Making A SQL Update Query Run Once

Aug 22, 2005

I have a datagrid in my file along with an Update Query.

My Update Query basically adds the numerical values in two columns
together when the page is loaded. This means whenever the page is
Refreshed the Update query is fired.

This is my Update Query (which is in an Stored Procedure):

SET TotalFee = ExtraFee + TotalFee
WHERE DaysOverdue >= 0

I have declared my query in the 'Page_Load' part of the coding, because
I want the query to run automatically. Not manually by a button.

My main question is that how can I get the query to run only once a day, no matter how many times the page is loaded.

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Making A Table From A Query

Feb 10, 2004

I have a Query named qryQuery1 from which I would like to make a Table named tblTable1. I need to do this within a VBA Microsoft Access module.

Can anyone help me with the proper code?

Thank you for any help.


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Help Me Making FOR XML QUERY Plezz!!

Sep 20, 2007

OK Here goes my BIG question

I've following database structure (just junk values)



I wanna generate following XML structure out of it

-<Item Type="xyz">
--<Channel id="a">

--<Channel id="b">

-<Item Type="lmn">
--<Channel id="x">

--<Channel id="y">

I've written this Select For XML query

SELECT ChannelCatID as '@type',
ChannelID as 'Channel/@id',
ChannelName as 'Channel/Name',
RSSFeedURL as 'Channel/URL'
FROM ChannelMaster

It gives me this result
-<Item Type="xyz">
--<Channel id="a">
-<Item Type="xyz">
--<Channel id="b">
-<Item Type="xyz">
-<Item Type="xyz">

I want it this way :

all channels of Type xyz should come under singe <Item Type="xyz"> tag instead of seperate tags

what changes should i make, plezz help meout wit dis ??


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Making Two Sums In One Query

Jun 10, 2006


Im new in this forum so don't if this is the right place to post these kind of questions..

Im using vb2005 and have made a program that deals with customers and payments.

I have a table called acount. Roughly it contains these columns

Number, amount, type..

type can be a payment or a charge

I would like to have a query that gives me this result:

Number, sum(payments), sum(charges) (grouped by number)

I think it is some type of merging these to querys

select number, sum(amount) where type = 0 group by number


select number, sum(amount) where type <> 0 group by number

Im using it to calculate a customers acount to see if they have paid to much or to little.

Any ideas?

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Slow Performance When Making A Query

Aug 1, 2005

I have a table with about 20,000 records.  So, to minimise performance issues, i try to only retrieve the top 100 records.  The databaset retrieved can be paged and sorted.  Below is my code, but it's taking quite a while even to only load the 100 records.  Any suggestions?Private Sub BindGrid()        Dim connectionString As String = "MyConnectionString"        Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
         Dim queryString As String = "SELECT TOP 100 [Person].* FROM [Person] ORDER BY " & viewstate("sortField").ToString() & " " & viewstate("sortDirection").ToString()
        Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand        dbCommand.CommandText = queryString        dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
        Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter        dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand        Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet        dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet)
        Try           DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet           DataGrid1.Databind()        Catch e As Exception           DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = 0        End TryEnd Sub

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Making A Wide Table -- SQL Query

Sep 24, 2004

Hi Guys,
I have a requirement as follows:->

I have a table like below

********** ****

I wanted to create another table based on the column values. For eg: I have to take the employee id and check for what value he has under owns column in the table. I take only 3 values and then these values should go to the newly created columns (owns1, owns2,owns3).
if there is no value for any of these columns it should have null values loaded in them.
The result of the modification should look like this:->

*********** ***** ***** *

Note: eventhough employeeid 3 owns more than 3 things we only take 3 of what he owns and populate to above coloumns.
In addition to it, the column OWNS will have more than 500 different values in them.

Its kind of urgent and if anyone knows how to , Can you please help me on this.
Thanks a lot.
-- Ragulan

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Using Local Variable Making The Query Slow

May 28, 2008


I am using a local variable to capture datetime and then select records from another table by making use of the above local variable result. But the query is running too slow when I use the local variable

declare @a smalldatetime
select @a=last_run_time from job_status
where job_des='sample'


Instead of the above select statement if I use the below statement it is returning results quickly. Can someone help me in tuning the above query.
WHERE CHANGE_DATE> '5/23/2008 6:22:00.000 AM '

History table has columns ( case number, change_date, change_desc). I have two indexes defined on the above table one is on case_number and the other on change_date.I tried using force index but still the query is running slow.

will there be any difference if use dynamic sql ?

