Making Changes To A Table With Lots Of Data. Timeout Error?!
Oct 11, 2006
I have a table that is fairly large, and I need to make a change to one of the columns in the table. Namely I need to change the datatype and rename that column. When I try to save the updated table, I keep getting a timeout error that says.
'eligibility (dbo)' table
- Unable to create index 'PK_eligibility'.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Any ideas on how to make the table change more efficient or change the timeout period. I need to keep the existing data in the table. I am using sql server managment studio(2005) connected to a sql server 2000 database.
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Nov 19, 2007
Hello, Im a very new to SQL server etc, so please bear with me.
I am currently trying to find a quick way of making a large number of database entries within a particular table all have the same value in one particular column.
I have created a query in MS SQL Server Management Studio, which outputs all the entries in a particular table that I want to change. Currently they all have different values in a certain column in this table, and I want them all to have the same value in that column.
How do I do this within Server Management Studio?
Thank you.
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Jan 5, 2008
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'InserParameters' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSource'.Source Error:
Line 15: registrationDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT TO Reputation (firstname, lastname)VALUES(@First Name, @Last Name)"
Line 16:
Line 17: registrationDataSource.InserParameters.Add("firstname", firstname.txt)
Line 18: registrationDataSource.InserParameters.Add("lastname", lastname.txt)
Line 19: Source File: C:UsersQaiphyx
eputationDefault.aspx.vb Line: 17
Show Detailed Compiler Output:
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Dec 12, 2006
Hi.I have the problem that some records in a ms sqlserver table is unableto update from Access.I get the error message odbc-time out error in linked table......I tried to copy this table to another database, where none but me wasaktive.And then it worked quit ok when I try to save the record.I am thinking about if there is some trigger och restraint that Idon't know about, but I don't know how to se all of this in thedatabase.I have changed the odbc-timeout settings in Access but that doesn'tseed to make any differenceSo what's the problem?Does anyone have an idea?/regards BigOlle
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Jan 17, 2008
Hi all,
I have two tables within the SQL server and there is an application writes 20.000 or 40000 rows in the First table.
1) I need to know when the table completes filled to start move the data to the second table.
2) After I copy the rows I need to delete the rows from the first table.
I though to use the trigger but I am not sure if this is the best approach or not
Please help....
Thank you
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Mar 19, 2008
I am working on an application to analyse down time on a production line system. The system has about 40 rows inserted per minute. The inserts are coming from about 10 different stations.
I need to a analyse the downtime between each insert from each station. The plan is to copy the data to another database on a different server so as not to affect the live system that is being updated by the production line.
However the initial requirement was to do this at night while the production line was down but now they want the data to be updated every 3 hours which means performing this huge query while the production line is bombarding the DB with inserts.
I am wondering what is the best way of doing this. Is there any way I can limit the abount of processor this proceedure will take.
Any advice appreciated,
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Feb 29, 2008
Im connecting to an AS400 to retrive data with SQL Server 2005. Until now i have not pulled large amounts of data from there. My queries run fine on my local machine in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. I have run queries for up to an hour or more. The minute i put them in a SP and execute them they time out at 90 sec.
I have a linked server set up to the 400 with the connetion timeout set at 600 and the Query timeout at 600 through port 8471. Is there a port timeout on the server I need to change?
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Jul 3, 2007
I am running a stored procedure that collects some records from two tables do some calculations with those records and insert those calculation result in a temp. table. I am calling this stored procedure in my aspx page and then later select all the records from temp table and show it in a table.
When I run this application on browser it give me Timeout expired error but whn I execute the stored procedure it runs properly but takes around 3:10 mins to execute in query analyzer. I did some google work and based on that I specified CommandTimeout = 300 for SP and Connection timeout=400 in web.config. But still it didnt worked. Sometimes it runs properly but sometimes its not.
Where I am doing mistake? and Wht should i do to resolve this? Plz. help.
Thanks in adv.
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Dec 26, 2007
I am trying to attach a database object to the App_Data directory I got thie error
Error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
This is what I did. I right click the App_Data folder and click Add New Item. Then I click the SQL Database. This is where I got the error.
