Major Query Optimiser Weirdness With UDFs And SPs On SQL 2000
Jul 20, 2005
There is something very strange going on here. Tested with ADO 2.7 and
MSDE/2000. At first, things look quite sensible.
You have a simple SQL query, let's say
select * from mytab where col1 = 1234
Now, let's write a simple VB program to do this query back to an
MSDE/2000 database on our local machine. Effectively, we'll sSQL
and do that 1,000 times. We wont bother fetching the result set, it
isn't important in this example.
No problem. On my machine this takes around 1.6 seconds and modifying
the code so that the column value in the where clause changes each
time (i.e col1 = nnnn), doesn't make a substantial difference to this
time. Well, that all seems reasonable, so moving right along...
Now we do it with a stored procedure
create procedure proctest(@id int)
select * from mytab where col1 = @id
and we now find that executing
proctest nnnn
1,000 times takes around 1.6 seconds whether or not the argument
changes. So far so good. No obvious saving, but then we wouldn't
expect any. The query is very simple, after all.
Well, get to the point!
Now create a table-returning UDF
create function functest(@id int) returns table as
select * from mytab where col1 = @id
try calling that 1,000 times as
select * from functest(nnnn)
and we get around 5.5 seconds on my machine if the argument changes,
otherwise 1.6 seconds if it remains the same for each call.
Hmm, looks like the query plan is discarded if the argument changes.
Well, that's fair enough I guess. UDFs might well be more expensive...
gotta be careful about using them. It's odd that discarding the query
plan seems to be SO expensive, but hey, waddya expect?. (perhaps the
UDF is completely rebuilt, who knows)
last test, then. Create an SP that calls the UDF
create procedure proctest1(@id int)
select * from functest(@id)
Ok, here's the $64,000 question. How long will this take if @id
changes each time. The raw UDF took 5.5 seconds, remember, so this
should be slightly slower.
But... IT IS NOT.. It takes 1.6 seconds whether or not @id changes.
Somehow, the UDF becomes FOUR TIMES more efficient when wrapped in an
My theory, which I stress is not entirely scientific, goes something
like this:-
I deduce that SQL Server decides to reuse the query plan in this
circumstance but does NOT when the UDF is called directly. This is
counter-intuitive but it may be because SQL Server's query parser is
tuned for conventional SQL i.e it can say
well, I've got
select * from mytab WHERE [something or other]
and now I've got
select * from mytab WHERE [something else]
so I can probably re-use the query plan from last time. (I don't know
if it is this clever, but it does seem to know when two
textually-different queries have some degree of commonality)
Whereas with
select * from UDF(arg1)
select * from UDF(arg2)
it goes... hmm, mebbe not.... I better not risk it.
But with
sp_something arg1
sp_something arg2
it goes... yup, i'll just go call it... and because the SP was already
compiled, the internal call to the UDF already has a query plan.
Anyway, that's the theory. For more complex UDFs, by the way, the
performance increase can be a lot more substantial. On a big complex
UDF with a bunch of joins, I measured a tenfold increase in
performance just by wrapping it in an SP, as above.
Obviously, wrapping a UDF in an SP isn't generally a good thing; the
idea of UDFs is to allow the column list and where clause to filter
the rowset of the UDF, but if you are repeatedly calling the UDF with
the same where clause and column list, this will make it a *lot*
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Jul 20, 2005
I had a problem today where I could not see column names and alltables had a _1 after them when viewing a Sql Server view inEnterprise Managere.g.TableName Company when added to the view would be named Company_1 andthe only columns available were 1 which was *(All Columns)After looking through the news groups I saw several occurrences ofthis problem but no answers that gave a fixAfter some investigation I found that it is caused when the databasename in SqlServer has a . in it!Test1 >> Fine the view designer works fineTest1.6 >> Problems as listed aboveI don't see why Enterprise Manager allows database names with .'s ifit is going to create such problems.
