MSXML6.dll Fails To Register When Calling SSIS From Win Service
Apr 19, 2007
Has anyone encountered this error? I get it when I run the installer (c#). I have seen a few posts on google and msdn, but still can't get past the error. I have tried uninstall/resinstalling the parser, registering from the command line, setting the property of the interop to "donotregister" and others with no luck.
I'm having a hard time installing SQLServer 2005. msxml6 keep on failing. The log looks like this.
Installing: msxml6 on target: GPA-DEMO Error: MsiOpenDatabase failed with 87 Failed to install package This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
If i try to run the MSXML6.msi on the install disk directly i'm getting a permission error. Any ideas?
I'm pretty stuck on a security issue in SSIS. The web service works by itself, but I can't call it from SSIS, it gives me a 401 unauthorized error. The web service also uses impersonation of my domain admin account.
I have tried the following things: Setting integrated windows authentication in IIS Setting the NTFS permissions of those web site directories to EVERYONE Using a credential / proxy in SSIS and running it from SQL Agent Changing the log on services of MSSQLSERVER, SQLAGENT, and SQL Integration Services to my domain admin account
I can't get anything to work. What is wrong with this thing? Microsoft's security model has gotten completley out of of hand imo
Also in the security event log it shows all authentication as successful.
Posted the same message to the Service Broker forum. But the board is neither responsive nor active. So I am trying this forum. Hope someone can help.
I would like to call an SSIS package from a Service Broker Queue.
There is one way that I am aware of -
Using xp_cmdshell from within an activation stored procedure and using DTEXEC.
Is there a more elegant way of executing an SSIS package from within SSB?
Also, I am not interested in writing a .NET external activator to process my messages in the queue. I would like this operation to be strictly database oriented. Having said this, I am also trying to avoid triggers processing the messages in the queue.
I would like to call an SSIS package from a Service Broker Queue.
There is one way that I am aware of -
Using xp_cmdshell from within an activation stored procedure and using DTEXEC.
Is there a more elegant way of executing an SSIS package from within SSB?
Also, I am not interested in writing a .NET external activator to process my messages in the queue. I would like this operation to be strictly database oriented. Having said this, I am also trying to avoid triggers processing the messages in the queue.
I am trying to call a SSIS package from a web service hosted on the same machine as the package file is sitting. All that the package does is a simple Execute SQL task with one datasource connection.
I have set impersonation as true. When I run the package from the web service on the virual port (through Visual studio IDE) it runs fine.
I have enabled logging in SSIS. The package log indicates the following:
Failed to acquire connection "APNetDS". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
Effectively, my web service impersonated account (which is my admin account) is not being authenticated for any of the db connection (uses windows integrated authentication) and I find that odd. To impersonate, I have set the Impersonation to true in the web.config file. The authentication mode is windows.
Please tell me what bit of security I am missing? In case if it helps, the database connection is to my local database and hence should not deny access to my own account. And yes, I think my impoersonation is working because when I debug, the user.identity shows my user id.
When running an integration services package from a windows service I get the "Object ... has been disconnected or does not exist at the server." exception after aproximately six minutes of execution.
This is *not* my windows service failing. I can loop indefinately while tracing to a log file within the service and it will run forever. While calling the mypackage.execute(...) method however, after six minutes (give or take) the exception is thrown...
my code looks something like this: <code> dim foo as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application mypackage = foo..LoadPackage(strimportPkgFilename, pkgevents) results = myPackage.Execute(Nothing, Nothing, pkgevents, Nothing, Nothing) </code>
<error> A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Exception in: frmMyForm.DoImports Message: Object '/b76f98a0_5bd9_49d8_a524_eeb49d55b303/bqbhkjnaofq_ifr_cwz+srid_1.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server. </error>
oddly, this same code works perfectly if I run it within a windows form application no matter how long it takes.
It also runs fine if the package can complete in under six minutes.
