MSSQL2000-Self-Join Query Tuning Help

Apr 5, 2007

SELECT * FROM TA a WHERE a.rx=264886 and
AN= (select max(AN) FROM TA where rx=a.rx)

I have a table TA with 8+ million rows and there is clustered PK on (rx, AN) columns. The count on rx=264886 is 6000+ rows. This query takes about 1 to 2 minutes to fetch data. Can anyone suggest how to improve performance and fetch data faster?

Thanks, Vinnie

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Query Tuning And Stored Procedure Tuning

Nov 22, 2000


Is there any good books for Query Tuning and Stored procedure Tuning


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Difference Between MSSQL2000, MSSQL2005 Developer Edition (was MSSQL2000 Question)

Jul 6, 2006

Okay heres the problem I'm facing. I have GoDaddy as my hosting company. They only support MSSQL2000 but I just recently bought MSSQL2005 Developer Edition. And I was wondering what is the main difference between them two. I didn't find anything on Google. And the only thing is I can't find a better host. Cause I have 50GB of space and 500GB of bandwidth. And I don't want to lose that for just MSSQL2005 support cause my host doesn't/ Have that. So im stuck like chuck. Is there really any difference?

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SQL 2012 :: Tuning SP (Left Outer Join)

Mar 21, 2014

I am working on tuning of sp. They wrote several left outer join. Is there any option to avoid them.

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Query Tuning

May 28, 2008


Mine Below Query takes considerable time at the time of execution.
Can any one help me, what is the other way to write this query?

Declare @p_Mkt_View_Id int
Set @p_Mkt_View_Id = 17

Select Distinct Customer_id From Active_Product_Cust_Dtl
Where Product_Group_Code in
(Select Distinct Product_Group_Code From Products
Where Product_code in (
select Distinct ProductId from pit
where pitid in (select pitid from marketviewdef
where mktviewid = @p_Mkt_View_Id)))


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Tuning A Query

Oct 25, 2007

Hi have this query which is taking too much time to execute..........I have tried the following options but not useful till now
4. CHECKED %Processor Time
5. Checked pages.sec

Below is the query, any suggestions will be really helpful

SE IFRepository
--Returns count of txns whose status is not (10001 or 10002)
declare @fileruntimeuid int
declare @Pendingackcount int
set @Pendingackcount =0
set @fileruntimeuid =0
declare @clientname varchar(256)
set @clientname = NULL
declare @txncnt int
set @txncnt = 0
declare @FileNameClient varchar(256)
set @FileNameClient = NULL

declare @StageStatus int
set @StageStatus = 0
declare @StageDesc varchar(35)

declare PendingAcks cursor for
select distinct fileruntimeuid from tiffileruntime WITH (NOLOCK)
where filecreationdt >= convert(smalldatetime,'9-11-07')
and filecreationdt <= convert(smalldatetime,'9-12-07')
and statusid <> 2
--and filetypeuid in (1,8,16,17,18)
--and clientuid =1205
order by fileruntimeuid
--244873, 244883, 244885, 244892, 244893, 244925, 244926, 244966, 244967, 244873, 244883

Print 'File Life Cycle Viewer via Database'
Print '==========================================================================================='
Print 'Status FileRuntimeUID Client Name File Status File name'
Print '==========================================================================================='
Open PendingAcks
into @fileruntimeuid
select top 1 @StageDesc = b.IFComponentDesc from TIFComponent b, TIFFIleProcessingStatus a
where a.IFComponentUID = b.IFComponentuid
and a.fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid
order by a.FPROCStageStartDt desc-- a.IFComponentUID desc

select @clientname = ClientShortName from tifclientattrib
where clientuid = (select clientuid from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid)

select @StageStatus = statusid, @FileNameClient= FileNameClient from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid
select @txncnt = FProcTxnProcessedInTotal from tiffileprocessingstatus where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid and IFComponentUID = 5
--if @StageDesc = "" Begin @StageDesc = "------------" End
print RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@StageStatus)) + ' ' + RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@fileruntimeuid)) + ' ' + RTRIM(@clientname) + ' ' + @StageDesc + ' ' + RTRIM(@FileNameClient)
set @StageDesc = NULL
into @fileruntimeuid

Print '==========================================================================================='
close PendingAcks
deallocate PendingAcks

