MSMQ Export List Of The Public Queue

Jan 2, 2008


I want to Export a List of the Public Queues using the command prompt. Can this be done. I don't want to always click the Export List button. I eventually want to automate the Export List so I can create an Environment HealthCheck.


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How To List Permissions For Public Role For A Database In SQL Server

Oct 17, 2007

Does anybody have the transact SQL to find the permissions granted to the public role in a Database ?

Also looking for the SQL to find the permissions granted to the user Guest in a database ?


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Storing A List In A Database Table (messaging Queue?)

Feb 14, 2007

hey all you database guru's hopefully someone can lend some insight as to a little table design problem I have.

Basically I've got a system in place to authorize users to access a website typical username password stuff. The table contains a list of users and there passwords plus the auth level and a few other tid bits that aren't really important enough to into detail about them here. What I want to do is add a messaging system to this, I think I could probably figure out a way to do this half decent if I setup a seperate table for each user to add a row to the table for every message entry than in my code have it delete everything but the last 10 entries every time a user logs on. However I would much prefer a way that I didn't have to setup a whole new table for each user just for messaging purposes, maybe store something like a list in one of the database cell's kind of like .nets generic.list or better yet generic.queue, I would also like a way if it's possible without too much work to have the table automatically delete the oldest message every time a new message is received if there's already 10 messages existing for the user.

Anyways hopefully someone has some experience in setting up a system like this, I don't really require any code samples I can code it all myself (other than the database code to automatically remove entry's, I'm not a database guy) if someone could just explain a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, or if someone has a different more convenient way of doing this I would be up for suggestions

Thanks in advance for any help offered, I do appreciate it

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Export List Of Reports

Feb 14, 2007

is there a way to export the names (titles) of all the reports that exist on a particluar SRS server?


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Export To PDF Causes Gaps In List

Jan 31, 2008

When I try to export my new report to PDF, I get extra blank lines in my list(s). My report has a list, with another list inside of it (among other textboxes). When I generate the report, or print it to a printer, it prints as expected. If I export to PDF, it adds in a bunch of blank lines into some of the inner lists. It doesn't seem to reflect any issue with the data, but it is consistent where it puts the spaces. Anyone know of any settings I might be missing?

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Clarifications On Queue Service And Queue Readers

Jan 11, 2006

This is info that I am still not certain about and I just need to make sure, my gut feeling is correct:

When a procedure is triggered upon reception of a message in a queue, what happens when the procedure fails and rolls back?
1. Message is left on the Queue.
2. is the worker procedure triggered again for the same message by the queue?
3. I am hoping the Queue keeps on triggering workers until it is empty.

My scenario is that my queue reader procedure only reads one message at a time, thus I do not loop to receive many messages.

For my scenario messages are independent and ordering does not matter.
Thus I want to ensure my Queue reader procedures execute simultaneously. Is reading the Top message in one reader somehow blocking the queue for any other reader procedures? I.e. if I have BEGIN TRANSACTION when reading messages of the Queue, is that effectively going prevent many reader procedures working simultaneously. Again, I want to ensure that Service broker is effectively spawning procedures that work simultaneously.

Thank you very much for the time,


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List Control And Pdf Export Issues

Apr 4, 2007

I have created a report that contained a subreport that was databound inside a table but I was getting errors when I export to excel - "Subreports within table/matrix cells are ignored".

So I changed my report to bind the subreport to a list control instead of a table and it exports to excel fine but I now have new issues:

1) When I export to pdf it seems to ignore width and height properties, creating a blank page every other page (because it thinks the list control is wider than the page), and it also overlaps other elements below the list control.

2) I also seems to have lost the paging in the viewer control that is handled by setting the interactive height property.

Are these known limitations of the list control and pdf or do I have something wrong in the way I have set-up the report. I can provide .rdlc file samples if necessary.

Thank you

Lee Whitney

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JPEG Not Showing Up In Export List

Feb 6, 2008

I am trying to get JPG to show up in the Export list I have added another instance of the image renderer with a default to jpg. I also have added the following code to rsreportserver.config under Configuration/Extensions/Render:

<Extension Name="JPG" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.ImageReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering">
<Name Language="en-us">JPG</Name>

I have restarted the service and tried everything else I can thing of with no luck, it's just not showing up. Does anyone have suggestions?
Here is the version of my server. 9.00.3161.00 SP2 Standard Edition (64-bit)



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Subreport Inside List, Excel Export Formatting Problem

Jan 27, 2008


I have got a report which has a table and a list. I used list, as I wanted to use a subreport and be able to export it to excel. The subreprot takes two parameters from the main report.

When I run the report, it looks ok, but when I export it to excel, the formatting is all messed up, the subreport in the list appears after all the rows of the table.

I have aligned the list very close to the last column of the table.

Looks like this in designer. (List is very close to the last column.
Can some one help me if there is any better way of doing this.

Thank you,

Table Col1



Sub report

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Nov 28, 2006

Does anyone know or have any idea what's the use of msmq or how can this apply in ssis.


