MS SQL Server Management Studio - Permissions And Stored Procedures

Nov 16, 2006


My website uses GET variables a lot and i'm trying to safe guard as much as possible against SQL injection attacks. I'm trying to create permissions which will deny a user to Delete/Insert/Update various tables.

I have managed this with the tables themselves, but when using a stored procedure, the tables do not take into account the user permissions which were set for that table!

Basically, how do i stop a stored procedure from Deleting/Inserting/Updating tables? :(

many thanks

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Stored Procedures Not Showing In Server Management Studio

Mar 11, 2007

i'm trying to create my first stored procedure.
i believe i've done everything correctly, the file shows up in the projects directory with the .sql extension, but the proc doesnt appear in object explorer under my database name/programmability/stored procedures.
when i execute the query, i get "Could not find stored procedure 'IsEmployeeInTable'.".
i'm running on my laptop using development server.
thanks.  matt

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What Is The Security Setting To Allow Editing Of Stored Procedures From Management Studio?

Nov 28, 2007

Running SQL Server 2005. The developers on the project can see and edit stored procedures from within the Visual Studio IDE (via Server Explorer) but when they connect through management studio, the stored procedures do not show up at all.

Is there a seperate security setting specifically for management studio?

The user has:

The dbCreator Server Role

Is mapped to the development database as dbo with datareader/datawriter/db owner/public role
Is mapped to master reader/writer/public
Is mapped to model reader/writer public
Is mapped to msdb reader/writer public
Is mapped to tempdb reader/writer publuc

This is probably more security than the user needs, but was grasping at straws to let them edit stored procedures...

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Export Strored Procedures In MS Sql Server Management Studio

Jul 18, 2007


Can anyone tell me how to export a batch of stored procedures in MS sql server Management studio?


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Management Studio Permissions

Feb 12, 2008

I want to deny a few logins access to sql server...I am using windows Authentictation on the Sql Server...So the Server Uses the Windows Login for the Sql Server Access...I dont see any logins i want to disable on the Sql Server

i did following for denying the non-existence logins access

a.Add the Logins to the on the Server
b.Disable the Accounts

It works fine..but i want to know if there is better way of denying the logins to access the SQL SERVER.

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Script To Export Tables,store Procedures And Data In SQL Server Management Studio Expres

Nov 23, 2006

how i can do a script to export tables,store procedures and data in SQL Server Management Studio Expres

I just arrive to do a script for tables and stores procedures

help please

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How To View Permissions Using Management Studio?

Apr 5, 2007

How do you view permissions granted to an id, such as ALTER TRACE permission, using Management Studio? I want to see if ALTER TRACE permission has been granted to an id, but am unable to find this information in the GUI.

Thanks, Dave

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Permissions Not Visible - SQL 2005 Management Studio

Jun 30, 2005

I'm trying to apply some security to my database, so i've created a role, added my user to the role and then set the security rights for the role. Everything work great, the security right behave exactly as defined....However, when I go back the the Permissions pages, the values that i've already set don't appear in the lists (the all still work). In Fact they don't show up anywhere either in the permissions for the table / sp concerned or the right for the user or role.Is it just me, or is it a problem with SQL 2005 Management Studio? or can anybody suggest a way of finding the securty rights of any given database object?Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1116.00RegardsGary T 

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How To Script Object Permissions, Not Objects, In Management Studio?

Feb 11, 2008

Using Management Studio how do you script only user and object permissions? I don't want to script the corresponding "Create" statements for each object, only their permissions. This was possible in 2000.

Thanks, Dave

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How To View Permissions Of User-defined Database Roles In Management Studio?

Dec 20, 2005

As part of our security project, I've done the following when logged in as 'sa':

Created database roles 'dbrole1' within dbAccount

Created login and user 'user1' and added user to be a member of 'dbrole1'

Granted execute permissions on sp1 and sp2 to 'dbrole1'

However, I didn't see the above permissions listed in SQL Server Management Studio - Database - Security - Roles - Database Roles - 'dbrole1' properties - securables

Any ideas?  Thanks!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Permissions To Debug Stored Procedures Using SSMS?

Jun 25, 2015

What permission is required to run debug feature in SSMS(debug Stored Procedures). This is a development machine and developer requested for this.

EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_enable_sql_debug', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.

EXECUTE permission was denied on object 'sp_sql_debug', database 'master'.

Is there any option other than giving sysadmin privilege on SQL?

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Is It Possible To Change Permissions Of SQL Server System Stored Procedures And DBCC Commands?

May 8, 2008

Hi all,

I would like to enable users that do not belong to groups (server roles) such as sysadmin, serveradmin and don't have db permissions such as ddl_admin or db_owner to run some of the system stored procedures (such as sp_addumpdevice sp_configure sp_serveroption ...) and DBCC commands (such as DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - requires ob_owner or sysadmin permission).

Is it possible to change permissions of SQL Server system stored procedures?

Is it possible to change permissions of SQL Server DBCC commands?



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Rename A Stored Procedure In Server Management Studio

Jan 18, 2008

How do you rename a stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio?  I tried right clicking on the stored procedure and I don't see a Rename option.

