Merge Join Gives Unexpected Results When The Input Has Speacial Characters
May 14, 2007
I have a strange issue here.
Both the input datasets of the merge join are sorted . Everything works fine if the dataset doesn't contain speacial characters like - (hipen).
This is the sorted dataset.ASI311_3ASI311_3ASI312ASI311ASIKit1ASIKit1
Merge Joiner has to look for ASI311 and finds it in the list and everything works as expected. But if the dataset is changed to
Then it doesn't find the ASI311 in the above dataset ?
Only change between the two datasets is the - (hipen) which is added in one of the field. Does SSIS has a differenent precedence of the special characters than that of the Database. Both the datasets are on SQLServer.
I created a package that seems to work fine with a small amount of data. When I run the package however with more data (as in production) the merge join output is limites to 9963 rows, no matter if I change the number of input rows.
Situation as follows.
The package has 2 OLE DB Sources, in which SQL-statements have been defined in order to retrieve the data.
The flow of source 1 is: retrieving source data -> trimming (non-key) columns -> sorting on the key-columns.
The flow of source 2 is: retrieving source data -> deriving 2 new columns -> aggregating the data to the level of source 1 -> sorting on the key columns.
Then both flows are merged and other steps are performed.
If I test with just a couple of rows it works fine. But when I change the where-clause in the data source retrieval, so that the number of rows is for instance 15000 or 150000 the number of rows after the merge join is 9963.
When I run the package in debug-mode the step is colored green, nevertheless an error is displayed:
Error: 0xC0047022 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Merge Join" (4703) failed with error code 0xC0047020. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
To be honest, a few more errormessages appear, but they don't seem related to this issue. The package stops running after some 6000 rows have been written to the destination.
I'm trying to run what I thought was a relatively straightforward query to find all entries from one table that don't appear in another table:
select * from Search_Suggestion where Suggestion not in (select distinct C106 from Search_Log)
The Search_Suggestion table contains 4060 entries and the Search_Log table contains 142,000+ distinct entries.
From running a similar query using 'in' instead of 'not in' I find that there are 3778 matches between the two tables would logic which suggest leave 282 that don't exist in the Search_Log table.
However....when I run the above query it returns no records.
I've tried changing it around and have also tried using temp tables but each time I still get no records.
I'm getting the following error from a few hosts that are querying a db in SQL Server 2005. The error has occurred while executing various queries that we would expect to return various sized result sets (from a couple rows to a couple million rows). Many hosts have never experienced the error but it is occurring fairly frequently on a couple.
using Windows Server 2003 on both the jdbc client and the DB host.
using jdbc driver from sqljdbc_1.1
netstat doesnt increment the TCP connection reset count after this error occurs.
using standard sql server authentication.
----------------------------------------- A DBComms.error occurred while reading input. Context:Read packet header, Unexpected end of stream, readBytes:-1. Negative read result PktNumber:0. ReadThisPacket:0. PktDataSize:4,096.
I have lost the reference but I read somewhere that when running DBCC DBREINDEX against a clustered index, all the secondary indexes on the table are automatically re-indexed as well. I did a test of this on a small table and it seemed to confirm this. However, now I've put this into practice, I am finding that it doesn't seem to work this way. I noticed that having run DBCC DBREINDEX against a table's clustered index (DBCC DBREINDEX ('tablename', 'clusteredIndexName', fill_factor)), the secondary indexes were not automatically re-indexed - as born out by the fact that they remained badly fragmented.
First of all, do the dba's who read this beleive it is correct that DBCC DBREINDEX run against a clustered index will automatically rebuild the secondary indexes too? If so, why wouldn't it work in all cases?
Normally, after I use DBCC DBREINDEX, I can be sure that Scan Density on a clustered or non-clustered index is very good - eg. 99% or 100%. However, I have one database where there are a number of indexes that are not showing any improvement in Scan Density after running DBCC DBREINDEX. In on case, a clustered index, I run it on two days in succession and Scan Density actually go worse! Can anyone give me a reason for this? Can anyone suggest how to fix it?
