MS SQL View The Column Entries

Oct 25, 2006

I have just started learning PHP and MS SQL. I was having a problem viewing the database (column entries) in the MS SQL server managemnet studio. I can see the column names but I cannot see the entries that I save in it.
Ne help pls !!!
Any yes the data is saved because when I use the "select" command I can print the data.

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Tools To View Transaction Log Entries?

Feb 12, 2004

are there any tools which allow the viewing of the transaction logs detail (or backups of the logs)? if so, recommendations and comments would be appreciated.


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Need Your Help To Remove Spaces In The Column Entries Using SQL

Oct 21, 2006

Hi all,I am new to these so plz never mind if this is is my problem :Table : moodyColumn : TitleNew column : NospaceI have data in "Title" column of many rows which are normal sentence.My requirment is to remove the "white space", +, | , ., / , ! @, $, %etc special characters and fill it by ( hyphen) and put it in new"Nospace" ColumnExample :I have : Hurray ! I won the GameNeeded : Hurray-I-won-the-GameCan any body helpme in getting an SQL Query for this if possibleThanks in Advance

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DB Design :: How To Avoid Similar Entries In Column List In Server

Sep 16, 2015

I am sharing one sql query and o/p:

select distinct  case 
          when LastStatusMessageIDName = 'Program completed with success' then 'Office 2013 SP1 Installed Successfully'
          when LastExecutionResult = '2013' then 'Machine Does not have Office 2013'
          when LastExecutionResult = '17023' then 'User cancelled installation'
          when LastExecutionResult = '17302' then 'Application failed due to low disk space.'

[Code] .....

The below is the output for the given query,here i want to see only one comment value in my list and the count is also sum of all where comment should be Application will be installed once machine is online(Bold columns o/p)

Comment  Machine Name
Application will be Installed once machine is Online 4
Application will be Installed once machine is Online 12
Application will be Installed once machine is Online 42
Application will be Installed once machine is Online 120
Machine Does not have Office 2013 25
User cancelled installation 32
Application failed due to low disk space 41
Office 2013 SP1 already Exist 60

I need o/p like below:in single line

Application will be Installed once machine is Online 178
Machine Does not have Office 2013 25
User cancelled installation 32
Application failed due to low disk space 41
Office 2013 SP1 already Exist 60

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Searching For Entries In Subsequent Log Entries?

Dec 2, 2013

If I wanted to search for Jobs as a particular status (e.g. 0130) and wanted to keep the jobs at this status until it has reached 0500, 0125, or 0900 in it's subsequent status log entry, how can I write the SQL for it to achieve it?

I have the following SQL which searches for the Jobs at 0130, but don't know how to develop it further to search on the requirement above.

------ SQL -------
(SELECT MAX(jsl.job_log_number)
FROM job_status_log jsl
job.job_number = jsl.job_number AND
jsl.status_code = '0130') as Last_Early_Warning_Status_Entry


In the job_status_log table above, there is a job_log_number field which increments by 1 when there is a new status log entry.

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Create Multi Column View From Single Column Data

Jan 9, 2008

I have two tables, one a data table, the other a product table. I want to perform a join on the two tables with values distributed into columns based on the value in the month field.

product_code month value
350 1 10
350 2 20
350 3 30

product_code profit_center
350 4520


product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 20 30

My current query gives the following result

product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 0 0
350 4520 0 20 0
350 4520 0 0 30

Any direction toward a solution would be appreciated. Am using SS2005.

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How To Add An Identity PK Column To A View

Nov 16, 2007

For an project, I have had a DropDownList with a static ArrayList.The ArrayList will be defined from a View, where there is no Identity PK. 
I also have used cbxDropDownListName.SelectedIndex to add new data toa table, where an Indetity PK is used to reference the ArrayList. 
 I am wondering how can I add an identity PK to my view?

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Compute Column In View...

Mar 11, 2006

I have a SQL table that consists of columns A, B and C.  I am trying to construct a view consisting of all columns (i.e. A, B, C) and a computed column.  This computed column has the following logic:
If B is blank or null then  NewColumn = A + ' - ' C
 NewColumn = A + ' - ' + B
I am just wondering how the SQL statement should look like....