What should I do? Please help
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Sep 8, 2006
I have a page that has about 8 dropdown boxes that need to be populated from sql tables. What is the best way to populate these boxes. Here is how I have it nowconn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SQLString")) ''''''''''''' Fill in DropDownList Status '''''''''''''''''''strSelect = "SELECT * FROM Requests_Status"cmdSelect = New SqlCommand(strSelect, conn) conn.Open()dtrSearch = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()ddlRequestStatus.DataSource = dtrSearchddlRequestStatus.DataTextField = "RequestStatusName"ddlRequestStatus.DataValueField = "RequestStatus"ddlRequestStatus.DataBind()ddlRequestStatus.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("-- Select Below --", -1)) cmdSelect.Cancel()dtrSearch.Close()conn.Close()''''''''''''' Fill in DropDownList Container '''''''''''''''''''strSelect = "SELECT * FROM Containers"cmdSelect = New SqlCommand(strSelect, conn) conn.Open()dtrSearch = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()ddlContainer.DataSource = dtrSearchddlContainer.DataTextField = "ContainerName"ddlContainer.DataValueField = "ContainerID"ddlContainer.DataBind()ddlContainer.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("-- Select Below --", -1)) cmdSelect.Cancel()dtrSearch.Close()conn.Close()'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I then repeat the same commands as above for the other 6 dropdowns. This seems like a bad way to have to do all this.ThanksCraig
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Feb 9, 2007
I'm new to reporting services and this is a very general question. I'm working on a large sales stats report with many results.
I want to be able to compare many results for two dates. These results
include, average sales value per day, average sales per weekday, sales
with payment received, etc.
So basically there is lots of analysis
needed mainly based on one database table (a fairly standard orders table).
What seemed the most logical thing to do is get all the relevant order rows for
these two date ranges, A and B, and append a period column to the
results, and then do all the maths/aggregate functions in Reporting
Services. Thus only having to connect to database once.
And use a matrix with date period columns.
So my query gives me results like:
Period order_total, is_weekday, no_weekdays_in_period.....
A 123 0 22....
A 54 1 22....
B 134 0 20...
Does this make the most sense? Or should I do the maths (grouping and aggregate functions) in lots of
different queries (in which case, is Reporting Services worthwhile using?)?
Any advise/suggestions appreciated.
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Jul 17, 2006
I have an application that reads a monitoring devices that produces 200 digital outputs every second and I would like to store them in a table. This table would get quite big fairly quickly as ultimately I would like to monitor over a hundred of these devices.
I would like to construct queries against each of the individual digital channels or combinations of them.
M first thought is to set up a table with 200 separate columns (plus others for date stamp, device ID etc) however, I am concerned that a table with 200 boolean (1-bit) fields would be an enormous waste of space if each field takes maybe one to four bytes on the hard disk to store a single bit. However, this would have the advantage of make the SQL queries more natural.
The other alternative is to create a single 200 bit field and use lots of ANDing and ORing to isolate bits to do my queries. This would make my SQL code less readable and may also cause nore hassle in the future if the inputs changed, but it would make the file size smaller.
In essence I am asking (hoping) the following : If I create a table with 200 boolean fields, does SQL server express automatically optimise the storage to make it more compact? This means that the server can mess around at the bit level and leave my higher level SQL code looking cleaner and more logical.
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Nov 10, 2006
get this error from our web application every once in a while. " Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding". I email
myself when an error occurs, and once every 2-3 days I get this timeout
error emails, like 5-10 emails in a span of few minutes. Then it goes
away. I have set the command timeout for 60 secs.
doesn't happen from the same stored procedure, actually I have seen it
timeout from really simple 1 or 2 line stored procedures, which shouldn't normally take 1 sec. Its like
sql server just shuts down for few minutes. We have some
backups and maintenance jobs scheduled, but they run only after
midnight. I have checked the
application event viewer, there are no warnings or
error messages for MSSQLSERVER. Can
any one tell me how to check whats going on during that short timespan
when timeout error occurs, and what causes it? I don't want to run sql
profiler continuously for 2-3 days, I am afraid it will slow down the
server more. Thanks.