I'm having difficulty coming up with the right syntax for a query. Suppose I have a database containing a Stores table, an ProductInventory table, and a Customers table. The Stores table has an ID field that serves as a foreign key in both the ProductInventory table and in the Customers table. I'm trying to write a query that, for each Store record, will return the total number of records in the ProductInventory table and the total number of records in the Customers table.
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the ProductInventory table:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the Customers table:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
I combined the two queries:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount, COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID LEFT JOIN Customers ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
When I run this last query, however, I get an "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int" error. Using COUNT_BIG instead of COUNT eliminates the error, but the numbers that are generated are astronomical in size. This indicates to me that there is a *lot* more table joining going on than I expected
What is the correct syntax to produce the desired results? I have a few other tables similar to ProductInventory and Customers; I'm hoping to extend the correct syntax so as to be able to get a comprehensive record count list for each store. Thanks for your help!
I am using snapshot replication to copy data from one database to another. I truncate the destination table first. The publisher and the subscriber are different databases on the same server. The data turns into 1 unrecognizable row.
Here is what the source table looks like: displayTypeID, displayType 1, Title List Formats 2, Title Details 3, Title List Export 4, Pricing Notes 5, clone Mask 001 6, clone Mask 002 7, clone Mask 004 8, clone Mask 008 9, hide From Admin 10, not Common Attr 11, Insert Title 12, title Types
The resulting data looks like this: DisplayType, displayTypeId , 1660953600 I see no errors in replication and nothing in the source table looks like bad data that could cause such a malady. I see the problem on two different servers now and identified the source of the problem, the column order is reversed in the source and destination tables. The data types do not even match so I would at the very least expect an error from bcp.
I have a simple update statement (see example below) that when runs, I expect to see the number of records updated in the Results tab. This information shows up in the Messages tab; however, what is displayed in the Results tab is (No column name) 40. From where the 40 is being generated. I have tried restarting SSMS 2012, restarting my computer, turning NOCOUNT on and off.
"UPDATE TableA SET Supervisor = 'A123' WHERE PersonnelNumber = 'B456'"
I need to query the count of an occurrence in a given period of time, so I created this query. But it does not give me any results.
SELECT TOP 1000 o.[ID] ,o.[TimeOfOrder] ,x.[StreeLine1] FROM [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Order] o FULL JOIN SC.dbo.xmlAddressRead x ON o.ID= WHERE DATEDIFF(HOUR,o.[TimeOfOrder],(DATEADD(Hour, -48, GETDATE()))) < 48 GROUP BY x.[StreeLine1], o.ID, o.TimeOfOrder HAVING COUNT(x.[StreeLine1])>1
Then I change the query slightly and I ask it to show me the ones that are going to '599 Ships Landing Way' and it gives me 356 results! The Query doesn't crash, but it doesn't give me the results I need. What did I do incorrectly?
SELECT TOP 1000 o.[ID] ,o.[TimeOfOrder] ,x.[StreeLine1] FROM [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Order] o FULL JOIN SC.dbo.xmlAddressRead x ON o.ID= WHERE DATEDIFF(HOUR,o.[TimeOfOrder],(DATEADD(Hour, -48, GETDATE()))) < 48 AND x.[StreeLine1]='599 Ships Landing Way'
We are getting unexpected results from the following update statement when it is executed on SQL Server 2005.
The strange thing is that we get duplicated values for QM_UID (although when run under SQL Server 2000 we don't get duplicated values)
Can anyone explain why this happens or suggest another way of populating this column without using a cursor or adding a temporary autoincrement column and copying the values over?
declare @NextID int;
set @NextID = 1;
update tmp set QM_UID=@NextID, @NextID = @NextID + 1;
select QM_UID, count(*) from tmp group by QM_UID having count(*) > 1 order by QM_UID
-- NB: The number of rows that must be added to tmp before this problem will occur is machine dependant
-- 100000 rows is sufficient on one of our servers but another (faster) server doesn't show the error
-- at 100000 rows but does at 1000000 rows.
