I have a matrix which looks as follows:
----- Actuals | Budget
ItemA 20 | 50
ItemB 45 | 30
ItemC 20 | 15
I would like to add a column with the difference between actuals and budget.
Actuals/budget is 1 group in the matrix being the dimensionname.
How can I calculate the difference (subtract actuals and budget), because if I just use the subtotal
function it adds both totals together and I need to have the difference
between them?
I have a problem about my subtotal.I cannot change the background color based on my conditions.But what makes me think is that the font of my subtotal changes, the same as when my cell data meets my condition,without changing the subtotal's property.
What could be the reason why my subtotal wont change?I have a condition in my background =iif(Fields!IsHold.Value = True,"Red","White")
Now, it's easy enough to make the values clickable so that somebody can drill down to a report that shows detail about the people. I have also discovered how to turn off clickability on the totals. However, what I really want is for the totals to be clickable so that, for example, if I click on the 63, I see a report that shows all men. Likewise, If I click on the 48, I want to see a report that shows all Full Professors. What currently happens when the totals are clickable is that if I click on the 63, I get all men who are full professors (36 records instead of 63). If I click on the 48, I get all Full Professors who are men. (36 records instead of 48).
Is there any way to send different parameters (or even no parameters) to the secondary report if the subtotals are clicked instead of the regular results?
I have a matrix with both row and column subtotaling. The matrix also has alternating row coloring, which is done using a hidden static row group.
In addition to the alternating row coloing, I'm trying to color the subtotal cells. Using the InScope function I can determine whether the cell is in the Row Group or the Column group or neither.
The problem I'm having is with the coloring of the cells in the Row subtotals. My function correctly determines the appropriate color for each cell in the row total, but the column total cell coloring seems to supercede the color I'm setting on the row total.
Included is the RDL for the AdventureWorks CompanySales report, which I've modified to demonstrate my problem. I've added columns which basically indicate the current scope and the color I'm trying to set for each item in the matrix.
If anyone knows what I'm missing and how to correct this, I'd appreciate the help.
SELECT PC.Name AS ProdCat, PS.Name AS SubCat, DATEPART(yy, SOH.OrderDate) AS OrderYear, 'Q' + DATENAME(qq, SOH.OrderDate) AS OrderQtr,
SUM(SOD.UnitPrice * SOD.OrderQty) AS Sales
FROM Production.ProductSubcategory PS INNER JOIN
Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH INNER JOIN
Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON SOH.SalesOrderID = SOD.SalesOrderID INNER JOIN
Production.Product P ON SOD.ProductID = P.ProductID ON PS.ProductSubcategoryID = P.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN
Production.ProductCategory PC ON PS.ProductCategoryID = PC.ProductCategoryID
WHERE (SOH.OrderDate BETWEEN '1/1/2002' AND '12/31/2003')
GROUP BY DATEPART(yy, SOH.OrderDate), PC.Name, PS.Name, 'Q' + DATENAME(qq, SOH.OrderDate), PS.ProductSubcategoryID</CommandText>
<Field Name="ProdCat">
<Field Name="SubCat">
<Field Name="OrderYear">
<Field Name="OrderQtr">
<Field Name="Sales">
<Code>public function MatrixColor(bRowGroupScope as Boolean, bColGroupScope as Boolean, sAltColor as string, sTotalColor as string) As String
Dim sReturn as String
Select Case True
Case (Not bRowGroupScope And Not bColGroupScope)
sReturn = sTotalColor
Case (bRowGroupScope And Not bColGroupScope)
sReturn = sAltColor
Case (Not bRowGroupScope And bColGroupScope)
sReturn = sTotalColor
Case (bRowGroupScope And bColGroupScope)
sReturn = sAltColor
End Select
MatrixColor = sReturn
end function</Code>
<Description>Adventure Works sales by quarter and product category. This report illustrates the use of a matrix data region that provides drilldown from summary data into detail data by showing and hiding rows. This report also illustrates the use of background images.</Description>
I have this problem that I do not now how to solve it:
I have a report (matrix) where in the lines I have an order status, while in the columns I have the number of orders, the number of lines and the average time of delivery (calculated measure on as 2005 cube).
If put the subtotals the system will add the number of orders, the number of lines but instead of doing the average time of delivery, it will sum all the average of each order status.
Nr. Of Orders Nr. of Lines Average Delivery Time
Open Order 10 20 3.2
Closed Order 15 30 5
Total 25 50 8.2 (it should be, for example, 4.5)
Is there a way in which I can tell the system to not calculate the total for the third column?
