Merge 2005 - A Row From This Table Will Go To Only One Subscription

Jul 31, 2007

Hello everyone.

We've been using replication since a while now and I just discovered that some user are not getting all the data they should. Let me explain the way the whole thing is configured for us.

We have a few tables that are replicated using the Merge process with filtering on the data using SUSER_SNAME() function. My users are salesrep using Laptop and they are synchronizing on demand. The merge process is configured so that a row will go to only one subscription --> Each rep has their owns customers and related tables informations.

I noticed that some users do not have locally all data (from their customers) from some tables while they should. I didn't checked in details but it is possible that these users are new reps replacing other staff that left the company. Is it possible that the data they do not receive is marked as to be previous reps owner because the replication is set as "A row from this table will go to only one subscription" ? The new rep uses the same laptop, therefore the exactly same computer name, only the username changes.

Because of this, now I'm having a bunch of conflicts when replicating because we're generating some ID based on existing data when the user enter new records in some tables; since the data is not sitting locally for them, the ID generated is not the proper one and we now have two identical ID (one on the server and one locally) which cause the conflicts to occurs.

Any helps would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Programmatically Reinitializing Merge Subscription From Publisher - SQL 2005

Sep 4, 2007

From the SSMS GUI it is possible to re-initialize one or all subscriptions to a merge publication. This is done at the publisher.

How can I achieve these operations programmatically?

In particular, how do I initialize a single merge subscription from the publisher?

I have looked at the documentation for sp_reinitmergepullsubscription but it says that this proc must be run at the subscriber - which isn't much use when subscribers are disconnected for the majority of the time

I have a large number of merge subscribers and want to reinitialize all except one


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Mar 27, 2006


"Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'."

Here is a snipet from the output file:

2006-03-27 13:01:49.820 Skipping file 'NotesHistory_21.sch' because it has already been delivered for a previous article or by a previously interrupted snapshot.
2006-03-27 13:01:49.867 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:49.898 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:49.945 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.008 [17%] OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory](
[NoteID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CaseRefNum] [int] NOT NULL,
[KeyField] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[KeyValue] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[Note] [varchar](800) NULL,
[NoteField] [varchar](100) NULL,
[ScanDocID] [int] NULL,
[PDF_ID] [int] NULL,
[RescanCode] [int] NULL,
[RescanNote] [varchar](100) NULL,
[AuditID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL

ꜽśã¹? êœ?Å›B 27 13:01î–”Å›è›ªç —êœ?Å›é”?Ä€Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.086 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.117 Preparing table 'NotesHistory' for merge replication
2006-03-27 13:01:50.164 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.195 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.258 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
alter table [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] add origin_datasource_id uniqueidentifier NULL

2006-03-27 13:01:50.351 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
create nonclustered index [ncMSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] on [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] ([rowguid], origin_datasource_id)

2006-03-27 13:01:50.383 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': exec sp_MSsetconflicttable @article = N'NotesHistory', @conflict_table = N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory'

2006-03-27 13:01:50.430 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.476 [17%] The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.50é”?Ä€
2006-03-27 13:01:50.539 Applied script 'NotesHistory_21.cft'
2006-03-27 13:01:50.586 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.617 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.711 Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.742 {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.773 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.867 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.898 Category:COMMAND
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.961 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.992 Category:SQLSERVER
Number: 102
Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.039 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:51.070 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201001
Message: The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.133 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.180 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.226 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.258 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.305 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.336 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.383 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.414 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.445 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.492 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.523 The merge process will restart after waiting 60 second(s)...

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Merge Replication - FTP - PULL Subscription

Dec 18, 2002

Trying to set up Merge Replication using FTP with PULL subscriptions on sql 2000

Are there any issues that anyone is aware of that may affect this working.

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Replication - Merge Vs Updateable Subscription

Feb 14, 2003

Does anyone have advice as choosing between merge replication and updatable subscriptions? I've read the documentaion, they seem to offer the same functionality, and I don't see any clear guidelines as to why to pick one over the other...any suggestions would be appreciated!


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Merge Replication - Uninitialized Subscription

May 7, 2007

I have created a Merge Subscription between two databases. I have set the security setting in the UNC folder of the publisher to allow 'Full Control' for 'Everyone'.

I have done various searches, google, here, etc. But cant seem to find much information to help me out.

