hey, can anybody help me to understad that code:
SELECT companies.Contact_Company AS am_label1,
ISNULL(Incident_CNT,0) AS NumberOfIncidents
SELECT DISTINCT Contact_Company FROM HPD_Help_Desk
) companies LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Incident_CNT, Contact_Company AS am_label1
FROM HPD_Help_Desk
WHERE Status< 5
AND DATEADD ("s", submit_date, '1/1/1970') >= CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime)
GROUP BY Contact_Company
) IncidentsByCompany
ON companies.Contact_Company = IncidentsByCompany.Contact_Company
In ado.net (using C#). have a statement such as "sqlCommand cmd=new sqlCommand(sqlStatement,stringConnection,sqlTransaction)". do you know the meaning of this bold parameter ? is it its tasks ? thank very much
I was looking at a Miscrosoft example of a SQL "INSERT INTO". One example they give isINSERT INTO Northwind.dbo.Shippers (CompanyName, Phone) VALUES (N'Snowflake Shipping',N'(503)555-7233') What does the "N" stand for (or do) in N'Snowflake Shipping'? Is this really needed? I've looked around some and can't find any discussion about it.
Full Example:-- Creates a UDF that returns a string array as a table result set CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ParseArray ( @StringArray varchar(max), @Delimiter char(1) ) RETURNS @StringArrayTable TABLE (Val varchar(50)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Delimiter_position int
IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter SET @StringArray = @StringArray + @Delimiter
WHILE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray) <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @Delimiter_position = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray)
Labels as the ones are easy recognizable when you explore LDFS by mean DBCC or whatever but on the contrary the following ones are tricky to reach the meaning:
Does anyone have any link related with this? I tried hard to search by Goog or something like that but unsuccessfully at all.
Is it possible to find records that contain the string "cyber-shot" when the value for search is "cybershot"?? (This is an example and I need a dynamic solution)
Does anyone know the meaning of the datacode different values? I understand that 0 is OK and 1 is not, what is the meaning of the rest? I have an execution with no errors except a datacode=3 in the PackageEnd event. What does it mean?
"An integer value that identifies the event associated with the log entry. The value 0 indicates the event provided no identifier."
When I look at the sysdtslog90 table and I filter for 'PackageEnd' events, I see a value of 0, 1 or 3 in the datacode column. Is there any information I can glean from these values, e.g. package success or failure?
When you write a sql query, some times there is curly braces within a query in a asp.net application. What is the meaning of that? select column1, column2, column3 from table1 where column1 = 'somethin' {LIMITDATE} order by column3
So what is being used in here {LIMITDATE} and can some one explain this to me? I use C#.
as Christopher Yager say in "Need distributed service broker sample", I also test sending messages between two SQL Server 2005 instances,and after I setup the test environment with instance1 and instance2,I find queue [q2] in ssb2 can't receive message from ssb1. when I query by "select * from sys.transmission_queue",I get some message records that transmission_status is "64(error not found)".
Dear friends, I'm reading Wiley's Data mining with SQL Server 2005... There are MANY things I can't understand about MovieClick example (Chapter 3). I hope someone is going to help me with this troubles...
WARNING (1): I'm a dummy both with sql server and data mining. WARNING (2): My English is not good at all.
Just two questions for now:
1) When I create the model to predict the number of bedrooms for homeowners, the book says to check BEDROOMS as Predictable... question: is it also an INPUT for the model, or PREDICTABLE only?
2) I'd like to keep this model (number of bedrooms.......) and make a prediction query.
- Query builder - select case table -> Homeowners - Drag the Customer ID column from the Homeowners table and drop it on the grid - Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it on the grid. - On the last row: Source=PredictionFunction, Field=PredictProbability - Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it into Criteria/Argument - Add (i.e.) 'Two or Three' to the field Criteria/Argument
I execute the query and I obtain many rows in a table with the following colums: CustomerID, BEDROOMS and Expression: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? WHICH INFO DO I GET FROM THOSE NUMBERS? WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THEM?
Hi;I went to the microsoft site to try to find a guide to the errormessages that the jdbc drivers give ( for sqlserver 2000 ).I had no luck.Does anyone know if there is such a guide?I got this mysterious error message below in my logs ( nothing visiblein user land ).Anyone know what it means?Thanks in advanceStevejava.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver forJDBC][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 151) was deadlocked on lockresources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlockvictim. Rerun the transaction.
what the meaning of the TextQualified attribute on a flat file connection is? I am importing delimited flat files where text columns are not qualified by quotes. If I use the Suggest Types button in the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, it sets TextQualified to True for all columns. Importing works fine than, but it also does with TextQualified = False.
In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.
when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL.