I would like to match two sets of data. I have setup a view of data that contains a group of customers and their details. I want to view this data, but also find these customers in another table based on matching their surname and date of birth, then retreive the information stored on these customers from the second table.
Does anyone have any suggestions how i would go about doing this?
Thanks in advance
quote:Originally posted by Michael Valentine Jones
It takes real skill to produce something good out of a giant mess.
I have two tables - one with sales and another with payments against those. The payment may not match the exact amount of sales and I have to use FIFO method to apply payments. The payment month must >= sales month.
How can i write a query to do this? Examples are as below.
Table 1 Sales Sale DateSale Amt 1Jun-141200 2Oct-142400 3Dec-14600 4Feb-1512000
Given an ID (column B), I need to find which IDs have identical data.That is, given '200', I want the desired result to be:100The idea is that the system sees that id=200 has 5 records with theindicated data in cols C and D.It should then find any other ids with the exact same data for thosecolumns.Note, in this case, both 200 and 100 have (30:1, 30:2, 30:3, 40:4,40:5) so they match. 300 and 400 should NOT be returned.Any bright ideas out there? Thanks!DECLARE @a TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)DECLARE @b TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (1, 100, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (2, 100, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (3, 100, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (4, 100, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (5, 100, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (6, 200, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (7, 200, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (8, 200, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (9, 200, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (10, 200, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (11, 300, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (12, 300, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (13, 300, 40, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (14, 400, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (15, 400, 40, 5)SELECT * FROM @a
I'm currently working on a BI architecture for a customer, and consider to propose the Power BI data catalog as a data distribution layer. The customer will use Power BI, but also has other BI tools.
Are data sets in the data catalog available to other clients than Power Query alone? E.g. are there OData feed endpoints available? If not, what would be the best way to give other tools access to the data?
Hi, I was wondering how it is posible to join three data sets from different data flows into one txt file. Let's explain a little more:
I have 3 dataflows. Each of them connect to sql server and and by a SQL command, they bring data into SSIS.
Each SQL command differ between them. So each data set have different columns (they dont have the same format). Also the amount of columns differ between each one.
What I need is to join the three data sets into one txt file. How can I do this? It is posible to join them with different data set formats into a txt file?
Is this the best way to join different data? It is better to use as many OLE DB Sources are needed instead of different data flows? Thanks for your help!
Hi, I'm currently trying to retrieve results from a large dataset, there are over 45000 records and I need to use them all to peform counts etc. I have set up views, but my page is still being returned slowly, is there anything I can do to speed this up? Thanks Gemma
I have the following situation. One set of data has 274 rows (set2)and anther has 264 (set1). Both data sets are similar in structure aswell as values for both of them were extracts from the same parenttable. Hope the info would substitute DDL. I need to find the "gap"rows between these two sets.Attempted to run a query likeselect count(*)from set2where not exists(select *from set1)did not yield what I desired. What else to try?TIA.
I've seen that sometimes is better to split the table into a test dataset and a training dataset, and I'll appreciate if anyone can explain why is this...
Is there a way to put more then one data set in a list. I have a report that has three data sets with three tables. Now i want to show each report by Region, per page. So you can view the same stuff for each region seperately, instead of all together. Is there a way to do this. Where i dont have to go back in my code, and find a way to link everything together, so its in one data set .
I have designed a contact manager with Data Grid Control bound to a Data Set.
When the application closes, data from Data Set is written to XML file and when application opens, data from XML file is loded into Data Set and is show in Data Grid control.
Contacts in my application can exceed over 1,000 So, Is Data Set capable of handling lot of data very efficiently in memory?
i have one task in which i have to match some attributes(required for creating a new databse) with the exiting database, are these attributes present in exisisting database, if yes how many , and how many are not,pls do reply
Basically without going into too much detail, our company gets databases arriving and put onto our systems which have been made my other organizations with no guarantee of what the primary key is or if this is one at all.