-- Create a table
CREATE TABLE tmp ( [QM_ADD_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ADD_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_ADD_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_EDIT_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_LOCK_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_JOB] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PRJ_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_NUMBER] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REV_NUM] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REV_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REV_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_REV_OPR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_STYLE_CODE] [char](4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_JOB_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_COLUMN] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REP_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_MODEL] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REP_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_MODEL_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RUN_NUM] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SOURCE_MODEL] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_JOB] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_COLUMN] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_J_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_QUOTE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_VAR] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_QTY] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_Q_PART] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOINT_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_QUOTE_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_LIVE_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_USER_STATUS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_DEL_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_IS_CONVERTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PRINTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_COPY_RATES] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_UPDATE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_AMT] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CRED_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_HELD] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PROOF] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DELIV_METHOD] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ART_METHOD] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DES_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REC_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REC_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_OWN_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_1] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_2] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_3] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_4] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RESP_OP_5] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RECONTACT] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REQ_FLAG] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_ORIG_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_PREF_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_PREF_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_LATE_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_LATE_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_TITLE] [char](72) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DELIV_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CLT_SPEC] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_REF] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CONTACT] [char](36) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PHONE] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FAX] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER] [char](20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER_CFM] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_ORDER_REL] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_3] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_4] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_REP_5] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_COORDINATOR] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PRIORITY] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TYPE_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_GRADE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_SIZE_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_WID] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_LEN] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_DEP] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GUSS] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GSM] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_ORIENT] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PROD_CODE] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FIN_GOOD] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_CODE_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_PROS] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REQD_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_REQD_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO_1] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_FOLIO_2] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PACK_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_USAGE] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REORDER] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_EACH_WGT] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_WGT_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_RFQ_OPR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_SRC] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_SALES_RSN] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PROFILE] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_PREV_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_UNIT] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PO_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_PO_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_PO_OP] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DLY_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_DLY_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_QTY_DESP] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TOTAL_DLY] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SCHED_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_SCHED_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_CLOSE_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CLOSE_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL, [QM_INV_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PACK_NUM] [char](12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_DOWN_LOAD] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TRACK_CODE] [char](4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_TYPE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_TAX_CODE] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CURR] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_EXCH_RATE] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_FLAG] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_RUNON_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_SPEC_QTY] numeric(26,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CHARGEABLE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_NC_REASON] [char](22) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_MKUP] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_JOB_MKUP] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_BROKERAGE] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_CUST_DISC] numeric(18,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_INVOKED_BTNS] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORTED] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_RECALC] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_IMPORT_CONVERT] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_BRANCH] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_CODE] [char](36) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_TEMPLATE] [smallint] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REPEAT_PERIOD] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_REOPEN_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_CAT_OPTION] [char](16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_UNIT_ID] [char](10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_PROD_BRANCH] [char](6) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, [QM_UID] [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [QM_AVAIL_DATE] [smalldatetime] DEFAULT ('1900-01-01') NOT NULL, [QM_AVAIL_TIME] [int] DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
-- Create an index on the table
-- Populate the table
declare @Counter as int
set @Counter = 1
while @Counter < 100000
insert into tmp (QM_ADD_TIME, QM_NUMBER) values (1,@Counter);
set @Counter = @Counter + 1
-- Update QM_UID to a sequential value
declare @NextID int;
set @NextID = 1;
update tmp set QM_UID=@NextID, @NextID = @NextID + 1;
-- Find rows with a duplicate QM_UID (there should be no duplicate)
select QM_UID, count(*) from tmp group by QM_UID having count(*) > 1 order by QM_UID
--drop table tmp
-- output from select @@VERSION
-- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) Mar 23 2007 16:28:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I am trying to import a file to a db table from a mainframe system. When I look at it on the PC has some special characters in it. They look like nulls and or tabs. When I try to define the fields in DTS, I only see up to the first special character. I tried to write a quick VB program to strip them out, but when VB is reading the file they get stripped out before I see them in the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am having an interesting error. I have a bunch of data that I am updating to a field in my sql server 7.0 database. It updates the data, however only puts the first 64,999 characters into the field. The datatype is ntext. From what I understand, ntext datatype can hold much more than 65,000 characters. Am I right in this? The data I'm putting into the field is html tags/text. I've tried several different data sets. I'm updating the data using Coldfusion/SQL commands.
