with a breaking system and I wont to convert the (FROM) datetime column to accept just time like (4:00:00 AM) without the date (7/23/2004) but it doesn’t have column format like the access ?? I found something in the SQL help :
How to convert the format of a Date Time String transformation (Enterprise Manager) To convert the format of a Date Time String transformation 1.On the Transformations tab of the Transform Data Task Properties or Data Driven Query Task Properties dialog box, click the Source column containing the date or time to be modified, and then click the Destination column where you want the modified string to be placed. 2.Do one of the following: •If there is a mapping arrow connecting the two columns, click Delete, and then click New. •If there is no mapping arrow, click New. 3.In the Create New Transformation dialog box, click DateTime String. 4.Click the General tab, and then click Properties. 5.In the Date Format list, select the format you want. 6.Click Naming to display the Calendar Names dialog box, where you can select long or short day or month names and the A.M. and P.M. designators you want. 7.In the Language list, select the language you want, and then click Set Language Defaults. But unfortunately I didn't find the "Transformations tab" I look a lot in the SQL Enterprise Manager
Do anybody work with the Transformations or at least know where is it please ???
I need some help determining the best way to accomplish my task. The workflow starts by generating a list of unique ID's from a local table. Then take that list of unique ID's and query an Oracle table for all matching records.
My thought was to first use an Execute SQL task with the following SQL:
select projectid from projectlist group by projectid
with Result Set configured as follows:
Result Name = projectid Variable Name = varProjectIDList
Then in the Data Flow Task add a DataReader Source to pull the matching data. Here's where I'm getting hung up. I'd like to pass the result set from the Execute SQL task. I tried the following SQL but it doesn't work.
select * from masterlist where projectid = @[User::varProjectIDList]
I'm open to any suggestion on the best way to take my unique list and use it as input for a query against my Oracle DB.
I have a table that stores the period and year as two seperate fields the problem that i have is that when the data is entered in the data base the period is sometime entered as 6 or 06, hence i have a table thaat looks like as follows:
Period Year ====== ==== 6 2006 06 2005 12 2006 3 2005 2 2005 4 2005 04 2005 03 2005
when i currently query the information using the period i use the LIKE command in SQL which gives me the results but the problem is when the like is done with 2 as the period value it also retrieves the 12, 02, and 2, in that case the period 12 was not that was requested.
I was wondering is there a way to reformat the data so that all the data is in a consistent format?
Or is there a better way of quering the information in the current format?
Hi, Quick question on how SSIS handles queries from Data Source in a Data Flow. I noticed that when I run a particular query from Query Analyzer it takes forever. But, when I run the same query in SSIS data source in a data flow. The query results are immediate.
The query plan is already cached in SQL.
Is this just something which I am seeing incorrect or is there some bit of optimization in there in SSIS. As per my understanding SSIS does not optimize the source query.
Hi all,i'm working with SQL Server for about 4 years, and i have eversearching for a tool which can script my DATA in a T-SQL format tocopy them very easy from one server to another.For example scripts like that:IF NOT EXISTS (...)INSERT INTO (...)ELSEUPDATE (...)I have never found a tool like that, so i write a it by myself.This software is a free version in the moment, you can download it onmy website: Framework on your client PC is required.Have fun with it ...Thomas
Need some quick help here.. The data I got from the text file use the "04/11/2007" date format and the StockDate in MS-SQL use the datetime datatype.
My understanding is that the "04/11/2007" will default to the 04/11/2007 12:00 am" format in MS-SQL.
So, when I use the sql query, how do search only for the date part of the data in MS-SQL and match it to the data from text file? I tried this SQL Query below.
--snip-- SELECT RawID FROM tblPurchaseRaw WHERE VIN = '" & sVin.ToString.Trim & "' AND StockDate = '" & dStockDate.ToString.Trim & "' --snip--
That way, if I get a row then I know the data is there. If I don't get a row then I know the data is not there.
Bold: I get it now. It is all automatic as MS-SQL does it automatically...
I.E. I WANT two columns C1# and C2#, where C1# contains data from 2015 and C2# contains data from previous year (2014). If 2015 data is not present, then C1# will contain data of 2014 and C2# will contain data of 2013.
I have to display the data in the below said formats..Current sample Data in the table and the data type is numeric(23,10)
50.00 0.50 0.00 0.00
To be displayed in the below format
1.25 0.75 0 0 1
I have to map this column in teh report and should dipslay like above.I think if 0.00 is available then it should display as 0..If 1.0 is available then it should display 1.Any value that has postive number after the decimal should display all the values example : 2.25,3.75,5.06, So in general the solution to display values like 1.75,1,0 we should not dispaly 0 as 0.00 and 1 as 1.00 and 2 as 2.00 and so on...Any Solutions in terms of SQL query or SSRS expression.
Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist. My current SQL statement is as follows. SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))" So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, James.
I have a function that divides the results of 2 seperate datafiffs to provide a ratio. For some reason I cannot get the result to return as a decimal - it is only giving me integers. I have tried cast and converting both the idividual numbers and the results, no luck. If I write the query on it's own, casting the one of the values as decimal will return the right value. Any ideas what I am missing? Here is the function:
Create function fn_FTE( @tkpr varchar(5), @start datetime, @end datetime)
Returns decimal Begin declare
@fte decimal
select @fte =
sum(datediff(dd, (case when eedatebeg < @start then @start else eedatebeg end), (case when eedateend > @end then @end when eedateend is null then @end else eedateend end))) /datediff(dd,@start,@end)
from vw_employ_dates where eedatebeg < @end and (eedateend > @start or eedateend is null) and eudescrip = @tkpr
In my select statement I concatenate city+state+zipcode. In some cases the zipcode is 9 digits but is missing the '-'. How can I format zipcode to be '#####-####' when > 5 characters from the select statment. Thanks, Ken
I am trying to create a Datazen query against a Microsoft SharePoint List. The Data View successfully returns records from the list; however, it appears that the Query String parameter is entirely ignored. I want to use the query string to grab only records with a certain status value.
