Mental Block On SQL Query. Joining One To Many With One Of The Many

Sep 25, 2007

Sorry for the akward title, not sure how to say this. I have a Person table and a addresses table. Each person may have many address records as shown below:

PersonID | AutoNum
fName | varchar
lName | varchar

addressID | AutoNum
personID | int (FK)
address1 | varchar
city | varchar
state | varchar
isPrimary | bit

What I'm trying to do is select all from Person and the city and state of each person's primary address. A little voice keeps saying subquery...but I can't figure it out. So far I have the SQL below, but if there is no address or no address where isPrimary = 1, it fails to return the person record. I need the person record regardless of if they have a primary address. Does that make sense?

Doesn't return all Person records:

SELECT Person.*, Address.City, Address.State
ON Person.PersonID = Address.PersonID
WHERE (Address.isPrimary= 1)
ORDER BY Person.lName, Person.fName

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T-SQL Mental Logic Block

May 21, 2006

SELECT src_terrier.Areacode, src_terrier.siteref, src_terrier.estatename, src_terrier.Securitised, src_terrier.unitref, src_terrier.unittype, src_terrier.unittype_count, src_terrier.tenantname, src_terrier.tenantstatus, src_terrier.tenantstatus_count, src_terrier.unitstatus, src_terrier.unitstatus_count, src_terrier.floortotal, src_terrier.floortotocc, src_terrier.initialvacarea, src_terrier.initialvacnet, src_terrier.TotalRent, src_terrier.NetRent, src_terrier.FinalRtLsincSC, src_terrier.ErvTot, src_terrier.tenancyterm, src_terrier.landact, src_terrier.datadate, src_div_mgr.div_mgr, src_portfolio_mgr.portfolio_mgr, src_centre_list.propcat

FROM src_terrier INNER JOIN src_centre_list ON src_terrier.siteref = src_centre_list.Site_Ref AND src_terrier.Areacode = src_centre_list.Division INNER JOIN src_div_mgr ON src_centre_list.Division = src_div_mgr.division INNER JOIN src_portfolio_mgr ON src_centre_list.Portfolio_no = src_portfolio_mgr.portfolio_no

WHERE (src_terrier.datadate = @dt_src_date) AND (@chr_div is null or src_terrier.Areacode = @chr_div) AND (@vch_portfolio_no is null or src_centre_list.Portfolio_no = @vch_portfolio_no) AND (@vch_prop_cat is null or src_centre_list.propcat = @vch_prop_cat)

How can I modify this function in two ways

1. I want the value of src_terrier.siteref to be matched to a different table src_tbl_budget.siteref. I want all rows in src_terrier.siteref and only the one row from the new table where the siteref is matched.

2. Also part of the new query, not only do I want it to match the siteref, I also want it to only match the mm/yyyy of the parameter entered (src_terrier.datadate = @dt_src_date) in the WHERE statement.

Is that any simpler?


Toni Chaffin
aka Toni


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Having A Mental Block On An Exclusive Join

Feb 9, 2008

Hi, I've got three tables that I'm trying to pull data from. The first is a family of rings, the second is the individual rings and the third relates one ring to another:

FamilyID pk | FamName

RingID | FamilyID fk | RingName

RingID1 pk/fk | RingID2 pk/fk

I'm trying to pull a list of RingIDs and names for a given FamilyID. To complicate it, I want to exclude rings that are already associated to a given RingID, i.e. I only want the unassociated rings in a given family. To complicate it even a little more then name needs to be the this possible? Thanks!

Given @FamID and @RingID
Result Table
RingID | FamName + RingName

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Trying To Get A Basic Understanding - Mental Block

Jul 9, 2007

I'm having a mental block here and would like to get things straight. All this while trying to learn and deploy SSB.

I belive my scenario is perfect for this solution. So I'm asking for your help. Simply I have the following process:

1. A record is inserted into a table.

2. Take this transaction and convert to XML file

3. Send XML version to web service where it is processed and the result is returned.

4. take the result and insert as into a different table (from the first).