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Jun 27, 2007

I've an application that generates tons of messages (a few hundreds/Second, depending on load of requests). Basically, I need to consume those messages (doesn't have to call "message" even) into sql server table. Each message being a new row in a table.

I tried a few things but failed to satisfy the performance. I tried to put the messages in MSMQ and then have either the MSMQ trigger to process the message or Windows C# service to process message. The performance is horrible.

I'm thinking to send messages directly to SSBQueue and have sql server process it. Is there any async way of doing this so the performance would not be a problem? Anyway I can use WCF + SSB to solve this problem?

Can anybody suggest better approach? Buying a decent hardware or SQL Server 2005 is not a problem.

Rushi, if you are reading this post, sorry for the repeatation, I know I emailed you a few hours ago...


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Does MSMQ 1.0 Work With SQL 7?

Feb 15, 1999

Does MSMQ 1.0 work with SQL 7?

MSMQ requires SQL Server. It works with SQL 6.5.

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SQL Service Broker Vs MSMQ

Aug 23, 2006

I'm in the process of doing the initial research for the architecture of a large scale, transactional messages routing platform.

My initial
design called for a series of MSMQ queues and Windows Services, written
in C#, to process the messages in these queues. There will be incoming
and outgoing queues, queues to store unroutable messages, etc.

application will be routing many hundreds of thousands (and eventually
millions) of messages per day. These message are very small (< 200
bytes each) and must be routed very quickly. (<1 second processing overhead per message for high priority messages.)

Using the term
"routing" may be a bit misleading. The messages arrive via TCP socket
connections. I will just need to take in a message, examine its
intended destination, and send it to one of several outgoing socket
connections, likely on different machines. Some messages require higher priority routing than others,
but I don't need multi-hop routing or anything like that.

great concern to me is that there are absolutely no single points of
failure in the system. Because of this I was considering using a combination of MSMQ and Windows Services in a Clustered environment.

Can the Service Broker provide me with this kind of functionality? If so, how well does it perform and scale? Is it a better choice for messaging applications that require high transactional throughput than MSMQ?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what products/services I should look into further.

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Two Phase Commit With Sql And Msmq

Jul 3, 2006

Doe's anyone have a good article on it ?



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MSMQ &&amp; Integration Services

Feb 6, 2006

I have a SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 that attempts to publish some data into a MSMQ Private queue located on another machine.

While I was creating the package the connection string was pointing to the local server something like: localhostprivate$csin

Now I'm trying to get to the remote machine but I'm not sure what type of connection string I need to enter:

I tried: mw59private$csin where mw59 is the name of the remote machine I need to publish to but that result into a "Invalid Queue Path Name."

I tried: formatname:DIRECT=OS:mw59private$csin but that results in "The specified format name does not support the requested operation...."

Any idea?



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Receive Adodb.Recordset From MSMQ?

Feb 6, 2008

I've been trying different things to "READ" the recordset from the "Message Queue". I can read it but with some weird characters. I've tried




So, far I have no luck.

MessageQueue msgQ3 = new MessageQueue("SERVERNM\" + msg.Label, false);

Message msg3 = new Message();

msg3.Formatter = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
msg3 = msgQ3.Receive(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30));

byte[] b = new byte[msg3.BodyStream.Length];
msg3.BodyStream.Read(b, 0, (int)msg3.BodyStream.Length); System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

returnVal = enc.GetString(b);

I try to convert it to String and then deserialize later but I'm getting some junk.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<string xmlns="">5??m.????????#?_?XTG!???????#?_?Xg??c??????? ?<???m????_?X  |?"???????Dw=?????"I?<???m????_?X21? Reply_Code?$??5? MultiEntries?$??7?dName?.$??3? Page_Number?$??1? Number?$??3? Status_Code?$??/?_Name?.$??5? _Address?+$??/? B_City?$$??1? _State?$??-? _Zip?$??A? Bank_Telephone_Num?"$?? ??11  033000333YHONDA2nd street xavier VA 326200000(555) 555-5500</string>

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Call Stored Procedure From MSMQ Message

Nov 28, 2007

Does anyone have any ideas or sample code for firing a stored procedure using an MSMQ message?

I have to assume XML is in there somewhere.
(ie. create XML formatted message with proc call as element?)

Just getting started on project, any help appreciated.

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Msmq Missing Messages After Applying SP3a To SQL Server

Jan 12, 2004

Used to work fine:
(windows 200 server, sql server 2000, JDBC driver SP2.)
Two java processes, one sending messages (using jdbc and sql as temp storage), second is receiving and placing on msmq.

After installing SP3a for SQL server, under high load (200 a sec) there are missing messages in msmq.
Installed everything from scratch on separate machine, works fine until SP3a is applied.
Any help is highly appreciated

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MSMQ Connection Manager And Input Into A Data Flow

Apr 13, 2006

Firstly the disclaimer: im a total SSIS bunny.
Ok, with that out of the way...
What i want to do is have data read from an MSMQ message (which will be a simple XML message) and have it transformed and inserted into a simple table. Sound simple, but i cant work out how to do it.

