I work for a charitable organization, am new to this form (and sql programming) and trying to create a flag for unique records indicating the number of consecutive years a donor has given.
I have create a sample db idenifying donor, giving year and total pledges with multiple donor records existing for multiple years having donated.
INSERT INTO mygifts06 (Id,Gift_yr,Pledges)
SELECT 155758,2005,15.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155759,2004,25.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155758,2004,40.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155757,2005,100.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155758,2002,30.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155758,2001,120.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155755,2003,15.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155758,2006,80.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155757,2003,65.00 UNION ALL
SELECT 155759,2005,400.00
For the above dataset, I am trying to create the following output
ID Count of Consecutive Years ------- ----------------------------- 1 2 4 2 9 0
I know this is a gaps and islands type problem but nothing I have been able to find is working once I attempt modification so that it can fit my dataset. Please note that I am going to use the data return to populate another table that is currently being populated using a cursor that utilizes an insert statement based on different codes.
Which works fine for all my other calculations except this, where I need a distinct count. CNT is a calculated measure. The browser would look like this:
Category Year1 Year2 Â Â ..... MDX what I have now MDX what I need
I need to list customers in a table that represents sales over the years.
I have tables:
Customers -> id | name |... Orders -> id | idCustomer | date | ... Products -> id | idOrder | unitprice | quantity | ...
I am using this SQL but it only gets one year:
SELECT customers.name , SUM(unitprice*qt) AS total FROM Products INNER JOIN Orders ON Orders.id = Products.idOrder INNER JOIN Customers ON Customers.id = Orders.idCustomer WHERE year(date)=2014 GROUP BY customers.name ORDER BY 2 DESC
I need something like this:
customer | total sales 204 | total sales | 2015 | total sales (2014 + 2015) -------- customer A | 1000$ | 2000$ | 3000$ customer B | 100$ | 100$ | 200$
Is it possible to retrieve these values in a single SQL query for multiple years and grand total?
I know the rule of thumb is to use T-SQL when manipulating data and to use SQLCLR for conditionals, looping, etc. My question is how much slower (percentage, factor of, anything!) is SQLCLR for doing SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE commands?
Is the performance difference *that* much greater that the simplicity of SQLCLR doesn't apply?
Is there any way to measure the progress of a long running query, for instance, to find where in a query plan a query is in SQL 7.0?
I have a query I am running that is currently 2 1/2 hours into the query. Since it's joining three large tables, one with 42 million rows and two with 7 million rows, I'm expecting the query to take a while. However, I have no way of estimating exactly how long it will take. Before I ran it, I optimized it the best I could in Query Analyzer using an estimated query plan, making sure I had all the right indexes, etc. I've been trying to use the estimated cost to project query time, but that hasn't been working since queries with similar costs can take radically different amounts of time to execute.
Now I'm sitting here waiting, wondering if the query is just taking too long, and I should stop it and work on optimizing it some more (since I will have to run a couple more queries like it), or let it finish. But I have no clue how close it is to finishing. I've tried looking at the Physical I/O given by sp_who2 and then trying to calculate the number of pages it would have to read if it had to read everything from disk, then estimating it's progress by that, but this seems dubious at best, since I don't know a whole slew of factors (ie: how many pages are being read from the cache, is my page calculation correct, etc).
So, does anyone know of any way to figure out how soon a long running query will finish in SQL 7.0?
Here is a brief description what I am actually looking at. As we all have SLA's to understand how much uptime/downtime we can afford maybe per year/per quarter. I am keenly interested in finding out the way of calculating the sql server uptime. I googled for this and didn't find an appropriate solution that can justify my needs.
I am looking at a way that can give me a historical view of the uptime (possibly aggregated over time), considering all the facts for e.g I am not considering the maintenance that we do for keeping our servers up to date which includes patching and stuff, instead I am more focused on the historical view that for e.g if my manager asks me to give him a report stating the uptime for all the sql servers that we have for the current quarter.
Hence, I would basically some kind of script wherein I am storing the history somewhere and at a later date if my manager asks me to give a quarterly uptime report I can pull out that aggregated data, and generate a pie chart or something from that data to show the uptime and downtime for the same. I don't want to use 3rd party tool and I know there are quite a few, but company won't afford it.
Does anyone know how many consecutive users can be logged into a MSSQL database? I have a database online and need to know how many users can be logged on at a time. someone told me 150 users and others say 200 and stillothers say it's unlimited based on licensing. I tried Microsoft's homepage but got nothing so please don't suggest it. (I spent two hours there)
Suppose that N users are executing the code, one independent of the other, in the same time and they both commit the transaction at the same time. Can I suppose that the rows inserted in the table by one user will be consecutive?
Hi,I'm trying to insert records from one table into another table. The destination table has a ROWID field which cannot be an identity key, but needs to 'act like' an identity key and have its value populated with (Max(ROWID) + 1) for each row added to the table.To my thinking, simply using (Max(ROWID) + 1) in my SELECT statement will not work as it will only be evaluated once so if I am adding 1000 records and Max(ROWID) is 1234, all 1000 entries will end up having a ROWID of 1235.Is there a way to accomplish this?Thanks
Hi, I am in need of a query which would find the same customer coming in for three or more consecutive dates. To elaborate
I have a details table where I capture the following details
CustID, DateofPurchase, PurchaseDetails
I need a query to find how many customers have come in everyday consecutive day and count of the same for the a given period, say a month. Can anyone help me with a query for the same.
