MSSQL Not Coming Up Thinking It Is Evaluation Copy

Nov 1, 1999


Our front-end GUI person changed the system date one month back to avoid the expiration of the Servelet Exec software. After rebooting the system, MSSQL refuses to come up and the errorlog has the following message: "The evaluation period has expired". The version we had was never an evaluation version!

What's making it think that and is there a way to correct the situation?

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Evaluation Copy W/ Backup

Apr 12, 2000


I was storing data on sql server with license for 60 days. before license expired I did:

in enterprise man. selected DB, right click, selected All Tasks,
selected Backup. Backed up to MSSQL7BACKUP DIR using same name.

then went to other machine installed sql server and from the enterprise manager did a restore DB with "restore on existing DB" option

the problem is that I try to give a user rights to the DB and I get error message: error 15023 user or role already in DB

any hints,

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Dynamics GP Evaluation Copy Installation

Sep 1, 2006


I am trying to install an evaluation copy of Dynamics GP on my laptop but it keeps giving me the following error:

msde failed to install. Return code 1603

Any idea what I need to do. I am not a techy so you'll have to be gentle with me.



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Prob With 120 Days Evaluation Copy Of Sqlsrv 2000

Mar 22, 2004

I m using SQL Server 2000's 120 days evaluation copy for testing my application. The prob i am facing is that whenever the rows in one of the table increses beyond 10K it gets cleared up.

I could not trace the reason for this. Plz some one suggest a possible solution for the same.

Thanks in advance.

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Should I Be Able To Debug Stored Procs With Enterprise Evaluation Copy?

Sep 12, 2007

I've downloaded the enterprise evaluation copy of sql server 2005, patched it to sp2. I've fired up visual studio 2005 and opened a connection to my local database okay, (I've used windows authenication - though I'm not sure how to check whether I've got SA rights..).

When I open a stored procedure up, the breakpoints options are greyed out.

When I look in control panel/add programs, the version of Visual Studio is "Premier Partner Edition - ENU", if I look in the about of vs: it has installed products of sql server analysis services, integration services and reporting services

Looking on the web it says that I need visual studio 2005 professional to be able to debug sp's but on the features list for Premier Partner Edition, under the debug section it says "SQL"

Can anyone shed some light on this? Or is it the case that the eval copy of sql server 2005 ships with a version of vs2005 that precludes sp debugging !!!


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Can I Register My Evaluation Copy To Full Blown Version Using Product Key?

Jun 26, 2007

I installed the evaluation copy remotely and wish to register the product by entering its product key, would that possible since I don't have the cd in the box.


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Unable To Deploy Reports From VS2005 && Evaluation Copy:0 Days Left

Dec 6, 2007

I can't deploy reports on Visual Studio2005 anymore. I say "anymore", because a few months ago, this went well.
After building correctly, VS Studio asks for a Login for Reporting Services via a popup window. I don't know what to enter...
In IIS ( version 5.1) , I configured Reports and ReportServer for integrated Windows Authentication.
In Reporting Services Configuration, I have the Windows Security set on Windows Account, with a username and password that I also use (withoud success) to deploy the reports from Visual Studio. Since the user is a domain user, I tried as login also the complete domain name : domainusername. Nothing helps, the popup "Login for Reporting Servies" appears again and again.
If I change the settings in IIS to allow for anonymous access ( machinenameIUSR_machinename), I get the error message that the permissions granted to that user are insufficient.
I also changed the Windows Service Identity into "Local System" and "Local Service"; with the same result.
In the Log file of Reporting Services, I also find following phrase :
"ReportingServicesService!resourceutilities...INFO: Evaluation copy:0 days left"
I don't know of there is a link between this and my problems
Can anyone help me in this ?

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How To Copy MSSQL DB

Dec 20, 2005


I'm a newbie with MSSQL. I hv MSSQL 7.0 running successfully on my notebook as a test environment & the folder is MSSQL7DATA. We have a production server running live. There are 2 files called recruitment.mdf & recruitment_log.ldf which resides on the server but is not in my notebook. When i copy it to my notebook, the Enterprise Mgr does not recognise it. It does not show in the database list. Why? What shld I do?? I wud appreciate step-by-step instructions. Thanks

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Am I Thinking Right Or Is It A Bug?

