Manually Increment Values Of ID Field
Nov 4, 2014
declare @kk int
set @kk=0
insert into tblSSAppsOrgEntityToEmployerMapDiffer
[Code] ...
In above example Id is PK for Differ tbl and Temp tbl not having field related to this. thats why i have to take and increment that Id value manually.... but like above way i m getting error ..........
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Oct 2, 2006
Using Server Explorer in VB 2005, I am manually entering data in a table in a SQL Server 2005 Express database that includes a DateTime field. I have tried every conceivable format, but no matter what I try get one of these 2 errors:
1. String was not recognized as valid DateTime
2. Operand type class; text incompatible with DateTime
I have Googled this to death, but no example which involves trying to enter the data manually, say from Server Explorer.
Formats tried include all datetime formats (mmddyy, yymmdd, using dashes or slashes, enclosing in single quotes or pound signs).
I would appreciate if someone could please give me an example that I can literally insert without error.
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May 2, 2006
Dear Freinds..
I want to protect a field in a table...i want to restrict users to update the value in that manually logging into that can be updated only through the application...if any body manually update the field has to be captured in log with old it possible to do this sql server...if any of u says yes 'its possible' then :beer: other wise :eek:
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Oct 26, 2007
I have FeaturedClassifiedsCount field, which I would like to update each time record is selected. How do I do it in stored procedure on SQL 2005?
This is my existing code:alter PROCEDURE dbo.SP_FeaturedClassifieds
@PageIndex INT,
@NumRows INT,
@FeaturedClassifiedsCount INT OUTPUT
select @FeaturedClassifiedsCount = (Select Count(*) From classifieds_Ads Where AdStatus=100 And Adlevel=50 )
Declare @startRowIndex INT;
Set @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;
With FeaturedClassifieds as (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order By FeaturedDisplayedCount * (1-(Weight-1)/100) ASC) as
Row, Id, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCountFrom
WhereAdStatus=100 And AdLevel=50
SelectId, PreviewImageId, Title, DateCreated, FeaturedDisplayedCount
Row between@startRowIndex And @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
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Nov 15, 2007
HiI have a field containing numbers. I want to do some simple arithmetics with it, say value=value+1 or value=value-1 or or even value+2. What is to be done, is fixed at design time. I think this could be done by loading the row or record to my program and doing the calculations there. And then storing the record back. But this seems too complicated.Is there a single query doing that in data table.
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Nov 27, 2007
I have one Auto increment field in the table.
I have a problem that suppose I have 10 Records in the table, Now If someone delete record no 3 and 5 then it has 8 records.
But The field will give 11 no to new record I want it first fill 3 and 5 then give 11 to the new record.
Is it possible with the auto increment field in sql server 2005.
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Apr 5, 2008
Im building a site within Visual Studio 2005 and im using the SQL database system it provides. I currently have a number of tables each with a primary key that is set to the 'int' field type and also set to auto increment 1, 2, 3 etc etc. My question is it there a way to make this field increment automatically, providing a unique value but also automatically placing a couple of pre-defined letters before the number? Obviously it can't be an 'int' anymore because it'll be holding something like MEM1, MEM2 etc. Is there a way to do this is Visual Studio?
Many Thanks!
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Sep 25, 2015
I have to increment sequential values for the following:
Current Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
13.456.789 0002 43
Updated Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
12.345.678 0002 32
12.345.678 0003 32
13.456.789 0002 43
13.456.789 0003 43
13.456.789 0004 43
What I need is: Increment up to 3 times the values in Col2. Need to identify the first number in Col2 and increase the number up to 3.
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Oct 8, 2006
I was just wondering on a very simple database table with lets say a primary key set to columb ID and another columb lets say products, can you make the primary key automaticly increment its self whenever a new entry has been put in?For instance say I have this table set up with ID Being the primary KEY, Columb 1 = ID( INT ), Columb 2 = Products ( VarChar(50) ), and have the fields ID = 1, and products = my product.....and if a user inserts a new record say from a gridview or some sort of data entry the second ID Feild will automaticly be 2 and the products gets updated per user input.......I'm very sorry but I'm having a hard time putting this into words for some reason..umm basicly user adds something into the products feild and the ID field automaticly increments one number higher from the last one?ThanksAdam.
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Mar 3, 2006
can anyone help me with this query string?
String SQL = "INSERT Employee(Employee ID, UserName, JobRole, Department, Level, Email)(SELECT max(EmployeeID) + 1 FROM Employee) AS Employee ID, VALUES(EmployeeID, '" + newUserName + "', '" + newJobRole + "', '" + newDept + "', '" + newLevel + "', '" + newEmail + "')";
I am trying to insert values into a table, but i have an Employee ID field, which needs incrementing. How can i do this through my SQL query string? Is this possible? As it can't accept a NULL value.
Thanks, Sandy
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Apr 25, 2008
Hi All,
I am trying to write a query that takes the max recordID on table A, and increment it by 1 for every record that is inserted into table A. The recordID field does not identity field property turned on.
Can you give me some help in getting this done? Is what I am trying to do even possible?
