MSDE Multiple Instance

Sep 6, 2006

I am trying to set up multiple instances of MSDE 2000 for use by Trend Micro virus scan products. I have the instance set up but I am trying to access svrnetcn.exe to set up named pipes and TCP/IP and I keep getting a 126 error "The Specified Module could not be found". Any ideas how to set this up.



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Single Instance/Multiple Instance/Virtualization Q

May 17, 2007

I work for a mid size company with the usual collection of enterprise applications. We are trying to consolidate our SQL environment consisting of around 100 databases none of which are over 100GB with the average database size around 5GB. Recently a large server was purchased as the "Big Daddy" SQL box. Obviously not all the databases will be moved to this one box but within reason a number can.

My question: What is the best way to configure the box?

1 OS & 1 Default Instance - How do we isolate loops memory leaks etc...
1 OS & Multiple instances, ie:Dedicated instance for each application. - How do you allocate CPU & memory, allow for optimum performance without putting others at risk from a rouge process?
Virtualized OS for each application with a default instance - Too much overhead impacts performance?

Future plans include offsite replication, perhaps mirroring with failover.

I'd appreciate anyone else's thoughts ideas? How have you tackled this problem in your environment?


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Multipile Instance In MSDE

Jan 12, 2005

I have installed 2 MSDE 2000 engines in to the PC. one is no instance name, another one's instance name is 'TEST'.

I could use a GUI MSSQL manager to connect both with local machine.

But when I tried to connect both with other machine, I found that I only could connect either one which is start in service earlier.

My case is normal?

Are they conflict by the same network port? If yes, could I change the portnumber of the MSDE??

Thanks for your support!!

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Installing MSDE With A Different Instance Name

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

I'm trying (and have been for ages) to install a MSDE server with a
different instance name than the default.  Im setting the
instancename when using the setup.exe file and all seems to install
fine, but when I then restart my system the SQL icon appears in the
system tray but the white circle is completely empty.  It says
that it is not connected.

If i install with the default instance name then all seems to work fine.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and what I can do to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Access MSDE Instance Remotely

Nov 3, 2004

I have a named instance of MSDE running on my windows 2k3 web server. I can connect just fine using ODBC to that DB whailst I am on the server.

I would like to be able to create an ODBC connection from my local machine (running Windows XP pro) to the MSDE database on my server but I can't get it going.

I have heard that I need to edit the registry but a Google search warns that this could be a vulnerability...

How do I do it without compromising the security of my web server?


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Dbbackup.exe To Backup MSDE Instance

Feb 16, 2007

I'm running a Scheduled Task to execute dbbackup.exe to backup a local MSDE Instance for Live Comm. Server. When I save it to the local drive it works fine but I'm trying to save the backup to a remote server. I can't seem to get it to work. The account being used has full access to the remote computer and backup folder share.


"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:\servernameackupmsdebackup

but when I run the following it works fine:
"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:c:ackupmsdebackp

Any ideas? Thanks for any help!!!

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MSDE 2000 Set-up: Invalid Instance Name

Nov 9, 2006

Thanks in advance.

I installed SQL 2000 Client Portion in my local computer: No server functionality. I selected my computer name as an instance name. Installation went OK.

Now, I am trying to install MSDE in my computer. Error comes in early part of installation: It says, "The instance name specified is not valid"

Please, any advise and suggestion.

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SQL Browser Not Enumerating MSDE Instance

Apr 10, 2008

So, here is the scenario. I have a server that is running a MSDE 2000 instance (8.0.2039). Runs just fine. I install another database, this one is SQL 2005 Express (9.0.3042). Both are installed as part of application setups. Now, for various reasons, I have to uninstall the MSDE 2000 application and reinstall it. After the reinstall, the SQL Browser service no longer enumerates the MSDE instance, only the 2005 instance. As a workaround I fixed the MSDE port on the server and the clients, and it works fine. It also works fine when the application is run from the local computer without a fixed port.

Any suggestions?