My requirement to this process is that each step updates a status indicator in the original table. Second, since communication to the web service is not reliable, the message should retry until service is restored. Or failing that, after a timeout, should be in a state that can be restarted. And, lastly, the process sohuld be restartale in the event of failure.

I'm confident that the tasks and requirements are pretty simple and straighforward. But I'm not sure of the implementation.

1. Created initial record table.

2. Created SQL statement that converts single row to XML document

3. Created CLR Stored procedure that takes an XML and submits to Web Service and collects response.

So I think the question are;

1. Do I create two conversations? One for each direction of the message. ('to' the web svc and 'from' the web svc)

2. Do I create an intermediate table that feeds a queuefor the return message.

3. Where do I place the logic to update the Status flag? At the beginning of the next step? or the end of the executing step?

4. How do I ensure that a transaction is not lost from the time sent to the web service to the receipt of the response?

I'm using 'Pro SQL Server 2005' by Thomas Rizzo as a reference. Are there any better references? Most google responses seem to point to articles reiterating the base concepts. Would the 'Pro Sql 2005 Service Broker' book provide answers to my questions?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Why Block Scope Variables Exist Outside Of Block

Dec 3, 2014

I have the following stored procedure to test scope of variables

alter proc updatePrereq
@pcntr int,
@pmax int

[Code] ....

In the above script @i is declare in the if block only when the @pcntr value is 1. Assume the above stored procedure is called 5 times from this script

declare @z int
set @z = 1
declare @max int
set @max = 5
while @z <= @max
exec dbo.updatePrereq @z, @max
set @z = @z + 1

As i said earlier `@i` variable exists only when `@pcntr` is `1`. Therefore when i call the stored procedure for the second time and so forth the control cannot enter the if block therefore @i variable wouldn't even exist. But the script prints the value in `@i` in each iteration, How comes this is possible should it throw an error saying `@i` variable does not exist when `@pcntr` values is greater than `1`?

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SQL Query - Find Block Of Sequential Numbers

Jul 20, 2005

I have a database that is pre-populated with sequential part numbers.As people reserve the parts I update a flag to show the # is no longeravailable. Now they want the ability to take out a block of "x"number of sequential part numbers - say for example 5.If my database had the following numbers available:101104105110111112113114It should return 110 thru 114 and then I would write an update queryto change the flags to 1 (checked out).I have only been able to return the first "x" number of records - havenot been able to make sure they are stepped sequentially - with thefollowing:SELECT ID_ITEM From PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL M Where (Select Count(*)FROM PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL NWHERE N.ID_ITEM <= M.ID_ITEM) >= 0 AND TYPE_REC=1 ANDFLAG_CHECKED_OUT=0 {maxrows 5}The above would return 101, 104, 105, 110, 111I tried using an (N.ID_ITEM+1)-M.ID_ITEM=0 to try stepping and geterrors, probably incorrect syntax. Can I do this in an SQL statement?

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Joining 3 Tables On The Query

Mar 15, 2007

I know how to join 2 tables, but I have a third I need to insert. For some reason, this doesn't work:


$rows = ff_select(
"select ".
" as email, ".
"c.user_id as user_id, ".
" as name, ".
"r.age as age ".
"from #__comprofiler as c ".
"left join #__users as u on c.user_id = ".
"left join #__rnr_contest as r on c.user_id = r.userid ".
"where (r.age != chicken) and (r.age != nystrip) and (r.age != regrets) and (u.block = 0) and (c.cb_contactmethod LIKE '%Email%') and (u.usertype != 'Super Administrator') and ( != '') and (u.username != 'guest') and (u.username != 'piedmont') ".
"order by email"

anyone see why? It tells me that "chicken" is not a column which is weird because I don't think it's listed as a column in my query... is it?