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View Changes Data In A Column

Sep 17, 2001

Is there a way of changing the value of a column in a view? For example, I have a table with defect code and a description (other columns as well). In a view, I would like to see only the defect code and the description, but if the code is > 90, I would like to define what the description is.


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Computed Column Of A View

Jun 11, 2003

I have a view that has 2 columns. The first column is associated with a function for the Units. The second column calculates the Market Value:

Col1: Unit = get_number_of_units()
Col2: MV = get_number_of_units() * get_unit_value()

I need to call get_number_of_units() twice in the view. Is it possible to changes Col2 to something like: MV = Col1 * get_unit_value()?

Is get_unit_value() being called if I do Select Col1 from View?


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How To Add A Calculated Column In A View

Apr 21, 2008

*first issue
how to add a calculated column in a view such that this calculated column will be calculated from the oraginal columns

create view vw1
select tab.col1,tab.col2 from
from tab

and i want to add a column that contains the result of a comparison between col1 and col2 (col1<col2) such that the values of the column will be true,false


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Creating A View With A New Column

Jan 31, 2014

I'm using SQL Server 2008 to solve the following exercise.

I have three Tables:
Table CUSTOMER with columns: CustomerID,Company,ContactName,Phone
Table ORDER with columns: OrderID,OrderDate,ShippedDate,ShipperID,Freight,CustomerID
Table Shipper with columns:ShipperID,Company,Phone

I need to Create a view listing the shipper and the number of unshipped orders. I have been trying to use joins or possibly subqueries, but I'm not getting a correct result for a ShipperID with NO unshipped orders.My view should looks like: ShipperID, Company, Phone, UnshippedOrders

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Can Reference A Column In A View

Aug 14, 2014

how can i reference a column in a view.

My duplicate check runs against the entire column. There might be another test field that has the same value, and that might be valid, so im trying to make sure that when i do the check, i am checking only against the serial number field and not all test fields.

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Temp Column In VIEW

Sep 27, 2005

Not sure if I am approaching this correctly. I can get name, address, zip code from a table via a VIEW. But the problem is I need to create another column called "status" in the same view that is based on "customer_end_date" if end_date> GETDATE() then 'P'(pick-up) and end_date< GETDATE () then 'I'(install). Using a stored procedure this is easy...but how would I do this in a VIEW?

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Add Column To A View - RESOLVED

May 3, 2006

I am creating a view in SQL using the View tab in the database and adding the table and the fields I need. For criteria I need to have 28 'or' s . How do I insert more columns on the end of my view ?

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Update Column In A View

May 21, 2006

Hello all,
I'd like to create a view which shows all specific column values
(null values for example)
as calculated values from another column,
if for example i have the table:
| col1 | col2 |
| 123 | null |
| 126 | 9 |
i would like the view to be:

| col1 | col2 |
| 123 | 6 | ----> 6, since it's the sum of col1 digits 1+2+3
| 126 | 9 |

I don't really know how to do that, although i'm quite sure it's possible, any help will be appreciated,

Best Regards,

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Finding Column Name Associated With View

Apr 30, 2007

I want to find columns name associated with view. For example; can you please help me to write query? I need to write for several tables.

TableName Column View
---------- -------- -------
Employee EmpId v_EmployeeDetails
Employee Firstname v_EmployeeDetails
Employee Lastname --
Employee SSN v_PersonalD
Employee DOB --

--just example

create view v_EmployeeDetails
select EmpId,Firstname from Employee


create view v_PersonalD
select SSN from Employee

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Bcp Into View With Derived Column

Jan 10, 2006

Hi,I have a view that looks something like this -CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECTmyudf(col1) as col1, col2, col3FROM mytableThe view has an 'INSTEAD OF' trigger on it to do the correct thing oninsert. When I run the bcp, it runs successfully, but the valueinserted into col1 is always NULL. I modified my trigger to get abetter idea of what was happening, and when I look at the values ofINSERTED.col1, they are all null. It appears that bcp is setting thecolumn value to null, presumable because the view definintion for thiscolumn is a derived column.Does any one know a way around this?Thanks!

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Change A Column Name In A View

Apr 24, 2008

I am going to change a column name YYZ in a VIEW because of typo. It should be named as YYY.
What is best scenario?