If I use excel there is no problem because it will use the server formatting of AS2005 while Reporting Services is not doing it.
I am using the matrix element. in the data part i m using the aggregate function CountDistinct. and when i m taking the subtotal for this value across rows the total is coming wrong. while in the same matrix i have other data values also which uses functions SUM, for these the Subtotal is coming correct.
Can somebody tell me why this is happening with CountDistinct function.
Hi, I have simple report with RS 2005. I use matrix component. I€™ve added €œSubtotal€? element to the row and It works perfect. But I would like to make some modification to it and I€™m looking for expression of it, but I can€™t find it - there's just "TOTAL". Also On layout page I see text box €œTOTAL€? and that€™s all. Where can I find it? Thank you Tomasz
I need to know how to add in the subtotal and the grandtotal. Im using a matrix and SSRS 2000.
Besides that, is that a way to add in the header name for the ROW group in a matrix? Im currently using a normal table, aligned to the same size as the matrix, above the matrix and display the header. Is there a better way?
I am having a matrix as follows Survey1 survey2 Survey 3 Company1 2 3 Company2 1 2 Company3 2 4 Company4 6 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2 3 3
Like that it should display instead of it is showin sum value in the total. Is there any function/customecode to do that
I have data in a matrix that shows a percent, and that is fine, but when it shows the subtotal it just sums all the percents instead of getting an average of all the data in that row. I'm looking for help here for what seems would be easy but it's been hours and I haven't figured out yet how to do this. All the rest of the data is fine because it does what it should (sum) but it's this one row that is giving me a headache.
I had a matrix which retrieves value from a database.When i put "Fields!availability.Value" in the detail cell,it shows warning about aggregate.And i am using 'subtotal'.But my problem is when i use "Sum(Fields!availability.Value)",the value itself that was displayed is different from the actual value in the database.And when i use "First!availability.Value",the subtotal only get the first value from the above rows to which to get the subtotal.Uhm can there be anyway to solve this?? Thanks in advance.
I am trying to get a percent of a group on a row level. I want 62.77% or = sum(totaldeals, "Status") / sum(totaldeals, "Product"). It seems real easy but I have not been able to come up with a solution for it.
Any one have any ideas?
Product is a group, status is a group, total deals is a sum. The reason for a matrix is because I have fiscal year, fiscal quarter, fiscal month, and additional product lines coming on board. Matrix is the way to go for sum but I can't seem to get the % by product.
I was able to get the % on the row level but based on the report total with the following code: =IIF(Sum(Fields!GrossSales.Value,"matrix1_Product")=0,0,Sum(Fields!GrossSales.Value)/IIF(Sum(Fields!GrossSales.Value,"matrix1_FianceStatus")=0,1,Sum(Fields!GrossSales.Value,"matrix1_FinanceStatus")))
This is the concept of what I am trying to do but I want it based on the on the product level sum not the matrix level sum. I tried changing the scopes of the above expression with no luck. I have tried adding inscope("") with no luck.
Product Status Total Deals Total Dollar Amount % of Total Dollars
I want detailed subtotals but I don't want the "Amount" and "Amount Class." values in the details of my Matrix.
I've not found other way to show the "amount" and "amount class." in the subtotal without adding those values in the details are of the matrix. But when I select "Hide" in the properties those values are hidden in the subtotal as well. Is there any way to hide a value in the details area but not in the subtotals ?
I have a matrix like this. Here A,B,C are row groups and D,E are the column groups. Subtotals are used both at row level and at column level too. I need to provide drill through capability on the data fields. I am using the INSCOPE function while passing the parameters. INSCOPE function is working fine for the row totals. That is. I m getting the desired result when I click on 80,75,75,35,265(in bold big) but when I click on 50,85 or 75,55(in cyan) I get the result of 265. Means INSCOPE is working correctly for row totals but not for column totals. Can anybody tell me what I m doing wrong here and what is the correct approach.
Hi, It looks like by default the subtotal number inherits the number format from the main column. Is there a way to override it? In my case I am displaying percents with a decimal point in a column and sometimes the total comes out to 99.9% instead of 100%. I just want to round of the total to alway show 100%. Is there a way to do it?
I have a Matrix and in the total on the last row i want use conditions for the color on the background , i'm usign the option Subtotal but i cna't read the value for the subtotal for create my conditions , some body now how i will aprecciate thanks
I have a matrix with the rows consisting of customers and the columns consisting of different revenue streams. The revenue streams are totalled using the matrix subtotal feature. I would like to sort, either interactively or statically (if that is the only option) by the subtotal column. I've read through everything I can find online and even the solutions that appear to be appropriate do not work. Can anyone give me a suggestion?
hi, we need to export a matrix that has subtotals to excel, but to download it without the subtotal groups so we can analyze the data in excel (pivot it, add graphs, etc.). how can we control the way the excel is being created?
