Maximum Capacity Of A ROW!
Nov 29, 2000
Hi Everybody,
Our development team is doing some stuff in ASP. They are interested only in char and varchar
data types. They clearly told us that they are not going with text and image data types.
Is it possible to make a row size behind 8060 bytes in a table without text and image data types?.
tks in advance,
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May 27, 2008
Access 2000/XP
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 2000
MSDE 2000
Number of instances per server
Number of databases per instance / server
Number of objects per database
Number of users per database
Number of roles per database
Overall size of database (excluding logs)
2 GB
1,048,516 TB
1,048,516 TB
2 GB
Number of columns per table
Number of rows per table
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
Number of bytes per row
2 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
Number of columns per query
Number of tables per query
Size of procedure / query
64 KB
250 MB
250 MB
250 MB
Number of input params per procedure / query
Size of SQL statement / batch
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
Depth of subquery nesting
Number of indexes per table
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
Number of columns per index
Number of characters per object name
Number of concurrent user connections
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Sep 12, 2015
I have some code I build 2 weeks ago which I’ve been running daily but it’s suddenly stopped working with the following error.
“The table "tbl_Intraday_Tmp" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit” When I google this there seems to be a related to tables with vast numbers of columns.
My table tbl_Intraday_tmp is relatively small. It has 7 columns. 1 of varchar(5), 3 of decimal(9,3) and 2 of decimal(18,0). The bit I’m puzzled with is it was working and stopped.
I don’t recall changing anything but I wouldn’t rule that out. I ‘ve inspected the source files and I don’t believe they have changed either.
@FileName varchar(50),
@Path varchar(50),
@SqlCmd varchar(1000)
= '',
@ASXCode varchar(5),
@Offset decimal(18,0),
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Apr 20, 2012
I am using MS SQL server 2008, and i have a table with 350 columns and when i m trying to create one more column its giving error with below message -
Warning: The table XXX has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes.
INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit.
how can i resolve this?
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Oct 10, 2005
SQL Server 2000 8.00.760 (SP3)I've been working on a test system and the following UDF worked fine.It runs in the "current" database, and references another database onthe same server called 127-SuperQuote.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = [127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOIN[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDSo now the system has gone live and it turns out that the live"SuperQuote" database is on a different server.I've linked the server and changed the function as below, but I get anerror both in QA and when checking Syntax in the UDF builder:The number name 'Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany' contains more than themaximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOINZen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDHow can I get round this? By the way, I've rather simplified thefunction to ease readability. Also, I haven't posted any DDL because Idon't think that's the problem!ThanksEdward
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May 13, 2005
any1 know how many records can be stored in a table in sql server? is there any way to maximise it? will table capacity (number of records) vary due to our table stucture or database structure? is there any documentation bout tis?
Cheerslife's Ng
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Nov 4, 2000
hi, can any one tell me what is the meaning of capacity planning and where do I get info about it,and how does this help me in sql server admin role
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Dec 11, 2000
What si capacity planning?
Where can i find more stuff on it?
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Mar 9, 2000
I got two questions and please forward all your suggestions:
1: Is there any document for capacity planning of SQL Server 6.5 database?
2: Is there a way to find out total number of transactions per day in SQL Server?
Thanks in advance!
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May 28, 2001
Hi Everybody,
Can anybody explain me, what is Capacity Planning and what is Load Balancing?
tks in advance
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Feb 20, 2001
I have a flat file with about 2000 fields and 2 million records. I can reorganize the data any way I want and have a unique id field for each record.
Is SQL Server a suitable solution do you think, and also how many fields will a table take (I think access takes 255)?
If you think there may be a better solution for me to look at I would be glad to hear.
Thanks for any help
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Feb 8, 2007
Hi All,
We need to do capacity planning for our SQL server database server. Capacity planning is interms of CPU usage, Memory usage and disk usage.
Can anybody help me with how should I start and what are the guidlines to do it? I have started executing perfmon utility with some counters but still not sure what to do next. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Don't sit back because of failure. It will come back to check if you still available. -- Binu
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Sep 12, 2007
Hi ,
We need to upload over 100 GB file into SQL Server using SSIS. I want to know whether SSIS can upload such huge file in to a table. If yes, How ?. If not is there any work around to achieve this.
Expecting some solutions ASAP
Pandithurai K
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Jun 26, 2007
I��m working in a DWH project the source system have data from passed 30 years and the total number of records from the source system is 10 million.
I��m need to do the estimation for the data base for the up coming 10 years of data.
As I can predict that the 30 year of data is 10 million then expected data for 10 years would not be more then 3 million.
The ETL tool I��m using is SQL Server Integration services and the reporting tool is Business Objects.
Can any one guide me on the implementation plan, mean memory taken for ETL jobs (As SSIS use large amount of memory) database and business objects.
