I have set up a MSX server for managing all of our backup jobs. However when I try and create a DB maintenence plan I can only see the system DBs not user created ones!
I have XP Pro SP2 with MDAC 2.8.1022. It had a problem so I tried to reinstall MDAC and got a Fatal Setup Error. This setup does not support installing on this operating system. I downloaded MDAC 2.8 1177 and get the same error.
I thought of uninstalling/reinstalling SP2, but this is a 2 month old Dell Latitude 610 with factory installed XP. There is no Windows Service Pack 2 option listed in the Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
There's some other strange things, so I wonder if they are related.
1) I have Paul set up as an administrator account. Some folders like MSSQL show that account with no permissions. I grant all the permissions to Paul for that folder. I come back later and the permissions are gone.
2) I deleted 20 files in Explorer, but 7 of them did not go away. I deleted those 7 again and they instatnly reappeared. I deleted those 7 again and then they finally went away.
3) I get a slow reaction time for things like Windows Explorer and opening and closing programs. This is suprising since it has 2 gig of RAM and 2.3 Gig processor. Could it be a memory handling problem that's causing OS problems. Probably, the memory didn't handle the OS installation well and the whole system is compromised now.
We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page. In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.
I'm trying to install SQL Server Management studio 2012 on my Windows 7 (x64) standalone laptop. When I click "New SQL stand-alone installation..." it runs a Setup Support Rules check and always fails "Setup Account Privileges". I've looked into the error and I keep getting that I need to change security rules but I don't have that option in window 7. How do I get around this without having to resort to a computer running Windows Server?
I have Visual Studio 2013 premium installed along with Localdb v11. I just want to connect and manage my database engine through SSMS when developing any application.
This forum is intended for users who are new to SQL Server, and have basic usage questions. If you have setup or installation issues or questions, you should check out the Setup forum.
I am running a number of SQL instances on my PC. Within the network, I have think server with various System Center components. For compatibility reasons, some features of System Center 2012 R2 had to be delegated to different SQL databases. My question is, because there is now more than one IP address on my system, and each instance of SQL is assigned to its own IP, is there a way to setup DNS and SQL so the namespace points to the desired IP address? For Instance:
MSSQL2008 instance is set to run on = MSSQL2012 is set to run on = IN DNS: A Record: Mike-PC = A Record: Mike-PC =
If I want to use MSSQL2008 by specifying Mike-PC as the DNS name, how would I do that with 100% accuracy? If there is another way to get the job done, I am more than willing to approach this differently.
I am writing an insert stamenet that appears like:
INSERT INTO SppTarget (IndicatorNumber, Part, Years, Target, CompareMethod) SELECT '8', 'B', '20052006', '0.682', '1' UNION ALL SELECT '8', 'B', '20062007', '0.688', '1' UNION ALL SELECT '8', 'B', '20072008', '0.692', '1'
What if I want to SET Target = NULL in this statement, how can i do that?
I have several target servers defined, i have a job that needs to run in a serial fashion (ie.. 1 target at at time) if every target kicks off the job at the same time it's going to bog down the disk drives... can this be serialized? or do i need to write a special routine...
Does anyone know how to add a hyperlink with a target frame. In the navigation tab of reporting services I am having difficulites adding http://www.linkgoeshere.com target="framename"
In this situation do I need a proxy or forwarder at both ends to prevent connection issues? Are there plans to handle this in future SSSB upgrades. Thanks.
I've created an SSIS package to be loaded using my ASP .NET app. This package is kept within the application and loaded via Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.LoadPackage method.
My target machine does not have MS SQL Server 2005 installed. So what do I need at minimum to get this up and running? What components do I've to install or copy over?
I tried to copy just the class libraries across. I copied Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll and Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll into my bin directory but I got this error:
[COMException (0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.] Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application..ctor() +25
[DtsPipelineException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.] Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application..ctor() +87
I can't find any information online so any insight or advice will be very much appreciated!
Can someone please help me with the following error?
I am trying to create a trigger that copies data from a table in one database to another. However I am getting the error 'Cannot create trigger on databasename.dbo.tablename as the target is not in the current database.
Below is the SQL I am using to create the trigger:
Hi, I am sending a message to an invalid target name. The message eventually gets back to the initiator as an error type message. How can I determine the exact cause of the error - and determine that the target service name is invalid? I am using the ServiceBrokerInterface and the Message does not tell much - it seems. Also, in the sys.conversation_endpoints table, the record associated to the message only says 'Error', but no other indicator.
I receive messages in my target queue but target queue continously become disabled even aften I enable and receive message it still says target queue is disabled?
In Opening a display of invoices in Report Server I have a ULR link in the Jump to URL section under the navigation tab.
I have the URL with the invoice number in the expression. Is there something I can add to this expression that will force the interface to Open a new windows page instead of the existing window?
I'm thinking aboug using Service Broker to aggregate transactions from 12 remote SQL Servers to a central SQL Server. Service Broker is new to me, so I don't know what the proper setup would be.
