Matrix Column Visibility

Mar 29, 2006


I have one column group and three static columns. I'd like to control static column visibility property depending on a field value. I.e. Hidden: =Fields!GroupId<>5.

But I'm not able to find visibility property in column object. Neither in properties explorer nor RDL documentation. I'm only able to set hidden property in textbox objects.

I have RS 2005.

Thank you for any idea.

Jirka Nouza

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Matrix Column Visibility Toggling

Dec 7, 2007

Hi, currently I am using a matrix of the below format:

Column Grouping
a) Months (From dataset)
b) Amt | Cnt | Ave (Static)

Desired Collapsed View
Jan Feb Mar
Ave Ave Ave
Figures 10 20 30

Current Collapsed View
Jan Feb Mar
Ave Ave Ave
Figures 10 20 30

Expanded View
Jan Feb Mar
Amt Cnt Ave Amt Cnt Ave Amt Cnt Ave
Figures 100 10 10 200 10 20 300 10 30

Issue Faced
When viewing the RS report online, the months cell do not "shrink" even though Amt & Cnt columns were hidden in the Collapsed View.
When the report was exported to excel, the desired collapsed view was showed where the months cell were "resized" when the drilling is collapsed.

Is there any setting required to enable the months cell to "auto shrink" when Amt & Cnt columns are hidden?

Thanks for your help.

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How To Change Visibility Of A Column Group In A Matrix?

Jan 26, 2007


how to change visibility of a column group in a matrix?



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Need Script For Column Visibility Based On Group's Visibility Toggle

Feb 13, 2008


I'm using SSRS 2005

I'm trying to write an expression for the "Hidden" property of a column in a table. The column is only populated with data if the group on my table is open. If the group is collapsed, then the column is empty. I'd like to make the column hidden if the group is collapsed. So I'm thinking it would be something like this:

=Iif(Table_1_Group.Hidden = "True", "True", "False")

But I can't find anyone who has written this anywhere.

I'm basically trying to make this report do the same thing a matrix does, but the matrix doesn't let me label the columns. I put textboxes above the matrix in line with the columns, but when I deploy the report to ReportManager, the textboxes get thrown all over the place and don't line up with the columns anymore.

So I guess if you can't answer the first question, an alternate question I have is how are you supposed to label the columns (row groups) in your matrix? They don't have headers, if I try to line textboxes up with them they get all messed up during deployment. They have that textbox up there in the top left corner that runs across the top of all of the row group columns, but if I put labels separated spaces in that textbox, the spaces get removed in rendering so the text is pushed all to the left and doesn't line up anymore.


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Matrix Toggle Image Visibility

Feb 25, 2008

I'm attempting a create a matrix report that will have some rows with drilldown data and some without. On the rows without drilldown data, I wanted to hide the toggle image so that the user would know there was none available. So far, I've only been able to accomplish this by creating a duplicate row group and displaying no text for its cell. Then by changing its visibility, the toggle image would go away. However; while this makes the report look good, it breaks the export to excel because the other row column that contains the data must stay visible and the excel drill down functionality goes away.

Does anyone have a way of changing the visibility of the toggle image on a row by row basis within the Matrix control?

Any assistance would be appreciated!

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Matrix Visibility And Toggling With Multi Row Fields

May 31, 2007

I have a matrix with two row fields. The second one doesnt show unless i press the toggle button on the first row field. How can make the first row field automatically expanded to show the second row field?


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Dynamically Determine Subtotal Visibility In Matrix?

Feb 22, 2007

I'm using SSAS2005 SP2 as a data source, and RS2005 SP2 for reporting.

With the upgrade to sp2, users assigned to an area in a sales location tree no longer get a value returned for AGGREGATE(MyValue.Value) when looking at a region higher than they are assigned.

My MATRIX reports now look like:

Region____Sub Region____Area1__|_5___3_|
Sub Region Total_______________|_______|
Region Total___________________|_______|
Grand Total____________________|_______|

Before sp2, they had the 5 and 3 values repeated in all total rows.