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Aug 20, 2004
I have a perl program that is looping through a hash of a hash. I need to Update any existing records but also insert any new records in the table using collected data in the hash.
Life would be very simple if it was possible to use a Where Clause in an Insert statement but not does not work.
Here is some example code from my program:
sub Test{
foreach my $table(keys %$HoH){
foreach my $field(keys %{$HoH->{$table}}){
if($table eq "CPU"){
my $CPUstatement = "INSERT INTO CPU(CPUNumber, Name, MaxClockSpeed, SystemNetName)
Values ('$field',
'$HoH->{CPU}{$field}{MaxClockSpeed}' ,
print "$CPUstatement";
if ($db->Sql($CPUstatement))
print "Error on SQL Statement";
print "successful";
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi, i have a table like thisCREATE TABLE dbo.test(num int NOT NULL,ename char(80),eadress char(200),archived char(1)PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (num))create index i_archived on dbo.test(archived)the are 500000 rows in this table, and the archived field contain 15000 'Y'and 485000 'N'When i issue a select * from test where archived='Y',the path choosed is the index scan clustered and not the index i_archivedthe stats are updated every day.did i miss something ?thx
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May 16, 2007
Hi All,
we are just starting to do some testing on sql server EE with dimensional models.....we have had one or two problems we have been able to solve using the new peformance dashboards etc.
However, as is inevitable, we are seeing strange behaviour of a a star join it seems to be doing an eager spool and trying to spool the entire fact table to tempdb....hhmmm....
Rather than ask one question at a time.....we have DBAs who went to classes etc at MSFT and the client is some level of MSFT partner.
Could anyone point me to the best documentation for understanding the optimiser and how to influence it to get it to do the right thing in optimising plans for star joins?
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Mar 4, 2008
Hi All: I'm having problems creating a data connection between a windows 2000 server running .net 2.0 and a sql2005 server (server2003). I'm trying to create a connection in VWD2005 express, and when I use the visual wizard, I get a connection error with something about "named pipes" when I'm trying to connect using an alias on the server that uses tcp/ip (the alias is created in cliconfg).
If I click on "advanced properties" in the connection, and I select "TCP/IP" for the Network Library, what's displayed is "TCP/IP (DBMSGNET)" ...but shouldn't it say "DMBSSOCN"?
I'm wondering if this is correct, or a cosmetic bug in the .net sqlclient GUI, or indicative of any underlying problem that's preventing me from creating the connection?
If I manually override the connection string in web.config by entering "Network Library: DBMSSOCN", I still can't connect, getting a timeout error that the sql2005 server is not responding. But I know the server is working properly, with other .NET DB connections working within the same I'm thinking this must be a problem with VWD and/or the .net framework on my local computer (not the server)?
I don't know where to begin to look to debug this problem?
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Mar 30, 2001
Hey folks,
Today's been way too much fun...
Someone changed the name of a machine in our department and now Win2k thinks the machine's name is (for example) "Fred", but if I do a select @@servername, SQL returns (again, for example) "Barney".
The machine's name started out as "Barney".
The last time this happened, it was on an NT4 box, and we just reinstalled sql and away we went.
This time, they reinstalled sql and released the box to the team, only to find out later that reinstalling sql didn't do squat this time.
Which brings me to the question: How do I convince SQL that it's really, truly supposed to be named "Fred"?
Besides that, what do I tell Wilma, Betty, Pebbles and Bamm Bamm?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
: )
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Nov 23, 2005
I am trying to import data from Access 2000 in SQL Server 2000 usingDTS. One of the tasks requires a multi-table join but I am gettingsyntax errors if I generate the query with Build Query.With just a single join like this it works fine:FROM Tracker INNER JOINbdmanager ON Tracker.bdmanager =,countryBut as soon as I get it to generate an extra join, e.g.FROM Tracker INNER JOINbdmanager ON Tracker.bdmanager = bdmanager.nameINNER JOINcountry ON = I get "sytax error (missing operator)". The weird thing is that itgenerated the syntax itself!I can paste the query into Access and it works fine.Why is this happening and what's the best workaround?ThanksAndy
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Jul 23, 2007
I have discovered what looks like a bug in the optimiser. I've posted it at but I wonder if any of you with SQL 2005 RTM, 2005 SP1 or 2008 CTP could confirm when this was introduced and whether it is still an issue?