When I create the subscription it says it was a success, but when I launch the replication monitor and click the publication it says its subscribers are uninitialized.

Can anyone help?


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Merge Process Could Not Initialize The Subscription

Jul 19, 2007

I am experiencing some replication problems. I have a test server with a test database which has been working just fine with some simple Merge Replication. That old server is now been targeted for decommissioning. I have moved the test database to another test server and have set everything conceivable up the same as it was on the prior server but I am experiencing errors that I have not been able to resolve. I am using the same Domain User account with the same privileges on both systems...

The first error I receive in my SQL Server error logs is:

Error: 14151, Severity: 18, State: 1.

Rapidly followed by the following error message:

Replication-Replication Merge Subsystem: agent SOURCE-DATABASE-MERGE-DESTINATION-16 failed. The merge process could not initialize the subscription. Ensure that the subscription registration exists at the publisher, and reregister the subscription if necessary.

From within the Replication Monitor I look into the subscription and I can see the following error message:

Command attempted:

{call sys.sp_MSmergesubscribedb ('true', 0) }

Error messages:

The merge process could not initialize the subscription. Ensure that the subscription registration exists at the publisher, and reregister the subscription if necessary. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201011)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147201011

INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_PADDING'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1934)
Get help: http://help/1934

I have looked into the help links from above, researched codes and also browsed this forum and others to no avail so far. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!

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The Merge Process Could Not Initialize The Subscription.

Jul 25, 2007

I met some problems in merge replication with sql server 2005 (sp2).

one user who is using the PDA (SQL Mobile 2005) try to sync with server, the error info is coming.

the error in replication monitor is shown as following:
Error messages:
The merge process could not initialize the subscription. Ensure that the subscription registration exists at the publisher, and reregister the subscription if necessary. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201011)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147201011
The subscription could not be found. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20021)
Get help: http://help/20021
The subscription has expired. Mark the subscription for reinitialization and restart the Merge Agent to reinitialize the subscription. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147200980)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147200980

is there anybody who has any idea about it?

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SQLEXPRESS Merge Pull Subscription

Feb 2, 2007

Hi all I have a question,

I am trying to enable a replication process between a SQL 2005 server and sqlexpress instances and i run into the following problem.

On the publisher a subscription (sp_addmergesubscription) is added for each 'machine' that participates in the replication. Is there a way to get around this?

Because when we distribute the installation we dont know all the machine names. I have made the publication accesible for anynymous access. But when the replication script is installed on the client ,the Error message that the subscription does not exists appears.

The only difference between the instal script for the client is that we do not add a sp_addmergesubscription on the server. Is it possible to let SQL server make an subscription when the client connects for the first time?

To summarize my question: Is there a way to enable the replication with only running a script on the client and not on the server?

If i need to explain it more in detail , just let me know and ill try

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Transact SQL For Creating Merge Subscription

Sep 13, 2006

I am trying to create a merge publication in sql server 2005 and a merge subscription in sql server 2005 mobile through transact sql using sql server query analyzer.

I am succeeded in creating the publication but not subscription.

I am using sp_addmergepublication and sp_addmergesubscription.

sp_addmergepublication is working fine.

But the problem is in creating sp_addmergesubscription.

Can anyone please guide me how to create subscription to sql server 2005 mobile database using transact sql.

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Sync'ing A Merge Subscription Before Removal.

Feb 15, 2006


is there a way to ensure a merge subscription is synchronised before it is removed from the publisher using SMO? - (it is a push subscription)

I thought I had it as there is a MergeSynchronizationAgent object on the SubscriptionDatabase object, but calling Synchronize() on this throws an exception saying it can't contact the publisher.

Any help would be really appreciated, thanks.


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Unable To Subscribe CE Database To Merge Subscription

May 25, 2007


On the development environment i've got replication running with no trouble but when deploying in the production environment i get the error below

Has anyone seen this before and solved it?
Another question: How to enable verbose history when using the MS SQL Server Management Studio to create a subscription.

Any help is welcome,


TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------A call to SQL Server Reconciler failed. Try to resynchronize.HRESULT 0x80004005 (29006)The schema script 'd:MSSQL
epldatauncTEST_KANSCE TEST20070522165445 blNaw_2.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.HRESULT 0x80070003 (0)The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.HRESULT 0x80045017 (0)------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------

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Monitoring Merge Push Subscription From Subscriber

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all!

