MS Access 2003 SQL View

Feb 23, 2007

Hello all, i hope someone that understands SQL can help me.

I have a report that runs from a access query, which is simple.
My problem is that i get an overflow error becuase one of the queries formulas are to divide some numbers and in this one instance there is a "0" involved.

My formula is:
Col2%: [Col 2 Hrs]/([TotHrs]-[Col 6 Hrs])

The problem is that [Col 2 Hrs]=0 this month for a specific employee.

In excel i know i can do
=IF([Col 2 Hrs]=0,"0",([Col 2 Hrs]/([TotHrs]-[Col 6 Hrs])))
and that works fine.

Can someone please show me how to do this in SQL so instead of returning an error it will display 0 or N/A.

Thanks inadvance

Hope i explained my issed well enough for everyone.

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Access 2007 Linked Tables (vs Access 2003)

May 15, 2007

We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.

Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.

Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?


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Trying To Access SQL SERVER 2005 With Access 2003

Dec 18, 2006

I am trying to connect through ODBC connectivity, but it will not allow me to do so. I have investigated this matter. It leads me back to the server, because as I was configuring my client side database. It kept asking for the DSN(datasource name), but I was unable to choose one because there wasn't one to choose. Which is my current dilemma, How can I do this and have it available to choose from the server to satisfy the Access database?

I went to the domain where the software resides but I don't know what steps to take? I also found an interesting piece on microsoft about Kerberos, but I can't follow along according to the instructions it has. I have Access 2003 & SQL SERVER 2005, HELP...!

Basically, this is right off the heels of the install. I setup the server without the connectivity, but it is running the current configuration.

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Cannot Get Access To My Access 2003 Database Tables

Feb 5, 2007

I developed a database with Access 2003 and everything was working good until my tech came in and reformated my hard drive and install a new Ghost image that met our company standards.

Now I cannot go in and make any changes to any of the tables, queries and forms. All of this started when a new Ghost image was installed on my pc.

The message I get when I try to open my database is "You do not have permission to run "tblSwitchboard." I get the same error message when I try to do anything at all on the database.

I am at a loss as to what to do. Please help.

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Cannot View Sql Server Object Properties In Vstudio .net 2003

Mar 24, 2004


Sudenly I stoped being able to view sql server object properties in the visual studio properties window . When I selected an sql server object in the server explorer i could see its properties in the prop. window . Now I can't see them anymore, the properties window apears blank.

Can anyone tell what do I need to do to be able to view them again.

Thanks & Best Regards
Pedro Costa

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SQL 2005 And Access 2003

Oct 11, 2005

Is there a patch available for Access 2003 that will allow it to interoperate fully with SQL 2005?

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Migration From MS Access 2003

Feb 1, 2006


I'm very new to MS SQL Server; I just downloaded Express 2005 yesterday. I have it up and running; it seems to be working fine.

Now onto business - I need to migrate data from existing MS Access 2003. How, exactly, do I do this? I've tried searching MSDN, TechNet, and here, and while I get results that seem to tell part of the story, I don't seem to get a true "How to" for this task.

Can someone please assist me with this?

Thank you.

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Migrating From Access 2003 To SQL CE

Sep 4, 2007

I've a database in Access 2003 that I want to migrate to SQL CE since Pocket Access is no longer supported.

I've researched extensively this issue to no avail.

Even tried to use the ADS but it's not feasible,

Please, any help is welcomed!

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Upsizing From Access 2003

Feb 21, 2008

I am upsizing an Access 2003 database to SQL 2005 (SP2)
I frequently use the criteria forms![formname].[fieldname] in Access queries to open reports or forms in Access but cannot find an SQL equivalent. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

Many thanks in advance


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Access 2003 And SQL Express

Feb 17, 2006

Is there a way to integrate Access 2003 as the Front End for SQL Express?

I tried, but I can't make a new Access project because I need to specify a login/pass and I have no idea what those are set to, or if I need to make an account somehow.