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How Do I Create A Stored Procedure In SQL Server Management Studio Express?

Dec 5, 2006

I have wrriten many stored procedures in the past without issue, but this is my first time using SQL Server Management Studio Express.  I am having trouble creating a new stored procedure.  Here is what's happening:
I am opening my database, right clicking on "Stored Procedures" and selecting "New Stored Procedure".  A new window opens with a template for creating a stored procedure.  The window is called: "SQLEXPRESS.DBName - sqlquery1.sql".  I then type up my stored procedure without an issue.
However, when I go to save the stored procedure it wants to save it as a separate file in a projects folder.  It does not become part of the DB (as far as I can tell).
When I used to use Enterprise Manager (not an option anymore) this never happened.
I'm sure I'm doing something dumb.  Can someone enlighten me.

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Attaching A Stored Procedure To A Database In MS SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 20, 2008

Hello all!

Quick question... I've created my DB in MSSQLSMS, then attempted to created a stored procedure for it. The code itself is fine, I just need to know how to actually attach it so that it appears in the "Stored Procedures" section of my Database.

I have Right Clicked on Stored Procedures > New Stored Procedure... > Edited as required > Save

When I attempt to save it, it prompts me for a file. That's fine, did that - but I can't see ANY way to actually attach this to the DB.

Any help is appreciated!

Daniel Davies

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How To Empty A Stored Procedure In Ms Sql Server Management Studio Express

Apr 13, 2007

hi everyone,

I have a db based on the Tracking_Schema.sql / Tracking_Logic.sql (find in &windir%/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.0/Windows Workflow Foundation/SQL/EN), so after executing both of them I get several stored procedures, especially dbo.GetWorkflows. And I have a solution in VS05 which when executed is filling this stored procedure with Instance-Idīs. My question is: how is the working command (like exec, truncate,..) to empty my st.procedure, not to drop/delete it?

Thanks in advance, best regards


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Viewing Large Numbers Of Stored Procs In SQL Server Management Studio

Jul 13, 2007

I work with a large and complex reporting system with several hundred reports: the Programmability; Stored Procedures node of the object explorer has become very difficult to navigate.

Is there any metadata that can be embedded in the stored procs that would create subfolders like the existing System Stored Procedures node in this node of the object explorer?

I suspect that the correct answers are:

Rename all your queries with a rational naming convention;
Cull the deadwood;
Assign them to categories then export them to separate databases.

Unfortunately, one of these has already been done, and the other two will break several hundred dependent processes - the recoding and retesting is neither economical nor desirable.

Still, all advice is welcome. Pitch your answers at a banking geek who does intermediate to advanced stored procedures and triggers, but isn't allowed to play with sharp things (like sys objects) - but I can probably get help from a grown-up on the sysadmin team: I have discovered that the rumours about human sacrifice are baseless, and they will perform favours in return for beer.

This is also a good time to ask: just how many stored procs and functions are you allowed in SQL Server 2005?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Policy Management - Table References In Stored Procedures

Feb 3, 2015

Is there any way to enforce table references in stored procedures? For Example, we have stored procedures with a ton of different formats, "dbo.table", "table", "db.dbo.table", etc. Can we make it so that for every stored procedure, the reference must be at least "dbo.table"?

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Accessing SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures From Visual Studio.NET

Jan 30, 2007

What permissions do I need to set on our new SQL Server 2005 test server so that I can see the stored procedures, views and tables from Visual Studio development environment.

Example, I can see my older SQL Server 7 tables, edit them, write stored procedures, and so on. But while I can see the SQL Server 2005 and its databases, the folder underneath are empty and I cannot right-click to create New stored procedure or table.

My guess is that there is security involved, if so, what do I set on the new server?
If I'm wrong, and it's something else entirely, please advise.


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Stored Procedures Permissions

Aug 1, 2007

Good evening:
When assigning permissions to logins/roles, etc., does a login/user with rights to a stored procedure need rights to all of the tables and views that it accesses?  
In other words: 
If you create a login/user with rights to 3 stored procs, but deny access to the same user to the tables and/or views that the SP uses, will the sproc still run?
Stupid question?  Sorry if it is.
** Future Daddy

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Permissions On Stored Procedures

Jun 12, 2001

Is there any way by which I can grant the same permissions to all of my stored procedures by one command?


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Permissions On Stored Procedures

Jul 3, 2001

Till yesterday I was able to execute the stored procedure sp_cycle_errorlog.
I am member of Domain Admin on NT.
I am member of sysadmin server roles on SQL Server 7.0 (SP1).
Now I receive the following error:

Server: Msg 15003, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
Only members of the sysadmin role can execute this stored procedure.

I have already stop and restart SQL Server.
Any idea?
Thank you.

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Stored Procedures And Permissions

Feb 14, 2007

i have a stored procedure that calls another stored procedure which does the following:

exec @hr = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT
if @hr < 0
/* Raiserror('sp_OACreate MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp failed', 16, 1) */

exec @hr = sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @sUrl, false

now if I execute the first sp in management studio it doesn't error but if I call from asp it does error.
I gave the user permission to the first sp -- so I need to give permi

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Permissions On Stored Procedures

May 17, 2006

Using Server Management
Studio Express and SQL Server 2005 Express - is it possible to assign
Exec permissions for users on a sproc by sproc basis. If so, how do I
do this?