I am using the following query (which works fine):
select min(timex) as start_date ,end_date ,entityid ,entityname ,locationid
However I would like to not use the delta (it takes effort to calculate and populate it); instead I am wondering if there is any way to calculate it as part / whilst running the query.
Problem 2
I have the following table which shows the location of different people at 1 hour intervals
I'm trying extract a count of consecutive numbers, or "unbroken" years inthis case, at any particular given time.For example (simplified):CREATE TABLE #Customers(CustNo INT,YearNo INT,IsCust CHAR(1))INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2006, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2005, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2004, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2003, 'N')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2002, 'N')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2001, 'Y')INSERT INTO #Customers (custno, yearno, isCust) VALUES (999, 2000, 'Y')SELECT * FROM #CustomersCustNo YearNo IsCust----------- ----------- ------999 2006 Y999 2005 Y999 2004 Y999 2003 N999 2002 N999 2001 Y999 2000 YIn 2006 CustNo 999 would have been active for 3 years, 2004 for 1, 2001 for2, etc. Ideally I'd feed it a single year to lookupI'm resisting the urge to create cursor here -- anyone have any hints?....Chris.
Hello,Can someone please help me with a query?The table looks like this:BookedRooms===========CustomerID RoomID BookDateID1 1 200507011 1 200507021 1 200507031 1 200507091 1 200507101 1 200507111 1 20050712Desired result:CUSTOMER STAYS==============CustomerID RoomID ArriveDateID DepartDateID1 1 20050701 200507031 1 20050709 20050712Basically, this is for a hotel reservation system. Charges varynightly, and customer changes (shortening/extending stay, changingrooms, etc) happen quite often. Therefore, the entire stay is bookedas a series of nights.The length of the stay is never known, so it needs to be derived viathe Arrive and Depart Dates, based on the entries in the table.Notice, customers often stay in the same room, but with gaps between,so a simple MIN and MAX doesn't work. The output needs to showconsecutive nights grouped together, only.I've researched this quite a bit, but I just can't seem to make itwork.Any help would greatly be appreciated.Thanks!
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Years and I wanted to thank all submitters to this forum for breaking up my code monkey workday and cutting into my productivity and I have found many of these discussions helpful in my preperation for my long procrastinated MCDBA exams.
--Use the following formula to calculate a person's age in years in a stored procedure, --where @dob is the person's date of birth and @yyyymmdd is the date on which to determine the age:
DECLARE @age int DECLARE @dob datetime DECLARE @yyyymmdd varchar(11)
--Notes: --Substitute "getdate()" for the @yyyymmdd variable if you want to determine the person's age right now. --The function divides by 365.25 to allow for leap years and uses the FLOOR function to make sure the function returns an integer. --The function DATEDIFF(year, @dob, @yyyymmdd) doesn't work because Microsoft chose to implement --the "year" part of the function to calculate the number of year boundaries crossed.
HI all,This has puzzled me all morning. I have a int field which reads19691124 (UK dates) this is actually a date 24 November 1969 I need toadd 28 years to this making it 19971124 but I’m stumped!Any ideas anyone?CheersSean*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me with some sql statements. I have a temp table that contains 30 dates that a student has missed in the last year. I also have a holiday table of when training was not available. I want to find out if there are 6 consecutive days missed excluding weekends and holidays (from the holiday table). I know this is some nasty looping statement but I can't get my brain around it. I would like do this in a stored proc but I could use C# if necessary. Thanks in advance, Jessica
From individual event logs I have generated a table where arrivals and departures at a location are registered per device. As there are multiple registration points, there might be multiple consecutive registrations per location. If this is the case I need to filter those out and have one registration per location and in the result I need to get the earliest arrival and the latest departure of these consecutive rows.
So as long the field LocationID is the same in the next row, it needs to be grouped.
I have added the rows Grp1, Grp2, Grp in an attempt to get an unique grouping number with the following script in the select statement:
By subtracting Grp2 from Grp1 (Grp = Grp1 - Grp2) I hoped to get an unique group number for each set of equal consecutive locations, however the Grp2 column does not restart from 1 each time the LocationID changes: Grp2 in line 7 should have been 1 again, but it is 2 because this is the second row with LocationID = 3 in the list.
I am using the following query (which works fine):
select min(timex) as start_date ,end_date ,entityid ,entityname ,locationid
However I would like to not use the delta (it takes effort to calculate and populate it); instead I am wondering if there is any way to calculate it as part / whilst running the query.
Problem 2:I have the following table which shows the location of different people at 1 hour intervals
I have a table with 3 columns: Item# | Date | ItemAmount. Everyday there is a number of transactions entered. An Item# can only be entered once par day (if it has occurred that day).
What I want to do is to : retrieve the number of total days where an Item has been entered for more than 2 consecutive days (for the month).
Example: if item I022 has been entered Monday and wed, then ignore, but if it's been entered Mon, Tues then return 2, if Mon, Tues, Wed then return 3 because the days are consecutive.
I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.
VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).
The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.
I also would like to add two derived variables.
1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.
2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.
My report should look like:
VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState 1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE 1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE
Rajarajan writes "Kindly don't ignore this as regular case. This is peculiar. I need to delete one of duplicate records only if they occurs consecutively. eg.
1. 232 2. 232 3. 345 4. 567 5. 232
Here only the first record has to be delete. Kindly help me out.
Hi Fellows I am trying to organize these information.the data come form two tables that are not relating, but I did a join and my primary key is the filed polygon. I have a list of points(geomseq) for each polygon but the number of points(geomseq) can change. I have this inofrmation in a data base.