Is there an option to monitor current state of Merge Push Subscription from the Subscriber, without connecting to the Publisher Server? I have examined many SPs and system tables at Subscriber, but didn't find any reliable method...

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Merge Replication Subscription Doubles In Size

Jan 29, 2008

I made a DDL change to a published table. To do this, I had to remove the table from the article, modify two field sizes, save the table, and then add the table back to the publication. I did have to rerun the snapshot agent after this even though the new article is exactly the same (yes, I understand all rowguids are dropped and recreated).

So, at the subscription, I begin synchronization and it replicates every article, thus doubling the size of the subscription .sdf file. yes, it can be compacted and it cuts it back in half.

Question is how to prevent this behavior? Is it possible to create the rowguid before publishing the table/article and that way even if you go back and make a schema change that requires republishing you can avoid the nasty behavior of producing a new snapshot and and a doubling of subscription database size?

This particular merge publication is read-only. Every article is marked as 'download only.'

Ideally if schema change is needed to one table, I only want that table/article to require reinitialization.
Actually, if its a simple change like expanding a varchar by some chars I'd like to not have to republish the article at all.
keep dreaming?

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Initializing A Merge Subscription Without A Snapshot Bugs

Feb 21, 2007

Hello guys,

We have customers that are using web synchronization. Could you, please tell us when service pack for the bugs, discussed in thread will be reliazed?

What replication participants should apply the service pack in a configuration where Subscriber (MS SQL 2005 Express)  gets synchronized with Publisher/Diustributor (MS SQL 2005 Standard)?



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Existing Subscription Already Contains Table Included In The New Subscription

Sep 26, 2007



Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription.

What are the possible causes of this merge replication error?
Could it be caused by a SQL Server Compact Edition User trying to sync their .sdf file after their subscription has already expired on the SQL Server?

Would you expect to see a different message if a SQL Server Compact Edition user tried to sync a subscriber database (.sdf file) with merge replication if it's been longer than the subscription retention period since their last sync?

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Replication: Remove Merge Subscription Without Existing Publisher?

Feb 26, 2004

Hi all,
I'm a rather newbie, not only to this forum but also to sql server having a question to the following issue:
Is it possible to drop/remove/delete the "orphan" of a merge subscription on one instance of sql server without having the (former) distributor/publisher (on other instance) available?
The background is: I had a small replication infrastructure with two instances (on two machines), one the publisher and distributor, the other the subscriber. Now it happened that the publisher/distributor machine was completely set up new without having the replication dropped in advance, what remained on the subscriber is now a database with all the merge/replication tables and the guid columns in the user tables.
Moreover this, an entry remained in the subscription saying that a subscription with the former publisher exists...

Can I remove these "orphans" without having to setup the instance again?

Thank you,

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SQL 2012 :: Relocating Log File Of Merge Subscription Database?

Mar 31, 2015

I need to move the log file of a disk and onto another disk. The log belongs to a merge subscription database.

I was going to stop/disable the merge jobs on the distributor, detach the database, move the log file to another drive, reattach, and enable the merge jobs on the distributor.

Does that sound ok, or should I employ some other method.

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SQL 2012 :: Initializing Subscription With Web Synchronization (merge Replication)

May 9, 2015

I'm trying out a set up as following:

SQL Server 2008 standard as the publisher
SQL Server 2012 express as the subscriber

and I tend to use web synchronization; there is no domain trust.

After following the instructions at MSDN for configuring web synchronization, I have an error that I can't get past - after creating the initial snapshot on the publisher, I try to run replmerg.exe at the subscriber and I always get this error:

"The subscription to publication 'TestReplication' has expired or does not exist."

If I refresh the publisher's "Local Publications" and look within the "TestReplication", it does show that the subscriber is a known subscriber. Likewise, if I refresh subscriber's "Local Subscription", it has an entry for TestReplication publication.

I already verified that the user used by Replisapi.dll has the read permission to the snapshot folder, is a member of PAL, is db_owner of the publishing database and distribution database. I am using self-signed certificate for this test and I have already installed the certificate at the subscriber machine so that HTTPS is trusted. I can run diagnosis from subscriber so I know subscriber can reach and logs are being left at the publisher's IIS.

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Initialization Merge Subscription Without Copy Data In Bcp Files

Sep 27, 2007

Hi All!