I should probably give my main problem in an example for clarity:
Currently I have a .csv file full of data that needs to be put into say TableA. However I do not know if TableA has a primary key or not, or if the file that needs to be inserted into TableA contains duplicate data. I have the importer sorted that does this if you ignore the problem of duplicate data, however what I would like is an MS SQL query that does the following (but I cannot figure it out):
Assuming we are reading through the file line-by-line and a check is performed each time:
1.If there is a line with a primary key in the file that matches a primary key in TableA in the database update that row in the database with the line in the file.
2. If there is no primary key on the table and there is an exact data match between the line in the file and a row in the database then update it.
3. If neither 1 or 2 are successful then just insert the data.
Obviously the potential lack of a PK here makes things a lot more convoluted.
Hello, I am using existing code, which I am trying to convert from using MS Access to SQL Server 2005... The data set works fine with MS Access database, however when executing with SQL Server 2005 as data source, it generates the following error: "..The data types ntext and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator..." in this line: count = adapter.Update(dataset); Not sure what should I look for since data sets are new to me.. Where should I check to fix this problem? I have noticed that the table has two columns with nvarchar...
I have two queries that generate two different datasets. One is a count of memebers, and the other is count of admits. I need to generate a calculated field from the two data sets called admits per 1000, which is essential the count of admits/counts of members *12000 I was able to calculte admits per 1000 easily in excel, however I need some insight on how to do is SQL.
Below are my queries from the two datasets.
MemberMonths dataset: Select factMembership.BusinessUnitCode, EffectiveCCYYMM, ISNULL(count(Distinct MemberId),0) As MemberCount From factMembership
[Code] ....
Admits dataset:
SELECT Factadmissions.BusinessUnitCode, factAdmissions.AdmitCCYYMM, ISNULL(Count(AdmitNum),0)As [Count of Admits] FROM factAdmissions
What I need to be able to do is somehow select based on a day, the total value of open orders. Â I have tried to do this in the database but it becomes fixed and quite cumbersome (this is a simplified example in reality i have line information and line component information).I am not hugely skilled with MDX and SSAS but know there are some semi-additive functions i want somebody to be able to pick a day and have the total value of only open orders.
I was wondering if anyone has ever written a chart with multiple datasets.
I need to be able to show sales dollars inflow by order date on one line and on the other needs to be sales dollars delivered by delivery date. So the all sections Values, Category groups, and Series Groups in the chart will be from 2 different datasets.
I have tried but it will not allow aggreates in the series groups.
I have a strange request that might not be possible based on the laws of relational databases but I thought I'd give it a try.
I have three tables which for simplicity I will call A, B and C. Table A contains my master records, Table B contains user details and the final table contains some extra data
In my initial search when joining A and B, I return 100 records. I then need to search in table C for these 100 records based on a criteria. the expected result should return all 100 rows for the ones that match and also the ones that do not match. The problem is that in Table C, not all the 100 IDs exist, so there will not be a corresponding record. Unfortunately, our users still want to see all 100 records in the output. Is this possible
As always any help or direction would be appreciated.
I have a report in which I have a sub-report linked to the main report by a parameter. When there is no data for the sub-report, no data displays on the main report as expected.
Now the users are asking if there is no data in the sub-report if I can instead have "None" printed on the main report. I tried adding a label to the sub-report, but since none of the data from the main report links to the sub-report, nothing is still displayed. I then put a label on the Main report and placed it behind (set to back) on the main report. This works great when there is no data, but if there is data the label still prints and the report looks awful.
I cannot think of a way to accomplish what they have asked for.
I have been assigned to write a report that queries 3 tables. Table Store, Store_ID unique index, Cust table Cust_ID non unique index, CUST_Store_ID relates to Store Table, Table Emp, Emp_ID non unique index, Emp_Store_ID relates to Store Table
The problem is that the Employes and the customer don't relate to each other in any way. There can be stores with no Employees and there can be stores with no Customers. There are employees and customers listed multiple times in thier respective tables, and the multiple listings need to show on the report. A result set may look like this.
