MSDE Install Problem

Dec 18, 2003

I have installed MSDE from the command prompt as instructed and get no error message - nor do I get the expected request to reboot. Since I know I must reboot to see MSDE launch, I did so, but it does not launch. It doesn't matter how many times I do this... Any ideas? I am attempting to do this on an XP machine with more than the requirements for doing so. Any help would be MOST APPRECIATED.



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MSDE Won't Install

Mar 22, 2004

I installed MSDE and it would not let me login. I figured that I must have made a mistake when I initially installed the program so I uninstalled it and then tried to reinstall it but now an error comes up and tells me to check the "server error logs" and "setup error logs". I can find these error logs but I have no idea as to what to do with them. I have tried "system restore" but nothing seems to help. I have scowered this forum and have noted that others have had this problem but have yet to find a solution.

Can anyone help???


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Can Not Install MSDE

May 24, 2004

I have installed .net framework 1.1 and .net web matrix from 'sams teach yourself' CD. I installed MSDE from the same CD, its not giving any error, but at the end it does not promt to restart the computer, even after restarting I can not see the MSDE icon in the system tray, also I dont see MSDE in the add/remove programs in control panel.I installed sql2kdesksp3.exe from, but the same thing repeats.

1. Shld I install the sql2kasp3.exe(Analysis services companents) and sql2ksp3.exe(Databasre components) also?

I am new to asp,It will be helpful if somebody can tell me how to install MSDE.


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MSDE Install

Feb 21, 2001

The installation of MSDE always pop up
the error "setup.iss not found" on a
win98 se.

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MSDE Tries To Install After Log On.

May 1, 2006

After upgrading MSDE 7 to MSDE 2000, when you log on to the server, it keeps trying to install. I have looked for the InProgress registry key, but it is not there.

Any Ideas?


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Can't Install MSDE

Jul 23, 2005

I have tried to install MSDE 2000, first the normal version, then theone for developers using Visual Studio .NET. Each time the installationappears to complete, but there is no shortcut to start the program andit's not in the Start/Programs menu. However, if I look for it in "Addand Remove Programs" it's there.The directoryC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBinnincludes some exe files and I have tried to start them, but nothingappears to happen. If I start sqlsrvr.exe I get a command prompt windowin which I see things like "Server Process ID is 182", "Logging SQLserver messages in file..." etc, but I have no idea how to go on fromthere.I tried installing the new 2005 Beta version but exactly the sameproblem.Why is this happening? How can I make it work?Thanks in advance.Bruno Panetta

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MSDE Install On VS.NET 2003

Dec 18, 2003

I am trying to install MSDE according to:

But it says I need to go to control panel to install components, but it is not listed on the VS.NET 2003 install.

In VS.NET 2002 it worked fine as per instructions, but now i can't seem to get it to work in VS.nET 2003

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Unable To Install MSDE

Dec 28, 2003

Hi All,

I hope you can help.

I am reading SAMS Teach Yourself ASP.NET and have loaded the WEB Matrix and have been going through the exercises.

I have now tried to load MSDE and my first attempt seemed to load it correctly

C:sql2ksp3MSDE> setup SAPWD=****** SecurityMode=SQL

The Icon appeared in my task bar and I carried on with the Exercises.

My problem started when I tried to create my first data base.

Open Web Matrix
Clicked on Data Tab in the Workspace pane
Clicked on the new Connection Icon
Server = LocaHost
Clicked SQL Server authentication
User Name = sa
Password = ***** (As above)

However when I click on the "Create a new data base" link I get an Error

login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted sql server connection.

I tried to look in the forum to see if I could find a reason however could not.

Decided in the end to uninstall using Start - Control panel - add & remove programs.

However now when I try and reinstall the installation fails.

Can any one help

Best wishes.


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Problems Trying To Install MSDE

Apr 28, 2004


I've been trying to install MSDE and I keep getting errors. The first time I ran set up command, I got an error saying the insntace name was invalid. I was using "SETUP SAPWD=[pass] SECURITYMODE=SQL" and it didn't work.

Then I uninstalled the whole thing and added the line "INSTANCE NAME=[something]" to the SETUP command, and MSDE installed "properly". But then when I clicked on the icon on the task bar to make the service active, I got an error message saying that no service could be associated to the MSDE.