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Try To Use Column Info Twice In VIEW In SQL 2005

Sep 15, 2007

I keep running into the following Error message when I try to execute the query below. Can anyone please give me an idea of how I can solve this issue and keep my data??
 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[view_mCover]
SELECT dbo.tProduct.intProductId AS dblCoverId, dbo.tProduct.strProductName AS strCoverName,strProductCode AS strCoverCode, dbo.tProduct.strProdPictUrl AS strCoverThumbnailSrc,
dbo.tProduct.intSubCategoryId AS dblCoverCategoryId, dbo.tProduct.strProdPictUrl AS strCoverSrc, dbo.tProduct.floatPrice AS floatCoverCost,
dbo.tProduct.intStockQuantity AS intProductStock, dbo.tProduct.isInDesignTool as isInDesignTool
FROM dbo.tProduct INNER JOIN
dbo.tCategory ON dbo.tProduct.intCategoryId = dbo.tCategory.intCategoryId
WHERE (dbo.tCategory.intCategoryId = 6) AND (dbo.tProduct.isDeleted = 0)

 ERROR message
 Error Message: Column Name 'StrProdPictURL' appears more than once in  the result column list
Thanks in Advance...

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How Can I Add A Fiscal Year Column To A View

Oct 6, 2007

I have a view that shows payment amount, payment date. I need to add a column to the view that shows what fiscal year the payment belongs to.
How can this be done?
I do have a table that has the fiscal start and end in it, tblGlobal with fields FiscalYearStart and FiscalYearEnd.

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Creating An Identity Column In A View

Mar 25, 2004

I need a view that will:
1) select the distinct values in a column (the easy part)
2) assign the equivalent of an identity column to each row containing the distinct value it returns.

For example TableA contains 25 records but one of the columns only contains three unique values (say, 'A','B', & 'C').

This is what I want my view to return:

1 A
2 B
3 C

In other words, I need the view to assign the 1, 2 and 3 to the individual rows.

Thanks in advance for any pointers on this one.

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View To Get Record Based On A Column Value

Jul 24, 2013

I have a view where the results would be like this.(userid,name,rolekey are my col names with data)

userid name rolekey
test1 tname rolekey1
test1 tname rolekey2
test1 tname rolekey3

is this possible to retireve data from view where i need only userid with rolekey1.? tried with a function but its taking more time? any options in doing it in the view itself?

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Create A Rank Column In A View

Jan 14, 2008

Hi all!

I'm trying to script a view that does a simple query to some tables.
The catch is 2 of the columns are created on run time.
The first column is filled with a calculation with values of other columns. The 2nd column I would like to fill with the ranking of this calculated column

Example: (imagine caculatedcol is Sum(Col1+Col2+Col3)

Col1 Col2 Col3 CalculatedCol Ranking
10 10 10 30 1
9 9 9 27 2
8 8 8 24 3
7 7 7 21 4

How can I get the Ranking column filled based on the calculated column?

I'm desperate.
Thanks for any help.

Mário Ramos

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Create A Column In A View Without Data

Feb 28, 2008

Hey everyone,

I have a view that shows the email address and first name of a Membership table. I need to add a column to this view that doesn't have a corresponding column in the original table that has some default value.

i.e. the view currently shows:


I need it to say:

John EmailBlast

The third column will always have that value.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks in advance!


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Add IDENTITY Column In Runtime In A View...

Jul 20, 2005

Dear All,I'm facing a problem with creating a view.I have a table withfollowing descriptionTab1------------------------------------Col1 col2---- -----Val1 TomVal2 CatVal3 JackVal4 JimNow I'm trying to create a view with following information fromTab1.The output should beTab1View--------------------------------------Col1 Col2 Col3---- ---- -----1 Val1 Tom2 Val2 Cat3 Val3 Jack4 Val4 Jim---------------------------------------So the create view statement add this column dynamically in thisresult set.If any body has any doubt on this query please let me inform.RegardsArijit Chatterjee

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Partitioned View With Computed Column

Jan 23, 2008

Using SQL Server 2005. Defined partitioned view with computed column. Computed column was a constant varchar. Ran a SELECT. According to Query Execution Plan, SQL did recognize the computed column as the partitioning column and used it to optimize the query.