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Query Tuning

May 22, 2006

I want to take the execution plan of some transact sql queries, I took the execution plan as text based one, that having

index scan, index seek

Remote scan, remote Update

sort order by cluases


in the above clauses what is the high performance, and how will i change to the high performance clauses by changin the query to improve the execution speed of the query


Please guide me




the execution plan is




SELECT [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Alias]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventorySubTypeID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryTypeID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[AcquisitionDate]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[UnitNumber]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[YearOfManufacture]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Manufacturer]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Make]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Model]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[SerialNumber]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[UsageConditionID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description1]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description2]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[LocationEffectiveFromDate]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsFlaggedForSale]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[RentalPurchaseOrderNumber]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[AquisitionPurchaseOrderNumber]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[SortOrder]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsSaleLeaseBack]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[InterimRentReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[LeaseRentalReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID]        ,[Inventory_Profile].[OverTermReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID]          ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationRequired]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsComputationPending]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[TaxDepreciationTemplateID]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryCostBasisAmount]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationBeginDate]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationEndDate]     ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationTerminated]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsStraightLineMethodUsed]        ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsLeaseTermUsedForStraightLineMethod]           ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Division]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Branch]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxPercent]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxAmount]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[IsSalesTaxIncluded]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLExpenseAccount]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLAssetAccount]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SoftwareExclusionAmount]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[AssetCategoryCodeID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[OwnershipCodeID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ManufacturingCodeID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ReimburseCodeID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[BillingStatusID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[PropertyTaxExemptionCodeID]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField1]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField2]        ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Notes]      FROM [Inventory_Profile]    INNER JOIN [TaxDepreciation_Inventory]  ON  [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryID]    INNER JOIN [Inventory_PTMS]    ON    [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID]    INNER JOIN [Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale]     ON  [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID] in (SELECT InventoryStatusID FROM  Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale               WHERE InventoryStatusName <> 'Donated'               and   InventoryStatusName <> 'Scrap'                and   InventoryStatusName <>'Write Off'               and   InventoryStatusName <> 'Sold')






  |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
       |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryTaxDepreciationDetailID]))
       |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID]))
       |    |    |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID]))
       |    |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID]))
       |    |    |    |    |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_PTMS].[PK_IInvPTMS]))
       |    |    |    |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Profile].[PK_IInventory_InvID]), SEEK:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
       |    |    |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[PK_cdInvStatus_Locale]), SEEK:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[InventoryStatusID]=[LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID]),  WHERE:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[InventoryStatusName]<>N'Donated' AND [LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[InventoryStatusName]<>N'Scrap' AND [LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[InventoryStatusName]<>N'Sold' AND [LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[InventoryStatusName]<>N'Write Off') ORDERED FORWARD)
       |    |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[UK_ITaxDepInfo]), SEEK:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryID]=[LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
       |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[PK_ITaxDepInfo]), SEEK:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryTaxDepreciationDetailID]=[LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryTaxDepreciationDetailID]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
       |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([LW_Winthrop].[dbo].[Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale].[PK_cdInvStatus_Locale]))


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Tuning A Distributed Query

Apr 10, 2007


I have 2 servers: myLocalServer (SQL2005) and myRemoteServer (SQL2000), both in the same LAN. I wish to syncronize a remote table with a local table (both share the same structure) by means of a stored procedure. The amount of rows to carry from the local to the remote table is about 20,000. The query takes more than a minute, and I would like to take down that time. Can you please help me?

myRemoteServer is declared in myLocalServer by means of a Linked Server object, and I declared a synonym called Syn_RemoteTable which represent the remote table.

First I tried a cursor, but it did not worked:

declare curLocalTable cursor local forward_only static read_only for
select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate

open curLocalTable
fetch curLocalTable into @ID, @Value

while @@Fetch_Status=0
if exists(select ID from Syn_RemoteTable where ID=@ID)
update Syn_RemoteTable set Value=@Value where ID=@ID
insert into Syn_RemoteTable (ID, Value) values (@ID, @Value)
fetch curVentasMensuales into @ID, @Value

close curLocalTable
deallocate curLocalTable

Other way that I tried -performing equally poorly- was:

update Syn_RemoteTable
set Value=T.Value
from Syn_RemoteTable
inner join
select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate
) as T
on T.ID=Syn_RemoteTable.ID

insert into Syn_RemoteTable
from myLocalTable
UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate and
ID not in (select ID from Syn_RemoteTable)

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Fine Tuning This Sql-query. Help!