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Newbie Needs Help On Joining Query

Oct 11, 2007

Hi All,

First off sorry for my complete lack of experience with SQL, but I've just started a new position which involved learning SQL. I'm currently looking for a course but in the mean time I just have to try and fumble by doing basic things.

I'm trying to write my first basic select / join statement, and I just can't seem to get it working.

Any help would really be appreciated. It's T-SQL we use btw.

Thanks :)


select * from dbo.CallLog
where callstatus between 'open'and 'pending'
right outer join dbo.Asgnmnt
on callid = callid
order by callid

--the above returns error Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'right'.

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Joining Function - Query

Feb 27, 2008

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_copdmailinglist(@list_ varchar(60))
RETURNS @copdmailinglist TABLE
list_ varchar(60) ,
title_ varchar(255) ,
desc_ varchar(255),
message_id int ,
txt varchar(255) ,
cnt int ,
cnt_txt varchar(255)

--Returns a result set that lists all the copds
WITH ListManager.dbo.[List Copd](list_ , title_ , message_id , txt , cnt , cnt_txt ) AS
(select @list_ , gmc.name_, osc.message_id , txt , cnt , cnt_txt from ListManager.dbo.[Open statisticscopd]('') osc
left outer join ListManager.dbo.get_mailingidcopd_('') gmc
on gmc.name_ = osc.title_
where list_ = @list_

-- copy the required columns to the result of the function
INSERT @copdmailinglist
SELECT list_ , title_ , message_id , txt , cnt , cnt_txt
FROM ListManager.dbo.[List Copd]

i m getting error that Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WITH'.

can anyone tell me how to join functions in sql?


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Query Help Joining 2 Tables

Jul 23, 2005

Select LOCGeneralHave.LSCH, LOCSubClassHave.LSCH from LOCGeneralHave ,LOCSubClassHave Where (LOCGeneralHave.LCNT <> '0' andLOCSubClassHave.LCNT = '0')This query seems to be ignoring the 'and' part of the clause.Basically I want select from table1, table2 where LCNT in table1 is not0 andLCNT in table2 is 0.I have verified the LCNT's numbersThis query returns 2 columns with 1700 rowsIt needs to only find a few rows.What am I missing, any ideas, thanks for any help.

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Joining Two Fields In A Query

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to join two fields in a query in SQL 2000. For example.

Update myTable SET field_1 = @field_1_value , field_2 = @field_2_value, field_3 = @field_1_value + ' x ' + field_2_value

Is this even possible.

I want the user to input values for fields 1 and 2, then in the background combine the two and insert that value in field 3.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL-Query Mindbugger Joining A 2 Views

Oct 23, 2006

Ok, What I want to achieve is plain stuff, I want to join 2 views on a common key.It all works well with the SQL2000 Query Analyzer, but not trough ADO.NET or should I say my webapplication.With that I mean that my query return rows when executed from SQL2000 Query Analyzer, But not when used in my application or Executed from the Visual Studio Server Explorer.I have struggled with this one for several hours, I cant get this one right.So lets bring in the one who actually know what his doing View1: 1 select
2 cast((PS.RabattProsent/100.00)*PS.Pris AS decimal(11,2)) AS Rabatt
3 ,cast((PS.MVAProsent/100.00)*PS.Pris AS decimal(11,2)) AS MVA
4 ,cast(PS.Antall * ((PS.Pris*(100-PS.RabattProsent))/100)*((PS.MvaProsent/100.00)+1) AS decimal(11,2)) AS Belop
5 ,PS.*
6 ,K.Kunde_ID
8 tbl_ProduktSalg AS PS
10 tbl_Ordre AS O
11 ON
12 O.Ordre_ID = PS.Ordre_ID
14 tbl_Kunde AS K
15 ON
16 K.Kunde_ID = O.Kunde_IDView2: 1 SELECT
2 PS.Ordre_ID
3 ,SUM(cast((PS.RabattProsent/100.00)*PS.Pris AS decimal(11,2))) AS TotalRabatt
4 ,SUM(cast(PS.Antall * ((PS.Pris*(100-PS.RabattProsent))/100)*((PS.MvaProsent/100.00)+1) AS decimal(11,2))) AS TotalBelop
5 ,SUM(PS.Pris) AS TotalPris
6 ,SUM(cast((PS.MVAProsent/100.00)*PS.Pris AS decimal(11,2))) AS TotalMVA
8 tbl_ProduktSalg AS PS
10 PS.Ordre_ID
   MyQuery/SPRC: 1 create procedure %PROC% (@Kunde_ID int, @Ordre_ID int)
2 as
3 begin
5 v_PSD.*
6 ,v_OTS.TotalRabatt
7 ,v_OTS.TotalBelop
8 ,v_OTS.TotalPris
9 ,v_OTS.TotalMVA
11 v_ProduktSalgDetaljer AS v_PSD
13 v_OrdreTotalSum AS v_OTS
14 ON
15 v_OTS.Ordre_ID = v_PSD.Ordre_ID
17 v_PSD.Kunde_ID = @Kunde_ID
18 AND
19 v_PSD.Ordre_ID = @Ordre_ID
21 end