Code Snippet
-- Bug report
-- 2007/07/19
-- Alasdair Cunningham-Smith
-- alasdair at acs-solutions dot co dot uk
set nocount on
-- example date in in British date format
set dateformat dmy
use tempdb
create table foo( bar varchar( 30 ) not null )
insert into foo( bar ) values ( 'fishy' )
insert into foo( bar ) values ( '19/07/2007' )
-- this works fine in all versions - only valid dates are passed to the convert function
convert( smalldatetime, bar, 103 ) as bardate
bar like '__/__/____'
-- this works on SQL 2000, but fails on SQL 2005 SP2 (I've not tried other SPs of SQL 2005):
-- Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
-- Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
-- I believe the query is rewritten as if the derived table query contained
-- "and convert( smalldatetime, bar, 103 ) < getdate()"
-- which would expose the convert to the invalid data
convert( smalldatetime, bar, 103 ) as bardate
bar like '__/__/____'
) as derived
bardate < getdate()
-- Workaround:
-- Use a case statement to protect the convert operator from the invalid data
case when bar like '__/__/____' then
convert( smalldatetime, bar, 103 )
end as bardate
bar like '__/__/____'
) as derived
bardate < getdate()
drop table foo
The workaround I discovered is simple but ugly. I invite your comments...
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Jan 7, 2006
If I alter the SqlDataSource select command in code and then bind to a gridview, I run into problems. When I do a sort, next page (basically any postback), the datasource goes back to the original state. It is like the SqlDataSource is not maintained in the state. I end up having to re-alter the SqlDataSource select command on every page_load. Is this by design or is this a bug?
Is the SqlDataSource any "smarter" than doing it the old fashion way by populating a Dataset on (!IsPostBack) ? For example, if I have a bunch of data in a paged gridview, is the SqlDataSource smart enough not to bother filling the entire dataset if I don't need it for that page's display? I know the SqlDataSource provides for update/insert/delete, but I am not doing that in this application, it is just a query/report page.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 15, 2008
I've been writing stored procedures for a while, but right now I'm stumped on something. I've got this one error when I try to use OPENROWSET in my stored procedure that tells me I need to set my ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS, so I put SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON GO into my stored procedure, I clicked check syntax (this is all in enterprise manager), it was okay, I clicked okay, it told me I needed to set those things again, so I played around some more, deleted the SET ANSI's, adding them, deleting them, moving them around, and eventually it worked after I deleted them again.
Anyone know why this happens? Where exactly are my SET ANSI_NULLS supposed to go? As a workaround I've been simply running them in the query analyzer.
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Mar 4, 2008
I have an Excel source > Data Conversion task > OLE DB Destination.
In the Data Conversion task I rename all the outputs to match the column names in my destination table.
However, when I go to map the columns in the OLE DB Destination mapping tab, it's a mess. Some fields are prefaced by "Data Conversion" as in "Data Conversion.column1", others are prefaced by "Excel Source" and others have no prefix at all.
What's confusing is, since all the columns are going through the Data Conversion task, how come I don't have ALL fields prefaced by "Data Conversion" ?
That is, only SOME of the fields have a "Data Conversion" prefix, and some don't. The ones that aren't prefaced by "Data Conversion" have no corresponding "Excel Source" so I'm assuming that the ones without the prefix are from the Data Conversion task.
It's inconsistent. Any ideas.
