I have serached through this forum, and I could not find the solution.
My SSIS data flow is a simple one. Extracting two tables from Oracle using OLE DB Source , join them together using merge join and loading into a table in SQL server by SQL Server Destination.
I haven't gone through this simple procedure because Merge join always hangs there. Down to further investigation, I found one input (randomly one of two inputs) is always stuck. Sometimes the input is empty, sometimes is about half way.
Is there workround to see what is happening there and to fix this problem?
i have 2 input files,those are sorted on account no field , i use to merge these 2 files data into 1 file.i took merge join trans.... with inner join but i didn't get the output fields ,plz help me regarding this issue.......
Hi, I am pretty new to SSIS. I am transferring some rows from 2 source tables to 1 destination table. The 2 source tables have 1000 rows.They act as the 2 inputs to a merge join transformation where i perform the join between the 2 tables based on a couple of fields. But for some reason the output of the merge join gives me about 1018 rows .Shouldnt the destination also have only 1000 rows? How do i solve tis problem?
I am using SSIS in SQL Server Enterprise 2005. I have two OLE DB data sources from two disparate databases (IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server), some columns from each of which are to be included in the merged output results. I have noted the various requirements in the forum postings with regard to sorting the OLE DB sources and specifying the output source columns as being sorted, as well as the requirement that the join fields in the two sources be close/exact matches. Yet, when I run this in VS, while the work area reflects the expected number of rows being input into the Merge Join transformation, no count is reflected as output from that transformation into the final destination table.Specifically, my two data sources (IBM DB2 and MS SQL) are configured as follows:
IBM DB2 contains an SQL statement that uses Cast operations to create the result columns.and an ORDER BY clause to ensure that the output is sorted by the desired two columns.. The OLE DB source property setting for IsSorted is set to true; the Output Columns folder column definitions for "key_ source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" have their SortKeyPosition properties set to 1 and 2, respectively. Those field are both defined as data type DT_STR, with lengths of 4 and 2, respectively. Below is the Path metadata from the Data Flow Path editor from the path from this source:
IBM DB2 source"Name"Â "Data Type"Â "Precision"Â "Scale"Â "Length"Â "Code Page"Â "Sort Key Position"Â "Comparison Flags"Â "Source Component""ID_CODE"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "10"Â "1252"Â "0"Â ""Â "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""CODE_DESCR_1"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "30"Â "1252"Â "0"Â ""Â "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""CODE_DESCR_2"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "30"Â "1252"Â "0"Â ""Â "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""key_source_dtsy"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "4"Â "1252"Â "1"Â ""Â "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""key_source_dtrt"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "2"Â "1252"Â "2"Â ""Â "Source F0005
User Defined Codes:
MS SQL contains an SQL statement that takes the columns as they are in the MS SQL table (no Cast operations needed); it also uses an ORDER BY clause to ensure the output is sorted by the join columns. The OLE DB source property setting for IsSorted is set to true; the Output Columns folder columns for "key_source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" have their SortKeyPosition properties set to 1 and 2, respectively. Those field are both defined as data type DT_STR, with lengths of 4 and 2, respectively. Below is the Path metadata from the Data Flow Path editor from the path from this source:
MS SQL source"Name"Â "Data Type"Â "Precision"Â "Scale"Â "Length"Â "Code Page"Â "Sort Key Position"Â "Comparison Flags"Â "Source Component""id_code_name"Â "DT_I2"Â "0"Â "0"Â "0"Â "0"Â "0"Â ""Â "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY""key_source_dtsy"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "4"Â "1252"Â "1"Â ""Â "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY""key_source_dtrt"Â "DT_STR"Â "0"Â "0"Â "2"Â "1252"Â "2"Â ""Â "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY"
The Merge Join transformation specifies an INNER JOIN using the columns named "key_source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" from the respective data sources.I know there are alternative ways of accomplishing my intent (Lookup, port MS SQL table to IBM DB2 so join can occur in SELECT statement, etc.; however, I'd like to use this functionality and assume that it should work.Â
Background - I have a publication that propigates schema changes. I have a view in which I want to remove a column.
Error - Going by what the BOL says, I use Alter View and delete the column from my select statement. I issue the alter view command against the Publication database and it just "churns". I do not get any locking errors or any other type of error, but the statement never completes execution. I watched it run for 10 minutes and cancelled the query. Executing the same statement against a copy of the database that is not being published executes in 1, 2 seconds.