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Making A Query Have Flexible Index Utilization

Apr 29, 2008

I have one query that looks like this.

DECLARE @propname

SET @propname = NULL -- can be Null or have wild card values

SELECT col1, col2, col3, propertyname FROM testtable where col1 = 1 and col2 = 2 and col3 = 3 and (@propname IS NULL OR propertyname LIKE @propname)

col1, col2, col3 are part of a clustered index

propertyname is a nonclustered index

This is the predicament. If the "@propname is NULL" is first in the OR statement then the query will use the clustered index for finding the record. If I put "@propname is NULL" last then it uses the propertyname index no matter what. So I either get full index scans if NULL is ever used on property names or I get consistent two second long searches on the clustered index. Any way to have the best of both worlds? Or do I have to divide up my query into more stored procedures?


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Problem With Making A Sqldatasource For Inserting Using The Query Builder

Aug 19, 2007

I want to make a sqldatasource to insert data ito a table with values from textfields page. I want to use the sqldatasource programically (not bind it to a formcontrol).
I drag a sqldatasource from the toolbox to the design surface and start configuring the datasource. I spesify a custom sql statement, select the "Insert" tab and insert the table I want to store into the builder. Then I select the fields and the values (parameters from tue textfields. I test it with the "Execute query" button and the results is stored in the table. (everything seems ok) I press the "OK" button but both the "Next" and "Finish" buttons are dissabled, o I can not store the query.
What is going wrong. Can someone please help me ?
Tom Knardahl

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Making Date Dynamic In Pivot Table Query

Apr 16, 2008

I have a pivot table query I am running and wanted to find out if there was a way to pull in the dates like getdate() - 12 months, getdate() - 11 months, etc. instead of hard coding the dates.

Here is my query

SELECT Client, [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month1, [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month2, [6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month3, [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month4,
[8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month5, [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month6, [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month7, [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month8,
[12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month9, [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month10, [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month11, [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month12,
[4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month13, Engineer
FROM (SELECT Client, DollarsBilled, SlipDates, Engineer
FROM dbo.MonthlyClientBillables) p PIVOT (SUM(DollarsBilled) FOR SlipDates IN ([4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM],
[6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM],
[12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM])) AS pvt

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SQL Security :: Making Data Change In Read Only Database Without Letting Other Users Update Data

Aug 6, 2015

I want to make data changes in read_only database , that's why i must set database read_write. While database is at read_write mode, i want to be sure that no one makes change in database.

For this aim, i write the code below, but i suspect that after setting the database read_write, till the setting database
single_user ,is it possible get DML script from another user. Is the code below enough for this operation. Or is there another way?

Reminding: Read_only database can not be set single_user mode. That's why, first you must set database read_write.

The code;

use master
alter database xxx set read_write
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set single_user
with rollback immediate

use xxx
update  tablexxx set columnxxx=yyy
use master
alter database xxx set read_only
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set multi_user
with rollback immediate

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SQL Server 2012 :: Making Query For Presenting Data In Different Format?

Jun 18, 2015

I have below table:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#complaints') IS NOt NULL
DROP TABLe #complaints

--===== Create the test table with

create table #cs([Year] float,
[Week] float,
[Month] float,
[C#] float,
[Dept] nvarchar(255)
,[Issue] nvarchar(255), [Type] nvarchar(255), [Dept age] nvarchar(255))

--===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column

([Year], [ Week], [ Month], [C#],[Dept],[Issue], [Type], [Dept age])
SELECT 2015, 14, 4, 188, D1,I1,T1, 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 2015, 14, 4, 452,d1, I1, T2, 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 2015, 14, 4, 63, d1, I1, T1, 6 UNION ALL
SELECT 2015, 14, 4, 9, d1,I2, T1, 7 UNION ALL
SELECT 2014, 14, 4, 187, D1,I1,T1, 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 2014, 14, 4, 451,d1, I1, T2, 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 2014, 14, 4, 62, d1, I1, T1, 6 UNION ALL
SELECT 2014, 14, 4, 10, d1,I2, T1, 7 UNION ALL)

and i want to have a table in below format: (query for it)

Week, Month, C1#,c2# Dept,Issue, Type, Dept age
14, 4 188 187 d1 i1 t1 5
14, 4 452 451 d1 i1 t2 5

I.E. I WANT two columns C1# and C2#, where C1# contains data from 2015 and C2# contains data from previous year (2014). If 2015 data is not present, then C1# will contain data of 2014 and C2# will contain data of 2013.

