Maintenance Plan Failing With Login Failed For User 'sa'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>]

Nov 28, 2007

Maintenance plan for bakcup is failing with "Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]"

I went to the Maintenance Plan and opened the Subplan. I clicked the "Manage Connections"

It has three tabs:

Name: Local Server Connection
Server: prod
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication

I clicked the Edit and it shows the Connection Properties:

It says: Enter information to logon to the server. "Use a specific Username and Password" is checked. Username is set as "sa" while the password is empty. I typed in the correct password and pressed Ok. When I go back again, the password still shows empty. I tried to run the plan and it again fails. Do you know why it is not showing the password as blank even if I try to save the password.

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Login Failed For User 'sa'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>]

Jan 23, 2008

One of my co-worker changed the sa password today. After that we are getting this error. The SA account gets locked every time. Even within few seconds of unlocking the SA account, it gets locked again. Error message is not clear as what session still using old password and causing the SA account to get locked? Any of our application does not use SA user to connect to databases. We have Tivoli installed on the same system and the GUI of tivoli has the correct password.


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Login Failed For User 'TESTadministrator'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>]

Nov 6, 2006

Hi Friends,

I am getting the below error while installing CSF DevLite edition on

Following is the breif Info

Server Is : Win2003

SQL SERVER 2005 Installed on Same PC

Domain Name is : Test

User : Administrator he is a build in Admin,

PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Thanking in advance.


Login failed for user 'TESTadministrator'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]


The description for Event ID ( 11609 ) in Source ( MsiInstaller ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Product: Microsoft Connected Services Framework 3.0 Developer Edition Lite -- Error 1609.An error occurred while applying security settings. Power Users is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install. Unable to locate the user's SID, system error 1332, (NULL), (NULL), (NULL).

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MSSQLSERVER Login Failed For User 'MACHINEuser'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>]

Jul 29, 2006

I just did a fresh install of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and SP1. I elected Windows auth during install. After rebooting I get 2 errors in my Application Event Log: MSSQLSERVER Login failed for user 'COMPUTERuser'. [CLIENT: <local machine>] (event ID 18456) and Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) (event 107) which says: Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server database. In the data section it says it can't connect to the machines "master" database. I can manually login. How can I fix the problem and get rid of these messages? Thanks. Mark

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EVENT ID 18456 STATE: 16 Login Failed For User 'DOMAIN/user'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>] Every Minute In Event Log.

Oct 22, 2007

We recently upgraded to SQL 2005 from SQL 2000. We have most of our issues ironed out however about every 1 minute there is a message in the Application Event log and the SQL log that states:

EVENT ID 18456 Login Failed for the users DOMAIN/ACCOUNT [CLIENT: <local machine>]

This is a state 16 message which I thought meant that the account does not have access to the default database. The account is actually the account that the SQL services run under.

Any ideas? We can't seem to figure this one out. We actually upgraded to 2005 from 2000 and had an error appear after every reboot that prevented the SQL Agent from running(This application has failed to start because GAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.) We did a full uninstall of SQL and reinstalled fresh and restored the databases from .bak files and that is when the EVENT ID 18546 started occuring every minute.

We don't have any SQL heavy hitters here so please be detailed with any possible solutions. That you very much for any help you can provide!


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Login Failed For User &<DOMAIN&>&<MACHINE&>$'

Apr 4, 2003


I have read the posts concerning login failures for the ASPNET user. I have a slightly different problem, as you can see from the title of this post.

My environment is a private domain that has two machines:

1) Windows 2000 server on which SQL Server is running. Let's call it FOO_SERVER.

2) Windows XP Professional on which I am running my IIS and .NET development environment. Let's call it FOO_WORK.

3) Let's call the domain, FOO_DOMAIN.

The user, ASPNET, is not a domain user, but a local user, so I do not know how to establish it as a valid login for SQL Server. But this is beside the point, anyway, as the error I am getting has nothing to do with the ASPNET user. It appears that a different username is being used to access SQL Server.

