MSSQL Remote Access: Can't Find Solution After 6 Hours Of Searching...
Jan 4, 2007
I'm trying to access the MSSQl 'remotey'. I open telnet and go to 1433 but can't. It seems I have done everything I can to fix it, but nothing solves the problem.
My firewall is disabled.
I have TCP/IP enabled in "SQL Server Configuration Manager" for both Client Protocol and protocols for MSSSQLSERVER (Shared Memory and NAmed Pipes are also both enabled). VIA is disabled.
In SQL Services, SQL Server Integration Services, Full Text Searc, SQL Server, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Server Browser are running. SQL Server Agent is disabled.
In Server Surface Area configuration, under Database Engine is running (automatic) and "Remote Connections" is enabled to TCP/IP and named pipes. Analysis Service has Local and Remote connections checked and is running (automatic). SQL Server agent is stopped.
Integration Services is running (Automatic) SQL Server Browser is running. (Automatic)
When I look in the error log, it shows...
Date 1/4/2007 3:21:45 AM
Log SQL Server (Current - 1/4/2007 3:21:00 AM)
Source Server
Server is listening on [ <ipv4> 1434].
Date 1/4/2007 3:21:45 AM
Log SQL Server (Current - 1/4/2007 3:21:00 AM)
Source Server
Server is listening on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1433].
I have tried to telnet to port 1434 and 1433 but nothing happens. Does anyone know what else I need to be able to access that port??
I have 3 tables, that appear as follows (insignificant fields are not mentioned for brevity):
RETAIL(code, CurrentLocation) ~ 2.6 million records
LOCAUDIT(code, Date, Time, Location) ~ 3.6 million records
STAFF(ID, NAME) ~ 40K records
Each record in the RETAIL table represents a document. The LOCAUDIT table maintains history information for documents: locations they've been to. A location can be represented by a staff (from STAFF table), or an unlimited range of different names - not enumerated in a table.
The query we run tries to find the currentlocation for each document in the RETAIL table (if any). Since a document may have been to many location, I'm interested in the last location which has the max Date,Time.
To perform the query, I created two views:
What the query does is update the current location of each document. If the current location is a staff, we find the name of the staff member (hence the case).
In addition to clustered indexes on the primary keys, I've also created an index on (Code, Date, Time) on LOCAUDIT.
However, the query still seems to take up to 3 hours sometimes to run on a server with 4 CPU's and a whole bunch of memory. Can anyone suggest some way to improve this, add more effective indexes, or rewrite the queries all together. Any help is appreciated..
Hi all, I'm being driven to distraction by my inability to find a workable solution here, i'll try and lay out my problem as simple as possible:
My application analyses sentence structure, it stores hundreds of thousands of web pages, and stores all the words on those pages sequentially in a database with a primary id, the id of the page the word is from, and the word itself of course.
ie : id , parent_id , word
What i'm trying to do (which already works successfully in both SQL and MySQL) is to retrieve the word immediately before the one I specify and 3 words after the word I specify. Ideally in one union query but i'll accept it if that's too complex and go for two for now.
Because of the sheer size of the database ( millions of keywords ) I can't afford to retrieve every single record and feed off the top results in the application itself.
I've attempted to use subqueries:
SELECT yek FROM child_barrels A WHERE 3 > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM child_barrels B WHERE A.yek < B.yek) AND id>'" + id + "' AND parent_id='" + parent_id[x] + "' ORDER BY id ASC
SELECT yek FROM child_barrels A WHERE 1 < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM child_barrels B WHERE A.yek < B.yek) AND id>'" + id + "' AND parent_id='" + parent_id[x] + "' ORDER BY id ASC
These raise an error on the first select statement in the sub query.
(SELECT yek FROM child_barrels WHERE id>'" + id + "' AND parent_id='" + parent_id[x] + "' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 3) UNION (SELECT yek FROM child_barrels WHERE id<'" + id + "' AND parent_id='" + parent_id[x] + "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
Above directly is the original MySQL code.
I would appreciate any help available on this, thanks in advance.