We have five different kinds of transactions that can be sent from any of the remote servers. These remote servers truly are remote, connecting to the central server over a WAN. We don't want problems with one server to interfere with any other server. We also don't want problems with one kind of transaction to interfere with the processing of any other kind of transaction.
If were only talking about one remote server, I'm guessing I'd want to create 5 different services - one for each kind of transaction. Does that mean I'd also need to create 5 different routes on both the remote server and the central server?
And how would I scale this out to a dozen remote servers? Can I stick with 5 services on the central server, or would I need to define 5 different services for each remote server, so 60 total? And would that be 60 different routes defined on the central server? Based on my limited knowledge of routes and how they're tied to services, I think that would mean 60 routes, but maybe I'm missing something.
I am creating a queue application using Service broker. I was able to send and receieve messages between 2 databases in the same instance. Now I am trying to communicate b/w 2 different instances. I am getting the following error...
The target service name could not be found. Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and/or the routing information has been supplied..
We've got a source file which owns three different values: 'A','B','M'.
Where 'A' stands for "New Rows" and 'B' for "Delete rows" and 'M' for 'Update rows'
Using Conditional Split task we can redirect each subset into a OLEDB Destination but we are wondering how can we do the same using only one OLEDB? We've got only one table.
I've installed SQL Server 2000 and applied SP3a. I see SP4 is available and fixes a lot of things. The only bit I am unsure about is section '5.3.2 Changes to Master/Target Server Configurations' http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/b/d/1bdf5b78-584e-4de0-b36f-c44e06b0d2a3/ReadmeSql2k32sp4.htm#_5464_sql_server_agent_enhancements_705 "Before you apply SP4, you must complete several steps to upgrade your SQL Server 2000 master/target server configuration. The changes that are introduced with SP4 are not compatible with SQL Server 7.0 target servers, or with any servers not running SP3 or later. This is a change from the original SQL Server 2000 functionality. " As I'm just starting out I don't even know what 'Master/Target Server' is. I'm only installing to my PC which is XP Pro SP2. Can I ignore this step and apply the patch or do I need to do as it states? Thanks
I need to create an Bulk upload utility using ASP.Net and SQL Server. Below is the process for the uploads -
Excel Template wherein user will enter the details. A Tab-delimited output file will be generated using the VBA. There are 2 tables - one is Temp Table which is replica of the the final table and second is the final table Using File.OpenText(filePath).ReadLine() - All the Rows from the tab delimited data file will be inserted into DataTable.
using SQLBulkCopy the tab-delimited data file data will be inserted into the Temp Table.
Data will be validated based on the data inserted in the temp table. If the data as errors then the temp table will be cleared else the data will be inserted from the temp table to the final table.
My Issue is that in both the tables there is a column (Name : PeopleKey (Int PrimaryKey)). If the user enters Alphabetic value then the Bulk Utility is failing. Below are the two options in my mind -
1. I can change the DataType in Temp table from int to VARCHAR. So, the data can be inserted at first and then I can validate and get the data corrected. But i am not sure whether it is the right way to fix issue as the source and target tables columns are different.
2. When the data in inserted into the Datatable by following Step 3. So, once the data in inserted into DataTable then i can validate there. Thus the source and target tables Datatype will be same.
I need to copy data from 3 tables in one database into another db. The destination db already contains some data and it is expected that there will be duplicates which we do not want to have copied across (I think there is a constraint that prevents duplicate email addresses which is our main search field)
The three tables are effectively a user table, an address table, and a [phone] numbers table, each of which has an auto generated id field. The user table also maintains a reference to the address and numbers tables.
We are using SQL Server 8 (SP3) and it has been suggested that I use the data transformation service (DTS) tool which I have used numerous times to copy entire databases, but I can't figure this bit out.
I am still learning t-sql using SQL Query Analyzer, but have been doing so for a while and think that I'm fairly competent in it. My main question is this: Is it possible to connect to two DBs at the same time in SQL QA? If so, I'm pretty sure that I could work out how to pass the data across, I'd just need to know how to connect to them both.
Any help would be much appreciated. If you need any more information to help, please let me know.
I want to replicate a database to a subscriber that will be used as a readonly copy. The data has to be replicated as close to instantly as possible.To do this I set up a database export of objects and data to populate thesubscriber, then I set up transactional replication. To verify thatreplication is working successfully, I count the rows in each table, thereare 3 tables in total. For one of the tables, the replication completes butalmost immediately afterward, the table starts to shrink, and after severalhours the record count is zero. This isn't happening to the other twotables, and I can't figure out why.If you have no idea what might be causing this, perhaps you can suggestsome places to start looking. This is Win2k SP4 with SQL 2000 SP3.Thanks much.
We have problems with duplicate messages in Service Broker queues. We have tried the "fire and forget" method.
Senario Initiator doing SEND and END Conversation , target doing RECEIVE and End Conversation , Sql servar agent job runing every minute doing End conversation with cleanup in sys.conversations_endpionts queue.
