MSDE && SQL Server 2000 On The Same Machine !

Aug 13, 2004

Hi all,

I started learning ASP .Net using the "Teach yourself ASP.Net in 24 hours". In that book, the applications use MSDE as the database tool.

Now i have started developing some big applications and have installled MS SQL Server 2000 on my machine.

I still have databases on the MSDE.

My question is 'How do i move the old databases from MSDE to SQL Server 2000' ?

Can i uninstall MSDE safely since i already installed SQL Server 2000 ?

Please let me know.

Thank You


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MSDE 2000 And SQL 2005 Express On The Same Machine

Jul 26, 2007

Hi I would like to ask If its possible to have installed MSDE 2000 and SQL 2005 Express on the same machine. My computer uses MSDE 2000 for one application and I would like to install SQL 2005 Express for my own application. I would like to ask it will be a problem before I install it.
thanks a lot
Martin Molnar

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SQL Server && MSDE On Same Machine?

Jul 23, 2005

Can an individual computer be configured contain both a SQL Serverinstance & an MSDE instance?Our software we charge separate costs depending if they are running ona MSDE or SQL Server edition, and if they already have SQL Serverrunning (which they may have installed for some other application), canwe install our MSDE instance on the same machine?And on the flip side, if they already have a machine that has an MSDEinstance, can the SQL Server install be done over top of that withoutaffecting the MSDE?Thanks for any help,GregJoin Bytes!

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Is It Possible To Get MSDE && SQL Server 2005 Express Run On The Same Machine?

Dec 27, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if the MSDE & SQL Server 2005 Express can run on the same machine(winxp) without conflicts. Because I need both the reporting services & the publication functionality of replication.

Thanks in advance.

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MSDE: Renaming Machine Without Reinstall Of MSDE

Mar 27, 2001

We currently have the problem, that all our machines are produced with the
same name and afterwards the name is changed. So we have the problem that
the checksum key for the MSDE isn't valid anymore. As MSDE can only be installed
from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem. Does anyone
know a solution for this problem ?? A program recalculating the cheksum ??



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Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition W/MSDE 2000 Release A Install

May 21, 2005

Can you install Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition with MSDE 2000 release A already installed?

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A

Feb 17, 2004

My objective is to use Enterprise Manager to move (copy) my SQL db from the server to my windows desktop computer.

I downloaded MSDE and am having trouble installing it, no doubt because I do not understand the documentaion (ReadMeMSDE2000A.htm).

When I try to run setup, I get that message that says:

"A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same."

Considering my purpose, do I need a "strong" SA password? If not, how do I get around it? If yes, how do I set it up?

I am a Mac user so I have poor windows skills, please make it as painless as possible for me, thanks!


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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release

Feb 16, 2006

venu writes "Hi,

Am very new to MS SQL adminstration
Can anybody help me out how to work on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A just for the practice.

The activity which am going to workout on MSDE is below.

How to install SQL(on XP)
How the layout will be(like if i insall MSDE what are all Application will be and how they depends on each other)
How to create/delete tables if so, how can we do it either by GUI or CUI

just i need a clarifications reg same

Thank you,

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Maximum Capacity Specifications Comparison Table For Access, SQL Server 7, 2000 And MSDE 2000

May 27, 2008

Access 2000/XP
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 2000
MSDE 2000

Number of instances per server

Number of databases per instance / server

Number of objects per database

Number of users per database

Number of roles per database

Overall size of database (excluding logs)
2 GB
1,048,516 TB
1,048,516 TB
2 GB

Number of columns per table

Number of rows per table
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage

Number of bytes per row

2 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB

Number of columns per query

Number of tables per query

Size of procedure / query
64 KB
250 MB
250 MB
250 MB

Number of input params per procedure / query

Size of SQL statement / batch
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB

Depth of subquery nesting

Number of indexes per table
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)

Number of columns per index

Number of characters per object name

Number of concurrent user connections

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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from login:passw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from loginassw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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MSDE In 98 Machine

Jan 5, 2004


I have installed msde on a 98 machine and so far I have no problem getting the msde running. However, when I run my application, which tries to connect to the msde, it gives me two errors --

1.) Method "OpenConnection" of object "_CurrentProject" failed

2.) Couldn't find the database on the server. Object failed.