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, I have problem running this query. It will time out for me...My database are small just about 200 members.I have a site for swaping appartments (rental). my query should lookfor matchin a triangle. Like this member A -> B->CA give his appartment to B. B gives his appartment to C and finallyC gives his appartment to ASoo my query looks for matching parameters like rooms, location, sizeandsoo on..I have one table for existing appartments and one for "whantedappartments"and 1 table called "intresse" where members can store "yes" or "no" ifthey are interessted in a appartment.I also have a table called "omrade" to store locations of interest.Hope you can helpe me with some tip soo i can run this query in a fewseconds instead of 20-30 secThanks MSELECTF.medlemsNr as medlemsNr, F.lfId AS lfId, F.ort AS ort, F.gatuadressAS gatuadress, F.gatuNr AS gatuNr, F.rum AS rum,F.storlek ASstorlek,F.hyra AS hyra, count(F.medlemsNr) As hitsFROMmedlem08 A, medlem08 B, medlem08 C, lagenhetF08 D,lagenhetO08 E, lagenhetF08 F, lagenhetO08 G, lagenhetF08 H,lagenhetO08 IWHERED.rum >= I.rumMin AND D.rum <= I.rumMax ANDD.storlek >= I.storlekMin AND D.storlek <= I.storlekMax ANDI.hyraMax = 0" & " OR D.hyra <= I.hyraMax) ANDI.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR D.balkong = I.balkong) AND(I.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR D.badkar = I.badkar) AND(I.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR D.bredband = I.bredband) AND(I.hiss = '" & "" & "' OR D.hiss = I.hiss) AND(I.spis = '" & "" & "' OR D.spis = I.spis) AND(I.brf = '" & "" & "' OR D.brf = I.brf) ANDD.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=I.loId) ANDF.medlemsNr Not IN (select medlemsNr2 from INTRESSE08 wheremedlemsNr1=A.medlemsNr) ANDH.rum >= G.rumMin AND H.rum <= G.rumMax ANDH.storlek >= G.storlekMin AND H.storlek <= G.storlekMax AND(G.hyraMax = 0" & " OR H.hyra <= G.hyraMax) AND(G.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR H.balkong = G.balkong) AND(G.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR H.badkar = G.badkar) AND(G.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR H.bredband = G.bredband) AND(G.spis = '" & "" & "' OR H.spis = G.spis) AND(G.brf = '" & "" & "' OR H.brf = G.brf) ANDH.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=G.loId) ANDF.rum >= E.rumMin AND F.rum <= E.rumMax ANDF.storlek >= E.storlekMin AND F.storlek <= E.storlekMax AND(E.hyraMax = 0" & " OR F.hyra <= E.hyraMax) AND(E.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR F.balkong = E.balkong) AND(E.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR F.badkar = E.badkar) AND(E.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR F.bredband = E.bredband) AND(E.hiss = '" & "" & "' OR F.hiss = E.hiss) AND(E.spis = '" & "" & "' OR F.spis = E.spis) AND(E.brf = '" & "" & "' OR F.brf = E.brf) ANDF.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=E.loId) ANDA.medlemsNr=D.medlemsNr AND A.medlemsNr=E.medlemsNr ANDB.medlemsNr<>A.medlemsNr AND C.medlemsNr<>A.medlemsNr ANDB.medlemsNr<>C.medlemsNr ANDB.sparr<>1 AND C.sparr<>1 ANDA.typ=11 AND A.medlemsNr=" & session("medlemsNr") & " ANDB.medlemsNr=F.medlemsNr AND B.medlemsNr=G.medlemsNr ANDB.typ=11 AND A.triangel=1 AND B.triangel=1 AND C.triangel=1 AND " &_C.medlemsNr=H.medlemsNr AND C.medlemsNr=I.medlemsNr ANDC.typ=11 group by F.lfId, F.medlemsNr,F.ort,F.gatuadress,F.gatuNr,F.rum,F.storlek,F.hyra

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DB Engine :: Query Tuning - IN Operator

Aug 26, 2015

I have a the following query which takes long time

WHERE A_DESCR in ('AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', 'EE', 'FF', 'GG')

I used the following key words: sql server query tuning in operator 

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SQL 2012 :: Table Scan In Query Tuning

Mar 21, 2014

I am doing sp tuning. It has several lines. SO I divided into several small queries and executed individually and check the execution plans. In one small query, I found table scan is happening. That query is basically retrieving all columns from a table but the table doesn't have any pk or Indexes. So is it better to create non-clustered index to remove table sca.