Nov 10, 2000

Please read the following statements. I got my expected results when I use the 3rd statement. How come second statement is giving me junk results.
First statement is just opposite of second and third statement,I believe.

select table1.column1 from table1,table2 where table1.column1 =

select table1.column1 from table1 where column1 in (select column1
from table2)

Both results are same here.

The result is all the common rows.

select table1.column1 from table1,table2 where table.column1 <> table2.column1

select table1.column1 from table1 where column1 not in (select column1 from table2)
The result is

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SQL 7 - What Is Microsoft Thinking ??

Dec 2, 1999

I don't know what Microsoft was trying to accomplish when they redid the way SQL 7 handles indexing, but as far as I'm concerned they failed badly. They just broke SQL Server, IMHO.

As a developer, I do not want to have to study rocket science just to get my queries to run fast. In SQL 6.5, if I wanted quick response on a join query, all I needed was an index on the fields I was joining on, in the join table. It worked, didn't have to mess with Profilers and Index Tuning Wizards, just load and go.

Now in 7, I might as well not bother. It's going to do what it wants to do regardless. Even if I use the Query Index Analyzer, and let it create the index it recommends, it still doesn't work. I'm sitting here watching queries I used to be able to run in seconds take 15, 20 minutes and longer.

It's time for the average guy to stand up to Microsoft's increasingly heavy hand and tell them to let us make the decisions on how we want to use our tools. Since 1995, they've been on a downhill slide as far as I'm concerned. Each new updgrade of VB, SQL Server, etc. is buggier and more of a hassle to work with than each previous version.

Enough's enough.

John M.

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Wishful Thinking: SourceSafe Integration With SQL Server

Mar 14, 2007

Imagine opening SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), drilling into adatabase, and seeing all objects with little lock symbols in front ofthem. That would be true SS integration.Maybe next version?I know about creating a project in SSMS and managing connections,queries, and misc there, but come on, that seems a far cry from what Ilong for.I searched for 3rd party tools and found SQLSourceSafe and Apex SQLTools. Does anyone have experience with those?-Tom.

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Thinking About Converting Backup Schedule To Maintenance Plans

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All,

I've just started at a new job that is a little bit of a step up from my old job. At my previous job I was responsible for 5 instances of SQL Server with about 30 databases. My new job has me (and a team of 3 other DBA's) responsible for 100+ instances. The backup schedule and process is a mess. I'm thinking about moving everything to Maintenance Plans (some 2000, some 2005). I've always scheduled individual jobs for each database previously and done index maintenance manually, but I'm kinda leaning toward Maintenance Plans just to simplify everything.

Anyone out there have any input on how and why they chose MP's over scheduling backups db by db? Or anyone out there choose not to use MP's for a particular reason? Input is greatly appreciated.


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Coming From Sybase

Oct 6, 2004

Coming from Sybase env. I would like to know the equivalent of sp_showplan. What it does is, it shows the showplan for the query being run by spid, which is passed as a parameter to sp_showplan.

Thanks for your help.

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Coming From Paradox

Dec 4, 2006

Does anyone know of a good tool that will convert a Paradox 11 Database to SQL 2005 with ease? Looking around and really unable to find anything...

Thanks in advance

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List Up-coming Birthdays

Feb 26, 2004

I've got an employee table with a date of birth field in it. i need a query that will a allow me to list all employees who's birthdays are coming up the next 30 days (or 1 month, if easier). I've tried several approaches & am getting nowhere... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jacques Matthee.

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Select All Coming Back In SP2 - Not Again

Jan 6, 2007

I just read the release notes for SQL 2005 SP2 CTP and the 'Select All' on multi-select parameters is coming back EXACTLY as it was in the first release. If this is not the case then I apologise for the rant and request that someone clarify the situation but otherwise ....
I had to change loads of reports because it was removed in SP1, now I'll have to change them again for SP2.

Please Microsoft, stop doing this to us!

At least make it a check box option somewhere. The reasons for it's removal in SP1 still exist, but it is a nice feature to have, so just make it configurable.

I will probably have to delay installing SP2 at various customer sites because it will make my parameter lists look stupid.
This is a shame because there are some useful updates in it.