My connection string is:


The error I receive is:

"Login failed for user FOO_DOMAINFOO_WORK$"

I am using the default settings in machine.config. Specifically <processModel> userName="machine" password="AutoGenerate" </processModel>

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Login Failed For User 'domainuser' Using .NET SQL Native Client

Mar 18, 2008

On computer 1, I am programming a C# utility to connect to a SQL 2005 SP2 Database. Here is the connection string.

Server=serverName;Database=database;User Id=DOMAIN/DomainAccount;Password=password;

I am using Visual Studio 2005 with .NET 2.0.

I have logged into Computer 1 with a different account. When I run the utility, I get a login failed exception. Here is the error I get from SQL 2005.

Login failed for user 'DOMAIN/DomainAccount'. [CLIENT:].
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 6.

xxx are filled with the valid IP address of the computer I am running the utility from.

When I log into the computer 2 with the same domain account, it runs with success.

Login succeeded for user 'DOMAIN/DomainAccount'. Connection: trusted. [CLIENT:]

When I put Trusted_Connection=True; in the connection string, it connects as me and not the domain user I want to connect to.

When I put Integrated Security=SSPI; in the connection string, it does the same thing.

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ASP.Net Pages And SQL Server Not In The Same Machine. Login Failed For The User, Not A Trusted Sql Connection

Jun 16, 2008

I am having an web site hosted in my machine's IIS (5.1). This aspx files are accessing data from an sql server 2000 database located in another machine. While i am trying to open a connection from the aspx files to the database, an error showing login failed for that user. Not a trusted sql server connection. so i unchecked the "allow anonymous access" in the directory security. But now its working from my machine (the web server, localhost). but when i try to access the aspx files from another machine with my system ip, the same error exists-Login failed for the user and not a trusted sql server connection. 

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DB Maintenance Plan Failing

Jan 26, 2001

Hi. I'm using the db maint. plan to do database & trans.log backups, and it's failing on my databases that are set to use the 'simple' recovery method (similar to 'trunc. log on checkpoint'). The SQL Agent job then shows up as failed, although what's really happened is that it's just skipped over the databases that are in that mode.

To clarify this, regular database backups complete successfully, while trans.log backups fail due to the databases set to simple recovery.

Does anyone know how to 'fix' this?


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Maintenance Plan Keeps Failing

Apr 1, 2008

Hello. I setup a new maintenance plan for my SQL2005 SP2 server to do a full backup and transaction log backup on all databases (System and 3 User defined).

Every time I execute the maintenance plan, I get the following error in the job history, and no backups are made:

Executed as user: AD-ENTMKTSQLService. ...00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:13:35 PM Error: 2008-04-01 12:13:45.09 Code: 0xC00291EC Source: {AE791AB6-1317-4803-9C53-444B45DAD533} Execute SQL Task Description: Failed to acquire connection "Local server connection". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection. End Error Warning: 2008-04-01 12:13:45.09 Code: 0x80019002 Source: OnPreExecute Description: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. End Warning Error: 2008-04-01 12:13:45.14 Code: 0xC0024104 Source: Back Up Database (Full) ... The package execution fa... The step failed.

The MKTSQLSERVICE account is the account setup for the SQL Server Agent Service to use, is in the Administrators group of the server OS, and has been granted SA in SQL2005.

What am I missing???

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Failing Database Maintenance Plan

Jan 17, 2005

Hi there,

I have a Database maintenance plan (DMP) that always fails!
The plan reorganises data and index pages and checks database integrity.
The plan covers several databases, and it always fails on the same database.

The error message (in the DMP history) is the following: "[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 01000)] Error 0: This server has been disconnected. You must reconnect to perform this operation."

The odd thing is that the DMP is locally executed, so I don't see why the network could be an issue here.

Thank you for your time!