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3159.00 (Intel X86)
Mar 23 2007 16:15:11
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

40 subsribers.
Adding new article.
On any aubscribe need regenerate snapshot agent agent.
The tables are very big. With filters.
Regenerating process anew copy data in in ...ReplDataame.bcp, during 30-40 minutes for any subscriber!
Full work to small correct of replication flow during 2-3 days....

Is it possible to initialize subscription without copying bcp data?

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Merge Replication (Pull Subscription) Synchronization With Out Networking

Aug 3, 2006

Hi I want to Set up Such Merge Replication, Which can can Synchronize With out Network, Means Syncronization using CD.

Also When the Network connectivity will be available then it should do synchronization

I wants to transfer some file using CD only those changes to database which hasn't been synchronized, thats why Backup will not work.

Pls Help me, or tell me wether it is possible or not.

Tell me some work around, or ask me details,

You got to help me out, Otherwise I will loss trust in MSDN Forums.

Thanks in advance
Vishalgiri Goswami

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Problem Downloading The Snapshot Agent In A Merge Pull Subscription.

Jun 21, 2007


I've been having an error when downloading the snapshot agent from our Publisher.

The articles selected are all the tables and all the stored procedures.

The Subscription is created programmatically and so is the synchronization. When trying to synchronize for the first time and when the subscriber tries to download the snapshot I have the following error:

Error messages:
The schema script 'Distrito_2.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201001)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147201001
The process could not read file 'GESZifuncAFRODITE$SILVITEST_GESZIF_GESZIF20070621182845Distrito_2.sch' due to OS error 3. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20143)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL20143
The system cannot find the path specified.
(Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL3)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL3

The snapshot folder is at c:GESZifSnapshotFolder and the unc is \AfroditeSnapshot.

I'm getting a little desperate with this because we really need to propagate the schema changes around the subscribers.

Thanks in advance,


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Cannot Set Up A Subscription From Sql Server 2005

Aug 24, 2007

I have created a publication and push subscriptions from a sql server 2005 server to a sql server 2000 servers both within internal network successfully - without any hitch. The replication works fine here. Login to sql server 2000 was through the window authentication.

After that I tried to do the same but the Sql Sql Server was outside the firewall on an ISP's network. The setup for this is described below:

Sql Server 2005 (local server) is within the internal network from where data needs to be pumped into Sql Server 2000 (remote server) database which is outside the firewall. In order to access the Remote Sql Server I have also created, on the remote (sql server 2000) server a new sql server login user with dbo access to the database. The local sql server can communicate to the external server through the firewall using this user name. This has been tested because I can connect to the external database server from the Sql Server 2005 Management Studio (using sql server authentication ) and query and update the tables.

I then created a Local Publication (to transfer table data from one of the database) on the local server, which is ok. But when I try to create a push subscription from the local server to the remote server (with all the parameters assigned, including the sql server authentication users login, etc), the sql server throughs the following error message. (No subscription gets created):

***error start *************************
An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid) (Microsoft SQL server, error: 87)
***error end ************************

Can anyone there help?

P.S. A similar replication setting from another local sql server 2000 server to the same external Sql Server 2000 server has been working OK.

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How Do I Measure Bandwith Usage For Merge Replication SQL 2005 To Sql Server Mobile 2005?

Jan 24, 2007


Is there any way to measure bandwith usage during merge replication between sql server 2005 and sql server mobile 2005 running on a cradled wm5 mobile device.

Attaching the windows performance monitor to the network connection established over usb would work although I was wondering if there was something specific for this case integrated into Sql server 2005 / sql server mobile 2005 / Sql server management studio / third party tools that i could use ?



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Merge Replication - SQL Server 2005, Windows Vista And MSVisual Studio 2005

Jul 11, 2007

Hello everybody!

I hope that someone could help me.

I have a problem when i start sincronyzing with the emulator of MSVS2005 to SQL2005 in Windows Vista. I have the same program in the emulator, but sincronyzing with windows XP Pro and no problem...

I configure the connection to use the IUSR.

The source code that i use:

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://laptop/SQLMobileIIS/sqlcesa30.dll";

repl.Publisher = @"laptop";

repl.PublisherDatabase = @"database";

repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;

repl.Publication = @"Pubdatabase";

repl.Subscriber = @"SQLMobile";

repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + nomeFicheiroBD + "';Password='3409'";

The error that returns is:

"Failure to connect to SQLServer with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect"

Does anybody knows what i can do?



