I need to allow for many addresses in my database for each client that is entered. I'm looking for suggestions on how I should handle this. I will need to do mailings to the clients and will need a way to select the address record that the client indicates as the mailing place.
what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.
I also want to update some users using a different text file.
I am developing a website in visual stadio 2005 and i use vb as a programming language. I use image button control to show advertisemet in the website. i need to link advertisement to others website URL. The URLs are sql driven( I stored them in SQL database). what should i to do? Please help me. Thanks
I'm trying to connect to a local instance of SQL Server using an IP address and its not working. When I looked up the connect string, it shows only the IP address replacing the Server name, not the instance name, i.e. Server= - how does it know which instance to use? Can I use the loopback address for the server (as its on a local machine)? Do I have to use 'Network Library = DBMSSOCN' to tell the client to use TCP/IP? (TCP/IP is showing as an enabled protocol in the Client Network Utility)
A quick question for you all, We will be changing the IP address of our SQL 7's server sometime next week. Does any1 know of any issues/problems that could occur if we do so?
I got got a pile of bad email addresses to update in our SQL database.I know how to do this for individual records using the update command.Is there a way to execute an update using the list of addresses in anexcel spreadsheet or some other form of list? This kind of scriptingis new territory for me.
I want to replicate between 2 servers not on the same network. One has to be addressed by IP. Currently replication does not support IPs - anyone have a workaround. Will this be resolved in the future? Seems this is a pretty common scenario if your db is on a hosted site.
I hope someone can help me with this problem. I need to replicate some tables from our store servers to our corporate server. All of them are 6.5, and the corporate server will subscribe and the stores will publish. I have registered all of our stores on the corporate server so that I can enable them for replication.
The problem is that to be able to register them I had to create a system DSN for ODBC, but that would only work if I used the IP addresses. Unfortunately, then when I try to enable them on the corporate server I get an error stating that name (which is the IP address) is not a valid object identifier.
In ODBC I did actually use a real name (not an IP) for the name, a normal description, and the IP is in the Server field. Is there some way to use an alias? What am I doing wrong?
Below is a raw data with SQL script to create the temp table. This table is a scale down version of what I am working with. I am taking the addresses from several different sources and putting them in a temp table. Now, I need to remove the duplicate addresses for each ID. Duplicate addresses are okay for different IDs.
Raw Data IDAddr1 CityStateZip 26205 N Main STChicagoIL52147 26205 N Main STChicagoIL52147 2685 Park AveChicagoIL52147 3535 Main StAustinTX78715 35976 Ponco StDallasTX79757 359587 MopacAustinTX78715 4558741 Len LnDaytonFL74717 455518 Spring DrDaytonFL74717 45585 Park AveChicagoIL52147
Desired Result IDAddr1 CityStateZip 26205 N Main STChicagoIL52147 2685 Park AveChicagoIL52147 3535 Main StAustinTX78715 35976 Ponco StDallasTX79757 359587 MopacAustinTX78715 4558741 Len LnDaytonFL74717 455518 Spring DrDaytonFL74717 45585 Park AveChicagoIL52147
Is there a way to export a list of email addresses to outlook based on certain query conditions? So for example, lets say using pubs, I want to send out an email to a group of authors who have published only one book. So could I essentailly query for the authors and then have those corresponding authors emails sent to outlook so that I could send out a generic email asking them if they are going to write another book or something like that?
We will be moving our two cluster running SQL Server 2005 64-bit SP2 on Windows 2003 to the different datacenter. IP addressed of both nodes will be changed by DNS names remain the same. I was wondering if anyone had issues with this. Out thought is that we just need to update IPs in Cluster Manager.
I have a report with a Matrix table. When it€™s fully populated I have 5 rows. These rows are different categories in a CRM system. In these categories there are a lot of Opportunities listed. The thing here is that category 1-4 exist in one table, really a view, and category 5 exist in another different view. So to gather all the information into one single Matrix table to later have subtotals and stuff I just made a little Union of the two select queries.
Now one the column in the table is of course Topic. And from here my client wants to be linked to the right CRM card. The problem I have encountered is that how can I have to different addresses on one single cell in the table?
In the Navigation pane in the cell that corresponds to the Topic, for now I have an address like this: =string.Format("http://{0}/SFA/opps/edit.aspx?id={1}", Parameters!srv.Value, Fields!objectid.Value)
What I need to change when it€™s a category 5 Opportunity is €œopps€? to €œcat5€?and add €œ&etc=10008€? to the end of the address. Any ideas?
