Max Bytes Per Row

Apr 25, 2001


One of my programmers brought an error to me that I need to get some clarification on ...

Its says:
The total row size (24301) for table xxxx eceeds the max number of bytes per row(8060). Rows that exceed the max number of bytes will not be added.

Thoughts ...

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0 Bytes

Dec 26, 2001


I used to write the data in a database throught the component. Few days it worked fine and suddenly one day it showed the database is suspect and the file size is 0 bytes but actually is should have written lots of data.

But i have the datafile which shows zero bytes and when i try to attach it it gives an error:

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 6, Line 1
I/O error 38(Reached the end of the file.) detected during read at offset 0000000000000000 in file 'D:EorderdatabasePritamdbeorderpritamdb_Data.mdf'.

Connection Broken

Can anyone tell y is this. And it would be really if anyone can tell how to recover the data. The only thing which i have now is the data file which shows zero bytes.


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WTF.. Bytes Per Row???

Aug 24, 2005

I tried to ALTER TABLE calendar NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL and I got this error:

Warning: The table 'messages' has been created but its maximum row size (8321) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.

I'm not too certain what this error means so I manually deleted the records in this table. I got the same error.

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How Many Bytes Were Taken Per Row?

Dec 2, 2007

How to count how many bytes were taken per row in certern table?
Which method is the most correct and directly?

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Memory Available Bytes

May 30, 2008

I'm taking a look at a server to optimize it and need a better understanding of the Memory Available Bytes.

If the graph is showing this @ 100 is that a good or bad thing.
Articles are saying it shouldn't be below 4MB...
Can anyone elaborate?


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I Only Want The First 50 Bytes Of The Filed :(

Apr 6, 2004

My database has chinese characters in.
Eventually I need to only get the first 50 bytes of the data field, but somehow, I use len('==data==',50), it would catch 50 chinese characters which make 100 bytes ...
can anyone help me?
Thank you very much no matter what the result is ;)

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Converting Bytes To String

May 3, 2007

Hi guys,I'm currently trying to insert image into my SQL db. 
I have tried a number of methods that were posted online, and so far
with no luck.My current code reads:                     Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()                    conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MainDBConnection").ToString                    conn.Open()                    Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SP_SAVEImage", conn)                    cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure                    Dim sImageName As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)                    sImageName.Value = sImageName                    Dim sImageType As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageType", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)                    sImageType.Value = fileType                    Dim sImageData As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageData", Data.SqlDbType.Image, uploadedFile.Length)                    sImageData.Value = uploadedFile                    cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageName)                    cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageType)                    cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageData)                    Dim reader1 As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader                    reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReaderRunning
through debug, everything runs up until the last line, where an error
is caught saying : Failed to convert parameter value from a
SqlParameter to a String I reckon it's to do with the input sImageData being input as a byte array - but I can't seem to find a way around it. Any help greatly appreciated!!

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Maximum Number Of Bytes Per Row

Aug 1, 2001

if SQL SERVER 2000 only allow 8060 bytes per row, then how can it store images or CLOB data? Is there a way that would let us change the maximum number of bytes per row? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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REPLICATE() Beyond 8000 Bytes

May 18, 2007

I'm wondering if there's a way to use the string function replicate() to produce an output greater than 8000 bytes. From the documentation REPLICATE returns a varchar of max 8000 but I'm told there's a way to stop this restriction.

My mentor has been giving me tasks to try and accomplish and for this one I'm to create a stored procedure with no limitations, however I'm stuck at this replicate() problem.

Any help or guidance would be great.


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Calculating Number Of Bytes

Jun 7, 2004


We are trying to get a rough estimate of the size of the warehouse in terms of number of bytes. Now I understand that when I say char(2) datatype requires 2 bytes of memory. If this is correct then how many bytes does the following data type need -

1. smalldatetime
2. decimal(14,2)
3. decimal(12,2)
4. int
5. smallint.
6. decimal(9,0)

Also can you explain the byte allocation for a varchar column. Say varchar(20) for example.

Any help is appreciated.


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Jan 29, 2015

I have a field that is stored in bytes in sql2008 R2. I need a simple script that will convert this field to MB & round up. I'm not able to find anything but complicated functions a.

