Manually Triggering Subcriptions

Feb 24, 2007

Is there a way to do this? It would be useful to test whether a subsciption works. At the moment I am setting the scheduled time a few minutes ahead and waiting for the report to run.

Subsciptions are also a convenient way to store different parameter settings for a report.

My preference would be to to do this through the Report Server UI (presumably from the subscriptions tab).

Alernatively, being able to call a report (with paramters) from a stored procedure woukd be useful.


Dick Campbell

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Triggering To Another Server

Jan 12, 2007

Is it possible to set up a trigger on a table on one Sql Server that will trigger an event on another SQL Server on a different box? I have never done this before, so I was wondering if it is possible and how to go about it.

Thank you


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Triggering Replication

Dec 12, 2007

can anyone help me with triggering repliation from a stored procedure??
i'd like to know how to execute the replication using a stored procedure..

thanks a lot!!! appreciate it.

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Triggering A Report

May 22, 2007

Is there a way to trigger a report to run and the be stored as a snapshot? We have a Reporting Build process that stores aggregate values into a summary table, however this stored proc takes a couple of hours to run. What we would like is to have a report run immediately after the stored procedure is complete and then the reports be able to be viewed on-demand, but already run and stored in the Report Server

Not know much about the SQL part of it, is this possible?

Thanks for the information.

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Error In Mail Triggering

Jun 12, 2008

hi friends....  i had a problem with sending mail using trigger when Update data from a table. Procedure is executed successfully. but when i update record from a particular table. I had a following error   xp_sendmail: Either there is no default mail client or the current mail

client cannot fulfill the messaging request.    Please run Microsoft Outlook

and set it as the default mail client.   (0 row(s) affected)

                 Can any one explain what's my problem and give me a solution for this.

it's Urgent !!!!!!!

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Triggering On Date And Time?

Mar 11, 2006

If I am creating an auction site and I want the auction to absolutely close on a certain date is there a way in SQL I can trigger to change the status of the auction to close?

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Triggering Report Subscription

Dec 21, 2006

Is there a way to trigger a Subscription from DTS?

or is there a another way to do the following:

I have a Subscription that creates a pdf file on our server. I want to archive the existing file before I create the new one.

I was thinking of using a DTS package to copy the file then trigger the report.

But, I'm open to other solutions...Thanks in advance!!!

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Triggering SSIS Packages

Feb 20, 2006

I am currently building an ASP.Net web app and implementing SQL Server 2005 for a project. I was relying somewhat on kicking off SSIS packages from the web app, but I am not really sure how to do this.

If anyone could help me out, I would really appreciate it.

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Automatically Triggering The Run Of SSIS Pkg

Dec 31, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Is there any way to trigger the run of SSIS packages automatically each time an update comes from the source, and not schedule it for a constant interval of time.
The scenario is the enduser updates or adds data from the infopath forms. for that particular data he wanted to generate the report instantaneously. so we need to run the SSIS packages instantaneously when there is any update from source data. for this, is there any feature in SSIS that it can recognize the updates from source data like the proactive caching in SSAS.

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Triggering A Report On Sql Statement

Aug 17, 2007

is it possible to trigger the sending of a report upon the results of a sqlstatement

i.e my statement brings back 10 different e-mails can i trigger a report to be sent to these e-mails.
next day my report brings back 5 different e-mails can i trigger a report to be sent to these e-mails and not the others

cheers for your help

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Triggering Stored Prcs On The First Day Of Every Month

Mar 8, 2002

I would like to have stored procedures run on the first of every month. What would be the best way to do this?

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Triggering A Subscription In Reporting Services

Dec 8, 2006

I've read through several threads concerning the triggering of a subscription in RS by the use of a FireEvent. I have made this work using the following...

C:> rs.exe -i MyScriptFile.rss -s "MyReportServer/ReportServer"

where MyScriptFile contains the subscription/schedule ids. This works if I am signed on to the ReportServer C:> drive and execute the command line.