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Problems Grasping - Coming From Asp Background

Oct 22, 2006

Hi, i've downloaded a membership and roles provider but i am very new to  I have come from asp background.  Here's my code:public override void AddUsersToRoles(string[] usernames, string[] rolenames) {    // Validate arguments    foreach (string rolename in rolenames) if (!this.RoleExists(rolename)) throw new ProviderException("Role name not found");    foreach (string username in usernames) {        if (username.IndexOf(',') > 0) throw new ArgumentException("User names cannot contain commas.");        foreach (string rolename in rolenames) {            if (IsUserInRole(username, rolename)) throw new ProviderException("User is already in role.");        }    }    SqlConnection db = this.OpenDatabase();    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UsersInRoles (UserName, RoleName) VALUES (@UserName, @RoleName)", db);    cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);    cmd.Parameters.Add("@RoleName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);    SqlTransaction tran = null;    try {        tran = db.BeginTransaction();        cmd.Transaction = tran;        foreach (string username in usernames) {            foreach (string rolename in rolenames) {                cmd.Parameters["@UserName"].Value = username;                cmd.Parameters["@RoleName"].Value = rolename;                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            }        }        tran.Commit();    }    catch {        tran.Rollback();        throw;    }    finally {        db.Close();    }}private SqlConnection OpenDatabase() {    SqlConnection DB = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString);    DB.Open();    return DB;}

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Results Coming Through In Violation Of Criterion

Mar 6, 2002

I'm baffled by the results of the following query:
__________________________________________________ ______
select events.[report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into lowspeed
from events inner join vehicles
on events.[report number] = vehicles.[report number]
where [dummy record] = 'N'
and [estimated mph] between 1 and 10
and ([1st harmful event] = 01
or [2nd harmful event] = 01)
and [type of vehicle] in
('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','10','11' ,'12')
and [crash injury severity] = 5

select events.[report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into notlowspeed
from events inner join vehicles
on events.[report number] = vehicles.[report number]
where [dummy record] = 'N'
and [estimated mph] > 10
and ([1st harmful event] = 01
or [2nd harmful event] = 01)
and [type of vehicle] in
('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','10','11' ,'12')
and [crash injury severity] = 5

select distinct [report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into truelowspeed
from lowspeed where [report number] not in (select [report number] from

select [report number]
into pedtable
from pedestrians

select [report number],[microfilm number], [crash date]
as [Lowspeed Fatal Crashes - 1994]
from truelowspeed
where [report number] not in (select [report number] from pedtable)

drop table pedtable
drop table truelowspeed
drop table lowspeed
drop table notlowspeed

Let me explain what I'm trying to do.

In the first temp table "lowspeed," I'm trying to lump all crashes where a vehicle was doing between 1 and 10 mph.
In "notlowspeed," I'm setting up a table of crashes in which at least one vehicle was going over 10 mph.
By the third gyration, I'm trying to generate "truelowspeed;" which I thought would contain only crashes in which all of the criterion in the first two queries were satisfied and all of the vehicles involved in the crashes were doing between 1 and 10 mph (NO vehicles exceeding the 1 to 10 mph parameter).
The "pedtable" maneuver is simply to pull out any of these crashes in which a pedestrian was involved.
What I'm getting is a lot of crashes in which I have dummy records, several crashes in which one of the vehicles was going over 10 mph, and types of vehicles involved in the crash that should have been excluded by the criterion I specified.

Thoroughly stumped. Would be most grateful for any kind insight/advice.

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Warnig Coming In Server Error Log..

Aug 29, 2001

I am getting a warning message in my SQL Server 6.5 Error log file .
The warning is

Please help to resolve this problem.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SUM OVER Coming Up With Different Values Than CTE Query

Mar 6, 2015

I am currently reading through Itzik Ben-Gan's "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL using Windows Functions." In attempt to test the SUM OVER() function in SQL 2008 because that's what I've got. I do not currently have sample data (trying to generate it has become a major PITA), but I have some pseudocode.

My current code (actual production code) pulls a bunch of ITD (inception to date) contracts then calculates a certain dollar amount based on monthly changes. Not all contracts have values during a given month, so here's what I cobbled together a few months ago. (Per our finance team, these numbers ARE accurate).