Hi, Imagine that I have a select something like this select * from T where T.Name Like '%Maria%' "Maria" would be what the user what to find. But for example in spanish we use Ã, ó, ú, ü... The same happens in french, german... The user want to find Maria and does not care if another user (or himself) has inserted the client as Maria, MarÃa, Marïa or whatever. Of course one solution is putting in the DB only the simple characters (a,e,i,o,u) and look for these, replacing the "strange" chars in the application to the "normal" ones. But if we want to be professionals we would need to insert in the DB the name in their original spelling (the image is the most important!) Any idea, help or reference? Thx in advance and happy new year. David
Hi,I want to know the optimal solution, to find if all the data was entered. Lets say, Table A (date field) and for a given month, i need that all the days in the given month are present in the Table A. Right now i have different solutions, 1) a stored procedure which loops through all the days in the given month against a select statement on Table A2) a stored procedure, create a temp table which contains all the dates in the given month, and a single select statement using where condition (select * from.... where datefield not in (select * from...))I want to know what is the best solution of these two or any other solution.Thanks
I have searched the archives and haven't found a solution that works.
I started out with a package based on the Excel import wizard and have modified it to include a for each loop for processing more than one Excel source file and also modified it to do some dynamic SQL like dropping and creating the tables with names that are variable based. The package is cabable of processing more than one file, and each file has the same data elements or columns in it, but each file has to go in it's own table. The drop and preperation tasks use string variable SQL that does dynamically create the SQL and runs great. The data flow task and it's OLE destination task (which the wizard did intially create) does not perform as expected. There were some posts in the archives stating that for dynamic destination table names it can be done in the OLE destination but I can't get it to work. I tried using an access mode of table/view name variable and select a variable that is string expression based. But this variable isn't fully populated until run time and so when I'm trying to configure this I get a msg stating the table name object doesn't exist and I can't save the task.
Am I doing something wrong, or trying to do something that wrong way or trying to do something that isn't possible?
- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from what is the impact of enable/disabling it?
- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?
I have created a package which imports a unit of measure table. I now want to populate more rows in the same table from itself. In Access VBA the below code extract does the first part of the job I need to do. Can anyone point me in the right direction to convert this into an efficient SSIS solution. SQLstr =€?SELECT [UOM conv].[Short Item No], [UOM conv].UOM, Count([UOM conv].[UOM 2]) AS [CountOfUOM 2] €œ & _ €œFROM [UOM conv] €œ & _ €œGROUP BY [UOM conv].[Short Item No], [UOM conv].UOM €œ & _ €œHAVING (((Count([UOM conv].[UOM 2]))>1)); €œ
Set RsMoreThanOne = db.OpenRecordset(SQLstr) With RsMoreThanOne While Not .EOF SQLstr = "SELECT [UOM conv].* FROM [UOM conv] WHERE ((([UOM conv].[Short Item No])=" & ![Short item No] & ") AND (([UOM conv].UOM)='" & !UOM & "'));"
Set RsSql = db.OpenRecordset(SQLstr, dbOpenSnapshot) RsSql.MoveLast x = RsSql.RecordCount Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("UOM Conv") rs.Index = "PrimaryKey" RsSql.MoveFirst Item = RsSql![Short item No] For y = 1 To x Um1(y) = RsSql![UOM] Um2(y) = RsSql![uom 2] Fct(y) = RsSql!factor RsSql.MoveNext Next y For y = 1 To x - 1 For k = 1+y To x rs.Seek "=", Item, Um2(y), Um2(k) If rs.NoMatch Then rs.AddNew rs![Short item No] = Item rs!UOM = Um2(y) rs![uom 2] = Um2(k) rs!factor = Fct(k) / Fct(y) rs!calculated = True rs.Update Else If rs!calculated = True Then rs.Edit rs!factor = Fct(k) / Fct(y) rs.Update End If End If rs.Seek "=", Item, Um2(k), Um2(y) If rs.NoMatch Then rs.AddNew rs![Short item No] = Item rs!UOM = Um2(k) rs![uom 2] = Um2(y) rs!factor = Fct(y) / Fct(k) rs!calculated = True rs.Update Else If rs!calculated = True Then rs.Edit rs!factor = Fct(y) / Fct(k) rs.Update End If End If Next k Next y
RsSql.Close .MoveNext rs.Close Wend .Close End With db.Close
My company currently has about 20-25 Ms Access Database that they want toreplace the FE with .net and the BE on SQL.This will be done using Visual Studio 2005. Once the FE is converted to .netand the BE is SQL they all will be accessed through our intranet (sharepoint).I work in Ms Access and intermediate at VBA and just learing SQL through theENTERPRISE MANAGER SCREEN.I am just now looking at what Visual Studio 2005 is, but can some one tell mehow this will all connect?What is the typical route for this process?Ms access to SQL - upsizing wizard or SQL importing?????Ms Access FE to .net - summarize how this is done in visual studio (user facerebuilt) then placed on sharepoint?Can anyone sum this up?--Message posted via
We have a SQL Server database that runs a website on our server, however the company that we are running the website for requested that they have a replicated local version at their business. Everything is working fine.
