MSDE Performance Governor - Knowing When Its Kicked In

Jul 23, 2005

I'm working on a VB.NET project where we are intending to use MSDE as our
back-end database. The actual number of users is expected to be low and I
don't have any concerns as to whether MSDE will be up to the job (most of
the time). I'm aware that if we end up with lots of users connecting to our
site at once (which may happen as certain times in the year when people need
information for deadlines) then the performance governor in MSDE will kick
in and slow everything down.

What I don't know is how do I find out whether the performance governor has
kicked in?

I would like to know how to monitor this so we can make an educated decision
as to when we need to migrate to a full version of SQL Server (if at all).

Can anyone point me in the right direction for finding this out?


Brian Cryer.

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Workload Governor And MSDE

Dec 16, 2004

Hi - does the workload governor kick in when more than 8 concurrent operations take place on MSDE as a whole, or does it kick on each database.

Ie. if I have 8 databases within MSDE - and there is 1 operation happening on each one at any given time, will one additional operation on any of the databases invoke the workload governor across ALL databases?



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SqlServer Ev Vs. MSDE Performance

Aug 31, 2006

We have developed a mostly-disconnected smart client app written in C# that uses MSDE as a local backing store. With the announcement of SS Ev, we attempted a port of our app over to SS Ev. The port went smoothly, however, the performance has been significantly (very significantly) degraded. Before we being our investigation into the cause of the performance degradation, I thought I might see if anyone has suggestions on where we should look for possible performance issues. Any suggestions?

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MSDE Performance Verses SQL 2005 Express

Aug 24, 2006

I have been testing one of our Apps under SQL 2005 Express and I am seeing a big downgrade in performance compared to MSDE on the same hardware. Has anyone else experienced this?


Aussie Coder

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Problem: Performance Difference Between MSDE And SQL Express 2005

Feb 4, 2007

Hello, all, I started out thinking my problems were elsewhere but as Ihave worked through this I have isolated my problem, currently, as adifference between MSDE and SQL Express 2005 (I'll just call itExpress for simplicity).I have, to try to simplify things, put the exact same DB on twosystems, one running MSDE and one running Express. Both have 2 Ghzprocessors (one Intel, one AMD), both have a decent amount of RAM(Intel system has 1 GB, AMD system has 512 MB), and plenty of GB offree disk space. MSDE is running on the Intel system, Express isrunning on the AMD system. To keep things fair I use the exact sameDB's and query on both systems. The DB's were created on MSDE so Isp_detach_db'd them from MSDE and then sp_attach_db'd them to Express(this is how MS says to do a "side-by-side" upgrade, so it'sacceptable to do so). After fighting problems in performancedifferences in different situations I have narrowed the problem downto this:Executing a simple select statement with join clause on the databasesyields a difference in execution time that is quite great. Using theExpress Management program I can run the query against either system(MSDE or Express, the two systems are connected via crossover cable toeliminate any network problems/issues). When running the queryagainst the MSDE system (which is over the network) I consistently get<20 ms response times on the query. When running the query againstthe Express installation (which is in shared memory) I consistentlyget 700 ms or longer response times. Both times are for the TotalExecution Time.The query is simply this: select db1.* from db1.owner.tablename as db1inner join db2.owner.tablename as db2 on db1.pkey = db2.someid wheredb1.criteria = 3So, gimme all the columns from one table in one DB (local to theinstallation), matching the records in another DB (also local to theinstallation), where one field in the first db matches a field in thesecond db and where, in the first db, one column value = 3.The first table has a total record count of 630 records of which only12 match the where clause. The second table has a total record countof about 2,700 of which only 12 match up on the 12 out of 630.Even though the data is the same and I've done the detach and attach,and even done the sp_updatestats, the difference in execution time isremarkable, in a bad way.Checking the Execution Plan reveals that both queries have the samesteps, but, on the MSDE system the largest consumer in the process isthe Clustered Index Scan of the 630 record table (DB1 in my queryexample), using 85%. The next big consumer is a Clustered Index Seekagainst the other table (2,700 rows), using 15%.The Execution Plan against the Express system reveals basically theexact opposite: 27% going to the Clustered Index Scan of the 630record DB1, and 72% going to the Clustered Index Seek of the 2,700record DB2.I'm sorry to be stupid but I have this information but I don't knowwhat to do with it. The best that I can tell from this is that thisis the source of my problems. My problems are that on my currentsystems that my clients use the data is returned to them faster thanthey can click the mouse and that the new system (that is, when theychose (or are forced by attrition) to move to Vista and thus Express2005) the screen pop is like 1.5 seconds. This creates poor userexperience. Worse, one process I allow the users to do goes fromtaking 14-30 seconds to over 4 minutes (all on the same machine withthe same OS and version of my program, so it's not a machine or OS ormy app problem).Anyway, I hope someone can shed some light on this now that I've paredit down some.Thanks in advance.--HC