I have checked and the database name is correct. I have also installed MDAC 2.8 on that machine.

I am running out of ideas and hope that maybe somebody in the forum has seem this problem before and may be able to give me a hand.



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How Compatible Is MSDE 2000 With SQL Server 2000?

May 20, 2005

Will any application developed against SQL Server 2000 Developer
Edition work on an identical platform with only MSDE 2000 installed? I
understand there's a concurrency limit with MSDE 2000 of around 25 (and there's no GUI) but apart
from that, are there any aspects of SQL Server 2000 functionality (from the .NET applicaiton code's point of view) that
are "disabled" in MSDE 2000?

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MSDE 2000 Replication To SQL Server 2000

Jun 27, 2006

i went through the documentation but i was not clear on following, here is the scenario :-

a Central server is having SQL Server 2000

3 Remote Locations :- Each having 4-5 no of computers, connected on a Lan, and on one of the machines MSDE 2000 will be running.

My Questions are :-

1. Can remote locations, update data locally and send changes (say in every one hour) to central server. If yes, then how ??

2. Same way they can receive updates from Central Server on whatever was updated on Centra Server or on the 3 remote locations. If yes, then How ??

any help will be highly appreciable.

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Any Difference Between SQL Server 2000 And MSDE 2000?

Aug 2, 2006

I am creating an install program and I'm wondering if there is a
difference between SQL Server 2000 and MSDE 2000? Do they have
different entries in the Registry?

From the documentation that I've read it seems as if they are one and the same.

However, if someone knows how to differentiate between them in the Registry it would be greatly appreciated.


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MSDE And SQL2K On Same Machine?

Aug 16, 2006

Can I have MSDE and SQL2K installed on the same machine?



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Pervasive SQL && MSDE On The Same Machine

Nov 28, 2007

Is it possible to run MSDE and Pervasive SQL on the same machine ?
If possible but not recommended I'd really appreciate the reasons why it should not be done.
If not possible I'd also really appreciate hearing why.

Thanks in advance.

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Moving SQL 2000 Server To A New Machine

Jun 24, 2002

I am moving my SQL 2000 Server from a Small Business Server to a full version of Windows 2000 Server and SQL 2000 Server. I have had no experience doing this but have backed up and restored my production databases for practice in case a of disaster situation. Is there anything special I need to do to move everything, including the system databases to a new server and not loose any of the user logons, etc.?

Thanks for any advice,

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Installing SQL Server 2000 On Xp Machine

Oct 5, 2004

Is it possible to install sql server enterprise edition on an xp machine (home or professional)? I tried both (w/sp2) and it said it can only be run as a client.

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SQL Server 2000 And 2005 On One Machine?

Jul 17, 2006


i have SQL Server 2000 running on my notebook for learning purposes. Is it possible to run SQL Server 2005 on the same notebook without using virtual machines?

Thank you,


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RS On Sql Server 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine

Oct 18, 2006

Hi Samuel,

I'd like to draw on your expertise on this topic. I've been browsing at many blogs/forums about installing SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on the same machine.

What I'd like to know is how does that work with Reporting Services? Your machine's IIS will need to work with Reporting Services 2000 and Reporting Services 2005. The RS 2005 requires .NET Framework 2.0 and RS 2000 requires .NET Framework 1.1. IIS can only support 1 version of the .NET Framework at a time.

Thanks kindly.

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Sql Server 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine

Oct 5, 2006

I've got to install sql server 2000 and 2005 on our test computer (sql server 2000 is already installed). I've heard from the grapevine that trying to install 2005 with 2000 already installed can cause problems, and its difficult for sql 2000 and 2005 to co-exist on the same machine.

what are these problems and how can I avoid them?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Run A Sql Script On A MSDE Installed Machine?