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Apr 8, 2008
I am getting an time out expired error while import dbf files to the database.. In this upload one file had 379 records.. and it inserts it into the few tables and then i get the above my event viewer.
Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
No Changes made to the Plan table.
Inserting records(s) in Plan table.
No Changes made to Plan table.
Updating changes to PlanStatementInfo.
Updated 1 record(s) in PlanStatementInfo.
Inserting new records into PlanStatementInfo.
No new records were added to PlanStatementInfo.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, String spName, Object[] parameterValues)
at icc.BaseClasses.DL.DLImportPlan.Import(Int32 ClientId, Int32 PeriodId, Int32 UserId) in C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsPlanStatementsImportDLDLImportPlan.cs:line 116
For more information, see Help and Support Center at 116 --this is where i am calling my sproc...
any help will will appreciated
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Sep 12, 2005
Hello,I have one application which is having written in & plain asp.I am having one button on asp page,when i will click on that button, then itwill execute one other asp page.And after the execution of that second asp page, I redirect it to someASPX page with some values.On the ASPX page, it will connect to the Database, and insert the values.Thus, sometime, the following error is occuring :"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."Main thing is that i am testing it on my local machine, then also it is giving me this error ...Insert into statement is also not much complicated :just I inserted three values in one table.Is this occuring due to the mixer of asp & aspx??Plz give me some proper solution.I want it in efficient manner, because this application will be accessed by number of users at the same time.Plz help me.Thanks,Sandy
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Feb 4, 2006
I'm trying to move my current use of an sql 2000 db to sql 2005.
I need to update a table definition (to change a field to an Identity)
I'm getting a dialog box (in SQL server management studio) on save saying :
'xxxx' table
- Saving Definition Changes to tables with large amounts of data could
take a considerable amount of time. While changes are being
saved, table data will not be accessible.
I press 'Yes' to the dialog box.
After 35 seconds, I get another dialog box saying:
'xxxx' table
- Unable to modify table.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Well, the server is responding and I can query that talbe and other, I
can add/delete rows to other columns. I can modify other
(smaller) tables.
Any ideas where I can change this timeout?
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May 19, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I have an ASP.Net webpage for uploading multiple files. The process is, when the client uploads files..using SQL queries I am inserting into a database1 and then calling a stored procedure to remove garbage data from database1 and insert this new data into a production database(Database2).
When the file size is aroung 6-7MB it executes fine....but when the size increases to 30 MB I can see the data in Database1 but only when the Stored procedure is called...after a minute or so, I get the following error in the analyser.
I a getting the following error:Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
No Changes made to the ClientPlan table.
Inserting records(s) in ClientPlan table.
No Changes made to ClientPlan table.
Updating changes to PlanStatementInfo.
Updated 1 record(s) in PlanStatementInfo.
Inserting new records into PlanStatementInfo.
No new records were added to PlanStatementInfo.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection connection, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, String spName, Object[] parameterValues)
at icc.BaseClasses.DL.DLImportPlan.Import(Int32 ClientId, Int32 PeriodId, Int32 UserId) in CDocuments and SettingskroslundMy DocumentskareniccPlanStatementsiccImportDLDLImportPlan.csline 116
Please help me.
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Apr 15, 2008
I would like to break a large table into multiple pages when previewing in the designer. Any ideas?
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Aug 17, 2007
Any idea of what this means?
My acknowledgement messages are getting stuck in sys.transmission_queue. In profiler, the message generated by the target server (the one sending the ack) is:
This message could not be delivered because it is a duplicate.
The result of the function GET_TRANSMISSION_STATUS is
An error occurred while receiving data: '121(The semaphore timeout period has expired.)'.
Each time I send a new mesage I get one record in sys.conversation_endpoints and two in sys.transmission_queue. The two records in the transmission_queue are the same except one has a NULL for the message body and is_end_of_dialog=1
If I try to clean out the queues they re-populate (I guess becasue the initiator keeps re-trying the message?)
I have double checked my routes back to the initiator and they seem correct (see below). In fact, a second server is using an identical route and it is working OK.