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Help Needed In Merge Replication, SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition And VC# 2005

Apr 10, 2008

I have written following code in my application

I just want to display all the data of a Single table into a Data Grid, I know that we can drag and drop the table on to a form and datagrid is generated, but here I want to retrive those values through my code, how should i do that

I am getting following errors while running the program
Error 1) Error No. 28037, MS SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition
Error: A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information see HRESULT
Error 2) Error No. 0, SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition ADO.Net Data Provider
Error: The specified table does not exist [ JobLists ].

Can anybody please tell me, where I went wrong ??? In this code anywhere else????

Note: While adding a Data Source of SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, I have added that .sdf file into my project, thats why I have written the Data Source as : .DbFile.sdf

@"Data Source = .DbDotNetCF.sdf";

The code is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace DeviceApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
string filename = @".DbDotNetCF.sdf";

private DataSet dsJobLists;

public Form1()

private void DeleteDB()
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))

private void Sync()
SqlCeReplication repl = new SqlCeReplication();

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://localhost/WebsiteDotNetCF/sqlcesa30.dll";
repl.Publisher = @"RAHU";
repl.PublisherDatabase = @"DotNetCF";
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
repl.Publication = @"PubDotNetCF";
repl.Subscriber = @"SubDotNetCF";
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + filename + "';Max Database Size=128;Default Lock Escalation =100;";
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
catch (SqlCeException ex)

// Display Same Data In Another DataGrid : dataGrid1
SqlCeConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source='" + filename + "'");

SqlCeDataAdapter daJobLists = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT JobListsID, JobID, PersonID FROM JobLists", cn);
if (dsJobLists == null)
dsJobLists = new DataSet();
daJobLists.Fill(dsJobLists, "JobLists");
dataGrid1.DataSource = dsJobLists.Tables["JobLists"];
catch (SqlCeException ex)

private void DisplaySQLCEErrors(SqlCeException ex)
for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Index #" + i.ToString() + ""
+ ex.Errors.Source + ""
+ "Error: " + ex.Errors.Message,
"Error No. " + ex.Errors.NativeError.ToString());

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (DbDotNetCFDataSetUtil.DesignerUtil.IsRunTime())
// TODO: Delete this line of code to remove the default AutoFill for 'dbDotNetCFDataSet.JobLists'.

I have created a merge replication correctlly( I suppose, there were no errros)
Please help

Your help will be appriciated

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Looking For Table / View That Will Tell Me If I Need To Reinitialize Subscription

Dec 20, 2006

I have kind of unique situation. I am running Merge replication. In one of my publications I am only publishing procedures/functions/views. By design, these do not change that often, but when a programmability object changes, it is scripted in a way so that:

1. The article is dropped from the publication

2. the object is then changed

3. The article is added back to the publication

My question is: Is there a table or view that the subscriber or publisher can see that could tell me if reinitialization needs to occur. I am looking at adding an automated script at the subscriber that makes the determiniation and automatically reinitializes the subscription. My alternative is to force the subscriber to reinitialize every time when synchronizing with this publication, even if nothing has changed because the process has to be automated.



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RS 2005: Subscription Fails With Internal Error

Dec 19, 2006

Hi all,

I have a (for me) strange problem with subscribing reports.

I've setup several reports that I want to create monthly and store to a file share.
In BIDS Preview and deployed to the report server everything works fine.

Each of my reports has an own schedule (they'll be created step by step), export format is Excel, as credentials I use a local user, all parameters are set porperly.
When the time to render the reports has gone, I just see the following behind each subscription:

Failure writing file LIS04 : An internal error occurred on the report
server. See the error log for more details.