Dec 7, 1999

Hi everyone,

I have MSDE install on my machine with Office 2000. I have a sql script(db.sql) that create the database(db1) and its objects. I would like to run this script on this machine. Is there a utility like SQL ISQL.exe in the MSDE version?

Thanks in advance...


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Changing Machine Names MSDE

Mar 11, 2006

I have a local install of MSDE on my workstation. I have also defined alinked server with another SQL Server on our network. I accepted all thedefaults when I installed MSDE and the server got named my machine name.Everything is working great.Our IT department now needs to change my machine name. What effect willthis have on my current SQL installation?Help and suggestions appreciated.Thanks,Frank*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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How To Set Client Machine Name When Using ADO To Connect To SQL Server 2000?

May 15, 2007

When you connect to SQL Server using SQLConnection, how to set client machine name(or IP address) so that you can monitor the process on Server side using Enterprise Manager?

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SQL Server 2000 And 2005 Express On The Same Machine?

Aug 22, 2006

Can I install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on the same server where I already have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition?

Doing this also includes replacing .Net Framework 1.1 with 2.0, could that cause any disturbances to the already existing SQL Server 2000 ?

(None of these two databases are heavy production databases)

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How To Fix SQL Server 2000 After Machine Name && Domain Change ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello everybody..Is there a way to fix the SQL Server 2000 installation when the Server afterthe server has been disjoined form its old domain and added to a new domainwith a different computer name too?Sounds like a joke, but stuff happens.TIA-arifi

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SQL Server Reboots My Windows 2000 Machine

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am facing one more problem. As soon as i started the sql server firsttime, my windows 2000 machine reboots and i was not able to start sql serveragain. I had to uninstall and install again and this process repeats. Doanyone has idea about what is happening ??Thanks a lot,Dinesh

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Get Local Machine Name In MSDE Setup .bat File

Nov 5, 2003

I have the following command in a .bat file

osql -E -S localhost sp_grantlogin 'GREGASPNET'"

What I would like to do is replace GREG with the name of the local computer this .bat file is being run on.

Is there any string for this... i.e [LOCALMACHINE]ASPNET or something like that?


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Can I Setup SQL 2005 And SQL 2000 Database Server On The Same Machine?

May 9, 2008


Can I setup SQL 2005 and SQL 2000 database server on the same machine?

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SQL Server 2000 Service Not Running In Local Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,After merged two partitions into one (C: and D: into one C:) byusing Partition Magic, I can't start SQL Server 2000 which waspreviously installed in both C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80and D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLThe original files in D: (every thing in D: actually) are now copyedin C:Data folder.Other than re-install SQL Server in C:, is it possible to restoredata(files) from D:Data ?Mank thanks to any suggestions/hints.Kind Regards,Bob

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How Can I Use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components On X64 Machine?

Feb 27, 2006

Is there a X64 version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components from Feature pack for SQL Server 2005?

I have installed an X86 version on the AMD64 machine. But when I open a sql 2000 dts package, there is always a warning window.

The Message is as follows:

SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components" to use this feature. (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsObjectExplorerUI)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.LegacyActionBase.CreateLegacyDesigner()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.OpenLegacyPackageAction.Act(INodeInformation nodeInfo)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.DtsServerMenuItem.Invoke(INodeInformation parent, String mode, String assembly, String type)

There are two same assemblys called 'Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsObjectExplorerUI' in the GAC, and one is GAC cache type, the other is zap cache type.

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Connection Failure To SQL Server 2000 In Remote Machine From Application In Windows Server 2003

Dec 25, 2007


I'moving my asp application to a new hosting server.

So when i tried the setup locally with the live DB & application in my test machine...
The DB access is denied when application tries to hit the DB.

DB is in seperate machine with SQL Server 2000 & application(ASP) is in Windows server 2003.....
Kindly help me with your suggestions....on what went wrong?

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