MSDE Timestamp Update

Mar 15, 2004

How would I go about updating the date in a column with time&date like this "2/2/2003 12:13:45 AM". Is there a easy way to change this on a MSDE dB with a query in Access2000. Could I use a substring function or something?

This is what i've come up with til now:
UPDATE table
SET tablename.column = '2/29/2003 ' + [somefunc(column,something)]
WHERE tablename.column = '3/1/2003 ' + [somefunc(column,something)]

If you have any good Answeers please post them. Thank's

Regard's Christian Kirk

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Retrieve TimeStamp After Update !

May 15, 2008

Hello readers,

I am using SQL Server 2005. and i use optimistic Concurrency
based on Timestamp column.

After updating a record, the database engine changes the timestamp column's value,
and we normally fill the record again in the application to get the latest Timestamp value.

I want to know the following:

[As in - INSERT we use Scope_Identity() with output parameters
to get the primary key generated by the database]

Similarly is there any function to get the Timestamp generated after the update.
I know there is @@DBTS but this only works for Inserts (for me atleast. may be i am using it wrongly)

If there is any such function or method for this, this will save a roundtrip to the server
saving so many resources.

If anyone can help me on this, it would be realy realy great.

Thanking in advance for your time to read this.

Regards - H C.

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ASP Update Method Not Working After A MSDE To MSSQL 2005 Expess Update

Oct 20, 2006

The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)

Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText
If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then
objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1
End If

The .execute Method works fine

strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objConn.Execute strSQL1

W2003 + IIS6.0

Pls advice?

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Update Row Using Stored Procedure With Timestamp

Oct 10, 2005

Hi,I'm attempting to update one row using strored procedure which check timestamp field.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tbCharakterystyki_Update')BEGINDROP Procedure tbCharakterystyki_UpdateENDGO
CREATE Procedure dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update@CH_ID int ,@CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA VARCHAR(30),@CH_OPIS VARCHAR(300),@CH_TIMESTAMP timestampAS
UPDATE tbCharakterystyki SET ch_charakterystyka = @CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA,
ch_opis = @CH_OPIS
WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID AND ch_timestamp = @CH_TIMESTAMP
Function which call stored procedure:public int CallSP(DataRow dr)    {      try       {             SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.strConnection);        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();                cmd.Connection = conn;         cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;         cmd.CommandText = "dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update";
        SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter();        p1.ParameterName = "@CH_ID";        p1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;        p1.Value = dr[0];
        SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter();        p2.ParameterName = "@CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA";        p2.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;        p2.Value = dr[1];
        SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter();        p3.ParameterName = "@CH_OPIS";        p3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;        p3.Value = dr[2];
        SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter();        p4.ParameterName = "@CH_TIMESTAMP";        p4.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;        p4.Value = dr[3];
        cmd.Parameters.Add(p1);        cmd.Parameters.Add(p2);        cmd.Parameters.Add(p3);        cmd.Parameters.Add(p4);                cmd.Connection.Open();        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        cmd.Connection.Close();        return 0;          }      catch ( Exception err )       {         ShowError(err.Message)                return null;      }     }
And function which call "CallSP()":private void Update(){DataSet ds = helper.GiveDataSetCharakterystyki()DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("ch_id=51")[0];
dr[1] = "new value";CallSP(dr);}When I fire Update(), stored procedure (dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update) is not started, Sql Profiler doesn't show it.Whilst when I modify stored procedure, removing WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID AND ch_timestamp = @CH_TIMESTAMP and put only WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID , it works perfectly.What I did wrong?

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Insert/update Timestamp In A SQL Server 2000 Db Programatically

Jun 22, 2006

         How can i store the record insert/update timestamp in a SQL server 2000 db programacally. ? what are the date/time functions in ASP.NET 2.0 ?  I know that this can be done by setting the default valut to getdate() function in SQL, but any other way on ASP page or code-behind page ???

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Timestamp - Automatically Update Date And Time When Rows Updated?

Apr 7, 2014

I know 2008 MS SQL Server has a timestamp data type that adds date and time when the rows are inserted. Is there a way to automatically update the date and time when the rows are updated?

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Error While Converting Oracle Timestamp To Sql Server Timestamp (datetime) - Invalid Date Format

Jun 19, 2007

I am populating oracle source in Sql Server Destination. after few rows it fails it displays this error:

[OLE DB Destination [16]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description:
"Invalid date format".