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Performance Is Degraded Drastically After Migrating To SQL Express 2005 From MSDE 2000

Dec 29, 2006


Recently we have migrated our application from MSDE 2000 to SQL Server Express 2005(SP 1). This has significantly reduced the performance of our Windows.NET application which is developed using C#.

For example : While logging in to the application two databases are being attached.

Time taken in MSDE: 16 secs

Time taken in SQL Server Express 2005 : 58 secs
Also note performance is degraded for normal screens where data is retrived from database using inline queries.


1) Is there any special(optimum) configuration(installation parameters) while installing the SQL Server Express 2005 setup?

2) Is there any query optimization to be done w.r.t SQL Server Express 2005 ?

We highly appreciate any help towards resolving the above problem.

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Workload Governor Removed

Jan 8, 2007


I am in the process of porting over an application from Access To SQL implementing SQL Server 2005 Express. My intention is to implement this database on a full time server and upgrade to a full blown version of SQL later. Am I correct in assuming that there is not limit on the number of concurrent connections to SQL Server Express since it was stated that the "Workload Governor" has been removed? Or does something else control the number of users that can be simultaneously connected to the server.

My reason for asking is I have 7 machines that need to access the server. I also have 2 databases that need to be accessed from each machine. If there is no limit, I will keep my databases seperate. However, if there is a limit, I will most likely merge the tables into 1 db.

Thank you,


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Query Governor Pretty Useless?

Aug 17, 2007

I know that the query governor works off of estimated query plans, but the estimation is usually so far off from reality that it might as be generating a random number to determine whether a query should run.

Right now I have query governor set at 300. I've been able to run queries that take more than 10 minutes without any complaint from query governor.

What's really annoying though, is that it has also blocked queries that take less than a second to run. It blocked a query for having an estimated executing time of 338 seconds. When I set the limit up to 400, the query ran virtually instantly.

Is this just how query governor is suppose to work? Is there any way to make it work better?

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Query Governor Cost Limit

Jul 20, 2005

I have enabled the query governor on our SQL2000 SP2 server with athreshold of 3600. Now, some of the maintenance jobs fail due to thelimit being to low (e.g. one of the user databases integrity checkfails nightly).I have tried to put the command 'SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT 0' justbefore the line in the step which reads 'EXECUTEmaster.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-Plan etc'but it has no effect.Does anyone know how to get around this situation without usingsp_configure to change the query governor settings at a systemwidelevel?GC.

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SQL 2012 :: Using Resource Governor To Limit A Specific DB?

Jan 13, 2015

I was looking for a little insight on Resource Governor. I have a request from my manager to limit the resources a certain third party's DB can use on our system. We allow them to keep a DB on our SQL 2012 server so they can run query's to compare data to their server without linking the two machines.

I was looking into resource manager to perhaps accomplish this task but I'm not real familiar with it. If Resource governor can be used to only allow a DB named UserDB1 to use only 1GB or Memory at any one time?

Or perhaps there is another way aside from Resource governor?

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Knowing When &<NULL&>

Jan 22, 2004

I'm trying to change the <NULL> fields of my table, but I don't know how to tell the query to look for <NULL>

For example:

select * from MyTable
where fieldx = <NULL>

This doesn't work.
How should it be?

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Knowing What Has Been Queried???

Sep 16, 2006

Thank you for your help.

I run a website which uses SQL 2000 and VB ASP. I would like to add a section to the site which posts the most popular data being queried from my SQL server. I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know where to start. Please let me know if any of you need specifics regarding my data and set up.