The only thing tricky on this machine is added a second message queue for a differnet kind of message, and it is replying to a different service broker instance. In other words, on server A, database "Production" sends a message to server B, database "Destination" and Server A, database "Schedule" also sends a message to server B, database "Destination".
In the respective return routes I have double checked the guid for the broker_instance.
The broker_instance value in each return route is right out of server A's sys.databses view:
name service_broker_guid
Production 3BE812A8-5212-45D2-8664-521F83689585
Schedule 86113D85-A594-4EAB-8460-3E459EE8F055
The return routes look like this:
CREATE ROUTE [SendReplyProduction] AUTHORIZATION [mssqlssb]
BROKER_INSTANCE = N'3BE812A8-5212-45D2-8664-521F83689585' ,
ADDRESS = N'TCP://Server_A:4022'
The above route should send the reply to the "Production" database on Server A
CREATE ROUTE [SendReplySchedule] AUTHORIZATION [mssqlssb]
BROKER_INSTANCE = N'86113D85-A594-4EAB-8460-3E459EE8F055' ,
ADDRESS = N'TCP://Server_A:4022'
The above route should send the reply to the "Schedule" database on Server A
Is this the correct way to do it? And can anyone tell me why I get the semaphore error?
For what it is worth, I am using Transport security only with windows authentication (both machines on the same domain and no certificates)
Thanks for any help!
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Aug 6, 2015
I want to make data changes in read_only database , that's why i must set database read_write. While database is at read_write mode, i want to be sure that no one makes change in database.
For this aim, i write the code below, but i suspect that after setting the database read_write, till the setting database
single_user ,is it possible get DML script from another user. Is the code below enough for this operation. Or is there another way?
Reminding: Read_only database can not be set single_user mode. That's why, first you must set database read_write.
The code;
use master
alter database xxx set read_write
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set single_user
with rollback immediate
use xxx
update tablexxx set columnxxx=yyy
use master
alter database xxx set read_only
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set multi_user
with rollback immediate
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Oct 26, 2015
I have a scenarios where if I execute select * from tbl it should display the all the records without waiting to release any lock. For example suppose I have one table called tbl and one session is updating one records and not committed yet and in other session if i execute select * from table I can see all the records, for that records it can show me older version. but my select statement should not wait to commit another session and also it should not show the modified data.
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Jul 9, 2006
I am not able to create connection string through vwd express for sql express database file n getting a error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
plz tell me where is the problem n how can i resolve it
Thanks n with regardsCN
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Jan 31, 2007
hi. i'm trying to make a report in asp that sums up a whole bunch of statistics. the report is quite lengthy and takes about 2 minutes to load. i thought i would solve that problem by making a table to dump the statistics into instead of calculating the statistics every time the report is viewed. this way, the page would just read the table with the statistics already put in it. these statistics would be updated every day or two so i don't need anything up to the minute.however, i have run into a small problem which is actually updating the information in the table. my new table is called OfficeReport and it looks like this:UserID Stat1 Stat2 Stat3 ...... Stat3223 0 0 0 056 0 0 0 072 0 0 0 0this is a query for one of the statistics i am currently using:SELECT DefendantCase.UserID, COUNT(DefendantCase.UserID) AS CountOfUserID FROM DefendantCase LEFT JOIN UserDescription ON DefendantCase.UserID=UserDescription.UserID WHERE UserDescription.Status=1 AND UserDescription.UserType=1GROUP BY DefendantCase.UserIDif i run this query, this is what i get:UserID CountOfUserID54 2160 1052 294 427 22how can i modify this query so its output updates the same UserID column in the OfficeReport table? Thanks!
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Feb 10, 2004
I have a Query named qryQuery1 from which I would like to make a Table named tblTable1. I need to do this within a VBA Microsoft Access module.
Can anyone help me with the proper code?
Thank you for any help.
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Apr 3, 2006
I need to make a backup of a table so that if I mess it up I can put the data back to where I started...
I am going to insert some new rows and update values in some existing rows. So before I do this and find out I messed it do I make a copy of Table A as Table B?
I would actually like to make a copy to table B, then run my changes into B, make sure all is correct, and then transfer the revised data from B over to table A replacing its data. What approach would be best here to accomplish this?