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Error : Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'server/user'

Nov 22, 2007

i'm using the Enterpirse library logger to write logs into a database.
When choosing connection string i choose the database i want in the "connection properties" dialog box and
push 'Test connection' button.
everything goes well.

then i open the SQL Server Management studio express and connect to the databse to check some things,
from that point on , when i push the 'Test Connection' button in the Enterprise library i get the error:

"cannot open user default database. Login failed. login failed for user My'server/MyuserName'"

even when i close the sql server manager , it is still stuck - the connection test doesn't work anymore....
it only work when i restart the computer.

why ?

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Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'DOMAINUser'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Apr 16, 2008

Hi when i try and open a database in sql server management studio i get the error "Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'DOMAINUser'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)", what can i do to rectify this, i have googled around and still havent found no answers.

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Maintenance Plan And Backing Up Onto Another Machine

May 7, 2008


I am trying to modify my database maintenance plan so I can perform backups to another machine (using a UNC path).

I have only just found out from the documentation that I "cannot" do this: I am sure there must be a way around it but haven't had any luck on the web. Can anyone help?

Thank u

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SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'xxxASPNET'

Jun 17, 2007

Hey Microsoft: this affects development that will eventually sell a lot of seats on SharePoint Server 2007. If you guys and gals can't straighten out this mess, you can't expect custom solutions with custom web parts. So pay attention for your own good. Yes, SPS 2007 is what this is all about. I've created simpe web parts and deployed them, same VS 2005, but I need local development and debugging for more complex stuff. I'm really disappointed that you have no solution for this problem.

I've seen other posts on this, but the result seems to be the same: if you fix it, it's by accident, not by design.

1. I created a blank ASP.NET web site

2. I added a web part manager

3. I added a web part zone

I get the error described above. I have no idea why SQL Server settings are so screwed up.

I've tried all the stuff in the other posts - security settings, command line installation, etc. None of those worked.

The default template(s) don't copy anything into App_Data, nor create an empty folder. I don't know why that is. I have other web sites working just fine, but they use remote SQL databases, or local ones I created, and didn't need profile management (no forms authentication, no web parts, no web zones).

I've also started out with a local database, using SQL Authentication, later moving it to a remote server, and never had any problems. The SQL Server developer edition and Express seem to work just fine. I can also debug stored procs when the .mdf is in App_Data. So the problem isn't one of connectivity.

What would cause the default screw-up? This would seem to point from all directions to a problem with Visual Studio (2005)? The installation is defalt - perhaps some extras included (copy local), but nothing unusual. AJAX for is installed, but not used in the above "default web site" trial. Likewise Syncfusion's tools, which work fine on other developer workstations at this same location, all of which are from the same image (purchased at the same time & imaged). That web parts work on other boxes, running all the same management tools (anti-virus, remote sys admin/sms etc.) makes none of those suspect.

I think Microsoft needs to have a clean problem solution and publish it. SP1 certainly doesn't fix it. What's worse is the stupid, lame error message. "I can't open the default database". Well, what did you try? What do you think the default is? What settings are you using? Why is there no debugging information other than the usual worthless trace information showing it's all deep within the ProviderBase and SqlClient namespace code? How is that supposed to be helpful?

If anyone has anything solid, not guesses, I'd like to know.

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Error: Login Failed For User ... Microsoft Sql Native Client . In Remote Connection On Integration Service

Apr 10, 2007


i connect to remote Integration Service. i configure server for remote connection( on component services and DCOM config , ... ) .and now i can connect to Integration Service remotely and correctly.

but when i expand Stored Package and then click to expand MSDB this error will hapen:

login failed for user ... .(microsoft sql native client )

please help me

thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2008 :: Changed Database From Full To Simple - Maintenance Plan Failing

Mar 6, 2015

One of my programmers changed their database from full to Simple recovery. Saw that my job that backs up the Full Recovery mode databases failed, so I moved that database to my Simple database backup job plan and removed it from the Full Recovery job. I am unable to remove the db from the Transaction Log task on the Full Plan because when I try to edit that job "Databases with Simple Recovery will be excluded"

My transaction log backups are still failing with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Just want to remove that database so my Full Recovery backup job does not try to back it up.