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How Much Bytes Needed In Sql Server

Jun 13, 2007

Hi i want to know how much bytes will sql server take to store asingle alphabet like "a". i need to know similarly for all data types(including images).here i am doing a application where i need topredict the amount of space required in sql server to store the userfed dynamic data.Give me a handy solution.Regardsvisu

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Bytes Transfered Over The Wire

Oct 15, 2007

does anyone know when you sync (for the first time), if the snapshot is sent to the remote/client side compressed or uncompressed? i'm not talking about the resulting .sdf file size. i'm talking about the actual bytes that are tranfered or the wire.



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DB Design :: How Many Bytes Use A Varchar

Nov 3, 2015

I have a varchar(900) which means that I can use 900bytes, so if I am not wrong if the character is unicode, y only can use 450 because each character need two bytes.I have a databease with a column that use the intercalation general_latin_CI_AI, but I don't know if this intercalation use 1byte per character or use 2bytes per character.How can I know how many bytes need a character of a varchar column?

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Image Limitation Of 510 Bytes

Feb 22, 2007


I have a field in my SQL Server 2000 with type "varbinary(8000)" which I merge onto my SQL CE 2.0 database. On my SQL CE 2.0, this field becomes "image".

Based on Microsoft's site:, "image" is used if the size is not over 510; however, when I populate this field in SQL CE, the maximum size that is stored is 510 bytes. I have verified my source data was complete (2622 butes) when again when I check the size of the field after an insert, it had only 510 bytes.

What's the work-around?

Thank you.

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How Do I Calculate Current Total Bytes Per Row Used

Feb 16, 2001

We are close to exceeding the Maximum Row size of 8K per row and the CIO asked me "how close are we to reaching the 8K row limit?"

I began by looking at byte requirements for the data types we are using
from the systypes table then I wondered, do the indecie, Foreign Keys and Primary Keys use bytes which must be included in my Calculation for current number of bytes used per Row.

Question: How do I calculate Current total number of bytes used per row.

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Convert Image Column's Bytes To Int's

May 14, 2008

Hi I have an image column (Spectrum) in a Table (ParticleEDS) which is populated with an array of a bunch of INT32's (4 bytes each)

Using TSQL is there any way that I can read each 4 bytes (convert this to an INT) and return this data for a given record (based on ParticleEDSID).

I know that there are 8192 byes (2048x4 bytes) that make up the image column.

I would like the output of the query/stored procedure to be:

1 2342
2 2334
3 3343
2048 1001

I am thinking that the way to do this would be to convert every 4 bytes into an int and create a temporaty table with an integer column which I populate with int and then run a select * on this temporary table.

Does anybody have any pointers on how I can start to do this?

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Row Length Exceeds 8060 Bytes

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,I have created a table in sql server 2000 where at the time of creatingit, the row size excced 8K. I understand why I get the warning below:The table 'tbl_detail' has been created but its maximum row size(12367) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT orUPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row lengthexceeds 8060 bytes.However, when I call a stored procedure from my ASP Code, which returnsme this warning, my ASP page displays the warning and does not move tothe next line.What can I do not to get this warning? How do I turn off warningmessages? I tried to wrap my stored procedure call code within SETNOCOUNT ON and SET NOCOUNT OFF but that didn't help.Any help would be really appreciated,Thanks,Boris

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FOR XML AUTO Returns Only 512 Bytes When Executed In

Jul 11, 2006

I have a stored procedure in that executes a sql statement to retreive a record from a table as xml using "for xml auto". The code looks something like the following:

sql = "select top 1 * from sometable for xml auto"
cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, cn)
xmlstring = cmd.executescalar.tostring

The stored procedure runs fine except when it is run by SQL Agent. Then, it only returns the first 512 bytes from the database.

I'm stumped. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.


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Limit Of 8060 Bytes Per Table Row

Sep 30, 2015

I thought I understand the notion in the Title until I ran the query below. This query inserts a 5000 byte value into two columns in the same record and sql (2008) doesn't complain. 

-- drop table table_1

create table table_1(
[mychar1] [varchar](8000) NULL,
[mychar2] [varchar](8000) NULL

insert into table_1 ( mychar1, mychar2)
values (replicate('a', 5000) , replicate('b', 5000))
select * from table_1

-- truncate table table_1

I just noticed that using   Replicate ('a', 50000) doesn't cause an issue either. I'll be reviewing the replicate documentation too.