As you can see, I am totally new to SQL and any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,


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Access 2003 Projects As Front-end?

Aug 8, 2005

We use SQL Server 2000 on the back-end of our directory web site and ASP on the front end which works fine. However, for my own uses (since I don't create the asp and have to pay a programmer), would it be better to set up an Access 2003 project for my own data entry forms, standard reports and quick searching?

What would be the negatives of this approach. Remember, this is just for me.

Thanks in advance,

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SQL 2005 Express And Access 2003 SP2 Adp. Please Help

Mar 22, 2007

Hi all,

I have SQL Server 2005 Express running and I am creating a database through access (Access 2003 SP2) and no problem it creates the database...

But when I try to create other objects like views and database diagrams, I get the message below which is quite detailed but I just don't know where to get the service packs or updates needed to have this problem solved. Can anyone point out what the problem and the fixes are?

Here is the message that I get:

"This version of MS Office Access doesn't support design changes with the version of MS SQL Server
your access project is connected to. See MS Office Update Website for the latest information and
downloads (on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). YOur design changes will not be saved.

You have connected to a version of SQL server later than SQL Server 2000. This version of Visual Studio
or Access that you are using was released before teh version of SQL Server to which you are connected.
For this reason you might encounter problems.

Please check with MS to see if there is a service pack that you should apply to Visual Studio or Office
in order to get support for the version of SQL Server to which you are connected.

You can continue but any new object types might not be enumerated, and it will not be possible to
save any objects or database diagrams thatyou create using the Visual Database Tools."


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Access 2003 With SQL Express 2005

Nov 15, 2006

I am a fresher in using SQL with access.

I am using a code in Ms access to link a table that is in Sql express 2005.

I use this linked table name to download records to the local Access table.

The link is then dropped in Access.

Is there any way to write back records into the linked Sql table from Access.

It does not allow me to delete / add / modify records of a linked table.

How can I do this.



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Access 2003 And SQL Server Express

Sep 4, 2006

Does anybody know if there is and update for access 2003 which could make it compatible with SQLServer Express. Actually XML Field are not supported, Diagram too, and surely much more.

Any help would be appreciate.

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Exporting Sql 2000 To Ms Access 2003

Sep 3, 2006

i am trying to exporting sql 2000 to ms access 2003 with relationship also exported to access as well as the data.

help plz

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Bulk Load From Access To SQL 2003

Jun 29, 2006

I am trying to configure a bulk table upload from a 2003 Access table to a matching table in SQL with SSIS. I can configure the source file but am unable to configure the destination. When I configure the SQL source and use SQL Native Client I get an error message of:

The selected connection manager uses an earlier version of a SQL server provider. Bulk insert requires a connection that uses a SQL server 2005 provider.

When I go through the new connection setup I don't see any available provider named like that. I believe the SQL server I am loading to is a 2003 version.

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SQL Server Express And Access 2003

Apr 7, 2006

I recently started developing a new Access project for a client, and decided to try out Access 2003 with SQL Express 2005. Everything was going fine until I tried to modify a table from within Access. I got an error message that SQL Express is incompatible with Access 2003, and it suggested I go to the Microsoft website and search for a patch/upgrade to solve this.

I tried to ignore it, and it started warning me that none of my table edits would be saved.

I looked around, but I can't find anything about this.

Is this true? Is there a patch to fix this?

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VBA Access 2003 Error 2749

Mar 24, 2008

How can I avoid the error?

I keep getting this error:
Run-time error '2749':

There isn't enough memory to complete the Automation object operation in the OLE object.