I started a new Integration Services Project and dropped a Data Flow task on the Control flow tab, then double-click it to go to the data flow tab. I have added a MSMQ connection manager which points at my private queue and i can hit the test button and it sees it tests ok. How do i wire that into my data flow?

On my dataflow tab i have a SQL Server Destination (set to the local SQl server instance) and ive been trying a DataReader source and try setting the Advanced Editor "Connection Manager" column on IDBConnection row to point to my MSMQ connection manager. I get some error "cannot aquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager". How do i get a Data Flow source which reads the XML message off my MSMQ connection manager??

On the Control Flow tab you can add a Message Queue Task and i can bind it to my MSMQ connection manager and set it up as a recieve task etc, but how do i use that?


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MSMQ Or Service Broker For Mission Critical Applications

Nov 30, 2007


I'm working on the design of a system that will have two queues. The first queue will take requests to do something. The second queue will hold the results of having done something. Both queues won't necessarily be on the same physical server. Clients reading/writing to the queue will not be using SQL server. Web service/WCF interfaces will be developed to interrogate/manipulate queues.

My question is: which is better - MSMQ or Service Broker; if I want reliable queues. I can affort to loose items off the first queue, but cannot afford to loose any result data on the second queue.

Can anyone make any recommendations please?


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SSIS Writing To MSMQ Fails Only When Scheduled By Agent Job

Feb 12, 2008

Hi All,

I'm a bit lost on this...

I have an SSIS package which writes to a configured public MSMQ. When run directly through Visual Studio, file system or msdb it works fine (I guess these use me as the user).
However, when I schedule it through an SQL Agent Job it fails with the following:

Failed to write message ... to the queue.

This seems like a permissions thing to me, but I've tried giving full control to everyone in the MSMQ permissions, also explicitly giving full control to the user that the agent job executes as. Neither made a difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tony Vaughan.

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Public Role

May 13, 2002

I am new at this and we encountered a problem. Can names in the public role be deleted? We have some names that need to go - however the delete option does not high light?

I would appreciate your help..

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How To Deny DMV To Public?

May 14, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am unable to deny DMV rights to public. I have already ran the SQL query successfully:

However when I check my master DB, the public still have rights to all the dm_***** objects. Am I doing it wrong or is there any steps I missed out? Can anyone help please?
Thanks a million.

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Public Report

May 7, 2008

Is there a way to make a report public, to outside your domain users? We have a web application the users are authenticated in that is not in .NET and not using NT authentication and we want to have a report linked from inside the application that will pass the parameters in the URL. This is not very sensitive data and the report is using SQL authentication. We also don't want then to log in a second time for the report.
Can this be done easily?


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Use Of Public Variables

Feb 23, 2007


I'm actually using global public variables in the custom code of my reports.

Is there a "chance" that , if the report is executed at the same time by two users, values calculated for an user will be crushed by other user's execution ?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL Express On A Public Web Host

Mar 28, 2007

Are there any restrictions, limitations or anything to prevent the use of SQL Express database being used with my ASP.NET 2.0 application on a public web host?
If so, what are they?

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Error While Connecting To DB Through Public IP

Mar 16, 2004

While connecting to the DB through a public IP from my system i'm getting an SQL Server does not exist or access denied.But while using localhost its working fine.DB setting in the web.config file.The Code is

<!-- application specific settings -->
<!-- <add key="connString" value="data source=;initial catalog=ACE;password=XXXX;persist security info=True;user id=sa;packet size=4096" />-->
<add key="connString" value="packet size=4096;user id=sa;data source=EBIZ;persist security info=True;initial catalog=ACE;password=password" />

What to do for this error.

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Grant Rights To Public

Apr 26, 2001

Can I grant rights to "public" role ( customize it). Our app uses it.


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Using SQL For Navigating A Public Web Site

Apr 4, 2000

Is anyone using SQL server to navigate their public web site?
We are concerned about having a database hit every time the user chooses a different page from our navigation bar.
Any advice? Experience with this?

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Public Database Permissions

May 2, 2007

I have a db that I use as the backend to an Access application. The application looks at 2 databases that are on the clinet machine. A db from a vendor and my new database. I can read the vendor db (with the proper dns), but I can only read my db when the user has admin privileges. I have granted the public all permissions for the table on my db. What am I missing?

Also, this is a db on a Small business Server 2003 so all of the SQL tools do not appear to be there.


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Create Public Synonym

Jul 15, 2006

I get an error in query analyzer when running (parsing query):


with an error of:

"Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PUBLIC'."

Can anyone help me at all please!


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How Do I Open Up Sql Server To The Public On Web

Feb 14, 2008

set up windows 2003 server
sql server 2000

have public IP from netword soluctions
I can see website

what settings to i need to open up sql server to the public?

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MS CRM Reports Not Working With Public IP

Mar 1, 2008


I have installed a MS CRM 3.0 Server with SQL 2005 Reporting Server on the same server.

Whenever I access reports from MS CRM with internal IP i.e within my network every default as well custom reports are working fine.

But the same when I access with Public IP i.e. http://209.199.X.X:5555 I am able to see the application in public i.p but the reports are not working.

Is there any way so that I can access my all reports from MS CRM in public IP.



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