I used this script component using the following code in between the adapters, However after 9,500 rows it failed again giving the same above error:

To convert Oracle timestamp to Sql Server timestamp





End If

End If

I don't know if my code is right . Please inform, how i can achieve this.

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Transact SQL :: Query To Display Avg Values For Each Timestamp And Count Of Timestamp

Jun 23, 2015

date        time         s-sitename TimeTaken(Seconds)
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 100
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 500
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 800
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 700
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 200
6/12/2015 12:56:26 TestSite 700

I have a table with above values, I am looking for a sql query to find AvgTimeTaken at different time stamps and total count of each time stamp

date        time         s-sitename TimeTaken(Seconds) Count_of_Request
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 1400                  3
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 900                   2
6/12/2015 12:56:26 TestSite 700                   1

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MSDE Update SQL Stored Procedure Syntax

May 10, 2004

I have 2 tables, table A and B. Table A has the following fields; Phone (nvchar), Fname (nvchar), Lname (nvchar), DNC (bit). Table B has one field, PhoneNo (nvchar). I would like to update the field DNC in Table A to True(1) if the values Phone in Table A = PhoneNo in Table B.

I tried this syntax but it never updated:

WHERE (Phone = 'SELECT MAX dbo.B.PhoneNo FROM dbo.B')

These tables have over 100K records and I would like to make sure it runs through and checks every single record and not just the first 10000.

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Get Row Timestamp With No Timestamp Column

Jul 10, 2007

For starters, please feel free to move this if it is in the wrong forum.

The issue I have is this. I have been asked to delete all information from a table that was inserted before May 12 this year. The issue is that when the DB was created, whoever designedd it neglected to add a timestamp column for the user data table (the one I need to purge). Does SQL, by default, happen to store insert times? Would it be something that might hide ina log file somewhere?

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MSDE Text Datatype - Unable To Store More Than 900 Characters. (msde + Visual Studio 2003)

Jun 6, 2005


I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters. 
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid.  To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui.  I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:

"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."

I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column.  As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.

I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.

Thanks a lot.

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How Do I Change The Name Of A Computer Running MSDE With Out Reinstalling MSDE

May 27, 2000

I am trying to change the computer name of a machine running MSDE but I get an error when SQL Server starts. With regular SQL when I change the name of a computer I re-run setup and setup fixes this problem. MSDE can only be installed from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem.

My question is "How do I change the name of a computer running MSDE with out reinstalling MSDE"

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MSDE: Renaming Machine Without Reinstall Of MSDE

Mar 27, 2001

We currently have the problem, that all our machines are produced with the
same name and afterwards the name is changed. So we have the problem that
the checksum key for the MSDE isn't valid anymore. As MSDE can only be installed
from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem. Does anyone
know a solution for this problem ?? A program recalculating the cheksum ??



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MSDE Worth Using Or Should I Invest In MySQL? (was MSDE)

Mar 9, 2005

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this this question but I'll give it a shot.

The only db development that I have ever done is in MS Access. I have a project at work that is being accomplished in VB and I need a db engine to use as the back end. Visual studio came with a copy of MSDE. Is this tool worth using or should I invest in mySQL? Are there any advantages to using MSDE over mySQL?

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Apr 2, 2007

how to insert a value into table where the fieldname uses a datatype timestamp.(asp.net2.0)

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Db Timestamp

Jun 6, 2007

I have a timestamp in a date field of a table I have but when run it does not enter the date automatically and all I get is system.byte[] display where the dtae and time should be, how can i get it so this field places the date in automatically.???

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Jun 20, 2007

I am retrieving data from a database, and have been noticing some really strange timestamps.  Has anyone ever seen a timestamp that looks like this: 16777215Karls 

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SQL TimeStamp Help

Jul 12, 2004


I just started using SQL and i don't really know too much syntax.

I have an ASP page that is inserting data into a table called YellowAlerts.
The first field in this table is AlertDate. I thought I read somewhere that there is a timestamp feature. If anyone could help me out that would be great.


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Jul 6, 2000

How can I add a timestamp column to a table that will let me know when
a record was inserted? (perhaps by setting a default to that column?)

For some reason, @@currenttimestamp gives me
some binary garbage.

Please help with any suggestions.

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Aug 23, 1999

How do I "disable" the timestamp so that when I copy my data into a new
database it will use the timestamp from the last time the table was effected?