However MSDN says a computed column cannot be used as the partitioning column.

Could someone from MS clarify?

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Partitioned View &&amp; Computed Column..

May 14, 2006


please enlighten me regarding an issue with partitioned view... There are 3 tables in my DB of a similar structure:

CREATE TABLE Table1 (value1 varchar(1))
CREATE TABLE Table2 (value1 varchar(1))
CREATE TABLE Table3 (value1 varchar(1))

INSERT INTO Table1 (value1)

INSERT INTO Table2 (value1)

INSERT INTO Table3 (value1)

As sometimes we need to access all data from these tables, a view has been created:

SELECT value1, '1' as table_id from Table1
SELECT value1, '2' as table_id from Table2
SELECT value1, '3' as table_id from Table3

The problem is that while running a query like

SELECT * from AllData WHERE value1 = 'a' and table_id = '3'

I see a table scan being performed on all 3 tables, not just table3 - i.e optimisation engine doesn't care for my table_id computed column and for that fact that required data is located ONLY in Table3.

Is there any way to force optimiser to consider this column andrrebuild a plan? If not - how can I rebuild a view (I can't modify tables) to achieve that? Maybe create an index for a view?

Thanks in advance. RTFM and search don't seem to clarify this for me...

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Issue With Identity Column In A View

Dec 28, 2006

Thanks a lot, Greg!

Well, I have another question.

In SQL-2005, till SP2 version, there is a bug, dialed with treating an identity column in a view as an ordinary int column, when the compatibility verison of the DB is set to 80:

In SQL Server 2005 Express Edition CTP (since version 9.00.3027), which is available to download from Microsoft site, this bug was fixed.

Please tell if you know, how can I get an evaluation copy of any other edition of this version, where merge publication feature could be tested?

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Derive Base Table/column From View

Aug 19, 2002

Is there any way to get the base table/column from a view by supplying the view name/column name_in_view? I know about INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE, but it doesn't always work. Try it on a regular database, not pubs. Any help is appreciated!

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Problem Creating View With DISTINCT Column

Oct 5, 2005

Hi Guys

I'm trying to create a view in SQL Server to display only one copy of all records in a table, where some of the records are exact matches to other records (except for an ID autoincrement field)

I have the following code that displays distinct titles:

sql Code:

- sql Code



But when i use this code (adding one field to query), it displays all the duplicate records also, which I do not want:

sql Code:

- sql Code



I want to get the distinct results for DocTitle, with 5 other columns added to the query so they can be displayed in a web page list.
The query I want is something like this, but I can not get it to work:

sql Code:

- sql Code

SELECT DISTINCT DocTitle, ID, FirstName, LastName, Company, DocDescription, DocFile

SELECT DISTINCT DocTitle, ID, FirstName, LastName, Company, DocDescription, DocFileFROM         dbo.TBL_TABLE_NAMEORDER BY DocTitle

I know this query works from an MS Access DB, but I need it to work from SQL Server.

I am using SQL Server 2000

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Make A View With Column Names From Row Values

May 22, 2008


I have a table of results for various measured quantites and i need to turn this into a view. Only problem is i need to seperate the measured quantities and their respective values into seperate columns.

At the moment I have something like:

Quantity : Value
Quantity 1 : 0.12
Quantity 1 : 0.56
Quantity 2 : 2.36
Quantity 2 : 5.34
Quantity 2 : 4.13
Quantity 3 : 10
Quantity 3 : 15

and I need a view that looks like:

Quantity 1 : Quantity 2 : Quantity 3
0.12 : 2.36 : 10
0.56 : 5.34 : 15
null(?) : 4.13 : null(?)

I've tried using pivots but they don't seem to help

Any ideas?

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Why Column Name On View Require Double Quotation

Dec 2, 2013

I have a view. When I select data, I have to use double quotation on selected column name, for instance:

select "assy_no" from myView;

if I try

select assy_no from myView

I will get error: ORA-00904: "ASSY_NO": invalid identifier

When I query on table, double quotation is not required.

Why the column name on view requires double quotation?

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