Then I, again, I uninstalled the whole thing and tried to install it again. Now I'm getting the following error "Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and set up error logs for more information." Now, the funny thing is that when I go to "remove programs" I cannot even see the damn MSDE to uninstall it. I don't know what to do at this point: set up does't run and can't get rid of it.


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Failed Install Of MSDE

May 27, 2004

Hi, folks.

I have been trying to install sql2kdesksp3 and am running into some problems. The initial install seems to go okay, even up to the point of issuing the Setup sapwd=password command-line command. However, when I try to install sql2kasp3 or sql2ksp3, a message appears saying that SQL 2000 is not installed.

I am on a XPPro SP1 desktop, with IIS 5.1 and .NET 1.1 Framework installed. Can anybody point me in the right direction to get MSDE installed?



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MSDE: Can I Install Onto My D: Drive?

Oct 7, 2004

When I ran the install for MSDE, it installed the DB server and the databases onto my C: drive and under program files...

The instructions I followed were listed here:

I'd like to be able to install it to my D: drive. I've looked through all of the docs but I can't find any information on how to change the install path. Would anyone know how to do this?



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MSDE Hangs On Install

Jan 12, 2005

First off, let me say it took me nearly all day to get this working. When you download the sql2decksp3.exe you might think it install like any other program. No. This exe simply unpacks the setup files. The actual setup program, setup.exe must be run from a DOS command prompt.... so you've got to look up the correct command line parameters in the sp3reademe.htm file. Something like:


No problem so far, but then when I go to run the setup.exe with the correct parameters the install goes fine until the last 5 seconds. Then hangs. Again and again. The install program keep getting hung up just before the finish. Each time I had to uninstall and reinstall-- 6 times. When if it hangs you've got to break out with the Task Manager, then do an uninstall from the Control Panel... if... an entry there was created. It usually is.

I tried everything I could think of and then did a search here. There were a few messages. The only one who actually got past this problem said he deleted all references for "Microsoft SQL" in the registry. I tried that too. It didn't work for me. That setup hung in the very same place. Then instead of breaking out and starting again, I tried shutting the machine down, while the setup was hung, thinking that maybe after a restart the installation might continue AND and that point the install completed.

Hope these notes help the next person who runs into the same problem. I also tried putting the modem on standby and disabling Norton anti-virus. Alone that did help, but when I tried all this stuff together... finally at 4:34 PM, I was able to establish a connection, from both VB.NET and with a great FREE MS SQL Manager at

Now I can start. For some reason, the way I think... I can't do any coding until the entire database spec is first set up. Then you write all the add, edit, display and sort form, windows. When designing web applications, you design the database first, then each web form preforms some unique operation or reference on the remote database. I think that's the way it works.

Hey! Hope this helps others.

Paul Townsend

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Can You Reverse A MSDE Install Over SQL 6.5?

May 23, 2000

I have a friend who has installed MSDE over SQL Server 6.5 - by doing so he broke some other apps that required a SQL 6.5 DB, he realises now it was a mistake on his part and would like to revert to SQL 6.5 again and recover his data, is this possible or has he lost all his old data?

BTW Backups weren't completed....

If anyone can help please let me know.

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MSDE Install In Win XP Fails

Nov 10, 2002

I was trying to install the MSDE 2000 from the Office XP CD in Windows XP Pro. In the middle of the installation, it rolls back, does not give any message and the installation fails. :confused: What could be the problem? Please help me with this

I am trying to build a VB6.0 application with the msde as back end

Thank you

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SQL Srv MSDE - Not Connected Aft Install

Oct 14, 2004

I have just installed Windows 2000 Pro, Visual Studio 2003 Academic and , MSDE 2000. I get the little icon in the Service Tray(?) showing an empty circle partially overlaying a server symbol. It says Not Connected-VSDOTNET.
If I click it and get SQL Server Service Manager and put in Server name of VSDOTNET, The drop down listbox for SERVICES is empty (no SQL Server choice)
I enabled TCP/IP for this server thru SVRNETCN.DLL. I'm a newbie to pc development. Help!