WITH MonthlyVals AS
(SELECT ContractID, SUM(Col1 - (Col2 + Col3 + Col4 + Col5)) AS MyTotal
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDate >= @ThisMonthStartDate AND MyDate <= @ThisMonthEndDate
AND StatementType IN (8,4,2)


To test the totals, I also added a COMPUTE SUM(MyTotal) to the end of each query. (Yes, I know COMPUTE is deprecated. Just wanted a quick check.). The difference between the two bits of code was over 68k, with the SUM OVER() code coming up with a total higher than the CTE code. I know CTE code is correct for a fact. It went through extensive testing before getting put in Production. Is it the way I joined the table for the SUM OVER()? Or is it the use of PARITION BY?

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Coming To Grips With Data Warehouses

Mar 18, 2007

Hi again,

How's everyone doing with 2005? I still feel like my heals are dragging a bit. The "knowledge" out there still seems a bit sparse. Am I right?

I'm about 1/5 the way through a BI book and decided the course will probably be necessary as well:
There seems to be a lot to come to grips with.
So that's all paid for.

It's been years since I've been on a course of any kind. Too busy working! What's the etiquette? Trousers and T-shirt? Tie? Sandles & three quarter lengths?

This particular course seems to cover the "general overall approach" - which I am pretty sure is a necesary part of what you need to be able to do. The book that is related to the course (which I have already bought) seems really helpful and valuable.

But I don't think it will cover the nitty gritty of SSIS - where most of the grunt work happens. They have another course for that. But I can't wait that long. You can spend your whole life just reading books!

Are all the new little things in 2005 SSIS just a little to specialised? A little too clever? Does it limit us? Or empower us? Can we use it to get the job done? Or will it be a case again of "clever workarounds" when we travel far down a road that we find out (when it's too late and we are committed) can't provide us with what we want. Is it really saving us time? Are we better off writing the scripts ourselves?

Me: What do you want to know from your data warehouse?
Client: Err...Emm...Everything
Me: OK, that's great. That's all I need to know. I'll see you when it's done.

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Subtracting Two Dates And Coming Up With A Number

Jul 20, 2005

I have two date fields, start_date and end_date.I'd like to subtract the two dates, and come up with a number (thenumber of difference between the two dates).What function is there to do this? I haven't been able to find anythingin BOL.Start_date = 6/1/03End_date = 6/8/03End_date - start_date = 7*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Another DB2 Issue In SSIS - Text Coming Across As ?hex?...

Feb 15, 2008

I've tried setting the "Process Binary as Character" setting to true on the data source. I've tried cast and convert statements in the queries. I've tried conversion steps... Am I missing something simple, or is it really this difficult to get text values pulled from DB2 as text?
I'm using Microsoft's OLE DB provider for DB2.

Anyone have experience with conversion problems pulling text from DB2 databases?
Thanks in advance...

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Strange Packages In MSDB - Where Are They Coming From?

Aug 10, 2007

I see some packages in the MSDB folder in Mgmt. Studio that I cannot figure out where they are coming from. The SSIS project in BIDS does not contain them, I do not see it in the Deployment folder, nor do I see it in the destination folder to which the manifest file deploys the packages. Which folder location am I missing? Each time I delete them they keep reappearing when I deploy.

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SSIS Variables Window Not Coming Up

Dec 13, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but i'm having an issue where SSIS Variables window will not come up. The most i get is a gray bar that looks like it is supposed to hold the variables.

I've tried getting it to show by:
1) Menu --> SSIS --> Variables
2) Right Click --> Variables
3) Menu --> View --> Other Windows --> Variables

The same thing seems to happen for "log events" in Menu --> View --> Other Windows --> Log Events.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Is anyone else having this problem?!?!?!

-Thanks Thames

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Why The Results Of Cluster Alogotytm Are Coming In The Following Way

Jul 28, 2006


I have data in the following format

Custid Age Product

101    25     ProdA

101    25     ProdB

102   25      ProdA

103   50      ProdC

104   55      ProdA

105   50      ProdC

when I am using Clustering algorithm with 2 clusters and trying to perdict the product column the results are coming as below

Custid Age Product  PerdictProd

101    25     ProdA    ProdA

101    25     ProdB     ProdA

102   25      ProdA     ProdA

103   50      ProdC    ProdC

104   55      ProdA    ProdC

105   50      ProdC    ProdC


Why so pl let me know where I am going wrong and is the data is not proper


Rajesh Ladda




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Connection Managers Area Not Coming Up

Oct 4, 2007

When I brought up the BI DEV studio first tiem the Connection Managers area showed up, but after I closed it by mistake from next time on wards it is not coming up.

