Max Values Query
Sep 8, 2006
I've done this before, but I think I'm having a brain stall. If I have a table with the following columns/data, how do I query it in such a way that returns only the row for each resident with the maximum value for Daterecd, i.e. the most recent payment? Jeez, this is so basic. I must be having a nervous breakdown.
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Sep 23, 2006
Im writing a sp but have a hard time debugging...How can I check the values used in my stored procedure, the resultset after executing the sp AND see what actually gets sent to the server (query+values)?
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Sep 18, 2007
I have a problem to get the max values. I have table like this...
0 000001 1 DATA1
0 000001 2 DATA2
0 000001 3 DATA3
0 000002 1 DATA1
0 000003 1 DATA1
0 000003 2 DATA2
I need to get this
0 000001 3 DATA3
0 000002 1 DATA1
0 000003 2 DATA2
Please advice
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Jan 5, 2007
I have written the following lines myConnection = New MySqlConnection("server=" + dbServer + "; user id=" + dbUserID + "; password=" + dbPassword + "; database=" + dbName + "; pooling=false;")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user where type=1;"
user table has name, tel, addr, id, type fieldsI would like to know how to use a string array to store the name in the result of strSQL?Thank you
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Mar 15, 2007
I have faced a situation that when i try to update a page. Some values can be updated while some cannot. I try to print the executed SQL query and get the following1 "UPDATE orders SET
2 cust_id=15,po_code='PO20060610',
3 po_amt=10000.0000,
4 add_charges=0,
5 commission='eeeeeee',
6 lab_charges=0,
7 fty_dis=0,
8 pay_trm='adasds',
9 cust_dis=0,
10 trade_trm_desc='',
11 curr_rate=1,
12 ship_expense=0,
13 shipmark='eng ship mard new2',
14 sidemark='Eng Side Mark new333'
15 ,inner_box='Eng Inner Box new333',
16 confirmation='rend confirmation2',
17 contract='end contact23',
18 internal_remark='testing testing 26/6/2007 333',
19 rec_curr_rate=0,rec_amt=0,shipmark_attach='',
20 sidemark_attach='',inner_box_attach='',
21 ord_type=1,status=2,ord_confirm_code='',
22 commission_type=1,sidemark_lang='English',
23 curr_code='HKD',unit_code='PCS',
24 trade_trm='FOB Hong Kong',rec_curr='USD',
25 ord_date='2006/06/10', po_date='01/01/2007',exp_delivery_date='01/01/2007',
26 act_delivery_date='01/01/2007', pay_start_date='10/10/06',pay_end_date='10/10/06',upd_time='2007/03/15 15:41:14' WHERE ord_id=292;Set @ord_id=292;"
The fields sidemark, inner_box, internal_remark cannot update, while others can.
I think it's really strange.... since i have no idea why some can be updated while some others and the SQL seems to me is correct.
Please give me some advices on solving this.
Thank you.
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Apr 1, 2004
Hi, I have the following query.
sql = "select firstname AS Expr1, lastname AS Expr2, status AS Expr3 from person order by lastname"
Status is either 0,1,2 or 3
How can I use the query to create "a temp Alias" for the query, so that there is a "temp Alias" AS Expr4, AS Expr5, AS Expr6 and AS Expr7.
So if status = 0 then Expr4 = "true" else false
So if status = 1 then Expr5 = "true" else false
So if status = 2 then Expr6 = "true" else false
So if status = 3 then Expr7 = "true" else false
So when the reader reads Expr4 its either true or false.
Is this possible i a query?
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Sep 16, 2004
I need a query that will RETRIEVE a value from a database if it is present, but if the data isn't present, then the data will be INSERTed into the table.
Either way, I need the row returned at the end of the query.
I can do SELECT queries, but I don't have a clue as to how to proceed with branching statements.
For example:
User runs a query for "Canada".
Canada exists in the database, so the database returns Canada along with its ID.
Next user runs a query for "Chile".
Chile isn't in the database so a record is created and the ID (an IDENTITY field) is returned.
Does anyone know how I may accomplish this?
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Dec 10, 2012
I have written sql query
select INVOICE.InvoiceTypeCode, INVOICE.TarrifHeadNumber,CETSH.GoodsDescription,
INVOICETYPEMASTER.InvoiceTypeName, INVOICEITEMS.ItemQuantity as SumQuantity,
INVOICE.BasicValue ,INVOICE.BasicValue * INVOICE.ExchangeRate +
I am getting different amount 984000.0000 and quantity 9.
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Aug 31, 2006
hello friends!!
i am getting values from front end application as 1,2
i am using it as '''1'',''2'''
i am writing stored procedure
create proc [dbo].[test_1]
@id varchar(40)
declare @str as varchar(500)
select * from table_1 where convert(varchar,uid )in (select @id)
and another is
create proc [dbo].[test_1]
@id varchar(40)
declare @str as varchar(500)
set @str = 'select * from table_1 where convert(varchar,uid )in ('+@id+')'
my table structure is name : table_1
columns datatype
uid int
uname varchar(10)
why i am getting null values for first stored procedure and if i am using second one i am getting values in query analyser but not in front end i am using ms visual studio 2005 and getting @return_value as 0 but not actual data
is there any link where i find code source for getting data through stored procedure using exec(@querystr)
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Nov 24, 2006
Hi every body.
Can u tell me how to get the order values of the SQL query
My sqlstring ="Select * from tbl_Products"
And it returns 6 rows
And I want to get order values like this 1,2,3,4,5,6
I am a beginner.
Thanks a lots
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Jul 20, 2005
HiI have the following tables and stored procedure. I need to pass a value tothe stored procedure and have it use the value in a query. After runningthat query it will return an ID which is then used in an insert statement.At present the values in @MovieId int, @UserID int are left empty (see myoriginal code at the bottom of posting). I think this is due to an issuewith when the sql is executed (?).I get the feeling I should have something like this instead, but not sure:ALTER proc inserttransactions@MovieName nvarchar(50) = 'team',@uName nvarchar(50) = 'frank',@FrameNumber int = 0asDECLARE @MovieId int, @UserID int-- Find MovieID from MovieName@MovieId = exec MovieName2Id @MovieName-- Find UserID from UserEmail@UserEmail = exec Email2UserId @uName-- Insert DataINSERT INTO Transactions(MovieId, UserId, FrameNumber)VALUES (@MovieId, @UserID, @FrameNumber)Thanks in advance.========MY CODE=============Tables:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[movies] ([movieID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[movieName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[movieDateAdded] [datetime] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[transactions] ([userID] [int] NULL ,[movieID] [int] NULL ,[FrameNumber] [int] NOT NULL ,[transDate] [datetime] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[users] ([userID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[userEmail] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[userDateRegistered] [datetime] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOStored Procedure:ALTER proc inserttransactions@MovieName nvarchar(50) = 'team',@uName nvarchar(50) = 'frank',@FrameNumber int = 0asDECLARE @MovieId int, @UserID int-- Find MovieID from MovieNameSELECT @MovieId = MovieIdFROM MoviesWHERE MovieName = @MovieName-- Find UserID from UserEmailSELECT @UserID = UserIDFROM UsersWHERE UserEmail = @uName-- Insert DataINSERT INTO Transactions(MovieId, UserId, FrameNumber)VALUES (@MovieId, @UserID, @FrameNumber)GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO
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Apr 21, 2006
Hi, I have been asked to write some code that can check a large table for duplicate values in a non pk column. The table may have up to 1000000 rows. The PK column is an auto increment field. For performance reasons the column in question could not be set to unique values only for inserts, an algorithm is used to create unique no's before the insert but what I am doing is double checking that their have been no duplicates created accidently. If their are duplicates I need to know what rows they occurred on.
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Jun 5, 2015
I have table that contains below data
Date ID
2015-05-29 7:00:00 AOOze abc
2015-05-29 7:05:00 AOOze start
2015-05-29 7:10:00 AOOze pqy
2015-05-29 7:15:00 AOOze stop
2015-05-29 7:20:00 AOOze lmn
and so on following the series for every set of different ID with 5 entries.I need to Find Maximum interval time for each ID and for condition in given message (between Start and Stop)For example, in above table
-For ID AOOze, in message "start" is logged at 7:05 and stop and 7:15, so interval is 10 mins
-For ID LaOze, in message "start" is logged at 7:30 and stop and 7:45, so interval is 15 mins
I am looking for a sql query that will return in below format
ID MAX interval
AOOze 15
LaOze 10
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Oct 31, 2006
Hello I have a newbie question. If I have a table of the form:Table1{id, name} with the valuesid: 9 , name: test1,id: 7 , name: test2,id: 3 , name: test3,id: 15 , name: test4, id: 5 , name: test5,id: 13 , name: test6,.........If I have a list generated from user selection ( LIST{1, 7, 8, 15} ,) will I in a way be able to use this list in a query of the form, thus only having to make one query to the database: SELECT id, nameFROM Table1WHERE in LIST Or is the solution to make multiple queries to the database, one for each member of the list, of the form:SELECT id, nameFROM Table1WHERE ID = @IDThanks in advance /dresen
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May 23, 2007
I want the following query to return a row even when table 'X' is empty. How would I do this?