Here is what I am doing:
Old View: Select table1.record_number, table1.record_date, table1.status_code, table2.status_desc,
FROM table1 join table2 on table1.status_code = table2.status_code
OLEDB source 1 SELECT ... ,[MANUAL DCD ID] <-- this column set to sort order = 1 ... FROM [dbo].[XLSDCI] ORDER BY [MANUAL DCD ID] ASC
OLEDB source 2 SELECT ... ,[Bo Tkt Num] <-- this column set to sort order = 1 ... FROM ....[dbo].[FFFenics] ORDER BY [Bo Tkt Num] ASC
These two tasks are followed immediately by a MERGE JOIN
All columns in source1 are ticked, all column in source2 are ticked, join key is shown above. join type is left outer join (source 1 -> source 2)
result of source1 (..dcd column) ... 4-400-8000119 4-400-8000120 4-400-8000121 4-400-8000122 <--row not joining 4-400-8000123 4-400-8000124 ...
result of source2 (..tkt num column) ... 4-400-1000118 4-400-1000119 4-400-1000120 4-400-1000121 4-400-1000122 <--row not joining 4-400-1000123 4-400-1000124 4-400-1000125 ...
All other rows are joining as expected. Why is it failing for this one row?
Help! I am using Script Transformation to output a new column as image[DT_IMAGE] field to store serialized object. In the VB script, the sample code as
The package always runs fine on my developing machine and will halt on other machine at AddBlobData after certain number row records were processed. I am stuck here. Anyone has any suggestion?
What I need is reading data from mutiple tables in one database and writing into a single table in another datable. In order preserve all the columns data, I use input column fields to construct a new object and then serialize it, and store the serialize data into detination db table. (The object and serialization function is coming from c# dll.)
Dim b As BusinessLicense = New BusinessLicense() b.ApprovalDate = Row.approvaldate b.BusinessId = Row.busid b.BusinessName = Row.busname b.NaicsCode = Row.naicscode b.NaicsDescription = Row.naicsdescr b.OwnerName = Row.ownername b.Phone = Row.phone b.Pkey = Row.pkey b.RenewalDate = Row.renewaldate b.StartDate = Row.startdate b.Suite = Row.suite
Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData(Serializer.Serialize(b)) '''----This is blocking line Row.infoType = BusinessLicense.TYPE
Both machine is xp with sp2. and standard SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06
I have a merge join (full outer join) task in a data flow. The left input comes from a flat file source and then a script transformation which does some custom grouping. The right input comes from an oledb source. The script transformation output is asynchronous (SynchronousInputID=0). The left input has many more rows (200,000+) than the right input (2,500). I run it from VS 2005 by right-click/execute on the data flow task. The merge join remains yellow and the task never finishes. I do see a row count above the flat file destination that reaches a certain number and seems to get stuck there. When I test with a smaller file on the left it works OK. Any suggestions?
I am trying to use a merge transformation task and receiving an error that I don't know how to troubleshoot further. Could I please have some advice on what else to look at to try to resolve the problem.
The error message text is: Error at Data Flow Task [Merge [1245]]: The metadata for "input column "LOCATION" (5451)" does not match the metadata for the associated output column
I have looked at the metadata and cannot see any differences: the following is output from the data flow path. Name Data TypePrecisionScaleLengthCode PageSort Key PositionSource Component ACCOUNT DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 1 Sort - FinSysData PROGRAM DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 2 Sort - FinSysData LOCATION DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 3 Sort - FinSysData PROJECT DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 4 Sort - FinSysData SUBPROJECTDT_STR 0 0 2 1252 5 Sort - FinSysData ACTIVITY DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 6 Sort - FinSysData FUNDING DT_STR 0 0 3 1252 7 Sort - FinSysData CLIENT DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 8 Sort - FinSysData NTWAGE DT_STR 0 0 3 1252 9 Sort - FinSysData TYPE DT_STR 0 0 1 1252 10 Sort - FinSysData PERIOD DT_STR 0 0 6 1252 11 Sort - FinSysData CO DT_STR 0 0 2 1252 12 Sort - FinSysData FIN_YEAR DT_I4 0 0 0 0 13 Sort - FinSysData BALANCES DT_R8 0 0 0 0 14 Sort - FinSysData
Is there a way to do a super-table join ie two table join with no matching criteria? I am pulling in a sheet from XL and joining to a table in SQLServer. The join should read something like €œfor every row in the sheet I need that row and a code from a table. 100 rows in the sheet merged with 10 codes from the table = 1000 result rows.
This is the simple sql (no join on the tables):
select 1.code, 2.rowdetail from tblcodes 1, tblelements 2
I read that merge joins work a lot faster than hash joins. How would you convert a hash join into a merge join? (Referring to output on Execution Plan diagrams.) THANKS
My issue is the inner join transformation in SSIS. See i ll explain my problem clearly now.....