Can some one from this form help me how to get the Connection Managers area(pane) back?

Thanks in advance.


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Coming Out Of Single User Mode

Mar 18, 2008

How to come out of single user mode in sql server

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Any Good Conferences Or Training Coming Up..

Dec 11, 2006

I would like to attend a good sql server training conference here in USA. What would you recommend? My areas of interest are:
OLTP, SSIS, SSAS, Data warehousing etc..

I googled for some excellent training or conference events but could not find one.

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FOR XML Issue With Numbers Coming Across In Scientific Format

Dec 5, 2006

Program Descritpion: Our product allows our customers to enter their product catalogs into our ASP.NET pages and we save the data using SQL Server 2005.  Customer use GridViews to edit their data and teh data is broken into manageable groupings (called Field Groups) stored as meta-data in SQL Server Tables.  Then when a user wants to edit a set of data they choose the Field Group and we dynamically generate a data source and a gridview, bind them together, and our users update their data.  A bit more complicated but that's teh gist. 
Another thing they can do, and where our problem occurs, is they can print reports or do exports into excel using this data.  Since there are so many fields, they use the Field Groups to select which fields they want included so everything needs to be built dynamcially, at runtime, using the Field Group meta-data.  Essentially, I want my grid to have these 10 fields.  
Problem:For the export we generate an XML data source using FOR XML in SQL Sprocs.  The xml is pulled into a xmldatadocument, trasnformed with an xsl file into an Excel XML Spreadsheet.  Our problem is that FOR XML is generating our XML real numbers in scientific format.  The xsl "format-number" function does not recognize scientific format and returns NaN (not a number) instead of the value in my spreadsheet.  If I leave it blank I get the scientific number but Excel doesn't format it correctly, the cell has an error tag that wants me to choose Number stored as text or convert to a number.  I need it to show up on teh Excel form already formatted without that message.
I can't change the DataType of the field in SQL, too many other things depend on it and it needs to be a real.  I can't use CONVERT(decimal,fieldName) in SQL because the SQL string is dynmically generated using Dynamic SQL and most of the fields are not real.  When we build the Field List we just have field names, we can't check anything to add CONVERT functions to only real fields.
Is there any way to force the XML output to not be scientific for the entire document?  Or another function in XSL I'm unaware of (pretty new to xsl)?  Or perhaps something I can do in the XML Spreadsheet tags to force the conversion? 

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Store A Null Value Into A Database Coming From A Form

Apr 27, 2007

I have a form and a connectionString to a SQL database. If the textbox at the form is empty i want to store a null value there but when i pass this value as a parameter it brings the following error: Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32..
cmd.Parameters("@Segundo_nombre").Value = txtSecondName.Text.ToString  --> suposing is null it brings an Error.
 How can i manage this? I want to store this value if it is null or not.
Also i don't know how to assign a null value to a variable. I tried with
v_flag = check_selection.check_string(v_idioma)
If v_flag = 1 Then 'la variable posee el texto Seleccione
v_idioma = DBNull.Value
but it's not working.

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Daylight Savings Time Changes Coming In 2007

Nov 9, 2006

I apologize ahead of time if this has been covered. I tried searching but found only the OS specific response to my question (

With the coming changes to DST in 2007, is there -- or is there even a need to -- patch either SQL Server 2005 or 2000 to account for those changes?

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Utc DateTime Coming Out Of DataReader As DateTimeKind.Unspecified?

Apr 4, 2008

Good Morning,

We have gone with the approach of always storing DateTime in UTC. We are adding validation code to throw exceptions if any client code passes a date in that is not DateTimeKind.UTC. However, our validation is being tripped when populating our entity objects from the database, as the DateTimeKind on the DateTime value from the data reader comes in as Unspecified.

Any suggestions? Just toUtc the data reader value?

Thanks in advance,


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