My thought was to hopefully dynamically hide the sub region and region groupings and their related subtotals - but when trying to do this, only the grand total shows, and its values are blank.

When a person can only see Area1, I'd like the report to look like this:

Region____Sub Region____Area1__|_5___3_|

but if they could see everything from the cube, I would like those sections to show, because they have values in them:

Region____Sub Region____Area1__|_5___3_|
Sub Region Total_______________|_10__5_|
Region Total___________________|_20_11_|
Grand Total____________________|_42_13_|

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Selecting Data Depending On Matrix Visibility

Feb 14, 2008


I have a matrix report where I drill down from a business' divisional level to an office level. A subreport is generated by clicking on the relevant data field. However, when at divisional level, clicking on the data field simply generates the data from the first office row. I want it so that when the column is collapsed to divisional level, it shows the data for the entire division.

So... is there any way I can write an expression that creates different subreports based on whether a matrix column is expanded or collapsed?

Peter Marshall

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Matrix Page Breaks Within A List / Visibility Is Conditional

Aug 13, 2007

Think I have found a bug.

I have a report that has a Parameter called "LevelOfDetail" This has 2 possible values "Summary, Detail, or Combined".

The report has a Summary Section and a subreport that holds the details.
WIthin the summary section is a Matrix (a list of all properties and some values)

If they choose to see the details, the matrix in the details section will show a break out of all this information summarized in the summary section.

The Details Matrix is set to have a page break at the beginning and end of the top level group.

I have a list control on the summary page that contains the details subreport and passes the appropriate parameter.

Everything works the way I want until I try to set visibility on sub report.

Once I set the conditional visibility of the report objects (based on the Level of Detail parameter) the page breaks are not recognized.

This is important as the user will never print the report, but will be downloading to Excel.

If the page breaks work correctly, each page is assigned a different worksheet in their downloaded workbook.

Any help, please let me know.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix - Add A Column In A Matrix With A Variance

Aug 6, 2015

I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:

IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing,

This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error

This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:

rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.

Attempted to divide by zero.

The strange thing is that the part

should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'

An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)

As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.

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Column Visibility Expression

Nov 8, 2005

I'm trying to show a column only if a certain parameter contains a certain string of characters.  So far I've got it working if the parameter is equal to the string of characters by doing
=IIF (Parameters!Param1.Value = "String1", False, True)
but I would like it to work if the Param1.Value contains "String1" ... I tried
=IIF (Parameters!Param1.Value like "%String1%", False, True)
but it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?

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Group Column Header Visibility

Mar 12, 2008

I have a table with 5 levels of grouping and a detail row. When the report first displays it looks like this:

Group1 Hdr Group2 Hdr Group3 Hdr Group4 Hdr Group5 Hdr Detail Headers


How can I alter the visibility of the group headers when they don't have access into the scope of the groups themselves ? At startup, I only want to show group1's header. If I expand an item in group 1, then I only want to show headers for group 1 and 2, etc ...


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Reporting Services :: Using If Expression For Visibility For Stacked Column

Oct 13, 2015

I have a stacked column with 2 series("phones", "no phones") on the categories, What I am trying to do is to show only one of the series in each category,I used the visibility option in the series properties, and chose show or hide based on an expression using the expression below if(Fields!PENETRATIONSERIES. Value="no phone",FALSE,TRUE) i get no graph , But when I switch the true and false value, the graph show with the two series there.

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 2.0 Row Visibility With Both Row And Column Groups

Aug 1, 2015

I have a matrix table with row groups of a date and addresses and also a column group which produces 3 columns and values with in these column.I have a "Total" column based on a Count of the column groups which gives a number.How do you hide all rows where the "Total" column is less then 1? There will be results which still needs the date and addresses groups.

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Reporting Services :: Expression Syntax To Make Visibility Of Column Hidden In Tablix?

Apr 21, 2015

So if my Parameter value is...

MCCL, MCMA, MCPL, MCPR, MCRE, MCSE, MCSN, MCVA, MCCL, MCEP, MCMA, MCRE out of 43 possible choices,

What is the expression syntax to hide my tablix column based on my parameter value?


Just not sure of the syntax...or do I have to qualify each one???

= IIf(Parameter!PF1.Value = "MCCL" OR Parameter!PF1.Value = "MCMA"..., TRUE, FALSE)

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Add Matrix Column

Oct 17, 2007

hello there,

how can i add column datas together or merge two columns together.


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How To Add A Column In The End Of Each Matrix Row?

Feb 25, 2008


I've a report containing a matrix. I want a column on end of each row in matrix, which shows me sum of that row. Is it possible in matrix? if yes, how can i achieve it?

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Sum Of A Column In Matrix

Jun 24, 2006

hi reporters!

i m using matrix in my project and i want to calculate the
(cell_value/sum_of_column). for data cell values we have to use sum or
another aggregate function for subtotaling, so for the cell value i m
wirting sum(column) / A. how to write A that points to sum of all cells
on the column.




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Subtracting One Matrix Column From The Other

May 19, 2008

I have the following fields in my report

2008 2007 Net Change
Val1 10 6
Val2 7 5
Val3 15 7

The Matrix Column is grouped by Year.

I need to calculate Net Change as Year 1 - Year 2 for each row.
How do I access the contents of the first and second column of the matrix ?

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Hide Column In Matrix

Oct 24, 2006

I have a matrix that has the following columns:Date Shift Equipment1 Equipment2 Equipment3 etcBased on a parameter, i want to show/hide the Shift column. If the Shift column is hidden, i want to move the equipment columns over so there is no gap in the columns.I know you can do this in a table by hidding the whole column, but how do you do this in a matrix? when i try to hide the column the visibility option is not there, and when i hide the field, it leaves a gap in the report.Thanks for your help.

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How To Add Column Header In A Matrix

Jan 25, 2007


is there a way to add column header in a Matrix?



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Matrix Column Aggregations

Jan 17, 2007

Quick question for you pro's...

Within a report matrix, I want to be able to have different aggregations for totals. One column would be a Sum of the data in that column, the next column would be an Average of the data. Is this possible, or is this not supported in SSR2005?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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Percentage Column In Matrix

Jan 26, 2007

I would like to generate following table with reporting service matrix.
But if I use the expression : percentage coulmn=sum(field!qty.value) / sum(field!qty.value, "region_group")
It will become a percentage of a row total, instead of a group total (store group). Please see the second table.
Any ideas?

Thank you!

store1 store2 level1 level2 level3 sub total level1 level2 subtotal category region qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % C1 APAC 10 10% 20 20% 70 70% 100 100% 25 50% 25 50% 50 100% EURP C2 CHINA

(Wrong) store1 store2 level1 level2 level3 sub total level1 level2 subtotal category region qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % qty % C1 APAC 10 6% 20 13% 70 46% 100 25 16% 25 16% 50 EURP C2 CHINA

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Column Headers For Matrix

Sep 26, 2007

I am developing a matrix report in SRS. In columns group there are several values. When report runs they apper in any order based on the first record in row group. I want colums to apeear in specific order all the time. For example the column sequence in one out put is Follwup 1, Initial , Followup 2. I want to column header to be in order of Initial, Folloup 1, Followup 2.
Can someone help?

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Column Names On Matrix

Apr 30, 2007


Is there any way of having Column names in a matrix report. Actually it is a RowGroup. I want to display the name of the row group at the top, so that the user understands what is the data beneath.



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Matrix Column Grouping

Sep 15, 2006


I have a requirement from my users to be able to drill down for a single column in a matrix. I've been able to implement drilldown for all of the measures (all columns grouped at the same time) in my matrix but they now want to be able to group different columns independently of each other. In other words they want to be able to group the data in different columns by different things.