I have a package on the default instance which runs and completes successfully. When that package is moved to the same SQL server, but a different instance, running under the same service account, it fails. The error is below with some specific stuff removed:
Delete Data from Level 1:Error: Executing the query "-- Variable to capture FileID's DECLARE @DeleteFil..." failed with the following error: "The DELETE permission was denied on the object '[name removed]', database '[]', schema '[]'.". Possible failure reasons:
Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
This makes me think that the package under the non-default instance ends up running under a different security context.
i m not able to start the SSIS service on my laptop . IT gives error saying SQL server integretion service 11.0 service on local computer started and then stopped . some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or program
i am not able to start SSDT . it gives error
microsoft visual studio is unabble to load this document to desigen integration service package in ssdt , ssdt has to be installed by one of these edition of sql server ; std enterprise,dev,or evloution
i hav installed sql 2012 evolution verison on my local desktop.
I am working with a client who is rolling out 50+ VM's based of a template we created. This is SQL 2012 CU1 running on Windows Server 2008 R2. Using the default service account the installer has it registers fine and we get the following in the SQL log.
The SQL Server Network Interface library successfully registered the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/ ] for the SQL Server service.
When we change to a domain service account through SQL configuration manager we see the following and cannot connect remote using integrated authentication The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/ ] for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: 0x2098, state: 15. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered.
My understanding is you should and could change service accounts using the SQL Server Configuration Manager and it would set all permissions. Is there something we need to do in addition to get this up and working?
I have Created one SSIS package. When I am trying to register Package in to Job I am Unable to find Option Under Steps. Which Option I have to select for registring a Package into Job. Here, I describe the options which is comming under my SQL Job-Steps. 1. ActiveX Script 2. Operating System(CmdExec) 3. Replecation Distributor 4. Replecation Merge 5. Replecation Queue Reader 6. Replecation Snapshot 7. Replecation Transaction Log Reader 8. Transact-SQL script (T-SQL)
I have Installed SQL 2005 then I have installed Service Pack2 for SQL2005. then I tried to install tools for SQL2005 but it was unable to installed.
Is there any extra patch needs to be install for that option?
I have a user who can't register the SSIS server in SMS. What permissions do I need to give him to allow this ... without making him sysadmin of course?
Is there a way to register a new ForEach Enumerator within SSIS, for example ForEach Email in Exchange Inbox?
Or is the solution to create an SSIS variable and use the ForEach From Variable Enumerator? I take it the variable has to implement IEnumerable, or IEnumerable<T>.
My preference out of the two would be to register a new foreach enumerator which would take some implementation away from the developers and reduce time spent on the tasks at hand.
DTS package uses UNC path to get access to an access file. If I run it manually works fine. But it fails if I use a SQL job to run it. Anyone know why? I'd reallly appreaciated if you help me solve this one.
The error msg is:
DTSRun: Loading...
DTSRun: Executing...
DTSRun OnStart: Delete from Table [ProdRept].[dbo].[tblUM-RollsPerCase] Step
DTSRun OnFinish: Delete from Table [ProdRept].[dbo].[tblUM-RollsPerCase] Step
DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from tblUM-RollsPerCase to [ProdRept].[dbo].[tblUM-RollsPerCase] Step
DTSRun OnError: Copy Data from tblUM-RollsPerCase to [ProdRept].[dbo].[tblUM-RollsPerCase] Step, Error = -2147467259 (80004005)
Error string: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
Error string: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
Error source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Help file:
Help context: 5003051
DTSRun OnFinish: Copy Data from tblUM-RollsPerCase to [ProdRept].[dbo].[tblUM-RollsPerCase] Step
DTSRun: Package execution complete.
My conclusion is SQL Job can't take UNC paths. Please comfirm!
Hi, In a stored procedure (SP1) I call another stored procedure (SP2), passing along parameters. In SP2 I dynamically build cursor c1. I can execute SP2 without any problems but when I start SP1 I get the following message:
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SP2, Line 114 A cursor with the name 'C1' does not exist.
Yes, the cursor is of type GLOBAL. I am sure I miss something here ... Any help is highly appreciated !
<!-- Trying to create a GridView Survey form: Hi [User] Do you have these assets? [Gridview] Tag Number Response 123 [Yes ] [No] [Comments textbox] 234 [Yes ] [No] [Comments textbox]
Goal: The desire is for the user to click Yes or No and have the database updated with the user's name, date, response and any comments.
So far, I have created SqlDataSource with Select and Update commands, created the gridview and response buttons, setup the RowCommand and On_Updating Functions.
Problems:1) If I call the update() function for SqlDataSource1 and misuse the Defaultvalue parameters to run the sql, no update is posted to the database.