However they have requested that they have access to the replication logs. They want to have the details of the recent replication details so they can see if changes they have made on their side has been transferre across successfully they also want a table with all the details in of the changes that have ever happened. Can anyone suggest a good way of doing this?
I created a linked server to a DB2 database and I can pull data fine, but when I try to insert/update/delete it tells me "SQL0471N Invocation of routine "SYSIBM.SQLTABLES" failed due to reason "00E7900C"" when trying: DELETE FROM DB2LinkedServer..SPACENAME.TABLENAME
I believe I need to send a clear string to DB2 that doesn't get compiled on the sql server side. Is there something like openquery that I can use for DML statements in SQL Server?
i looking for something to find invalid trigger on my database. In Oracle i found something. There is a entry for status in user_objects.But i looking for MSSQL. Have somebody a tip ?
Please bare with me as I do not have much knowledge in this area with MSSQL.
I have installed MSSQL 2000 Developer and I have setup a database which I am able to connect to and work fine with from the actual server MSSQL is installed on.
The problem comes in when i try to connect to that same database from a different remote server. It will not connect to the DB from this remote server but I know all the connection information is correct so its something on the MSSQL DB server causing this and not on this remote server.
Someone I know has had this problem and has fixed it but they wont tell me how. All I know is they said something about manually opening the ports on the MSSQL server and he also said when you set it to dynamicly determine the port that MSSQL is listening on it errored out. however if you set it staticly to 1433 it worked fine.
Ive also installed SP4 in attempt to fix this but no luck with that either. And I can also get the same exact remote server to connect to completely different DB server without issues.
If anyone can please help walk me through this I would be greatly appreciate and I am also willing to pay some money if it will make my life easier.
I am a novice in using MSSQL and Windows 2003 solutions so I am having some problems.
I have made an excel addon in VSTO that connects to a MSSQL2005 server running on Windows 2003 on our internal domain, and it works great. Connection when I specify the domain adress is flawless. The thought is though that the addin is supposed to been used also outside our domain, so I have opened up our router and redirects all traffic to and from port 1433 to our MSSQL-server. This part should be ok.
I can then not connect to this server with our external ip specified. The error message Visual Studio produces is "An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 -A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connecteion failed because connected host has failed to respond.)"
I have read around and tried to fix this myself. I've specified to accept "Locale and remote connections" in the Surface Area Configuration Tool that shipped with MSSQL on both TCP/IP and named pipes. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager is the protocols Shared Memory and TCP/IP enabled. I have enabled all the IP-adresses under TCP/IP and specified 1433 as the port to use for all of them.
As for possible other problems I can see: I have read a couple of places that people have tried to connect with the MSSQL server through telnet when specifying the port 1433 (telnet 1433). I have tried this but telnet is not getting a connection. Dont I have to open/forward more ports on the router to get telnet through?
I cant ping our external ip. Isnt this also a problem that is related to that I have not opened/forwarded ports on the router to our MSSQL server?
Do anyone of you have any tips or steps to take to narrow the problem down? This is not the forum for VSTO but thats not really where the problem is either, I think. It is probably somewhere in the configuration of MSSQL or Windows 2003. The server machine is set up as domain controller and DNS server for our local net.
I will appreciate all input, I am stuck at the moment...