Here is my SQL syntax:
UPDATE htmltest SET html_offline = '#form.html#' WHERE htmlid = #form.htmlid#
OLEDB source 1 SELECT ... ,[MANUAL DCD ID] <-- this column set to sort order = 1 ... FROM [dbo].[XLSDCI] ORDER BY [MANUAL DCD ID] ASC
OLEDB source 2 SELECT ... ,[Bo Tkt Num] <-- this column set to sort order = 1 ... FROM ....[dbo].[FFFenics] ORDER BY [Bo Tkt Num] ASC
These two tasks are followed immediately by a MERGE JOIN
All columns in source1 are ticked, all column in source2 are ticked, join key is shown above. join type is left outer join (source 1 -> source 2)
result of source1 (..dcd column) ... 4-400-8000119 4-400-8000120 4-400-8000121 4-400-8000122 <--row not joining 4-400-8000123 4-400-8000124 ...
result of source2 (..tkt num column) ... 4-400-1000118 4-400-1000119 4-400-1000120 4-400-1000121 4-400-1000122 <--row not joining 4-400-1000123 4-400-1000124 4-400-1000125 ...
All other rows are joining as expected. Why is it failing for this one row?
I have a merge join (full outer join) task in a data flow. The left input comes from a flat file source and then a script transformation which does some custom grouping. The right input comes from an oledb source. The script transformation output is asynchronous (SynchronousInputID=0). The left input has many more rows (200,000+) than the right input (2,500). I run it from VS 2005 by right-click/execute on the data flow task. The merge join remains yellow and the task never finishes. I do see a row count above the flat file destination that reaches a certain number and seems to get stuck there. When I test with a smaller file on the left it works OK. Any suggestions?
I need to insert in TableB the results of a select over TableA so i used:
Insert into TableB (col1, col2, col3) select c1, c2, c3 from TableA
and works OK.
But now i need to use a Stored Procedure "Insert_in_TableB" that handles all the process of checking values, inserting data, logging steps, etc etc. That receives via its parameters the values for validate, etc and then insert them in TableB.
So, how can i execute that procedure (and define its parameters) in a easy way? Something like
Exec Insert_in_TableB (select c1, c2, c3 from TableA) or Select c1, c2,c3 into Insert_in_TableB...
Is there a way to do a super-table join ie two table join with no matching criteria? I am pulling in a sheet from XL and joining to a table in SQLServer. The join should read something like €œfor every row in the sheet I need that row and a code from a table. 100 rows in the sheet merged with 10 codes from the table = 1000 result rows.
This is the simple sql (no join on the tables):
select 1.code, 2.rowdetail from tblcodes 1, tblelements 2
I read that merge joins work a lot faster than hash joins. How would you convert a hash join into a merge join? (Referring to output on Execution Plan diagrams.) THANKS
-- The 3rd query uses an incorrect column name in a sub-query and succeeds but rows are incorrectly qualified. This is very DANGEROUS!!! -- The issue exists is in 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014 and is "By Design"
set nocount on go if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t1') IS NOT NULL drop table #t1 if object_id('tempdb.dbo
This succeeds when the invalid column name is a valid column name in the outer query. So in this situation the sub-query would fail when run by itself but succeed with an incorrectly applied filter when run as a sub-query. The danger here is that if a SQL Server user runs DML in a production database with such a sub-query which then the results are likely not the expected results with potentially unintended actions applied against the data. how many SQL Server users have had incorrectly applied DML or incorrect query results and don't even know it....?
I'm trying to use the Merge component. When i attach a datasource to the the component, the Select Input/Output dialog box should popup.. It does, but VS.NET is hanging and i can only shutdown the procesess...
Any idea how i should solve this? how can i re-register this component?