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Jul 10, 2001
Hey - I know that xp_fixeddrives gives me the amount of free space on a drive. Is there a similar (xp) function that will give me the capacity of a drive??? Any help is appreciated. Even if you can just point me in the right direction. Thanx in advance. Billy
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Sep 27, 2001
Does any one know where I can locate a document or template for database capacity planning on the web? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
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Mar 27, 2007
I just completed my graduation and eventually i got a proposal from a company to develop a software for database management. I have some doubts about licensing the back-end database. My doubts are:
1. If I'm using Sql Server as the backend and the .sql file placed on the server where this .sql file will be accessed by about 20 clients, will the customer (company) have to purchase a license for the sql server? If yes, how this can be done? Does the company have to purchase a license for each client and server for accessing contents of the .sql file? Actually, there will be only 1 server and abt 20 clients.
2. Does the developer need to purchase a seperate license for distributing the .sql file?
3. Also, wat is the maximum capacity of an sql database size? I'm asking this because as per my requirements, the company will be using the database at a rate of 1GB per month. So, by end of a year, it will be 12 GB.
NOTE: No Sql Server Software will be installed on client machines.
In brief, my doubt is: Do we need license for reading and writting to .mdb or .sql file contents and do we need seperate license for distributing them?
Please, somebody can help me for the licensing information and also for the database size?
Thank you.
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Mar 27, 2007
I dnt know if this is the right place. I'm sorry for that.
WEll, I just completed my graduation and eventually i got a proposal from a company to develop a software for database management. I have some doubts about licensing the back-end database. My doubts are:
1. If I'm using Sql Server as the backend and the .sql file placed on the server where this .sql file will be accessed by about 20 clients, will the customer (company) have to purchase a license for the sql server? If yes, how this can be done? Does the company have to purchase a license for each client and server for accessing contents of the .sql file? Actually, there will be only 1 server and abt 20 clients.
2. Does the developer need to purchase a seperate license for distributing the .sql file?
3. Also, wat is the maximum capacity of an sql database size? I'm asking this because as per my requirements, the company will be using the database at a rate of 1GB per month. So, by end of a year, it will be 12 GB.
NOTE: No Sql Server Software will be installed on client machines.
In brief, my doubt is: Do we need license for reading and writting to .mdb or .sql file contents and do we need seperate license for distributing them?
Please, somebody can help me for the licensing information and also for the database size? the database will be also used for remote access.
Thank you.
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Oct 4, 2004
Hi there,
We are currently developing a E-Com research site where subscribed members can conduct market research. The web site is developed and ready to go, however we are undecided what is required on the Database side and could do with some of your expert help.
Users will be conducting research on our MS SQL database. The database holds every product sale made by a select number of consumer good companies. The database holds 12 million records at any one time, however overall the database is very static and is not updated online. We intend to only store 1 months data, therefore on a weekly basis we delete old & add new records.
We are offering three categories of searches on the DB.
1. By Seller
2. By Category (i.e. Hair Care, Laundry etc)
3. By Sale.
The first two searches are not performance intensive as they are compiled and stored in the database - therefore no need for calculation online. Our main concern is the 3rd report. This report is where we allow the user to search for a specified search string. Therefore in the main table that holds all the sales, we have a full-text index for the field "Product Description".
What we are unclear on is the Capacity requirements regarding providing such functionality. I.e What server do we require?
We have researched many articles and have absorbed all the information regarding multiple disk controllers, lots of memory etc.. etc.. However we still have not been able to obtain an idea on what Server would serve our purposes. For example: would the following server do the job?
2 x 2.4Ghz Hyper-threading Xeon CPUs with 512Kb Cache and 400MHz System Bus
2GB Samsung RAMBUS 800-45 Memory (RIMMS / RDRAM)
A lot is determined by the usage, i.e. how many queries are executed per minute etc. At present we do not have a clear idea on the number of users. However we are not truely concerned about this as the 3rd report needs to execute and return within a short period of time. That is our main concern.
Therefore our question is as follows: If you were going to host a database that consisted of 12 million records & full-text indexing which had to be queried in a few seconds, what would you purchase?
We ask you to consider that funds are extremely tight and although the new latest server may do the job, it is most likely out of our budget. We are looking for the most cost effective solution but still statisfying the purpose.
Kind regards
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Aug 8, 2007
I have been working on SQL Server Capacity Planning for a few weeks now and have gathered a lot of materials, but non of thes materials contain recommended best practices on SQL Server capacity planning and also they do not contain operational guidelines.
I would be glad if anyone can recommend a website or book that contain information on SQL Server Capacity Planning Best Practices.
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Apr 11, 2006
Hi Friends,
I am Gokul, I am using SQL Server MSEE 2005 (Free ware). Currently I am involved in the development of an application where I am using SQL Server MSEE 2005 and VB.Net. My incomming data size ranges from 5 GB to 7 GB per day. Can I use SQL Server MSEE 2005 as Data base with any licensing or have to get any license for storing larger capacity data.
Can any body please help me.
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Jun 30, 2015
I want to know how it calculates CPU utilization percentage (we see in Task Manager).
Further how can we find total capacity of our CPU in ms/sec....