So far I have attempted specifying a View and Filters:
All return the complete set of records in the list. I do not see a single example or comment online other than the claim that SharePoint List sources are supported. How I can specify a Query String value that will filter the list records?
hi siri have table hh .it has two columnsone is hhno is integer datatype another hhdoc is xml data type likehh tablehhno hhdoc---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100<suresh>sfjfjfjfjf</suresh>....................................101<ramesh>hhfhfhf</ramesh> to convert the xml data format into the general data format plshelp me with examples
My vendor requires data to be sent in Excel format. Some of my tables have rows over 65,536 so I need to use Excel 2007 (Max of 1,048,576). Right now my data sits in SQL 2000. I am using MS SQL Enterprise Manager 8.0 to prepare the data. Is there some kind of add on or selection I am missing to use DTS to export from SQL to Excel 2007?Thanks in advance.
I am importing user id's from CSV file into my Database. The source user id is of 4 character long and the destination user_id field is of 100 varchar. I just query the data so that i wan'a check that is said user id is already exist in the database or not . So i got this error. Read the script and error below '************************************************* ********************* ' Visual Basic Transformation Script '************************************************* ***********************
' Copy each source column to the destination column Function Main()
DIM v_user_id,rs, ConStr,sql set rs = CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") set con = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
ConStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=;Database=tes tkaanza;uid=sa;pwd=sa" v_user_id = DTSSource("Col001") "Select user_id from tbl_gc_user_hdr where user_id = " + v_user_id,ConStr,0,1
if Not rs.eof then MsgBox "Record Found" else MsgBox "Record Not Found" end if rs.Close End Function
i got error from this line : "Select user_id from tbl_gc_user_hdr where user_id = " + v_user_id,ConStr,0,1
Error message :
Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Error Description:The conversion of the varchar value '1000015151910165' overflowed an int column. Maximum integer value exceeded. Error Help File: Error Help Context ID:0
I have a pivot table that connects to our data warehouse via a PowerPivot connection. The data contains a bunch of comment fields that are each between 250 and 500 characters. I've set the columns in this pivot table to have the 'Wrap Text' set to true so that the user experience is better, and they can view these comment fields more clearly.
However, whenever I refresh the data, the text wrapping un-sets itself. Interestingly, the 'Wrap Text' setting is still enabled, but I have to go and click it, then click it again to actually wrap the text. This is very burdensome on the user, and degrading the experience.
Any way to make this text wrapping stick so that I don't have to re-set it every time I refresh the data?
I have a table with following structure: ProductID OrderType Value 1001 BaseSales 2000 1001 Incremental 1000 1001 TotalSales 3000 1002 BaseSales 2002 1002 Incremental 1003 1002 TotalSales 3005
I would like to get the data in following format: ProductID BaseSales Incremental TotalSales 1001 2000 1000 3000 1002 2002 1003 3005
If you have two synchronous transformation components and the input of the second is connected to the output of the first, does the first transformation process (loop through) all rows in the buffer before outputting these rows to the second transformation? Or does the first transformation output each individual row to the second transormation as soon as it has finished processing it?
Can someone plz refer/recommend any document on query merging? I am working on a database sever. The response time, of view's query has become a challange to me. I have tried everything, the last hope left is query merging. But I didnt find any docs/papers/books on it.
Plz help. Shigs. ============================= Are there those, In this world of brave, Who can tell me, How should I behave, When I am disgraced. =============================
Hi Gurus, I have a Dataflow Task which has an OLE DB Source calling a SP with parameters (?, ?). Then this OLE DB Source is conencted to a Lookup Transform which also calls a SP but on a different database. I am unable to figure out how to pass parameters in a Look up Transform. In the 'Use Results of an SQL Query' pane of Lookup Transform:
Code SnippetEXEC GetMonthlyDataExtract 4, 2007
( I am passing month and year values) this works ok.
But when I chage to
Code SnippetEXEC GetMonthlyDataExtract ?, ?
It says EXEC not supported. Also I can not figure out how to configure parameters since 'Reference Table' Tab of the Lookup Transform does not have any option where we can attach variables to parameters. Also I am interested to map parameters to variables not to input columns. If mention if that is not possible or any other alternative.
We are transferring data between AS/400 and SQL Server 7.0 using DTS. Some of these transfers may need to be very close to real time. It doesn't seem like a continuously running job is the best solution for that.
Do you know any tools or utilities that can help us to move the data?
name type amount ==== ==== ====== mary saving 123.00 mary chequing 246.00 mary investment 135.00 john saving 678.00 john chequing 987.00 john investment 0.00
what should i do to present the data in the following format?
name saving cheq investment ==== ====== ==== ========== mary 123.00 246.00 135.00 john 678.00 987.00 0.00
I have an Access Database that I have imported into SQL Server2000 and that worked great, but now I have to get it into 2005. My question is, How can I get the tables and all info in the tables into an SQL Script so I can run that script on the 2005 server?
The SQL 2000 is on my dev server and I have all the Tools, (Ent Manager, Query Analyzer,etc...) but the 2005 Server is Godaddy's and they only have the basic web interface. I can run Sql files and create databases and tables, but thats about it.