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MSDE Install Tangle

Nov 13, 2004

I have to yet successfully install MSDE on my machine. I suspect there is installation lint from previous attempts, however for the life of me I can't seem to get it running.

Attached is my log file from the latest attempt. I am really stumped.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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MSDE Sp3 Install Problems

Mar 22, 2004

I recently had to install 40 german NT 4 laptops with MSDE sp3.

I prepared a setup.ini file:
DATADIR="C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server"
TARGETDIR="C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server"

and installed most of them sucessfully. Some of them I installed via network, some of them were installed from CD. I tested each installation by copying a prepared database into the data directory and tried to connect to this database using the specified sapwd and found out
When i installed from CD, I could connect to the databases.
Some of the network installs produce a logon failure. it looks like the sapwd was ignored during install - I could not figure out, which password was used, I uninstalled it and reinstalled from CD.

Does anyone know what's the reason for this behaviour?



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MSDE Install Problem

Apr 7, 2004

I installed MSDE SP3A with sapwd=abc123 instancename=msde_1. I went to services and started mssql$msde_1 and sqlagent$msde_1. In the system tray, I clicked the sql service manager. I put msde_1 in the server name and hit refresh services, but I get an error stating "The Network Path was not found".

Can someone give me a clue as to what I am doing wrong?

I'm new to MSDE and would like to use it with MSACCESS Projects.

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MSDE Install Fails. Please Help Someone

Jul 20, 2005

The installation of MSDE fails and I dont find any solution to get itwork. If I start the setup than a windows with the time bar appears andsays it will take 1 minute. After nearly 1 minute it closes the windowand gives no additional information. But I see that it generates firstall the directories and files in c:Programme but after the setup is endeverything is deleted. Nearly everything , I see a service"MSSQLServerADHelper" is still installed.Must everytime delete it via regedit.I am using WindowsXP SP1 with MDAC 2.8I get this at the end of the generated protokollafter I start setup with"setup SAPWD="mypasswort" SECURITYMODE=SQL /L*v D:/MSDELog.log"Property(C): StartupFolder = C:Dokumente und EinstellungenAllUsersStartmenüProgrammeAutostartProperty(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:Dokumente und EinstellungenAllUsersStartmenüProgrammeProperty(C): StartMenuFolder = C:Dokumente und EinstellungenAllUsersStartmenüProperty(C): DesktopFolder = C:Dokumente und EinstellungenAllUsersDesktopProperty(C): FontsFolder = C:WINDOWSFontsProperty(C): GPTSupport = 1Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1Property(C): Intel = 6Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 448Property(C): VirtualMemory = 805Property(C): AdminUser = 1Property(C): LogonUser = BILOAGAProperty(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-1606980848-1563985344-1202660629-1003Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1031Property(C): ComputerName = JUSTLERProperty(C): SystemLanguageID = 1031Property(C): ScreenX = 1024Property(C): ScreenY = 768Property(C): CaptionHeight = 19Property(C): BorderTop = 1Property(C): BorderSide = 1Property(C): TextHeight = 16Property(C): ColorBits = 16Property(C): TTCSupport = 1Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 1.1.4322.573Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 5.1.2600.1106Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2Property(C): Time = 19:43:01Property(C): Date = 18.12.2003Property(C): Privileged = 1Property(C): USERNAME = BILOAGAProperty(C): COMPANYNAME = xxxProperty(C): DATABASE = C:DOKUME~1BILOAGALOKALE~1Temp5b2b57.msiProperty(C): OriginalDatabase = C:SQL2ksp3installSetupSqlRun01.msiProperty(C): UILevel = 3Property(C): ACTION = INSTALL=== Protokollierung beendet: 18.12.2003 19:43:01 ===MSI (c) (B0:20): Note: 1: 1708MSI (c) (B0:20): Produkt: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine --Installationsvorgang fehlgeschlagen.MSI (c) (B0:20): Grabbed execution mutex.MSI (c) (B0:20): Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any existMSI (c) (B0:20): MainEngineThread is returning 1603=== Verbose logging stopped: 18.12.2003 19:43:01 ===It would be super if anyone can help me. Havent find any informationsabout this.*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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MSDE Install Problem

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I have just purchased a new CPU and when I attempt to install MSDE theprocess nears the end and stops, and removes the installed files. If anyonrhas an idea on a correction let me know.Thanks

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Cannot Install MSDE In Winxp Pro Sp2

May 17, 2007

Dear all

I want to install the MSDE 2000 sp3 or sp4, and using this command "c:sql2ksp3MSDE> setup aspwd ="astrongpwd" "....but it failed during the installation ." Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information" this message is shown on final............And then, i go the event log to see what message, it show "17112 Invalid command option q.".............anyone know what happen....can tell me where can find the solution....thank you very much


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How Do I Do An Unattended Install Of MSDE 1.0 Sp4?