What I need to do is create a trigger based on data changing in an SQL database on one server and execute this line of code on the ReportServer on another server.

Do I need to use a stored procedure, extended stored procedure, or WHAT???? to execute this command?

Thanks! Wanda

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Triggering Syncronize In Merge (or Other) Replication In MS SQL 2000

Jan 11, 2004

Hi All,

My question is regarding syncronization between two databases in MS SQL Server. If we wanted to do MERGE REPLICATION then we can set up pulishers and subscribers using the PS/SQL script (stored procedures) without having to use Enterprise Manager gui tools. I see that after you set all the publishers, distributors and subscribers and you want to start syncronization explicitly the only way you could do is go to Enterprise Manager and find the Publishing/Subscribing Items and right click on them and choost "Start Syncronization" (Sorry I have omitted the nitty-gritty details about how to find those Publishing/Subscribing items in Enterprise Manager).

I am wondering whether we could trigger the start of syncronization using any system stored procedures or without using Enterprise Manager.

Please let me know if you have any idea about it.

I will highly appreciate your response.


Niben Singh

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Where Else Could An Event Be Triggering An Automated SQL Profiler Trace

Sep 13, 2007

I have discovered trace output in MSSQLDATAMSSQL.1MSSQLLOG that I have not kicked off. It is at various times and limited to 20MB. So that tells me a server event is kicking off a pre-defined trace. The trace contains mostly hash warnings and sort warnings.
I have looked through my Agent Jobs, Agent Alerts, and perfmon and don't find anything that is set up to kick off a trace under a specified condition.
I have checked the job activity, SQL error logs, SQL server logs, and the server's event viewer for any odd events or event times that correlate with the times of the traces.
I have checked each database's sys.sql_modules for a definition containing '%sp_trace%'.
Where else can I check to find what would be triggering these traces?

Our app logins don't have permissions high enough to run traces, I verified:

You do not have permission to run 'SP_TRACE_CREATE'

I am the DBA, not a .NET programmer -- so I am lacking experience if there's anything on the .NET side.

This is SQL 2005 64-bit running active/passive on a Win2003 clustered pair.

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Triggering SSRS Report From Command Prompt

Dec 17, 2007


We have requirement where we need to run the SSRS report from Command Prompt. We are using Control + M, which is a scheduler runs only from DOS prompt.

Can anyone help us to know the procedure of doing this.


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Time Out In Triggering A Sqlclr Stored Procedure

Jul 18, 2007


I have a sqlclr stored procedure that works well if started via execute in SSMS. (The stored procedures makes a SSRS web service call.) When I install a trigger on a database table to execute the stored procedure

create trigger NewWdsStatsEntry on dbo.WDSSTATS after insert
as execute UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot N'http://localhost/ReportServer/reportservice2005.asmx', N'/Report1';

and add something to the table, I get the following error:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot":
System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpWebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at UserProcedures.ReportService2005.ReportingService2005.UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot(String Report)
at StoredProcedures.UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot(String url, String reportPath)
The statement has been terminated.

The insert times out after 100 seconds and no row has been added to the table, but the web service call actually created a new report! Any idea why the trigger can't execute the stored procedure?


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Triggering SSIS Package Based On A File Existence

Apr 29, 2008

I am trying to trigger SSIS package if a file is present in a folder, can I use any of the SSIS tasks in doing that??