2) If I use the On_Update function to set the parameter values, I get "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." (Additionally, the On_Update function runs twice which I don't understand)Can anyone tell me what/why? (and how to fix it?)Sorry for the deluge, but here is the code: -->
<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <html> <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <title>Asset Survey</title> </head> <SCRIPT runat="server"> Protected Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource1.Selecting e.Command.Parameters("Name1").Value = User.Identity.Name End Sub
Protected Sub SqlDataSource1_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource1.Updating 'For some reason, this function executes twice '2nd execution gets error: "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." 'e.Command.Parameters("PrimaryKey1").Value = intPrimaryKey 'e.Command.Parameters("Responder1").Value = strUser 'e.Command.Parameters("ResponseDate1").Value = dtModDate 'e.Command.Parameters("Response1").Value = strResponse 'e.Command.Parameters("ResponseComments1").Value = strComments End Sub
Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs) _ Handles GridView1.RowCommand Dim GridRow1 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument) If e.CommandName = "UpdateYes" Then 'code here to disable buttons and textbox '...
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("Response1").DefaultValue = "Yes" End If
If e.CommandName = "UpdateNo" Then 'code here to disable buttons and textbox '...
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("Response1").DefaultValue = "No" End If
'if I use the SqlDataSource1_Updating function, I get the mismatch error 'but if I (mis)use the DefaultValue parameter, no update occurs. SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("ResponseComments1").DefaultValue = _
SqlDataSource1.Update() 'Error Here if I use on_updating: "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." Catch except As Exception ' Handle the Exception. End Try End Sub
</SCRIPT> <body> <form id="formInv" runat="server"> <div> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalTestMDB %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalTestMDB.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [PrimaryKey], [Name], [AssetTag], [Response], [Responder], [ResponseDate],[ResponseComments] FROM [Tablename] WHERE ([Name] = ?) ORDER BY [Login Name], [AssetTag]" UpdateCommand="Update [Tablename] SET [Response]=@Response1, [Responder]=@Responder1, [ResponseDate]=ResponseDate1, [ResponseComments]=ResponseComments1 WHERE [PrimaryKey]=@PrimaryKey1" OnSelecting="SqlDataSource1_Selecting" OnUpdating="SqlDataSource1_Updating"> <SelectParameters>
I'm trying to return Annotations from a BSM scorecard by calling the PMService.asmx web service. I can successfully call operations like "GetScorecards" that require no parameters...but I keep getting the same error when trying to call "GetAllAnnotationsbyScorecardID"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlnsoap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <soap:Fault> <faultcode>soaperver</faultcode> <faultstring>Server was unable to process request. --> scorecardID</faultstring> <detail /> </soap:Fault> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Am I structuring the Query the right way? Not sure if I'm a passing the guid correctly...I got the scorecard guid from the result set of calling "GetScorecards"
Is it possible to call a WCF service from a SQL CLR.
We have had success calling standard web services by including a Proxy in the Assembly but I wondered if it's possible to call out to a WCF service as the enpoint configuraion is done with an external XML file and I don't know if this will work in the same way. We may want to alter the wcf configuration depending on where the service is sitting, same box or remote.
Please do not respond with 'why do you want to do this' the reson we want to do this is because we use Service broker to recieve incoming messages and want to trigger a stored procedure to do some work on an external service when it recives some data.
Has anyone ever used an Execute Package Task to call a child package, and the Execute Package Task's ExecuteOutOfProcess = True? Unless the account it runs under is an Administrator on the box, it fails for me with "Error 0x80070005 while loading package file "C:program filesmicrosoft sql server90dtsPackagesETLFact_SalesTransaction_Tracking.dtsx". Access is denied."
This is eating up hours and hours of my time, time we can't afford. Is anyone able to successfully call a child package out of process?
I have an SSIS package (TransAgentMaster) that I recently modified to include a call to a child package via the file system. The child package creates a text file. When I run the package in dev studio then the child package/text file is produced.
I then imported the TransAgentMaster as a stored packagesfilesystem package into SQL SSIS and executed the package. The child package produced the text file.
I then ran the SQL Server Agent to see if the child package would work and it did not generate the text file. Thus after updating a SSIS package importing the package into SSIS the job that calls the package will not call the child package. Please not that the TransAgentMaster package calls 7 children packages �� just not my new one.
