I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).
I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together. When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time. Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.
It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity. If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.
This is under leaf member attributes. There are no collection or consolidated groups.
I've selected a domain-based attribute for one of the leaf member attributes in the same entity, aka parent id, since it's a self-referencing entity. However, I cannot find a way to display anything but the code value in the drop-down (see below).
Is there a way to change the display value so that I can choose the attribute from the entity from which I want the user to choose? In other words, I would like to display the hierarchy name instead of the code, which is really just the primary id.
I have an entity (A), in which I use domain based attribute. The second entity (B) has several attributes. My problem is that, I would like to filter the first entity (A) based on an attribute that belongs to the second entity. The only way I can filter it (in MDS Excel add-in or Explorer) is by using Code or Name from the second entity.
I have in mind a couple of solutions, but they require some coding with xml saved query from Excel.
I have a few tables that have an disabled attribute using a BIT datatype. A lot of my queries on the front end look like:
SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE disabled <> 1
There's usually some other constraints on the query (get TOP 10 and greater than a certain date for example). Right now my tables are very small (only a couple thousand rows). I don't anticipate these tables having more than 100,000 rows.
Right now let's say there's only a CLUSTERED INDEX on the date field, and regular INDEXES on the identity field and perhaps some other UNIQUE name in the table.
Unless I am doing ranged queries on the CLUSTERED INDEXED field, I'm going to be performing table scans almost every time, right?
This sort of goes along with another question:
Say you run the following (SQL Server):
CREATE TABLE TestA ( [id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, disabled BIT DEFAULT 0 ) GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('1') GO INSERT INTO TestA (disabled) VALUES ('0')
Since [id] is a PK there will be a CLUSTERED INDEX placed on it. My question is; what does the optimizer do when you perform the following query?
SELECT TOP 3 * FROM TestA WHERE disabled <> '1'
My assumption is that since there's a CLUSTERED INDEX it will simply iterate through every tuple and check to see if disabled is not '1'. If my assumption is correct then these kind of boolean fields aren't a big deal if TOP queries are performed on a CLUSTERED INDEX.
So I guess what I am getting at is: Are bit attributes a sign of bad design? As tables get larger will performance degrade significantly? Would a better design be to have a seperate table of disabled items (which may result in large NOT IN subqueries)?
Any information on his would be greatly appreciated.
Can i have a combination of sources some with Unique Identifiers and some without?
I need to know what happens when I have option “Create Code values automatically” selected for the entity and same time pulling Unique Identifier for other sources in same entity stage table.
When we select option “Create Code values automatically” for the entity we creates, then during load from external source to MDM stage we don’t send any values to MDM stage “Code” field and in next step when we execute the stored procedure to load the data from MDM stage to MDM model, it assigns the Code values to each record in MDM stage and MDM model.
I need to know whether after executing the store procedure, will it assign Code values for only NULL records in MDM stage and not give us any error for the records that already have Code values present in MDM stage.
We already integrated different client data to MDS with MS Excel plugin, now we want to push back updated or new added record to source database. is it possible do using MDS? Do we have any background sync process to which automatically sync data to and from subscriber and MDS?
Using MDS 2012: I have an entity "XYZ_Entity". In "XYZ_Entity" entity I have 2 domain based Columns "DealerGroup" and "Dealer".
While inserting information into "XYZ_Entity" entity user can select the required dealer group from domain base Dealer Group values. Now for selecting Dealer he wants the dealers to be filter based on selected dealer group and he can select from the filtered list. reason to do that is he don't want to go through thousands of dealers and select an incorrect one.
I am using SQL 2005. I have a SELECT query in a stored proc with 3 parameters: @subaccount,@numDaysCutoff,@numDaysPcts. The proc needs to be modified to return data when subaccount values are any of these:
Currently I use a WHERE condition and am able to get data correctly. However, for a NULL value I should get everything including those not in the above list. Should I use CASE statement instead? How?