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Log Sent Rate Is Low As Compared To Log Bytes Flushed/sec

Jun 12, 2007


We have Asynchronous Database Mirroring on SQL Server 2005 SP2 Entprise Edition/Windows 2000 Advanced Server. We noticed that log sent rate is quite low (average 1.3 MB/sec) in most of the cases whereas "Log bytes flushed/sec" is high (1.4 MB/sec) as a result Log send queue keeps on increasing and finally taking all the transaction log space. Our disk queue length is always in range of 0.01. And prinicipal and mirror servers are on local LAN.

I tried on low end server and high end server and in both cases Log sent rate is approx 1.3 MB/sec (Maximum 4 MB/sec).

Is there any limitation on Log sent rate?

How can we improve on log sent rate? Since both servers are on local LAN, network bandwith does not seems to be an issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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How To Guarantee Unique Of Columns &&> 900 Bytes

Aug 14, 2006

We have an app that threads together emails coming out of Exchange, using their messageid. To ensure threading works correctly, we need to ensure uniqueness of messageid, which we do with a unique index (we also need to be able to lookup by messageid when a message comes in).

We are currently porting the app from Oracle and PostgreSQL to SQL Server and are having problems with the 900 byte max length of an index. The problem is that the maximum size of a messageid (according to the Exchange docs) is 1877 bytes.

How can we guarantee uniqueness?

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Aug 28, 2007

Sql Server has many data types.
For Example:
Integer data from -2^15 (-32,768) through 2^15 - 1 (32,767). Storage size is 2 bytes.
I want to know that
If it contains like 0 or 100 or 1000 or -200 or -2000  or more or less.
What will its actual size?
2 bytes or change with the value.
Please also mention the reference with your answer. if available.

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Dividing Bytes By 1 Million To Get Megabytes In Select

Feb 13, 2005


I have a table that contains a field containing the total bytes for a file. I am displaying the information in a datagrid but need to display the information in MB. If I divide by 1,000,000 in my select statement as such:SELECT cs_fileSize / 1000000 AS MB, cs_fileSize
FROM t_client_spotsI get the following results:

MB | cs_filesize
1 | 1899602
1 | 1782281

I would like the results to be:

MB | cs_filesize
1.89 | 1899602
1.78 | 1782281

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!

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Row Is Bigger Than Maximum Size (1962 Bytes)

Mar 11, 2000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ' 80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size (1962 bytes) allowed for this table.

database:microsoft 6.5 SQL

How can I solve this problem

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Want To Know Size In Bytes Taken By Each DataType MSSQLServer Supports.

Feb 24, 2004

Hello ,

I would like to know the size in bytes required internally for each datatype MSSQLServer supports.

For eg.
I think for SMALLINT its 2 bytes

Would like to know the size in bytes for


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SQL Rows In Pages Exceeding 8060 Bytes

Jan 14, 2008

This is a question that I have not had an opportunity to test. Was wanting to know if anyone in the SQl world knows the answer. In SQL 2K and 2005 your rolls are limited to 8060 bytes without using varchar(MAX). My question is do you have to specify varchar(max) before your roll can exceed 8060 or does SQL 2005 exceed without specifing varchar(Max). Also does SQL 2005 expand it across multiple pages automatically. Please assist if you can.


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Error: Exceeded Maximum Number Of Bytes Per Row

Jan 23, 2008

Hello, I received an error while attempting to create a table similar to the following...

CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
[FIELD_1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_4] [datetime] NULL,
[FIELD_5] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_6] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_7] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_8] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_9] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_10] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_11] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_12] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_13] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_14] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_15] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_16] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_17] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_18] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_19] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_20] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_21] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_22] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_23] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_24] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_25] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_26] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[FIELD_27] [nvarchar](255) NULL

First of all, field names have been changed to protect the innocent. Second, I did *not* create this table...I'm troubleshooting issues with a previously created table. I've no idea why almost every field needs to be an NVARCHAR data type of that size. Finally, as you can probably guess, I'm getting this error on a SQL Server 2000 database. (Yeah, it's past time we upgraded to SQL Server 2005 at least...explain that to management, please. I suggest you speak slowly and use small words.)

Anyhow, the error is "Warning: The table 'ExampleTable' has been created but its maximum row size (13348) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes."