Jul 19, 2006

I am trying to upgrade an MSDE 1.0 db with the Service Pack 4 patch
but I need to do either a Silent or Unattended install.
Does anyone know how to do this? Does anyone know the
command-line command to do this?

I tried using...

sql70sp4.exe -a -f1 "unattend.iss"

....but that didn't work. It popped up a window asking where I
should extract the contents of the .exe (that shouldn't be appearing
either) and then after it extracted it didn't do anything else.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Strong SA Pwd Needed To Install MSDE

Nov 1, 2006

Hi,My computer crashed and I have had to reinstall all the software.  However, when I try to reinstall MSDE (server), it keeps telling me a strong SA password is required and to use the SAPWD to switch it.  I cannot find SAPWD files or anyway to change this.  After I get this message, the installation process stops.  I didn't have this issue the first time I installed everything back in the beginning of September when the class started and before the computer crashed, I had no problem accessing a database using Web Matrix and the same server setup that I'm trying to install right now.If anyone can help me, I would be more than grateful.Thank youCarolyn (Crowbare) 

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MSDE Install Failure, No Error

Jan 7, 2004

I am trying to install MSDE using settings I always have to install it:

setup sapwd=password instancename=vsdotnet disablenetworkprotocols=0 securitymode=sql

But it gets through the install, then the progress bar goes backwards and it uninstalled, I tried to enable logging and do /q+ but none of this gives usable information, i have redownloaded the MSDE SP3 install files and this has changed nothing, I know this is a common problem as I have seen a few sites mention it, but i can't seem to find the fix.

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MSDE Install Hangs -- Any Ideas?

Apr 30, 2004

I installed MSDE. Then I changed the name of my machine. Then I uninstalled MSDE, so I could create a new, properly-named instance.

Now, when I try to install, the installer gets about 75% of the way through the "gathering information" stage, and hangs, every time. I have to kill it with Task Manager.

Help! What can I do?

Extra info: I thought maybe the problem was related to Norton AV, so I uninstalled that. While that was uninstalling, the installer announced that there was a "suspended" install of MSDE that needed to be cleared. So I said, yes, clear it. How do I find out if there are other suspended installs in progress?


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MSDE (sql2ksp3) Install On XP Professional

Jul 27, 2005

Dear all,I have XP pro as Operating system.I installed Webmatrix, downloaded SQL 2000 desktop (sql2ksp3), run the command prompt in the directory where dir MSDE of sql2ksp3 was as so:     setup.exe SAPWD=hello INSTANCENAME=RMSI lat the installation ran and I got msg that installation ran successfully.  So far, so good.  From WebMatrix, I tried to add a database connection within a project.  When I select SQL-database and click on OK, I get the error message that SQL server administration requires SQL client installed on my machine.  In Control Panel - AddRemove Programs, I see indeed that there is no MSSQLserver or client mentionned.I check also the services.  The only one I have is SQLADHelper that starts manually.  I must have to do with XP security, right... Can someone please please help me.  I am a newbie and only want to learn ASP and VB programming via Matrix and Visual Studio IDE.Thanks in advance!Christiane

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[MSDE] Silent Install, Not Associated With Trusted....

May 24, 2002

Hi all,

After doing a silent install of the MSDE, my application cannot access the database that is loaded on the local machine -

I am getting an error stating - 'login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated witha trusted SQL server connection'

Is there are parameter or something that i need to change in my UDL??

or is there a way to tell the server to work in non-trusted inviroment via the OSQL program???