SELECT TOP 1 @Var1, @Var2, @Var3 from X
The parameters @Var1, @Var2 and @Var3 are passed to the stored procedure in which the above query is included.
When table is empty, it reurn nothing. It only return a row when table is not empty.
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Mar 7, 2008
I have a query that varies depending on control values. For example, what comes after the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, or ORDER vary with what table they need to look in, how they want to look it up, what value they are looking for, and what order they want it displayed in. There are too many possibilities to write seperate queries for. The data found goes to a dataset and gets bound to a gridview. This is done inside a vb sub.
I tried to make a similar query in a selectcommand inside sqldatasource tags with if-then-elses in <% %>s but got an error saying something like "constructs were not allowed inside tags."
How do you make a varying query as a selectcommand inside datasource tags?
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Mar 18, 2008
I am trying to have a query with the option for items to be null. (So users don't need to fill in the other fields if they choose not too) SELECT Tickets.TicketID, Tickets.UserID, Tickets.SystemID, Tickets.Title, Tickets.Description, Tickets.Software, Tickets.Date, Systems.OS, OS.OS AS OstitleFROM Tickets INNER JOIN Systems ON Tickets.SystemID = Systems.SystemID INNER JOIN OS ON Systems.OS = OS.osIDWHERE (Tickets.Title LIKE '%' + @title + '%') AND (Tickets.Software LIKE '%' + @software + '%') AND (Tickets.Description LIKE '%' + @descrip + '%') AND (Systems.OS = @osid) OR (@osid IS NULL)This works when i give the LIKE values % as a parameter. So they can choose to search by title + software but not description or description and nothing else etc etc etc. The problem is, the osid. If I give it a value it works but if i try to do null, *. or % it always displays every item in the databse ignoring any of the previous like statements. Anyone have an idea?
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Nov 4, 2004
I am new to both and this forum. I have seen some posts close to this, but none address this problem.
I have a SQL Server database on JOHN1 called 'siu_log' with a table called 'siu_log'. It has two fields: Scenarios char[20] and Machines char[20].
I have been adapting code from Build Your Own ASP.NET Website in C# & VB.NET by Zac Ruvalcaba to learn the language. Much of what you will see is his work adapted for my use.
First, the html:
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb" Inherits="SIU_Assign.WebForm1"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>SIU Interface Scenario Assignments</title>
<meta content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1" name="GENERATOR">
<meta content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1" name="CODE_LANGUAGE">
<meta content="JavaScript" name="vs_defaultClientScript">
<meta content="" name="vs_targetSchema">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<asp:datagrid id="scenariosDataGrid" runat="server" CellPadding="4" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
OnUpdateCommand="dg_Update" OnCancelCommand="dg_Cancel" OnEditCommand="dg_Edit" DataKeyField="Scenarios">
<ItemStyle BackColor="#00DDDD" ForeColor="#000000" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#003366" ForeColor="#FFFFFF" />
<asp:EditCommandColumn EditText="Edit" CancelText="Cancel" UpdateText="Update" />
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Scenarios" HeaderText="Scenario" ReadOnly="True" />
<%# Container.DataItem("Machines") %>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtMachine" Runat=server Text='<%# Container.DataItem("Machines") %>' />
<asp:Label id="resultLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label></form>
Then the CodeBehind:
Sub dg_Update(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)
Dim strMachineName, strScenarioName As String
Dim intResult As Integer
strScenarioName = Trim(scenariosDataGrid.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex))
strMachineName = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtMachine"), TextBox).Text
cmd = New SqlCommand("UPDATE siu_log SET Machines=@Machine " & _
"WHERE Scenarios=@Scenario", conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Machine", strMachineName)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Scenario", strScenarioName)
intResult = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
resultLabel.Text = "The result was " & intResult & "."
scenariosDataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1
End Sub
The problem is the strMachineName variable always contains the previous contents of the text box -- not the new one. This makes the UPDATE query just push the old data back into the table.