Hi there everyone. I have a stored procedure called “PagingTable� that I use for performing searches and specifying how many results to show per ‘page’ and which page I want to see. This allows me to do my paging on the server-side (the database tier) and only the results that actually get shown on the webpage fly across from my database server to my web server. The code might look something like this:
The problem is the stored procedure actually returns two result sets. The first result set contains information regarding the total number of results founds, the number of pages and the current page. The second result set contains the data to be shown (the columns specified). In ‘classic’ ASP I did this like this.
'Open the recordset rsItems.Open strSQL, conn, 0, 1
'Get the values required for drawing the paging table intCurrentPage = rsItems.Fields("CurrentPage").Value intTotalPages = rsItems.Fields("TotalPages").Value intTotalRows = rsItems.Fields("TotalRows").Value
'Advance to the next recordset Set rsItems = rsItems.NextRecordset
I am trying to do this now in ASP.NET 2.0 using the datasource control and the repeater control. Any idea how I can accomplish two things:
A) Bind the repeater control to the second resultset B) Build a “pager� of some sort using the values from the first resultset
A DB2 store procedure returns two data sets, when executed from SSMS, using linked server. Do we have any simple way to save the two data sets in two different tables ?
I have a table that stores part numbers and manufactuers. Somehow this table has become corrupt showing different manufacturers with the same part numbers.
I know this will take a bit of manual digging to fix, but I want to find a way to pull all rows that have the same part number that have different manufacturers, or just pull up any "duplicate" part numbers and I can determine what is right or wrong as far as the manufactuers and make those changes.
I have tried this, but it does not seem to want to work.
Select * from my_table Where partnumber = (select partnumber from my_table) and compName <> (select compName from my_table)
I have tried other variations of the same, but nothing seems to want to show me just the items that have the same part numnbers and different manufacturers. I do not care if there are duplicates of the same part number/manufacturer entries, just if the part number is duplicated where the manufacturers are not the same.
These are the rows I want to edit and group by part number. I have almost a million rows of entries and this is not something I want to go through row by row. :-P
I've been matching some incoming contacts to existing contacts in a database and need to update, insert, or rematch based on the ifs below.
If name, phone, and email all provided for both, then use the highest Source. So if the Contact has a Source value of 5 and SourceContact has a ContactSource of 1, update Contact with SourceContact
If name, phone and email all provided, and source the same then update to new values.
If name and phone on SourceContact and name and Email on Contact then reset Contact_fk to -1 should not have matched, but should be an insert
If name and email on SourceContact and name and phone on Contact then reset Contact_fk to -1 should not have matched, but should be an insert
If name and phone on SourceContact and name and/or Phone is blank in Contact then update
If name and email on SourceContact and name and/or email is blank in Contact then update
If phone numbers can be different, just update record to SourceContact if it has a same or higher ContactSource
If email address do not match then set SourceContacts to -1 Contact_fk it was computed incorrectly. Both have a non blank email
If Contact_fk is 0 then it is a new contact and just insert it.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.SourceContact', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [dbo].[SourceContact]; CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SourceContact] ( [SourceContact_pk]INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_SourceContact PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, [ContactLastName] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_SourceContact_ContactLastName DEFAULT (''), [ContactFirstName] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_SourceContact_ContactFirstName DEFAULT (''),
Microsoft released an introductory tutorial for data mining in September 2007, and I was attempting to match the results on: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms169911.aspx
I was not able to match the results, so then I went "under the hood" for the tables, and discovered that my copy of AdventureWorksDW has truncated values in the Education field of the ProspectiveBuyer table. I had wanted to connect "EnglishEducation" from the Mining Model to "Education" in the "Input Table" to see if the additional linkage would affect the prediction results (the wizard does not automatically link these fields because they technically do not have the same name).
1) Is everybody's "Education" field in the "Prospective Buyers" table populated with truncated values? (which may be intentional since it is a sample dataset) -- compare to "EnglishEducation" field in the vTargetMail table
2) Am I the only one getting 0.50580 for all rows when I use "Decision Tree" (per the tutorial instructions)? By contrast, I was able to see a variance in expression values for clustering and naive Bayes.
My guess: everybody has a truncated "Education" field, and there is something different in how the data mining model was run under the Decision Tree option to yield the tutorial's numerical results for "expression".