Why does this right join return the same results as using a left (or even a full join)?There are 470 records in Account, and there are 1611 records in Contact. But any join returns 793 records.
select Contact.firstname, Contact.lastname, Account.[Account Name] from Contact right join Account on Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name] where Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name]
hello, how to make to have not the result of a requète truncated with 255 characters in an application which reaches by accesses native to a base sql server 7 thank you Pascal
I am using the following useful article regarding exporting a multi-record file:
I have created the 2 datasources, ordering each on a field commmon to both.
I have created the two derived columns headers and am now moving on to the merge.
It is failing with the following error: "the input is not sorted"
And whilst I definitely have an order by on the query, when I look at the metadata between the datasource and the derived column, the Sort Key Position items displays "0" for all my fields, I was expecting the sort field to have a "1" in this column. What am I missing?
Im a programmer for an university webportal which uses php and msssql. When an user creates a new entry and his text is too long the entry is cut short and weird characters appear at the end of the entry.
For example:
How can I set the text limit to unlimited? Could it be something else? Is there a way of splitting an entry to several text fields automatically?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, Chris
What is the best way to go about merging the results of two fields inthe same table?I have two different fields that hold lists of names, some of themidentical, some different. From those I'd like to generate a mergedlist with all the distinct names.For example:Field1 contains: Jack, Joe, Jim, PaulField2 contains: Peter, Paul, Joe, JimThe result should be: Jack, Joe, Jim, Peter, Paul
Hi all,Here is my problem, I have 3 tables :People-------------IDPeopleFirstnameLastnameCars------------IDPeopleCarnameBoats------------IDPeopleBoatname1 person can have 0 or n car/boatI want to a result set displaying : Firstname, Lastname, NumberOfCars,NumberOfBoatsI have two queries, but i want to merge the results in one. how can i dothis ?This one gives me FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and CARCOUNT------------------------------------SELECT dbo.People.IDPeople, dbo.People.FirstName, dbo.People.LastName,COUNT(dbo.Cars.CarName) AS CARCOUNTFROM dbo.People LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.Cars ON dbo.People.IDPeople = dbo.Cars.IDPeopleGROUP BY dbo.People.IDPeople, dbo.People.FirstName, dbo.People.LastNameThis one gives me FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and BOATCOUNT------------------------------------SELECT dbo.People.IDPeople, dbo.People.FirstName, dbo.People.LastName,COUNT(dbo.Boats.BoatName) AS BOATCOUNTFROM dbo.People LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.Boats ON dbo.People.IDPeople = dbo.Boats.IDPeopleGROUP BY dbo.People.IDPeople, dbo.People.FirstName, dbo.People.LastNameThanks in advancePhil
TBL_BARKOD ON TBL_STOK.stok_id = TBL_BARKOD.stok_id " _
where TBL_BARKOD.barkod=@barkod"
second query :
where TBL_BARKOD.barkod=@barkod and TBL_STOKDEPO.depo_kod=@depokod "
i want to merge these queries' results.first query returns 2 columns (TBL_STOK.stok_adi, TBL_STOK.fiyat1) second query returns 1 column (TBL_STOKDEPO.fiyat1) .but i want a query that returns 3 columns (TBL_STOK.stok_adi, TBL_STOK.fiyat1,TBL_STOKDEPO.fiyat1)
I have got a query in which a merge join is 99% of the cost .... and I am confused ... is not merge join supposed to be the fastest ??? Anyone seen this before ???
Any ideas why this could be happening ... and sorry ... do not ask me to post the code coz I will not be able to ...
I need to use Merge Join transformation to join two sources. One is from a PIVOT transformation and one of the output columns is ISSORTED, the other is from an OLE DB Source using a query. The Merge Join transformation requires both input source have to be sorted. I cannot find the ISSORTED property on the OLE DB Source!! I tried to use Derived/ copy transformations but cannot find the property also. How can set the OLE query sorted in order to use the MergeJoin?
I have a package where I use merge join for two sorted inputs and the output is stored in a raw file.
In another package, the raw file from above package is again merge joined with another sorted input. Now my question we need to sort again the raw file from first package? or is it OK to set the isSorted property to True and define the sort keys?