Any suggestions?
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Jul 19, 2005
I have (2) related questions.
#1: I am using a paramterized query, but am unable to make it work if one of the values happens to be null.
if (Request.Form["txtLink1"] != "")
mySqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@link1",
mySqlCmd.Parameters["@link1"].Value =
mySqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@link1",
mySqlCmd.Parameters["@link1"].Value = null;
If txtLink1 happens to be empty, I want @link1 to enter null. The
column in the Sql Server allows for nulls, but I get an error message
that says no value was supplied. In short, how do I supply a null value
using a parameterized query?
#2: For debugging purposes, how can I view what my SQL string looks
like (with all the values entered) before it gets submitted to the
database? When I view the string, it still contains the placeholder
values (@link1) instead of the actual values.
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 20, 2002
Using SQL Server 7 w/SP4.
I need to insert into another table the results of a query. Thought about using a temp table for the first query results, then querying those for the insert, but can't figure out how to pass the search results as a value.
(@ID, @NAME)
Took a look at using SELECT INTO and INSERT INTO, but counldn't get those to work, either.
Thanks for any help.
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Jun 12, 2001
Can anybody help me in solving this problem
declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)
(1 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.
I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 13, 2001
What is the way to pass the values throug varibale as shown below?
declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)
(1 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.
I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.
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Sep 28, 2006
Hello everyone. This is my first post here, so be gentle =)
I need to construct a query, that would return roughly 6000 rows of data.
There are some conditions, or joins, that I can't figure out. Maybe you could help me?
This is the first one.
Invoice.ID-DocParty.DocumentID -> DocParty.OtherID-Party.ID -> Party.IDNumber
This can be achieved with inner join, no problem. Pretty simple.
However, there's a catch =)
DocParty.Role can have four different values in the 'where' clause. Is there a
way to fetch all of these four values without returning four duplicates with
only one field differing?
There are multiple fields in the query that are to be fetched in similar ways. Therefore,
using a IN('value1','value2','value3','value4') would increase the number of selected rows
a lot.
In addition, there is another type of condition that needs to be fullfilled.
Invoice.Type1Account-Account.ID -> Account.Number
Invoice.Type2Account-Account.ID -> Account.Number
Basically, there two fields in the 'main' table that are joined to the same field in another table
with different conditions. Can this be fetched with the same row as all the other data without duplicates?
Should I use a view somehow? How can I construct a view with these complex conditions if I can't
construct an SQL query, that would return no duplicates (pseudo-du
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Mar 7, 2008
I have two columns, where I have the start and stop numbers (and each of them ordered asc). I would like to get a query that will tell me the missing range.
For example, after the first row, the second row is now 2617 and 3775. However, I would like to know the missing values, i.e. 2297 for start and 2616 for stop and so on as we go down the series. Thanks in advance to any help provided!
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Oct 26, 2004
I want to know if MS SQL has ability to INSERT multiple values with one statement. For example MySQL is able to do it like so
INSERT INTO myTable (col1,col2,col3)
and this will insert four rows.
Does MS SQL Have anything similar or do I have to repeat the INSERT statement if I need to generate a dynamic insert?
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Jan 24, 2012
I am getting the following results from my query that contains a subquery, but I don't understand why the values in the [Total Volume M_Active_Previous] are being repeated with the same value. I should be getting different values returned for each row like in the [Total Volume M_Active] column.
Why the values are all the same and how I can fix this?
DayNoDayTotal Volume M_ActiveTotal Volume M_Active_Previous
6 Friday11161 72491
7 Saturday5687 72491
2 Monday14354 72491
1 Sunday3966 72491
4 Wednesday12340 72491
3 Tuesday12018 72491
5 Thursday11833 72491
Here is the SQL I'm using.
DECLARE @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @Prev_StartDate datetime, @Prev_EndDate datetime
SET @StartDate = '2011-03-13 00:00:00.000'
SET @EndDate = '2011-03-19 23:59:59.999'
SET @Prev_StartDate = '2011-03-06 00:00:00.000'
SET @Prev_EndDate = '2011-03-12 23:59:59.999'
[Code] ....