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Jun 6, 2006
How would I go about tracing UDF performance in profiler? I'd like to
specifically know the impact of the UDF without having to dig into the
execution plan of the statement containing it. Is this possible?
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Aug 2, 2007
Can changes made to replicated stored procedures (and User-defined Functions) on the Publisher update the Subscriber database?
If I ALTER a SP (or UDF) on Database1 with peer-to-peer Transaction Replication to Database2, will the alter replicate to the Subscriber(s)?
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Aug 15, 2006
I know there is a lot of information already out there on this topic,but given the following scenario...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create a view like so ( pardon the pseudo-code )...CREATE View vwContactAddressesSelect * FROM Contact INNER JOIN Address ON Contact.ContactID =Address.ContactIDAnd then do a sargable select from the view using a stored procedureCREATE STORED PROCEDURE spSelect_ContactAddresses@ContactID intASSelect * FROM vwContactAddresses WHERE ContactID = @ContactID--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In my understanding, "vwContactAddresses" would be substituted with theactual SQL join statement when the view is accessed.So for the stored procedure in question an execution plan for"Select * FROM Contact INNER JOIN Address ON Contact.ContactID =Address.ContactID WHERE ContactID = @ContactID" would be cached.Correct?With regards to execution plan caching, is this not the same ascreating an inline UDF that takes parameters or just creating a storedprocedure that would do the join w/out the view reference?
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Jul 8, 2004
What is the difference between a computed column and a UDF?
Is a computed column the same as the "Formula" field under Design Table in Enterprise Manager?
Also, what is the proper syntax for the Formula field? Can I use regular SQL on it or is there more to it?
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Jun 17, 2005
-- Author: Igor Nikiforov, Montreal, EMail:
-- GETWORDCOUNT() User-Defined Function Counts the words in a string.
-- GETWORDCOUNT(@cString[, @cDelimiters])
-- Parameters
-- @cString nvarchar(4000) - Specifies the string whose words will be counted.
-- @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) - Optional. Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in @cString.
-- The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. Note that GETWORDCOUNT( ) uses each of the characters in @cDelimiters as individual delimiters, not the entire string as a single delimiter.
-- Return Value smallint
-- Remarks GETWORDCOUNT() by default assumes that words are delimited by spaces or tabs. If you specify another character as delimiter, this function ignores spaces and tabs and uses only the specified character.
-- If you use 'AAA aaa, BBB bbb, CCC ccc.' as the target string for dbo.GETWORDCOUNT(), you can get all the following results.
-- declare @cString nvarchar(4000)
-- set @cString = 'AAA aaa, BBB bbb, CCC ccc.'
-- select dbo.GETWORDCOUNT(@cString, default) -- 6 - character groups, delimited by ' '
-- select dbo.GETWORDCOUNT(@cString, ',') -- 3 - character groups, delimited by ','
-- select dbo.GETWORDCOUNT(@cString, '.') -- 1 - character group, delimited by '.'
-- See Also GETWORDNUM() User-Defined Function
-- UDF the name and functionality of which correspond to the same built-in function of Visual FoxPro
CREATE function GETWORDCOUNT (@cSrting nvarchar(4000), @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) )
returns smallint
-- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs and line feed to delimit words.
set @cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, space(1)+char(9)+char(10))
declare @p smallint, @end_of_string smallint, @wordcount smallint
select @p = 1, @wordcount = 0
select @end_of_string = 1 + datalength(@cSrting)/(case SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@cSrting,'BaseType') when 'nvarchar' then 2 else 1 end) -- for unicode
while dbo.CHARINDEX_BIN(substring(@cSrting, @p, 1), @cDelimiters, 1) > 0 and @end_of_string > @p -- skip opening break characters, if any
set @p = @p + 1
if @p < @end_of_string
set @wordcount = 1 -- count the one we are in now count transitions from 'not in word' to 'in word'
-- if the current character is a break char, but the next one is not, we have entered a new word
while @p < @end_of_string
if @p +1 < @end_of_string and dbo.CHARINDEX_BIN(substring(@cSrting, @p, 1), @cDelimiters, 1) > 0 and dbo.CHARINDEX_BIN(substring(@cSrting, @p+1, 1), @cDelimiters, 1) = 0
select @wordcount = @wordcount + 1, @p = @p + 1 -- Skip over the first character in the word. We know it cannot be a break character.
set @p = @p + 1
return @wordcount
-- Author: Igor Nikiforov, Montreal, EMail:
-- GETWORDNUM() User-Defined Function
-- Returns a specified word from a string.