Any thoughts why the agent will not run the child newly crated childe package?
Hi: I a SSIS beginner and am hoping this is an easy one. I am using a Foreach loop container with an in-memory ADO recordset as the enumerator. The recordset has 3 columns and one of them I wish to fixup data in by calling a web service task that returns an integer. I see how to call the web service and return the integer into a variable but am unsure how to approach putting that variable back into the in-memory ADO recordset? Should I even be trying to do it this way? thanks! Henry
I used the URL approach to call the reporting service. In the ASP page, I use javascript to open a new window to view the report. But when I close the new window and work on the original window. It seems that the DB connection to the SQL server is not working.
I need to create a stored procedure (SQL 2005). I did it in C# (Visual Studio). The .dll file (inside) uses web services of Project Server 2007 (I just need to log on, create a project and log out). I prepared 2 files (exactly the same code): dll an exe. the .exe works fine. the problem is with .dll file (stored procedure in SQL)...
by the way: I created serialization file with sgen tool.
the problems start when I am trying to register these 2 .dlls in SQL server. I can do that in unsafe mode only. when I am trying to register them in externall access (normal dll) and safe mode (serialization .dll) I am getting errors:
CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because method "add_QueueCheckInProjectCompleted" on type "ConsoleApplication11.ProjectWebSvc.Project" in external_access assembly "ConsoleApplication11" has a synchronized attribute. Explicit synchronization is not allowed in external_access assemblies
thus I did it in unsafe mode (both of them). than I created the procedure.
Now, I tried to call that procedure. I am getting error:
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'Main':
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with the error message:
<h2>Object moved to <a href="http://my_comp:22278/projectserver/_layouts/1033/error.aspx?ErrorText=Object%20reference%20not%20set%20to%20an%20instance%20of%20an%20object%2E">here</a>.</h2>
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ConsoleApplication11.ProjectWebSvc.Project.QueueCreateProject(Guid jobUid, ProjectDataSet dataset, Boolean validateOnly)
at ConsoleApplication11.Program.Main()
That means "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". the problem occurs when calling QueueCreateProject method
I dont understand that error. I wrote the same code for .dll and .exe. the .exe file is working ok (no errors) but .dll (as a stored procedure) shows this error
my code in C#:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Net;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
Hi, I need to call a webservice directly from a tigger or stored procedrue instead of creating a window service to read from a table then call the webservice .Is it possible ? if yes, please i need your support. Thanks,
I am currently using msxml4.dll as part of my web application, but my project manager requested that I update to MSXML6. That makes sense, but I cannot find a corresponding file that I can download and distribute. The only thing that I web search turned up is MSXML6 SP1 MSI, which does not help web installations and cross operating system compatibility.
1. Is there an If so how can I get it?
2. Is it legal to redistribute, if it exists? If not, can I redistribute
Thanks in advance,
Sarah M. Weinberger ButterflyVista
I need to add MSXML6.DLL in GAC. It does not have assembly manifest. Even if I create a strong key, I cannot associate it with the dll without a source module. Would you help me on this please?
I am trying to call a Web Servie within a SSIS package. I want to pull a row at a time from a SQL Server 2005 table and pass this data values onto the web service.
I have created a SOAP/HTTP end point which returns .NET DataSet ( ... FORMAT=ROWSETS_ONLY ... ). Then I created a proxy class using Visual Studio 2005 and wrote a cusumer .NET class in which I call that web service's method synchronously. Everything is Ok but when I call asynchronously "TargetInvocationException" is raised. I need urgent solution to this problem.
The Web Service Task seems to support calling methods using parameters but not (as far as I can see) using the Document/Literal calling convention. Is this correct? Is this likely to change in the future?
As part of my SSIS package, a list of sites is created that need to be created on a remote machine. let's say 1000 sites. I need to pass this list to a web service so web service sitting on that machine creates these sites for me. MY SSIS package does not run frequently so I can sacrifice time a little bit to get better functionality.
I need to move the sites that are not created (for any reasons) by web service to another table and successfully created sites to another table, so I need to get confirmation for each site from the web service.
Which option is better?
1) Calling web service for every single record (site) and get the confirmation and then based on the confirmation I move the records accordingly. I know this might be very time consuming, but as I said my SSIS package might only run every six months
2) Sending records to a web service in a batch and get the result. I don��t know how to do this though.