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Update Query To Update Separate Chars

Mar 26, 2007

Hi! Select gets all records that contains illegal chars... Ok, to replace '[' { and some other chars I will make AND '% .. %' and place other intervals, that is not the problem.The problem is: How to replace not allowed chars ( ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) etc. ) with '_' ?I have seen that there is a function REPLACE, but can't figure out how to use it.  1 SELECT user_username
2 FROM users
3 WHERE user_username LIKE '%[!-)]%';  

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UPDATE Query To Update One Table From Another

Sep 15, 2001

I'm looking for a query that can "batch" update one table from another. For example, say there are fields on both tables like this:
The two tables will match on "KeyField". I would like to write one SQL query that will update the "Value" fields in Table1 with the data from Table2 when there is a match.

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Update Trigger - Update Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I'm a little stuck and would like some helpI need to create an update trigger which will run an update query onanother table.However, What I need to do is update the other table with the changedrecord value from the table which has the trigger.Can someone please show me how this is done please??I can write both queries, but am unsure as to how to get the value ofthe changed record for use in my trigger???Please helpM3ckon*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Can I Roll Back Certain Query(insert/update) Execution In One Page If Query (insert/update) In Other Page Execution Fails In

Mar 1, 2007

Can I roll back certain query(insert/update) execution in one page if  query (insert/update) in other page  execution fails in I am using sqlserver 2000 as back end)
In a webpage1, I have insert query  into master table and Page2 I have insert query to store data in sub table.
 I need to rollback the insert command execution for sub table ,if insert command to master table in web page1 is failed. (Query in webpage2 executes first, then only the query in webpage1) Can I use System. Transaction to solve this? Thanks in advance

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Update SQL 2000 Query (converting An Old Access 2k Query To SQL)

Mar 30, 2006

Hello, I have the following query in Access 2000 that I need to convertto SQL 2000:UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxesSET tblShoes.Laces1 = NullWHERE (((tblShoes.ShoesID)=Int([tblBoxes].[ShoesID])) AND((tblBoxes.Code8)="A" Or (tblBoxes.Code8)="B"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;The ShoesID in the tblShoes table is an autonumber, however the recordsin the tblBoxes have the ShoesID converted to text.This query runs ok in Access, but when I try to run it in the SQLServer 2000 Query Analizer I get errors because of the comma in the"UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxes" part. I only need to update the tblShoesfield named Laces1 to NULL for every record matching the ones in thetblBoxes that are marked with an "A" or an "B" in the tblBoxes.Code8field.Any help would be greatly appreciated.JR

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Very Slow Running Update Query Query

Nov 19, 2004

I have an update query running which to just now has been running for 22 hours running on two tables 1 a lookuptable that has just been created within the batch the other a denormalised table for doing data analysis on

the query thats causing teh problem is

--//////////////////////////////////// this is the one thats running

Print 'Update Provider 04-05 EmAdmsCount12mths : ' + CAST(GETDATE() AS varchar)
Update Provider_APC_2004_05
set EmAdmsCount12mths =
(Select COUNT(*)-1
from Combined_Admissions
where ((Combined_Admissions.NHSNumber = Provider_APC_2004_05.NHSNumber) or
(Combined_Admissions.PASNUMBER = Provider_APC_2004_05.PDDISTNO)) and
(Combined_Admissions.AdmDate BETWEEN DateAdd(yyyy,-1,Provider_APC_2004_05.AdmDate) AND Provider_APC_2004_05.AdmDate) AND
Combined_Admissions.AdmMethod like 'Emergency%')-- and
-- CA.NHSorPrivate = 'NHS'))
FROM Provider_APC_2004_05, Combined_Admissions

any help in improving speed would be most welcome as there are 3 more of these updates to run right after this one and the analysis tables are almost double the size of this one


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Update Query Help

Jul 10, 2006

This is my first website done in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005. I haven't ran into any major problems, until I tried to run an update on some rows. I've searched everywhere online, only to be stuck at the end of the day. I will post the code I have for the button that triggers it. I'll be crossing my fingers! int eid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);
string updateSQL = "UPDATE Events SET event_title = @event_title, event_date = @event_date, ";
updateSQL += "event_time = @event_time, event_location = @event_location, event_description = @event_description WHERE (eid = @eid)";