-- GETWORDNUM(@cString, @nIndex[, @cDelimiters])
-- Parameters @cString nvarchar(4000) - Specifies the string to be evaluated
-- @nIndex smallint - Specifies the index position of the word to be returned. For example, if @nIndex is 3, GETWORDNUM( ) returns the third word (if @cString contains three or more words).
-- @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) - Optional. Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in @cString.
-- The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. Note that GetWordNum( ) uses each of the characters in @cDelimiters as individual delimiters, not the entire string as a single delimiter.
-- Return Value nvarchar(4000)
-- Remarks Returns the word at the position specified by @nIndex in the target string, @cString. If @cString contains fewer than @nIndex words, GETWORDNUM( ) returns an empty string.
-- See Also
-- GETWORDCOUNT() User-Defined Function
-- UDF the name and functionality of which correspond to the same built-in function of Visual FoxPro
CREATE function GETWORDNUM (@cSrting nvarchar(4000), @nIndex smallint, @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) )
returns nvarchar(4000)
-- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs and line feed to delimit words.
set @cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, space(1)+char(9)+char(10))
declare @i smallint, @j smallint, @p smallint, @q smallint, @qmin smallint, @end_of_string smallint, @LenDelimiters smallint, @outstr nvarchar(4000)
select @i = 1, @p = 1, @q = 0, @outstr = ''
select @end_of_string = 1 + datalength(@cSrting)/(case SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@cSrting,'BaseType') when 'nvarchar' then 2 else 1 end) -- for unicode
select @LenDelimiters = datalength(@cDelimiters)/(case SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@cDelimiters,'BaseType') when 'nvarchar' then 2 else 1 end) -- for unicode
while @i <= @nIndex
while dbo.CHARINDEX_BIN(substring(@cSrting, @p, 1), @cDelimiters, 1) > 0 and @end_of_string > @p -- skip opening break characters, if any
set @p = @p + 1
if @p >= @end_of_string
select @j = 1, @qmin = @end_of_string -- find next break character it marks the end of this word
while @j <= @LenDelimiters
set @q = dbo.CHARINDEX_BIN(substring(@cDelimiters, @j, 1), @cSrting, @p)
set @j = @j + 1
if @q > 0 and @qmin > @q
set @qmin = @q
if @i = @nIndex -- this is the actual word we are looking for
set @outstr = substring(@cSrting, @p, @qmin-@p)
set @p = @qmin + 1
if (@p >= @end_of_string)
set @i = @i + 1
return @outstr
-- Is similar to the built-in function Transact-SQL charindex, but regardless of collation settings,
-- executes case-sensitive search
-- Author: Igor Nikiforov, Montreal, EMail:
CREATE function CHARINDEX_BIN(@expression1 nvarchar(4000), @expression2 nvarchar(4000), @start_location smallint = 1)
returns nvarchar(4000)
return charindex( cast(@expression1 as nvarchar(4000)) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, cast(@expression2 as nvarchar(4000)) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @start_location )
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Mar 6, 2007
Hi!I need to refresh an entire database.I can recompile SPs with sp_recompile (or DBCC FLUSHPROCINDB), andrefresh views with sp_refreshView, but I cannot find any way torefresh my user-defined functions (some of them are like views, withparameters).Any help appreciated :) !Ben
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May 21, 2008
I need some major help, I need to make a database using SQL server for a forum, now I am using pHpBB, but i need that database. I was thinking about it, it doesnt need to be complicated or anything. I really have no idea where to start so any help.