PS. {0} and {1} are parameters, one server parameter and one opportunity ID parameter.
Hi all, I'm having a bit of an issue with this query. I'm not that familiar with MS SQL so please forgive me. I'm trying to select the bad email addresses in a table so I can remove them or correct them but I'm not getting any results that are helpfull. Bellow are some of the queries I've tried
select email from person where email != "*@*" returned all addresses plus null fields.
select email from person where email not like "%@%" (this didn't work at all)
And a few other that are similar Could somebody please kick me in the right direction.
I read with great interest a post on getting hte top 75 per cent by month, but still get through this problem. I have a table containing addresses, city names and state names, Each row has a unique address. I want to get the first ten addresses for each city in each state. I've tried something like the following which didn't work. Suggestions on how to solve the (simple) problem would be appreciated. Select top (10) city,state,address from address_list alan
When I initially installed SQL Server 2005 Express, it automatically picked up all the IP addresses (60 of them) I had on the server, and filled them in under TCP/IP - IP adresses Tab.
I recently took those IPs off the server and replaced them with 30 new IP addresses. Is there a way to have SQL Server 2005 Express read the Network configuration on the server and take the old IPs off the TCP/IP - IP addresses tab and put the new one's there?
A client of mine has an update to the software they use which requires SQL ports to be pinholed on the router to allow direct connctions from point of sale terminals. I'm not happy with the idea but thats not my call. Is there a way to restrict IP addresses that can connect to SQL Express ? (without havng to get them to buy a new router)
I have dumped html in a table and am looking to extract email addresses from it. Within the html, the email addresses are followed and preceded by blank spaces. I am playing around with the following code:
SELECT RIGHT(@email, LEN(@email) - CHARINDEX('@', @email)) as Domain
but have been unable to extract whole email addresses.
I have several 64 bit SQL 2005 servers that up to 4 named instances residing on them. Before going into production I need to change the port addressing to use fixed TCP ports. I have SQL Browser running to enbale me to see the named instances.
What steps are required to change to using specific TCP port addresses and is there a particular range to use ?
I have the following code on a form: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="building_a" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:vol1ConnectionString4 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [E_MAIL] FROM [Sheet4$] WHERE ([BUILDING] LIKE '%' + @BUILDING+ '%')" OnSelecting="building_a_Selecting"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="a" Name="BUILDING" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="building_b" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:vol1ConnectionString4 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [E_MAIL] FROM [Sheet4$] WHERE ([BUILDING] LIKE '%' + @BUILDING+ '%')" OnSelecting="building_b_Selecting"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="b" Name="BUILDING" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:TextBox ID="subj" runat="server" Width="500px">Subject</asp:TextBox><br /><br /> <asp:TextBox ID="messg" runat="server" Rows="20" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="500px">Message</asp:TextBox><br /><br /> <asp:Button ID="bldga" runat="server" Text="Building A" OnClick="Button1_Click" /><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="bldgb" runat="server" Text="Building B" OnClick="Button2_Click" /><br /><br /> <asp:Label ID="resultLabel1" runat="server" ForeColor="red"></asp:Label> And I have the following code behind:protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); try {MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("me@mydomain.com", "My Name");MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress("them@theirdomain.com"); message.From = fromAddress; message.To.Add(toAddress); message.Subject = subj.Text;message.IsBodyHtml = false; message.Body = messg.Text;smtpClient.Host = "myhost"; smtpClient.Send(message);resultLabel1.Text = "Email sent!"; }catch {resultLabel1.Text = "Send failure"; } } The queries get e-mail addresses from a SQL database for all people who work in a particular building. The buttons will send an email if I give a To address. How do I write the code so that clicking on the "Building A" button will send the e-mail to the addresses from the query results individually? Any ideas?