The Log file contains the following: (I highlighted what I think to be the key error)

ReportingServicesService!library!4!12/19/2006-10:20:35:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/CM Reports/LIS04' )
ReportingServicesService!library!e!12/19/2006-10:20:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!library!4!12/19/2006-10:21:22:: i INFO: Initializing SqlStreamingBufferSize to default value of '64640' Bytes because it was not specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!12/19/2006-10:21:22:: i INFO: Initializing SnapshotCompression to 'SQL' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!f!12/19/2006-10:21:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!14!12/19/2006-10:21:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!1a!12/19/2006-10:22:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!19!12/19/2006-10:22:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!1b!12/19/2006-10:23:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!1c!12/19/2006-10:23:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!3!12/19/2006-10:24:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!17!12/19/2006-10:24:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!17!12/19/2006-10:25:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!3!12/19/2006-10:25:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!16!12/19/2006-10:26:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!19!12/19/2006-10:26:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!18!12/19/2006-10:27:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!13!12/19/2006-10:27:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!d!12/19/2006-10:28:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!1c!12/19/2006-10:28:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!1c!12/19/2006-10:29:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!14!12/19/2006-10:29:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!13!12/19/2006-10:30:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!15!12/19/2006-10:30:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!1c!12/19/2006-10:31:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!8!12/19/2006-10:31:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!c!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: EventPolling processing 1 more items. 1 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: EventPolling processing item ea730ae6-d1ad-4535-b651-5bdfe4c0339f
ReportingServicesService!library!f!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: Schedule 9587e9db-b005-4f96-ad18-4afc29207481 executed at 12/19/2006 10:32:10 AM.
ReportingServicesService!schedule!f!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: 2ae5c0ed-9eea-4ca4-8e41-be5cde9f7908
ReportingServicesService!library!f!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: Schedule 9587e9db-b005-4f96-ad18-4afc29207481 execution completed at 12/19/2006 10:32:10 AM.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!12/19/2006-10:32:10:: EventPolling finished processing item ea730ae6-d1ad-4535-b651-5bdfe4c0339f
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!c!12/19/2006-10:32:20:: NotificationPolling processing 1 more items. 2 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!13!12/19/2006-10:32:20:: NotificationPolling processing item b216a965-eaa7-4003-b776-4663c19c8d54
ReportingServicesService!library!13!12/19/2006-10:32:21:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/CM Reports/LIS04' )
ReportingServicesService!library!13!12/19/2006-10:32:21:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.Native.IsAdmin(String userName)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.IsAdmin(String userName, IntPtr userToken)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.CheckAccess(String userName, IntPtr userToken, Byte[] secDesc, ReportOperation requiredOperation)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Security.CheckAccess(ItemType catItemType, Byte[] secDesc, ReportOperation rptOper)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameterDefinitionFromCatalog(CatalogItemContext reportContext, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, Guid& reportID, Int32& executionOption, String& savedParametersXml, ReportSnapshot& compiledDefinition, ReportSnapshot& snapshotData, Guid& linkID, DateTime& historyOrSnapshotDate, Byte[]& secDesc)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameters(ClientRequest session, String report, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, NameValueCollection values, DatasourceCredentialsCollection credentials)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLiveOrSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderFirst(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!17!12/19/2006-10:32:37:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
ReportingServicesService!library!15!12/19/2006-10:32:37:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 1 running jobs, 0 persisted streams

Does anyone have an idea what goes wrong here?

Best regards

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SSRS 2005 Email Subscription Problem

Feb 13, 2006


We have a new SSRS 2005 instance running with a number of reports. We have setup a subscription on one of these to run at 8am every Monday. However this is not working. No email is being sent and it does not appear the subscription is being run, nothing is ever written in the Last Run column.

I have looked in the logs and the only thing I can see is the following warning

w3wp!extensionfactory!5!13/02/2006-14:42:03:: w WARN: The extension Report Server Email does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
w3wp!extensionfactory!5!13/02/2006-14:42:03:: w WARN: The extension Report Server FileShare does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.

We had this working succesfully with SSRS 2000. The new instance was a clean install.



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Cann I Add New Column In Subscription Database Table

Aug 13, 2007


I am learning Sql server 2005 replication.

My requirement is.

1.) Subscribe a Master database
2.) I have to add a timestamp column in every table of subscriber database ( Note: the column will not be in publication database)

I have two sql server

server 1 : I made Merger publication

server 2 : I made subscription of the same

But when i tried to create a column in the Subscriber database table its giving the following error

Validation warnings

warnings were encountered during the pre-save validation process, and might
result in a failute during save. Do you want to continue attempt to save?

''Table1' table
- Error validating the default for column 'rowguid'.

I clicked "Yes"

Post -Save Notication
Errors were encountered during the save process. Some database objects were not saved.