Thank you in advance
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Apr 8, 2007
I have a new business, and a part of that business includes receiving large amounts of data from time to time. I just found out yesterday that I'm going to be receiving about 1TB of data from an new client! I'm not set up at all for this large of a data set.
I want to use SQL Server as my database. Can I load SQL on a Desktop PC without having to buy a server? How?
I don't have a clue as to how I need to get set up for this data...hardware or software. Any advice you can give will be outstanding!!!!!
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Jan 28, 2004
I have written an udf that checks for validations of an email address and returns 0 / 1 as per the validations. I came across an artical on MSDN that describes the steps to make my own system udf.
with help of that artical, I made my udf as a system udf. and now I can use it as follows.
select * , fn_isvalidemail(email) from #tp
now, I wanted to use this as a declarative check constraints in my tables. so I tried
create table testtable
( email_addr varchar (255) null CONSTRAINT CK_email_chk CHECK ( fn_isvalidemail(email) = 1) )
although this is syntax is logically correct, it does not get compiled
it gives me an error saying,
Server: Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
'fn_isvalidemail' is not a recognized function name.
the strange part is that i made the function as another normal udf, It works in declarative constraints.
create table testtable
( email varchar (255) null CONSTRAINT CK_1p12 CHECK ( dbo.isvalidemail(email) = 1) )
Any thoughts on this ?
- Amit
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Jun 9, 2015
I have always learn that UDFs are not Pre-Compiled while Stored procedures are. But I always had this questions why are UDFs are not Pre-Compiled.
I searched online for the answer but dint get an concrete justification on the same.
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Feb 25, 2008
How can I call UDFs on linked servers in SQL Server 2005?
More details:
I have some UDFs on Instance "VAXPServerA" in Database "DB1", for example "getSomething(number)".
It might look like this (for example):
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getSomething] (
@theNumber int
DECLARE @result int
SET @result = theNumber * 5
RETURN @result
I can call this function inside of the DB by typing:
SELECT dbo.getSomething(5)
I also can call the function from another DB on instance "VAXPServerA" by typing:
SELECT DB1.dbo.getSomething(5)
I have a second instance called "VAXPServerB", and "VAXPServerA" is a linked server in "VAXPServerB". I can do selects and stuff, it works fine.
But when I want to call the function...
SELECT [VAXPServerA].DB1.dbo.getSomething(5)
I obtain the next error:
Msg. 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The column name 'VAXPServerA' is not valid.
Any hint?
Thanks in advance
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Jan 22, 2008
I have a site that was supposed to go live yesterday.I am using M$ SQL Express 2005 and the Express Manager.I setup everything using Windows authentication on my local computer. I backed up the database through the manager and simply did a restore to the live database server.I copied my aspx files and everything else.I changed my connection string to allow for SQL Authentication (because I was having trouble with Windows authentication).For some reason, my SQL authenticated user can do whatever it wants within the SQL manager, but I am unable to login to the site. I get no errors, just the usual failed login attempt text.Can someone please help. I don't know where to start on this one.Thanks,Joshua Foulk
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May 26, 2004
I hope I haven't messed up! I was importing some data, and it started taking too long and seemed to have locked up, I did a cold boot and when I tried to open the db it would just load...
I have then detached it and tried to reattach the db, but it seems to just load forever.. I let it sit there for an hour and still nothing...
the DB has a 17gig LDF file and I can't attach without it...