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(updateSQL, con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

// Add the parameters.
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_title", txtEditTitle.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_date", txtEditDate.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_time", txtEditTime.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_location", txtEditLocation.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@event_description", txtEditDescription.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eid", eid);

// Try to open database and execute the update.
int updated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception err)

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Update Query

Feb 19, 2007

Hi everyone!I have a update query which all looks good and it looks like it executes, though it does not effect the database for some unknown reason. (No error messages).protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int areaId = 0;

if (Request.QueryString["doc_area_id"] != null)
areaId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["doc_area_id"]);

SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CPS_docshareConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE document_area SET doc_area_name = '" + AreaText.Text + "' WHERE doc_area_id = @areaId", myConnection);

command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@areaId", areaId));


} Thanks for any help you can give, cheers, Mark.

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SQL Update Query

Jul 19, 2007

I am using the update query listed below in my DetailsView.  The issue i am having is the ManagerDecision value which gets populated in a DropDownList in EditTemplate, doesnt seem to update correctly. If I choose 'Approved' from the DropDownList, the result for Status_Type ends up being 'Closed' and not 'Open'.  Could someone please Help.
UPDATE ServiceRequest_Table SET ManagerDecision = @ManagerDecision, Comments = @Comments, Priority_Name = @Priority_Name, Status_Type = CASE WHEN (ManagerDecision = 'Approved') THEN 'Open' ELSE 'Closed' END, ManagerDateTime = CASE WHEN (Status_Type = 'Closed') THEN '' END, Closed_Date = CASE WHEN (Status_Type = 'Open') THEN '' END WHERE (ServiceRequest_ID = @ServiceRequest_ID)

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Update Query Not Doing Anything?

Jul 23, 2007

OK, so I have this page where a user can edit multiple fields in a database record. My problem is, that once changes have been made and the user hits the "save" button, everything SEEMS to run just fine (no errors, other things that should happen when the button is clicked happen normally), but nothing is changed. It's almost like the update function (which was created with Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix) is working, but it's being fed the old values for the page, rather than the updated ones.
Any ideas on what might be causing this? It's not like anything I've seen before.

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Regarding Update Query

Feb 16, 2008

I gave a storedprocedure for gatting data into gridview,just go through that.
Select Ind.Industry_Name,Com.Company_Address from Pcra_Industry Ind join Pcra_Company Com on Ind.Ind_ID_PK=Com.Ind_ID_FK Here iam getting two fields from two different table depending on the Id.
So how to write a Query to change the fields in the different tables.
please Help me...

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Update SQL Query

Feb 19, 2008

Im having a problem when using my update statement on button click.  I want the field to be updated to be true whenever the button was clicked but it doesn't seem to like my current syntax.  Can someone point me in the right direction please? I know its really simple but when you have just been looking at something for so long you can never see it!!! Thanks
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Update Notice SET Resolute = '" + Resolute + "', DateClosed= '" + DateClosed + "', Resolved = 'True' WHERE NoticeID = " + NoticeID + "", myConnection);

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Update Query

Apr 22, 2008

Hi Guys
I have a problem with UPDATE query. Here is my Select query. 
SELECT d.EID as EID,d.EName as EName,d.EDOB as EDOB,d.EDesignation as EDesignation,d.ESal as ESal,EI .EPhone as EPhone,EI .EEnddate as EndDate FROM Data_EMP d Join   Emp_Info EI on d.EID=EI.EIDWhere d.EID ='1001'
According to this query I have to update another query.This is my original Update Query.
"Update Data_EMP  set EStatus=0 where EID='" & TempEID & "'"
Now i wrote update query like this
UPDATE d.EID as EID,d.EName as EName,d.EDOB as EDOB,d.EDesignation as EDesignation,d.ESal as ESal,EI .EPhone as EPhone,EI .EEnddate as EndDate FROM Data_EMP d Join   Emp_Info EI on d.EID=EI.EIDSet set EStatus=0 where EID='" & TempEID & "'"
Shall i write Update query like this and Is there any issues in this update query can any one let me know?

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Need Help With An Update Query.

Mar 7, 2006

Once a month I will have to run a query to update 2 fields
in one table, from another table.

Say Table1 is my main table to update and Table2 is the
table that it will update from.