I have data coming from a telephony system that keeps track of when anemployee makes a phone call to conduct a survey and which project numberis being billed for the time the employee spends on that phone call in aMS SQL Server 2000 database (which I don't own).The data is being returned to me in a view (see DDL for w_HR_Call_Logbelow). I link to this view in MS access through ODBC to create alinked table. I have my own view in Access that converts the integernumbers for start and end date to Date/Time and inserts some otherinformation i need.This data is eventually going to be compared with data from someelectronic timesheets for purposes of comparing entered hours vs hoursactually spent on the telephone, and the people that will be viewing thedata need the total time on the telephone as wall as that total brokendown by day/evening and weekend. Getting weekend durations is easyenough (see SQL for qryTelephonyData below), but I was wondering ifanyone knew of efficient set-based methods for doing a day/eveningbreakdown of some duration given a start date and end date (with theday/evening boundary being 17:59:59)? My impression is that to do thiscorrectly (i.e., handle employees working in different time zones,adjusting for DST, and figuring out what the boundary is for switchingfrom evening back to day) will require procedural code (probably inVisual Basic or VBA).However, if there are set-based algorithms that can accomplish it inSQL, I'd like to explore those, as well. Can anyone give any pointers?Thanks.--DDL for view in MS SQL 2000 database:CREATE VIEW dbo.w_HR_Call_LogASSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.TRCUsers.WinsID, dbo.users.username ASInitials, dbo.billing.startdate, dbo.billing.startdate +dbo.billing.duration AS EndDate,dbo.billing.duration, ASPrjName, dbo.w_GetCallTrackProject6ID(dbo.projects.descript ion) AS ProjID6,dbo.w_GetCallTrackProject10ID(dbo.projects.descrip tion) AS ProjID10,dbo.billing.interactionidFROM dbo.projects INNER JOINdbo.projectsphone INNER JOINdbo.users INNER JOINdbo.TRCUsers ON dbo.users.userid =dbo.TRCUsers.UserID INNER JOINdbo.billing ON dbo.users.userid =dbo.billing.userid ON dbo.projectsphone.projectid =dbo.billing.projectid ONdbo.projects.projectid = dbo.projectsphone.projectidWHERE (dbo.billing.userid 0)ORDER BY dbo.billing.startdateI don't have acess to the tables, but the fields in the view comethrough as the following data types:WinsID - varchar(10)Initials - varchar(30)startdate - long integer (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00)enddate - long integer (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00)duration - long integer (enddate - startdate)ProjID10 - varchar(15)interactionid - varchar(255) (the identifier for this phone call)MS Access SQL statement for qryTelephonyData (based on the view,w_HR_Call_Log):SELECT dbo_w_HR_Call_Log.WinsID, dbo_w_HR_Call_Log.ProjID10,FORMAT(CDATE(DATEADD('s',startdate-(5*60*60),'01-01-197000:00:00')),"yyyy-mm-dd") AS HoursDate,CDATE(DATEADD('s',startdate-(5*60*60),'01-01-1970 00:00:00')) ASStartDT,CDATE(DATEADD('s',enddate-(5*60*60),'01-01-1970 00:00:00')) AS EndDT,DatePart('w',[StartDT]) AS StartDTDayOfWeek, Duration,IIf(StartDTDayOfWeek=1 Or StartDTDayOfWeek=7,Duration,0) ASWeekendSeconds,FROM dbo_w_HR_Call_LogWHERE WinsID<>'0'
Hi, This is the situation: There are around 300 jobs on the server. The server shutsdown abnormally and is not functional for let's say 2 hours. After the server is back on, I need to find what jobs had to start during the server was down. Is there a way to get this list? I tried to write an SQL script that tells me the needed information, but the job schedule sheme is so complex that it would take too much time in developing such SQL script. Maybe anybody has a better solution, or has already made a similar script? ThankYou.
Hi, Can anyone help, how to find client's hostname using RDP from MSSQL command. In simple words, I am connecting to Remote desktop and using MSSQL server management studio in the remote desktop. And when I run select host_name(), it returns the RDP machine name. However, I wish to see my own computer name. Thanks in advance. susuown
I am using MSSQL Server 2005 Express Studio and tryig to connetch to the remore server but does not work.
I get this error.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
Though I have read like child and made changes according to it.
Still says same error.
I am clueless how to do it.
Do any one know web based mssql editor where i can connect mssql?
I have a really simple query which i can't figure out why its not working. I have a table called 'ADMIN' which has a datetime field called 'date_edited'. Because the majority of records have never been edited, i have allowed null values and they are filled with 'NULL' in each record. How ever, when i try:
I get no records, but i can see and know i have hundreds! I know i'm doing somthing really stupid, but for life of me can't figure it out! :eek:
Hello All,I am trying to create a DTS package.I have two tables tbl_A and tbl_B with similar data/rows but noprimary keys.tbl_A is master.I would like this package to query tbl_A and tbl_B and find1)all rows in tbl_A that are different in tbl_B, 2)all rows in tbl_Athat are not present in tbl_B and3)all rows in tbl_B that are not present in tbl_A, and then just showthose rows.Can this be done with a simple UNION?Perhaps this could produce a temp Table that can be dropped once theDTS package exists successfully.The 2nd part after all the above rows are retrieved is that I wouldlike to add an addional Column to the retrieved data called STATUSwhich has 3 possible values(letters) at the end of each row...M (modified) means that row exists in tbl_B but has 1 or moredifferent columnsA (add) means this row exists in tbl_A but not in tbl_BD (delete) means this row exists in tbl_B but not in tbl_AI'm hopping this DTS package would output a nice comma seperated TXTfile with only...1) rows from tbl_A that are different in tbl_B (STATUS M)2) rows from tbl_A that are not present in tbl_B (STATUS A)3) rows from tbl_B that are not present in tbl_A (STATUS D)Can a DTS package in MS SQL be used to perfom all of the above tasks?I would very much appreciate any help or any advise.Thanks in advance :-)
I have troublesome problem with service broker. I move a lot of databases from one server to another servers (by backup and restore) but always have problem with databases where service broker is enabled. Bellow is my scenario:
1. backup database db1 (srv1) 2. restore db1 (srv2, srv3, srv4.....) 3. drop manually Services and Queues, only green filed ( (srv2, srv3, srv4.....) 4. alter database db1 set enable_broker (srv2, srv3, srv4.....)