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Joining Views && Query Performance

May 1, 2006

Over the years I've read and experienced where joining more then 5 tables can lead to performance problems. This number can vary based upon the amount of data in each table, if and how indexes are used and the complexity of the query, but 5 has always been a good rule of thumb. Unfortunately I do not know what rule to apply in regards to joing views.

A developer has experienced timeout problems periodically when opening a view in EM or when running the code which makes-up the view. I decided to look at the view and noticed it references tables and views, which reference more views, which in turn reference other views. In all the initial view references 5 tables and 8 views directly and indirectly, with some of the views containing function calls. What are your thoughts on how many views and tables are too many when it comes to joins and query performance.

Thanks, Dave

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Joining Four Tables In A Single Query

Mar 19, 2015

I have four tables:

a, b, c and d

table a is related to table b by a foreign key. table b is related to c and so on.

I used the sql statement below to join the tables:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT a.colum1, a.column2,
b.column, c.column, d.column FROM a

JOIN b ON a.pkey = b.foreign key
JOIN c ON b.pkey = c.fkey
JOIN d ON c.pkey = d.fkey ")
or die(mysql_error());

[Code] .....

I succeeded in printing out the first record where the four tables are joined, but not other print out is this:


But there are about ten instances where the joining conditions are met. How do I print out all the records that have met the condition?

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Lookup Value Query Joining Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

Two tables:T1 (c1 int, TestVal numeric(18,2), ResultFactor numeric(18,2))--c1 isthe primary key.T2 (x1 int, FromVal numeric(18,2), ToVal numeric(18,2), Factornumeric(18,2))--x1 is the primary key. T2 contains non-overlappingvalues. So for eg., a few rows in T2 may look like.1, 51, 51.999, 512, 52, 52.999, 52........32, 82, 82.999, 82........T2 is basically a lookup table. There is no relationship between thetwo tables T1 and T2. However, if the TestVal from T1 falls in therange between FromVal and ToVal in T2, then I want to updateResultFactor in T1 with the corresponding value of Factor from the T2table.------Example for illustration only---------------Even though tables cannot be joined using keys, the above problem is avery common one in our everyday life. For example T1 could beemployees PayRaise table, c1=EmployeeID, with "TestVal" representingtest scores (from 1 to 100). T2 representing lookup of the ranges,with "Factor" representing percent raise to be given to the employee.If TestVal is 65 (employee scored 65% in a test), and a row in T2(FromVal=60, ToVal=70, Factor=12), then I would like to update 12 intable T1 from T2 using sql;. Basically T2 (like a global table)applies to all the employees, so EmpID cannot serve as a key in T2.---------------------------------------------------------Could anyone suggest how I would solve MY PROBLEM using sql? I wouldlike to avoid cursors and loops.Reply appreciated.Thanks

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Query Optimization - Joining A View And A Table