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Performance Tuning Using Index. How To Force The Query Engine To Use It?

Nov 14, 2007

Hello all.
I have the following table

Create Table Item(
I_AssetCode NVarChar(40) Primary Key NOT NULL,
I_Name NVarChar(160),
I_BC nvarchar(20),
I_Company nvarchar(20)

Create Index ind_Item_Name on Item(I_Name);
Create Index ind_Item_BC on Item(I_BC);
Create Index ind_Item_Company on Item(I_Company);

It is populated with 50 000 records.
Searching on indexed columns is fast, but I've run into the following problem:
I need to get all distinct companies in the table.
I've tried with these two queries, but they both are very slow!

1. "select I_Company from item group by I_Company " - This one takes 19 seconds

2. "select distinct(I_Company) from item" -This one takes 29 secons

When I ran them through the SQL Management Studio and checked the performance plan, I saw that the second one doesn't use index at all ! So I focused on the first...
The first one used index (it took it 15% of the time), but then it ran the "stream aggregate" which took 85% of the time !
Actully 15% of 19 seconds - about 2 seconds is pretty much enough for me. But it looks that aggregate function is run for nothing!
So is it possible to force the query engine of the SSCE not to run it, since there is actually no aggregate functions in my select clause?
According to SQL CE Books online:
Group By

"Specifies the groups (equivalence classes) that output rows are to be placed in. If aggregate functions are included in the SELECT clause <select list>, the GROUP BY clause calculates a summary value for each group."
It seems the aggregate is run every time, not only when there is an aggregate function.

Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Tuning With Each Run Of Fresh / Blank CACHE

Jun 4, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012 Express.

I am doing performance tuning of SP/Query in Dev-Test environment.

I found that SQL Server caches plan between successive executions.

So if I test/execute SP 10 times, after 1st or 2nd execution, SQL server will pull-up plan-info from CACHE...Not from SQL SERVER Or Database...

Means i am not getting correct answer...

I found this 2 commands:



But they say that executing above command might interfere/bother other people executing other query/sp on this server.

They also say that: Freeing the plan cache causes, for example, a stored procedure to be recompiled instead of reused from the cache. This can cause a sudden, temporary decrease in query performance.

Part of query was using Dynamic-SQL executed with EXEC command.

I replaced that with SP_EXECUTESQL.

How can I start testing of each SP-run with Fresh/Blank CACHE ?

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Multi-table JOIN Query With More Than One JOIN Statement

Apr 14, 2015

I'm having trouble with a multi-table JOIN statement with more than one JOIN statement.

For each order, I need to return the following: CarsID, CarModelName, MakeID, OrderDate, ProductName, Total ordered the Car Category.

The carid (primary key) and carmodelname belong to the Cars table.
The makeid and orderdate belong to the OrderDetails table.
The productname and carcategory belong to the Product table.

The number of rows returned should be the same as the number of rows in OrderDetails.

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Why Does My Query Timeout Unless Force Join To Hash Join?

Jul 25, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005.

A piece of software I wrote starting timing out on a query that left outer joins a table to a view. Both the table and view have approximately the same number of rows (about 170000).

The table has 2 very similar columns, one is a varchar(1) and another is varchar(100). Neither are included in any index and beyond the size difference, the columns have the same properties. One of the employees here uses the varchar(1) column (called miscsearch) to tag large sets of rows to perform some action on. In this case, he had set 9000 rows miscsearch value to "g". The query then should join the table and view for all rows where miscsearch is set to g in the table. This query takes at least 20 minutes to run (I stopped it at this point).

If I remove the "where" clause and join all rows in the two tables, the query completes in about 20 seconds. If set the varchar(100) column (called descrip) to "g" for the same rows set via miscsearch, the query completes in about 20 seconds.