We have SQL Server 2000 Standard and recently moved from Exchange 5.5to Exchange 2003. This problem occurred both before and after thee-mail change.We would like to send notifications of failed jobs to multiple peoplein case one person happens not to be in on the day there is a problem.Setting up an operator with an e-mail name that combines twoaddresses seems to work ok as long as we use a format like thefollowing:smith_john; jones_maryorJoin Bytes!; Join Bytes!However, when we add a third name, we start getting problems. Thefirst and third accounts listed get the message but the second onedoes not -- apparently because the address gets corrupted. Forexample (based on the message received at one of the good addresses),a message sent to:Join Bytes!; Join Bytes!;Join Bytes!goes to Smith and Jackson successfully but Jones' address is corruptedto:Join Bytes!omand, of course, fails.From some other testing, it appears that the last three characters ofthe first address always get appended to the end of the secondaddress.Has anyone else run across this? If so, is there a known fix? I hadhoped Exchange 2003 would fix the problem. Most likely, we will trysetting up a personal distribution list under the account from whichthe messages are sent. I just wanted to give one more shot to findingthe problem -- both because I would like to know and because beingable to string together addresses is a little easier than having to gothrough the person who can give us access to the account to set thePDL.Thanks.Jonathan LevyChicago Department of Public Health
Name Address_line_1 sex city PID state legal_street zip_code legal_state ID legal_city mail_street mail_city mail_state mail_zip
My client needs. All Unique Addresses from the Source. . That is the duplicates should be removed and uniques should be available.
Please let me know first what he wants then also tell me what to use in the data flow and how to start. I want to understand the logic. Note: Two persons might have the same address or One address might belong to 2 or more people. This is what my client said.
I think theres something I'm missing about AG listeners. My test config is 1 SharePoint WFE & 2 SQL servers configured in an AAG.WFE, SQL1 & SQL2Â servers are all on the same subnet.On the WFE, I configured an alias called SP15 to be used for the SQLÂ servers. If I failover from SQL1 to SQL2 I just need to change where the alias is pointing on the WFE. So why do I need a listener? This works fine, albeit manually.I have read on some posts that an automatic failover process is possible. How can I add a 2nd IP address to the listener when both SQL servers are on the same subnet? The GUI doesn't seem to allow this.
I had been trying to solve this error with no success :
One or more of the server network addresses lacks a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Specify the FQDN for each server, and click Start Mirroring again.
The syntax for a fully-qualified TCP address is: TCP://<computer_name>.<domain_segment>[.<domain_segment>]:<port>
I had installed three instances on my local machine to test Data base mirroring :
Principal : running SQL Developer Instance
Mirror : running SQL Developer Instance .
Witness : Running SQL Express.
Database mirroring already enabled using startup flag : -T1400
i even tried to configure it with out a witness but still have the same error .
I used the follwoing server name in the mirroring wizard(not localhost) :
Can anyone help me with a problem I have with SSRS 2005? How do I configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to deliver subscription e-mails to addresses external to my windows domain?
I've been having trouble configuring the Report Server e-mail delivery component to send subscription e-mails to addresses outside the domain on which the report server is hosted.
For e.g. since my local windows domain is named "smartsystems.com", I have found that the Report Manager does not have any problems sending subscription mails to "eawagu@smartsystems.com" but throws up an error whenever I include "eawagu@yahoo.com" in the recipients' list.
Can the NT Server Name, SQL Server Name and IP Addresses be changed without reinstalling NT(4.0) and without reinstalling SQL Server (6.5). We have SQL Server on an NT Server and they both have the same name. If this can be done how would it impact the Registry. Would the appropriate settings in the Registry be updated? Thanks.
We replicate a SQL2000 database (DataBaseA) to a SQL2000 database (DataBaseB) by using the Restore function and hasn't change its logical name but only the physical data path and file name. It is running fine for a year. We use the same way to migrate the DataBaseB to a new SQL2005 server with the Restore function and the daily operation is running perfect. However, when we do the Backup of DatabaseB in the SQL2005, it just prompt the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of full-text catalog 'DataBaseA' is not permitted because it is not online. Check errorlog file for the reason that full-text catalog became offline and bring it online. Or BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Please note we left the DataBaseA in the old SQL2000 server.
Please help on how we can delete the Full-text catalog from DatabaseB so we can do a backup
I have database on localhost and i want to show this data on my website. I want to create a database online and want to sync with Local Host. Can it be possible syncing data automatically after some interval?
yes,I have an error, like 'The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinpos_2005WINPOS2005.sdf ]' .I develope a program for Pocket Pcs and this program's database sometimes corrupt.what can i do?please help me
Greetings, I have just arrived back into the country (NZ) and back into ASP.NET. I am having trouble with the following:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file (file location).../Database.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. It has only begun since i decided i wanted to use IIS, I realise VWD comes with its own localhost, but since it is only temporary, i wanted a permanent shortcut on my desktop to link to my intranet page. Anyone have any ideas why i am getting the above error? have searched many places on the internet and not getting any closer. Cheers ~ J
I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".
I tried by using
And also i tried like
When i use like this,
RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.