Actually i m just checkin if the inner join performed in business intelligence studio usin the inner join transformation and the inner join performed in the management studio using queries are same. Logically both the resultset should match isn't but in my case it is not so. It is very important for me to figure out where the problem is because i m goin to use lotsa inner join transformations in my current project.
I ll appreciate if someone can help me to figure out this problem. May be you can also tell me the detailed steps in adding the inner join transformation and also how it works.
Does anyone have a clue as to why DT_R4, DT_R8 are not allowed as join columns? This means I cannot join tables on AccountNumbers, InvoiceNumbers, etc. What a pain...
I have got a query in which a merge join is 99% of the cost .... and I am confused ... is not merge join supposed to be the fastest ??? Anyone seen this before ???
Any ideas why this could be happening ... and sorry ... do not ask me to post the code coz I will not be able to ...
I need to use Merge Join transformation to join two sources. One is from a PIVOT transformation and one of the output columns is ISSORTED, the other is from an OLE DB Source using a query. The Merge Join transformation requires both input source have to be sorted. I cannot find the ISSORTED property on the OLE DB Source!! I tried to use Derived/ copy transformations but cannot find the property also. How can set the OLE query sorted in order to use the MergeJoin?
I have a package where I use merge join for two sorted inputs and the output is stored in a raw file.
In another package, the raw file from above package is again merge joined with another sorted input. Now my question is....do we need to sort again the raw file from first package? or is it OK to set the isSorted property to True and define the sort keys?
I am new to this SSIS. I have a simple join query like this select a.id from tbl_a a, tbl_b b where a.id = b.id and I want insert the result to my temp table. the query results is 1500 rows. but when I use merge join in SSIS, it only inserts to my temp table 4 rows. I use inner join and I already set the IsSorted to true and specify the sort position for the columns in both source tables In tbl_a, there are one million rows, in tbl_b, there are 2000 rows. I don't know why the merge join cannot work out my task.Is there other way that I can just run this simple join query in SSIS to copy the data? Please help, thanks in advance.
Hello, I have a Merge Join transformation and when i sort values in OLEDB source the merge join fails, but if i use a sort transformation it works! Why?? Best regards, Fred
Hi guys! I'm trying to figure out how to join 3 tables, but I can't seem to find a solution. What I want to do is to put table 1, table 2 and table 3 into table_merged. table_merged = table 1 + table 2 + table 3 Is it possible to merge tables even if they have different fields?
i'm merge joining 2 data sources, one is oracle and the other is excel...the problem is in the oracle source, it's a sql statement like:
select hdr.div_ord_no, hdr.mtr_no, hdr.prod_cd from qctrl_div_ord_header hdr, (select max(sub.eff_dt_from) min_eff_dt_from, div_ord_no from qctrl_div_ord_header sub group by div_ord_no ) tmp where hdr.eff_dt_from = tmp.min_eff_dt_from and hdr.div_ord_no = tmp.div_ord_no
having that sql statement, merging will come out with 0 rows
however, having a simple query like:
select hdr.div_ord_no, hdr.mtr_no, hdr.prod_cd from qctrl_div_ord_header hdr
merging will come out with 2 rows
you may think that the data in the first sql statement is not there for the merge, which causing the 0 rows, however, the data is there, i'm only joining by one column and definitely the data is there, the merge result should be 2 rows for both query statements
i believe this is a problem with SSIS, anyway around this?
I am working on an ssis package and i find an problem while using the merge join for merging 2 OLEDB Data sources .
data source 1 is : - The table formed my an sal server comand , that out put is given to a multicast since i want to sare that output amoung 2o other tables.
So the the left input for the merge join is OLEDB source , which contains direct data from source table
I am usong Inner join on one column
The problem is i am not getting the expected rows as out put of merge .
I tried to join the two tables in sqlserver query window and i am getting expected result
What could be the problem
The first table is
second table is Out put of the following query
Select Distinct B.ReservationID as R
from Property.Main A ,Reservations.Reservations B ,Reservations.ReservationRooms C
A.propertyID = B.PropertyId And
C.ReservationID = B.ReservationID And
getdate() >=C.Until +A.ReservationOffLineDays
i am not getting the expected result here in SSIS package merge join
But if i try to execute the following in query editer in management studio i am getting the expected result !!
declare @temp as table
(ResID Varchar(50)
Insert into @temp
Select Distinct B.ReservationID as R
from Property.Main A ,Reservations.Reservations B ,Reservations.ReservationRooms C
A.propertyID = B.PropertyId And
C.ReservationID = B.ReservationID And
getdate() >=C.Until +A.ReservationOffLineDays
select * from Reservations.ReservationManual A , @temp b
I am trying to normalize data using the unpivot transform. I have to unpivot using more than one key so I have a multicast feeding into two unpivot transforms then into a sort transform. This is where my problem starts - I have tried using a Merge Join (inner Join) transform but dont get the expected result.