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Mar 11, 2006
I am just starting to build my apps in 2.0. I have build apss in v. 1.x before using sql server 2000. However, before i make the shift, I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of using the sql server 2005 express edition then using the sql server 2000.
for example;+ How many data can it store?+ How many concurrent users it supports.+ Advantages and disadvantages of using sql server 2005 express ed.+ Any other relevant information that developers should know / beware / watch out for when using sql server 2005 express edition.
Note: I am not asking about the actual SQL Server 2005 but the express edition!
Regards and thanks in advance
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Dec 1, 2007
Hi Everybody:
4 -5 years ago, I started my career as a translator translating the MetaTexis CAT (Computer Aided Translation Software).
It's amazing to see all the improvements that have been made until now, but recently I found some problems regarding
I heard that ACCESS databases volume is limited up to 2 GB and that SQL 2005 databases volume is limited up to 4 GB, but I think this information is wrong, or at least I was only able to import 10% of that amount.
Speaking in words, 2 GB doesn't represent a database with a volume of 125,000 segments/sentences (for ACCESS) and 4 GB a volume of 250,000 (for SQL 2005).
Concrete, my "mega.mxtm" database has "only" 359 MB and suddenly I refuses to import more sentences. Is that normal? (MICROSOFT SQL 2005)
Question: Is the new SQL 2008 also limited? Is there any way to "free" or increase the volume capacity?
Point 2: As I updated the SQL 2005 into 2008 I am not able to open the "old" "mega.mxtm" anymore... : (
De Sena Viegas
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Jul 12, 2007
Hi all,
We are going to setup a new server,so for that How to Capacity Plan for CPU and Memory ,Hard Disk for a new SQL SERVER Setup.
Is there any specific criteria for capacity planning ?in which base we should do this part.
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Mar 27, 2012
I have an existing Access database that I need to transfer over to a more powerful back-end due to the need for larger size capacity. We need to be able to have a backend that can exist up to just about any size due to us scanning in documents by ODBC. With Access I know I was limited to about 4gb size and when split onto my current SQL server I have heard I will be stuck at 10gb? If so can you recommend a better backend, but my question is about the front end. I hear Windows WPF can be linked into SQL server but does this limit the size as well?
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Feb 18, 2015
My SQL server disk space is getting close to full capacity which is causing certain reports that we run via the SQL server to time out because I don't think there is enough space on the server.
Any tips on cleaning out a SQL server? Are there any folders that can absolutely be deleted to clear space? I know on a local computer that the %temp% folder can be cleaned out. I know when dealing with servers you do not want to make to many changes because it can cause major problems down the road.
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Nov 18, 2014
I am in the process of formulating recommendations with respect to the purchase of additional storage for our current SQL 2012 SharePoint (2013) instance. My recommendation is to purchase separate storage (i.e, 15k disks) for the TempDB and Tlogs respectively (two sets of raid 10 disks). Currently, this server is hosting several instances, including SP, using two arrays (one for database and the other for Tlogs).
I am attempting to find information/recommendations on how to go about projecting the amount of storage for each of these while factoring in for growth.
Additional Details:
how to best formulate a reasonable estimate. Our largest content database belongs to IT and is currently ~80GB. That said, this is currently an outlier. The remaining content databases are less than 10GB (most are less than 2-3 GB). However, SharePoint will be used for digital document imaging in addition to, eventually, replacing file shares as our primary document storage medium once we roll it out.
Our current tempDB is ~400MB, but the instance was recently started a few days ago, as we had to failover to our backup server for hardware maintenance. I do not have any historical data on TempDB growth at this time. Also, I don't know how useful this would be given we have not fully deployed yet.
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Jul 17, 2015
I have a table with a column Capacity which is char(10) and gets populated from user files. I want to check records which have negative Capacity value. So i first checked if its numeric and then for negative.
select * from table WHERE ISNUMERIC(LTRIM(RTRIM(Capacity))) = 1 AND Capacity < 0
BUT still it checks for char fields too giving errors like - Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'asdf ' to data type int.
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Jul 6, 2006
hi, im trying to get the last row of a column by using this code
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(orderID) as orderID from orders where memberNo = '" & Session.Item("memberNum") & "'"but it return me 1 instead which is the smallest value in my orderID column n located in the first rowthen i try to use this code but they say got syntax errorcmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(orderID) as orderID from orders where memberNo = '" & Session.Item("memberNum") & "'" ' order by orderID asc " ' and orderID = '" & Session("ordersID") & "'"
can anyone tell me the right way to write the syntax??
thx in advance
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Aug 7, 2002
Does anyone know the specific website that documents the maximum RAM SQL 7.0 Standard and Enterprise edition can handle within Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced server? All help appreciated!!
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May 29, 2001
Can anyone tell me the maximum number of (if there is a maximum) for the following :-
1. SQL Server Users per Database
2. Roles per Database
3. Connections per Server
4. Logins per Server
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Feb 9, 1999
I have a table with 188376 rows and the data size = 3012 KB, index size = 5884 KB .
LE threshold max is set to 2000 and LE threshol percent to 20%
I have an index on that table and observed that it is not getting used.
I would like to know whether sql optimizer uses the index based on the cost
of the query plan or does the table scan once the LE thresholdlimit is reached
overriding the optimized plan.
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