Mailing Lists

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All

We are running SQL Server & Outlook with an exchange server. We are
looking for a way to import the address book & email details into a
database table.

We have managed to do this with MS Access by using the import option
exchange(). Is there a similar way this can be done in SQLServer 2000

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Mailing From MS SQL

Feb 20, 2006

Hi, is it possible to send an email from MS SQL? I need to have a trigger which will activate the sending an email. Thanks

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Question About Mailing From SP

Feb 29, 2008

 Hi All, I need to send mails from Database side means.... from stored procedure i need send mails, i will be giving from mailid, subject, body as a parameters and i will be getting to mailids from tables and then i need to send a mail. Please help, if any faced this. Thanks in Advance..........Regards,Mulukutls 

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E- Mailing When An Error Occurs

Oct 11, 2001

I am trying to set up the SQL Server Agent so that when ever a error occurs
the DBA is notified.I created a operator name and when i tested to make sure
it was working it was giving me an error.The error is

Error 22022: SQLServerAgent mail session is not working; check the mail
profile and/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in the SQLServerAgent properties dialog.

I am new to SQLServer and would like to know how to get this working.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Mass Mailing Through SQL Server

Oct 1, 2001

Hi friends,
Any idea about mass mailing system using SQL Server .Pls get back to me.
thanx and regards

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Building A Mailing List

May 23, 2006

Hi folks,

I'm building a DTS package which needs to mail a list of users nightly

The mailing list needs to be dynamic so I'm using the dynamic properties tab to populate the To, From etc. fields in an SMTP DTS task.

I need to construct a script which will run within the DTS package and build a mailing list file from a table of users in the connected db. The Dynamic properties task will then pull from this data file when populating the 'To' field.

The basic select statement is simple (e.g. SELECT email FROM employees WHERE role = 'mgr') however I need the output to be a single line of email addresses separated by commas (e.g. Email1,Email2,Email3....etc).

I'm a bit unsure on how to go about doing / writing this.

Can anyone help?



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Generating Mailing Labels

Dec 14, 2005


I have these tables:



How can I output a text file formatted like the one below?

(05) 01046 (F 05)
Mr. Sylvain Cote
123 Sesame Street
Apt 6
Charny, BC
L8T 5G6

(F 05) - Lang

$3.99/yr .COM!

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Mailing Labels For Dummies

Mar 16, 2007

Ok, I'm an idiot. Does anyone out there have some step by step instructions for creating a report that will do mailing labels. I've got multiple columns on my report but I end up with the contents of each column being the same across each grouping/row. In other words for each record read, since I have three columns, I get three occurances of each customer and address until all the data selected for that row is presented, then I go to the next customer which again is repeated across all three columns.

I'm sorry I'm so stupid, but I've looked at other entries on the forum, and I just can't figure it out. We are trying to get out from underneith Business objects thumb and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Eric -

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Mailing Result Set Rows

Jun 20, 2007

In the thread mike.groh stated that you would define the result set as a data set variable through an execute sql task. He then pushed the variable out as a dataset type. (ds = CType(Dts.Variables("Email_CurrentDataset").Value, DataSet)

How would this type of object be declared as a user variable? Is it of type object? What is the logic behind converting a result set to a data set?

Specifically I am having problems with converting / casting the result set to a data set in that I am getting an error stating that it cannot convert the com object to a data.dataset class...

Imports ADODB

Imports System

Imports System.Xml

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsClient

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim ds As DataSet

Dim dr As DataRow

Dim str As String

Dim dtm As String

Dim s As String


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("resultSet").Value, DataSet) ' <-- Error on converting

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

Catch ex As Exception

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

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Mailing Label - How To Create?

Feb 5, 2007

Hi, i am a newbie to reporting services.

Am trying to create a mailing label report so that it can pull out the details from the database and gets printed onto the label stickers correctly. However, no matter how i adjust the sizes of the report from the page properties, it's still not printed properly.