'Table1' table
- Unable to modify table.
The DDL statement cannot be performed at the Subscriber or Republisher.
The DDL operation failed inside merge DDL replication manipulation.
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

clicked ok

User canceled out of save diaglog

Can i add a new column to subscriber database table if so please guide me?

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SSRS 2005, Subscription Email Addressing Is Greyed-out

Nov 8, 2007

I have SSRS 2005 installed. User wants to change email address on subscription to send to external customer or others in our organization.

If I modify right "Manage individual subscriptions" to enabled for his security profile, the email address box is greyed-out.

I tried changing value <SendEmailToUserAlias>xxxx</ SendEmailToUserAlias> to FALSE in rsreportserver.config, with SSRS restart, but address box is greyed-out.

If I modify right "Manage all subscriptions" enabled for his security profile, the address box is not greyed-out, but can now see-edit everyone's subscriptions for that report.

How can I turn on address box is not greyed-out, but not open view of ALL subscriptions to my users?

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SSRS - Resetting A Subscription After A Subscription Run Failure

Feb 11, 2008

It seems to me that if a scheduled SSRS report subscription fails ( Status Message - An error has occurred during report processing) , that I actually need to delete the subscription and reconfigure it from scratch. The scheduled job doesn't try to run again automatically (say the next Monday on a weekly Monday schedule).

Is there a way to "reset" a failed subscription without have to recreate the entire subscription?

Thank you
Devon Kyle

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SQL Mobile 2005 Merge Replication With SQL 2005 X64

Jan 10, 2006

I am having trouble with getting Merge Replication up with a new SQL 2005 x64 Server.  I already have it running smoothly with SQL 2005 Mobile and SQL 2000, but I want to migrate the backend to SQL 2005.

There is a front end server running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 x86 Standard (Server A) with SSL required and Basic Authentication set as the only authentication method (default Domain and Realm are also set).  The backend server is running SQL 2005 x64 Standard on Windows 2003 x64 Standard (Server B).  The mobile devices are running Windows Mobile 5.0 with SQL 2005 Mobile (Client).

From both a standard Windows XP workstation (IE) and the Client (PIE) I can browse to the HTTPS site on port 444 for the sqlcesa30.dll on Server A and get a response in normal and ?diag modes.  The ?diag gives success in all but the 8.0 Database Reconciler (I didn't install the SQL 2000 replication components on Server A, my understanding is they should not be needed).  Sql Server Module Versions are as follows: sqloledb.dll - 2000.86.1830.0, 9.0 replrec.dll - 2005.90.1399.0, 9.0 replprov.dll - 2005.90.1399.0, 9.0 msgprox.dll - 2005.90.1399.0.

The publication on Server B is enabled for Web Synchronization and the Snapshop Agent has run.  There are no reported errors on that side.

Since I ran into issues getting synchronization to run I have opened up permissions fairly wide in this test environment.  The PAL and the Database both have the user I am attempting to sync with listed (I am using the Administrator account in the test domain).  I have opened full rights on the Snapshot share on Server B to Everyone (both NTFS ACL on the directory and the Share permissions).  The virtual directory on Server A containing the sqlcesa30.dll has also been opened very wide, and the Application Pool does have access to it.

The Client is running a custom C#.NET 2005 application.  With the exception of changes to set the application to sync with the Server A/B duo instead of the production servers, this application is identical to the code currently being used in production with SQL 2000 Standard.

The persistent error that I am getting from the Client being thrown by SQL 2005 Mobile when I attempt to sync is "An instance of the SQL Server Reconciler error object cannot be created.  Try reinstalling the replication components."

SQL 2005 Mobile components on Server A are set to Logging Level 3 but not returning any errors that I can see to troubleshoot with.  All replication components appear to be installed and operational, although I have re-installed them.

Besides the obvious question of how to solve the error listed above, is there an issue with am x85 front end IIS 6.0 server talking to an x64 back end SQL 2005 server for merge replication over HTTPS with Windows Mobile 5.0 clients running SQL 2005 Mobile?

Based on everything I have read off the MSDN Forums, MSDN articles, BOL, log files, and web searches it seems like I should have an operational synching topology, however clearly I have missed something because I have yet to get a successful subscription through to the publication.

Any insight/enlightenment would be greatly appreciated, this seems to be a very narrow and specific area of replication and mobility and information is relatively sparse from my experience so far.




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