We are runing 5000 - 10000 messages per minute.
When the clean up job is running we get som duplicte messages in the target queue.
Enviroment Two separate machines runing Sql Server 2005 Standard Editon SP2
Initiator Machine
CREATE CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ([TransactionStatisticsSend] SENT BY ANY)
CREATE QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueActive] WITH STATUS = ON , RETENTION = OFF ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceActive] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ON QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueActive] ([TransactionStatistics])
CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING [RSB::TransactionStatisticsServiceStat] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] TO SERVICE N'TransactionStatisticsServiceStat' WITH USER = [Proxy::BtsDebitServiceStat] , ANONYMOUS = OFF
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatPrepare] (@TransferID varchar(30)) AS declare @RowCount Int, @ErrorSave Int, @Msg xml, @dialog_handle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER
set @msg = (Select Regtime, SendPartShortName, RecPartShortName, MsgType, From btslogactive.dbo.StatTransferlog Tl where TransferID = @TransferID FOR XML RAW)
BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @dialog_handle FROM SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceActive] TO SERVICE 'TransactionStatisticsServiceStat' ON CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics] WITH ENCRYPTION = OFF ;
SEND ON CONVERSATION @dialog_handle MESSAGE TYPE [TransactionStatisticsSend] (@msg) ; END CONVERSATION @dialog_handle
Target Machine
CREATE CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ([TransactionStatisticsSend] SENT BY ANY)
CREATE QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueStat] WITH STATUS = ON , RETENTION = OFF , ACTIVATION ( STATUS = ON , PROCEDURE_NAME = [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatUpdateBroker] , MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 1 , EXECUTE AS N'dbo' ) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceStat] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ON QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueStat] ([TransactionStatistics])
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatUpdateBroker]
DECLARE @MessageType sysname DECLARE @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier DECLARE @MessageBody XML DECLARE @RegTime datetime, @SendPartShortName varchar(30), @RecPartShortName varchar(30), @RC int
BEGIN TRANSACTION; WHILE (1=1) BEGIN WAITFOR ( RECEIVE TOP (1) @MessageType = message_type_name, @MessageBody = message_body, @ConversationHandle = conversation_handle, @SeqNo = message_sequence_number FROM [TransactionStatisticsQueueStat] ), TIMEOUT 5000;
IF (@MessageType = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog') BEGIN END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle BREAK END ELSE IF (@MessageType = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error') BEGIN END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle BREAK END ELSE IF (@MessageType = 'TransactionStatisticsSend') BEGIN Begin try SET @RegTime = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@Regtime)[1]', 'datetime') SET @SendPartShortName = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@SendPartShortName)[1]', 'varchar(30)') SET @RecPartShortName = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@RecPartShortName)[1]', 'varchar(30)') SET @MsgType = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@MsgType)[1]', 'varchar(30)')
Sql Server Agent job procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_Del_Conversation_Endpoints]
AS begin DECLARE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT conversation_handle FROM sys.conversation_endpoints with (nolock) WHERE is_system = 0 AND [State] = 'CD';
OPEN c_PurgeConversationEndpoints; DECLARE @DialogHandle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; FETCH NEXT FROM c_PurgeConversationEndpoints INTO @DialogHandle; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN END CONVERSATION @DialogHandle WITH CLEANUP; FETCH NEXT FROM c_PurgeConversationEndpoints INTO @DialogHandle; END CLOSE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints; DEALLOCATE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints;
I have a problem using service broker, a send the message from server SSB1(initiator) and a receive this message on server SSB2(target), but I don't receive response to SSB1...
In my server SSB2 has this messages on Profiler: - This message could not be delivered because it is a duplicate. - Could not forward the message because forwarding is disabled in this SQL Server instance. - The message could not be delivered because it could not be classified. Enable broker message classification trace to see the reason for the failure.
Message from SSB1 Profiler:
- This message was dropped because it could not be dispatched on time. State: 1
Getting this error "Exception Has been thrown by the target of an invocation" when trying to create Integration Services Project. Any ideas what can be wrong?
I am ending conversations properly for a dialog, the end conversation at the target properly marks the conversation as closed in sys.conversation_endpoints and sends the EndDialog message to the initiator.
The initiator get the EndDialog message from the target and ends the conversation and it clears out of sys.conversation_endpoints.
I know that to avoid reply attacks that the conversation at the target will only clear out in 30 minutes.
However it has been a day now and the conversation is still sitting in sys.conversation_endpoints as CLOSED at the target.
How do i troubleshoot this ? Why is the conversation not clearing?
We host our reports in an ASP.NET page using a rsweb:reportviewer control. This is contained within a frameset in the web site. I've created a "Jump to URL" on a report field from this report to another page hosted on the same site. This works, but the problem is that the report gets rendered with a hyperlink that has a TARGET="_top" attribute in it. Is there any way to override this. This pops out of the frameset because of this.