Thanks again for the help! :)


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DB Engine :: Resource Governor Classifier Function Script

Aug 7, 2015

I want to create a classifier function where I can restrict all the logins except two logins for the resource pool.

Case Scenario is : I am creating a resource pool and on that pool I want to restrict the users for that particular pool but I want to allow some of the user IDs full access to that databses so how could I create a script for that scenario.

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Problem Running SSIS From C# Executable When Kicked Off By Another Executable.

Sep 26, 2007

If I kick off my C# executable from the server everything works fine but if I have another C# executable kick off the C# executable that runs the SSIS I get an error message saying it cannot run SSIS package. I am thinking it sounds like a permissions problem but not sure. Any suggestions/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Errors I am getting.

2007-09-26 15:02:30,187 [1] ERROR reporting.Processor [(null)] - Problem with Direct Script

2007-09-26 15:02:30,843 [1] ERROR reporting.Processor [(null)] - {Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError}
Thanks in advance.

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SQL Code For Knowing The Servers

Apr 16, 2005

 Hi all...
I'm connected to a network with 3 Servers ( 3 sql servers on 3 different machines )
How can i know the name of the servers using SQL Code?

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Knowing How Many Connections Are Open?

Feb 1, 2006

How can I know how many connections are open at a given point of time while I am testing an ASP.Net application? The application uses SQL Server 2000 as its database.

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Delete Constraint Without Knowing Its Name ??

Oct 4, 2007

In SQL Server 2005, I hava a client where I do not have access to their SQL Server. I update the database structure by giving them scripts which they run. As I update the structures I occasionally need to delete a constraint, then typically recreate it later. Usually I use this type of snippet:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.default_constraints
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ConstraintName]')
AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tablename]'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tablename] DROP CONSTRAINT [ConstraintName]

This assumes I know the constraint name. A lot of the older constraints have random type names which I assume are different on their server than mine; they were not explicitly given names when created, so they would heve been given names by SQL Server.

Is there a way to delete a constraint without knowing its name? For example, delete all constraints associated with a field, or all constraints ssociated with a table?

Management Studio is an option, but for my client that involves a higher degree of paperwork and permission seeking than just running a script.

Many thanks,
Mike Thomas

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SCD - Knowing The Status Of The Record

Oct 10, 2007

I use SCD to extract and send as output further in the data flow only modified and new records. Before I write to DB and after SCD does its work, I have to execute different controls on both modified and new records. So, I send both SCD outputs (changing attribute updates output and new output ) to a Union All transformation, I execute the needed controls and then I want to insert/update the records in DB.

Is there a way to know which records SCD identified as new/modified after I unified them with a union all transformation? I can create a derivate column for one of the scd outputs and use it in a conditional split before writing to DB but I'd like to know if SCD sends any flags down the dataflow?

Hope I made the problem clear.


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Turn On The Query Governor Cost Limit Option For 20 Minutes?

Sep 18, 2014

I want to turn on the query governor cost limit option for 20 minutes so that queries do not run longer than 20 minutes but I could not find any info as if this option would also not allow database backup job or other maintenance jobs to run more than 20 minutes. We have backups (Via RedGate) run over 3.5 hours and others like rebuild indexes and integrity checks even more than 3.5 hours....

SQL Server 2012 SP2-CU1
Windows 2008 R2

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Removing Constraints Without Knowing The Constraint Name

Jul 20, 2005

I have the need to remove a constraint on a table since I'm trying to alterthe datatype of one of the columns. I know I can drop the constraint giventhe name, but since the name is auto generated (something likeDF__WHRPT_ITV__Expor__45F365D3)I need a way to find this constraint name so that I can programmaticallyremove it.I can get the name using sp_helpconstraint on the table, but can'tseem to locate where the actual constraint_name is stored.This is on SQL 2000.Any help is appreciated.Thanks,-Gary

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SQL Server 2012 :: MAX Degree Of Parallelism Option Not Working In Resource Governor?

May 29, 2014

I am running a query on SQL 2012 Server with the Resource governer setup for my account to have Max DOP option set to 1.

The query still runs in about 1 minute and the execution plan still considers parallelism.