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Trigger With Exec Statement Blocking Execution Of Triggering Cmd?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a trigger on a table. I am trying to dynamically log thechanged fields on the table to another table, so I am iteratingthrough the bits in COLUMNS_UPDATED() to find what's changed, andgetting the column name programatically. This is all working fine.If I do a regular insert command in my trigger then everything worksfine. However, since I want to retrieve data from the column namewhich I got programatically from the inserted and deleted tables (toget the old and new values) I wanted to do something like this:insert into auditTransactionLog (TableName,PrimaryKeyId,ColumnName,OldValue, NewValue, ActionType) EXEC( 'SELECT(''cmContactInfo''), I.contactID,'''+ @colname+''', D.'+@colname+',I.'+@colname+', '+@action+' FROM inserted I INNER JOIN Deleted D onI.ContactId = D.ContactId')The presence of this line of code appears to be preventing theupdating of the table with the trigger. Is there some reason why Ican't do the EXEC in the trigger? If I did it without EXEC it worksfine but I have no idea of getting at the D. and I. @colname columnsotherwise.Thanks for any help!Rebecca

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Triggering SSIS Package Based On A File Existence

Apr 29, 2008

I am trying to trigger SSIS package if a file is present in a folder, can I use any of the SSIS tasks in doing that??

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How To Run Sql Log Shipping Manually

Nov 29, 2006

Hi everyone
In my project, sometimes, I need to run log shipping manually rather that it runs automally when the schedule occured.
manually run log shipping means call the log shipping in code.

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Autoincrement Manually

Jun 24, 2008

Hi All,

This may sound quite easy for you, however I am a newbie in SQL.

So I have an identity field, which I wish to increment automatically every time I do an insert. However the starting integer has to be the MAX value from another table.

So for example I am doing an insert in a #temp table
INSERT INTO #temp(name, surname)
SELECT name, surname from table1

Now the personId of the #temp table has to start from the MAX of table2
Ie SELECT MAX(personId) from table2

The SELECT MAX(personId) from table2 can also be NULL, ie the first time I am inserting, so I also have to cater for this scenario.

can anyone help?



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How To Install Sql Files Manually?

Jan 13, 2004

I am new to the ASP.NET and SQL scene.
How do you run a sql script manually?

I have MSDE SP3 installed and running. I am having a problem with the localhost setup for some of the kits and need to run the scripts manually.

Any help would be great, including helpfull learning resources.

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Access Table Manually

Jul 24, 2005

I have a UDF that splits a string based on a delimiter.The UDF returns a table of records:1- ID2- ValueThe string I am sending to split is:'2-4-07:00 AM-08:30 AM'I am splitting on '-'What I get back is a table of 4 rows.I want to get each value, convert it to the right data type, then assign it to its own variable.How can I get each row alone manually? Can I? Without using Cursors?if I do a "select * from Split(@myData,'-')", then I cannot retrieve each field alone,Thank you.

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Cant Manually Grow Database

Jan 24, 2003

IBM Netfinity 8500
2 processors Xeon 700
1,5 Gb memory
Windows 2000 Server SP2 Build 2195
SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition 8.00.534 SP2
There is only on Database (DB) of 16 Gb in drive G.
Drive G has 32 Gb space free.
Yesterday we appended tables to the database and in SQL logs appears the next error:

2003-01-23 12:26:42.57 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2.
2003-01-23 12:26:42.61 spid101 Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2
2003-01-23 12:26:42.61 spid101 Could not allocate space for object 'ttdssc030104' in database 'MYDATABASE' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full..
2003-01-23 12:26:48.03 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2.

DB configured to grow automatically by 100 Mb and transaction log Automatically grow in 10% .
Unrestricted file grow selected on both.

I try to expand the DB manually by Enterprise Manager to 20 Gb but not work and in SQL log appears the error

"2003-01-23 12:26:48.03 spid101 fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2."

In Enterprise Manager-Databases-Properties-General-Size of DB maintain 16Gb.
Windows explorer say MYDATABASE.MDB is 20480 MB.

I delete the tables inserted and the problem persist.

Thanks in advance,

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Manually Insert Query

Apr 9, 2015

I am getting 228 rows once I manually inserted the value for the ct.code in test region. I would like to insert into other regions using the SQL, how can I do that ?

select distinct,
cv3ordercatalogmasteritem ocmi
join CV3CatalogClassTypeValue ctv on ctv.CatalogMasterGUID = ocmi.guid
join CV3ClassType ct on ct.guid = ctv.ClassTypeGUID


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Check Point Manually

May 8, 2007

Dear Experts,
please guide me, how can i run checkpoint manually?
and how can i make it done automatically? what is sql server default?

is it a problem (making the checkpoint to run more times)?