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Mar 6, 2015
I am currently reading through Itzik Ben-Gan's "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL using Windows Functions." In attempt to test the SUM OVER() function in SQL 2008 because that's what I've got. I do not currently have sample data (trying to generate it has become a major PITA), but I have some pseudocode.
My current code (actual production code) pulls a bunch of ITD (inception to date) contracts then calculates a certain dollar amount based on monthly changes. Not all contracts have values during a given month, so here's what I cobbled together a few months ago. (Per our finance team, these numbers ARE accurate).
WITH MonthlyVals AS
(SELECT ContractID, SUM(Col1 - (Col2 + Col3 + Col4 + Col5)) AS MyTotal
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDate >= @ThisMonthStartDate AND MyDate <= @ThisMonthEndDate
AND StatementType IN (8,4,2)
To test the totals, I also added a COMPUTE SUM(MyTotal) to the end of each query. (Yes, I know COMPUTE is deprecated. Just wanted a quick check.). The difference between the two bits of code was over 68k, with the SUM OVER() code coming up with a total higher than the CTE code. I know CTE code is correct for a fact. It went through extensive testing before getting put in Production. Is it the way I joined the table for the SUM OVER()? Or is it the use of PARITION BY?
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May 24, 2008
How would be a query that read detailed sales from several dates and accumulated them in a table that has months as fields
MSSQL 2005
Table : DETAIL
Table : TOTAL
Year__Customer_Jan______Feb______Mar_____Apr ...
Thanks for your help
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Nov 8, 2013
I have a grid like this and when I change Designation value of Name X from PA to PAT, this change should reflect to Sathish Designation too. Changing similar values should reflect all over the grid. Like update database on change of value of similar kind.
By far I use this query to update the grid. So a where clause should be used now to update the grid to fit this scenario.
("UPDATE AppInvent_Test SET Name = @Name, Designation = @Designation, City = @City WHERE EmpID = @EmpID");
EmpID Name Designation City
21 X PA Chn
2 Sathish PA Chn
3 Shiva A Cbe
17 Venkat M Hyd
22 Y SM Cbe
18 Vignesh SA Hyd
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AppInvent_Test](
[EmpID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Designation] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Code] ....
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Nov 18, 2013
I have a grid with checkbox, where users can select multiple rows and edit at the same time and save it to the DB. Now I have used a Footer Template with textbox in the gridview. So if I want to put similar data's for some particular rows at the same time in the grid, I select the multiple rows and try to put values in the footer template textbox and when I click on save, it saves successfully.
"UPDATE [Test] SET [Name]='" + Name + "',[Designation]= '" + Designation + "', [City]= '" + City + "' WHERE EmpID='" + EmpID + "'";
Now here is the challenge, but even when I enter null values in the footer template textbox it has to save with the old values of the rows and not null values. I tried it and couldn't make it happen. So anything like putting the case for each column and mentioning like if null accept the old value and not null accept new value.
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Feb 24, 2015
SELECT,,, second.string
first LEFT OUTER JOIN second
ON =
This query means all record from second table and matching record from first table. Now my question is that on 24 Feb 2015 I have duplicate names in second table and I want distinct names from second table and then its matching values from first table. Now my query is showing all duplicate values from second table and its matching record from first table.
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Oct 17, 2006
I have a table. In the table I have different types of mailingaddresses. The addresses are linked by and ID. ex,addresses per ID 1ID address1 add21 add31 add4distinct Addresses in tableID address1 add21 add31 add4What I am trying to figure out is if this is possible. Is it possibleto figure out some how with a query that in the above example ID 1is missing add1. I am trying to populate a dropdown list in my codewith just the addresses that are left from the distinct list. I trieddoing an intersect something like this but that did not seem to work.SELECT typeFROM address_demoINTERSECTSELECT typeFROM address_demo AS address_demo_1WHERE progid = '12954892'I am wondering if I am moving in the right direction or if this is evenpossible......Thanks
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Mar 29, 2007
Newbie transiting from VBA to TSQL, using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise:Need help to do this:Open Table_AWITH TableADO UNTIL .EOFRead value from TableA.ColumnARun SQL Statement on TableB based on valueMove to the next recordLOOPENDHow do I do this in TSQL?Thanks,Bubbles
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