Am I misunderstanding how the row size is calculated? How is SQL Server getting 13,348 bytes from the above statement?

Any and all constructive suggestions/ideas are much appreciated! Thanks!

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Transact SQL :: How To Format Bytes From A 4 Byte Integer

Nov 23, 2015

Given a 4 byte integer, how to extract each individual byte and format with a period separating them? As an example, if MSB is 1, followed by 2, then 3 then 4 then how can the four bytes from this integer be formatted and displayed as

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SqlCEParameter With SQLDBType.Binary Won't Allow Size To Be Set &&> 510 Bytes

Nov 1, 2006

Here is my code:

Dim oParameter As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter("@pMyParameter", SqlDbType.Binary, 3000)

If you set a watch on this object, the size is set back to 510. I have tried resetting the size back to 3000 after construction using oParameter.Size, but it doesn't change from 510. If the command is executed using ExecNonQuery, this causes the bytes to get cut off at 510 bytes and returns the error: Byte array truncation to a length of 510.

Can I insert data into SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, into a field of data type binary(3000) using .NET CF 2.0 via SqlServerCe objects?

Thanks for any help.


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Temp Buffer Error Allocating ######## Bytes

Jan 11, 2008

Hi Guys,
i've found many threds with SSIS buffer errors but non of them seems to work, or have a good solution. i'l explain the story short.

i've got a DB server running on Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise with 10GB RAM 20GB Virtual memory with same spec another machine for the web server.

both machines have "Lock Memory in memory" group policy enabled for

Network Service
DomainSQLServiceAccount (in DB server)
and in the DB memory "awe allocation" is also enabled.
both servers have /PAE /3GB switches enabled in boot.ini file

problem: i run all my SSIS packages in the web server through IIS. so the processes are devided between DB and web server. i.e SSIS service is also running in web server.

when i run packages under load (transforming - 200,000 records) i get buffer allocation errors.

A buffer failed while allocating 10485760 bytes.
Error Code = -1073450990
all packages i run i have set the default buffer temp to my web servers e: emp (got 260GB space left). and defaultbuffer size is 10mb with 10,000 defaultbuffermaxrows.

funny this is when it hit 8.33GB (approx 875 files) i get the above error message. it always seems to give me errors after 8.33GB.

Note: all packages run in IIS (w3wp.exe). i'm configuring my new production boxes. the old production with similar envirnment (less speed) work with the same data and packages fine under load.

new production machine got more memory than the old machine but i get memory error (buffer). it doesn't even use up all available physical memory, only about 3gb (max), then start buffering to disk.

any help would be greately appreciated.

i also got

The system reports 31 percent memory load. There are 10734981120 bytes of physical memory with 7326126080 bytes free. There are 3221094400 bytes of virtual memory with 283840512 bytes free. The paging file has 12661686272 bytes with 9633767424 bytes free.Error Code = -1073450991
this was before i increased virtual memory to 20gb(from 4gb).

Any ideas i can try out?

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Are There Any Sql Data Types That Allocate In Half Bytes?

Mar 24, 2008

do all sql data types consume whole numbers of bytes? We have an app that might be best suited to bit manipulation at the nibble rather than byte level.

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DB Engine :: Failed Virtual Allocate Bytes

Aug 5, 2015

We got an error "Failed Virtual Allocate Bytes: FAIL_VIRTUAL_RESERVE"

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.5000.00 (Intel X86)
Dec 10 2010 10:56:29
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
We had 24CPU intell cores and 64 gb RAM on server.
Sql service starts with enabled AWE + LPM and "-g512" option.

Why we still use such relic configuration it is not my fault. i'm investigate log and find that memorystatus "Optimization Queue" section has really huge values.

Optimization Queue
Overall Memory = 1321132032Target Memory = 1158799360 Last Notification = GROW Timeout = 6 Early Termination Factor = 5Small Gateway Configured Units = 32 Available Units = 26 Acquires = 6 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 250000 Threshold = 250000Medium Gateway Configured Units = 8 Available Units = 7 Acquires = 1 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 12 Threshold = 16094435Big Gateway Configured Units = 1 Available Units = 1 Acquires = 0 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 8 Threshold = 144849920


What forced bPOOL to allocate pages in MTL? How to determine that queries? Same about SQL OS.As workaround i increase -g startup option to "-g2048", and "max server memory" was decreased to 54Gb.

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