Apr 5, 2006

I am having the following situation - there is a view that aggregates and computes some values and a table that I need the details from so I join them filtering on the primary key of the table. The execution plan shows that the view is executed without any filtering so it returns 140 000 rows which are later filtered by the join operation a hash table match. This hash table match takes 47% of the query cost. I tried selecting the same view but directly giving a where clause without the join €“ it gave a completely different execution plan. Using the second method is in at least 4 folds faster and is going only through Index Seeks and nested loops.
So I tried modifying the query with third version. It gave almost the same execution plan as the version 1 with the join operation.
It seams that by giving the where clause directly the execution plan chosen by the query optimizer is completely different €“ it filters the view and the results from it and returns it at the same time, in contrast to the first version where the view is executed and return and later filtered. Is it possible to change the query some how so that it filters the view before been joined to the table.

Any suggestions will be appreciated greatly
Stoil Pankov

"vHCItemLimitUsed" - this is the view
"tHCContractInsured" - this is the table
"ixHCContractInsuredID" - is the primary key of the table

Here is a simple representation of the effect:

Version 1:
select *
from dbo.vHCItemLimitUsed
inner join tHCContractInsured on
vHCItemLimitUsed.ixHCContractInsuredID = tHCContractInsured.ixHCContractInsuredID
where tHCContractInsured.ixHCContractInsuredID in (9012,9013,9014,9015)

Version 2:
select *
from vHCItemLimitUsed
where ixHCContractInsuredID in (9012,9013,9014,9015)

Version 3:
select *
from dbo.vHCItemLimitUsed
where ixHCContractInsuredID in
(select ixHCContractInsuredID
from tHCContractInsured
where ixHCContractInsuredID in (9012,9013,9014,9015))

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Update Query Joining Tables From Separate Databases

Apr 17, 2008

In database DB1, I have table DB1.dbo.Suppliers1. This table has an ID column of type INT named SUPPL1_ID

In database DB2, I have table DB2.dbo.Suppliers2. This table has an ID column of type INT named SUPPL2_ID
I would like to update DB2.dbo.Suppliers2 based on values from DB1.dbo.Suppliers1 joining on SUPPL1_ID = SUPPL2_ID.

How can I do this in SSIS?


linked servers are not an option, as I want the SSIS package to be portable and not dependent on server environments.

-El Salsero

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DB Engine :: Possible Ways To Execute A Query Joining Three Tables

May 16, 2015

I am learning the Optimizer from the book "Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012" for certificate exam 70-461. I really cannot understand how it explains the number of possible ways to execute a query joining three tables. the pseudo-query is:

SELECT A.col5, SUM(C.col6) AS col6sum
ON A.col1 = B.col1
ON B.col2 = c.col2
WHERE A.col3 = constant 1
AND B.col4 = constant2
GROUP BY A.col5;

The book says:"Start with the FROM part. Which tables should SQL Server join first, TableA and TableB or TableB and TableC? And in each join, which of the two tables joined should be the left and which one the right table? The number of all possibilities is six, if the two joins are evaluated linearly, one after another."

Q1: How could it be six possibilities? From my understanding, lets say, if the SQL Server has to join A and B first, and then join C, in this case I can think of 4 possibilities, which are:

1. When A Join B, Left: A, Right: B.
    When Join C, Left: result of A join B, Right: C

2. When A Join B, nbsp;  
When Join C, nbsp;When A Join B, nbsp;  
When Join C, nbsp;When A Join B, nbsp;   
When Join C, "line-height:13.5px;">

Q2: The section following the previous question says there are 4 different types of join.."This already gives four options for each join. So far, there are 6 x 4 = 24 different options for only the FROM part of this query."

How can it be 6 x 4? My understanding is 4 is only for 1 join, but in our case, there are 2 joins, so it should be 6 x 4 x 4.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Joining Multiple Tables Getting Duplicates?