If I force the join type to a hash join, the query completes using miscsearch in about 30 seconds.

So, this works:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER HASH JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE miscsearch = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

and this works:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE descrip = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

But this does't:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE miscsearch = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

What should I be looking for here to understand why this is happening?



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SQL Query Question - JOIN Or Not To JOIN

Jan 2, 2006

I have 2 tables, I will add sample data to them to help me explain...Table1(Fields: A, B)=====1,One2,Two3,ThreeTable2(Fields: A,B)=====2,deux9,neufI want to create a query that will only return data so long as the key(Field A) is on both tables, if not, return nothing. How can I dothis? I am thnking about using a 'JOIN' but not sure how to implementit...i.e: 2 would return data- but 9 would not...any help would be appreciated.

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How To Export MSSQL2000 DB To *.sql?

May 9, 2008

May I ask how to export MSSQL2000 DB to *.sql with all existing data?
As I built the DB on local machine, the remote machine only provide SQL Server Web Admin which has Query Analyzer only. I can export a *.sql file, but there are no data. 
Thanks for help

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Log And Space For MSSQL2000

Oct 10, 2007

I am a newbie using MSQL so please patience. I compact my database with

When I see the properties of my DB I see something strange
1- My log always has 1 mb of space
2- Database properties show me this information:

Size: 21639.23MB
Space Available: 782.23

Last database backup: 9/28/2007 1:44am
Last transaction log backup 6/9/2007 12:47 pm

I am so afraid because this says that I just have 782.23MB but my disk has 30GB yet.

I need to start to worry me ?

What can I do to solve this issue with my db?


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Feb 11, 2008

Hey Guys and Gals,

here's an interesting one for you.

Ok, so this 3rd party application we have exhibits some interesting behavior; when you amend any table through it's interface it drops and re-adds the object; meaning all permissions to the object are also removed. (Just take my word for it when I say that the table changes have to be done through this app).

Now, I've built a little application that hooks into this using an SQL Server authenticated user account with SELECT only permission on particular tables. Currently the app uses sprocs to access data. However, when changes were made to the schema last week; the application, obviously, received permission errors and ground to a nice halt.

I know that in 2005 we have the lovely EXECUTE AS statement; but I'm running a 65compaability database here and don't have that functionality.

Any ideas on how I can sort this mess out?

Hope I explained this well enough, let me know if you need any more info


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Bcp From MSSQL2000 To MSSQL2005

Mar 4, 2008

I have a bunch of data from tables on MS SQL 2000 and i want to transfer this data to my new database running on MS SQL 2005. How do i perform bcp on this? thanks :D

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Import From MSSQL2000 (8) To 7?

Jul 19, 2007

Hi Group,I developed a intranet site using MSSQL7/win2000 some time ago.The target environment used MSSQL2000/8.We were (almost painlessly) able to import the db-scheme and data from 7to 8. (Bravo MSSQL)Now I need to do some upgrading on the application and I would like tohave a copy of the database from MSSQL2000/8 to MSSQL7.Is that also possible?Or should I download Microsoft SQL Server Express and use that insteadof my MSSQL7? Is it better?I hope I can get the relationsheet too (that one with Foreign Keysmapped in a nice graphical way).Any advise highly appreciated.I am good with Postgresql, but my MSSQL skills leave a lot to bedesired. :-/For an outsider like me the many versions and OS's are quite confusing.Do I need special commands on MSSQL2000/8 to create a MSSQL7 compatibleexport?Thanks in advance!Regards,Erwin Moller

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Can't Install Mssql2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, i am having problem to install sql2000 server, the steps i did are:1. Local machine -> next2. Create a new instance of SQL server -> next3. type name and company -> next4. accept -> next5. Server and client tools -> next6. Default -> next7. Typical -> next8. use the same account ... and Use the Local system account -> next9. Mixed mode , passward -> nextwhatever options i choose, the installation program of sql will exitafter step9. just don't know what the problem is. please help thanks:)

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No Idea About MSSQL2000. How Do I Export???

Nov 16, 2006

Hi.. Never used MSSQL 2000 db. I have this website that uses mssql2000. I want to export it and convert db in mysql. Please help me understand how i can do that. I have all login info..