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Jun 2, 1999

Hi All,

I believe that all created tables have got by default a timestamp field.
I tried to find out how to read this field with a Transact-SQL statement.
And so I don't know the syntax, is anyone can help me ?



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Feb 10, 2005

If i have a table with a 3 fields and one of them has a timestamp as a field type and I want to do an insert or update what is the value I am inserting for the column timestamp.

Help appreciated

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Sep 23, 2006

hello I put a time stamp in one of my column and it says binary data in the field. How do i make that binary data turn into a real date and time. If this is possible how do I separate the date from the time in the results or would I have to do this myself. Also, I need to sort the results by date can this be done?

Sorry for the stupid questions my sql book (sql demystified) does not elaborate. Thanks

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About The Timestamp

Sep 4, 2006

m new to sql server.can any one tell me is it possible to insert only time value in timestamp datatype.
i have table which have datatype datetime.and i have to insert only time.i can't change the datatype datetime to any other one.p
plz any one can suggest me the solution..


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Feb 12, 2008

Hello I'm not a SQL Expert but i'm using it for a few months. Now i need to use a variable that everytime that is called to a select into it gives the timestamp (or Stamp) to put on a specific field. The problem is that i need this variable not in bd conotation (like 2007-02-12 12:00:44:33) but like this 2007021212004433. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

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TImeStamp Or Not

Jul 20, 2005

Is there any reason to have a TimeStamp column onto a table that has aPrimaryKey when using SQL Server and an Access front end?I read that doing so will always eliminate that write conflict error.But I notice that when pulling a recordset of 10K records, it takes 3Xless time if I delete the timestamp column on the table before runningthe SP.lq

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Jul 20, 2005

Is there any chance to get the content of a timestamp field?I am trying to get the content via Visual Objects and I am receiving onlynothing.Not NIL but "".Is it possible to get any useful information out of this field in anylanguage?(btw I know that the MS-Timestamp is not a timeformat)THXJens

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Jul 20, 2005

Is there any reason at all to use a timestamp column in a table havinga primarykey column???lq

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Nov 29, 2007

Hi there,

When inserting into a table with a timestamp column without explicitly setting the column_list you get the following.


insert into Table_A

select *

from Table_B

Cannot insert a non-null value into a timestamp column. Use INSERT with a column list or with a default of NULL for the timestamp column.

I was wondering if there's a way to overcome this without specifying the column list?


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Timestamp Database

Dec 10, 2007

HI every one
I have a timestamp column in my database. I want to use this column to get current changes but i am not able to get desired results when i use to compare that field in C#.
 Thanks in advance
 Take Care

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SQLDataSource And Timestamp

Apr 29, 2008

Hi folks, I am binding a gridview to a SQLDataSource that contains a timestamp column. My SQLDatasource contains an update method (via a stored procedure) that takes all of the data fields from the grid as input parameters.  I am getting an error stating 'sql_variant is incompatible with timestamp' .  The parameter definition for the update method specifies the timestamp column as type 'Object'.         <UpdateParameters>             <asp:Parameter Name="timestamp" Type="Object" />            ...        </UpdateParameters> When the data is initially retrieved, the timestamp column is converted to a System.Byte[] however I cannot specify System.Byte[] in the parameter definition (different error) I have read other post with this issue but none seemed to have been solved (while still using SQLDataSource and binding).I have tried other datatypes and they do not work as well. Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanksTom   

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Using Timestamp With / SQL Server

Sep 10, 2004

I have a database that I don't want to lock. I decided that before any updates can occur I would check a timestamp value and ensure that nobody else updated before I did (avoiding the 'last update wins' scenario).

I have a problem, I can read the Timestamp from the db when I read the record. I currently use the data to pre-fill a form (gee go figure ;) ) and the user changes some values and updates.

I don't know what to DO with the timestamp value while I am holding it. I have tried putting it into a hidden field on the form but the value does not seem to translate back and forth.

Do I have to store it as in memory as part of the session or can I somehow convert to and from text??

I have about 0 experience working with byte arrays so the best answer is one with an example.


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Timestamp When Updating

Oct 4, 2005

Hi world,I would like to know how to maintain a table with a "timestamp" column. I mean a column that automatically set the current datetime when the row is updated.I don't want to go trought my application and set that in the update or insert command. I would like to know if there is a possibility of putting a trigger or something.thx

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