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Backup On Local/Network Drive Using Maintenance Plan

May 27, 2007

I have created an sql server 2005 maintenance plan for a daily backup. The plan has two 'Back up database task' i.e. one backup on the local drive while the second on a network drive. When the plan is executed, a backup is created on the local drive but not on the network drive. If i check the log, it says "Access Denied" whereas i have full access to the network drive with complete permissions to read, write and delete.
Can anyone help me understand how to take a backup on both a local and network drive at the same time using a maintenance plan ? I shall be obliged...

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Cannot Open Database XXXX Requested By Login. The Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'xxx'

Mar 18, 2007

 so i have a new box and I'm trying to get my websites and SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition working on it, but the pages give me the following error when I try to load them:
"Cannot Open Database "XXXX" requested by login.  The login failed.  Login failed for user 'xxx'"
Everything seems exactly the same settings and user-wise from my old box to my new one, but nevertheless everything I've tried gives me the same error.
I've tried creating new users in SQL Server and giving them appropriate permissions to my database.  I've even tried just using the built in 'sa' account.  Nothing seems to change the error, except when I give it the incorrect password then it just says 'login failed'
This leads me to believe that i'm successfully logging into the SQL Server, but it doesn't want to give me access to the database I'm requesting access too.  But "apparently" the account i'm using should have access to the database.  If nothing else the 'sa' account should, but that didn't work either.
I'm stumped.  Any ideas?

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Local Storage In Client's Machine In .sdf File

Apr 2, 2008

How to create a db in clients local machine with sql server ce and .net?Is any sample applications available?so,that later i can sync the data to the sql server db.
Please help.I am new to sql server ce.

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Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User

Feb 4, 2008

I Guys
I am trying to create an application that writes data to a SQL database (studio express).
The application works fine but as soon as I open the table with the SQL server management studio express the application does not work any more displaying the following message:

€śCannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user€¦€?

If I siwtch off and on the computer the problem disappear till the table will be open with the database management studio express!!!!!

How can I solve this annoying problem?


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Database Maintenance Plan Failed

Mar 4, 2002

Hi all-

I have a database maintenance plan set up to run for user databases. The integrity checks job for a user database failed today with the error 'error 7919 Repair cannot be processed, db must be in single user mode' . I have scheduled the job to run once every week. Is this a bug in sql server 2000? I thought that the db is placed into single user mode when the integrity job starts. Please advise.


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Maintenance Plan Fails Due To Login Failure

Nov 14, 2007

W2k3SP2 running SQL2k5SP2 in mixed mode. Trying to run a daily maintenance plan with a domain admin service account [domainsqlsvc]. This account is having login failure when I try to run the maintenance job. Would like to figure out why this account cannot authenticate with SQL. I believe I have local login denied, but login as a svc and login as a batch job are both enabled in Domain Policy.

What am I missing?

TIA for your help!


EDIT: Here is the error data.

Date 11/14/2007 9:36:16 AM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11/14/2007 9:36:00 AM)
Source Logon
Login failed for user 'domainsqlsvc'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
Error:18456, Severity: 14, State: 16

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Maintenance Jobs Failing SSIS Subsystem Failed To Load

May 1, 2008

Environment: SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition x64, 3 server cluster. Two active servers with seperate instances and one passive server. SQL Server was installed on the two active servers.