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Mssql2000 And Oracle 10g On Same Server

Aug 10, 2006

I have mssql2000 running on a Windows 2003 server and now have a requirement to run an Oracle 10g database as well. Is it possible to run both mssql2000 and oracle 10g on the same server without running into any conflicts or will the two programs cause errors with each other?

Anyone have any experience with this? Oracle says it's technically possible but the tech had never seen it done.


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MSSQL2000 Slow Performance Over VPN

Feb 11, 2007

I'm executing a stored procedure in my local LAN which executes another one in a loop and I update a Table. The number of loops is about 6300.
This operation takes about 25 seconds in my local LAN.
Then I try to execute though in a VPN which has an upload speed of 256 kbps. I open query analyser connect to the remote server which is must faster than mine and I just write exec mystoredprocname in order to execute the procedure. The performance is very very slow.
In 7 minutes 180 loops are completed out or 6300.
I really cannot understand this. What is the reason of such slow perfomance?? My ADSL model displays no activity when the procedure is executed. I just use the PRINT method in MSSQL in order to display the progress of the operation. I tried to comment it out but with no difference.
I also use SET NOCOUNT ON in order not to display the update results.

Can someone explain me the cause for this? Are there some tricks in order to improve the performance when a slow connection is used like a ADSL with a static IP? It seems that something wrong is happening here.

Best Regards,
Manolis Perrakis

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Mssql2000 On Emc Mirrorview Volume

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!Does anybody know whether mssql2000 and emc mirrorvew _certified_ forjoint work?(Mirrorview is a fc-based remote mirroring solution)I mean is it supported from the MS point of view to put mssqldatafiles on emc mirrorview volumes?For example Oracle corp. has "Oracle Compatible Remote MirroringTechnologies" certification.But what about MS?

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Tansaction/locking MSSQL2000

Jul 20, 2005

(MSSQL2000) I have read the transaction/locking sections in theMS-help, online and several books. What I want to understand is thetransaction behavior in single statements [not a BEGIN TRANSACTIONStatement1, Statement2... COMMIT].If I have a Table: "Letters" with 1 column "L" and the table presentlyhas rows{A,B,C,D}Case 1 (Insert):First start transaction T1 "SELECT * FROM Letters"Next start transaction T2 [separate connection] "INSERT INTO LettersVALUES( 'Z' )"Is it possible that T2 ends before T1 and the select returns{A,B,C,D,Z}Is it possible that T1 ends before T2 and the select returns{A,B,C,D} [No 'Z']Is this a race condition and I need to use a TABLOCK or TABLOCKX;and are TABLOCK/TABLOCKX only hints? I mean does the use of TABLOCKguarantee a lock on the table? Do I need to use 'SET TRANSACTIONISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE' and if I use 'TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL' is there a means of telling the system which tables I willtouch so that I can avoid a deadlock [upfront tell the system whattables I need to lock so there is not a race later]?Case 2 (Delete basically the same):First start transaction T1 "SELECT * FROM Letters"Next start transaction T2 "DELETE FROM Letters L = 'D'"Is it possible that T2 ends before T1 and the select returns {A,B,C}[No 'D']Is it possible that T1 ends before T2 and the select returns{A,B,C,D}Case 3 (Update basically the same):First start transaction T1 "SELECT * FROM Letters"Next start transaction T2 "UPDATE Letters SET L = 'Z'"Is it possible that T2 ends before T1 and the select returns{A,B,Z,Z} [Some letters were seen to become 'Z']Is it possible that T1 ends before T2 and the select returns{A,B,C,D}

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Chinese Garbled In MSSQL2000 - By ASP

Jan 31, 2007

Hi experts,

Here I got some problems with my application. (ASP & English Version SQL Server 2000)

As we are using English MSSQL Server 2000, we got some new functions and we have to facilitate support of Chinese characters in the DB. I have set the collation for those Chinese fields already and those queries or Stored Procs for Chinese are working fine, ONLY if I execute them in Enterprise Manager. Chinese characters can be displayed in the relevant tables.

However here comes the big problem and I got really frustrated. As we will provide user interface in ASP pages, we 'll let users to insert the information which will be sent to the DB. If there's Chinese characters in the query string, the Chinese characters added in the DB would be garbled.

e.g. EXECUTE proc_TestChinese 'XYZ', 'test123' (assume XYZ be those Chinese words)

I am wondering if there's any way I can solve this problem. Should I add special handling for these Chinese words? I have set the ASP pages in UTF-8 or Big5 encoding but it doesn't help. Hope you experts can show me the way out of the mess. Thanks in advance!