What I need to do is to calculate the Average time in the subtotals of a matrix containing max-time values.
Amount last sold at
Item A 5 18:00
Item B 10 19:00
Total 15 18:30
In my understandig I have to create a function that counts all max-time values and calculates their average. The return value would depend on the filed-type. If it´s a normal field, the max-time value would be returned, else the calculated average. My first problem is to figure out, if the actual filed is a normal or a subtotal field.
I have a matrix that will pull out the current quarters sales figures. I want to change the color of the subtotal font ONLY when we are in the current period. I have a boolean field in the matrix report that is true when it is the current month.
For example, at the end of last month it displays January, February and March figures. I want the sub total to display the totals for January and February in white, whilst the totals for March are Yellow.
I have a Matrix in my report where on each each cell i have a drill down to another report. The Matrix also has SubTotal Column getting generated.
But the Problem is the drill down report gets carried on the SubTotal column also and the user gets vage results as proper information is not passed to another report.
Is there a way through which if its a subTotal cell then i can hide the drill down. some IIF() condition is there is
I appreciate if somebody can help me address this problem.
I'm having trouble inserting a conditional format to a specific column.
e.g.: Matrix within the rows the "weeks" (1, 2, 3, ... , 52), and in the column a "lastyear revenu", "thisyear revenue" and a difference between them, "delta %", in percent grouped by the stores. I added a subtotal to it so I get in the latest column the "total lastyear revenue", the "total thisyear revenue" and a difference between them in percent for all stores, "total delta %", for a specific week.
Problem: I want to colour the "delta %" column green when it is greater then the "total delta %" value.
I thougt this would be quite easy, but it really is a pain in the *** because, in the background expression dialog box, I can't refer to the subtotal cells ...
This maybe a very simple question but somehow I cannot find the way to do it.
1. How to delete Subtotal in Matrix by using Report Designer (Visual Studio). It looks simple, but after I click on the Total and right click - delete. Somehow only the text "Total" being deleted and not the whole row. I still can see the grey cell in my matrix table
2. How to create link from the value in Total in Matrix We can add the link in the Data via navigation and jump to another report by passing the parameter, but the Total value will follow whatever we have set in the Data. Which means that it will passing the parameter as well. How to enable the link via the Total value and remove all the previous filter and jump into my other report without any filter value ?
3. How to create drill up function in matrix ? For example I have 2 Reports, 1st report is Region (AP, EMEA, US), 2nd Report is Country When I click on 1st report and click on AP, it will open up another report and show country like Hongkong, Indonesia, Singapore Now, I want to click on AP in 2nd report and going back to 1st report by showing all AP, EMEA, US. When I click on AP in 2nd report, I am going to pass the parameter of Region there and still I want to show AP, EMEA, and US.
4. How to show the Title in Matrix ? I cannot find a way to show the Field name as the title in the Matrix for column grouping. Anyone can help me ?
Now, I know this has to be REALLY easy but I can't seem to figure this out...I'm new to SSRS and my book order proably just came in today at home. I have a matrix with one header level and one row level. Basically the report is an Aging of dollars across time (columns) and financial class (rows). Nothing fancy here.
I've clicked on the header for the row and selected 'subtotal' which adds a 'Total' row and done the same for the column header which adds a Total for the column. But when I run the report the subtotals only include the first entry in each row (row subtotal) or column (column subtotal). Why won't it add all of the cells together?
I'm using SSAS2005 SP2 as a data source, and RS2005 SP2 for reporting.
With the upgrade to sp2, users assigned to an area in a sales location tree no longer get a value returned for AGGREGATE(MyValue.Value) when looking at a region higher than they are assigned.
My MATRIX reports now look like:
_______________________________|___|___| Region____Sub Region____Area1__|_5___3_| Sub Region Total_______________|_______| Region Total___________________|_______| Grand Total____________________|_______|
Before sp2, they had the 5 and 3 values repeated in all total rows.
My thought was to hopefully dynamically hide the sub region and region groupings and their related subtotals - but when trying to do this, only the grand total shows, and its values are blank.
When a person can only see Area1, I'd like the report to look like this:
but if they could see everything from the cube, I would like those sections to show, because they have values in them:
_______________________________|___|___| Region____Sub Region____Area1__|_5___3_| Sub Region Total_______________|_10__5_| Region Total___________________|_20_11_| Grand Total____________________|_42_13_|