@subaccount VARCHAR(8) = NULL , @numDaysCutoff INT = 1 , @numDaysPcts INT = 1
SELECT Subaccount = ISNULL(h.subaccount, lo.subaccount) , SecurityID = ISNULL(h.security_id, lo.security_id) , SecurityName = s.name , QtyHeldAndPending = ISNULL(h.quantity, 0) + (CASE WHEN lo.type = 1 THEN lo.resulting_quantity * (-1) WHEN lo.type = 2 THEN lo.resulting_quantity ELSE 0 END ) , L.AverageDailyVolume , XDaysVol = L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysPcts , CutoffVol = L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysCutoff , DaysVolHeld = h.quantity / NULLIF(L.AverageDailyVolume, 0) , HeldPctNDaysVol = h.quantity / NULLIF((L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysPcts), 0) * 100 , TargetedHoldingsUSD = tm.ApprovedPortfolioTarget * iv.value_usd , CutoffVolUSD = L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysCutoff * s.price_usd , TargetedPctNDaysVol = (tm.ApprovedPortfolioTarget * iv.value_usd) / NULLIF((L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysPcts * s.price_usd), 0) * 100 , DaysVolTargeted = (tm.ApprovedPortfolioTarget * iv.value_usd) / NULLIF((L.AverageDailyVolume * s.price_usd), 0) , NDaysCutoff = @numDaysCutoff , NDaysPcts = @numDaysPcts FROM subaccount_positions_table h --vGlobalHoldings h JOIN iv_subaccount_table iv ON iv.subaccount = h.subaccount FULL OUTER JOIN LiveOrders lo ON lo.subaccount = h.subaccount AND lo.security_id = h.security_id FULL OUTER JOIN TM_DerivedSecurityTargetDetail tm ON tm.Subaccount = h.subaccount AND tm.SecurityID = h.security_id LEFT JOIN dbo.security_table s ON s.security_id = COALESCE(h.security_id, lo.security_id) LEFT JOIN dbo.SecurityLiquidity L ON L.SecurityID = h.security_id AND SourceID = 99 WHERE (h.subaccount = ISNULL(@subaccount, h.subaccount) OR lo.subaccount = ISNULL(@subaccount, h.subaccount) ) AND status = 1 AND ( h.quantity > (L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysCutoff) -- qtyHeld > XDaysVol OR -- Targeted Vol exceeds cutoff ISNULL((tm.ApprovedPortfolioTarget * iv.value_usd), 0) > ISNULL((L.AverageDailyVolume * @numDaysCutoff * s.price_usd), 0) -- Target > XDaysVol ) ORDER BY ISNULL(h.subaccount, lo.subaccount), ISNULL(h.security_id, lo.security_id)
I have been banging my head against the wall for TWO days. I have gone back and forth with a very patient guy on thescripts.com. You can see the ridiculous thread here
If you have time, at least peruse that so we don't go in circles. Anyway, if you guys can help me solve this, I will be forever grateful!!
Here is the "basic" problem:
Here is an example for TWO different entities in the database.
EntityID XmlFieldName Value 1 City Austin 1 State TX 1 Country US 2 CityName Los Angeles 2 StateCode CA 2 CountryCode US 2 Zip 111111
Here is how the two different results should be
where EntityID = 1 <Address City="Austin" State="TX" Country="US"/>
where EntityID = 2 <Address CityName="Los Angeles" StateCode="TX" CountryCode="US" Zip="111111"/>
Notice how the attribute names (City or CityName, State or StateCode, etc) are based off the XmlFieldName and I don't know in advance what the possible values will be? I also don't know how many attributes there will be, but they can be different per entity, depending on how they have set up an address in our application.
Another thing to note, is that I kind of have this working in an sproc using PIVOT and generating a table with the values that have the correct dynamic column names (you can see this on my other thread I posted above) but I REALLY need this to not use dynamic SQL (so can use it in a function) if possible and be able to be used in a select statement, whether it be a temp table as I would like to get a result set back that I can do a FOR XML RAW on. If this is confusing, it is because I am delerious. OR is there a way to return a table from an SPROC that has dynamic columns built?
I am getting ErrorCode 8 while loading the data from stage to model. I have checked my error view it states that "Member Code is Inactive".
Initially I have loaded same set of data in Model from MDS Stage table but then deleted with ImportType = 5 which removed all the data from the MDM model.
Now i want to load it back but its giving the Error Code 8 .. Before loading the same data i have changed the stage table Importtype to 2 and Importstatusid to 0.