When I explicitly mention the OPTION (MAXDOP 1) , the query runs in 6 seconds.

How can i tell by querying DMV's whether my query is using parallelism or not?

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Traverse Columns Without Knowing Names/fields???

Mar 31, 2006

I've called a resultset from SQL Server
using an SQL Selection. I need to iterate over that entire result set
(200+ columns/fields) and all I need are the random numbers contained
in any of the rows/columns. I don't want to have to name each
field/column and then use an if > 0 statement.Isn't there
some way to generically loop through the column's by index or something
instead of their field name so I can just use an integer loop to walk
the dataset? I know there is I've done it about 5 years ago. The
question is how do you do it in C#?SqlConnection thisConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLQuery"].ConnectionString);        SqlCommand thisCmd = new SqlCommand("Command String", thisConn);        thisCmd.CommandText = "Select * from SelectionsByCountry where [" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "] > '0'";        thisConn.Open();                SqlDataReader thisReader = null;        thisReader = thisCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);        while (thisReader.Read())        {            DropDownList2.Items.Add(thisReader["System"].ToString().Trim());/*** There are 200+ columns left I want to walk over using a loop structure of some sort. How do I do that?*/                    }- Rex

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Script Component. Outputting To Columns Without Knowing Their Name

Feb 22, 2008

Hi Folks,

Always sorry to have to ask what is most likely such a simple question. However I'm in no way a programmer, I'm just patching something together using scripts I've found all over the shop.

I'm reading in an excel source using a dataflow script component. I build up a SQL String in Vb.Net using the output column names and query the spreadsheet via microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 then processing it in code. I don't want to use the Excel Source task btw, more for the fact I want to learn from this as well as other less important reasons.

This all works fine. Adding new columns to the output means the query string dynamically changes without the script ever having those columns defined in code. Easy stuff so far.

The issue I have is writing back into the outputbuffer the results without explicitly mapping the result to the output column names.

An easy example to see is..

Excel Spreadsheet Looks like..


Output Column Names..

Code Snippet..

While Reader.Read

With OutputBuffer


.ServerName = Reader.GetString(0)

End With

End While

Instead of defining what the column name (servername) is, I want to map back by matching the source column header to the output column name. By doing this I won't ever need to change any code when I add or remove output columns.

Could someone lend a hand with this, and I'll buy you a virtual beer or two. I've already spent more time searching for an answer than I have writing the code thus far, and I think my heads getting more and more muddled by it.

Many thanks,

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Import From Access To SQL, Not Knowing The Table Format

Jun 23, 2006

I need to import few tables from MS Access to MS SQL but the table structure in Access is always different, as I would like the destination table in SQL to be.

Therefore I would like that a table would be created in SQL at runtime, according to the structure the Access table accessed has.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Restrict Resources Usage Based On Individual Databases In Resource Governor?

Aug 12, 2009

How to restrict resources usage based on individual Databases in resource governor?

We have many databases in one instance; I would like to restrict resource usage to each database respectively.

I created 2 pools as pool_login, pool_DBNAME, and 2 workload groups as GroupLogin,GroupDBNAME, and also the classifier function.After setup above, I use following statement to check what sessions are in each group .

Even if there are spids which are accessing database DBNAME, I can’t see that they fall into the group GroupDBNAME and pool pool_DBNAME.

SELECT s.group_id, CAST( as nvarchar(20)), s.session_id, s.login_time, CAST(s.host_name as nvarchar(20)), CAST(s.program_name AS nvarchar(20))
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s
INNER JOIN sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups g
ON g.group_id = s.group_id

Following is the code to create pool, group,classifier function:

USE master
-- Create a resource pool pool_login.

[Code] ....

-- Create a workload group to use this pool.

USING pool_login;


-- Register the classifier function with Resource Governor.


