Maximum Database In An SQL 2005 Intance

Sep 19, 2007

Hi I would like to know, what is the maximum number of database that you can create in one SQL 2005 Instance?

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Maximum SQL 2005 Database Size

Sep 19, 2007

Hello! I'm trying to figure out what the ultimate size limitation for a SQL 2005 Enterprise server is. This document is helpful but I'm a bit confused:

In the document, it says that the maximum database size is 524,258 terabytes; however, it also says that the maximum data file size--which I assume is the .MDF file--is 16 terabytes. My question is, how can you create a 524,258 TB database if the maximum file size 16 TB?

Dumb question, I'm sure...please enlighten me!


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What Is Maximum No. Of Concurrent Logins Possible On A SQL Server 2005 Database?

Dec 19, 2006

what is maximum no. of concurrent Logins Possible on a SQL server 2005 Database?

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Login To QA On SQL2000 As A 2nd Intance

Feb 24, 2001

Please Help anybody

On trying to connect to QA (of SQL2000 as a second instance) on the server machine using SQL authentication, username sa I get the following error

"unable to connect to server <servername><instance name>
Server Message 18452, Level 16, state 1
[Microsoft}{ODBC SQL Server driver] login failed for user 'sa'. Reason not associated with a tusted SQL server connection."

Any pointing in the right direction will be appreciated.


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The Database File Is Larger Than The Configured Maximum Database Size.

Mar 20, 2007

I'm getting this error while trying to insert records into a SQL Server Compact Edition database. I have pasted my connection string that was used when creating the database as well as for accessing that same database from my Windows application.

Thanks for any help any of you can give!

Data Source=OnTheGo.sdf;Encrypt Database=True;Password=<password>;Max Database Size=4091

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Transact SQL :: Error - Maximum Row Size Exceeds Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Sep 12, 2015

I have some code I build 2 weeks ago which I’ve been running daily but it’s suddenly stopped working with the following error.

“The table "tbl_Intraday_Tmp" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit” When I google this there seems to be a related to tables with vast numbers of columns.

My table tbl_Intraday_tmp is relatively small. It has 7 columns. 1 of varchar(5), 3 of decimal(9,3) and 2 of decimal(18,0). The bit I’m puzzled with is it was working and stopped.

I don’t recall changing anything but I wouldn’t rule that out. I ‘ve inspected the source files and I don’t believe they have changed either.

@FileName varchar(50),
@Path varchar(50),
@SqlCmd varchar(1000)
= '',
@ASXCode varchar(5),
@Offset decimal(18,0),


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Error - Maximum Row Size Exceed Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Apr 20, 2012

I am using MS SQL server 2008, and i have a table with 350 columns and when i m trying to create one more column its giving error with below message -

Warning: The table XXX has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes.

INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit.

how can i resolve this?

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Maximum Possible Database Size

Sep 20, 2007

I posted this in another area and didn't get an answer, so maybe I posted it in the wrong place. Forgive me if you've seen this twice.

I'm trying to figure out what the ultimate size limitation for a SQL 2005 Enterprise server is. This document is helpful but I'm a bit confused:

In the document, it says that the maximum database size is 524,258 terabytes; however, it also says that the maximum data file size--which I assume is the .MDF file--is 16 terabytes. My question is, how can you create a 524,258 TB database if the maximum file size 16 TB?

Dumb question, I'm sure...please enlighten me!


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SQL 2005 Server Performance And Maximum Memory Pro

Aug 13, 2007

A query was taking 20 seconds and consuming 70% CPU takes only 1 second after setting Maximum Memory property to 2048 MB - why?

OS Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Version5.2.3790 Service Pack 1 Build 3790
8 GB memory
Two Dual-core AMD Opteron 285 2.6GHz Processors
Server is not configured for AWE
Fiber channel connection to EMC Clarion - two LUNs - one for MDF, one for LDF

SQL 2005
SQL 2005 32 bit Standard Edition - SP1 (version 9.0.2047)
Three instances installed on server - only one instance in use
Binaries and system databases on local mirrored disk
Database file (MDF) on one EMC LUN - dedicated physical drives
Log file (LDF) on one EMC LUN - dedicated physical drives

Query in question:

SELECT TOP 10 Address.Address1, Address.Address2, Address.City, Address.County, Address.State, Address.ZIPCode, Address.Country, Client.Name,
Quote.Deleted, Client.PrimaryContact, Client.DBA, Client.Type, Quote.Status, Quote.LOB, Client.ClientID, Quote.QuoteID, Quote.PolicyNumber,
Quote.EffectiveDate, Quote.ExpirationDate, Quote.Description, Quote.Description2, Quote.DateModified, Quote.DateAccessed, Quote.CurrentPremium,
Quote.TransactionDate, Quote.CreationDate, Quote.Producer FROM ((Client INNER JOIN Address ON Client.ClientID = Address.ClientID) INNER JOIN Quote ON
Client.ClientID = Quote.ClientID) WHERE (Quote.Deleted = 0) AND ((Address.AddressType)='Mailing') ORDER BY Client.Name

Address table - 161,075 rows
Client table - 161,634 rows
Quote table - 59,145 rows

With default maximum memory setting (2,147,483,647 MB) - query runs in 20 seconds and consumes over 70 % of the CPU.