My original data looks like this:
After the mulitcast - unpivot - Merge Join, the expected result is: (pk_newID is an identity)
However with a Merge-Join (inner join on pk_ID) I get
I am trying to use the merge join example in the following link. To import new records only.
The problem is that for some unkown reason the join is not woeking correctly. One of the records is incorrectly showing a NULL on the output. This would indicate that it would be a new record, but it is not it already exists in the new table.
I created a dummy table in SQL and executed the same join and I always get the right answer. What the heck could be wrong?
For example. Table A has 20 records Table B has 3 records. Table B has the new records I want to import into Table A. The package runs corectly the first time, only importing the 3 new records. Then the next time the package runs it shows 1 of the 3 records as being new still, and tries to import the record causing a PK error. Adding a watch to the MERGE output shows that the one record has a NULL on the join.
Hi, I'm using a Merge Join Component of Inner Join type to retrieve from the right pipeline some records to append to the ones coming from left pipeline according to the join citerias defined on the compnent. Is there any way to know which are the records coming from the left pipeline that doesn't match the join criterias? In the following I'll try to do an axample.
On exiting from the MergeJoin, defining €œColumn0€? for LT as join key and €œColumnA€? for RT and as output data all the columns of the LT pipeline and the only ColumnB from the RT pipeline it should be obtained the following records:
I'm trying to compare two fields between two tables using a Merge Join that runs into a conditional. This conditional sorts mismatched rows from validated ones but its returning incorrect mismatches (which means the mismatch is actually a match).
TABLE1 has two DT_STR fields with length 16 and TABLE2 had two DT_STR fields with length 32.
I've used a data conversion component to lengthen the first table's fields to a length of 32 but there still seems to be incorrect mismatches. For example TABLE1 had "AAA" and "BBB" and this appeared as a mismatch. If I used Query Analyzer to check TABLE2 for this criteria it would exist (which means it IS a match).
Is there any way to view hidden characters (i.e. carriage returns, tabs) in those fields? I've tried using RTRIM in my SQL Query for both my data sources and they still don't match up.
I've run into something that looks like a bug to me but I wanted to run it by the board:
Merge join 2 sorted tables.
Table1: ColumnA : Sort Order 1, ColumnB Sort Order 2
Table2 : ColumnA: Sort Order 1, ColumnB Sort Order 2, ColumnC not sorted
Merge Join the two tables on ColumnA and ColumnB...
Choose the following as output columns
A + B + C = works
C = works
A + C = works
B + C = NOT work.. error message: The column with the SortKeyPosition value of 0 is not valid. It should be 2.
Basically if you choose one or more of the sorted columns in the output at least one of them has to be the column with Sort position 1 or you'll get that error.
Is this a bug or intentional? If you do not have sort column 1 in the output that output could no longer be considered sorted... so perhaps the error is related to that (instead of error I'd expect some warning about the sorting). Interesting that it lets you choose C only becuase that also makes the output unsorted.
This is what i expect in my left outer join: AGENT_CODE; REGION_ID; COUNTRY_ID;FIRST_NAME; LAST_NAME AA;01;01;Maradona;Diego; BB;01;01;Maradona;Diego; CC;01;02;NULL;NULL CC;02;02;NULL;NULL; DD;01;01;Zidane;Zinedine
600 records in the destination table, with only 145 Not null first_name and last_name
The issorted property has been set to true in the 2 sources tables, the numkeyscolumns property is set to 1, and the join keys are both checked. When i execute the sql query using the editor in sql server, the result is good, i've got what i've expected. But when i run the dataflow, the destination has got 600 records, but the columns FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME are not null only 8 times, the 592 other lines are NULL. Could someone explain to me why i lost 145-8=137 FIRST_NAME and 145-8=137 LAST NAME ? Thank you in advance.
I need to take certain items of data from four different tables and out them into one table.
Unfortunately my source data's version of SQL does not support the LEFT JOIN keyword which has left me with a bit of a problem.
I saw the merge join in SSIS and used it to get data from two of the tables and stick them in the destination and it all worked fine.
That got me thinking, is it possible to create a second merge join transformation within the same data flow task for the remaining two tables and then join the output of both the merge joins to give me the data I need from all four tables in one output?