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Unable To Attach A Database To The MSDE Instance

May 4, 2007

Hi I'm creating a database instance with the MSDE 2000 using the Command line(executing a batch File) and once the installation is finished(from the same batch file) I'm trying to attach a database to it. but the database is not attached to the database. but when I go to the sql server and register this new database and run the same command the database is attaching.

can any one suggest how to do this without going to Enterprise manager and registering the database again.



my commands I'm using to create is (Batch FIle)


CD test

sqlrun01.msi targetdir="c: estmssql$test" datadir="c: estmssql$test" securitymode=SQL disablenetworkprotocols=0 sapwd="sa" instancename="test"




move C: est1 est_Data.MDF c: estlmssql$testmssql$testData

move c: est1 est_Log.LDF c: estlmssql$testmssql$testData


osql -U sa -P sa -S GRKPC estl -q "EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname=N'TestDB', @filename1=N'c: estmssql$testmssql$testData est_Data.MDF',@filename2=N'c: estmssql$testmssql$testData est_Log.LDF'"

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The Instance Name Spacified Is Invalid. @ Installing MSDE [URGENT]!!

Oct 3, 2004

Hi all;

I tried to install the MSDE on my machine.

I clicked on the setup.exe file which is located in C:sql2ksp3MSDE directory , then the following Error message appear to me:

Microsoft SQL Sever Desktop Engine
The instance name spacified is invalid.


What is the solution??

I am using:
MS Visual Studio.NET 2003
MS Windows XP SP1a
MS SQL Server 2000

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Cannot Connect To Named Instance Of MSDE Through Enterprise Mananger...

Jan 2, 2006

Hi- I am hoping someone can help me or shed some light on an issue I am having.
I have recently moved to a dedicated server with MSDE installed on it. The server was installed as the default instance and I changed the password to the SA account. I then copied my entire SA database over to the new MSDE database and everything was working good so it seemed. I believe at some point during copying of the data, or after installalling an application the SA account begain to fail and the password was changed. I have no idea how this happened, and better yet when I tried to change it logged in as the administrator with OSQL it told me I did not have sysadmin rights (I tried multiple Windows NT Auth logins and still got this error trying to change the password).
So... I reinstalled MSDE and created a named instane. I then attached the mdf/ldf files to my named instance and am able to connect ok from a .NET application directly to my new MSDE Named Instance database. Sounds like everything is great right? Not really, I can't figure out how to connect through enterprise manager and its driving me CRAZY!
1. I CAN connect via any .NET app and a connection string
2. I CAN connect via the server with OSQL
3. I CAN connect via the web based enterprise manager (which is very limited and a freeware ASP app).
4. I CANNOT connect via enterprise manager. I have verified from the (SVRNETCN.EXE utility)  that the port is open and have tried connecting to MY_IPADDRESSNAMEDINSTANCE but no luck. 
One additional side note, when I wasn't using a named instance I had no problems connecting through enterprise manager to my default MSDE instance.
Any help would be grealy appriciated, this is driving me nuts!

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Run Simultaneously Msde 2000 Instance And One Of 2005 Express, Possible?

Dec 2, 2006

I got on my developer computer one instance of msde 2000. I want to test sql server express 2005, can I install it without "scrap" my other instance of 2000?

Strange question maybee, but it's what I wanna do!

Thanks all!

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MSDE Fails To Install; Cnfgsvr Cannot Start The Instance Service.

Dec 1, 2005

Windows XP, SP2; MSDE 2000 Release A - on some installs of the XP SP2 MSDE installation fails, the section of the install log that applies is:

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Multiple Msde Installations

Jan 17, 2007

Hi All
I am new to this forum.
I want to know if MSDE can be installed twice (two instances) on a single computer?
I will be thankful for details provided by you.

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Multiple Instance Of DTS

Nov 22, 2006

I have a DTS package I created that is dadabase driven to process source data from multiple sources.

Can I run several instances of this package in parallel for each source or would I need to create a copy for each source ?


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Upgrading Multiple Msde Instances

Nov 4, 2005

Himy first post in the data access forums, I really hope, someone can enlighten me here...I have a windows server 2003 running with 15 MSDE instances. No I would like to upgrade to SQL Server 2000 without crashing the existing instances... My perfect scenario woudl be- install sql server as new instance- move existing databases via detach / attach to the new instanceWill that work?