I've been quite excited about SQL Server MDS that should allow non-IT staff to easily maintain data. However maintaining data that have many-to-many relationships seems to be quite a pain. I believe the best way is:
Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the details Click "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partAdd a new memberTry and find the product you just created from the dropdownlistSelect the first part and click OKAgain try and find the product you have created from the dropdownlistSelect the second part and click OKRepeat...Close the tab on your browser and finish your product entity.How I wish it worked:
Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the detailsCheck a checkbox for each part visible under "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partFinish your product entity.
Everytime I run the load packages that I have built into the MDS staging the tables, in MDS_Staging, get cleared down and then repopulated. When the MDS database gets new data it appends it and does not clear down the data that is already in the database and is there fore hold duplicate rows.
Is there a way of truncating the tables in the MDS database before populating again with the new data from the MDS_Staging database so as to not hold duplicate rows?
I am newbie to MDS of SQL,want to know how we can transfer tables from two different SQL Databases to MDS.Suggest me the steps to proceed with any examples.
I have just installed Microsoft SQL Server 2014 on a Windows 2008 Enterprise server, and for some reason the following error appears every time I try to access the "Explore" page within MDS.
Arguments:Debugging resource strings are unavailable.Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. URL...
Is it possible to set an entity is update but can't add/delete? I want to control adding/deleting members in SSIS from another source system, but only allow users to change certain attributes.
I have 2 SQL servers (2012 SP1 & 2014SP1) with MDS. Both are working well on web. I installed the 2014 version Excel add-in, however, it can connect to 2012 instance but failed to connect to 2014 with below error.The connection failed because the URL is not valid or the Master Data Manager web application version is not supported.
I have Office 2013 installed, SQL server 2012 and MDS installed.I tried installing MDS add-in (all version supporting 2010, 2013 & 2016) and I get same error about the prerequistes.I tried installing it via command prompt through run as administrator option.
My problem seems simple but I can't how to do it with MDS... or even if it's possible !
I've got 2 entities "Agent" and "Function".
"Agent" has a code, a name, and an attribute called "function_code" which refers to "Function"'s code
"Function" as a code and a name. Name is the description of the function.
I'd like to see in a single row :
"Code", "Name", "Funcion_code" and "Name" (the last one from the entity "Function").
In SQL it will something like
Select a.code, a.name, a.function_code, f.name from agent a, function f where a.function_code = f.code
I've tried with explicit hierarchy, derived hierarchy, consolidated members...
I was able to have an entity with all those attributes but I can choose the attribute I want. My goal is that, according to "Function_code" in Agent, I get the "Name" of the function...
I was reading that when applying 2008 R2 SP1 you need to run the MDS update component manually: [URL] I was curious if that package changed in later service packs because I couldn't find any mention of it.
SQL 2012, if there was a similar process in their service packs for MDS, or if it hasn't been upgraded?
I have an issue with MDS (Master Data Services for ONE platform). When I try to connect to MDS from Excel addin, I get the error - please see the attachement.
In my trivial example below I have a Nationality entity. The entity just has the code and Name attributes, with the code being an automatically generated Integer. I am inserting one record and then trying to prevent the same record being inserted, by setting the ImportType to 1:
After this I truncate the staging table and repeat the process. Unfortunately a new record is entered into the Entity even though the name is identical to a record that already exists.
I want to hide the Code and Name attribute, i set the Display Width Pixel to 0 but it doesn't work, i tried to set "Deny" Permission to those attribute but it hasn't any effect.Im working with Master Data Services 2014/ SQL Server 2014 SP1.
I can use and access MDS using Excel, but when I try to open the web page, the get an error as Access restricted. MDS has been working fine till now and suddenly this error message appears
I have setup SQL Server 2012 - MDS and can run the web client from IE11. I've created the model and entities from System Administration ok, however when I try and use Explorer to work with the master data I've setup, there's an error "The remote server returned an error: NotFound".I ran Profiler while clicking Explorer, and it's connecting with the XML statements and running without any errors - so it's seems it's not any issue with connecting to the MDS database.
When we need to add or edit a member on a entity, for columns with foreign key, we get a search box to look up the value. Here the default search is based on name. We want the code to be the default search column. I see that when i changed in the backend .aspx file and restarted IIS, the change happened and now the default search is code. I just want to know if there will be any impacts going forward ? may be during upgrades or migrations ?
Is there any way to set a default date for a member in MDS. My requirement is that business user can enter either current date or future date but not past date.