After changing maximum memory setting to 2048 MB, query runs in less than 1 second.

Question is:
What is the best practice for setting the minimum and maximum memory settings for SQL 2005?
What can be monitored to identify the cause of these type of issues - using profiler, PerfMon, other tool?


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Maximum Number Of Databases Used For Each Query In 2005?

Mar 22, 2006

In MS Sql Server 2000, if you run a stored procedure that query's morethan 8 databases, you get this error gets raised:Maximum number of databases used for each query has been exceeded. Themaximum allowed is 8.In 2005, does this maximum number still exist? if so, is it still 8, orhas the number been increased?Thanks,Mike

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What Is The Maximum Number Of Sched Subscriptions In RS 2005?

May 5, 2008


is there a limit for number of Subscriptions per report? per folder? per RS 2005 service?



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Maximum # Of Rows In SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 19, 2008


I have a DB running for a while, but it reached 32767 rows and stopped.. The DB is only 20MB big. Where can i ajdust this setting to a bigger number of rows?


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Maximum Database A Single SQL Server Can Contain?

Aug 13, 1999

How many database a single SQL server can manage. Assume that I have enough hard disk space. (eg. 25 MB DB can I have 500 databases). What should be accurate setting required for SQL server configuration like open database, objects, locks, connections etc.

Help me out with suggestions and proper source of Information for the above.


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What Is Maximum Database Size In The SSCE?

Apr 24, 2007


I've found a two different answers for this question:

one - on the site where on the Performance improvements section there is a 128MB value in the Database size.

other is in the product datasheet there is a information that this version supports databases up to 4 GB.

Could you tell me what is the correct answer?



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Recovery :: How Many Maximum Database Can Have In AlwaysON AG

Oct 29, 2014

How many maximum database's can we have in AlwaysON Availability Group?

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Cannot Set Maximum Database Size By DBPROP_SSCE_MAX_DATABASE_SIZE;

Sep 27, 2007

I try to limit the database size to 2MB by the following code, but it doesn't work, Could somebody help me on it?
Thanks a lot!

Part of my code is:





// Create an instance of the OLE DB Provider


hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SQLSERVERCE_3_0,







goto Exit;


// Initialize a property with name of database


dbprop[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;

dbprop[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;

dbprop[0].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString( DATABASE_LOG );

if(NULL == dbprop[0].vValue.bstrVal)



goto Exit;


// Initialize property with open mode for database

dbprop[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_MODE;

dbprop[1].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[1].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[1].vValue.lVal = DB_MODE_READ | DB_MODE_WRITE;

// Set max database size


dbprop[2].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[2].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[2].vValue.lVal = 2; // 2MB

// set max size of temp. database file to 2MB


dbprop[3].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[3].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[3].vValue.lVal = 2; // 2MB

// Initialize the property set


dbpropset[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;

dbpropset[0].rgProperties = dbprop;

dbpropset[0].cProperties = sizeof(dbprop)/sizeof(dbprop[0]);

// Get IDBDataSourceAdmin interface


hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBDataSourceAdmin, (void **) &pIDBDataSourceAdmin);



goto Exit;


// Create and initialize data store


hr = pIDBDataSourceAdmin->CreateDataSource( 1, dbpropset, NULL, IID_IUnknown, &pIUnknownSession);



goto Exit;


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Maximum Number Of Columns In A Sql Server Express 2005 Table

Mar 12, 2008

What is the maximum number of columns you can have in a sql server express 2005 table?

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...Contains More Than The Maximum Number Of Prefixes. The Maximum Is 3.

Oct 10, 2005

SQL Server 2000 8.00.760 (SP3)I've been working on a test system and the following UDF worked fine.It runs in the "current" database, and references another database onthe same server called 127-SuperQuote.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = [127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOIN[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDSo now the system has gone live and it turns out that the live"SuperQuote" database is on a different server.I've linked the server and changed the function as below, but I get anerror both in QA and when checking Syntax in the UDF builder:The number name 'Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany' contains more than themaximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOINZen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDHow can I get round this? By the way, I've rather simplified thefunction to ease readability. Also, I haven't posted any DDL because Idon't think that's the problem!ThanksEdward

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Maximum Number Of Characters In A Database Table Field

Feb 27, 2003

Can any one help me, i'm building a dynamic database driven site using dreamweaver and MS SQL2000 andi'm haveing problem storing over 8000 characters in a table filed (IE: it wont let me!!) is there a special table field value that i need to set to get more characters in a table field or is this a limitation of SQL.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated


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SQL Security :: Maximum Number Of Users That Could Be Created For Any Database

Jun 16, 2015

Is there any maximum cap on the number of users that could be created in a given database of MS-SQL Server?

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Importing Database From Analysis Services 2005 To SQL Server 2005 Database

Jul 26, 2006

Hi all,

How can I Import a database from Analysis Services database to SQL SERVER using SQL SERVER 2005.

forexample the Adventure Works DW database from Analysis Services to SQL SERVER database.

Any ideas will be higly appreciated.


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Move A Table From One SQL 2005 Database To Another SQL 2005 Database

Aug 9, 2006

I created a table in an SQL 2005 database, however, I want to move that table and the data to another SQL 2005 database (within the same server). I am new to SQL 2005 and detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated.

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Why Cannot Get The Maximum??

Jul 6, 2006

hi, im trying to get the last row of a column by using this code
 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(orderID) as orderID from orders where memberNo = '" & Session.Item("memberNum") & "'"but it return me 1 instead which is the smallest value in my orderID column n located in the first rowthen i try to use this code but they say got syntax errorcmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(orderID) as orderID from orders where memberNo = '" & Session.Item("memberNum") & "'" ' order by orderID asc " ' and orderID = '" & Session("ordersID") & "'"
can anyone tell me the right way to write the syntax??
thx in advance 

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Maximum RAM

Aug 7, 2002

Does anyone know the specific website that documents the maximum RAM SQL 7.0 Standard and Enterprise edition can handle within Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced server? All help appreciated!!


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Maximum Users

May 29, 2001

Can anyone tell me the maximum number of (if there is a maximum) for the following :-

1. SQL Server Users per Database
2. Roles per Database
3. Connections per Server
4. Logins per Server


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Maximum Capacity Of A ROW!

Nov 29, 2000

Hi Everybody,

Our development team is doing some stuff in ASP. They are interested only in char and varchar
data types. They clearly told us that they are not going with text and image data types.

Is it possible to make a row size behind 8060 bytes in a table without text and image data types?.

tks in advance,

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Le Threshold Maximum

Feb 9, 1999


I have a table with 188376 rows and the data size = 3012 KB, index size = 5884 KB .
LE threshold max is set to 2000 and LE threshol percent to 20%
I have an index on that table and observed that it is not getting used.
I would like to know whether sql optimizer uses the index based on the cost
of the query plan or does the table scan once the LE thresholdlimit is reached
overriding the optimized plan.


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Maximum Record

Jun 3, 2004

I'm using replication between two server, but I don't know the maximum record will be move from Database 1 on Server1 to Database2 on Server2 in per minute.please help me, thanks!

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How To Filter On Maximum Value

Oct 23, 2013

how to filter on a maximum value ?

My query is this:


FROM prodspec

The revision numbers (revno) are unique per itemcode.I would like to get only the rows with the highest revision per itemcode, but I also need the prodspecUID with is the index key and therefore unique.I have tried MAX() and TOP 1's in sub queries, but up until now without any result.

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Maximum Entries In MS SQL

Nov 8, 2005


Without technical information and DB design, I wish to know the maximum entries in MS SQL in million. I guest for access are a limit of 2 million and a 2GB DB.
How much for MS SQL in max. entries and how much in GB?

A lot of thx for your feedback.
Dominique Javet

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Choose Maximum Value Row

Dec 18, 2006

hi guys,

I have 4 columns and 3 rows. Columns are Name, Age, Gender and Weight. I have values entered for each column. I need to pick the highest value of weight if Name, Age, Gender are same and put that into new table. how can i do that?

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I Need Maximum Value (STRING)

Mar 14, 2007

Ex Table
ColName====> Field Name

In table column string. i need maximum ColName.. In above table maximum ColName is abc... also top 3 maximum ColName i need...

How to i'll get any query........
Top 3 Maximum Result
this also.......

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Excceed Maximum...

Jun 13, 2007

I have written a stored procedure with number of inserts as the input variables which will input those many rows into my execution table... When i try to input more than 31 rows it gives me a error shown below.... I have a trigger attached to the execution table where i am inserting the rows... I am unable to sort out the error..
If anyone knows whats the problem Please reply.... Thank you....

Msg 217, Level 16, State 1, Procedure runtime_insert_elevator_table, Line 105
Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).


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