An example might make my question clearer, the report would need to look like this: 

Client Name
Sales -
Costs +
Revenue -

Client A +
Europe +
Middle East +
Asia Pacific +
Products +
Investments +


Client B +

As you an see, the Sales measure has been expanded so it's grouped by region so the sales figures can be seen for all clients and the 3 regions. The revenue column has also been expanded/grouped so that you can see revenue figures for products and investments for all clients. Costs is not expanded but it could be by clicking on the '+' which would group the data in that column by something else. They have asked for more than 1 level of drilldown, so clicking on "Europe" above would allow another level for the sales measure which might be country. There will also be regular measure columns that are not drilldown/groupable columns.

Is it possible to implement this with SSRS 2005?



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Extra Column In Matrix

Sep 20, 2006


I'm trying to make a report with the following layout:

Car Sales 2004 2005 Var %
Total 10 20 50%
Green 7 14 50%
Red 3 6 50%

I'm using a matrix and the data is coming from a cube. One dimension called 'Years' is used to fill the matrix columns and the data corresponding to the car sales is filled by a measure called 'Sales'.
I've built part of the example but I can't add the final column ( the VAR% column).
If I try to add a static column in the end it apears only one year.
The behavior that I would like to have is simillar to the situation when we add the Subtotal column. Although, instead the sum() made by subtotal I would like to calculate the variation percentage between years.
Is there any way to add a final column into a matrix avoiding the problem that I'm having or maybe change the behavior of Subtotal column?

Thanks and best regards.


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Cannot Remove Matrix Column

Jan 12, 2007

Added a subtotal to matrix column. But really wanted subtotal below the columns. Now that subtotal column is permanent. Cannot find a way to remove it.

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Matrix : Compare Column Value

Mar 16, 2008


I am a newbie with Reporting services and I have a question about matrix using...
So I am using SSRS on an cube with MDX language. I have a matrix like that :

C1 C2 C3
R1 | 10 12 09
R2 | 08 10 23

So I would like to color my best values on a same row. I don't find a function in the expression editor.....

Do you have an idea ?????

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Fill Matrix Column

Nov 18, 2007

I don't know if its an sql question or an ssrs question.

I have a matrix that it column are months.

In the dataset I only have part of the manth (like: 1 , 2, 3, 5, 6, 7).
The problem is that it skip the 4th month and it doesn't look good.
Is there a way to add all month to the matrix column?


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(Urgent) How Do I Add Column Next To Each Other In A Matrix...

Nov 26, 2007

I want to dynamically add column to a matrix.. this is what i have done so far...

1) Have a matrix control on my report...
2) added columns to it.. i want to may be add around 20 columns.. but at a given time there may not be more than 6 -10 columns. But if i add another column to the matrix it put it below the first column like this


but i want to display it like this

Fields!NDesc1.value Fields!NDesc2.Value

How can i do it..
Can i have some step by step directions to do it...

any help will be appreciated.


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Static Column In A Matrix Report

Apr 28, 2007

Hi All

I have a matrigx report that groups by months in the columns. The reason for using a matrix style report is due to not knowing which months are going to exist in the database for the current year.
I do however need to have a static column appended to the matrix, using the same row groupings... I did think of placing a table next to the matrix with that column although im worried the row groupings and alignment may be off of each record.

Is it possible to have a static column inside a matrix that is not grouped by any of the columns just the rows.

What would be the best way to achieve this requirement. I also need to provide the options to hide the months columns and display only the static one and vice-versa...

Any help would be appreciated..


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Column Header For Matrix Report

Sep 1, 2006

I have a matrix report, which looks like the following:

Header C Header D

Column A Column B Column C Column D

Column A and B are Row Group columns in the matrix. Column C and D are the details columns. How can I add column header to column A and B. Seems I cannot do it in Reporting Services 2005.


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