I have 7 label stickers on 1 mailing page, so let's say i have 13 records, that will be 2 mailing pages. Each label sticker is about 9cm width by 3.6 cm height. The gap between each label sticker is 0.2 cm

Can anyone advise me on how to go about doing it? By the way, i am using SSRS 2000.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)

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Mailing Label Report

May 6, 2008

i am once again working with mailing labels. I have designed the report in SQL Server Reporting Services to print in 3 columns with a body size of 2.625" wide by 1.00" high; a rectangle the same size which then contains a list the same size which contains the data fields. I get fairly good results when I print to one printer however, there does seem to be a bit of "creep" on the page. The problem really shows when trying to print to another network printer where when a user prints the report (labels) by the end of the page data is printing outside of the label margins. are there some properties that I'm missing that would prevent this or could this be related to printer settings?

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Creating Mailing Label Using Database

Dec 14, 2005


I have these tables:



How can I output a text file formatted like the one below?

(05) 01046 (F 05)
Mr. Sylvain Cote
123 Sesame Street
Apt 6
Charny, BC
L8T 5G6

(F 05) - Lang

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Mailing DBA When Sql Server Agent Fails

Sep 6, 2006


I would like to know a script which mails the DBA mail box when the sql server agent fails ( I am working on sql server 2000) using SMTP. I have got SMTP server configured for all my other job failure notifications.

Please let me know any scripts that can be run on the command prompt or any ideas of how I can do it.


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Promotional Mailing Response Prediction

Dec 5, 2006

I am trying to use the time series algorithm to predict responses to promotion mailings for subscription renewals. The problem i am having is that response is largely influenced by the number of mailings that are sent out. Can anyone give me any ideas on how i can structure the dataset so that it would take into account how many promotions were sent out? any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Mailing Labels In SQL Server Reporting Services

Jul 9, 2007

I am creating a report to be used to print mailing labels. Size 1" x 2 5/8" (3 columns of 10 labels). I seem to have everything but the vertical spacing working properly. I have used a rectangle set to the size of the labels which contains a list box containing text boxes containing expressions to pull in the fields. Some of the street addresses are two lines with the majority being only one line.

I have joined the two fields containing the street addresses and inserted a new line command so each field will print on its own line but yet be contained within the same text box. Everything except the text box containing the street addresses are set to not increase or decrease. My problem is that on the pages of the report where labels vary between the one and two line street addresses the labels tend to creep down which in some cases causes data to be printed over two labels. Any ideas on what I can do to format these to print properly?


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Problem With Mailing Labels And Line Feed

Aug 15, 2007

I am trying to print mailing labels and suppress optional address lines to eliminate white space while maintaining label alignment. This is what I am trying but it does not work.

I create a function that determines the length of a field (i.e. street) and increments a counter if the length is zero. It also takes a second parameter that detremines whether to reset the counter. I then use the function in the visibility each row of the label table. Example iif(Code.LineLen(Fields!Street.Value)=0,True,False). I place this on the visibility of each row except the last as that is City,State,Zip and is required. On this last row the expession I use is

=Fields!city.Value & ", " & Fields!state.Value & " " & Fields!zip.Value & iif(Code.LineCount<5,StrDup(5-Code.LineCount,vbCRLF),""). What this is intended to do is print a carraige return and line feed for every row that did not print. Instead no line feeds occur. I have verified that the Code.LineCount is indeed calculating correctly (I printed the value). I've removed the conditional to make sure it has no issues but again nothing. For clarification the code block I am using is this.

Public LineCount as Integer=0

Function LineLen(byval LineIn as string,byval IsFirst as boolean) as Integer
if IsFirst=True then
end if
If len(LineIn)>0 then
end if
end Function
So if anyone either knows why the line feeds do not occur or a better way to handle this please let me know. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: Mailing Labels - Specify Which Row To Start On And How Many Rows To Print

May 21, 2015

I have a sheet of mailing labels in which the first three rows have been used.  I want a parameter or something when running an SSRS label report where I can specify what row to begin printing on and how many rows I want to print.  Is that possible?