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Multiple MSDE Instances In WinXP SP2

Mar 17, 2007

I have installed two mssql 2000 MSDE sp4 instances on WinXP SP2.
I can connect both instances from local machine.
But when I try from remote PC, I can only connect to one with default instance name and can't connect to another one ComputerNameInstanceName.

I set the windows firewall off in WinXPSP2. But still can't connect.

I also try with mssql2000 MSDE sp3 instances. It is same ask sp4.
Please help!!!!!!

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Multiple Instance Cluster

Mar 6, 2008

Hi There

If i have a 2 node cluster running a single instance (default) and i want to add another instance to the cluster , can i install the second instance as a defualt instance ?

Since the cluster instances are referred to their virtual names/ip's and if i choose to intall the binaries of the second instance to a different location is this possible?

Since in theory you never have 2 default instances running on a single server but each within a virtual server?

Normally i install a named instance but do i have to ?


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Multiple Instance && Licensing

Jun 5, 2007

Can multiple instances of SQL Server be installed on the same machine under the same license? For example, a named instanced called WAREHOUSE and another called CHGMGMTSYS.

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Multiple Instance Of The Same Report.

Jan 5, 2008


I have a report that has a SSN input parameter based on which the report is generated.

So given a single row (one SSN), one report instance is generated.

Now, I have multiple rows 20,000 or so, rows from which I need 20,000 reports generated, (so they can be printed and mailed to the clients)

How do I design the report that can handle singe or multiple reports instances?

I did tried to use the List Report Item however I could not find a way to fix the page numbers so they restart for each instance of the reports instead of being 1 of 20,000 2 of 20,2000 and so on

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,

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Multiple Time Stamp Values In MSDE

Oct 12, 2004

Hi - I am a bit of an amatuer, but I am trying to use the EMS data Pump to get all of the data out of an Interbase 6 DB into an MSDE DB. I have managed to instal an Interbase ODBC driver, and I ca connect to it and then automatically create the tables in my MSDE DB, but I get an error stating that there cannot be multiple Timestamp columns in the MSDE databse. Is this true ?

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Merging Multiple MSDE 2000 DB's Into A Single DB

Jun 3, 2008


We are trying to consolidate sales order data from different sales locations where in which we have to merge multiple [more than 25] MSDE 2000 databases into a Single DB. What is the best way to do this?

At the end of the day i should have one DB which contains sales order data of all the sales locations.


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Replace Instance Of Multiple Char(32)

May 19, 2004

I have several fileds in a sql table which holds some text and a hell of a lot of white spaces (char(32)) which is causing some problems when I show the data on the front-end

What I want to do is use sql replace function to replace the char(32). However, because there is text I can't do a simple replace as the text will become just one word !

Can anyone tell me how to loop through the field to find the char(32), where the char(32) is greater than say 5 sapces and then replace this with just one single space

E.g. a field in a table contains the following :

"my text field and loads of spaces then some more text with loads of spaces "

I want to replace the char(32) with just one space so it looks like this :
"my text filed and loads of spaces then some more text with loads of spaces"

Thanks for your help

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Multiple Instance-tools Access

Feb 12, 2008


I am currently running sql 2005 express on a W2k3 server, 4G ram. I would also like to install a named instance of SQL 2005 Developer Edition on this machine. Is this ok to do? I am assuming that I can access all of the instances through the SQL Server Management Studio, is that correct?


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Is It Worthwhile Replacing Multiple Instances Of MSDE With 1 Express?

Nov 11, 2005

Just wondering.  On some workstations and a couple of servers we
have apps each running an instance of MSDE so these machines each have
anywhere between 2 - 5 instances of MSDE each.

Would it be benificial from a resources point of view (not to mention a
patching one) if we set up one instance of Express to replace the
multiple MSDE ones?

Anyone got any thoughts?


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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Availability Groups On One Instance

Aug 12, 2013

From what I understand, one SQL Server 2012 instance can host multiple availability groups. That should allow, for example, the following situation - one SQL Server 2012 instance containing three primary replica databases - each one part of a different availability group - and each availability group's secondary replica located on a separate SQL Server 2012 instance.

Can you have three SQL Server 2012 instances, each with one primary replica database and have all three secondary replica databases on one SQL Server 2012 instance? So instead of, as above, going from 1 primary server to 3 secondary servers, this time we're going from 3 primary servers to 1 secondary server? The one secondary server would then contain all three secondary replicas for each of the 3 separate primary replicas.

This would mean that the single server (where all three secondary replicas reside) was part of three separate Windows Server Failover Clustering clusters.

Is this scenario possible?

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Database Servers - One Instance Name

Apr 24, 2014

Scenerio : To keep a very large system running optimally in a VM cluster, Take PR01 and make PR02, PR03, PR04. Distribute the 45 databases and 9T+ of disk across multiple VM guest.

Each PR## is a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise guest on a VM 5.1 cluster.

So instead of PR01 needed 16 core and 128g of memory, each one will have 4 core and 32g of memory. Making VM HA more manageable. (yes, DRS rules will apply). Also provides more HBA paths and distributes i/o over more physical disk on the SAN.

Instead of a connection string having to know PR01.dbo.UserDB01, PR02.dbo.UserDB03, ect the connection would be PRDB.dbo.UserDB01. That way if needed 1) UserDB can be moved to any of the PR## 2) new PR05, PR06 can be added as needed. The end user and processes are not allowed to touch system databases, no PR## will have a user DB called the same name.

There are seperate VM guests on other VM clusters and Citrix servers that need access to PRDB. As things expand and move around, none of the connection strings need to be changed.

I am looking into RadWare and modifing level 7 information, but that is iffy and $$$$$$.

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn Multiple AGs And Listeners In Same Instance

Jul 9, 2015

Currently we have an AlwaysOn AG set up with a listener running on port 1433 (underlying instances are on a non default port). Great, no problems there.If we set up a second AG on the same instance with its own specific listener, can this new listener also be configured to use port 1433?

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Mirroring Multiple Databases On A Single Instance

Jul 7, 2007

Can someone explain what does this mean? This is from

<quote>However, all these techniques for coordinating client redirection with a database mirroring have an important limitation. Database mirroring occurs only at the database level, not the server level. Be careful if your application relies on querying several databases on a server, or uses multi-part object names to query across several databases. When several databases reside on one server, and they are mirrored to a standby server, it is possible that one of several databases might fail over to the standby but the others remain on the original server. In that case, you might need one connection per database that you are querying, so that you do not attempt cross-database queries on a standby server where only one database is a principal and the remaining are mirrors.</quote>

Also I read somewhere that if one mirrored DB fails, all other mirrored DB should also be transferred to the mirror.

For example: Let's say Srv1 (principle) and Srv2 (mirror) and Srv3(witness) are SQL servers with only default instances. The SQL instance has 4 DBs (DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4) and all of them are mirrored to Srv2.

An ASP.NET application has four seperate connection strings like:
objConn1 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB1;Integrated Security=True;

objConn2 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB2;Integrated Security=True;

objConn3 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB3;Integrated Security=True;

objConn4 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB4;Integrated Security=True;

If DB2 failsover to Srv2 (mirror), why should all other DBs be failedover?


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SQL 2012 :: Mirroring Multiple Databases On Single Instance?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to mirror 3 DBs on my sql server instance . I have restored there full backups and log backups on mirror.I have also created endpoints on principal and mirror using default ports 5022 and 5023.

know if i can use the same endpoint for the databases on principal instance ?

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DB Engine :: Multiple Instances With Processor Affinity Or One Instance

Oct 22, 2015

We are currently looking at consolidating 10 servers into one cluster server.

Some servers may be busier than others. Is there any reason to split them up and give the busy databases specific CPUs or is it always better to have them on one instance?

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Can Multiple Instance In A Cluster Share Disk Resources?

Dec 8, 2006

Is there a way for multiple SQL 2005 instances in a cluster to share drives for user databases.

Once we install our instances in the cluster using seperate disk resources. Can we then have multiple instances share the same physical disk for user databases only. This is for a test environment.


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Replication :: Multiple Instances On Same Instance Of Server 2012 SE

Jul 13, 2015

I am currently having publisher(database A), subscriber (database B) and distributor on the same instance for a test environment that is using a uni directional transactional replication. Now I need to setup another unidirectional transactional replication in the same test instance but for a different database. Publisher database is D and subcsirber database is E.

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