Mike Brind

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CLR Stored Procedures Table Permissions

Jul 4, 2013

I have an app which calls a SP, which in turn calls a CLR Stored Procedure.

The CLR stored procedure calls a number of different tables, using a Context connection string.

The issue is that the CLR SP requires the user to have permissions to the tables directly, instead of just permissions to the SP which was expected.

If I just give permission to the SP, then the CLR SP fails. So I then add the table permissions, and it then works.

So the question is, how do I raise security so the app does not have permissions on the tables?

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Permissions Of CLR Stored Procedures To DB Objects

Jan 25, 2008

I need to understand the permissions that a CLR stored procedure needs when it accesses tables. In a dbo TSQL stored procedure it has owner permissions on all dbo tables, so there is no need to grant permissions on tables to the database user.

Some developers recently implemented a CLR stored procedure that returned an error with update permission denied on table name. Once I granted the user account update permission on that table, it was able to execute OK.

I have been looking for a good explanation for the way the permissions to database objects need to be setup for CLR stored procedures. For example, could I have said to modify the procedure to use the EXECUTE AS clause, instead of granting the user account direct permission on the table? Does anyone have any links to good articles on this subject?

I have a feeling I'm on my own trying to figure out how this works. I've been searching the web for hours, and I haven't found anything that directly addresses this.


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Stored Procedures/ Table Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, is there any way that I can automate granting user permissions totables/ stored procedures in SQL server 2000?I have a whole bunch of tables and rather than having to right click eachtable/ then permissions in Enterprise manager I would like to be able toiterate through each table object in a database and grant the relevantpermissions.... Same with stored procedures.Is this possible?? If so, how can I do itThanks in advanceMark

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Execute Permissions On Stored Procedures

Apr 24, 2007


would like to know how to give execute permissions for all the stored procedures in a database at one shot. please advise.

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Permissions For Stored Procedures Generated By VS 2005

Apr 25, 2005

I have a DataSet (Data Component in Beta 1) and I want to add Fill and
Get methods by using a Stored Procedure that was created by VS 2005 (aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers). I probably need to use Enterprise Manager to do so but I am not sure what permissions I need to set and how to set them.

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Adding Execute Permissions On Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

How can i add Execute permissions on the Stored Procedures under thecreated user permission iusing SQLDMO ?

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How Do I Give EXECUTE Permissions On Stored Procedures?

Sep 20, 2007

Hey guys,I'm pretty new to SQL configuration, and I need to give EXECUTEpersmissions for one of the SQL user roles. I am running SQL 2005Management Studio Express - free version. I found the list of mystored procedures, but I can not locate any permissions screen. Cansomeone help point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Inter-database Stored Procedures And Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all, this is my second post to this newsgroup. It's a questionabout stored procedures and permissions and how these behave betweendatabases.Here's the scenario. I have a database that stores information for asystem "A", and I have a different database on the same SQL serverthat stores the login and other info "LOGIN". I write a storedprocedure in the "A" database that checks some tables in the "LOGIN"database, let's call this "SP_A".Additionally I have a user account that accesses all appropriatestored procedures in "A" called "USER_A", and the same for the "LOGIN"database, "USER_LOGIN".Here's the part that raised my curiosity. I log into the server viaQuery Analyzer using the "USER_A" account. I run "SP_A" which does ajoin between some table in "A" and another table in "LOGIN". I give"USER_A" execute permission on "SP_A", then I try to run "SP_A" andget an error:SELECT permission denied on object '(table in "LOGIN" database)',database '(real name of "LOGIN")', owner 'dbo'Huh? how come I need to assign additional select permissions in thisdatabase if I'm not doing an actual select statement? I'm not evendynamically running a select statement through an exec function. Thisjust struck me as odd, seeing as how I never explicitly set SELECTpermission on any table in "A" for "USER_A", yet my stored procedureworks, but between databases I have to assign extra permissions for astored procedure "SP_A" access to the tables in "LOGIN".Anyone able to explain this behavior? Because I'm at a loss and I'veonly been doing this DB thing for about 2 years.Thanks in advance, all.-TJ

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SSIS / MSDB Stored Procedures / Permissions

Jul 23, 2007


Here is my problem, its very simple, But I dont have a solution.
To run / import / what ever I else I forgot (?) SSIS in SQL SERVER, what are permissions I'll need.

So far I have developed everything in BIDS, when I try to migrate it to a sql server by using Import package in Integration Services I got the below error.

TITLE: Import Package
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_dts_listpackages', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_dts_listpackages', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

The error is very clear in itself, While I have raised a request for the execute permission of this stored procedure, i also like to know what kind of permissions I will need in MSDB to work with out any problems. So that I dont have to go to DBA for execute permission for each error I may get for this.Right now I dont have execute permission on any of the Stored Procs in MSDB.

If any body can show any pointers that would be help full.

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