Thanks in Advance for your help.
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Nov 11, 2006
Greetings all,
I have a bit of brainteaser that's going to take some serious thought.
I'm importing information from .xls files into a SQL table. The problem is I need to check for dupes and increment certain fields on success of dupe find and then not insert or delete the dupes.
For example, if I have Adam, Turner, 32, 50 already in the table and someone tries to insert Adam, Turner, 32, 50...I need it to increment to read Adam, Turner, 64, 100 and not insert the record. (Notice 2 fields were incremented.)
With that, I have created an INSERT trigger as follows:
ALTER Trigger [dbo].[trgInsertCheck]
ON [dbo].[MyTable]
EXEC sp_UpdateDupes
EXEC sp_DeleteDupes
The first stored procedure checks for dupes and updates if any dupes are found as follows:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[sp_UpdateDupes] AS
DECLARE @FirstName varchar(20), @LastName varchar(20), @Age int, @Widgets int
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Widgets
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY FirstName, LastName, Age, Widgets
INTO @FirstName, @LastName, @Age, @Widgets
UPDATE MyTable set Widgets = Widgets + @Widgets, Age = Age + @Age
WHERE FirstName = @FirstName AND LastName = @LastName
INTO @FirstName, @LastName, @Age, @Widgets
Lastly, it finds all dupes, deletes them and inserts one row back in as follows:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[sp_DeleteDupes] AS
DECLARE @FirstName varchar(20), @LastName varchar(20), @Age int, @Widgets int --declare all fields in table
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Widgets
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY FirstName, LastName, Age, Widgets
INTO @FirstName, @LastName, @Age, @Widgets
--Delete all dupes...the cursor remembers the current record
WHERE FirstName IN (SELECT FirstName FROM MyTable GROUP BY FirstName HAVING COUNT(FirstName) > 1)
AND LastName IN (SELECT LastName FROM MyTable GROUP BY LastName HAVING COUNT(LastName) > 1)
AND Widgets IN (SELECT Widgets FROM MyTable GROUP BY Widgets HAVING COUNT(Widgets) > 1)
--insert the current record back into the table
INSERT INTO MyTable(FirstName, LastName, Age, Widgets) VALUES(@FirstName, @LastName, @Age, @Widgets)
INTO @FirstName, @LastName, @Age, @Widgets
Is there an easier way to do this?
(I know Age doesn't make much sense in this example but just replace it with a field would logically be incremented such as wadgets.)
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Sep 25, 2015
I have to increment sequencial values for the following:
Current Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
13.456.789 0002 43
Updated Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
12.345.678 0002 32
12.345.678 0003 32
13.456.789 0002 43
13.456.789 0003 43
13.456.789 0004 43
What I need is: Increment up to 3 times the values in Col2. Need to identify the first number in Col2 and increase the number up to 3.
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Apr 17, 2007
Here's a portion of the current statement.
UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas
SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,
numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,
numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,
numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,
numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,
bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = 0,
bControlRiskIsAffirmed = 0,
bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = 0,
bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = 0,
bCommentsIsAffirmed = 0
FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK) ...
And what I need is to conditionalize the values of the "IsAffirmed" fields by looking at their corresponding "num" fields. Something like this (which doesn't work).
UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas
SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,
numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,
numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,
numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,
numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,
bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = (numInherentRiskID IS NULL),
bControlRiskIsAffirmed = (numControlRiskID IS NULL),
bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = (numCombinedRiskID IS NULL),
bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = (numApproachTypeID IS NULL),
bCommentsIsAffirmed = (parent.txtComments IS NULL)
FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK)
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May 28, 2015
I want to update a field and in this field insert a increment count, for example:
When I make, "Select * from Users order by User" displays:
User1 | NULL
User1 | NULL
User1 | NULL
User2 | NULL
User2 | NULL
and I want to do this:
User1 | 1
User1 | 2
User1 | 3
User2 | 1
User2 | 2
how to do this?
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Feb 13, 2008
I'm starting out with Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server CE and have come unstuck at the first hurdle.
I have performed the below simple steps:
1. I have created a table with an identity field in it. The identify increment is a positive value (1). This works fine and I can populate data to the table directly.
2. I drag the table adapter from the dataset to a form to create a datagrid form.
When I run this form, the field for the identify column populates with negative values and when I go to save the record the application errors.
Note: this only happens with SQL Server CE. I do exactly the same with a server based db and get positive increments via the form.
The simple-ugly solution is to just set a negative increment in the table to match what is going on via the form, but this strikes me as a cop out. It is most likely that I am overlooking something obvious and I would be very appreciative if someone could point me in the right direction.
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Dec 11, 2007
I Have a table that needs to have 2 unique number.
detail_id and detail_print_id.
detail_id is already an IDENTITY.
both fields need to be different, because when importing, it imports the same data into a table twice, with only a slight data change (and id is not one of the changes).