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Sep 24, 2004
Hi Guys,
I have a requirement as follows:->
I have a table like below
********** ****
I wanted to create another table based on the column values. For eg: I have to take the employee id and check for what value he has under owns column in the table. I take only 3 values and then these values should go to the newly created columns (owns1, owns2,owns3).
if there is no value for any of these columns it should have null values loaded in them.
The result of the modification should look like this:->
*********** ***** ***** *
Note: eventhough employeeid 3 owns more than 3 things we only take 3 of what he owns and populate to above coloumns.
In addition to it, the column OWNS will have more than 500 different values in them.
Its kind of urgent and if anyone knows how to , Can you please help me on this.
Thanks a lot.
-- Ragulan
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Aug 23, 2007
I have a huge question, it's for my job im doing now. I have a table with the name TWO.dbo.SVC06105. I want to be able to take the word "TWO" and put that into a variable. I know this doesn't look correct, but I want to be able to do something like this:
I know the SELECT statement isn't correct, but I hope that you guys understand what i'm trying to do through this example. BTW, I am new to this team so nice to meet you all. L8er
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Dec 28, 2007
here is my code int a = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProductID"]);
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand("myStoredProcedure", conn);
command4.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
DbParameter param2 = command4.CreateParameter();
param2.ParameterName = "@ProductID";
param2.DbType = DbType.Int32;
param2.Value = a;
param2 = command4.CreateParameter();
param2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
param2.ParameterName = "@UserName";
param2.DbType = DbType.String;
Label3.Text = command4.Parameters["@UserName"].Value.ToString();
}Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.Line 48:
Line 49: conn.Open();
Line 50: command4.ExecuteReader();
Line 51: conn.Close();
and here is my stored procedure ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.myStoredProcedure
(@ProductID int,
@UserName varchar(255) OUTPUT)
SET @UserName = (SELECT UserId FROM Products WHERE ProductID = @ProductID)
what is wrong? i never seen that error and i don't know from where could it came from
please help me,
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Jan 8, 2015
How can I count the rows when I make new table. Here is my code:
WHERE TO_CHAR(HIRE_DATE, 'Day') = 'Monday'
Here is the table: [URL] ....
I have 10 rows, so I would like under NUM_EMPLOYEES to be displayed 10 on each row.
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May 14, 2007
OLEDB transaction is making difference in my migrated application powerbuilder 10.5 which has new oledb driver which is replaced by MSS driver in previous Powerbuilder version.
1.)I am facing the below error on update/save this was not faced during my previous versino drive MSS in powerbuilder.This is oocure only after the change to oledb driver.
"Row change between retrieve and update.".
in front end of my application the error is poped as
"(STD1007) This row has been modified by another user. Save is canceled! ".
Please help to resolve this error.
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May 12, 2006
We have a legacy database whose data needs to be included in our yet-to-be-built sql 2005 data warehouse. Some of the tables don€™t have any natural candidates for a primary key. (Of course, we also need to add other data to the mix.)
Suppose we load the empty warehouse initially. In following loads we don€™t want to include those records that haven€™t changed from the first load (€œduplicates€?) but we also don€™t want to delete the contents of the entire warehouse because of the load time. Any ideas/best practices how to handle €œincremental updates€? to a warehouse would be appreciated.
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Jul 26, 2007
Hello and thanks in advance.
I was wondering if anyone has ever written a chart with multiple datasets.
I need to be able to show sales dollars inflow by order date on one line and on the other needs to be sales dollars delivered by delivery date. So the all sections Values, Category groups, and Series Groups in the chart will be from 2 different datasets.
I have tried but it will not allow aggreates in the series groups.
Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Leo
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Apr 15, 2008
I found unpleasant issue within RS:
1. Imagine RS report with Table(with interactive sorting) whose visibility is toggled by Textbox:
2. After sorting the Table the Textbox is getting collapsed making the Table invisible. But the Table should remain visible.
Is this MS bug? Are there workarounds?
If my question is not understandable I can send simple *.rdl report with sample.
Thank you in advance for help.
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