Here is the code:
Private Sub cmdLoadOLE_Click()

Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyExt As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String

MyFolder = Me.SearchFolder__
' Get the search path.
MyPath = MyFolder & "" & "*.jpg"
' Get the first file in the path containing the file extension.
MyFile = Dir(MyPath, vbNormal)

Do While Len(MyFile) <> 0

'[fldID] = CInt("4869")
[fldID] = CInt(Replace(MyFile, ".jpg", ""))
[fldOLE].Class = "MSPhotoEd.3"
[fldOLE].OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
[fldOLE].SourceDoc = MyFolder & "" & MyFile
[fldOLE].Action = acOLECreateEmbed
[fldOLE].Action = acOLEClose

' Check for next OLE file in the folder.
MyFile = Dir

' For Access 97 only, use the following line of code:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew


End Sub


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SSEE -&&> MS SSMEE -&&> MS ACCESS 2003

Nov 8, 2007

hello guys,

i am using MS SSEE installed by WSUS3.
Due to a server reinstallation and new synchronisation of WSUS i have to approve/reject nearly 1200 Updates for Windows XP/Vista/Server 2003 and different Office Versions.

The new MMC lost some features to do this easyly (Filters)

Because of these missing functions i intend to install "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express" to get connection to the SSEE and then create an Access-Frontend to add the functions i am missing.

Could you please tell me if this might work?
Somwhere in this forum i read, that the SSEE was intend to be not accessable.

Thanks Marcus

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Link To Express Table In Access 2003

Jan 29, 2006

How can make link to a table stored in an sql express 2005 database in access 2003 ? the classic method doesen't work. i tried to use odbc databases as file type to link, then build a data source using SQL native clint driver, but in the combo for default database i don't have the database created before, only master,msdb, model, tempdb. If i try to use the attach database filename text box i receive an error "the datadase entered is not valid". Any suggestions ?


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Access 2003 Projects Don't Work With SQL2005

Apr 25, 2008

Hi All,

Just installed a new version of SQL2005 on a brand new Application Server.

However, when i fired up Access 2003, it gives me some chaos about how Access isn't compatible with SQL2005. Fantastic lack of backward compatibility straight out the box.

Ok, so I do as it says and download all the updates.

Try again... Still won't allow me.

Wen't to Control Panel > Data Sources and confirmed the Native Client is in there. Added a System DSN for the new Server.

Tried Access again, still not working?? What the...

Why can't I create a new project in Access 2003, and edit it from my desktop instead of sitting on the server for every table modification? I hate designing tables on the SQL studio.

Any clues or help would be great. I'm just disappointed at the moment, on how this is holding up my database projects.



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Modify VB6 App To Use SQL 2005 Data Instead Of Access 2003

May 19, 2007

I have an existing VB6 application which uses an Access 2003 backend datafile, however, I would now like to modify this to use an SQL 2005 datafile, but I don't know how to go about this or the implications when the application is installed on another machine.

The code I use for accessing the Access 2003 file is below, I want to convert this code to access an SQL 2005 datafile instead, can anyone give me some pointers on the best way to go about this, or code sample.

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbs As ADODB.Connection

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Set dbs = New ADODB.Connection

dbs.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _
strNetworkLocation & "MyDB.mdb; JET OLEDBatabase Password=MyPassword"

With rst
.Open "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tblProject WHERE pjProject = '" & _
lstProject.Text & "'", dbs, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
strDrawingRef = !pjStartupDrawing
strProject = lstProject.Text
End With

Thank-you in advance for any help you may provide.


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Micorsoft Access 2003 Data Conversion To SQL

May 7, 2008

Is it possible to convert an access 2003 database to SQL without data lost (and more generaly, without lost of information about the database) and then, connect the customer Microsoft ACCESS program to the new SQL database without change in ACCESS program ?
Thanks a lot for your answer.
P.S.: if there is changes to make, what kind of change for example.

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Access 2003 Linked Tables Update

Jun 28, 2007


I am trying to update some SQL-linked tables in my Access database by repoiting the existing linked tables to a new datasource. The problem is, when I go to select the machine data source where the table sits, I get an error message saying the MS Jet Database can't find the object. This is because when Access creates the linked table, it replaces the period in the <schema>.<table_name> with an underscore. So when I go to update the links, it is essentially looking for the new table with the wrong file name.