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Apr 7, 2008
For some reason when I'm trying to restore a back up, I'm encountering this problem, I've asked numerous people and been in and out of chatrooms all day and night, has anyone got any idea what to do?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a bunch of SPs that all rely on a UDF that parses a commadelimitted list of numbers into a table. Everything was working fine,but now my application is growing and I'm starting to approach the 8000character limit of the varChar variable used to store the list.I would like to change the UDF only and avoid having to dig through allof my stored procedures. I was hoping to use the text datatype toallow for much larger lists, but I am unable to perform anymanipulations necessary to parse the list into a table. I have triedPATINDEX, but it alone is not enough without the text maniuplations andI don't think the sp_xml_preparedocument can be used in a UDF.Anyone with any thoughts on managing large arrays in t-sql?thanks,Matt Weiner
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Jul 20, 2007
Hello Folks,I encountered a problem with SQL server 2000 and UDFs.I have a scalar UDF and a table UDF where I would like the scalar UDFto provide the argument for the table UDF like in:SELECT*FROMtransaction_tWHEREtrxn_gu_id in (select get_trxns_for_quarter(get_current_quarter( GetDate() ) ))'get_current_quarter' returns an integer which is a GUID in a tablecontaining business quarter definitions, like start date, end date.'get_current_quarter' is a scalar UDF.'get_trxns_for_quarter' will then get all transctions that fall intothat quarter and return their GUID's in a table.'get_trxns_for_quarter' is a table UDF.This doesn't seem to work at all. Regardless whether I provide thenamespace (schema) calling the scalar UDF or not. Error message isjust different.Both functions operate correctly invoked un-nested.The whole expression does work fine if I turn 'get_trxns_for_quarter'into a scalar UDF as well, e.g. by returning just one trxn_gu_id withe.g. MAX() in a scalar datatype. But of course that's no good to me.It also works fine if I select the result of 'get_current_quarter'into a variable and pass that variable into 'get_trxns_for_quarter'.But that's no good to me either since then I cannot use the wholething embedded into other SELECT clauses.Both UDF's are non-deterministic but I couldnt see how that would havean impact anyway.Never mind the syntax on that example or anyhting, I tried all theobvious and not so obvious stuff and it really seems to come down tothe fact that one UDF is scalar and the other one is not. However, Idid not come across any type of information saying that this cannot bedone.Have you any ideas?Any help would be greatly appreciated.Carsten
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Sep 7, 2007
I am in the process of building my first "large scale" database system (after 15+ years of developing Windows Apps and Web Apps) - so I am very VERY "Green" when it comes to Database development & SQL et al.
A little context setting: I am building a multi-tier Statistical Analysis & Reporting system where the "end product" will be Reports created in Reporting Services. There are a ton of business rules that I am implementing in a Business Logic Tier (hidden from the "end user" by a Data Access Tier) comprised of SQL in the form of UDFs (scalar) and Views.
The question: I have been reading that UDFs cause a performance hit compared to things like in-line functions. Alot of the Rules (implemented as Scalar UDFs) build on each other so that the output of UDF #1 is used as input to UDF #2.
So far I am implementing the Business Logic as a hierarchy of Views (7 Views to be exact) with each view implementing multiple Rules; each Rule basically a Scalar UDF. Below is an example of what I am doing:
View #1 -> Select A, B, C, funcX1(A) as ValueX1, funcY1(B, C) as ValueY1 FROM someView
View #2 -> Select A, B, C, ValueX1, ValueY1, funcX2 (ValueX1) as ValueX2, funcY2(ValueY2) as ValueY2 FROM View#1
Currently I have a hierarchy of 7 views that each use UDFs to implement the Business Rules, where the value calculated from a UDF in one View is used as input to UDF in a View further down the Hierarchy.
Is there a better way of implementing all of the Rules instead of using multiple Views with a bunch of UDFs?
The "end product" dataset is then exposed as a Stored Procedure to the reports in Reporting Services.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
- marty
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Feb 18, 2007
Guys I'm sorry to be asking such a routine question...