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MSDE 2000 Install Problem

Nov 4, 2004

I downloaded and attempted to install MSDE 2000 on a win2k SP4 system. the command line was:

LOG>setup /settings "setup.ini" SAPWD="mypassword"

The process proceeds then a pop-up says the installation failed. The log reports:

2004-11-04 15:07:21.30 server Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)
Dec 17 2002 14:22:05
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Desktop Engine on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

2004-11-04 15:07:21.35 server Copyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.35 server All rights reserved.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.35 server Server Process ID is 1904.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.35 server Logging SQL Server messages in file 'C:librarydataMSSQLLOGERRORLOG'.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.41 server SQL Server is starting at priority class 'normal'(1 CPU detected).
2004-11-04 15:07:21.64 server SQL Server configured for thread mode processing.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.65 server Using dynamic lock allocation. [500] Lock Blocks, [1000] Lock Owner Blocks.
2004-11-04 15:07:21.94 spid3 Warning ******************
2004-11-04 15:07:21.94 spid3 SQL Server started in single user mode. Updates allowed to system catalogs.
2004-11-04 15:07:22.03 spid3 Starting up database 'master'.
2004-11-04 15:07:22.83 server Using 'SSNETLIB.DLL' version '8.0.766'.
2004-11-04 15:07:22.83 spid5 Starting up database 'model'.
2004-11-04 15:07:22.96 spid3 Server name is 'MJWLAP2'.
2004-11-04 15:07:22.96 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 5
2004-11-04 15:07:23.00 spid3 Skipping startup of clean database id 6
2004-11-04 15:07:23.00 spid3 Starting up database 'msdb'.
2004-11-04 15:07:23.51 spid5 Clearing tempdb database.
2004-11-04 15:07:24.34 spid5 Starting up database 'tempdb'.
2004-11-04 15:07:24.53 spid3 Recovery complete.
2004-11-04 15:07:24.53 spid3 SQL global counter collection task is created.
2004-11-04 15:07:24.60 spid3 Warning: override, autoexec procedures skipped.
2004-11-04 15:07:25.56 server SQL server listening on .
2004-11-04 15:07:25.58 server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 1
2004-11-04 15:07:25.58 server Could not set up Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'..
2004-11-04 15:07:25.58 server Unable to load any netlibs.
2004-11-04 15:07:25.59 server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread.

Any help will be appreciated!


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Is It Possible To Install Msde 2000 In Win98

Mar 16, 2004

I am developing a project in
using MSDE 2000 as backend.
I want to deployment my project in win98 OS PCs.
is it possible to install msde 2000 in win98


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Problem To Install MSDE 2000 SP4...

Aug 8, 2005

Hi All

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How To Install MSDE To Work With QuickStart Database

Mar 29, 2004


I have just tried to install MSDE and tried to make that work with Quickstart, however after several tries, I gave up, because everytime I installed MSDE it still does not want to work with Quickstart, can anyone please tell me how to do just that ?

I wonder some people in this forum complained about it as well. I wonder why it is so hard. And do I have to employ a DBA to do just that ^_^

I realized that MSDE that comes with 2002 CD was a lot easier to install and configure than the MSDE sp3

I am using Windows XP, 2003, V1.1 and MSDE Sp3

Please help me all

Thank you

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Should I Uninstall MSDE And Install Developer Edition?

Aug 18, 2004

I know people have put up this question before but I wanted some updated feedback.
I just bought Visual Studio Tools for MS Office and it comes with SQL Developer Edition. I am currently using 2003 and using MSDE with MS SQL Web Data Administrator to build my dbs then export the sql script.
I was wondering if I should uninstall the MSDE and install the DEv Ed so I can develop all the triggers, constraints etc through Enterprise Manager, therefore having a better setup DB. I know you can do all that through code but why reinvent the wheel.
One last question, with the Dev Ed you just export the schema and scripts to a machine with SQL Server installed once the DB is ready for deployment ? Is this correct?
I lied one more question, does the uninstall of MSDE leave much of a mess, what is the best way to get rid of it.
Thanks in advance

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MSDE 2000 SP3a Install Failure

Feb 3, 2004

I am getting an error when installing SP3a of MSDE. I get the error message "The instance name specified is invalid." This is the first SQL database installed, so there is no instance name. I have tried "default" and "MSSQLSERVER" as instance names without success.

your help is appreciated.

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