Table2 is just a temporary table I will import monthly just
to update Table1.


Both tables have 2 pk/fk (userID and leaveDate).

Table1 has many of the same userID, but all different dates.

Table2 has only one instance of each userID





userID             leaveDate        other1              other2

1                      1/1/06              6                      14

1                      2/1/06              2                      12

1                      3/1/06              <NULL>         <NULL>

2                      1/1/06              43                    21

2                      2/1/06              15                    34

2                      3/1/06              <NULL>         <NULL>



userID             leaveDate        other1              other2

1                      3/1/06              35                    18

2                      3/1/06              12                    19


So Table 2 should update Table1.other1 AND Table1.other2
where userID AND leaveDate are equal

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Update Query Help

Jul 10, 2001

customerid lastname firstname emailaddress

14556928 tyler NANCY

14556927 tyler NANCY

I am going to create a mastercustomerid column whose value will be the min(customerid) in the above scenario.
I need a query where I can achieve this

I used the query below to achieve the above results

SELECT a.customerid, lastname, firstname, emailaddress
FROM account.Customer a Join account.Email b
ON a.customerid = b.customerid
WHERE lastname in
SELECT lastname
FROM account.Customer c Join account.Email d
ON c.customerid = d.customerid
GROUP BY lastname, firstname, emailaddress
HAVING count(*) >1
AND firstname = a.firstname
AND emailaddress = b.emailaddress
ORDER BY lastname, firstname, emailaddress

I need to update 349862 rows with a mastercustomerid . Please help me.

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Update Query

May 25, 2000

I have an update query which updates a field if the contents of 3 other fields in the table matches the result of a Where clause. Is it possible to only update the first matched row in the table rather than all rows that match the Where clause. Forgive if this is simple but I am a newbie to SQL 7.
Andrew Wall

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Pls Help With Update Query

Oct 26, 1999

I have the following table:
AreaName Population RankNumber
======== ========== ==========
Annerley 200 NULL
Balmoral 50 NULL
Chermside 350 NULL

Is it possible the write an update query that, after ordering the table by Population, it sets RankNumber to 1 for the first row, sets RankNumber to 2 for the second row, and so on??

The resultant table would look like:
AreaName Population RankNumber
======== ========== ==========
Balmoral 50 1
Annerley 200 2
Chermside 350 3

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Update Query

Oct 13, 1999

like so many i am upsizing some databases from access to sql server. how can i get the following access query to work in sql server 7.0

UPDATE dbo_t_Assignments INNER JOIN t_Assignments ON dbo_t_Assignments.AssignID = t_Assignments.AssignID SET dbo_t_Assignments.EmployeeID = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![EMPLOYEEID], dbo_t_Assignments.DeptID = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![DEPTID], dbo_t_Assignments.ShiftID = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![SHIFTID], dbo_t_Assignments.JobClassID = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![JOBCLASSID], dbo_t_Assignments.Regular = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![REGULAR], dbo_t_Assignments.CreatedBy = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![CREATEDBY], dbo_t_Assignments.TimeStampCreate = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![TIMESTAMPCREATE], dbo_t_Assignments.UpdatedBy = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![UPDATEDBY], dbo_t_Assignments.TimeStampUpdate = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![TIMESTAMPUPDATE], dbo_t_Assignments.DateStart = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![DATESTART], dbo_t_Assignments.DateEnd = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![DATEEND], dbo_t_Assignments.rEmployeeID = [T_ASSIGNMENTS]![REMPLOYEEID];


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Update Query

Mar 15, 2001

I have a table with the following data.



I want to update the code so that all records with the same category has the same code. It would also start with 1.
The end result would be the following:



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Sql Update Query Help

Apr 18, 2007

I have got the following query that i want to concatenate to fields separate by a ; Can someone point out what is wrong please.



Update wce_contact set Alt_Contact_Email = EmailAddress &';'& Alt_Email where Alt_Email <> ''

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Update Query

Feb 9, 2005

Maybe some one can help me...
I have 2 tables with the following structure:
CREATE TABLE [table1](
[GRID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[GID] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
[RID] [int] NOT NULL ) On primary

CREATE TABLE [table2] (
[RID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[RText] [varchar] (400) NULL

If [RID] in table 1 exists more then one time (the first occurence leave as is)
and then create a new [RID] every time it is found in table2 with the RText from [RID] and update table1 with
applicable [RID] .

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