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How Do I Copy Data From Similar Tables Knowing Unique ID Fields

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables in my database called CartItems and OrderItems. Istore all of a session's shopping cart items in the CartItems tableusing the sessionID as the identifier (called cartID in my DB). Afteran order is placed and is approved, I would like to copy all of theitems in the CartItems table for that given cartID to the OrderItemstable given a new orderID.I will know the cartID and orderID ahead of time and would like tosend them both into a stored procedure and have the transfer takeplace.Example:take this data...CartItems (table)--------------------------------------cartID | itemID | quantity | price--------------------------------------12345 2 1 12.9512345 7 2 17.95and make it this data...OrderItems (table)--------------------------------------orderID | itemID | quantity | price--------------------------------------00001 2 1 12.9500001 7 2 17.95via some stored procedure that I send (@cartID,@orderID)Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Help! Sql Server 2005 Kicked My Sql Server 7's You-Know-What

Jul 20, 2005

Life is not good.So I've got a machine that I do some development work on, nothingmajor, but I'd like to keep some things intact. I'm running SQL Server7, it's an old installation, but it works and I've got a number ofdatabases on it.So I see the new 2005 Express downloads and I download the WebDeveloper edition, install it, it installs 2005, but my SQL Server 7installation now seems to be hosed.The SQL Server Service Manager still shows SQL Server 7 starting andrunning, but the Enterprise Manager can no longer connect, it gives avague "General Error" message even though the sqlservr.exe process isstill running. It was not able to connect upon installing the otherproducts.I've de-installed the new Express stuff and now just have my trustyVS2003 installation. Everything seems fine except nothing can talk tothe database, which makes sense since the database now doesn't evenshow up on the Enterprise Manager. The Application node of the EventLog shows no errors coming from SQLServer. But when I try to connector re-register a database I get: "Server registration informationcannot be changed on remote registries"Nothing like this has even vaguely happened to me before. Is thereanyone with any constructive advice? I'd be grateful.Peace,Greg McClure

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MSDE Text Datatype - Unable To Store More Than 900 Characters. (msde + Visual Studio 2003)

Jun 6, 2005


I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters. 
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid.  To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui.  I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:

"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."

I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column.  As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.

I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.

Thanks a lot.

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Load All Data Without Knowing Old One Was Load In The Previous Time???

Apr 27, 2007

I just have done the SSIS example in the tutorial document included when install SQL 2005 ENT. I have a problem that whenever I test to run, the service load all data from source with out noticing about the data (I mean it load all the data to the destination), I do it several time and it continue to load all without checking. That mean the data is dublicated when the schedule run???

I think there should be a paramete or something like that to help the engine just load the new data to the destination. Could you help please?


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How Do I Change The Name Of A Computer Running MSDE With Out Reinstalling MSDE

May 27, 2000

I am trying to change the computer name of a machine running MSDE but I get an error when SQL Server starts. With regular SQL when I change the name of a computer I re-run setup and setup fixes this problem. MSDE can only be installed from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem.

My question is "How do I change the name of a computer running MSDE with out reinstalling MSDE"

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MSDE: Renaming Machine Without Reinstall Of MSDE

Mar 27, 2001

We currently have the problem, that all our machines are produced with the
same name and afterwards the name is changed. So we have the problem that
the checksum key for the MSDE isn't valid anymore. As MSDE can only be installed
from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem. Does anyone
know a solution for this problem ?? A program recalculating the cheksum ??



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MSDE Worth Using Or Should I Invest In MySQL? (was MSDE)

Mar 9, 2005

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this this question but I'll give it a shot.

The only db development that I have ever done is in MS Access. I have a project at work that is being accomplished in VB and I need a db engine to use as the back end. Visual studio came with a copy of MSDE. Is this tool worth using or should I invest in mySQL? Are there any advantages to using MSDE over mySQL?

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How To Find Column Name Without Knowing Column Name

Sep 5, 2015

I was querying to find the first non null address value using the COALESCE function.And I got the correct result.But then I jumped into another question and i.e what if I need to find the column name without knowing the column nameand just by using the column value.What I mean is this...My query was.....

SELECT COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2) AS [Addresss] FROM Person.Address
This is what I got.
Address#500-75 O'Connor Street#9900 2700 Production Way00, rue Saint-Lazare02, place de Fontenoy035, boulevard du Montparnasse081, boulevard du Montparnasse081, boulevard du Montparnasse084, boulevard du Montparnasse1 Corporate Center Drive1 Mt. Dell Drive

But then what if I just know the address of that person i.e #500-75 O'Connor Street..How am I suppose to retrieve that without knowing the column name.

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