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Manually Triggered Replication?

Aug 8, 2007

I've been studying/experimenting with the replication features and though the Updating Susbcribers Replication Model was the answer to my data environment.

What we want: We have a live server (Publisher) that'll serve content to our users, but we want an "offline/data entry" server (Subscriber) that'll pretty much have the exact same data as the live server for data entry and validation purposes. Changes and inserts would be done on the Subscriber locally, vetted through, and once done, it'd be updated to the Publisher.

I've managed to get some semblance of the above working, but the updates are nearly instantaneous. Which means that changes/inserts that may be erroneous on the subscriber machine would almost always be seen on the publisher machine before our operations can do anything about it.

Is there a way to configure the replication process to hold off until the admin triggers it? Or am I using the wrong feature?

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How To Remove MSDE Manually?

Sep 27, 2005

Please help me to clean a Windows 2000 Pro instance which is "dirty"with the MSDE 7.0 and/or/both MSDE 8.0 previously incorrectinstalled/removed.I have a software product installation containing MSDE 7.0. When I triedto install MSDE 7.0 I got an error "You have installed MSDE".*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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SCD - Must Change SQL Command Manually

May 30, 2007

Hi all

I'm trying to use the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation and it seems that in order to get the transformation to work as expected the custom property "sql command" has to be manually changed so that a "RTrim" function is applied to all string columns referenced. As an example consider this:

SELECT Initials, Department_Name from dimEmployee

has to be changed to

Select RTrim(Initials) as Initials, RTrim(Department_Name) as Department_Name from dimEmployee

where Initials is the "bussines key" and "department_name" a historic attribute.

Is this the normal behaviour ??

Regards, Steen

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Incrementing Rows Manually

Aug 28, 2007


I have a table

Code Snippet

Now everytime a new customer is created, i allocate the deskno. The logic I use is

Code Snippet
create proc spoc_incrementdesk
DECLARE @deskno int

select @deskno = (SELECT max(deskno) from customerdetail)

Insert into customers(1,'rick',1,23232,@deskno)

If there are already records present in the customer table, it works well. However if the very first record is getting inserted it inserts null in the deskno because when no records are present (max(deskno) = null).

At time time of insertion, how do i check if @deskno = null and allot it 1.


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How To Run A Report Subscription Manually?

Mar 13, 2008

I have a report scheduled for email delivery at a certain time of the day. Is there a way I can execute the subscription ON DEMAND so that when ever I execute it, the report is processed and emailed? Is there a way to run the subscription from a batch file/ssis/tsql etc?

any help appreciated.


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Time To Manually Failover?

Mar 8, 2007

When I force Mirroring to fail over while watching the Mirroring Monitor I notice something interesting. Before I failover, the servers are synchronized and there is zero unsent log and zero unrestored log. When I failover, the mirror changes to "restoring", stays there for about four minutes, switches to "Principal, restoring", and then the unsent log and unrestored log numbers jump to values in the tens of megabytes, and we spend time restoring.

We wait about five minutes between requesting the failover and having the servers back up again, answering requests.

Why does failover take so long? We've been thinking that failover shouludn't take so long because the servers think they're synched. What causes the log spooling spike? Is the state refelcted by the mirroring monitor inaccurate?

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Manually Change Report

Apr 24, 2007


I use Reporting Services in my solution. The data i have as source is very uncertain. Sometimes i manually have to delete a record from the report (not the database itself). I woluld like to have a checkbox or something simular to delete from report and totals, grafs would be updated. At the same time I would like the report to make a comment that a record was taken away, alternative let the user make a comment. Is this possible? DO i have to make a own application for that?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,


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