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Reporting Services :: Create A Report That Is Like Mailing Labels And Uses 6 Different Queries

Oct 5, 2015

I have 6 separate mailing label like reports with a textbox inside a cell.  I tried to join them into one report with subreports"but" it does not work since you need the print layout in order to get both columns to show. What is the best way to accomplish this task?

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Scheduler Settings For Mailing / Generation Of Pdf Reports Only Under Conditions Of Data Being Present

Feb 11, 2008

I have a requirement wherein PDF files are being rendered from an .rdl (report definition language), through the use of a SSRS scheduler automatically. The generated PDF file is further emailed to a mailing list, through the same scheduler. However, there are situations where the PDF is generated as an empty file (under certain specified circumstances) [through the automatic scheduler run]. In this situation, it is required not to email the PDF at all.
I would appreciate an input which lets me know how to prevent the generation of the PDF file, when there are no records in the dataset that binds to the .rdl.Alternatively, is there any indicator via which the scheduler can be alerted NOT to pick up files 0 KB in size?

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Drop Down Lists

May 27, 2004

I'm want to be able to choose(including multiple selections) names from a drop down list that are fetched from the database(from table "Employees") and add them to table "Biotechnology".


**assuming that EmployeeID in "Biotechnology" is the ID from "Employees" table

Example: We add Employees.ID(23, 33) to Biotechnology.EmployeeID

would be

[ID] [EmployeeID]
01 - 23
02 - 33

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Working With Lists

Aug 16, 2007

I'm new to SQL. I don't understand yet how to add if statements and other scripting techniques. But this is what I am trying to do...

I have a list of IDs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). I want to query a table and then display which of those IDs are NOT in that table. It seems like it should be easy, but I don't know how to do it.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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T_SQL, Lists And Arrays

Dec 30, 1999

I want to pass my stored proc a list, and either loop through it as a list or (better) turn it into an array and loop through it that way to insert it. Psuedocode would be...

Loop from 0 to ListLength
INSERT Transaction_Data

Thanks from an SQLS7 newbie,


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SP That Lists The Servers Online

May 3, 2001

Does anyone know which SP to use to get the list of available servers?
I want to call it from a VB app via ADO to provide the user with a choice of servers available.

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Arrays And Lists In SQL 2005

Mar 4, 2007

I am glad to announce that there is now a version of my article "Arrays andLists in SQL Server" for SQL 2005 available on my web site.THe URL for the article is If you are curious aboutthe performance numbers they are in an appendix at old version of the aritlce remains, as the new article covers SQL 2005only. The old version is now at old URL, leads to a pagethat links to both articles.And the reason that there are two articles is simply that SQL 2005 addsso many new features: nvarchar(MAX), the CLR, the xml data type, CTE thatall can be used in the realm of arrays and lists.--Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, Join Bytes!Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at Online for SQL Server 2000 at

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Variable Arg Lists To PreparedStatements

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way to use PreparedStatements (or bind variables) with SQLstatements that have a variable number of arguments. For example, Ihave an array of IDs for employees of a certain type and I want tohave a PreparedStatement retrieve all of them in a single SQL call.SELECT FROM employees WHERE employee_type = ? employee_id in(?,?,?,...,?)It seems at least in Java that PreparedStatements can only take afixed number of arguments?PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT FROMemployees WHERE employee_type = ? AND employee_id = ?");pstmt.setLong(1, employeeType);pstmt.setInt(2, employeeID);Is there a way to have a PreparedStatement for a SQL "IN" clause orsimilar variable argument length clauses? I heard that Temp tables isone option where you first insert your array of IDs into a Temp tableand then use a JOIN. But that seems to defeat the purpose as itrequires multiple queries. Is there anyway to something like this:int[] employeeIDArray = getEmployees();PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT FROMemployees WHERE employee_type = ? AND employee_id IN (?)");pstmt.setLong(1, employeeType);pstmt.setIntArray(2, employeeIDArray); <--- How can I do this?Thanks,- Robert

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Getting Data From Sharepoint Lists

May 15, 2006


I'm trying to get data from WSS lists by web services. I think there are two ways:

- using SSIS standard components (Web Service Task) and
- creating a custom source adapter.

My problem with the Web Service Task is, that the WSS method GetListItems has some non-standard parameters (see part from wsdl-file below). Thus, after selecting the method in the editor an clicking on "Ok", I get the error message "The selected Web method contains unsupported arguments". I think the problem is the missing type-attribute.

<s:element name="GetListItems">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="listName" type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="viewName" type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="query">
<s:complexType mixed="true">
<s:any />

My question: Is there a way to extend the Task to handle such parameters?

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SSIS &&amp; SharePoint Lists

Apr 7, 2006


is there any example how to extract values from a SharePoint list? I searched in Google but I only found something about that someone failed using the web service task for it... If possible I would like to get around any custom .net code (Scripts would be OK), but if I can't get around that, I have to follow that path...


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No _vti_bin Or Lists.asmx

Apr 28, 2008

I am desperate to retrieve lists from SharePoint using Reporting Services to consolidate with other data

I got stopped before I ever started. Defined a data source using the following syntax....but then I search for vti_bin or lista.asmx if find none.


sharepoint/SQL 2005 running in intergated mode on single machine for proof of concept.

after formulating the dataset query I receive an error that
the XmlDP query is invalid.(Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions)

Any ideas how I screwed things up?


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DbDataReader.NextResult With Generic Lists ?

Jun 20, 2006

 Hey I'm using this DAL to populate a generic list called assetDetailListHowever I'm adding a 2nd result set to my stored proc, protected void GenerateAssetDetails<T>(DbDataReader dataReader, ref List<AssetDetails> assetDetailList)        {            while (dataReader.Read())            {                    // Create a new culture                    AssetDetails assetDetail = new AssetDetails();                    // Set the culture properties                                       assetDetail.FileName = dataReader.GetString(dataReader.GetOrdinal("filename"));                    assetDetail.Title = dataReader.GetString(dataReader.GetOrdinal("title"));                    assetDetail.AltTag = dataReader.GetString(dataReader.GetOrdinal("alt_tag"));                    assetDetailList.Add(assetDetail);                    dataReader.NextResult();// this is the 2nd result set               AssetContent assetContent = new AssetContent();               assetContent.content_id = dataReader.GetInt32(dataReader.GetOrdinal("content_id"));             how do I creatre another  list .Add(assetContent);            }            // Close and dispose of the reader            dataReader.Close();            dataReader.Dispose();        }        #endregion    }

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Any Tips For Using Large Parameter Lists

Mar 8, 2007

Our parts table has 5k records. I want to use part number as a parameter for one of my reports. Is there a way to do this and have the report generate in a reasonable amount of time?


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Horizontal Display For Tables Or Lists?

Jul 5, 2007

I would like to display a couple of records horizontally via a table or list, but don't think this is possible. Am I right? The given recordset should only have two records and the formatting would be much better if they were displayed left to right rather than one on top of the other. Is this just not possible with SSRS? Thanks,


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Aggregate Data Grouped Lists

Apr 15, 2008


I`ve created a table in a list that is grouped by years. Result is a Report, that consists of several years (List grouped by years, each containing the table with the data of the year).

Now I want to aggregate some numbers of the table on each page (year) of the list.

The sum()-function - doesn't matter which scpoe I use - always aggregates only the values of the actual list (Year), not considering the years before.

Can anyone help?

Thanks a lot -


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Management Studio Lists All Databases

Oct 18, 2005

I was under the impression that Management Studio wouldn't list any databases that a user doesn't have access to.  But if I create a new user and give them db_owner permissions to just one database, if they log into Management Studio, they are able to see all databases listed.  They don't have access to do anything further, but they can still see the list which I thought was handled better in 2005.

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