May 17, 2013

I'm joining several tables and when I add the last one I get duplicate results. How can I get just one for each?

select a.field, b.field, c.field
from atblname as a inner join btblname as b on = b.parent_id
left outer join ctblname as c on = c.parent_id

There are more than one result when joining tbl a and c, but I'm getting a reult for each of them for all results from joining a and b.

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Pl/Sql Block?

Apr 8, 2008

I've written a couple blocks but I have no idea when it comes to this one.
Create a PL/SQL block to retrieve the last name and department ID if each employee from the EMPLOYEES table
for those employees whose EMPLOYEE_ID is less than 114. From the values retreived from the employees table, populate two PL/SQL tables,
one to store the records of the employee last names and the other to store the records of their department IDs.
Using a loop, retreive the employee name information and salary infromation from the PL/SQL tables and doisplay it in the window,
using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Display these details for the first 15 employees in the PL/SQL tables.
Any help helps

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AES (128 Bit Block) : Can I Use It?

May 18, 2006

If I've got a 64-bit OS such as Windows XP Professional x64 Edition running and I have the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, is AES permittable or does TRIPLEDES still need to be used?

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Database Block

Apr 10, 2008


I have been experiencing a lot of blocking activity in my database. My trace results show that the following extended stored procedures sp_prepexec and sp_cursorfetch are executed by both the user causing the block and the user tha is blocked. Any ideas as to how to rectify this situation will be appreciated.



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Try.. Catch Block

Dec 11, 2006

i'm trying to execute some sql using the Try.. Catch blocks.

Following code does not execute in Catch Block

begin try
insert into dbo.Test values (1,'aaa')
-- here we are inserting int value in identity field...
Begin catch
ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,
ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,
ERROR_STATE() as ErrorState,
ERROR_PROCEDURE() as ErrorProcedure,
ERROR_LINE() as ErrorLine,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;
END Catch

Whereas the following block works fine and the Catch block executes.

begin try
Select 1/0
--This causes an error.
Begin catch
ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,
ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,
ERROR_STATE() as ErrorState,
ERROR_PROCEDURE() as ErrorProcedure,
ERROR_LINE() as ErrorLine,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;
END Catch

Any idea why is it so?

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How To Check Block

Mar 5, 2008

Can anyone guide me to write check block in SQL Server?
I Mean if blocking occurs, just inform people.

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Table Block

Mar 18, 2008

Hi there! I need such thing: I have a data in Table A. When I get this data, I also increment this data by one, what I want is block Table A in order to other people will not get access to data.. I think about transactions, but are transactions reaaly blocks a table's content?
P.S. For example in MySQL there are Lock table command for blocking table for reading/writing. I need such thing/

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Process Block Itself

Jul 3, 2007

Hi to everybody,

i have this problem.

sometimes a process in my SQL Server 2005 (upd 2) is blocked from itself. If I find in monitor it wait for a lock_M_Sch_M on a temporary table as you can see from

select * from sys.dm_tran_locks where request_session_id=51 and request_status <> 'GRANT'

resorce type : OBJECT

resource id : 218899226

request mode : Sch-M

request status WAIT

request_session id : 51

request life time : 33554432

or from

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks WHERE SESSION_ID=51

waiting task address : 0x0000000000C2F198

session id : 51

wait type : LCK_M_SCH_M

resource address : 0x0000000201C71300

blocking task address : 0x0000000000C2F198

blocking session id = 51

resource description objectlock lockPartition=0 objid=218899226 subresource=FULL dbid=2 id=lock80d04900 mode=Sch-S associatedObjectId=218899226

I resolve this problem only with restart of sql server . that clear tempdb and eliminate this process

I think is not a problem about latch present from sql server 2000 sp4 (I read some document abount this problem)

So I haven't idea how to resolve this problem and how to kill this kind of process without to restart sql server

thanks in advance


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How Do We Use Block Cursor

Oct 25, 2007

hi there,
to retrieve more then one record with a cursor we can use block cursor, so we have to set the cursor attribute SQL_ATTR_ROWSET_SIZE to some number...i am not getting any code example on this.
do anyone know this???