Problem: When I fail over either of my instances to the passive server in the cluster my maintenance jobs fail to run and there are error messages in the application event viewer "SSIS Subsystem failed to load". I am guessing that all of the needed components are not installed on the passive server? Is this a close guess? If so, exactly what components are missing and do you have to have another license to install them?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan Failed To Run

Sep 19, 2007

I created a database maintenance plan on sql server 2005 (standard SP2, cluster environment). The plan created successfully on scheduled successfully. But when execute the plan, it fails. Here is the information in the log:

The last step to run was step 1 (TranLog backup).,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0
09/19/2007 12:06:38,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,Error,1,LAIWWORKSITE1LA,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,TranLog backup,,Executed as user: STROOCKSQLSRV. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:06:38 PM Warning: 2007-09-19 12:06:39.27 Code: 0x80012017 Source: Tranlog backups Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "PackageTranLog backup.Disable". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. End Warning DTExec: Could not set PackageTranLog backup.Disable value to false. Started: 12:06:38 PM Finished: 12:06:39 PM Elapsed: 0.688 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Cannot Login To Web App From Local Machine But Can Over RDP

Oct 29, 2007

See above.  At first I thought it was a problem with SQL server, since I have just installed a new certificate.  Now I am not so sure.  Any suggestions???? Thanks, kreid 

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Login Failed For Trusted Connection Login Failed For User 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'

Mar 13, 2007

We have a SQL 2000 Active/Passive cluster running on Windows 2000. On one node, everything logs in fine (second node is powered off). I can use local authentication fine in OSQL (-E) and even see my connection in SQLEM current activity as [DomainUser] for the NT account which I am logged in as. Then I bring the second node online and initiate a failover. SQL Server starts but Cluster Admin cannot connect and starts throwing this Anonymous Logon error. I open a command prompt and try the same OSQL (-E) local login and sure enough it is also giving the Anonymous Logon connection user. I do not understand why the failover to a second node is causing the Trusted Connection Local authentication to switch to Anonymous instead of the [DomainUser] which I am using. Any help is appreciated. John.

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Failed Maintenance Plan [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029)

Apr 9, 2001

We have a maintenance plan that runs every 15 minutes to backup a transaction log. It fails intermittantly with the message:
"sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed."
This is the only error message to be found in any of the logs. I've checked event viewer, the SQL error logs, exception log, maintenance plan log, sysdbmainplan_history table in msdb, but can't find any extra information. I checked the MSDN for info on this error and this did not add any extra light on the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to de-bug this error?
Stuart Ainsley

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DB Maintenance Plan - Single User Mode

Jul 20, 2005

I have a db maintenance plan which is set to backup (then truncate hopefully)the transaction log. In order to backup a transaction log the db must be insingle user mode so the maint. plan fails. How do you automatically set the db,in single user mode, for the transaction log to be backed up then truncated?Also, I manually set the db in single user mode and it shows itself to be insingle user mode yet the number of users in the db properties says there are 8users connected. What's this about?ThanksMark

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Error: Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'projectAllocations'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'sa'.

Oct 27, 2004

Im getting this error when attempting to retrieve data from an sql database.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'projectAllocations'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.

Source Error:

Line 13: objConn = New SqlConnection( "Server=LAB303-066NETSDK; Database=projectAllocations; User ID=sa;Password=mypassword")
Line 14: objCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM project_descriptions", objConn)
Line 15: objConn.Open()
Line 16: objRdr = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
Line 17: While objRdr.Read()

Source File: C:finalyearproject2sample.aspx Line: 15

Please Help!! Im a beginner to this, so if anyone knows the answer, take baby steps when explaining. Thanks

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'dbName'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'machineNameASPNET'

Jul 27, 2005

Been looking through the forums for a solution to this problem.I already tried granting access through statements such as:exec sp_grantloginaccess N1'machineNameASPNET'But they don't seem to work.. i vaguely remember seeing somewhere a DOS command line statement that grants access to the ASPNET_WP and that fixed my problem before on another computer.. but this is a new computer and i forgot to write down the command.Can anyone help explain and propose a solution to my problem. Many thanxs.

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'sql'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'ASPNET'.

Dec 19, 2003

I am using the MSDE to connect to my ASP.NET application. I get this error after clicking the login button of my login page. Anyone know why this would happen?

Thanks for any help,

Cannot open database requested in login 'DataSQL'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'serverASPNET'.

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