I'm having trouble figuring out how to make this function dynamic enough to handle multiple insert statements.1 public int Add()
3 {
5 string SQL;
7 SQL = "INSERT INTO [BuildingInterior] (PropertyID, CeilingHeight, " +
9 "LoadingDocks, PassengerElevators, FreightElevators, PassengerEscalators, " +
11 "FireSprinklersID, SecurityCameras, SmokeDetection, FireAlarms, " +
13 "GasDetection, SecureAccess, HeatTypeID, AirConditioningID, " +
15 "AirExchange, InternetAccessID, InteriorDescription) " +
17 "VALUES ( @PropertyID, @CeilingHeight, " +
19 "@LoadingDocks, @PassengerElevators, @FreightElevators, @PassengerEscalators, " +
21 "@FireSprinklersID, @SecurityCameras, @SmokeDetection, @FireAlarms, " +
23 "@GasDetection, @SecureAccess, @HeatTypeID, @AirConditioningID, " +
25 "@AirExchange, @InternetAccessID, @InteriorDescription)";
27 PropertyDB myConnection = new PropertyDB();
29 SqlConnection conn = myConnection.GetOpenConnection();
31 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, conn);
33 cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = PropertyID;
35 cmd.Parameters.Add("@CeilingHeight", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = CeilingHeight;
37 cmd.Parameters.Add("@LoadingDocks", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = LoadingDocks;
39 cmd.Parameters.Add("@PassengerElevators", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = PassengerElevators;
41 cmd.Parameters.Add("@FreightElevators", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = FreightElevators;
43 cmd.Parameters.Add("@PassengerEscalators", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = PassengerEscalators;
45 cmd.Parameters.Add("@FireSprinklersID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = FireSprinklersID;
47 cmd.Parameters.Add("@SecurityCameras", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = SecurityCameras;
49 cmd.Parameters.Add("@SecurityAlarms", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = SecurityAlarms;
51 cmd.Parameters.Add("@SmokeDetection", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = SmokeDetection;
53 cmd.Parameters.Add("@FireAlarms", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = FireAlarms;
55 cmd.Parameters.Add("@GasDetection", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = GasDetection;
57 cmd.Parameters.Add("@SecureAccess", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = SecureAccess;
59 cmd.Parameters.Add("@HeatTypeID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = HeatTypeID;
61 cmd.Parameters.Add("@AirConditioningID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = AirConditioningID;
63 cmd.Parameters.Add("@AirExchange", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = AirExchange;
65 cmd.Parameters.Add("@InternetAccessID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = InternetAccessID;
67 cmd.Parameters.Add("@InteriorDescription", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = InteriorDescription;
69 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
71 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY";
73 this.BuildingInteriorID = Int32.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
75 conn.Close();
77 return this.BuildingInteriorID;
79 }
Should I just pass an array of column names and use the AddWithValues SqlCommand method while looping through the array?
Any comments are greatly welcomed.
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Dec 2, 2006
stored procedure and trigger which runs on serverside and which runs on client side.
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Mar 27, 2007
I have created a database with three tables. The database has been up for a month now and contains about 20,000 records. In order to improve performance and resolve some issues I an attempting to change some of the table information. i.e. allow nulls in a few fields. When I use TSQL or the GUI to make these changes I get the following error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or server not responding.
Source: .Net SQLClient Data Provider
I have SQL Server Express SP2 installed with .Net framework v3.0
Note: This issue appears when I attempt to delete a row from a table as well.
Any thoughts?
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Oct 7, 2015
We have migrated a database (myDb2014) to a SQL Server 2014 instance. We have another on a 2008R2 instance (myDb2008). Both on the same server.
I have setup a linked server to the 2014 instance from the 2008R2 one.
I have a number of sprocs on myDb2008 that call TVFs and sprocs on myDb2014. This worked fine when they were both on the same instance.
Now however, I have an issue where I would have to update all the references in each calling query.
I looked into creating Synonyms but this only works for Tables/Views.
Is there a workaround to querying myDb2014 TVFs/sprocs without having to update each calling query in myDb2008?
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