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Size Of Datafiles In A MSSQL2000

Apr 4, 2006


I have a datadabase with 1 datafile from 60Gb. Is it a good thing(preformance) to split up this datafile in smaller datafiles from 6Gb each?
I don't have separete diskslices so a can't spread my datafiles on my disks but i only need to know if a datafile from 60Gb sin't too big for MSSQL2000.



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Remote MSSQL2000 Server Connection With .net

Feb 17, 2004

I have a problem in connecting to my hosting database using .net file.
I am able connect to database with my ASP page.

Any sugession is greately appretiated!

Here is my code:

".net" page:

<%@ page language='vb' debug='true' %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection
Dim da AS sqlDataAdaptor
Dim ds As DataSet
MyConnection = New SqlConnection("DSN=***;UID=***;PWD=***")
da = new sqlDataAdaptor("select * from city", MyConnection)
Response.write "Connection Success " & MyConnection.Database & "<br>"
catch sx AS sqlException
Response.write "Connection successful: <br>"
End Try

ds=new Dataset()
da.Fill(ds, "City")

With DataGrid1
.DataSource = ds.Tables("city").DefaultView
End With


End Sub



<ASP:dataGrid id='DataGrid1' runat='server'/>

"ASP" page:

Set DB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DB.Open ConnectionString

SET RSCheckeMail = DB.Execute ("select * from city")

While not RSCheckeMail.eof
Response.write "City: " & RSCheckeMail("Name") & "<br>"

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Bit Column Behavior MSSQL7 And MSSQL2000

Nov 24, 2005

I was using MSSQL7 for a long period.
I upsized to MSSQL7 from Access some years ago. Without any particular reason when writing code in stored procedures, when I wanred to select some records having a bit column to true I used the syntax bitcolumn=-1 (and not bitcolumn=1). This behavior was used in Access. Everything worked fine. Then I moved to MSSQL2000 and by restoring the MSSQL7 database I had no problem.
However, in order to use some features of MSSQL2000 I had to run the sp
sp_dbcmptlevel <database>, 80
After that the condition bitcolumn=-1 didn't work.
Can anyone verify this behavior, since I have to make dozens of changes in my stored procedures and triggers???

Manolis Perrakis

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How Do I Return A Multiple Resultset In MSSQL2000?

Apr 19, 2006

I can not get a multiple row resultset to display or even get sent to my client application running on coldfusion.
What is the problem with the code?
How do i display and return a resultset to my coldfusion client application?

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.nTransaction
(@pAccountNo varchar(30), @N int, @ntransCursor CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT, @nValue varchar(4000) OUTPUT)

set @N = 0


SET @ntransCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT CONVERT(varchar,Eh.EntryID), Eh.EntryReference,E.AccountNo, E.Narrative, E.Amount, Eh.EntryDate
FROM entryheaders as Eh cross join entrys as E
WHERE Eh.EntrySerial = E.EntrySerial and AccountNo = @pAccountNo

OPEN @ntransCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM @ntransCursor into @nValue

CLOSE @ntransCursor
DEALLOCATE @ntransCursor;


Pls i need urgent help!!!

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Aggregate Only Top 20 Records In A Table- MSSQL2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi AllI need to aggregate a query to produce the following:Workplace AvgM100 4.7M120 3.45Which would be a normal aggregate:SELECT Workplace, Avg(VALUE)FROM PRODGROUP BY WorkplaceHowever I need the average to only be based on the most recent 20results from each of the Workplace groups.I've never had to do something like this before so can't think of anyway to only take off the most recent 20 for each group (ordered byDate). It doesn't really matter if there were 25 spread across 2 daysI would just cut the list at 20 VALUEs as there is no time componentinvloved.Is there any way to do a sub-query that uses select top 20 ... foreach group that could then be aggregated?I would prefer to do it through a select statement rather than havingto use a stored procedure using and variables, etc which I can do. Thetable is not huge but is growing rapidly so I'm concerned thatanything using dyamic SQL or similar would be become painfully as thenumber of groups grows to 5,000 or more.If anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,Bevan

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