I have about 80 linked tables to update and I haven't been able to figure a work-around. HELP PLEASE!



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Using MS Access 2003 Project With SQL Server 2005

Mar 16, 2006

I continue to receive an error that states "The version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes with the version of Microsoft SQL Server your Access project is connected to. See the Microsoft update website for the latest information."

I'm using Access 2003 that I ran a database through the Upzinging Wizard with a copy of SQL Server 2005.

I have searched the Office Update pages and can't locate anything that helps, although I'm sure I'm probably missing something.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Mike Duke

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How Do I Locate A Database On SQL Express From Access 2003.

Jan 5, 2007

Access 2003 Data exported to SQL Express , great.

How do I then link the tables to the new database, I only seem to be able to link to system tables etc ??

Any ideas ?

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Problem With Compatibility Between Access 2003 And SQL 2005

Nov 26, 2007

In my office, we offer support for applications developed in Access 2003 in a SQL Server 2000 environment, for some of our clients.

In one PC we have installed MsOffice 2003 and recently installed SQL Server 2005 personal edition, but now we have a problem because there is a compatibility problem between them. We need some upgrade for Access to avoid it, but can't find it.

Can We fix this problem, maintainning Access 2003 and SQL Server 2005 personal edition and maintainning the support for our clients?

Notice that our clients can't upgrade, in the short time.

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Apr 28, 2006

Thanks Mr. Wachal.

We did everything exactly what you have suggested us to do. The MDB file is now in Access 2003. BUT, BUT, the program, that was written over 12 years ago, does not understand the new file. It is not able to open the file. It seems that the old software only understands Access 1.0 or 1.1 MDB files. So, what can I do to with this old medical software, wery useful and practical, but unable to be upgraded with a newer data base file type?

Really, thanks for your kind help and excellent advices. You are the only chance that we have to solve this problem, so thanks again.

Dr. G. Varnagy

Caracas - Venezuela

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Access 2003 Project-SQL Express - Cant Save Desig

Jan 1, 2006


I have conntected an Access 2003 project to a database in SQL Express and when I try to create a new view or stired procedure I get the message

This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes with the version of Microsoft SQL Server your project is connected to. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads (on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not be saved.

Is it a limitation or have I not got the appropriate permissions set up

And if it is a limitation does it matter

Thanks in advance

Gordon W

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ACCESS 2003 Query Size High Problem Help

Jul 23, 2005

How can I adjust the vertical size of query and save it?In older versions of Access XP, it is enough to make position height bymouse-drag and save.When I reopen the , height changes remain saved.In Access 2003, the changes won't remain as saved. When reopened, it returnsto autosize height...which is small.Thanks

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Saving Bitmap File To MS Access 2003 Problem

Mar 17, 2008


I'm using C# 2005. The data type of the bitmap file saved to database is "long binary data". It should be "OLE Object".

Source Code:
Code Snippet
Bitmap myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"c:Picture1.bmp");
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("<<My Connection String>>");
string sql = "UPDATE Table1 SET fldOLE = @fldOLE WHERE fldID = 5";
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
command.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@fldOLE", myBitmap));
int rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

How can I save Bitmap to database with data type "OLE Object"?

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Access 2003 Database Upsizing To SQL Server Express

May 31, 2006

Is it possible to upsize an Access 2003 database to SQL Server Express without actually installing Access 2003 on my server....I would prefer to not have to do that. Currently, I only have the Access mdb file on the is the backend to my ASP application. Can I download and run the Upsizing Wizard on it's own?

Thanks in advance,


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Can't Add A Linked Table To SQL Server 2005 With Access 2003

Oct 26, 2006


I have an Access 2003 front end that contains a number of linked tables on SQL Server 2005 SE. I recreated the application on a second network for testing and was able to use the Linked Table Manager to refresh the database connections. The problem is when I try and add another linked table. I select Link Tables from the menu and then when I select 'ODBC Databases()' from the 'Files of Type' list box, the Link window closes right away.

Any suggestions?

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