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Try Catch Block

Apr 12, 2006


one of our study group members noticed a strange behavior and has the following question. Any thoughts are appreciated.
I am unable to understand as to why the CATCH block is not executed when an INSERT is made
On table T3 which is dropped after the first transaction.

The severity of Insert into t3 values (3) is Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid object name 't3'.

BOL says TRY€¦CATCH constructs do not trap the following conditions:
Warnings or informational messages with a severity of 10 or lower.
Errors with severity of 20 or higher that terminate the SQL Server Database Engine task processing for the session. If an error occurs with severity of 20 or higher and the database connection is not disrupted, TRY€¦CATCH will handle the error.

Here is the script.

use tempdb

create table t1 (a int)
create table t2 (b int)
create table t3 (c int)

Begin tran

Insert into t1 values (1)
Insert into t2 values (2)
Insert into t3 values (3)

IF @@error <> 0
Rollback tran
commit tran

Select * from t1
Select * from t2
Select * from t3

Drop table t3


Set xact_abort on
Begin try
Begin tran insertNow

Insert into t1 values (1)
Insert into t2 values (2)

save tran insertNow

Insert into t3 values (3)
commit tran insertNow
End try

Begin Catch

IF (XACT_STATE()) = -1
PRINT 'The transaction is in an uncommittable state.' +
' Rolling back transaction.'

-- Test if the transaction is active and valid.
PRINT 'The transaction is committable.' +
' Committing transaction.'

End Catch

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BLock Records Using UPDLOCK

Oct 2, 2006

Hi all,
here my question :
I have 2 applications.

connection 1.
one does select max(grp) from orv and one does select max(grp) from orh. orh is the historical file from orv. We did this to know which is the greather grp between these 2 files.
After having did this, we add 1 at grp field.
we insert into orv the record max(grp) + 1

connection 2.
an other application could insert at the same time record in this table orv with same parameters.

my problem is the following. I need to block record in orv table either on the select ( connection 1) or Insert ( connection 2) to avoid having select max(grp) + 1 on orv at connection 1 and Insert a record into orv at connection 2.
I believe I need to use HOLDLOCK, UPDLOCK.
but I have not the habitude to use them.

Can I do this ?
connection 1
select max(grp) from orv WITH HOLDLOCK
connection 2
what should I use to avoid lock when I need to insert into orv. ?

thanks for your quick answer

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End A Blocking Process (Was Block)

Feb 11, 2008

Ho do I clear a kill process blocking others to run

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Do A Lot Of Linked Tables Cause Block?

May 18, 2004

Hello, everyone:

There are a lot of Access and Excel tables linked to my SQL Server (SQL2K SP3 on W2K). The end users update those likned tables. I am wondering if there is the block problem. If yes, how to prevent that? Thanks.


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Writer Block Reader, Reader Block Writer...

Sep 27, 2005


i've performed a test on 2 machines based on the topic above, but it doesn't seem like blocking each other... This is the context...

I've created a table call TEST_DEL i.e.
quote:CREATE TABLE test_del
(v_id INT,
desc CHAR(3)

In machine 1, i'm login as USER 1 and try to insert a set of records into the table
Machine 1
DECLARE @li_num int,
@li_start int

SET @li_num = 100000
SET @li_start = 1

WHILE @li_start < @li_num
INSERT INTO test_del VALUES (@li_start, 'zzz', 'xxx')

IF (@li_start > @li_num)
SET @li_start = @li_start + 1


In machine 2, i login in as USER 2 to retrieve the records at the same time...
SELECT * FROM test_del

but, the system still allow me to retrieve the records at the same time... May i know when will "Writer block reader, reader block writer" occur and in what situation

Thanks in advance

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Transactions & TRY CATCH Block.

Oct 10, 2006

Can anyone give a template for a stored procedure which involves a transaction and has a TRY CATCH block too...

Thanks in advance.

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