So I thought i could do the following:
detail_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,2),
detail_print_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(2,2),
--blah blah
that way, the detail_id will always be odd, and the detail_print_id will always be even. however SQL Server 2005 only allows 1 identity per table, and both these fields need to be auto generated when the field is inserted, so as to prevent double data.
is there anyway I can create a int column to auto increment, without the column being an IDENTITY??
also, I would prefer to not have to create a second table with a single column just for this work.
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Jan 23, 2004
I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?
Thanks, Justin.
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Dec 22, 2005
I have added a sqldatasource to my form. I want to programmatically get field values directly from this control without adding a databound control such as gridview and then get values from the gridview.
Is this perphaps not the best way to use sqldatasource? Maybe it is meant to be used together with a databound control?
In that case what and how should I code it? Example please
/regards J
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Mar 25, 1999
hello all,
is there any way to set a sql field to accept more than 255 characters... much like other dbs that have a memo field???
I have a ten field table (sql 6.5) and one of the fields has to hold a product description that is pretty long. Any way to do it?
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Sep 8, 2005
I have a table "abc" with there fields of same data type 'x','y','z'.
'x' is the primary key for the table 'abc', what I supposed to do is to copy the values under field 'y' to field 'z' irrespective of the values already with 'z'.
look forward for your help
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Mar 15, 2006
Hi,In oracle I have a LAG function using which I could get the previousvalue of a field.Do we have anything similar to that in SQL Server or access?ThanksDevi
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Nov 16, 2015
I can not modify DDL of the table, so creating a trigger etc is not an option. This is my syntax that I am using, and each #Testing.abcd has different possible options.
For example, when #Testing.abcd = Test1 then #Data.field2
okay values are 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe', but for #Testing.abcd = Test3 then #Data.field2 okay values are 'Follow-Up', 'Contact Requested'
How can I set-up "acceptable values" for one field, but different based off abcd in my syntax?
Declare abcd varchar(100), @sql varchar(1000)
Create Table #Testing (abcd varchar(100), efgh varchar(500)
Insert Into #Testing Values
('Test1', 'zzz'),
('Test2', 'xxx'),
[Code] ....
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Aug 24, 2007
In Microsft Access you can use the value of fields in calculations eg, txtbox_demand_value * qty - is this possible in Reporting Services????
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Oct 9, 2007
I am trying to replace field values in SSIS. For exapmle, I have 'unkown' and 'N/A', and a few other values that mean the same thing, and I want to give all these fields the same value. I have not been able to find a tool in the toolbox to make this type of change. Is there one? And, if there is, do you know a link to a page explaining its use?
The closest I have come is the Derived column String Transformation:Replace. But, I have not been able to get this to do what I want. If you know of a good reference explaining this tool's use I'd appreciate it.
thanks much,
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Jul 24, 2006
i can't believe my situation is unique, but my searches for answers have proven fruitless, so please bear with me.i have a date field in my database, and have previously used a simple textbox to allow users to insert a date. i want to make this a little step a little nicer, however, and have added a dropdown for the month, a textbox for the date (i'm not "good" enough to dynamically change this around for a dropdown list), and a dropdown list for the next few years.what "insert" statement would allow me to accomplish this? what i currently have doesn't blow up, but neither does it actually insert anything. here's my statment:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsVersion" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DB %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Version] ([Major], [Minor], [Sub], [Rev], [Date]) VALUES (@Major, @Minor, @Sub, @Rev, @Month + '-' + @Day + '-' + @Year)"> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="Major" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Minor" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Sub" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Rev" Type="Int32" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlMonths" Name="Month" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbDate" Name="Day" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlYears" Name="Year" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /> </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
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Apr 1, 2008
Hello Experts,
Been struggling with this issue all morning and beginning to get a headache. Essentialy my problem is this. I have a gridview control that ive bound to datasource where the select statement is using an inner join to retrieve textual info from one table in refernce to an object_id contained within both. i.e
<SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter Name="fieldName" QueryStringField="value" Type="String" />
My problem is that this returns individual row results and are displayed on individual lines. Where the object_id is the same i want all the textual info to be displayed within the same row.
Does anyone know how i can accomplish this?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 2, 2004
Hi, I want to INSERT INTO [Table] ([Field]) VALUES('I Have a ' in value')
please teach me how to
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Mar 13, 2006
I need to do a SQL query based on the two biggest values of a field. PLS , what s the SQL syntax : select * from Table where PRICE ......Ex: if the values of the field PRICE are : 50, 40, 100, 30 and 150.The request should select the rows that have Price equal 100 or 120Thanks a lot for help
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May 20, 2000
To All,
I have a table [multiple entries over the web] where the identity field values do not appear in order using a simple SELECT [no ORDER BY]. Why?
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May 9, 2000
Can some one please tell me how to update a field in a table with multiple
values for each of the values in the other fields?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 1, 2007
I am importing an Access .mdb file into MS SQL server, and empty fields where the default value is "", change into NULL. This is a problem when I re-export a result set and have to apply a procedure to clean these values. Is there a way to eliminate this? . . . . and what have I missed?
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Sep 16, 2012
I am trying to get the minimum and maximum values from a field in SQL Server 2008 Express, but I cannot even get started because I keep getting this error that I cannot figure out.
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