After that SQL Server log on each server is full bellow errors, nobody so far can help me
Could you help, please
############ SRV2 03/03/2008 18:54:41,spid21s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{E6BF547B-0AE6-DC11-A4BD-00E08127B819}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service 'SqlQueryNotificationService-53c1dc9b-7d22-4310-a5b6-18ac97ae4bf3' because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'. 03/03/2008 18:54:41,spid27s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{AA68F7D8-F7E5-DC11-A4BD-00E08127B819}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service
SERV3 03/02/2008 00:32:25,spid21s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{2BC70B27-F1E3-DC11-AB50-0017085CAA29}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service 'SqlQueryNotificationService-abc6a7ce-53f1-411e-85a7-50c09e2699e1' because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'. 03/02/2008 00:29:20,spid22s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{DF112861-F9E3-DC11-AB50-0017085CAA29}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service
SRV4 03/02/2008 16:15:07,spid25s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{4179E578-7DE4-DC11-9A69-00145E1B71FC}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service 'SqlQueryNotificationService-01e16746-e114-4e8c-b587-91e93768a9a8' because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'. 03/02/2008 16:15:07,spid20s,Unknown,The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{5079E578-7DE4-DC11-9A69-00145E1B71FC}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns=""><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service ############
We developed an application . The application is an ADP with MSSQL. What i need to do if i want to deploy to users ? Because all the forms - record source belong to my server.
Hi, what is the best way to go to migrate from access to MSSQL on a remote (hosted) server? do I have to create manually de tables and then move the data? or is there a way to create the creation scripts from the ACCESS database?
Thanks in advanace for taking the time to read this post. I am using MSSQL 2005 and have created a function that allows me to use regular expressions in my SQL queries. My question is I have a pattern buried in a field of misc data that I need to pull out just that pattern and discard the rest of the data. Here is the Regular Expression I am using select field1 from table1 where dbo.RegExMatch (field1,'[a-zA-Z]{4}[0-9]{6}[a-zA-Z]{2,4}')=1 This returns all values in the field that match the expression. What I want to do now is remove all data from the field on the left and right of the expression that does not match the expression. How would I accomplish this without reading through the 200k+ records and writing rules for every exception I run across? so I could have Gar b/a ge 'THE GOOD DATA' m/or1 ba4d da....ta. All I want to do is return 'THE GOOD DATA'
We use a program that creates a access database for each of our payperiods. Its a pain to get a full history of a person from each one. I want to setup a way I can combine all of the access files into one table in mssql. I have a DTS I created into a .bas file. My plan is to make the code get a directory of the files, then run a function (the .bas file) on each directory appending the access table to the mssql table. The struckture of the access files are that each file is in its own directory, like below:
The table is called "Transactions" and they are the same in each mdb file in terms of fields. Every two weeks there is a new directory that is added to the company directory. So I can either dump all and append all, or only append new data and only use the dump/append when there is a problem.
Is it possible to install MsSQL / Access on Linux? The reason I am asking is I have a linux virtual dedicated server, and develop both php/mysql and asp/mssql/access database, is there another program or something I can run on my server to allow development of programs needs mssql/access?
Thanks in advance for replies, Jeff
EDIT: I am new to Linux, however have found this: Is this what I might need?
To make a long story short, I'm trying to correlate the most inner query (two levels deep) with the most outer one, and it just doesn't work. Is it because the correlation must be back-to-back, without any levels that stand before the two?
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, below is the query that does work, but doesn't produce the right results ("QUOTES" gives the same number for all records):
select, (select count(*) from (select subBidding.bid_company from bidding as subBidding where subBidding.bid_company = 'Printing Company 1' group by subBidding.bid_company, subBidding.project) group by subBidding.bid_company) as QUOTES,
count(date_picked) as wins
from printers as printersGlobal
left outer join bidding as biddingGlobal on = biddingGlobal.bid_company group by order by asc
When I replace 'Printing Company 1' with (to correlate and produce dynamic and correct results), I get errors.
I would appreciate if anybody can point me in the right direction.